#nonnie just know that ilysm and im treasuring this forever
deancaskiss · 3 years
i think you're really brave. i always admired the fact that you aren't scare of admitting that sometimes your life isn't perfect or that you doubt yourself. i know some people may say that you're trying to make yourself look like a victim or that you're whinny, but the truth is that you have a kind of courage that not many have. be kind to yourself and always remember that you're one of my inspirations to try to be more brave. you're one of the best of us and i'm so proud of have found you and your blog.
you-you think im brave? i just- i just wanna- im- literally lost for words. I dont think anyone has ever really called me brave before. I’m honestly speechless right now. I just- wow. thank you. truly, thank you. I cant express how much it means to me to hear someone admires that fact im open and honest about my struggles and that i can admit my life isnt perfect and that i do doubt myself. ouch to the fact that there may be people who think im playing victim or whining. but yeah, i do genuinely try and be honest and raw with yall. I struggle with a lot of self doubt, and a lot of feeling like im not good enough. and sometimes i feel like expressing that makes me… human? idk. sometimes the voices in my head just get so loud, and i dont really have anyone or anything to drown it out, and i let those fears and insecurities swallow me whole. and i look at my writing, or i look at my school-work, and i think, im not good enough to be here. and sometimes, just like being able to put those feelings into words and post about them… helps? like it’s validating in a way for me to put a post out there and be like “these feelings are real and this is my personal journey and i want yall to see there is a human behind this blog” and i have struggles and i sometimes don’t see myself the way others see me. I know it sounds silly, but my sister recommended a song, it’s called ‘treat myself’ by victoria justice and yeah that actually genuinely sums up how i feel. I sorta try and put so much good energy and happiness and good things out to everyone around me, but i dont treat myself with that same love that i treat eveyrone else with. anyway, im rambling now. but i think it’s important to be vulnerable, and to know there’s people here who genuinely care about me and can show me love when i need a little comfort, that’s everything <3 thank you endlessly. Thank you for saying I have a rare courage <3 i swear hearing you say that just made me feel so loved and accepted and i just wanna hug you right now. I promise to try my hardest to be a little kinder to myself. wait wait wait…. My brain just short circuited. I’m one of your inspirations? Oh my god. Now im truly hugging you so tight right now. I admire you so much and i wanna give you all the love in the world <3 lets be brave together, yeah? holding your hand right now <3 i literally cannot wrap my mind around the fact you see me as an inspiration to be more brave. I’m literally going to hold this ask close and never let go. Ive never felt so special before, and this just utterly made my entire week. I’m sending you so much love right now. I definitely dont think i qualify as one of the best of us, but the fact you think that is mindblowing and im gonna treasure this comment forever. Youre proud of me and my blog? Oh, im crying so much right now. Thank you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I love you. Im proud of you. Im showering you with all the goodness in the world right now!
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