#nonidol ateez
kuromiiy · 11 months
so far away.
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.pairing. nonidol!yunho x reader
.synopsis. long distance relationship between you and yunho but with a happy twist.
.warnings. none except grammar
.tags. fluff, slight angst
being in a long distance relationship wasn’t originally what you planned, but after meeting yunho your whole life seemed to change.
you never were much of a social butterfly, frankly you hated going out and into places with lots of people. you loved being a homebody, enjoying calmness and quiet but even when that was your life, one you were pretty content with…there still was something missing, or rather someone.
so you went out of your way and downloaded an app, hoping to meeting you someone special and that you did.
it didn’t take long for you to fall in love with yunho, his charm and humor was something he pulled you in with.
everyday you woke up to good morning, baby! did you dream sweet? and everyday you fell asleep to good night, my love. i love you.
you even met his best friend, his other half mingi, which you quickly became best friends with too. he often messaged you, sending you silly pictures of your boyfriend or letting you know what he’s up to if yunho’s too busy to do so himself and for that you were truly thankful.
because lately yunho has been quiet, he barely text’s you, always busy with dancing class, well, thats what he says and of course you believe him! he’s an active person so it’s not abnormal but it does hurt a little bit, you miss him a lot.
you miss him, you want to be part of his daily life but you can’t, not fully at least. but mingi sent you a pic of yunho one night, fast asleep on his desk, looking like he worked on something for some time. you can’t really tell on what though, it’s blurred. mingi wrote underneath “he’s been stressing about this for so long, he even forgets to eat and drink. don’t worry tho! i’m reminding him (:”
you didn’t exactly understand what he was referring to but it must be very important. with that knowledge you could calm down and sleep better but also worry a bit about your yunho, as he clearly overworks himself..
after two weeks you suspected that he might be working on your birthday present, your birthday that was just around the corner, especially because he was pretty secretive about it too and even after bothering mingi, who also acts kinda suspicious you let it drop.
two days before your special day yunho calls you, smiling so bright you could swear he’s brighter than the sun. he tells you “babe, are you excited for your present?” of course you were, he treated it like a government secret after all. “you know i am but i’ll be patient, promise.” after that his smile seemed to grow even more and he tells you, how the wait is gonna pay off.
you wondered what he made you and if it will arrive on your birthday or a few days after.
so imagine the surprise when your present ringed your bell, standing only one feet away from you with a box and spread arms, waiting for you to jump into.
and that you did, with tears streaming down your face.
“happy birthday my love, may all your wishes come true” he whispered. and god, they truly did.
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potatomountain · 10 months
"First Date"- San
♦️Pairing: Gym bro San x reader ♦️genre/au: fluff/comfort/smut? ♦️Word Count: 4.8k ♦️Warnings: if you ignore the smut part at the end its a totally non-gendered first date with San. Otherwise, just a bit of oral at the end enjoy MINORS DNI ♦️AN: what happens when you have San brain rot and someone mentions a prompt- prompt being first date? This. This is what happens ♦️Network: @pirateeznet
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Going to the gym on a regular basis hadn’t been something you thought you would do, and yet here you were, sometimes four or 5 times a week. The kicker? You kept coming back because of the sweet gym bro that had quickly become your gym partner: Choi San.
It started out when you were struggling with one of the machines and he had offered to help you. You had expected him to be crude or touchy like most of the other fellows that had tried to help you at gyms before- and thus the reason this was your third gym membership in 2 months- but he was anything but. Respectful, kept his distance, was actually informative about what you wanted to know and how you wanted to work out as opposed to the way others thought you should.
Since then, your eyes always found him at the gym, even if he was on the other side working on a machine or with weights you didn’t care for. You made a point not to prioritize your little growing crush over what you were really here at the gym for, so you didn’t approach him or make an effort to work out nearby. More often than not you would chastise yourself just for admiring his body and muscles as he worked out, scolding yourself for being a creep.
The relief when he was the first to make a move, asked to exchange numbers so the two of you could meet up at the gym from time to time since he ‘always saw you around and struggling a bit’. You couldn’t admit the reason you struggled was because of him and his pretty dimpled smile and prettier muscles.
It was easy to fall into a friendship with him, into a routine, that your initial crush got buried under genuine respect and fondness of the man. A few months past and you were content with your relationship; at least until he dropped a figurative bomb.
He asked you out on a date.
It had been after one of your gym sessions and the two of you had made small talk about movies, which both of you mentioned excitement for a new one in theaters. You had thought nothing of it, the subject changing into favorite movie types and then other favorites. But before the two of you parted ways to the showers, he had asked. “Tomorrow, do you want to go see that movie together? On a date?”
Of course he had to add the date part, bringing heat to your cheeks as you agreed.
The two of you bickered over text the entirety of the day before your date; he would insist on being a gentleman and pick you up or pay for the whole thing, and you would reject each idea. You were flattered, and you liked that he was sweet like that, but it was your first date and you were adamant about pitching in somewhere.
He relented, agreeing to meet you at the movie theater at five. After the movie was a plan to get something quick to eat and go from there. You were fine with that, insisting you needed to be home by 10 for no reason other than rules you had placed on yourself for the date. Not because you didn’t trust him, but because you didn’t trust yourself. If he gave you an inch, you were sure you would push for a mile, your crush returning with a vengeance.
Months of exercising with him and seeing him at the gym hadn’t prepared you for the sight that greeted you when you walked up to the theater ten till five. You had seen him in shorts, spandex, sweats- all sort of clothes fit for exercising- but the white button up and washed out jeans with his hair combed back? You had to take a moment to admire him all over. 
Smoothing out your own attire, which was also different from your usual workout clothes, you made your way over with a small little wave. His eyes widened when he saw you, heat flooding his cheeks as he looked you over slowly, taking in every aspect of your fit (and you swore your body) before meeting your eyes with an appreciative grin.
“You look beautiful.” San said breathlessly.
Flustered at his compliment you motioned to his own outfit, making a point to look him over just as he had you despite having already done so. “And you look amazing. Attractive. Handsome- all that and more.” 
It was his turn to get flustered, holding out his arm. “Let’s get some snacks for the movie?”
“Just something to drink, theater food is so expensive.” You took his arm with a small thanks, fighting off the heat in your cheeks.
He scoffed, leading you inside. “I can pay.” “And we agree that since you got the tickets, I can pay for my own concession stuff.”
“Hmph, so stubborn, I was hoping you’d let up.”
You smiled up at him, noting the hint of amusement in his features. “Uh-huh, I think you like it when I fight you on things like this.”
He chuckled, leaning closer to you. “How can I not like it when you are feisty?”
San had been respectful at the gym, friendly, and not once actively flirted with you that you knew of- but he most definitely was flirting with you now. 
You couldn’t deny that you loved it, even as you gently pushed him away, both of you grinning. “Catch me sparring with you next time we’re in the gym then.”
“You really want to put yourself in a position where I can pin you down?” Not only was he flirting, but he was bold about it. When you sputtered out no coherent answer, he laughed, walking with you up to the counter. He took advantage of your flustered state to order drinks and popcorn for you both, getting just what you liked and handing over his card.
You were trying, with much difficulty, to erase the image of San pinning you down from your mind, so you had noticed too late what he had done. With a pout you smacked his arm without much force. “I said I could.”
“I know, but consider it an apology.” He handed you your drink, the grin he wore was not at all apologetic and instead had your stomach filled with butterflies.
Your instinct told you not to ask, but curiosity got the better of you. “Apology for what?”
“For the amount of times I’m going to steal your breath away tonight.”
You wished he had been joking yet he was true to his word. You saw a new side to San, subtle flirting mixed with cute habits that had you laughing when you weren’t stuttering for a reply to his bold words. While he made it clear he did want you, that he liked you, not once had it made you uncomfortable or was it disrespectful.
Of course when the movie had started the flirting came to a standstill; both of you sitting somewhere in the middle, huddled together as you ran by theories of the story or made a joke low enough not to bother the other people in the theater. No, he didn’t need to say anything for you to get flustered, close enough to smell the different smells from his hair gel to the little bit of cologne he wore. You could smell the popcorn on his breath whenever he would lean in a bit closer to point out a scene he thought was really cool, eyes wide with enthusiasm as you turned to giggle at just how cute he was.
Despite the growing rage of the butterflies in your stomach, and lower, San was still so easy to talk to, to be close to. You had a good time, even a bit disappointed when the movie came to an end and the theater lights turned back on.
By the absolutely adorable pout on San’s face, he was just as disappointed. You stood up and held out your hand to him, smiling as he looked up. “Can’t expect some shared popcorn to fill me up, so let’s get dinner?” 
With newfound enthusiasm he took your hand and stood up, the small alley leaving very little room between you two. “That’s right, the date isn't over yet.”
You were the first to put some distance between you two, clearing your throat and grabbing your empty soda cup, turning to head out the aisle. “Where do you want to go?”
“There’s a park nearby that has some food trucks usually posted up?”
“You’re not going to try and pay again are you?” You looked back over your shoulder to fix him with a glare which he returned with an innocent smile.
“I have no idea what you mean? Paying for your food? On the date I asked you on? What kind of man does that?” The both of you threw away your garbage on the way out, only then did you pull your hand from his- which you hadn’t realized you still had a hold on to.
Rolling your eyes you clasped your hands behind you to keep them busy, his own hands pushing into his pockets. “And I agreed to the date so it’s a shared effort. Why do you insist on paying for everything San?”
He shrugged, moving ahead to open the door for you. “Because I like you a lot and want to do anything I can for you.” The simple confession had the space between you blazing with tension as you had to stop and simply stare. The longer you did, the more flustered and nervous he became by the second. “Forget I said anything.” He rushed off ahead, head down and clearly sulking as you were still trying to wrap your head around the bursting of emotions in your chest.
“San-” As if a switch flipped in your brain you called out, rushing to catch up. “Wait-” You reached out, grabbing his arm and pulling him to a stop. Fuck he looked so cute pouting like this, like a dejected puppy(or kitty), which made it harder to put up a fight. “I-I suppose you can pay, this time. But I get the next date.”
The way he perked up had your heart fluttering, falling for these adorable habits of his as much as all the other sides you’ve seen. He smiled much like a boy, grabbing your hand from his arm and situating his fingers into the slots. “So there’s a next date?”
You groaned, flustered more than anything as your gaze fell to the concrete beneath your feet. “We have to get through this one first, San.”
With a perk in his step and giddy laughter he gently pulled you along, teasing you for ‘how cute you were being’ which only flustered you more. The flirting was back and your admission seemed to make him even more bold.
The park wasn’t far at all, but it was late and cloudy, the park lights seemed almost eerie in some spots so you opted to make the walk short. The two of you stuck to the main paths, coming across a food truck you liked after about thirty minutes of walking. Just as you promised, you let him pay, but you still grumbled about it. 
He didn’t mind at all, commenting that nothing could ruin his happy mood now. You were tempted to try to, but one look at his bright eyes and you couldn’t gather up the courage to do so. The two of you talked about anything, San finding no end of topics to bring up and indulge in, at times seeming content just walking and holding your hand while you two ate. 
It wasn’t until you both were throwing away your wrappers that his shoulders drooped- the same shoulders you had been eyeing on and off all evening. Despite not wearing a muscle shirt as he often did at the gym, the white button up accentuated them perfectly, his forearms also exposed as he had the sleeves pushed up to his elbows. He was definitely what your friends would call a ‘himbo’ but you decided you loved that.
Just as you had come to expect, San’s pout was in full view, staring down at your joined hands as he gently swung them. “Do you want to keep walking?” Neither of you wanted the date to end, and truthfully you had an hour left to kill before you should head home for your self-imposed deadline.
Yet you didn’t have a chance to answer, the first raindrop hitting your shoulder an indicator that the park was about to be the last place to continue the date. And while playing in the rain could be a fun date, you weren’t dressed for that and neither was that. “Let’s find shelter first?”
“My place isn’t far, you can wait out the rain there?” He offered, hopeful.
You were about to suggest a cafe or something else, something public, when the light sprinkling turned into a soaking downpour. Both of you cursed under your breath, running along the pavement looking for cover. Being in the middle of the park, that didn’t leave many options, taking several minutes until you two ducked under the awning of another food truck. There were other couples and people that had the same idea, leaving barely any room for you and San.
He pulled you under, standing just under the awning, facing you and attempting to cover you from the rain despite getting soaked in the process. The people behind you tried to make room, but San instead let others under the shelter. What you were hoping would be a short burst of rain instead was lasting, leaving you shivering as your wet clothes stuck to you, the wind that occasionally blew the rain under the awning just making things worse. Despite your own cold, San seemed to be bearing the rain and cold unshakably.
Instinctively you pressed close, seeking warmth, which he welcomed by wrapping an arm around you to protect you as much as he could from the rain. “I got you, Jagiya.” His words had heat rushing through you, momentarily forgetting the rain soaked clothes sticking to you as a second skin and the cold they brought with it.
Despite the eternity that it felt like, the rain only lasted a few more moments, dying back down to another sprinkle, but you both were cold and San was even more soaked than you were. You wanted to laugh about the experience, but as you pulled away you got a good view of how his clothes stuck to him- as did he. 
There was nothing humorous in the way his jaw clenched, or the arm he wrapped around you to pull you close. “We’ll go to my place so I can dry your clothes before sending you home.” It wasn’t a request this time, or offer, but a demand- on you saw no reason to dispute. You could see every outline of his torso under his shirt, that alone had your brain in overdrive, but the way his jeans were now sticking to him? Soaked and making noise with every step he took to usher you out of the park?
You couldn’t speak up because if you did, you might comment about the way his jeans specifically stuck to the front of his pelvis and that you were reacting in some type of way. The kind of way you were trying not to act on a first date. So you kept quiet, letting the tension fester between the two of you as he rushed you out of the park.
Another burst of rain had the two of you ducking under another store awning, this time no where near as crowded but he still had you back against the wall, shielding you from the trickles of rain that would whoosh under by the wind with his back. You had put your hands on his chest to keep some distance as his arms caged you in, breathing heavily from what you assumed was because of the rain. One look at his eyes on you though and you knew it was because of you.
You were affecting him as much as he was you, the revelation both freeing and worrying. Freeing to know you weren’t alone in this struggle; yet worrying because if he acted on it, you knew you wouldn’t say no. No, you would welcome it.
And yet here you were, pinned against a random wall as it rained, on the way to his apartment to dry your wet clothes. Such a genius idea for a first date huh? This bout of rain ended quickly, San once again leading you down the street. He was right, his place wasn’t far, as the two of you made it into the building right as the next bout started.
“Well that was an experience.” You tried to break the tension, turning to him with a dry chuckle.
“I should’ve checked the weather- I’m sorry.” San put some distance between you two, keeping his eyes forward as he led you to the elevator, water dripping off both of you and making a decent trail of puddles.
You shook your head, fighting back the chill running through you in the air conditioned building. “I could’ve too, it’s fine San. I had fun.”
He shook his head again, running his hand through his wet hair to get the water to stop dripping into his face. “I uh- you don’t have a cat allergy right?”
The question was sudden, but it was a welcome change of topic to keep your mind off the way the fabric moved sticking to him like this. “No allergy, I adore cats. Unfortunately my building doesn’t allow them so I am cat free. Such a sad existence, truly.” He chuckled, nodding in agreement. “I have a cat, Byeol, she’ll probably be nosey and I will try to keep any and all cat hair off your clothes.” “Really I don’t mind San. I hope she likes me, actually.”
He grinned. “Oh I know she’ll love you.”
The elevator stopped, doors opened and you followed San down the hall a bit more at ease- which definitely had to do with the excitement to see his cat.
His apartment felt very much fitting for him, but you barely noticed as your attention had landed on the car right off the bat. She demanded his attention first, but as he left to grab you some clothes, Byeol turned her attention to you. Despite being wet, she rubbed up against your leg, purring.
San came back with shorts and a hoodie. “You can change in the bathroom, there is a small dryer in there you can just throw your clothes into.” 
You took them, following his finger towards the correct door after pulling off your soaking shoes. Alone in his bathroom the tension was back in your chest, staring down at the hoodie that very clearly smelled like him. Peeling your clothes off you realized just how cold you were, even once your clothes were thrown in the little dryer and you were enveloped in his scent and clothes you were still shivering.
Stepping out with your arms wrapped around yourself, you called out for him. “San?”
He looked up from the couch, freshly changed into gray sweats and a loose fitting tank top, Byeol on his lap purring away. “They fit okay?” Considering how broad his shoulders were, the sweater hung quite a bit but it was comfortable.
“Yeah. How long will that take?” You motioned back to the bathroom as you made your way over to the couch. 
He shrugged, leaning back into the couch and leisurely petting the cat. “About half an hour? Once it’s dry I’ll take you home.”
You shook your head, sitting on the opposite end of the couch. “No, that's okay, I’ll get an uber. You’re already home; I don't want to make you go back out.”
“I’m offering.” He moved Byeol aside who whined in protest as he got up, heading towards what you assumed was his bedroom. “Plus I’ll know you got home safely.” He disappeared into the room.
“I can text you-”
“Nope, I’m driving.” He broke off your protest, bringing a blanket over to you. “I don’t want to think about you leaving me just yet, especially when you look so fucking cute in my hoodie.” Flustered you didn’t fight him on it any more, instead watching with confusion as he literally tucked the blanket around you quite snuggly. “In fact- I’m tempted to have you take it.”
“But it’s yours-” You pulled the blanket up to your chin, meeting his eyes as he had yet to pull away, hands on the back of the couch on either side of you. “San?”
His eyes flickered down to your lips, darkening with thoughts that were reflected in your own mind. “May I kiss you?”
You nodded, his lips pressing against yours before you could vocalize the answer. With your arms tucked under the blanket you could only kiss him back, tilting your head into the kiss that he deepened after the first few strokes.
All your sexual tension from the date, from the whole time you had known him, came crashing into you like a gut punch. San seemed to sense it, or perhaps he was just as frustrated, leaning into you more as his hands found your sides.
Quickly the kiss was getting out of hand, your mouth opening for his tongue the second he asked for entrance, a groan leaving him and hitting you right in the core. Reluctantly, and with much difficulty, you pulled away panting. “San I- I really really like you.”
“Mmm I like you too. A lot, yet I hear a but?” He pressed his forehead against yours, eyes shut as he just seemed to be soaking up your presence.
“I uh- I don’t want to go too far, not on the first date. Not before we-”
He just nodded, pulling away after pressing a kiss to your cheek. “I understand, you have a way you like to do things, especially new things. I won’t do anything you won’t want, and not without asking permission first.” He stood up, turning to look for the remote. “How about you pick something to watch and I grab you something to drink?”
Moments later there was some random show on the tv you had put on to fill the silence that you were trying to focus on: trying because San’s focus was you.
He was more and more obvious about it as time went on, taking in the sight of you huddled in his hoodie and blanket on his couch, petting his cat- it was heartachingly domestic. You were so aware of his eyes on you it was hard to relax, in fact it sizzled the already heavy sexual tension between the two of you even more. 
So when he called out your name, you snapped back a ‘what?’
“I want to be your official boyfriend. Please?”
You paused the show, turning to him slowly as you tried to process his words. “Now is a weird time to ask, don't you think?”
“Maybe, but with the things in my head that I want to do with you, to you, I can’t unless you’re officially mine. So-?” He leaned forward, a devilish yet somehow innocent look on his face.
“I- well I want you to be my boyfriend too but I-”
“Great, it's settled!” He surged forward, pulling you closer at the same time he tossed the blanket aside. “I want to kiss you more.”
“San-” Reluctantly you placed your hands on his shoulders, only for him to pout.
“Please? I wanted to kiss you the whole date- no, even before then. I have a lot of time to make up for, you know.” “But you said you wanted to do a lot of things- how do I know you won’t get carried away huh?” Despite your protests you knew your resolve was weakening, really wanting to give in.
He knew it too, turning his head to place a kiss to the back of your hand. “Then we’ll set some rules. Only until your clothes are done do I get to annnd, hm, I only get to use my mouth to touch you?”
You hesitated, glancing at your phone charging on the end table to see the time. It was only nine, the dryer had maybe ten more minutes or so, just how much can he do with his mouth in that short amount of time?
Moments after agreeing, you realized he could do a lot in ten minutes. It was still a haze how you had gone from just kissing him to his head now between your bare legs, eating you out with enough vigor that you swore this was his favorite meal. Hand’s in his hair, you were torn between pushing him away and pulling him close, each flick of his tongue sending jolts up your spine.
He looked as his lips attached around your nub, sucking enough to pull a whine out of you. You were holding back and had a sneaking suspicion he knew that. Pulling away just enough, he licked a fat stripe over your lips, getting a good taste of your slick. “Come on Baby, no need to be shy now, I’m just using my mouth.”
You whined, your whole body warm from the different sensations he made you feel. “Not only do you have a cute side but a demon side too? Fuck I definitely didn’t know what I was signing up for.” He chuckled, breath hot against your core. “That’s true, I’ve barely shown you what I can do, you're in for so many surprises.” The idea of it excited you, made you even more eager for this relationship and where it would take- and not just because his tongue felt fucking amazing on you.
Still, you were battling with yourself about this whole thing on the first date, only to squeak out when you were pulled suddenly to the edge of the couch, your legs hooked over his broad shoulders as he buried himself deeper into you. He wasn’t just using his mouth now, his nose brushing against your nub while this tongue worked furiously, hands on your hips to hold you in place. 
You weren’t sure what did it, his nose, tongue, or just the sight of him moaning against your cunt, but your climax hit unexpectedly.
That should been enough, just one time, but San took to his word and he kept going until you were moaning and whimpering and fucking yourself on his tongue as much as he was fucking you with it. He let you ride out not just that first orgasm, but two more until your legs were shaking and half his face was soaked with your cum. 
It wasn’t until you pushed at his head, over stimmed and legs shaking, did he pull away. Licking his lips he looked up at you with nothing but desire and affection. “Well I guess I broke the rules.”
Panting you stared bewildered as he sat back on the floor, trying to bring your brain back from mush. “You did?”
“Mhmm. I used my nose, and held you down. Plus the dryer buzzed during the second time you came so- ow! I’m sorry.” He whined, rubbing his shoulder where you had kicked him. “When I finally got you moaning I really did get carried away.” “I told you that you would!” Huffing, you pushed yourself up, still quite flustered. You weren’t at all upset he kept going, nor that it had escalated as it did.
San stood up to help you, an obvious wet spot in his sweats that only flustered you more. “Did you… did you cum? Untouched?”
Now he was flustered, looking away sheepishly. “Yeah, I did.”
Byeol’s soft meow from the other end of the couch pulled you both the rest of the way out of your bubble, jolting San into action. There wasn’t really any more tension as he cleaned you up and let you go change, your clothes still a bit damp but enough to get you home. San insisted you wear his hoodie, pulling it back on you after he had changed and grabbed his keys.
He was an attentive driver, taking your directions to your place and parking as close as he could to the building. He offered to walk you to your door but you insisted on at least doing that. So instead he stole a kiss, smiling over at you before you left the car. “The second date, I’ll only use my hands.” 
Flustered, you huffed and grumbled out before making your way to the door. Looking back, he was still waiting for you, rolling the window down, you managed to see his wink before you disappeared into your apartment complex.
You were definitely looking forward to the second date.
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Taglist: @justhere4kpop  /  @candypop1611  /  @spooo00oky @sanniessnails / @gugggu6gvai / @starillusion13 / @tunaasan /
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whats-k-popping · 1 year
Summary: When he opens their bedroom door, he's hit by a pungent rotten acidic smell. It flips his own stomach and makes him put his knuckles over his lips. The smell is reminiscent of vomit, and his stomach instantly desires similar release. His disdain for his boyfriend vanishes immediately. He buries his own ill misery, replacing it with worry for his younger partner.
Pairing: Woosan (NonIdol AU) - established relationship
Words: 3511
Warnings: Emeto || Graphic Descriptions of Vom!ting || Fever || Fake Illness
Wooyoung has been planning this for weeks. A lot of time and research and actual money has gone into pulling off probably the greatest prank of their couples vlogging career. This specific prank seems to be trending right now, as he's seeing all the other couples they follow posting similar videos- "pranking my boyfriend by pretending to sick" and "will my boyfriend take care of me when I'm sick?" He binge watched all of them and found the content to be very cute. Even the gentle scoldings after the prank is revealed. 
And in typical Wooyoung fashion, he wants to show off how abundantly caring his boyfriend is to the whole world. Or to their 307k subscribers anyway. After all, it was his idea to start the channel. And he puts the most effort into making the videos, editing the footage and adding effects. So with San away on a business trip, he sets the plan into motion. 
He researches the best way to fake symptoms, leading him to the purchase of a thermometer that always reads a fever and a grotesque recipe for fake vomit. He hoards dryer lint, knowing it makes him sniffly and sings loudly in their empty apartment, intending to make his voice hoarse. 
San hasn't told him what time his flight leaves, only that he'll "be back Friday morning." Wooyoung pouted and complained at that answer, but San stood his ground. He probably wants it to be a surprise. Well, two can play at that game. He sets everything up the night before San's anticipated return. He doesn't want to risk anything spoiling his prank. Pranking is his speciality. 
He's got a box of tissues, medicine packets, bottled water, and the prank thermometer sitting on his bedside table. Hiding under the bed are a mist bottle of warm water and the jar of fake vomit. He's even set a bucket next to the bed and poured some of the fake vomit into it to really sell that he's been sick for a while. It smells terrible. It's perfect.
And of course, he camouflages the camera in the far corner of their room, angling the lense toward their shared bed to capture the exact moment San walks in and finds him ill. 
He's already filmed his whole preparation process, ensuring to keep his viewers in on the prank. He's even started editing that footage already. All that's left is to really play the part. He puts on his fluffiest pajamas (keeping his baggie of dryer lint in the chest pocket for easy access) and settles into bed, ready for his plan to unfold. 
He sleeps peacefully through the night, but startles awake at the sound of San's obnoxiously loud keychain jostling on his hip. Usually, he hates the thing. But for today's purposes, he's thankful that San chooses to sound like a human tambourine everywhere he goes. When he hears the door to their apartment unlatch, he quickly pulls the mist bottle out from under the bed. He sprays some around his sheets and some on his face before throwing it back under the bed. He starts rolling the camera, then quickly lays back down, ready for San to find him. 
San sighs heavily as he lets himself into the apartment. He rips off his coat, feeling uncomfortably warm in his only layer aside from a loose-fitting t-shirt. He kicks off his shoes and abandons his luggage by the door, not even caring to unpack. He just wants to crawl into bed, ideally snuggled up beside his boyfriend. 
He'd started feeling unwell the second day of the trip. He originally blamed it on the foreign food, but the more his symptoms progress, he thinks that maybe his seatmate on his departure flight wasn't just pale due to air sickness like he'd originally assumed. 
It was a hellish trip, but he was able to maintain productivity in order to return Friday, like he had promised. And was rewarded with a few days off. He'd originally planned to spend those days spoiling Wooyoung. Now he thinks he'll use them to recover from whatever illness his immune system failed to prevent. 
But no use dwelling on it further. He's finally home. Instead he shuffles his way to the bedroom, barely having the energy to lift his feet. He notices that the apartment is mostly unkempt. Dishes unwashed, belongings out of place, trash peeking out over the rim of the receptacle. He scoffs at the sight, mentally cursing the man he calls his boyfriend. He knows the younger isn't much for housework, but he wonders what's been keeping him so busy he couldn't load the dishwasher. Hopefully, once Wooyoung sees how sick he is, he'll clean it up. Otherwise, it will be left in disarray until he feels better.
When he opens their bedroom door, he's hit by a pungent rotten acidic smell. It flips his own stomach and makes him put his knuckles over his lips. The smell is reminiscent of vomit, and his stomach instantly desires similar release. His disdain for his boyfriend vanishes immediately. He buries his own ill misery, replacing it with worry for his younger partner. 
San swallows thickly, taking large strides to Wooyoung curled up so small under the covers. He takes in the scene of obvious illness that's settled around the room, side-eying the sick bucket on the floor as the source of the unpleasant smell. 
He gently brushes Wooyoung's bangs away to feel his forehead. He's not noticeably warm, but sweat coats his face and their bedsheets. Relief washes over him, thinking he must have already sweat the fever out. 
Despite San's touch being feather-light, Wooyoung starts to stir and open his eyes, slowly of course to remain in-character. "Baby, you're home." Wooyoung's voice is perfectly hoarse, all according to plan. Still, he tacks on a chesty cough for effect. 
"I just got back," San strokes along the younger's hairline. "Is my Wooyoungie not feeling very well?" 
Wooyoung just shakes his head with a pout, adding a few shivers. San responds by pulling the blanket up to his chin. "How was your trip?" The younger asks. 
San smiles at his sick dongsaeng, ruffling his hair. "Business as usual" is his simple reply. Leaving out all the bits of his own experiences with illness. "I'll tell you all about it when you're feeling better." 
"Kay," Wooyoung yawns, nuzzling himself closer to San. 
The smell of the bucket beside the bed demands his attention. The effect the putrid odor has on him is becoming too hard to ignore. His stomach gurgles and bubbles in anger the longer he's crouched beside it. "Baby, I'm going to wash this out okay? Do you think you'll need it anytime soon?" When Wooyoung shakes his head, San grabs the bucket holding it far away from his face and rushes to the bathroom. 
He pours the contents into the toilet bowl and flushes all in one quick motion. While he's filling the bucket with water, he uses the sound of the running tap to mask his own gagging. He spits up a mouthful of sick he easily recognizes as the in-flight meal he begrudgingly stomached a few hours ago into the toilet and grimaces. Airline food hardly looks good the first time, but the second time is menacing.
But he doesn't have time to wallow in his own disgust. Not when Wooyoung needs him. He takes a few deep breaths and shakes out the fog from his head. Taking a long look in the mirror, he tries to convince himself it's jetlag. He hopes he could convince Wooyoung, too, should the younger notice his pallor. He flushes his own sick and brings the rinsed bucket back to the bedroom. 
Meanwhile, Wooyoung is exacerbating his own symptoms with a smug smile of success. In San's absence, he not only refreshes the misting he'd applied earlier, but also takes a long whiff of the dryer lint in his pocket. The reaction was almost immediate. He's a watery-eyed, sniffling mess when San returns with the bucket. 
San sets the bucket aside and sits on the edge of the bed. He plucks a tissue from the conveniently placed box and starts dabbing the younger's waterline. "What hurts, jagiya?" 
"Everything," Wooyoung whimpers in such a pitiful way, he thinks he deserves an Oscar for his performance. 
"I'm sorry you weren't feeling well and I wasn't here," he wants to lean over and comfort Wooyoung with a soft kiss, but he doesn't want to further compromise the younger's immune system by introducing new germs. Or vice versa. He settles for scalp scratches, which Wooyoung leans into. "You just rest, hyung will take good care of you now." 
"Thank you, Sannie." Wooyoung coos as he starts to drift off. 
San eyes the thermometer on the side table and it seemingly reminds him. "Don't fall asleep just yet, let me take your temperature first." He pleads, and Wooyoung opens his mouth obediently. 
When the thermometer reads 39.2 degrees, San's eyes widen like saucers. Wooyoung hadn't felt that warm. But he resolves that maybe he's sporting a fever and it's making Wooyoung feel cooler to touch. "You’re burning. I'm going to get you a cool cloth," he rushes off with the thermometer in hand. 
In the bathroom again he rinses the thermometer and sticks it under his own tongue. When it beeps, he reads 39.0 degrees. Wooyoung still has a higher fever. So he needs more attention. He returns with a bowl of ice water and a washcloth. He takes good care to ring it out and places it carefully on Wooyoung's head. 
"Rest up, now. I'll fix you something to eat, then you can take medicine and have a shower. The bedsheets need to be changed anyway." San dictates a pretty organized plan, though he has low hopes of the success rate. 
"Choi San, my guardian angel," Wooyoung slurs with a thick sniffle. "I love you," he puckers his lips expectantly. 
"I love you too." San resists the urge again to kiss his sickly boyfriend. Instead he pats Wooyoung's thigh and exits the bedroom. Their living room futon has never looked more inviting. He throws himself onto it, completely spent. 
He wants to be the doting boyfriend Wooyoung deserves him to be. But his own illness is catching up to him disapointingly quickly. With Wooyoung napping, he's bought himself time to rest. He thinks about cooking something, but the thought of being around food enrages his stomach. And his head feels trapped in a thick fog. He can't guarantee his own safety in the kitchen.
So he opens the delivery app on his phone and orders some comfort foods to be dropped off at the door. As soon as he sees the confirmation screen, his eyes slip closed entering into a restless sleep. 
Alone in the bedroom, Wooyoung is feeling a little disappointed. San is doing a great job at taking care of him. He's unknowingly showing off his gentler, domestic side to their fans. But there's been a severe lack of cuddling. San didn't even kiss him in greeting. San always kisses him after a business trip, to make up for all the missed kisses while he was away. He even rejected Wooyoung's kiss request. Physical touch is Wooyoung's primary love language. And San's not being very physical affectionate. 
In their four years together, Wooyoung has gotten sick more times than he can count. And without fail San had always cuddled with him. San never withheld kisses out of fear for his own health. San never ever left him alone to nap. The thought flickers through his mind that San is onto his trick, but he dismisses it. Impossible, he's been in-character the whole time. He just needs to up the ante for more attention. 
He uncovers the hidden jar of fake vomit, ready to draw back San's attention. He opens the lid. And after a few wet sounding coughs, he loudly pours the contents into the empty bucket. The sound echoes, and the stench of the chunky liquid is even worse after a night of fermenting. The acid smell almost makes his eyes water. But at least the next few coughs are real, gagging on the stench. It helps make the whole presentation more believable. 
San wakes to the sound of liquid hitting plastic, and jumps up when he hears Wooyoung coughing. It doesn't take long for him to piece the two together, despite his fevered haze. And he's in the bedroom before he even realizes his legs moved. He sees Wooyoung cradling the bucket in his lap, face over the rim and spitting into it. His breathing is ragged, exhausted. 
"Hyung," Wooyoung whimpers, "I threw up again. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to." 
The whole experience is too much for San's senses. The smell turns his stomach, Wooyoung's high pitched voice which he usually loves rattles a new headache. He suddenly feels too hot and too cold at the same time, feels a fat bead of sweat drip toward his brow. But Wooyoung needs him. 
He takes two clumsy steps before he bends at the waist, vomiting whatever’s left in his stomach onto the foot of their bed. 
For the first time, Wooyoung breaks character. San's never been one to get sympathy sick. So Wooyoung immediately knows it’s an expression of illness. He spares a millisecond glance to the camouflaged camera before rounding the bed, grabbing San before he collapses into his own mess. 
"Wooyoung," San sputters, a line of saliva dangling from his lips. Wooyoung's arms are wrapped around his waist, the only thing keeping him upright. He tries to pull himself away, using the edge of the bed for support. "Get back in bed. I'm okay." 
"No you're not, hyung. You just threw up." Wooyoung is not the strongest, but he has no trouble escorting San to his side of the bed. He gets San to lean against the headboard, away from the vomit stain. "Will you throw up again?" Before San has a chance to answer, the younger walks over to pick up the bucket filled with his fake vomit just in case.
San lets out a belch as the smell wafts before him, but it's dry and unproductive. He shakes his head at the question, assumingly empty, and turns his nose away from the foul smelling bucket. He's convinced he'll feel better once it's gone.
Wooyoung takes the hint and sets the bucket aside to be cleaned later. He presses the back of his hand to the older's forehead. "Sannie, you're burning up!" 
"It's jetlag," he scripts despite how ridiculous it sounds. When Wooyoung doesn’t budge, he quickly changes tactics. "You're sick too. You shouldn't be worrying about me." 
There's a lump in Wooyoung's throat and a guilty look in his eye. This wasn't how he'd envisioned the content to turn out. This wasn't how he wanted to reveal the prank. He feels real nausea from the guilt, but fights it back and confronts the truth, "I'm actually not sick, Sannie." His cheeks flood red with embarrassment, "I wanted to do a prank video. For our channel." 
"But the vomit?" 
"It's just a combination of vinegar, milk, and bread." 
"I took your temperature. You were over 39 degrees." 
"The thermometer isn't accurate. I bought it for the prank." Wooyoung scurries off to the bathroom and San notices there's not a falter to his step. He comes back with their actual thermometer. He puts the tip in his ear and waits for the beep. "See, 36.9." 
San still looks unconvinced. "The sniffling," Wooyoung exposes the lint baggie. "And the sweating," Wooyoung presents the mist bottle. 
San's eyes widen, then sharpen into a glare as he scans the room for the camera. He catches a small glimpse of a reflective surface tucked into their accent plant and points at it. "How long have you been filming?" 
Wooyoung's head hangs in shame. He fidgets with his fingers in his lap, unsure of anything else to do with them. Instinct kicks in and he wants to put his hands on San, but he’s sure the older doesn’t want that right now. "Since you got home." 
San pouts. He's exhausted as his illness settles in. He craves Wooyoung's nurturing. But he's simultaneously angry at Wooyoung for needlessly worrying him. It's a war inside his head that brings a pulsing pain with each new thought.  "I'm going to take a shower." He throws his legs over the edge of the bed, squinting his eyes as dizziness sweeps over him. 
"Do you need my help?" Wooyoung offers, also noticing that San is in no condition to escort himself. Out of habit, he wraps an arm around San's shoulders to support him. But San just shrugs him off, hoisting himself off the bed and slowly making his way to their bathroom. Wooyoung takes the hint, despite how much it hurts. He gives San space.
While San's in the shower, Wooyoung tidies the bedroom. He removes the soiled bed sheets and replaces them with a fresh pair. He discards his props, and sets up San's night stand with the necessities. Amidst the chores, Wooyoung hears their doorbell and finds the food San had ordered hanging from the handle. The blonde smiles at the two containers of samgyetang. 
San emerges from the bathroom dressed in his comfy lounge wear. He doesn't smell vomit when he enters the bedroom, which is a relief. The bedding is changed, turned down on his side, and he settles right in. Wooyoung had everything set up for him. There's medicine on the nightstand. The bucket has been cleaned again and set down for emergencies. And their real thermometer is leaning against his reading lamp. The only thing missing is Wooyoung. 
Maybe Wooyoung really left him alone to take care of himself. He knows Wooyoung would never do that, but the thought still stings. He curls up under the covers and tells himself that Wooyoung didn't do anything wrong. He tells himself that Wooyoung wouldn’t have tried to prank him if he’d known. He convinces himself not to be mad at his best friend. He even blames himself for not telling Wooyoung he’d gotten sick during the trip. Thinking about it nearly pulls him to tears. 
Wooyoung enters the room slowly, carrying a lap tray. "Do you mind if I come in?" He asks cautiously from the doorway. San, nearly on the verge of sleep, perks up at the sound of Wooyoung's voice. "If you need time, I get it. I just want to make sure you eat something. You won’t feel better on an empty stomach." The small laugh that follows is the most awkward sound San has ever heard. 
"Come here," the older encourages, scooting a bit to make room for Wooyoung. 
Wooyoung tries not to feel too excited as he carries the tray inside. He's still feeling guilty about how everything turned out. He needs to make amends. He sets the tray off to the side and sits on the bed. "I'm so sorry, Sannie-hyung. I didn't mean to overwork you. What can I do to make it up to you?" 
San shuffles under covers, a mischievous look on his face. He nudges Wooyoung with his knee until he falls off the edge landing with a thud on the ground. The older chuckles a bit at the pout on Wooyoung's face. It makes him feel just a little bit better. Reminds him of why he loves the high-maintenance blonde. "You can start by taking care of me," he shivers, "I’m too tired to stay mad at you.”
Wooyoung hops off the floor and climbs beside San is the bed, cuddling him and playing with his hair. He leaves feather light kisses against his boyfriend's warm forehead. "Of course I'll take care of you, Sannie. You're in good hands." 
San hums in content, closing his eyes and nuzzling into Wooyoung's chest. "Can I keep filming? I want all of our fans to know that I can take really good care of you, too." Wooyoung asks, eyeing the discrete camera that's already captured the whole altercation.
San smirks. Wooyoung always bounces back so quickly. It's an endearing quality. "As long as you include the earlier footage of you apologizing to me for faking." 
Wooyoung is never too proud to admit his mistakes. Another endearing quality. "Guess we'll split this episode into two parts then." He looks at the camera, then at San again. The older nuzzles close to him. Wooyoung reaches for the bowl without disturbing San’s position. When Wooyoung holds out the full spoon, San just opens his mouth expectantly. 
San eats half the bowl before he can’t stomach any more. He starts to doze off, so Wooyoung quickly gets him to take a dose of medicine. San’s compliant as ever, ready to snuggle up with Wooyoung and sleep until he feels better. Wooyoung whispers, not enough for the camera to hear, "Just rest now. I'll be right here." San believes him.
A/N: A woosan fic, as promised. Though I must admit, not the one I was working on when I first said I was writing one. I found a new guilty pleasure and had to write a fic about it. I'll be the first to admit I'm not totally satisfied with it. I've been fidgeting with this fic for weeks. I feel rusty after not writing anything for so long. But hopefully getting back into it will help me regain my confidence. So let's see how this goes.
As always, thanks for reading to the end! I really appreciate each and every one of you who make it this far! Feedback is always appreciated. And please let me know if I missed any tags or TWs. Please call me out for any errors you notice!
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doitforbangchan · 7 months
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FINISHED SERIES - completed July 2024
Summary: There's no turning back now, not when you know what you left behind. A dangerous situation now replaced with another. After the omegas disappeared you have to extra careful, especially now that you have left your pack and family.  What happens when your car breaks down on another pack's land?
Chan x reader (y/n) x ot8
ABO!Nonidol!SKZ Alternate Universe
Series Warnings: Fem reader, Smut, verryyyy nsfw, chan x reader, OT8 x reader, A/B/O, m/m/f smut, possessive! SKZ, possessive! Reader, anxiety and depression, fluff, angst, virgin!reader, reader is a CRYBABY, cursing, violence, pet names, dom/sub dynamics, Sub reader x mostly dom SKZ, misogyny and sexism, Ateez are depicted as terrible people (sorry Atiny!) 
Meet the pack
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
💖drabbles 💖 ~ 01 02
👇🏻head cannons and answered questions 👇🏻 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
Comments and reblogs are encouraged and appreciated :)
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lilhwahwa · 9 months
ATEEZ Reaction: You can't fall asleep (MATZ. ver)
★|•°∵ Scenario: Your boyfriend reacts to you not being able to fall asleep.
★|•°∵ Idolbf!matz x nonidol!reader
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Hongjoong wasn't expecting you to answer his message at this hour. He never really did. The good night messages with information about his well being was at this point nothing more than an automatic thing he'd do to remind you he was alive and well, even when buried in his dark studio, far away from the warm bed you were probably sleeping in.
Goosebumps spread over his skin at the thought of relaxing deep into your soft mattress. The scent of your detergent on your sheets would almost always knock him out, with the help of your warm body pressed to his of course. The company had been nice with letting him come over to your place, merely warning him to be cautious when staying over and thus far you hadn't gotten caught.
But the past few months had been more than hectic. With continuous trips in and out of Korea and a comeback, the only piece of your boyfriend that you got during this time was a text message or on rare occasions a video call. You knew of course, getting into the relationship what it would mean, but it is easier said than done. Once you got to have him in your bed, the greed inside you would never again let any sleep satisfy you unless you had him by your side and thus you developed irregular sleeping patterns.
The second Hongjoong sees the delivered receipt turn into read, his eyebrows furrowed. Had he woken you up?
"That's so cute:( I'm still awake though" you'd write.
You knew how he struggled with expressing his emotions sometimes and him having the safety of you being asleep somewhat eased his anxiety when sending you the good night texts. Tonight you were wide awake though.
"You're not asleep?"
"Can I call?"
But before he could, you were already reaching to dial his number on video call.
When he picked up you were met with a barefaced Hongjoong, sitting back in his studio chair with an oversized shirt on. He smiles softly when he sees your poorly lit face in the darkness of your bedroom, making the large frames on his face shift. The only thing lighting your side of the call up was your phone screen.
"Can't sleep, baby?" he asks knowingly, looking over the way your eyes only managed to open half way, heavy with exhaustion yet your brain couldn't seem to shut off.
"Mhm" you hum, pouting slightly and although Hongjoong couldn't see it, he knew your every expression.
"Want to work with me?" he asked already knowing the answer, finding something to lean his phone against as he positioned the camera so you could see him well. The studio was dimly lit, giving Hongjoong's skin a soft glow. How you wish you'd be with him, even just sitting on the hard-cushioned couch in the corner of his studio would be enough. Maybe he'd let you sit on his lap if you complained about the couch hard enough. You sigh and imagine how warm his skin would be if he was sleeping next to you. Watching his eyes flicker to the computer you adjust your position, putting your phone against the pillow he would usually have if he was to sleep over.
He knows not to keep you talking, it would only disturb your sleep more. Instead he talks to himself in a soft voice as he tells you about what audio he needed for the section he was currently working on or randomly tell you something a member said. He didn’t expect an answer, your presence was good enough. The sound of his mouse clicking on multiple samples and his voice humming a melody he wanted to create soon became a soothing song for you to fall asleep to.
Even after you'd finally fall asleep, Hongjoong kept the video call on, glancing your direction here and there as an encouragement to finish work faster so he could get a day or two free for you.
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When your boyfriend invited you to sleep over for the first time, you were initially excited to finally spend such close time together. You had been dating for just over a month but with him having tight schedules you could never really catch him on a date. The thought of not ending your day together with a chaste kiss and goodbye made your cheeks warm up.
Your first concerns were whether he'd like the way you looked without makeup. What if you woke up with bad morning breath and messy hair? Would the food you ate on your date make you bloated and uncomfortable when you cuddle? He would want to cuddle...right?
All of your concerns were valid. It was after all your first time in this territory with Seonghwa. But you had forgotten one not so little detail of concern. You usually struggle with going to sleep. Normally it wouldn't be too bad. The energy left over from the day and your habit of procrastinating were the main culprits. But what you had not taken into account was just how nervous you were spending a night with Seonghwa. After he proudly got his own room and decorated it to his liking, he was eager to invite you. It had taken some time ot convince his housemates, seeing as you still weren't that familiar with them. Having a stranger, even if you were Seonghwa's girlfriend, in their home would probably mean they couldn't be fully comfortable.
After they finally agreed, Seonghwa softly began encouraging you to sleep over, never pushing you in case you didn't want to. He'd just send cute Tiktok's of fort building tutorials or cute couples wearing matching pyjamas.
That's how you ended up in Seonghwa's bed. It was not really made for two people but it only gave you the excuse to lay closer to him. Your eyes were trained on the movie playing on the computer in his lap. You were more comfortable than you thought you'd be, eyes growing heavier as the soft fabric of Seonghwa's hoodie comforted your cheek. It was soft and smelled clean, like him.
Seonghwa took notice of your sleepiness and assumed you were seconds form falling asleep. He smiled to himself, biting his lip as he admired the sight for a few seconds. He decided to stop the movie for now, switching to browsing his phone with your head comfortably on his shoulder. He shifted you both lower to lay down and you immediately open your eyes, snapping out of the short moment. The second your eyes open you feel a shock go through your body. It is as if somebody put eye drops in your eyes because they were wide awake and not clouding over with sleep. Seonghwa felt you jerk and looked over.
"Shh, go back to sleep" he hummed, reaching his hand over to stroke you hair, thinking it'd do the trick.
You sigh and turn onto your side, burying yourself deeper into his sweatshirt as you force your eyes shut. You did feel tired, but why is it your mind was suddenly running over a million thoughts. Was he comfortable? Did your hair smell good enough? Did he think your first sleep over was disappointing? You hadn't noticed how your body stiffened but Seonghwa had felt it. He put his phone down and looked down at you.
"You're not sleeping?" he whispered, just in case you were. You open your eyes when he addresses you and look up at him shyly, shaking your head.
"I always struggle a little with sleep and just us-" you want to tell him you were nervous, but would it sound stupid? You weren't a kid and should be able to tell him. But was the reason good enough?
"I get it, it's a new setting and this is first time for us. But it's just me, don't worry" Seonghwa hummed, putting his phone away to turn to his side and let you move into his embrace. His hand snaked over your back to stroke it gently, looking down at you with sleepy eyes. He hadn't noticed how sleepy he had gotten either.
"I am happy you're here with me, I'm happy to be like this with you" he reassures with a whisper. You didn't know how he always expressed himself easily but you're thankful for it in this moment, hiding your face away into his neck out of shyness. A familiar warm chuckle left Seonghwa as his hand tapped your back.
"Just let your head empty of thoughts, I'll be here to hold you" he murmured, closing his own eyes as his hand continued drawing figures on your back to soothe you. "I could always talk to you about star wars or something, I'm sure that'd make you fall asleep" he teased himself, which made you chuckle sleepily, already feeling how his warmth and comfort was lulling you.
And when you thought you could answer him, your lips never managed to move. The sentence full of gratitude for him stayed in your thoughts as you finally fell asleep, Seonghwa following closely behind you.
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nczennie · 4 months
angel is the centerfold.
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Pairing: Reader x Ateez's Yunho AU: Exes, Nonidol Genre: Smut (18+ only) Preview: "You never would've imagined she'd be doing something like this, right?" Wooyoung asks trying to divert from the fact that he and San had looked at you. Yunho purses his lips and closes the magazine, eyes twitching as he tries his hardest not to glance down at it. "It is very surprising," he mumbles recalling when you both dated. Words: 3.8k *warnings under cut
Warnings: Protected penetrative sex- vaginal and anal, ass play, spitting, cum eating
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Yunho stares at the small clock in the corner of his computer, blinking slowly as he waits for it to hit 5:00pm. He usually doesn't mind his office job, but it's Friday evening and his eyes are burning from staring at the bright screen all week.
All he wants now is to get home and order some takeout to enjoy with a cold beer while he hops on a game with Yeosang.
But when he finally enters his home, he frowns at the sight of two of his friends making themselves comfortable on his couch.
"Finally!" Wooyoung calls out throwing his head back causing Yunho to roll his eyes as he sets his stuff down, "There was traffic." He grumbles suddenly regretting his decision to give all his friends keys to his apartment when he was feeling sentimental about moving out after university.
Yunho takes a seat beside his friends on his couch ignoring them in favor of looking at the takeout menu on his phone. But sensing Wooyoung's stare he looks up, feeling uneasy with the smug smile on his face. "What?" He asks blankly causing Wooyoung to laugh so he looks to his other friend, San, who has a bit of a frown on his lips.
"You'll never guess what San stumbled across today." He smirks and Yunho's interest is peaked, placing his phone down to give them his full attention. Wooyoung nods towards San who sighs.
"Look I don't want your judgment, just focus on the main point, okay?" San defends sitting up and Wooyoung only laughs louder. San continues, "I was on my lunch break, and I was intrigued by this magazine-"
Wooyoung laughs louder, San blushes, and Yunho stares confused, waiting for the point. "Anyways I bought the magazine, and I was looking through it and found someone I recognized."
"What kind of magazine was it?" Wooyung teases and San shakes his head, "It was a dirty magazine, alright. Don't act like you don't fucking watch porn every night, I can hear you know." Wooyoung mouth forms a straight, unamused line, "Don't bring me into this."
San ignores him, reaching to grab the magazine and hand it to Yunho, "You should see who's in it, right in the middle."
Yunho grabs the magazine suddenly intrigued, flipping along to find the middle. Who could it be, an old teacher, someone they grew up with?
But as he finds the middle, opening up the magazine to look his heart drops to see it was someone he recognizes very well. It was you.
His face turns red as he takes in the pictures, you were shirtless, your breasts on display for all to see, only a pair of skimpy underwear and some socks covering you up. Your hair and makeup were glowy and flawless as you gave the camera a sultry look, mouth slightly parted.
"Angel is the centerfold," Wooyoung smirks, and Yunho is suddenly brought to the reality that his friends saw you like this.
"You both looked at this?" He glares at them, and they seem stuck. "I bought the magazine, of course, I looked at it!" San defends himself and Wooyoung joins, "And when he saw her, he had to show me to see if it was really her."
Yunho's dark look only stays as he tries to comprehend the fact that his friends saw his ex-once innocent- girlfriend practically naked. He remembers Seonghwa once accidentally walked in on you changing and he tackled him to the ground.
"You never would've imagined she'd be doing something like this, right?" Wooyoung asks trying to divert from the fact that he and San had looked at you. Yunho purses his lips and closes the magazine, eyes twitching as he tries his hardest not to glance down at it. "It is very surprising," he mumbles recalling when you both dated it took months before either of you were comfortable to take your shirts off in front of each other.
There's a beat of silence and Wooyoung sighs feeling the tension in the air after showing Yunho, "Well we best be going, just wanted to show you." He motions towards the magazine as he stands up. San follows as Yunho sighs, "Yeah thanks I guess."
The tall boy looks up confused from the couch as he realizes San still stands in front of him despite Wooyoung walking to the door. "Um, can I have my magazine?" He murmurs shyly and Yunho forgets he has to send this picture of you home with his friends. "Don't worry, he'll skip over her page when he's tugging himself off later." Wooyoung calls from the door and Yunho only glares up at San who turns red.
Yunho stands and shoves the magazine back into San's arms who quickly rushes out the door. He can still hear Wooyoung's loud laugh even after they close the door.
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He's had his takeout, his cold beer, and has at this point won several rounds of his game. But now lying in bed there's still a thought nagging in the back of his mind.
With a huff he grabs his phone off the nightstand, squinting at the brightness in his dark room before opening the Instagram app. You had never had social media before, but he figured it was worth checking. Although his heart raced at the possibility that your profile was full of pictures similar to one, he saw earlier.
After searching for a few minutes, he finds you. It's a private profile but he recognizes your smile in the profile picture. You look happy standing on what looks like a beach behind you.
You and Yunho dated for years back in university. The both of you growing and blossoming together. Being shy and inexperienced in the world of dating, you both learned a lot from each other. Romantically, emotionally, sexually...
Therefore, Yunho can't help but be surprised to see you posing in such a way for all to see when he was the first to ever see you in such a way.
After minutes of contemplating, he pushes the follow request button before tossing his phone away from him. It's not like you ended on bad terms. You both just simply grew apart as you grew up. So it couldn't be that strange for him to follow you, right?
But Yunho pushes the thought out of his mind, not allowing himself to look at his phone any longer until morning.
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It's late the next morning when the notification he was waiting for finally graces his phone. Not only had you accepted his follow request, but you requested to follow him back. His heart beats expectedly as he pushes to see your profile.
To his relief, or dismay? He isn't quite sure.
There are no such posts that resemble that of the magazine. Most of them are of your travels and he carefully makes his way through each one.
Yunho stays staring at your profile as he contemplates whether or not he should message you. What would he even say? My friends showed me your picture in a dirty magazine and now I can't stop thinking about you and all the things we used to do together. Probably a bit too much, so he settles for letting you follow him back as well.
A week later he sees you post to your story. A picture of you and a friend out to drink at a bar he recognizes being downtown. His thumb hesitates but eventually pushes the like button and focuses on his friend's conversation once more.
Later that night he's comfortably lounging on the couch when he gets a notification from Instagram. He sits up straighter when he sees you've sent him a direct message.
His throat feels dry as he quickly opens it. What if it was a mistake? You had been drinking tonight as he could see from your story. But the message is simple.
Yunho :) how are you?
He can't help but smile and he replies quickly not even thinking how it might seem desperate.
But alas that is how he spent the rest of the night, and the whole weekend talking and catching up with you. It was so nice he even almost forgot about your picture in the magazine. Almost.
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It's the next weekend and you and Yunho just got back from a lovely date. He took you for ice cream after work and you thought it was cute he recreated your old first date all those years ago.
However, you are both older now so when Yunho asked if you wanted to come back to his place to...have a drink, you agreed.
"The view is amazing," You state in awe as you walk over to the large windows that overlooks the city. Yunho smiles from where he's lighting some candles, "I guess the office job pays off once in a while."
He moves towards the kitchen to pour you both a drink and you enjoy the view for a moment longer before joining him. "You saw one of my pictures, didn't you?"
Yunho's hand twitches and he accidentally spills the whisky which causes a giggle to grace your lips. He feels his ears start to burn as he grabs a towel to clean his mess. "Um," he starts but falls quiet. "From the magazine." You state again as if you couldn't tell he was just embarrassed rather than unsure.
A smile lingers on your face as you take the glass he hands you and take a sip from his own. "I did, yeah. Actually, it was San and Wooyoung who saw and showed me."
He watches as your mouth parts slightly before you let out a laugh. Bring the glass to your lips, and you clear your throat after taking a sip. "I guess that's pretty awkward." He can't help but smile softly at you, "I mean they were pretty amused." A blush rises to your cheeks as you shake your head with a shy smile.
"How did you know? That I saw, I mean." Yunho states and you look up at him once again. "This wouldn't be the first time someone from my past found me on social media after seeing my pictures." You chuckle, "Guys from high school, university, hell even my physics professor reached out after seeing." He frowns both from hearing about the weird professor and because he feels a bit chummy about doing the same as all these others reaching out to you.
Seeing his reaction you speak again, "But of course I've never replied to their messages and advances. I've blocked almost all of them too." You take another sip and he feels a bit more comfortable.
"So how exactly did you start doing this? I don't exactly recall this being related to your major." He teases slightly and you laugh softly. "When I moved after graduation, my roommate suggested I go for an audition where she worked too. It wasn't supposed to be permanent, just to help with money while I was searching for jobs."
"But the money ended up being amazing. Now a couple years later and I still enjoy it." You shrug, "I won't do it forever, but for now I can live comfortably and travel lots. So it works out." You explain and he nods listening intently.
The sips of whisky are starting to set in, so he speaks again, "And you messaged me. What makes me different than all those other guys searching for you after seeing your pictures?"
You look up at him, eyes dancing over his face before you smile, "Because you're Yunho. We loved each other once."
His tongue comes out to wet his lips as he stares back down at you.
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"Fuck, there you go."
Yunho groans letting his eyes close for a moment before he forces them open once more, not wanting to miss the sinful way you take his cock in your mouth. You're on your knees between his legs as he sits on his bed. Wearing nothing but your white panties and a pair of frilly socks that looked cute with your outfit, but now looks identical to your outfit in the magazine.
His mouth parts with a shaky breath as you take him particularly deep. You were never quite able to take in all of his size, but you always worked your hand diligently around what you couldn't fit.
Your glazed eyes looked up at him as if seeking his reactions. His large hand reaches down to move some of the hair falling onto your face, not wanting it to reach the spit and drool leaking from your mouth.
It's with a hollow of your cheeks and a swipe of your tongue that Yunho has to pull you off of him for fear of finishing too early. He pulls you off with a pop and messily connects his mouth with yours, his tongue parting the string of spit that still connected your mouth to his cock.
His large hands reach down to grasp at your waist and pull you to sit beside him on the bed. Yunho still kisses you deeply, tongue reaching every part of your mouth.
Eventually, he breaks to leave wet kisses down your jaw to your neck as you both catch your breath. Goosebumps rise to your skin as his left-hand ghosts over your stomach before reaching into your panties. A small gasp leaves your lips as he immediately connects with your clit, rubbing slow circles to match the pace of his kisses.
"Yunho," you whine, hips twitching up as he lowers his hand, one of his long fingers slipping into your hole with your wetness. He hums against your neck as you clench around him.
He adds another finger to your heat as he nibbles playfully at your jaw, "My baby's so tight." You can only grip his sheets between your fingers as he continues to stretch you out for him slowly.
Without warning he removes his fingers from you and reaches for your panties to take off. Pulling them down your legs as he pushes you further onto the bed. "Turn around for me, baby, wanna taste you." Yunho says in his deep voice and you whimper as you flip yourself.
You get yourself comfortable on your knees, leaning forward to rest on your forearms as Yunho climbs onto the mattress behind you. You can't help but bite your lip and close your eyes as Yunho's warm hands find their place on your ass. Massaging you roughly before you feel the warmth of his breath on you.
Shuddering out a moan as his tongue makes contact with your core, you feel as he hums in response. He uses his hands to spread you for him, taking a second to spit straight on your cunt, adding to your wetness and watching it drip before he goes straight in to slurp it up.
Forgetting just how messy Yunho likes to get while eating you out, you find yourself getting breathless from moaning in this position. The feeling of his tongue and lips moving against you, obviously loving it just as much as you as you feel him push his face against you.
You mull as he lets his tongue wander upwards, circling around your ass, causing you to jerk. He lets his tongue play there before moving to your cunt once more. Yunho has always been into ass play but while the two of dated, you never went farther than his tongue or fingertips gracing over you.
He pulls away with a slap to your ass and you whine causing him to chuckle as he reaches for his nightstand. Grabbing a condom and placing it on himself as quickly as possible.
"C'mon, Yunho, please." You attempt to move your hips backward to meet him as he teases his cock along your folds but never quite pushes himself fully in. He tsks, "Needy baby." He mumbles before finally pushing his tip into your waiting hole.
"Fuck, so big." You whine as he continues to push fully inside of you. A sound of pleasure rumbles in his chest as his pelvis pushes flat against your ass. Both of you take a moment to adjust before he starts moving his hips steadily.
One of Yunho's large hands comes to grab at your hip, helping keep his pace steady as he pounds his cock into you at a more rapid pace. Tiny sounds of pleasure leave your lips as he rocks into, "You feel so good around me baby, I've missed this." Yuhno claims breathlessly.
Suddenly you have a desire that causes you to bite your lip. You reach one of your hands up behind you, keeping your balance as you bring your hand to where you and Yunho meet. "Yeah," He groans breathlessly as he watches two of your fingers spread over where his cock is splitting you open.
Seconds later you move those same fingers upwards towards your less occupied hole, running your fingers over it as you speak up to Yunho. "You can go here." You say the best you can.
His hips stutter before he stills completely, "What?" He asks, not quite sure if the sex is making him hallucinate. A giggle escapes your lips at his reaction. "You can put it in my ass, Yunho." You say bluntly which causes Yunho to blush despite the fact that his cock remains in your cunt.
"Really?" He tries not to sound too excited as you do your best to look at him from your bent-over position. "Yes, but go slow, please. I haven't had something as big as you are yet." A shudder rakes over him at your words and he has to close his eyes for a second before continuing. "Alright," he speaks but starts to move his hips to fuck you once more.
His pace is slower now as he focuses on the new territory in front of him. Using both of his hands to spread you open for him, he spits directly into your unused hole. Taking one of the fingers to spread it diligently before pushing said finger in.
It causes both of your eyes to close, Yunho's heart pounding as he feels the tightness of you. His hips start to move quicker as he moves his finger more comfortably, moving to fit a second one not long after.
Having enough, he pulls his fingers from your ass before spitting twice more onto the hole. Taking his cock out of you, he leans forwards to run his tongue over your ass once more. Licking and spitting in ways that have whining.
With a shaky breath, he brings himself straight, taking his covered cock in his hand, lining the tip up to you. "Fuck," He whispers merely at the sight, breathing in before he pushes into you.
He can feel you tense right away but a moan rips from your throat at the stretch. True to his word, he moves slowly, unable to move his eyes from the sight of his cock entering you in a place he only ever dreamed of.
Once he's finally as far as he can get, he pauses, for you but as well as for him. He has to close his eyes and breathe deeply to stop himself from cumming right then and there.
"So good, so full. Yunho, you're so big," You whine to him which causes him to throw his head back with a groan. You always did know how to stroke his ego.
Yunho licks his lips when he decides it is safe to move, moving his hips slowly to start to fuck you once again. His pace isn't as fast as earlier, but you both enjoy this slower pace in new territory. He lets his hands grip tightly onto your ass, massaging you roughly as he continues.
Eventually a soft, "My neck hurts," breaks from your mouth in between moans which causes him to stop. With a smile, he pulls out and helps you readjust to a more comfortable position on your back.
You pull him close with a smile and your arms around his neck. He smiles smugly above you, one hand holding your thigh around his waist and the other taking his cock to insert himself into your ass once again.
This time you both can see the way each other's mouth drops and eyes flutter at the feeling of being connected. Yunho leans further down, chest brushing yours as his hips regain a rhythm. There's moaning and kissing and licking into each other as he fucks you until you at last let him know you weren't far from cumming.
At your words, Yunho hoists himself up and moves one of his hands to rub at your clit. Your moans become whinier as your stomach tightens. He stops his assault on your clit before taking two of his fingers and pushing them into your empty cunt. He thrusts quickly matching the pace of his hips, your wetness causing the room to fill the room with lewd sounds. Your breath quickens and you bring your hand to his forearm, desperate to grab at anything.
The pleasure he brings you washes over you like a waterfall and leaves you twitching. You whine as he removes his fingers from your now-soaked cunt and slows the paces of his cock.
Blinking your eyes open you see him smirking down at you, "Does my baby feel good, hm?" He asks deeply and you nod.
"I'm gonna cum soon, do you think you can sit up for me?" He speaks and you agree once more. Yunho moves his hips quickly once again, fucking his cock into your ass once last time until he's groaning and breathing deeply.
"Fuck," he finally breaths and pulls out of you, carefully helping you sit up before he removes the condom from his cock. You look up at him, mouth slightly parted, looking at him with a sultry look, breasts on display for him.
Looking suspiciously like the picture he saw of you in San's magazine.
Yunho jerks himself quickly eyes jumping from your face to your body. "My pretty baby." He says breathlessly, "Gonna cum on you, gonna mark you as mine." He mumbles with a groan before his cum starts to spurt. He aims his cock at your breasts and you move to cup them. Fingers running over your hard nipples causing him to groan further as he finishes on you.
"All yours." You speak to him, keeping eye contact as you swipe a drop of him from your breasts and suck it into your mouth.
"Fuck," his cock twitches as you smirk at him causing his lips to quirk, "You're driving me crazy."
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Copyright © 2024 by nczennie. All rights reserved.
🌼 All feedback is appreciated and welcomed 🌼
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ilwonuu · 5 months
˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗ song mingi
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༘⋆ pairing- established relationship, nonidol!mingi x fem!reader, softishdom!mingi x sub!reader
༘⋆ synopsis- you and your boyfriend have the best idea of what to do for 4/20.
༘⋆ warnings- high sex, riding, reader & mingi smoke a blunt, dirty talk, kissing, pet names, lazy sex, lmk what else<3
༘⋆ a/n- HAPPY 4/20 MLS 🍃 i wrote this while high lmfaoo i’m about to smoke some more and read fics (the best things ever) i hope everyone has a good day/night<3 also i hit 800 FOLLOWERS!!! THANK YOU THANK YOU. many fics soon<3 also this is my first time writing for mingi,,,
high sex with your boyfriend was your favorite tyle of sex. smoking a joint before crawling into bed with him. that’s exactly what you did tonight!! it’s 4/20 so of course you’re gonna smoke and having loving sex with your boyfriend. he happily agreed. you were seated on your boyfriends lap as you make out sloppily. his grip on your hips his tight as he lets out soft whines.
“can you ride me baby?” he breathes out into the kisses. “yea- i’m tired tho.” you say in between kisses as he smiles pulling away. “don’t worry i’ll help you.” you get off his lap and turn to see him sliding back against the headboard. you step out of your underwear being left in just your boyfriends t-shirt. you crawl onto the bed as you help him out of his boxers.
he grabs the lighter and the ash tray grabbing the have smoked joint in it. “let’s smoke some more? it’ll feel so good.” he smiles at you lighting the joint. “marry me.” you smile at him as you were gonna suggest the same thing. he pats his lap as he moves the ash tray to the side. he takes a hit of the joint as you get comfortable in his lap.
he passes the joint to you with a smile as his hands rest on your hips. you keep eye contact with him as you take a couple hits passing it back to him. he smiles taking it from you. he takes a couple more hips before putting it back into the ash tray, moving it back to the side table.
“come here- i need you.” he laughs pulling you closer to him. you are already tangled up in his arms, sitting in his lap. you raise your hips a little lining up his dick with your entrance. you slowly sink down as you pull him into a kiss. he whines into the kiss as you start to move your hips.
“you feel- ugh so good.” he sighs deeply as he helps you move your hips. you nod along with his words as grip his shoulders for support. “i missed you- love being this close.” you cry out. you moans are desperate and breathy. he groans at your sounds as he fucks his hips up slowly. “m-mingi- oh-“ you moan out loudly as your hands grip tighter against his shoulders.
“i love- y-you so much.” you cry out as you come undone. his moans turning more whiny and breathy as you ride through your high clenching around him. “shit- i love you more.” he kisses your neck. his low voice making you clench around him again. that’s all he needed to come inside you with a loud whine.
“just- just like that baby.” he throws his head back as you rock your hips to help him ride out his high. you kiss his lips with a smile as you pull off him. “want to smoke some more angel?”
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itaehynz · 6 months
three’s a choi charm! ♡
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PAIRING: choi line x fem!reader.
GENRE: socmed + written
CONTENTS: summer romance, choi line are cousins, taehyun and hueka are y/n’s bestfriends + others, multiple endings, written chaps, slice of life, fluff, angst, comedy, nonidol!au, reader is mingyu’s younger sister, jungkook is choi line’s older cousin, what would this be w/o profanity, . . .
SUMMARY: school’s out and it’s time for summer! also known as the ‘hottest season of the year’ so in hopes of finding a hot, potential soulmate, you go on tinder and match with three people! who shall you end up with in the end?
AUTHOR’S NOTE: a new smau!!!! woohoo!!!! choi line falling in love w/ reader & doing everything to get them, whew. there’s going to be endings where you end up with each member so don’t worry about that! i hope you all enjoy this one :D
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STATUS . . . on hold! (taglist: open!)
SCHEDULE . . . mondays, wednesdays, fridays @ 1:30pm est!
FEAT . . . rest of TXT, LE SSERAFIM’s Yunjin, ITZY’s Ryujin, ATEEZ’s Wooyoung, ENHYPEN‘s Heeseung, BTS’ Jungkook, SVT’s Mingyu!
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PROFILES: lost causes | got dat dawg in me ⁉️ | older bros
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01. like a virgin | 02. omega gyat ohio rizz | 03. under no circumstances whatsoever. | 04. are you fucking kidding | 05. who is this | 06. it’s like a man and a woman had a baby! | 07. the ‘L word’ | 08. do they know? | 09. kiss me plz | 10. i STRONGLY disagree | 11. you’re so not omega for that | 12. let’s run away (with rizz) | 13. yucky day | 14. she ain’t my baby | 15. you apologize? | 16. cute dimpled man | 17. who’s fault is that | 18. talk later? | 19. wildflower | 20. love is in the air | 21. so close yet so far | 22. driving me mad | 23. i don’t care anymore | 24. where are they? | 25. falling in love | 26. i really need your help | 27. gone | 28. it’s you, again. | 29. we’re getting the band back together! | 30. let’s try this again. | 31. coming soon.
yj’s ending. | sb’s ending. | bg’s ending.
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TAGLIST: @https-yeonjun, @sugaringgcaramel, @boba-beom, @ur-mother-realnotclickbait, @yawn-zi, @txtbrainrot, @soobsfairy444, @wonunuwoo, @coconutjjun, @headlockimnida, @dinosluver, @gwookie, @yourenzoo, @bunnyeonny, @eclipse-777, @lun4kazumii, @h00nerz, @soobjvn, @bam2gyuuuu, @gardnhee, @sugawara-levi, @miekesmellark, send an ask or shoot me a dm to be added! ^^ (bold — can’t be tagged)
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seonghwaddict · 7 months
ateez fic recs!
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🧸 lilo’s notes! here is a collection of works that i loved and thought everyone should read! works marked with a bear emoji are some of my favs. i’ll be updating the list, of course. this list contains both sfw and nsfw content, minors please interact accordingly.
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he’s kinda hot — @ohmyamor
“After a decent run with your boyfriend, you finally decide to end it when his paranoia becomes too much. Except, maybe he wasn’t crazy. And now you have demon who refuses to leave you alone.”
demon!hongjoong, fem!reader, fluff, slight angst, please see content warning before reading, suggestive
lilo’s notes! i absolutely love demon!atz aus and i can testify that this is definitely one of my favs. everything about this was absolutely fantastic and i may or may not revisit it every few weeks
you’re hongjoong’s bias — @jnginlov
“when you and your group go on idol radio to promote your latest comeback, you don’t anticipate one of the hosts to be completely enraptured by you”
idol au, fluff, gn!reader
lilo’s notes! listen… idol aus are usually not my cup of tea (though several fics on here prove that wrong), but this is absolutely one of the cutest things i’ve read.
new horizons — @fivestar-outlaw
“Attempting an all-nighter while playing Animal Crossing alongside your bias, you didn't expect your turnip prices to be such a high amount... nor did you expect Park Seonghwa to actually accept your offer to sell his turnips on your island.”
completed series, FLUFF, idol!hwa x nonidol!fem!reader, nsfw
🧸 honest (but happy) accident — @ad0rechuu
uni student!hwa, gn!reader, fluff, slice of life
lilo’s notes! y’all are gonna get so sick of me cuz you’re gonna see multiple of zero’s fics on here. jokes aside, this is genuinely so fucking cute i was rolling around and giggling while reading it.
🧸 12:25 time of love — @jaehunnyy
kindergarten teacher!hwa, mom!reader, meet cute, fluff
lilo’s notes! imagining seonghwa in a job like that genuinely makes me so soft. whenever i’m in that Emotional mood i like to read this.
🧸 impressionism — @hwaightme
“a post-graduate student specialising in impressionism, you were a regular visitor to the many art galleries in the city. who knew that among the paintings you would encounter your favourite, timeless work of art?”
vampire!gallerist!hwa x art historian!gn!reader, fluff, soulmates
lilo’s notes! as an art history nerd, this fic is so beautiful especially when combined with a vampire au like AHHHH some of my fav things in one fic
early hours — @honeyhotteoks
“you run into him in the hallway of the hotel, it's late and you're exhausted from the concert, but he thinks you should grab a drink and you can't help but agree”
idol!yunho x nonidol!fem!reader, one night stand, nsfw, some fluff
lilo’s notes! HDJSJDJSJKF the way this had me glued to my phone and giggling should be studied.
🧸 principia and opticks — @bro-atz
“you're struggling with a specific class that's required for your major; but, luckily, your professor, professor jeong, has no problem helping you out outside of class” // “you and professor jeong yunho decided to continue your relationship secretly, only to almost get caught one day”
professor!yunho x student!reader (legal), nsfw, fluff
lilo’s notes! don’t judge me but i think professor x student (COLLEGE. LEGAL.) is such a good trope it’s always gonna have me running laps around my room.
bottle service — @bro-atz
“all yunho wants to do is fuck the bottle girl's brains out.”
big dick!yunho x small!afab!reader, nsfw
lilo’s notes! i have nothing to say for myself other than size kinks are hot. even more so when it’s related to yunho
christmas dinner — @a1sh1teruu
“it didn't just end with one dinner.”
ceo!yunho x secretary!fem!reader, fluff
lilo’s recs! THIS WAS WRITTEN FOR ME AGHHHHHHHH i love it so much i think about it at least once a week
🧸 summer nights — @honeyhotteoks
“he's your best friend and roommate, but during the heat of summer and the confinement of quarantine, you just can't seem to help yourselves.”
roommate!yunho, nsfw, fluff
lilo’s notes! i reread this yesterday and realised there’s a sequel. TRUST i will be devouring that as soon as i can
track 3: cyber sex — @highvern
whipped loser!yunho x camgirl!reader, nsfw
lilo’s notes! STOPPIJDIDJ yunho was so cute and shy in this i wanted to scream into a pillow
🧸 lessons in intimacy — @honeyhotteoks
“you didn’t mean to actually meet the man who’s audio porn was single handedly getting you off every night, but you do”
camboy!yeo, nsfw, fluff
lilo’s notes! absolute perfection this was so sjsjjcjsjd i could feel myself slowly losing my mind
evolve — @nebulousbrainsoup
“more often than not, a life lived in Night City is carefully crafted, slotted firmly between preapproved lines—or it is if you value keeping it. whispers of freedom float just beyond the city's neon lights, and it's only through a chance encounter with the most unlikely of characters that you finally start to hear them.”
biker!yeosang x fem!reader, fluff, nsfw, some angst
lilo’s notes! despite it being 12k words i gobbled it up in a single sitting which is crazy tbh, it didn’t feel that long at all and i was so invested
🧸 prelude in e minor — @bro-atz
“your brain tells you to focus on your education, but your heart tells you to focus on professor choi”
professor!san, CELLIST!san, nsfw, angst
lilo’s notes! back at it with the professor aus yupppp y’all know me so well. i felt so many emotions while reading this i thought i was gonna go insane.
🧸 slowly, i’m going down — @yutasbellybuttonpiercing
“mingi hates studying, but what he hates way more than that is being perceived as stupid. what mingi loves on the other hand, are pretty people getting flustered about his voice or mingi shows you exactly what he hates and loves.”
college au, tutor!reader, nsfw
lilo’s notes! not only was this written so well, but it was so fucking entertaining. mingi is just so silly in this i love it.
angel eyes — @binniesbang
“Yunho teases Mingi when he trips over his words infront of a girl, he needs a little loving to make it better:((“
coffee shop au, fluff, comfort
lilo’s notes! AHHHHHHHH sobbing crying screaming this was so cute and soft i love this mingi
🧸 untitled — @teasteeper
“kissing practice with your best friend mingi”
best friend!mingj x fem!reader, nsfw
lilo’s notes! GRRRSGHDJDJD OH MY GOD mingi you ain’t slick at all- anyways, my turn when?
ribbon — @wooyoungmybelovedhusband
“You just love Wooyoung's dick, and maybe you wanted to make it look pretty like it truly is.”
daddy!wooyoung, nsfw
lilo’s notes! they be fucking but somehow it’s so??? cute?? really enjoyed this one 10/10
spiderman! — @cherrysoojins
“being spider-man comes with a lot advantages, but those advantages can have their disadvantages. like jung wooyoung not being able to show up to study groups to be able to see the girl he’s crushing on big-time.”
spiderman!wooyoung, smau + written, fluff, angst, crack. ongoing(?) series, last updated: july 7th, 2023
lilo’s notes! this was actually such a cute and fun fic and i really wished there were more chapters :c
backstage rockin’ — @a1sh1teruu
“after a late night of practice with the band, and with you lounging in the background. when his friends finally left, he couldn’t keep his hands to himself any longer.”
bandmate!wooyoung, nsfw
lilo’s notes! i think this was THE fic that awakened my love for bassists, that’s how good it was. zerda’s writing always has me giggling
jung wooyoung’s superpower — @ad0rechuu
best friend!wooyoung, fluff fluff fluff
lilo’s notes! ik i’ve probably said this a lot but this is ACTUALLY one of the cutest fics i’ve ever read i adore it so much
🧸 i’m just bein’ curious — @teeskz
“in which your friend wooyoung invites you over for a movie night”
pervy best friend!woooyung, nsfw
lilo’s notes! it’s short but if i said this didnt awaken something in me, i’d be lying. i reread it this morning and that’s what made me start this rec list
🧸 adorable — @i-luvsang
frenemy!jongho, gn!reader one bed trope, fluff, comedy
lilo’s notes! AHHHHH I LOVE RIA’S WRITING SO SO SO MUCH fluff by ria is genuinely so djdjdjsjd it’s got me giggling
untitled — @nateezfics
nsfw, fluff
lilo’s notes! i’m sorry but idc if they’re going at it, it’s so cute and soft?? they’re just so silly
🧸 milky way — @ad0rechuu
“It’s not everyday that your friends childhood friend turns out to be the girl that you literally have a fan account for, but for Seonghwa, San and Mingi it’s become a reality. being able to get close to your bias is great! even if she does have a raging crush on someone else…”
fanboys!hwasangi x idol!reader, smau + written, fluff, angst, suggestive, slow burn. completed series, 60 chapters + 3 different endings
lilo’s notes! i will never not be grateful that this series exists. it’s funny, cute, and angsty and i absolutely love it with my whole heart. i think it’s one of the first fics i read on tumblr, so it’s really special to me + i think this was part of the reason i got close to my lovely zero
🧸 blurred lines and lies — @yuyusuyu
the synopsis is really long
best friend!yeosang x fem!reader x best friend!jongho, love triangle, romance, slice of life, angst. completed series, 10 chapters + 2 different endings
lilo’s notes! words cannot describe how i felt reading this but i think it’s comparable to going through every stage of grief possible plus more. genuinely, one of the best fics i’ve ever read
strawberry mocha — @pirateprincessblog
“your favorite café has a new barista, and he seems oddly familiar, especially when you see his hands move when he prepares your favourite beverage”
barista!camboy!wooyoung x fem!reader, ft yunho, nsfw, angst
lilo’s notes! my thought process while reading was a cycle of “oh my god” and “what the fuck” in the BEST way possible. the writing is so good i wanted to reach through the screen a smack some characters, and hug some others
clair de lune — @atzfilm
“you’ve finally gotten the chance to enter “clair de lune”, a infamous night club to see the band hiraeth. but why did you feel like their eyes only watched you?”
yandere!ot8 x fem!reader, angst, fluff, nsfw. completed series, 8 chapters.
lilo’s notes! so iconic. if you haven’t read this, you better and that’s a threat.
murphy’s law — @atzfilm
“according to murphy’s law, everything that can go wrong will go wrong. Black holes circle each other until they collide and merge, a cataclysm so fierce, sends ripples soaring through the fabric, crossing thousands of kilometers within a fraction of a second, leaving behind a wave on the space-time continuum. That’s the simplest way you can describe meeting him. And yet, even that is an understatement.”
alien!ot8, multi x fem!reader (not ot8), soulmate au, fluff, angst, nsfw, check other warnings. completed series, 5 chapters.
lilo’s notes! another iconic fic by an iconic writer, we love to see it
mists of celeste — @hongism
“Sneaking aboard the ship of a renowned space pirate may not have been the best idea, but you’ll have to make do with what fate has handed to you.”
space pirate!ateez, multiple pairings, angst, fluff, nsfw, check other warnings. ongoing series, 49 chapters + additional content
lilo’s notes! i’m pretty sure everyone on tumblr who reads atz fics has seen this one at some point and it definitely deserves its hype. this is probably one of the best, well thought-out fics i’ve ever read and i believe it can definitely be considered better than many published books
🧸 hotel california and paradise gardens — @mint-yooxgi
“You can check out any time you’d like, but you can never leave.” // “Eternity means nothing if I don’t have you.”
yandere!demon!ot8 x fem!reader, horror, fluff, angst, nsfw, check other warnings. complete fic, 42 chapters combined
lilo’s notes! yeah i reread this every few months and i’m not ashamed to admit i’m obsessed with it.
outlaw miniseries — @hongism
individual parts for each member/unit, nsfw with a side of fluff and angst. ongoing series, 4/6 chapters
lilo’s notes! hi no i won’t shut up about hongism i think ive read everything she’s published and if i didn’t want to make this list diverse i would’ve just put a link to her masterlist and called it a day. seriously, highly recommended. my fav on this is the 2ho one.
from storm to sunrise — @ad0rechuu
“you and your boyfriend yunho wake up to find your other boyfriend mingi no where to be found”
fem!reader x bfs!yuyu and mingi, fluff, mild angst
lilo’s notes! zero try not to write something i’ll fall in love challenge, go! oh no you already failed because everything by user ad0rechuu is a masterpiece
🧸 hooked — @songmingisthighs
“A freshman hookup rekindled into something new. With an incentive, of course. But what would happen if your ‘relationship’ led you somewhere you never thought would happen to you?”
ot8 x fem!reader, smau + written, college au, fluff, crack, nsfw. completed series, 91 chapters
lilo’s notes! this is also one of the first fics i read on tumblr!! it’s definitely one of my all-time favs and it’s just such a fun read
🧸 unconventional first encounters with ateez — @bluehwale
ot8 headcanon, fluff, humour
lilo’s notes! i also reread this occasionally, the humour tag really is accurate
hongwooho — @yourfatherlucifer
idols!hongjoong, wooyoung, jongho x fem!reader, nsfw
lilo’s notes! the first time i read this (and all the times after that) i was giggling and rolling around on my bed. this kind if scenario is something i’d LOVE LOVE LOVE to see more of
sway with me — @luvt0kki
“former noble turned space pirate, wooyoung was now part of one of the most revered and hunted group of pirates of the galaxy. sure he’s only known them for six months but there’s only so much you could do in a ship when you travel from one planet to the next. the ship was their home, his home… and the members of this crew were friends that he felt he was fated to meet. // but he hasn’t met one person of the crew… and he didn’t know that.”
ot8 x fem!reader, space pirate au, nsfw, fluff. ongoing series, 5/?? chapters + 1 interlude
lilo’s notes! i gobbled the posted chapters up in a single sitting and it was honestly sososo good 10/10 recommend. i can definitely see this being added to my favs as soon as it’s done!
🧸 ¡arriba! — @teeskz
“being a bookworm, you’re used to your regular schedule of simply studying, eating, oh, and the occasional sleeping. it isn’t until one night, you find yourself at the wrong place at the wrong time, and soon get swept up in one of the craziest games you’ve ever heard. in hindsight, maybe you should’ve declined. but it was only supposed to last for one night. one, dirty night.”
hongjoong, yunho, san, mingi, wooyoung x fem!reader, college au, nsfw, part of a series (“T!TS UP”)
lilo’s notes! NO YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND I WAS GAGGEDDDDDD the way i had to pause multiple times to cool off while reading this it was so hot and something i didn’t know i needed in my life until i found it
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sugarnspice630 · 7 months
Blemished - Seonghwa
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"Think you’d get away with wearing something like this? Y/N my love, your tits are practically bursting out of that top."
•pairing: dom!simp!seonghwa x sub!fem!reader
•word count: 1.6k
•tags: mdni, nonidol, praise kink, Hwa is a MASSIVE boob guy, reader has a big chest, sucking/marking/biting of the chest, clit stimulation orgasm, Simp Hwa Simp Hwa, motor-boating?...did I miss anything? probably
Summary: Distracting Seonghwa during your dinner date was not your intention, however that's exactly what happened and Seonghwa made sure you knew how much he appreciated it by treating you to a special evening.
A/N: Inspired by my Thighs, Tits, or Ass guy Ateez edition post! Fun fact, I personally dislike boob play of any kind, but this was quite fun to write. Please be sure to drop a like, reblog if you enjoyed it, and comment your favorite part! Happy reading!
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆───
You always wanted to look pretty for Seonghwa. He asked you out on a date at a nice restaurant to treat you to something special. Carefully choosing your outfit because you wanted to look sophisticated yet be comfortable. You chose a cute button-up blouse and an appropriate-length skirt. Shortly after, Seonghwa came to pick you up, kissing you softly on the cheek.
“You look beautiful, my star.” You can feel his smile against your skin and your face blushes. He opened the door for you and you carefully got in the car, waiting for the delicious dinner and amazing date you were about to have.
Throughout the dinner, you noticed Seonghwa’s attention was not 100% on you. There was something else on his mind that kept him from listening to your stories.
“Baby, are you alright? You’re not really paying attention to anything I’m saying.”
“Mm, n-no I'm listening! I just…have a lot going on in my brain.”
“Do you want to talk about it?” You asked with a hint of concern.
“N-not right now. Let’s just finish our meal.” You nodded softly and finished the rest of your dinner. You didn’t talk much to each other, but you shared occasional glances. You couldn’t help but notice his eyes were never fully focused on you and were looking elsewhere. Finishing the meal in silence, Seonghwa asked for the bill, paid quickly, and before you knew it, he swiftly grabbed your wrist and was dragging you out the door. The car ride back to your place was even more awkward than the dinner. Every time you tried to speak to him, he silenced you and told you to save it. His grip on the steering wheel was tight. His knuckles were white and you could see the veins slightly popping up. Your brain was all over the place, wondering what happened between when he picked you up to about halfway through the dinner date. You finally got to your home and before you could get out of the car, Seonghwa’s voice stopped you.
“Set your things down and go to your bed.” His voice was stern and demanding. Oh fuck, you were in trouble, but what did you do?
When you got inside your apartment, you set your coat and purse down, took your shoes off, and waited for Seonghwa in your bedroom. His figure soon loomed in the doorway, and his eyes were fixated on one thing only: your breasts. You leaned back against your pillows as he came in and crawled on top of you, coming close to your neck.
“Think you’d get away with wearing something like this?” Seonghwa is carefully kissing and nipping at your neck, tracing his supple lips across your skin.
“L-like what Seonghwa? My outfit is perfectly modest!” He scoffs at your response.
“Y/N my love, your tits are practically bursting out of that top.” You felt your face warm up. You weren’t a small-chested girl by any means, but you thought the outfit was alright. “God… I could see just the slightest peak in between each of the buttons. Driving me crazy the entire time.”
“So that’s why you couldn't focus~?"
“Yes…but now that I have you alone, I can look and play with them all I want.” He says lowly before he’s reaching for your shirt and slowly unbuttoning the buttons. His fingers dancing to remove the fabric covering your chest. You lean back further, pushing your boobs towards him more, but trying to be discreet about it. He gets three of the buttons undone before he pushes the fabric to the sides and stares hard at the sight before him.
“Wearing a bra I got for you~? It looks so pretty on you. I just knew it would. Compliments you so well.” His praise was making you blush even more. Excitement started to take over Seonghwa, and he quickly undid the rest of the buttons and helped guide the blouse off of you. Tossing the piece of clothing to the side, his attention was directed back towards your boobs. The bra you were wearing had white lace across the top and around the band. The cup area had tiny silver and gold stars. The bra had an accent line that perfectly covered your nipples and the line led up to the straps. Seonghwa licked his lips while staring at how beautiful you looked in it. Your breasts are perfectly pushed together and filling the cup nicely.
“So beautiful…but what’s underneath is even more beautiful.” He reaches a hand around your back and snaps the clasps, carefully pulling the bra off of you and tossing it to the side. His actions were quick, but sensual. Truly taking his time but also in a hurry to see you in your pure form. You could only watch as his pupils were extremely dilated, just staring at you. He only took a few more seconds of staring at your boobs before he leans down and latches his mouth on your right breast. You gasped and arched your back slightly.
“S-Seonghwa.” You breathed out. His tongue was licking around your nipple in ways you’ve never felt before. You always knew Hwa was a boobs guy, but damn, he knew how to play with them. While sucking on your right tit, his left hand came up and started to grope and play with your left tit.
“Nngh, fuck!” You felt him growl against you.
“That’s my girl. Letting me play nicely with her.” He went back to kissing and licking over your breast. His tongue was warm, but the stimulation he was providing was making your nipples rock hard. Of course, he couldn’t forget his other favorite boob. He carefully pinched his fingers together around your nipple, causing you to cry out softly.
“Seonghwa!” You tilted your head back further into the pillows and closed your eyes. Seonghwa was having a field day just feeling and licking all over your beautiful chest.
“Mm, baby~. Wanna make you feel so good. Can I do that for you?”
“Y-yes please!” Ever since he was slowly stripping you, your pussy was aching and crying for attention.
“Good girl~. Fuck, you are so beautiful~.” Seonghwa whispers against your skin as he reaches his right hand down your skirt and begins to rub you through your panties. “You are soaked darling~. All of this from just kissing your beautiful tits?”
“Y-yes! Your tongue feels so good!” You couldn’t help but crave it all the time. He always knew exactly how to use it.
“Good good~ but what about this~?” Suddenly, you feel Seonghwa nip and pull at the skin covering your breasts. You cry out in pleasure. His fingers continue to rub you through your underwear, and the way he bites and marks up your skin makes you feel high. Seonghwa takes the tip of his tongue and licks into the teeth marks he’s leaving on your breasts. Continuous moans escaping your mouth. You grip onto his sides to steady yourself. Seonghwa eventually wraps a finger around the band of your panties and pulls them down, completely exposing your pussy to him. He latches his mouth back onto your boobs, leaving trails of saliva every time he picks his head up from your chest. You tilt your head down and open your eyes to look at the unholy sight in front of you. His face is flushed and you can only watch as his lips are pursed together to kiss your chest.
“Seonghwa~.” You are unable to say anything else. The pleasure he is providing you makes you feel like you are floating in heaven. The pure euphoria in this situation is enough to make your brain feel high. Seonghwa collects more of your wetness on his fingers and continues to rub your clit.
“Gonna make you cum so hard baby.” He growls. He really does not let up with sucking and kissing your chest. There are so many red and purple marks all over you; it’s truly a beautiful sight. You are marked up exactly how Seonghwa likes. 
“P-please!” Your grip on his sides tightens, and you get a fistful of his shirt. Your nails slightly dig into the skin underneath, and you hear him moan softly. Seonghwa pushes his face directly into your chest, and you can hear him panting heavily.
“Fuck baby I just wanna suffocate between your chest.” His voice vibrates through you, causing you to shudder.
“S-shit!” His fingers rapidly rubbing over your clit, you can feel the knot forming in your stomach.
“So fucking hot, fuck fuck fuck, your chest is so perfect.” He rubs his cheeks over your boobs as he says this. His eyes flutter open to take in the sight of the other boob in front of him. You feel his hips rut into your leg, and he whimpers. His erection is very noticeable against your thigh, and it drives you insane.
“I think I’m gonna- oh fuck-” Your breathing increases as you feel the knot in you getting tighter and tighter. Seonghwa worshiping your boobs makes you feel like a goddess.
“Cum for me sweetheart. Wanna hear your pretty sounds.”
Not too long after his command, you are crying out his name and cursing out loud and you feel the knot loosen. Seonghwa bites down on your breast as you cum, causing you to let out a shrill chirp from being overstimulated. His fingers are covered in you, and he loves the feeling. He rubs you through your high before leaving a couple more gentle kisses on your tits and then leaning back from your chest. Your eyes flutter open and closed, and you’re breathing heavily. Seonghwa’s chuckle rings through your ears, and you open your eyes to look at him. A soft, questioning, hum comes from your throat. There is a couple seconds of silence as you sit there, staring at Seonghwa smirking at your chest.
“Now your chest is even more beautiful with all my markings all over it~.”
Tags: @pre1ttyies @isiloiale @moongoddess1982 @yeosangsbbg @sanipan @10nantscompanion @hrts4nohee @eleganzadellarosa @babyxhoiz @wisejudgedragonhairdo @10nantscompanion @hwastarsworld @bunnyluvr25 @resildatice
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newworldwritings · 7 months
NewWorldWritings Recs! (ATEEZ)
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gif by @graphicstorage
these are some writings that i have read that i would love to share with the rest of atiny/readers. some of these quite literally made me cry, laugh, and relate.
let me know if any of the links don’t work!
more will be added too #newworldwritingsreblogs !
some of these do contain smut, dark themes, & lots more. so please remember to read the warnings that each author put in their works.
OT8 x reader
❕player 1117 @peachesyeo
(series -> ongoing) obessive!gamecharacters!ateez x villainess!reader
❕morning mist @mint-yooxgi
(series -> ongoing) Yandere!Dragon!Ateez X Chubby!Reader
❕The Library of Illusion @kwanisms
(series -> completed) ateez ot8 × fem!reader
Want You Back @whimsicalwritingsandmore
(series -> completed) werewolf!ot8!ateez x werewolf!reader
❕Circus @lani-heart
(series -> ongoing) ateez ot8 x reader
❕trope @bro-atz
(series -> completed) ateez member/gn!reader or ateez member/afab!reader
❕Black Ocean @bvidzsoo
(completed) Ateez members x female readers
❕room for three @honeyhotteoks
(56k series -> completed) nonidol!yunho x nonidol!seonghwa x reader
❕splish splash @atozfic
(20k) nonidol!san x nonidol!seonghwa x nonidol!wooyoung x nonidol!yunho x fem!reader
undying bonds @edenesth
(series -> completed) Hongjoong x fem!reader, Seonghwa x fem!reader
❕whichever way @igbylicious
(series -> ongoing) woosan x fem!reader
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you’re hongjoongs bias @jnginlov
(8.6k) idol!hongjoong x idol!reader
captains favorite @edenesth
(1.1k) captain!Hongjoong x doctor!reader
Black and White @atinystraynstay
(2k) Kim Hongjoong x fem!reader
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❕The Way to His Heart @edenesth
(series -> ongoing) general!Seonghwa x wife!reader
Cold Snap @ennysbookstore
(4 part series -> completed) nonidol!Seonghwa x Reader
❕Dancing With the Devil pt.2 @bro-atz
(2 part series -> completed) assassin!seonghwa x afab!reader
❕the trouble with hating you. @baekhvuns
(33k) badboy!seonghwa x reader.
Bingo @gummygowon
(1.8k) single dad!seonghwa x reader
❕you’re the one that i want @ateezmakemeweep
(series -> completed) bad boy!seonghwa x fem!reader
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❕Guerrilla @sorryimananti-romantic
(27k) serialkiller!dr.yunho x writer!reader
What Builds a Home @cosmicdumpling
(7.2k) husband!yunho x fem!reader
❕Memoir @baekhvuns
(16k) nonidol!yunho x reader
all i want for christmas is you @starrysvn
(11k) yunho x gn!reader
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❕lessons in intimacy @honeyhotteoks
(14.5k) camboy!yeosang/barista!yeosang x fem!reader
Siren. @sorryimananti-romantic
(27.8k) siren!yeosang x sirenhunter!reader
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❕ceilings pt.2 @yoongiseesawmp3
(2 part series -> completed) pe teacher!san x single mom!reader
❕The Art of Climbing the Corporate Tower @ennysbookstore
(2 part series -> completed) nonidol!san x reader
Love Poem @frenchkisstheabyss
(3.5k) dad!choi san x pregnant!chubby!fem!reader
❕Crafting Christmas @yoonguurt
(15.2k) single dad!San × reader
destiny @tainsan
(25k) idol!San x nonidol!reader
❕ch_i san @atzfilm (this one made me cry my eyes out)
(19k) android!san × reader
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❕nightmare, daydream @mingigoo
(11.1k) tutor!femreader x popularboy!Mingi
❕Shower Ecstasy @myhimbomingi
(1.6k) song mingi x afab!reader
❕Grease and oil @bvidzsoo
(5.6k) mechanic!mingi x fem!reader
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instagram @roomsofangel
(series -> ongoing) nonidol!wooyoung x fem!reader
❕Home for the Holidays @highvern
(24k) nonidol!Wooyoung x fem!reader
❕Midnight Kisses @mingigoo
(5 part series -> completed) bff!Wooyoung x single parent!femreader
Still You @edenesth
(15k) exbf!Wooyoung x fem!reader
Change of Heart @hotteoki
(5k) suitor!wooyoung x princess!reader
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to yours, jongho @halaboyz
(1.8k) busker!jongho x gn! reader
when strangers kiss @starlitmark
(5.4k) nonidol!Jongho x fem!reader
Guarding Hearts @edenesth
(15k) bodyguard!Jongho x actress!reader
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422 notes · View notes
catsannie · 17 days
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SYNOPSIS~ when your friends reach out saying you need to be more “social” and need to talk to more people, your friend tells you she “knows a guy” for you to get aquatinted with, what she didn’t tell you is he’s in another country and doesn’t speak the same language. will this work out?
PAIRING~ nonidol!Choi San x shy!reader
GENRE~ smau, strangers to lovers, rom-com
FEATURING~ ateez, cix(yonghee and seunghun), red velvet( wendy and yeri)
CW~ swearing, kms/kys jokes
STARTED~ 09/05/2024
STATUS~ on going
NOTE~ eeeeee im so excited to start this, i had put up a post awhile ago stating i wanted to make a smau where a member and the reader fall in love despite the language barrier, and i have tweaked it a bit to fit my thoughts on how to play it out, hopefully you all enjoy!
also! if you’re interested in this smau please send a dm or ask to be added to the tag list!
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001. i’m social okay!
002. my ass cheeks trembled
003. bro i don’t even speak korean!
004. do you think she likes league of legends?
005. only knows animal crossing…
more to come!!
@tiddygang2020 @1lovejinki @astrid-potato @potatos-on-clouds
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potatomountain · 2 years
“That’s My Spot”
Nonidol!Yunho x reader (afab) nsfw
Synopsis: A double date with your best friend Yunho leads to something more.
genre: Best friend to lovers, smut, slight angst
Word Count: 5.3k
Warnings: possessiveness/jealousy, smut of the penetrative kind. no condoms were used- don't be silly wrap your willy. Creampie, oral(receiving), fingering- some manhandling, and a bit rough. everything is consensual cuz consent is king.
[The below picture(s) inspired this as well as my moot @hwaightme ] also- HAPPY VALENTINES DAY! posting this early as a treat for you all &lt;3
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. Taglist: @candypop1611 @hwaightme-recs @layzfeelit
Also reminder I don't edit my works ^^' and they do not represent ateez in any way, shape or form. Just delulu fics &lt;3
After your last relationship you were pretty terrified to get back into the dating scene, but over two years single and one night stands weren’t cutting it, even if it was every few months at least. That’s why you had accepted your latest offer of a date, from the barista at one of your favorite cafe’s, but not without a catch: you asked for a double date.
Really you were just too scared to go on said date alone and had begged your best friend to accept the offer and go with you, which your date was okay with. Even found had a friend who was willing to join in the blind date. The whole situation was awkward, but the simple fact Yunho was going to be there made it a whole lot less awkward for you.
It was a dinner, Yunho having picked you up from your apartment so that you would actually be on time to the restaurant. It was nicer than the ones you would normally go to, so you opted for a dress while Yunho even wore a grey suit jacket over a white button up- you opted for not looking at his pants, just noting they were slacks, as something about him being all dressed up had your stomach tightening anxiously.
You didn’t know it was worse for Yunho. More often than not the two of you were more like bros, wearing casual clothes, sweats, or even pajamas in each other’s presence; so seeing you dolled up and in a dress that rode up mid thigh, your fingers playing with the hem in his passenger seat, had drove him crazy. But not as much as the fact that despite you looking so beautiful, sexy even, in his car, it wasn’t for him.
His silence for the car ride hadn’t helped your nerves and your constant fidgeting hadn’t helped his, so by the time you arrived at the restaurant and met your respective dates, both of you were on high alert with anxiety. Yunho was the tallest of the four of you, even your date had to tilt his head back just a bit to look up at him during introductions. He wasn’t unattractive, neither was the friend he brought, but Yunho thought you put her to shame. She had recently bleached hair, and wearing a black dress cut too low for his liking unlike yours that gave a modest peak but was still enough.
He figured she would at least be a good fuck, so he wasn’t coming out of this empty handed, but he found out rather quickly he didn’t give two shits about sleeping with her, in fact he already forgot her name by the time the four of you were seated. Your date, Taehyung, had his attention more.
All because he sat to your left, which had always- always - been Yunho’s spot since the two of you met back in grade school. He always sat to your left, but somehow he was across the table from you, the blonde sitting to his right and paying him no mind.
By the time food actually got there, you seemed to be the only one paying any attention to him at all, playing matchmaker with him and the blonde while you would go red at Taehyung’s shy flirtations. Yunho opted to stay quiet, noting the way the blonde next to him was clearly interested in your date but he wasn’t giving her as much attention as he was you. Really, he should be glad a guy was interested in you and making you gush like a preteen school girl in a way he hadn’t seen since, well, school- but the fact of the matter was, he wasn’t.
He had to accept the truth that he wanted to be the one making you flustered and hide behind your water; that he wanted to be the one you were on a date with, that you dressed up for... he wanted to be yours. Yunho was ready to call it a 
night, because while he wanted that, he was your best friend first, and while that didn’t curb his anger, he could get it out in other ways.
He turned to the blonde, drinking his coke slowly as he had caught her sneering at you, both you and your date oblivious. Now that- that he wasn’t going to tolerate, and perhaps he should’ve. “I don’t appreciate you glaring at my friend; I’m your date, not him.” He also could’ve said it better, but too late now.
His jab had gotten your attention and in turn Taehyung. Both of you looked to the blonde in confusion while Yunho put his glass down. Blondie’s cheeks were bright red, glaring at him now. Taehyung called out to her, asking for an explanation in a far more gentle tone than Yunho would have used.
“She’s just not even that pretty! Giggling like a damn idiot over every little thing you say.” Instead of dropping it, the blonde just seemed to dig her grave further.
Yunho wasn’t about to let some strange bimbo insult you and dictate who you were good enough for, so he stood slowly, pulling his wallet out and placing enough cash on the table to cover yours and his meal plus some. “We’re leaving, you two have some talking to do.”
“We? Yunho?” You looked up at him, eyes wide and teeth gnawing on your bottom lip. It was a nervous habit of yours he knew well, but currently he couldn’t be bothered to try and ease your discomfort. “Why?”
“I just said why. This chick clearly wishes she was in your spot right now-” look who is talking, hypocritically of you huh? He mentally chastised himself, motioning between the two and taking note of how Taehyung had softened towards the blonde at his words. “I’m not going to stick around and watch, so either we can leave now or you can meet me in the car when you’re done.” He fixed you with a look that seemed rather impassive or void of emotion as he gripped the table and leaned forward a bit.
You had never seen him fix you with a look like that before, but your body reacted immediately, stomach twisting and thighs pressing together. He had been watching you most of the night, which you had been aware of, and truthfully it had been his eyes on you that had you flustered most of the night. Taehyung was nice, sweet and charming even, but you had noticed he seemed to be trying to hard. Now that he was practically staring at the blonde with doe eyes you realized he had been trying to do the same thing you had been doing: trying not to get flustered over someone who wasn’t your date. 
Neither the blonde or Taehyung protested as Yunho urged once more with a lift of his brow. “Are you coming?”
“Yes sir.” You squeaked out, quickly rising to your feet as embarrassment flooded you; where had the ‘Sir’ come from? Well, you didn’t seem to care where it did, only that it made Yunho’s gaze darken and burn on you even more before he was walking pass you, grabbing your left wrist and tugging you along. He was a bit rough, and it was a struggle to keep up with his long strides, but you didn’t protest.
You had never seen Yunho like this, worked up in some way, but it was hot.
By the time you were sitting in the passenger seat again, your brain finally caught up with the realization that your underwear wasn’t dry any more, and it had nothing to do with the man you left in the restaurant.
And everything to do with the man sitting on the other side of the car, gripping the steering wheel, but not starting the car. “Yunho?” Slowly you turned to him, biting down once more on your lip when you noticed veins in his hands practically bulging from his grip on the wheel, his jaw clenched tightly and his eyes on the dash. “Yunho say something... you’re worrying me.”
It occured to you he was angry, but at what you had no idea. Or well, you didn’t have the brain capacity to try and figure it out as it was still trying to process that from the moment you saw Yunho at your front door you had wanted him to be your date, and not just because you wanted him sexually, which was a whole lot to process there. You knew he was attractive, liked the fact his size made you feel safe and secure like a giant teddy bear, but now you couldn’t stop thinking about what else he could do with that size- and what else was big.
Funny how now that the figurative dam of your emotions broke, your incessant need for him was at the forefront, dominating every part of you. At least until your stomach began to twist with a growing fear that is. Yunho had finally started the car, driving a bit quicker than he normally would and he was already a somewhat scary driver. 
You were tense in the passenger seat, fidgeting with the hem of your dress and shifting your legs often, making it harder for yunho to find the right words to speak. Every time he thought he could speak up and apologize or something, you were shift in his peripheral and all thoughts would be gone aside from ones he definitely should not be having of his best friend. How would your thighs look slightly bruised from his hands? Or better yet wrapped around his face, or around his waist. 
Every time your tongue would slip out to ease your swollen lip after biting on it, he would wonder how it would look running up his cock. He gripped the wheel tighter the whole way to your apartment, pulling up and parking after a silent drive. He had been too wrapped up in his thoughts not to notice the way your eyes shone with unshed tears. 
He just needed to look in your direction, which he wouldn’t, not until you were leaning over the center console and tugging on his jacket, too anxious to leave the car without a response from him. Now that you realized your feelings you hope you didn’t just ruin your friendship as well. “Please don’t be mad at me Yunho, I’m really sorry this was a shitty date- I shouldn’t have asked you to come.”
You would have continued to apologize if he didn’t grit out your name through clenched teeth. “I’m not mad- just go inside.” It took everything in Yunho to say those words, silently cursing himself knowing that he definitely did sound angry. He wasn’t, fuck he wasn’t, he just couldn’t look at you without having the urge to do something stupid. You had wanted to date that guy tonight, Yunho wasn’t even an option on your radar and yet you were now the only option for him.
“Liar! Yunho-” You whined, tugging on his jacket more until he pulled away. You were fighting off tears, and the underlying voice in your mind that was admiring how attractive he was with a clenched jaw and a death grip on the steering wheel. Even though you were parked and the car was off, he didn’t move an inch from his spot, as if ready to drive off the moment you stepped out; so you refused to leave the car. “What was it? Was it the blonde? Or Taehyung? Are you upset that I’m a big idiot for going on such a date ‘cause I am-” You started to ramble out apologies, each one ticking off Yunho even more.
When you sat back, once more playing with the hem of your dress even more panicked then before, he snapped. Quickly he got out of the car, slamming the door before quickly striding around to your door. You visibly sank further into the seat when he pulled the door open, a whimper leaving your lips as he grabbed your wrist and pulled you up and out with a gentleness Yunho was surprised he could even manage right now.
The second he saw tears running down your face, another apology spilling from your reddened lips, he boxed you in against the frame of the car, unable to stay quiet for much longer. “He was in my spot-” Before you could even process what the words met, his lips were on yours, a pleased groan rumbling the back of his throat as he finally got a taste of you.
He had every intention of pulling away, of apologizing for his lack of control, but you kissed him back- and all reason left him. He pressed closer, large hands moving to your waist to hold you still as he pinned you with his body, allowing you to feel the strain in his pants that had been a constant problem the entire ride from the restaurant. He loved how small you were beneath him like this, the feel of your hands gripping at his jacket to pull him closer despite how close he already was, his knee pushing your thighs apart and riding up until he could feel your heat on the fabric of his thigh.
He cursed, pulling his lips from yours with a heavy pant as they moved along your jawline. “Tell me to stop- fuck, tell me no. I have been trying to tell myself the whole ride- no since I first saw you in this fucking dress- so tell me no so I can stop.” His words were low, guttural, ending as heated pants against your earlobe.
Your hands lifted up to wrap around his neck, your hips moving to grind yourself against his thigh, effectively wetting the fabric with the wet lace of your own underwear. The second his lips had been on yours all of your anxiety and worry had melted away, the need for this man resurfacing with a vengeance once more. “What if I don’t want you to stop Yuyu?” Definitely not when the simple touches, his body pressed against yours like this, made you feel so good you didn't want to stop any time soon- or ever.
He groaned from the use of your nickname for him, his grip tightening for just a moment, pulling you along his thigh to give you the friction your body seemed to be craving. He bit down just under your ear, pleased with the soft moan that spilled from your swollen lips. “I’m claiming my spot then-”
Again, before you could ask, he was picking you up in his arms, making your straddle  his waist as he shut the car door, locking it with the fob before he headed to your apartment, your small purse in his free hand while the other held your rear and kept your dangerously close against him.
With every step the bulge in his pants moved against your clothed core, teasing the both of you incessantly. Unfortunately for you, the elevator ride  held a couple of other tenants coming home from work, so you buried your head in shame into the crook of Yunho’s neck and hoped the other tenants wouldnt ask.
When they looked a few too many times, Yunho however gave them an answer that had you fidgeting against him, warmth pooling in your belly. “My girlfriend had too much to drink is all.”
His girlfriend.
Yunho liked saying it as much as you liked hearing it, and after what he was going to do to you he would make it very clear that is what you are now. No other person to take on dates or dress up for other than him. 
The two of you got off before the last tenant, and he found his familiar way to your apartment door, only then setting you down. Your legs were shaky, and there were bite marks on Yunho’s nape now from where you had to bite back moans whenever he would rub against you just right that the urge to buck your own hips was unbearable. However you managed to make it to your apartment without dry humping him was lost on you.
Of course, the moment your feet were on the ground, your need for him had you rushing your actions, getting the keys out of your bag and fiddling with the door as Yunho held your waist from behind, kissing along your neck and leaving matching marks. He guided you inside quickly, kicking your door shut and reveling in the immediate moan you let out when he ground his hips into your ass.
“Yes baby?” His voice was deep, raspy against your flesh as his hands were already at work, tugging your skirt up.
“What did you mean by your spot?” You were ready to kick yourself for asking such a question when in reality all you wanted was him to fuck you senseless. You could hardly believe this was the same Jeong Yunho that you had known since grade school, the same big lovable dork and teddy bear, that seemed to always be happy and loving- yet right now you wanted nothing more than for him to manhandle and use your body for his own desires.
He chuckled, kicking his shoes off as you did the same just before he turned you in his arms and once again picked you up, bucking his hips up into your core. “I couldn’t stand it, watching him fawn over you. All I could think about was that you should be looking at me like that.”
“You didn’t feel this way when I was dating-”
“Don’t bother with him.” Yunho growled out, crashing his lips to yours as he moved through your darkened apartment to your bedroom. “Don’t ask when, or how, I just do, and it was evident tonight. I always sit to your left. I should be the one you wear pretty dresses for. I mean I know it isn’t a matter of should... but I wanted to be.” He breathed against your lips before laying you on your bed, pushing your dress up further.
You realized that he had discovered his feelings for you tonight just as you had: two oblivious idiots now struggling with an ocean of emotions for each other and only one outcome you both wanted.
You blinked up at him when he pulled his lips away, moving back just enough to pull the fabric up and off, tossing it somewhere in your room to be immediately forgotten. His eyes flitted down your body, taking in the matching lacy bra and underwear with wonder at first before his upper lip pulled back a bit.
“Did you wear these for him?” There was a bit of a growl to his words, his thumbs dipping under the waistband of your underwear and pulling them away before letting the elastic snap back to your skin a bit harshly.
You could lie, save yourself from the wrath brimming under the surface of his dark expression, but the thought of him unleashing it onto you was far too exciting to do so. Plus- you always wanted to be honest with Yunho, you always had been. “I did but-”
He didn’t let you finish, pulling the flimsy fabric down so harshly several holes formed in the lace and you knew they were ruined now. You clenched around nothing, gasping as he pushed your legs open and the cold air hitting your folds dripping with your arousal. He already had you so turned on, your brain already practically mush at the way he look at your core, licking his lips slowly as he leaned down.
He ran his thumb over your folds, groaning at the way your body reacted to the light touch, hips lifting to chase his touch. “Look at you, so wet for me and I haven’t even touched you yet.” He murmured approvingly, voice thick with his own need. His eyes moved up the length of you to meet your gaze, his tongue darting out once more. “I’ve been thinking about how good your thighs would look with my head in between them since you first sat in my car tonight in that fucking dress. Do you know how hard it was not to reach over and slip my hand between these plump thighs of yours?” Bit by bit the words were more guttural, one of his digits slowly pushing into you, stilling as you clenched around the appendage. “So fucking tight- all for me?”
“Mhmm-” You whined, lifting your hips as much as you could before his free hand gripped your upper thigh and pushed you back down on the bed to still you. “Yunho please-”
He had been inching closer and closer to your heated core, eyes on yours, only to pause as you whined. “Please what?” You could barely make out his smirk over your own body he was that close to where you so desperately needed some friction- for him to touch. “Use  your words baby.” To taunt you, he curled his finger, pleased with the way your breath hitched.
Yunho had no idea how he was able to stop himself from already diving into your sweet inviting cunt, so desperate for a taste of you, for how wet he made you. It seemed only a thin string of morality and control was holding him back, as if he needed to hear your consent one last time before giving into the desires that had been pumping through his blood all night.
“Please eat me out- or finger me or- I don't care how just fuck me Yunho! I want you so bad, please please ple-” Your pleas turned into moans as he obliged, two fingers pumping into you and curling as his lips happily suckled on your bundle of nerves. Your hands moved from gripping the sheets to gripping his hair, holding him impossibly closer to you as your hips lifted to the rhythm he quickly set, your climax his clear goal.
You could hardly think about anything other than him and the pleasure he was giving you, a shiver running up your spine when he moaned against your nerves, switching between his lips sucking and his tongue applying pressure while his long fingers worked to find that one spot; when he did, he quickly pushed in a third, spreading them out and curling just right, your gut twisting with familiar coils as your high built.
Despite how good it was, how close you were, it wasn’t until he spoke against your clit the muffled words “Cum for me” for you to clench around his digits and soak his hand and mouth with your release. You cried out his name as he he fucked you through your high, mouth pulled away as not to over stimulate your sensitive bud, only pulling his fingers out when you begged him to.
He sat back on his knees, bringing his fingers to his lips to lick them clean, moaning at the taste of you. “Fuck how are you so sweet? I already want more, I could eat you out every day cupcake.”
You blushed at the new pet name, but you didn’t dislike it, a small smile playing on your lips as you looked down at him through hooded eyes. “Yuyu-” You whined, lifting your weak arms to make grabby hands at him, spreading your legs further. “Want you- feel you inside me please.”
Yunho was in awe at the sight of you, fucked out expression, your slick dripping from your still twitching cunt that you kept on display for him with perhaps the sweetest smile he had ever seen on your features, grabbing at him and whining for him to fuck you. It was more than his deepest fantasies that he had never allowed himself to have about you, but clearly still had in the back of his mind. “Fuck-”
He discarded his clothes quickly, tossing them every which way until he was naked at the end of the bed, cock throbbing against his stomach, already leaking precum. He didn’t give you time to appreciate the sight, moving over you and hooking his hands under your knees before pushing them up. He huffed as he realized you were still wearing your bra, and after hooking your legs in the crook of his elbows he lifted you up to undo the clasp and removed the article with much more care than he had your underwear.
For a moment he paused to appreciate your freed breasts, once more licking his lips as he rutted the length of his cock against your folds, covering it with your slick. “Look at you, so fucking perfect- I’m an idiot for not realizing sooner.” He crashed his lips to yours with a newfound need, emotions pouring into your mouth with each brush of his lips and pant into your mouth once he pushed his tongue in to mingle with yours. It was if he couldn’t get enough of you, breaking away only to lay you back down.
He moved his hands back to the back of your thighs, pushing them up and wide until your knees were pressed against your arms. You gripped your calves, staring up at him as he directed his attention down, freeing on hand to guide the head of his cock into you. Your head fell back as he pushed in, stretching you out with more girth- and with each inch pushed in- more length than you were used to. 
He bottomed out, groaning as your walls clenched around him, trying to get used to his size, but Yunho had little patience left after that dinner, little control over the enormous amount of emotions that had overwhelmed him since you first opened your apartment door to him tonight. “This- this is my spot, buried deep in your cunt, far deeper than any one else could ever touch-”
The little green monster reared it’s head once more as he pulled out, eyes fixated where you were joined while your own head was lolled back and panting. “Fuck- even your cunt knows who it belongs to, sucking me back in, aching at my absence. Does it feel that good baby?” He slammed his full length back in, eyes flitted to your face as you cried out, nodding in answer. “Too fucked out to speak already? But I just started laying my claim- come on, let me hear that sweet voice of yours cupcake.”
“It feels so good Yuyu! PLease dont stop!” You cried out, hips lifting to chase his as he began to pull out once more. Your head already felt as if it was full of cotton, but it wasn’t overwhelming in the slightest. 
Pleased, he slammed his hips back into yours, letting out a soft groan. “Tell me cupcake, who does this cunt belong to?” Throwing caution to the wind, and liking the way his words made you clench around him, Yunho buried himself into you over and over, letting the little green monster have control over the reigns. Normally he would never be so rough with you, and with this being the first time you took his cock he knew he would regret it later- but you just looked so good bouncing beneath him like this. 
His hands held your legs in place, your own having moved to grip his wrists and dig your nails down into his flesh as if to try and pull him closer, which resulted in just enough of a shift for him to hit and rub against your g-spot with every harsh thrust. “Y-you! It belongs to you!” You cried out, feeling your high quickly approaching as he continued with reckless abandon. “Yu-yu I’m-! I’m gunna-! so close-”
“Come for me. Come on my cock baby.” His thrusts became more erratic, sweat beading his brow and breath heavy as he leaned down, capturing one of your bouncing tits in his mouth, hooking your ankles behind his neck and groaning as your hands flung to dig your nails into his back. He felt deeper in you at this angle, two more thrusts until you were clenching so tightly around him that even he thought he felt stars, his own climax pulled out of him as he moaned against your flesh, the sound drowned out by your own cry of pleasure.
When you began to shake beneath him his hips stopped, pumping the last of his cum deep into you and laying claim in the most primal way. Pride filled him as he knew no other would be able to fill you so deeply, nor would he let anyone ever get the chance. He kissed up your chest to your neck and then up over your jaw before peppering your lips with sweet chaste kisses as you both worked on catching your breath. Slowly he pulled your legs out from under him, situating them down flat on the bed on either side of him as you giggled under his lips.
The little green monster was long gone, and all that was left was his overwhelming love for you that he just needed to expression in every way he could. “I love you cupcake. So so much, I’m an idiot for not realizing it sooner.”
You were elated, legs and arms jelly but you still wrapped your arms around his neck, giggling against his lips only to whine when he finally pulled out of you. You felt his cum and your own gush out of your folds and pool beneath your bum. “You are a big idiot-”
“But so am I.” You interrupted his protest, placing a kiss to his sweaty forehead. “I should've realized I loved you sooner as well. Then we could have both been spared that awkward date.”:
He captured your lips in his once more, pulling away only when you were both breathless and giddy. “Let’s agree to never mention that dinner again.” 
You nodded. “Agreed.”
“And also that I always sit to your left, no matter what.” He pointed out as he leaned away from you, maneuvering to slip off your bed and head to the bathroom, the light from the city had illuminated your bedroom enough through the one window, but the little night light you kept in the bathroom also helped you watch his rear as he walked towards said room. 
“Does it matter that much Yuyu?” You whined, rolling onto your side so you could keep watching him.
He glanced back over his shoulder as he flicked the bathroom light on, a soft pout on his features. “Of course it matters- That’s been my spot since the day I met you. I get the left side of the bed too!” He called back in a singsong voice.
You could only laugh, recalling the day in grade school you two had met: new seating arrangements and you sat in a seat to your left so you could sit by the window to daydream, only for Yunho to come up and proudly proclaim “That’s my spot. You sit there.” He had pointed to the seat next to it, no hints of malice or anger when he spoke, just kindly correcting you. You had apologized, moved, and he took his seat.
And somehow ever since, he had always been on your left. Every class, every lunch, when you two went on walks, and now as he curled into your freshly made bed, he laid to your left and pulled you against his chest. You curled against him happily, sighing at how right it felt. “This is my spot.” You used his words against him, placing a kiss to his bare chest just over his heart.
He hummed in agreement, and like that, it was just another way to say “I love you” between the two of you.
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yeostinys · 7 hours
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My Dear Darling
Chapter 1
Pairing: Frat OT8!ATEEZ x Female Reader
Genre: Eventual Smut 18+, Fluff, Angst, Polyamorous Relationship!
Notes: NonIdol!AU, CollegeAU. Alcohol consumption, mentions of smoking, Explicit language. Polyamorous Relationship, (if you are not into that just pls ignore).
Word Count: 3.4k
Synopsis: It’s your last year in university and everything seems normal until one night at a party you are approached by a fraternity that seems like they are up to no good.
Author’s note: This is pure imagination and in no way depicts any characters in real life. If you do not like this type of content please ignore :)
Jia: “Are you coming over later?”
Y/N: “I’m not sure. I’m kind of partied out”
Jia: “Oh please Y/N . you flaked on the last 2 parties i mentioned!”
Y/N: “You make me sound like a bore Jia.”
Jia: “That’s not what i’m trying to say!! You have been locked up in your apartment and the library forever! are you punishing yourself?”
Y/N: “It’s our last year in University Jia! I want to preform well on exams!”
Jia: “Y/N, you are literally one of the top students in our university. You’ve been doing well! Now, as my best friend it’s your duty to come to MY party, that IM hosting. Pleaseeee for meeeee”
Y/N: “ughhhh fine i’ll be there”
Arriving at Jia’s , you are greeted with hugs from familiar faces around campus.
“Y/N~! You’re hereeeee!” Jia exclaims as she hands you a hard seltzer, she already seems a few shots away from being drunk. You laugh at your friend and take the drink in your hands.
“Alright everyone! Three gulps! Thank you all for coming!!” Jia screams as everyone in the house cheers. You take three gulps with ease and feel the burning alcohol run down your throat. The night begins with loud music playing through the house, people cheering and screaming as they play various drinking games, couples making out, you name it.
Within an hour of you here, Jia has ran off with her situationship, she’s currently shoved into a corner making out. You however moved outside to sit by the fire pit along with the rest of your closest girl friends. You’re laughing with everyone talking about various topics, while sipping your alcohol infused drinks. Trying to embrace the positive atmosphere around you.
“Hey Y/N” a voice lingers in your ears.
You look up and meet eyes with a familiar handsome face.
“Hey Wooyoung, what’s up?” you smile at him. Wooyoung is a very well known member of the fraternity ATZ with a reputation of being the biggest flirt ever.
“Nothing much. I however wanted to get your number” Wooyoung is direct. He’s now sitting next to you and slings his arm over your shoulders.
“And why is that?” you raise your eyebrow at him.
“Does there need to be a reason why? I just want to get to know you more” Wooyoung smirks as he brushes a hair strand out of your face. You roll your eyes unimpressed. You can hear giggles from the girls around you as they try to carry on their conversations, trying to not make it obvious that they’re eavesdropping.
“No thanks Woo. however, you can talk to one of your many girls on your line” you smile at him sarcastically.
“But what if I don’t want any of those girls?” Wooyoung pouts at you. You scoff and take a swig of the hard seltzer in your hand.
“Bye Woo” you say as you turn back to talk to your friends. Wooyoung smirks and drops his head down. He gets up swiftly and turns to you one last time
“Alright no worries. I’ll see you around pretty”. Wooyoung walks away and you make eye contact with your giggling friends around you.
“Y/N omg! he was totally into you!” Mina exclaims grabbing onto your shoulder.
“Oh please, Wooyoung is into everyone.” you say as you laugh with everyone.
A few moments later you feel another body plop down next to you.
“Hey there Y/N-ah~”
You turn to look person next to you and you release a sigh.
“Hi there Mingi” You smile politely at him, trying to hide your annoyance. Another.. boy from ATZ. It is a well known fact that Mingi is one of the hottest boys in school. You even agree to that statement. But why is he here? and Why was Wooyoung just here a few minutes before him?
“What can I do for you Mingi?” you ask in a sarcastic manner.
“Funny that you ask sweetheart. Wanna go over there for a smoke?” Mingi smirks, eying you up and down.
“I don’t smoke” you say firmly.
“Then i’ll stop smoking for you. How about a shot together?” He asks holding out a hand.
“I already have a drink right here thanks though Min” You giggle at his efforts.
“Why playing so hard to get Y/N-ah?” Mingi sighs as he rests his head on his fist propped up by his elbow.
“I’m not playing anything Mingi.”
“How about your number then?” Mingi tries you one last time. You look at Mingi in an amused but confused face. Why is he suddenly interested in you? Mingi has a pool of fan girls who are quite aggressive whenever he’s seen with a fellow female alone. Not wanting to get caught in his fire you reply to him,
“I don’t think so Min, but It was nice seeing you” you smile at him one last time before waving him off.
All Mingi can do is laugh and wink at you as he leaves you be with your friends.
“seriously what is going on with that frat?” Harin laughs. The girls around you continue to talk as some move in and out of the circle.
**30 minutes later**
“Miss Y/N~”
You turn your face to see a close classmate of yours.
“Mister Jongho~” you smile as he sits next to you.
“Y/N, I was wondering-“
“Cut the crap Jongho. What are you and ATZ planning” you cut him off.
Jongho laughs and throws his hands up as if he’s just been stopped by the cops.
“Woah woah, what do you mean Pretty?” Jongho chuckles at you.
“You and two other people from ATZ have been bothering me. You’re up to something” you raise an eyebrow at him.
You’re quite comfortable with Jongho. you’ve been seeing him everyday this past semester in a shared class. He’s a nice person, often gossips with you and shares all the recent news going around campus. A bonus, he’s ridiculously handsome.
“Alrrigghhhtt alright. Y/N i’ll tell you if… you give me your number”. Jongho smirks at you
“Jongho, we have one class together everyday. why are you barely asking for my number now?” You ask.
“What if i want your number to ask how you’re doing through out the weekend?” He asks with doe eyes.
“oh please Jongho . don’t make me hate you” you roll your eyes and sigh.
“fine fine~ . Just a warning this isn’t going to end Y/N” Jongho stands up and begins to walk away
“Wait! aren’t you going to tell me-“ Jongho shakes his head no and disappears.
You turn towards your friends in shock and get up from your seat.
“Alright.. well i’m going to go inside to get water” you say
“I’ll come with you Y/N!” “Me too!” Mina and Harin follow you as the rest of the girls wave you off.
Making your way to the kitchen to retrieve a bottle of water, Mina and Harin find a spot on the couch and catch up with some friends.
“Hey Y/N”
You turn and see a tall familiar man smiling at you.
“Hi Yunho” tilting your head looking up at him.
Yunho sighs and speaks, “I’ll just cut the chase. I’m not one to participate in these types of things, but will you give me your number? ATZ made a bet to see who can get your number first.”
You raise an eyebrow at him in shock.
“I know Pretty. I wasn’t for it either. you know i wouldn’t do stuff like this, especially to you. but help a friend out yeah?” Yunho explains.
He looks genuine confessing this to you. To be honest, you believe him. You and Yunho worked in the university library together every summer and built a mutual friendship. You can’t lie that you find Yunho very attractive, to be honest you were shocked when you first found out he was in a fraternity, he didn’t seem the as the stereotypical frat boy type. You take a few moments to reply, deeply appreciating that he has told you the truth behind ATZ’s scheme. so in return…
You sighed and rolled your eyes,
“If i give you my number what happens?”
“I won’t be embarrassed when i walk back to my friends.” Yunho give you a cheeky smiles
“Seriously? So this is just an ego thing?” You cross your arms uninterested.
“Y/N please. does there really need to be a motive. You are hot! lots of guys would kill for your number let alone your attention. The guys are buzzed right now and it just kind of happened.” Yunho explains.
“Fine.” you hold out your hand waiting for Yunho’s phone.
“Oh you’re a doll Y/N. thank you” Yunho says as he scrambles to take out his phone. You type in your number and shoo him off.
Walking out of the kitchen and making your way back to the couch you hear ATZ cheering and shouting at Yunho in shock and slight jealousy. You advert your attention back to your friends. “What took you so long?” Mina asked.
“I was talking with Yunho in the kitchen” you say casually.
“Mina! Harin! come here!!” One of the girls from outside are hollering them over . Mina and Harin scurry over with no questions leaving you on the couch with others watching people compete in beer pong. You feel a buzz in your pocket and you take out your phone to check a notification
Unknown: Yuyu’s #. You’re a life saver. I owe you!
You scoff at the nickname and save Yunho’s number to your cell.
“Is this seat taken?”
You turn your head to see yet another member from ATZ. A familiar face to you, but you’ve never really spoken to him. Just small encounters here and there at other parties.
“No it’s not.” you say shortly.
“I’m Seonghwa.” The man smiles at you softly. You can’t lie. This man is gorgeous. You smile back at him,
“I’m Y/N” You replied.
“I know” Seonghwa says with a smirk. You tilt your head in confusion.
“You know?” you say sarcastically, trying to play along.
“Well not technically. But I would like to get to know you though. How about your number?” Seonghwa asked tilting his head the same direction as yours. You scoff and laugh at his smooth come back.
“Why are you suddenly interested in my number Seonghwa?” you ask leaning into the couch.
“Well hot people should stay in touch together. Wouldn’t you agree Y/N?” Seonghwa says smirking.
“Not quite.” you roll your eyes and laugh.
“It was nice meeting you though, Seonghwa, I have to go check up on a friend now”. You get up from the couch and begin to search for Jia. You should actually check up on her, she’s been unseen for a while now.
Walking upstairs you move towards her room. Before twisting the door knob open, you hear moans. You stop your tracks and back up slowly.
(Welp, she seems fine) you say to yourself.
Walking back downstairs, you are stopped midway by a muscular figure. You look up and meet eyes with an angelic face.
“Oh Hey Y/N” the man smiles at you.
“Hi Yeosang” you smile back, mentally punching yourself for basically running into all of the ATZ members (more like they are running to you).
“What are you doing up here pretty?” Yeosang asks eying you up and down.
“Just checking up on Jia” you reply
“I saw her run off with Wonho a few hours ago. they looked like they were going to jump each other’s skins?” Yeosang chuckles.
“Yeah.. i’m sure they did” You confirm laughing with him.
“Y/N-ah, We should hang out sometime. We haven’t talked since last semester.” Yeosang is looking at you with a mesmerizing gaze that’s quite intoxicating.
“So suddenly?” you tease.
“Well why not, we had a great time studying for months in the library together don’t you agree?” Yeosang smirks.
“Can I have your number Please Y/N?” Yeosang pouts. You blush at his pretty face “Only because you’re pretty and you don’t annoy me like the others. i know what you and ATZ are up to” you say as you grab his phone from his hand.
“Who snitched!” Yeosang groans.
“Yuyu” You both laugh at the nickname as you dial your number in his phone and let it ring. Your phone begins to buzz and Yeosang’s number pops up on your phone. Yeosang smiles and ruffles your hair.
“You’re such an Angel Y/N” Yeosang doesn’t break his gaze off of you as you walk away from him.
You make your way back to Mina and Harin who are outside taking shots.
“Y/N!!! Let’s take a shot!” Mina catches your eyes and drag you towards the outside bar. “Mina! i can’t drink anymoreee~” you laughing at her drunk state. Mina whines and runs off to Harin who is trying to escape from taking another shot “Yah! Harin, come back!!” You laugh as you take a seat at the bar.
“Hey there”
You hear a voice near you. You turn and look at the person next to you. You mentally curse.
“Hi” you reply trying to be uninterested. Another fellow member from ATZ has approached you once again. However you’re shocked to see it’s the Frat president “My name’s Hongjoong. yours?” the man holds out his hand in a greeting. You smirk and take his hand.
“Hi Hongjoong. I’m Y/N”
“What a pretty name. wanna head back to my place? it’s getting crowded here don’t you think?” Hongjoong leans in closer to your face and smiles at you. Fuck, you say to yourself. His smiling is intoxicating and his facial features are so perfect. You try to snap yourself back into reality.
“I’m okay. I’d rather go back to my own home” You say as you begin to walk away.
Hongjoong follows next to you.
“oh to your place? I don’t mind that either. I was just trying to be polite” Hongjoong chuckles and stops in front of you to keep you from running off.
“You know that’s not what i meant Hongjoong” you say rolling your eyes.
“Then explain to me what you meant Y/N” Hongjoong teases.
“I’m not interested Hongjoong” you laugh. “But Here, i’ll save you the trouble” You take out your phone and hand it to Hongjoong. He cocks an eyebrow at you and smirks. He grabs your phone and inputs his number. He names his contact “Captain Hongjoong”. Hongjoong rings his number and shows you his phone screen as your number pops up. You scoff at him and retrieve your phone.
“I’ll see you around captain” you wave him off as you walk towards the house. Your social battery began to die with the consistent interactions, even though you can’t deny it was entertaining. However, you want to go home. You send a quick message to Jia that you’re heading out and begin to make your way towards the house exit. You take out your phone to call an uber as you sit on the front porch. You are slightly sobering up as you wait.
“Y/N. Leaving so soon?”
you turn your head and see a familiar face. Choi San. A person you quite despise.
“Yeah I called an uber” You say as you avoid eye contact with him.
You can’t quite remember why you and San hate each other. You two used to be friends, childhood friends actually. However once High school started you both drifted away into your own cliques and grew apart with a habit of hatred mixed with a teasing tension (mainly from San).
San sits next to you and looks at the night sky.
“How have you been Y/N?” San asks calmly
“Why do you care San.” you say a bit too snappy.
San looks unphased .
“What’s up with the attitude Y/N-ie” San teases. You turn to San and look at him with a stern face.
“San I know the bullshit you and ATZ are pulling.” You say.
“If you know, then why did you give into Yunho, Yeosang, and Hongjoong?” San raises an eyebrow at you.
“Because I know them and-“
“You’ve never spoken to Hongjoong.”
“You know what I don’t owe you an explanation to who I give my number to or who I show interest in. We haven’t spoke since high school, so don’t start acting interested in my life now” You bite back.
“Ouch You dont have to be like that Y/N-ie” . Having enough, you get up quickly and begin to walk away.
“My uber is here.”
Finally fleaing the party you make your way up to your apartment studio. You strip off your clothes and fall onto your bed. Your phone buzzes a few times. You glance at your phone and see a notification from Hongjoong.
Captain Hongjoong: “Hey pretty, let’s meet up tomorrow”
You don’t care to open the chat at the moment. So you toss your phone down and try to fall into a deep sleep, exhausted from the alcohol and various conversations from today.
Yuyu: Hi Y/N-ie, wyd today? Let’s hang out!
You groan in annoyance as you stare at your notification bars. You haven’t opened any messages from last night or this morning. Mainly spams from Mina and Jia. Plus… the two messages from Hongjoong and now Yunho. You hesitate before responding to Yunho.
Y/N: What are you guys up to? I thought this was a one time ego boost thing. pls leave me alone.
Yuyu: Y/N if you want the full truth, you have to hang out with me today ;)
Y/N: what do you mean “the full truth”
Yuyu: I can explain if you agree to hang out with meeeeee
Y/N: Well your “Captain” messaged me about hanging out as well. Do I ditch him for you or are you going to get buried alive?
Yuyu: Lol, don’t worry about him. So yes or no?
Y/N: Fine. send the address.
Yuyu: Perfect, i’ll see you later Y/N!
You start to regret your life decisions as you walk out your apartment and head towards the address Yunho sent you. Looking at the address on Maps you realize , you are meeting Yunho at the ATZ Frat house. You sign in frustration and contemplate if you should cancel on him last minute with some shitty excuse. However, you’re curious as to why ATZ was so infatuated on you last night.
You arrive to the frat house and ring the door bell. You can hear running footsteps and mumbled voices behind the door as you wait. Finally, the door knob clicks, swings open, and you are met with happy faced Yunho.
“Y/N! YOURE HERE!” Yunho hugs and lifts you off the ground. You freeze in shock and try to hold in your laughter. Yunho puts you down and pulls you inside the frat house. “Welcome to the ATZ House!”
It’s cleaner than you expected. Especially knowing this is a house full of 8 men. Yunho guides you to the living room, where you are met with 6 of the ATZ members sitting on an L shaped couch. San is missing? You freeze your tracks and look towards Yunho.
“Jeong Yunho, you said you’d tell me the full truth” you cross your arms and stare at him intensely.
“Yes yes, WE, will tell you. now Miss Y/N please sit down” Yunho pulls out a chair for you and encourages you to sit down, as he makes his way to sit with the rest of the 6 men.
Hongjoong speaks up first “Y/N, i know you must be confused why we all took interest in you suddenly last night. Now, we’d like to explain ourselves.”
You cock your eyebrow in confusion as you look at all the members present,
“Where’s San? You said all of you guys took interest.” You asked.
“It took some convincing for Sannie, but he unfortunately had to sit out on today’s meeting because he has other…. Fraternity duties to fulfill. Don’t worry though honey he truly does have interest in you” Hongjoong explains.
You’re not convinced that San agreed to whatever this is. Regardless, you sit in silence waiting for further explanation.
“I’ll just get straight to the point. Y/N, we’d like you to be ours.” Hongjoong says blatantly.
You laugh. Out loud.
None of the boys are laughing. They all seem so serious.
“Wait you’re serious?” you ask arms still crossed.
“Yes we are serious.” Yunho chimes in.
“So… be yours as in become the ATZ Sweetheart?” You question.
“Well, yes but not really. Y/N we mean, we want you to be our girlfriend. All 8 of us.“
end of chapter 1….
Ahhhh my first series! I hope you all enjoy! please leave comments and suggestions for any improvements, as i am still a new writer 🥹. Leave comments or message me to be part of my TagList for this series! I am hoping to have chapter 2 posted soon!
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doitforbangchan · 7 months
All Bark and No Bite 06
The moment so many have been waiting for...
Also! I will no longer be accepting new ppl for the taglist for this series! If you wish to be alerted when i drop a new chapter you may choose to be notified when i post! Thank you :)
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Chan x reader (y/n) x ot8
ABO!Nonidol!SKZ Alternate Universe
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Series Warnings: Fem reader, Smut, verryyyy nsfw, chan x reader, OT8 x reader, A/B/O, m/m/f smut, possessive! SKZ, possessive! Reader, anxiety and depression, reader is a CRYBABY, fluff, angst, virgin!reader,  cursing, violence, pet names, dom/sub dynamics, Sub reader x mostly dom SKZ, misogyny and sexism, Ateez are depicted as terrible people (sorry Atiny!) 
Chapter Warnings: Crying, nsfw content, Smut, unprotected sex, loss of virginity, fingering, mating, biting, begging, blood play(?), blood in mouths, reader is in heat, super possesive! Chan, knotting, angst, anxiety, cursing, tension in the pack, yelling, drama, Lee know being a dick
WC: 4.1k
MDNI 18+
Disclaimer: The names and faces used here are just that, names and faces, and in no way reflect the real people the characters were designed after. The views and actions of these characters do not reflect the real Stray Kids in any way shape or form. This is all for fun let’s keep it that way please. 
You were dying. You were sure of it. The fire you felt in your body was killing you. You didn’t even register it when Chan gently placed you on his bed, suddenly overcome with the pure scent of him. 
“Alpha…It hurts.” your words coming out slurred.
He was by your side, one hand running through your hair, the other keeping a steady grip on the mattress- to keep himself grounded so as to not to do anything rash. 
“M’ here Omega. It’s gonna be ok.” His pupils were dilated the biggest they have ever been. 
“Hurts so much Alpha. Please please make it stop.” You were pleading -begging- him to make it better. There was one thing in particular you wanted. One word playing in your head on a loop. 
Over and over again, it was making you delirious. 
Your whole body was on fire. Boiling  through your bloodstream and radiating out of your skin. So hot you couldn’t breathe, the flames engulfing your lungs. I guess that's why they call it a heat. 
Chan had been excited to work you through your first heat together, he just thought he would have more time beforehand. No time like the present, though. 
“I’ll help you, omega. Your alpha will always help his sweet omega.” He cooed at you, his body slowly moving over yours, caging you under his built frame. 
The second he was settled over you, your arms shot up and forcefully pulled the back of his head down, capturing his lips against your own. Chan let out a grunt of surprise, not expecting this shy girl to be the one to take the lead. It’s not his style, but he would let you have it this one time. He would have plenty of time to train you later. 
You lifted your hips, looking for that bit of friction- any bit you could get. At the brush of your hips against his own Chan let out an almost inhuman growl. If anyone else had heard him let out that sound they would have pissed their pants, it was so deep coming from a place inside of him he didn’t even know existed . 
He let you grind into him while he savored the taste of your mouth. Your whimpers like music to his ears. When he had his fill of your mouth (tho really he never will) he sat up and hastily removed his shirt from his body then literally tearing into your tee shirt ripping the garment in half. He was more than eager to see all of his pretty omega. Your pants were next to go, seeing the same fate as your shirt and joining it on the ground. 
“Alpha.” There was that begging tone again, “Knot. Need it.” 
“Fuck baby. Ok ok Alphas gotcha” He shimmied out of his own bottoms, throwing his pants and boxers to the floor beneath. 
To say Chan was good looking was an understatement. He was the most gorgeous man you had ever seen. His whole body toned from his years of discipline, his muscles rippling as you rake your nails across his abs. His cocky smirk gave his face a boyish charm but his sharp teeth reminded you he was a predator. 
And you were his prey. 
“Oh pretty girl. You have no idea of the naughty things I want to do to you.” He licked his teeth. 
“W-wan’ it Alpha. Wan’ it all from you.” Your words still slurring together in your plight. You would give him anything he wants. Your mind, body and soul - all of you, just MAKE IT STOP. 
Chan couldn’t hold back any longer, your words causing his self control to snap. His hands gripped your body, fully allowing himself to grind against your sex drawing helpless moans from you. 
It felt so good, but it was not enough. You needed more. 
The alpha gripped you by the face then placed his finger against your bottom lip before slowly inserting the digit into your open mouth. He pressed down on your tongue as he collected the saliva that was accumulating, then pulled it out of your mouth and brought it down to your pussy. 
Chan used the finger to swipe through your wetness, the immediate sounds of your slick filling the air. 
“Fuck Baby you’re so fucking wet. Who made you like this, Omega?” He asked rhetorically. 
More tears escaped you, “A-alpha. Always you, my alpha.” 
Chan inserted his long finger into you, a wet gasp escaping you at the intrusion. Now it was his turn to moan. You were just so tight. Fuck, how was his cock going to fit? He would make it fit. 
“So good. Need more, Alpha. Need your knot.” Your eyes were pleading. Chans mouth left stray kisses down your chest, coming to your breasts where he took one of your nipples between his teeth, giving it a sharp tug. You felt a strike of pain at his actions, but it also felt so good- to be touched by him. 
“Mmm are you sure Omega?” He teased between bites, alternating between the two mounds. 
‘Perfect for feeding our children’ Chan could see it now, you with your breasts full of milk, leaking all over the place while you waddle around the house, his baby growing inside of you. The thought alone could make a grown man cry. 
“Yes!” You humped into his harder in response. 
“Ok baby. Alpha will give you what you want.” 
Chan grabbed his cock in his hand and rubbed the tip through your slick, collecting some of the drippage, before slowly pushing into you. 
The moan you let out was one of pure ecstasy.  Never in your life had you had something so big inside of you before. If you thought you were seeing stars before, it was nothing compared to now. Your nails found purchase in his shoulder blades, the indents turning red at how hard you pressed into him. 
“Nnnngggg '' Chan isn't faring any better. Since the moment he smelled you he had wanted to take you this way. 
“N-n-need you, alpha.” You choked out through sobs of pleasure. 
Chan buried his face into your neck, breathing heavy in your ear.
“Tell me you’ve never done this before, Omega. Tell me no other man has ever touched you like this. That no one else has taken you this way.” Chan needed you to say it, to feed his ego. 
“Tell me I’m the only one. Then I will give you all of me.” He nipped at the skin on your neck, so close to your mating gland. 
You answered without hesitation, “Only you, Alpha. Never anyone else. Only you.”
At your confession Chan growled, something absolutely primal escaping his body. The need to mark you as his feeding into his frenzy. He brought his hips back as far as he could, letting his tip just barely leave your hole, before thrusting into you harshly, his hips snapping into yours with vigor. 
“Fuccckkkk, Alpha. Please, please, please” You didn’t know what you were begging for, just that you couldn’t stop. The sound of your slick filled the room, as well as the smell of your combined scents. The liquid was literally dripping out of you, coating both your thighs and Chans balls. There was no room to care, though. Not with the way he was fucking you so nicely. His cock fit perfectly inside, filling every inch as if he was made for you. He was. 
His movements didn't slow at your whines, in fact they only increased. He was pounding into you like a rabid animal, letting you draw your pleasure from his body and in return feeding his primal urges. 
“ Gonna claim you Omega. Gonna let everyone know who you belong too.” He looked into your eyes for any hint of an objection but found none. You were too far gone to respond but somehow managed to nod your head, baring your neck in submission, waiting for him to claim his prize. 
At your submission Chans’ eyes glazed over and he opened his mouth to reveal those sharp canines. No more warning was given as he dove right for your neck, his teeth slotting over your mating gland and biting down. Hard. 
The sensation was otherworldly. You thought it would hurt, preparing for the pain that never came. Instead all you felt was intoxicating love. You felt loved, and wanted, and cared for. Like everything Chan felt for you was pouring out of him and into you. Without warning you came around his length, fluids spraying out of you and coating Chan's abdomen. 
The alpha released his hold on your neck after a few seconds, his tongue smoothing over the bloody mark left behind. His thrusts never faltered still, his driving into you gaining intensity as he neared his own release. Once your neck stopped dripping he pulled back from your neck, his lips covered in your blood. He pushed himself back on his haunches and hoisted your hips up further, his grip bruising your hips. 
Chan was panting as he spoke “ I am never letting you go. I have ruined you for anyone else. This pack is all you need, all you’ll ever need. Soon you won’t be able to breathe without us, Omega.” 
You had completely succumbed into a subspace, floating through nothing and everything all at once. You’re only thoughts consisting of him. 
“Wanna bite…” You mumbled out. “Wanna claim my Alpha.” The words were escaping you without you even registering you said them. 
Chans felt his knot start to inflate and he leaned down once more, “Do it. Claim me, Omega.”
In your daze your teeth found his neck and you bit down, his blood now filling your mouth. 
As your teeth sunk into him, Chan came inside of you. His knot inflated fully now, keeping him from thrusting any further, holding him against you. 
“Fuck, fuck fuck! Perfect little omega, love you so much.” 
His cum filled every crevice inside of you, coating you completely and spilling out around his cock. It was pure warmth. You were sure you would never tire of this feeling. 
When Chan had given you every last drop he tried to catch his breath, his lungs feeling like he ran 10 miles at full speed. 
You were slowly coming out of that mind space, now needing the comfort only your alpha could offer. You brought your hands up to rest on his cheeks, and inched your face closer to his until your mouths met again. The blood both of you had on your mouths mixing together on your lips, the taste of iron taking over completely. It wasn’t an unwelcome taste, but something about it felt dirty. Dirtier than the act the both of you had partaken in mere seconds before. 
Chan was the first one to pull back, you whining trying to keep his lips locked on yours. 
“Enough of that, Omega. Gotta’ make sure you're ok.” He gently rolled your head to the side to take a peep at the bite left behind. He let out a low whistle, “fuck, got you pretty good. M’ sorry baby.” He peppered kisses all over your face as an apology. 
“It’s ok alpha. Wanted you too.” Your clarity was returning to you slowly, your heat having been satiated for the time being. His thick knot kept you close to him. Suddenly all of your past actions were flooding your brain, the humility creeping on to you and you hid your face in his chest, a quiet sob emanating. 
Chan gave a noise of shock and the sudden appearance of your tears. Though he shouldn’t be surprised. His sweet girl seemed like she was always crying. Still, he had to make sure you were ok. 
“Aww baby, why the tears, huh?”
“M’ so so sorry, Alpha.” You sniffled, words muffled by his skin. 
“Sorry for what my love?” He was genuinely confused. 
You sniffed a few more times , trying to catch your breath before responding. “I’m sorry I acted that way… before with the other boys. I had no control over my own body, it just came on so suddenly. I know that’s no excuse but I really am so so sorry Chan. I would understand if you didn’t want me anymore. No one would want a sloppy Omega.” 
Your words filled him with a fury, harshly gripping your cheeks and turning your eyes to meet his own. 
“Did I say I didn’t want you, Omega?” You shook your head the best you could in his grip. “Then why would you think such a thing? I don’t blame you for what went down. I know you’re a sweet, shy little baby. And sweet girls would never behave that way on their own volition” Not yet anyways. 
The alpha gave you a quick peck. “No one will blame you or be mad. Especially not me. So stop saying shit like that. Like I already said - I am never letting you go. You are my true mate, were made for me. You belong to me now. Right omega?” He used your head to nod up and down. 
It was a possessive statement, and would have made any sane person want to run for the hills, but for some reason it just made you wet again. 
“Yes Alpha.” You whispered in lust, the intensity starting to return,  “I belong to you.”
The pack members took shelter at what they called the ‘safehouse’. It was a small apartment sized home at the very edge of the property. They used it when one of the alphas went into a rut or if one of the members just needed some space for some reason. The space wasn’t really suited for more than one, maybe two, people at most. But it was this or camping and at least this place had a small kitchen and bathroom. 
There was tension amongst the guys. A lot of them replayed the events of the day in their own minds. It had been a few hours since the incident. In his shame, Jeongin locked himself in the bathroom refusing to come out no matter how much Hyunjin had begged. Hyunjin, Felix and Seungmin had been filled in by a teary eyed Jisung. 
Jisung was in a daze. He had been sitting on the porch since they arrived, just gazing out into the trees that surrounded the estate. The crystal tears every once in a while cascading down his rounded cheeks. He felt like it was all his fault. You were with him when you went into heat. You were with him when Jeongin went for you. Fuck, it was him that took you straight for the young alpha. ‘I should have warned Jeongin. I should have called him and told him to get the fuck out of the house.’ 
The first thing Jeongin did when he got to the safehouse was lock himself in the bathroom and take the hottest shower possible, he needed to rid himself of your scent. Needed to scrub you off his skin, if he didn’t he was sure it would cause an early rut. That is the last thing he needed right now. The boy was filled with deep shame. ‘I can’t believe I acted like that’ he rested his head against the shower tile. ‘How will I ever face Chan again?’ He truly didn’t know what to do, so he will do the only thing he can do right now. Stand here under the cooling water, and wallow in his mortification. 
Minho, on the other hand, was fuming. To him all of this ordeal was avoidable. Aren’t omegas supposed to be able to sense their heats coming? And how convenient it was that you happened to have said heat almost as soon as you got there. To their home. A home full of unmated men. 
Chan had also filled him in the night prior, about Hongjoong and you being promised to him. Something about all these circumstances didn’t sit right with the beta. He didn't hate you, he knew deep inside that you had no ill will, he's pretty good at sensing that kind of thing in people. Minho just can’t help but be defensive over his pack. And is wary of things disrupting the peace within his pack. He isn’t an alpha, but Minho can be protective like one. He had tried to comfort Jeongin but the alpha had made it clear he didn’t want to be bothered at all. It was breaking Minho's heart. 
Changbin was outside trying to exercise the stress away. He felt the best option for him was to sweat your smell off of him. Really, working out was his answer for everything. He was fairing well enough, though there was a little part of his brain itching with the knowledge there was a pretty omega in heat not too far away. Best to ignore that little bit of information. 
The three remaining betas were at a loss for what to do. It seemed like everyone else was in their own little worlds, replaying what had happened over and over. Felix was trying to cook something up for the pack. His motto is food fixes everything so that's what he will do!
 Hyunjin had eventually given up on his mission to comfort Jeongin, his pleading being in vain, so his next target was Jisung. Hyunjin skittered outside and crawled into Jisungs lap, bear hugging the younger man. The moment Jisung registered the warmth he broke into a sob- burying his face into Hyunjin. “Its ok Sungie. That must have been a lot for you to handle by yourself.” Jisung nodded, the hiccups beginning. “You did such a good job, you got her home safe. You know that means the world to Chan.” At the mention of their leader Jisung cried harder. 
“It’s my fault, Hyun.” Hyunjin shook his head to disagree but Jisung continued “ I should have warned Innie. I could have called him or something.” 
“Nobody blames you Sung. Not a single person in this pack would dare put you at fault for anything. You did right by your pack. Chan trusted you with her and you did what you had too. When we eventually go back home I know he will tell you the same thing.” 
That seemed to perk up the younger beta, the tears coming to a slow stop. “Y-you think so, hyung?” 
Hyunjin nodded without hesitation. “Absolutely. It will be alright.” Jisung nodded along, hugging the older boy tighter. 
Seungmin was sitting on the small sofa in the living room, observing Minho who sat a few feet away scrolling on his phone with a scowl upon his face. Seungmin wondered if now was a good time to ask just what Minhos' problem had been. It was obvious something had crawled up the elders ass but Seungmin wanted to know what. Yeah the events of today are mildly inconvenient, of course he would rather have his own bed versus an air mattress but it's really not a big deal. And Jeongin would get over it soon enough. So what was Minho's problem? 
“So what’s your deal?” 
“Huh?” Minho looked up from his phone with a confused expression. 
“I mean, I know this kinda sucks and was a shitty situation but something has been up with you since yesterday sooooooo…” Seungmin gestured with his hands for Minho to explain himself. 
The elder beta rolled his eyes, “Nothing is wrong Seungmin. It’s been a stressful day, is all.” 
“Yeah fucking right. What about yesterday? When you called Y/n a ‘situation’?” He used air quotes around ‘situation’ for emphasis. 
‘Dammit, I should have worded it better then to avoid this shit.’ Minho thought bitterly. 
“Well if you can’t fucking tell Seungmin, she has become quite the situation now, hasn’t she? Look at what happened to poor Jeongin! Not to mention Han and Changbin.” Minho had been trying to keep his voice down but couldn’t help the slight raise. 
Seungmin scoffed, “They will all be fine. Those guys are more resilient than you think they are. It was a learning experience for everyone - next time will be different.” 
“Maybe next time she can give us a fucking warning.” Minho mumbled, not intending for seungmin to hear. He did anyway. 
“So you’re gonna blame her? She just met her true mate, not to mention all the stress she’s been in ya know , having to flee her fucking entire life. So yeah I imagine her hormones are all over the place.” 
The elder beta stood in fury, “How are you just so ok with all of this?! How has none of what’s occurring bothered you?!” 
“Why would our leader -our alpha-finding his mate bother me? Why would it bother me to know we now have the missing piece of our pack? I have no issues with her. Hell, I even like her. And I can say pretty confidently that the other guys like her too. So it seems the stick is only up your ass, Minho.” Seungmin stood too, he started this argument and he won’t back down. 
It seems both guys forgot Felix was a few feet away, listening to the entire conversation with baited breath. 
He had a bad feeling this would escalate if he didn’t get involved. The small beta appeared between the two with his hands up to diffuse the tension. 
“That’s enough from you two!” Felix was trying not to tremble at his own assertiveness. 
“Felix this doesn’t concern you.” Minho tried to shoo him away. 
“My pack mates are fighting, of course it concerns me.” Felix turned to Seungmin now “Why don’t you take a walk, please. Go clear your head.” Felix gave him pleading eyes. 
Seungmin looked like he wanted to refuse but only gave a sigh and a nod before calmly walking out the door, but making a show of letting it slam behind him. 
Minho let out a breath when the younger boy had exited. Felix now had turned his attention to only Minho. “ Can we have a calm discussion about what exactly made you feel like this, min?” 
Minho sighed, plopping back into his chair and putting his head in his hands. 
“It’s not that easy, Lix. There’s so much going on in here I don’t even know where to begin.” 
Felix being the sweet boy he is, came to sit on the armrest beside the older boy, and began to rub his back in comforting circles. “ You can tell me anything. I could tell since yesterday you haven’t been yourself. I just wanna help you Min.” 
At his words Minho unloaded all his thoughts and feelings onto Felix. Every doubt, every concern, all of it. Felix listened intently, letting Min get out everything that he has been holding on too. 
“I see where you’re coming from. It’s a big sudden change for our pack. And it definitely comes with some challenges. But it’s nothing we can’t handle.” Felix was trying to help as much as he could. “I really think once we get past this hurdle, our pack will be more unified than ever!”
“Don’t take this the wrong way Felix, but I feel like you're only saying that because you want a turn with her next.” Minho griped. 
Felix looked hurt for a second but didn’t let it faze him much. “Hyung, if you got to know her I think you’d change your tune. I got to spend some real time with her yesterday and from what I've seen she is actually really great. I’m not going to sit here and lie and say there’s not an urge for me to sleep with her because there is, but if she wasn’t an omega I know I would feel the same way about her.” Felix leaned into Minho. “All I’m asking is that you give her a chance. Don’t let this one slip up ruin your relationship with her. If not for me then at least try for Chan. He’s a good leader to us and he deserves your effort.” 
Minho knew Felix was right. He didn’t want to admit it but the younger beta spoke some sense into him. There was one thing still bothering him, though. 
“What about if the Ateez pack comes for her?” 
Felix didn’t seem worried, “If they come for our omega, they will see just how strong our pack is. They won’t lay a finger on our girl.” 
“Chan would kill them first.” They spoke in unison, then looked at each other and burst into laughter. 
A/N: Finallyyyyy getting into the dirty stuff!! Also I sincerely apologize for the angst :'), it gets better!! at some point.. Thank you for reading!
Comments and reblogs are very much appreciated!
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lilhwahwa · 8 months
ATEEZ Reaction: You can't fall asleep (Yungi. ver)
★|•°∵ Scenario: Your boyfriend reacts to you not being able to fall asleep.
★|•°∵ Idolbf!yungi x nonidol!reader
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Yunho made sure to spend well deserved time together this holiday season by inviting you over to the dorms. Most members had gone home to visit their families and he had the big apartment to himself. He prepared a cozy atmosphere by cleaning, preparing food and activities (you both just ended up eating junk food on the couch and watching a movie). After Yunho noticed you getting sleepy, he suggested going to bed and you agreed. Although you wished to stay up just a little later your body was drained from working and his bed was inviting you in with its fluffy blanket. Yunho asked if it would be okay for him to join Yeosang for a game and since you thought you'd fall asleep anyway, you agreed. Besides, watching him play was always entertaining.
After the initial twenty minutes you expected it would take you to fall asleep, you open your eyes with a sigh and began scanning small details on the ceiling of Yunho's room. The keyboard buttons moved quickly as Yunho's long fingers skilfully worked his character around. You sigh again and twist onto your side in frustration, hoping to find the exhaustion you felt just a while ago. Your mind couldn't formulate thoughts and begged you for sleep but your body just didn't comply.
Yunho had headphones on so you assumed he wouldn't hear you huffing and turning. You hug the blanket closer to your body and try to focus on a scenario playing in your head only to not get anywhere. Once a scenario made it to your head, it was replaced by the fact that you can't sleep and it'd go in loops, sabotaging itself.
You gasp from surprise when you feel a hand slide over your side and wrap around your torso. You look up to see Yunho hovering above you.
"Baby, am I being too loud?" He asked with a small pout, looking for an answer as he scans the frustation in your tired eyes. His fingers draw small circles on your tummy and you suddenly feel relaxed. Is his touch all it takes?
"No, I just thought I could sleep but I- it's just not coming to me" you sigh just as a yawn leaves you.
"Then..." he thinks before swiftly leaving your side without another word. You plop yourself up on your elbows to watch as he shuts his computer off and you immediately want to protest. You didn't want him to interrupt his gaming session.
"I know what you will say, I want to sleep now" Yunho cuts you thoughts short before you can protest. He slides into bed behind you and immediately stretches his long arms out to pull you closer into his body. You turn to face him and bury your nose in his shirt.
"You could've kept playing" you grumbled
"But I'd rather lay with you" he chuckled, leaning down to press a kiss to your temple. "Especially since you can't even seem to sleep without me" he adds teasingly knowing you'd roll your eyes if they were open. He finds your noises of protest adorable and shifts deeper into his pillow to get comfortable.
"Good night baby"
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You got it, really. It wasn't your first rodeo.
Mingi was a hard worker, perfectionist in anything he did and being in a group only seemed to push that side of him out more. He wanted to make sure everything was prepared on time and to high standard, which was one of the things you admired about him.
You also admired it when all of his attention was on you. How he'd look at you with shining eyes as if you carried the universe on your shoulders. How his plump lips would shyly but surely pepper kisses over you face. Or how his voice would soothe you as he praised you every other sentence. Which unfortunately, was not on your agenda today.
It was kind of inevitable and you truly understand that he was tired. Him agreeing to watch a movie together even efter finishing tour rehearsals was a generous gesture. Even though exhausted, he invited you to the dorms (after convincing the other grumpy and tired members) to spend at least some time together. You were grateful for the initiative, but couldn't help but feel slightly disappointed when not even twenty minutes into the movie, snores escaped his slightly parted, plump lips. His arms that had been holding onto you, were now limp over your body.
Although the warmth of his body behind you on the living room couch was comforting, it was not enough to save the fact that the couch was hard and small. You weren't completely covered with a blanket and the weather had not shown mercy lately. Mingi's limp body also didn't allow you to turn at all so now you were stuck against him, back to chest as he snores. You shiver at the cool air in the room and try to focus on the movie still playing. Maybe the boring contents would make you fall asleep quicker.
You knew that him dozing off so easily like this truly meant he was exhausted and waking him up felt almost blasphemous. You felt shame in bothering a person so tired and so willing to still be with you.
"Can't sleep`?" you snap away from your thoughts as you barely catch the raspy voice mumbling in your ear. "You keep moving" Mingi yawns and lifts his limbs off you to allow your body to finally turn to face him. With an apologetic look on your face you turn, barely able to keep in a sound of endearment as you watch your sleepy boyfriend fighting to open his eyes to check on you.
"Sorry, baby" you whisper and reach out to stroke his flushed cheek, hoping he'd just go back to sleep because you'd feel horrible if he didn't. Mingi reached behind him to the back of the couch where a blanket had been folded over it and lazily unwraps the material to throw it over your bodies.
"Com'ere" he sighs and adjusts for you to lay your head on his chest, holding you safely and securely on the small space of the couch. "Need to make sure you get your beauty sleep" he mumbles and squeezes your body one last time before seemingly slipping off to sleep again, unable to fight it back this time. You smile to yourself and nuzzle closer to him, more comfortable and warm. His breathing calms you as you finally drift off.
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