#none of these opinions are particularly shocking to anyone thats been following me for long
3xc3lsior · 3 years
For the Salty Asks- 3, 9, 11, 14, 16, 18.
Whoa, I guess that's kind of a lot. But I am genuinely interested. Your opinions always fascinate me.
omg baby do not apologize!! the more asks the happier i am. also :,) that is such a fucking lovely thing to hear and i am so v honored that you give a shit about my ramblings lmao you are so wonderful thank you a million times. okay moving on
3. Have you ever unfollowed someone over a fandom opinion-
For sure lmao but very rarely. im cool with people having different opinions than i do, i think that's kinda the point of media discourse and life would be boring otherwise so if i disagree with something i try to just let it go. sometimes there's dealbreakers but mostly if i unfollow its bc of personality/vibe/content conflict
9. Most disliked characters? Why?-
aside from the obvious (campbell and the pedo priest) i am not a fan of s2/s3 grace. this is hardly a surprise either, and i've gotten into my reasoning before so i won't repeat myself. honestly, there's moments where i don't like a lot of the characters, but it's less about the character and more about the writing itself. i think the /characters/ (aside from grace) are great , and most of the time i think their flaws are intentional and story-driving so i take no issue with not always "liking" them. grace is... somewhat a different story lmao
11. Is there an unpopular character that you like that the fandom doesn't? Why?
i love linda. i don't love her as a person, but i think she's portrayed accurately and (to me) empathetically. i think fandom tends to let the shelbys get away with literal murder bc we're meant to side with them, but the damage they do is real and inexcusable and i find linda a really good example of their destruction.
14. Unpopular opinion about your fandom?
I don't care that the shelbys (and specifically tommy) aren't good people and I don't have much interest in possible redemption arcs. again, not really that surprising lmao
16. If you could change one thing in the show, what would you change?
My only real gripe is the lack of a female character who is actually comparable to and equal to tommy. the closest we ever came was tatiana, and polly has her moments, but the general hierarchy is established and unwavering. it's hard to pick one thing bc i think there are a lot of equally pressing issues (lack of diversity, the use of Jessie, ect.) but personally I'd have to go with that bc it just grinds my gears so much
18. Does shipping something 'popular' mean you're in denial and/or biased?
Not at all lmao. If anything, I think that means that you're either picking up on the clues that the writers are intentionally leaving or you interpreted the media in the same way that many other consumers did, and that is pretty much the opposite of denial. you obviously don't /have/ to ship whatever is popular, but there's nothing wrong or biased about doing it. there's a reason popular things become so, after all
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