jvgsjeff · 3 months
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Tom nook would pay for my top surgery.
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nervermind · 1 year
finally getting into new horizons like 3 years late
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clublol · 2 years
Despite being incredibly ill, Animal Crossing has still found ways to make me happy.
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trustross · 7 months
Lol although clearly I can’t focus on one thing at a time. With my last purchase I also got some supplies to finish the base for sir nookington and! While not amazing I’m pretty satisfied with my first attempts at sculpting with green stuff! Included are both a fossil and a fish outline I’m gonna put in the water.
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Following this amazing tutorial on beach bases (https://youtu.be/CG1gXFhYeFQ?si=_KjXLtq5iiXpDZbx), I’ve lowered a pretty chunk of the base and will fill it with water effects once it dries. Very excited to have this project so near completion lol.
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hogsnout · 5 months
As u all know I've been playing Wild World on my hacked 3DS (if you want to do this too btw I will link you to the patch that lets you get Nookington's without needing multiplayer!!) and one of my starter villagers is Bella who is a peppy mouse. I immediately fell in love with Bella bc her house looks like this:
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It's such a little shot of personality.
So I looked up what her default house looks like in New Horizons and... man...
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They took out everything that made her a character. Was her funky contradictory aesthetic just too "ugly" for the audience they were imagining? Is it asking too much to allow a cartoon mouse woman a little complexity?
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hii, i'm searching someone to play Animal Crossing Wild World with!
I really need to upgrade to Nookington's before Nintendo shuts off the 3ds online playing, so i'm looking for someone to purchase something in my Nookway: i will gladly do the same in your city if you need to upgrade too!
I have pears you can take <3
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thatoneenbydork · 11 months
We all know Tom Nook (full name Thomas Hubert Nookington II). But do we REALLY know him? Do we know where Tom Nook was between the years of 1988 and 2002 (completely random years) and what he was doing during that time? NO.
Oh Tommy-boy. We are about uncover a grave site’s worth of dirt on you, my friend.
Tax Evasion
Have you ever seen or heard of Thomas Nookington paying taxes to the federal government? No? EXACTLY. He does this by creating shell companies such as NookPhone Inc. where he “donates” funds from his main company. Meaning that he is technically a charity and cannot pay federal taxes. He then moved said money to an offshore account on a getaway island that doubles as a resort for unsuspecting animals. Recently an island of his was raided by the FBI (Furry Bureau Of Investigation) and many in imitating documents were found but suspiciously the case was dropped due to the orders of a congressman, a close friend of Tom.
The New Leaf Incident
We have all heard of the New Leaf Incident of 2008 in Animal Crossing City. A freak accident at the local bell factory that resulted in the death of over 200 villagers and the evacuation of the entire city. We all know the tragedy and the subsequent apologies and promises of Mr Nook to make things right by the families who were affected. Unfortunately those families were never compensated. Furthermore, investigations suggest that the accident could’ve been prevented if Nook hadn’t skipped out on necessary safety measures. Dodging OSHA regulations. Truly a national embarrassment that could’ve been prevented.
Mr Nook’s Troublesome Past
A deep dive into Thomas’ past will show that he has supported union busting operations and groups such as the Pinkerton Agency many times before and continues such to this day. Thomas has been in support of the outlawing of inter species relations and groups such as Redd’s Fine Arts, a well known art thief and plagiarist. His troublesome past is concerning for many to say the least.
I hope to continue this series of updates as I investigate further into the misdeeds of Thomas. If I disappear, you all know why.
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mary-queen-of-darkness · 11 months
Uni's mindset
Darling: Mary Rose Uniaki
Beloved: Thomas Nookington
A- Affection: What is their love style?
While she would argue its quality time she deep down is truly living for words of affirmation since lord knows she didn't get any growing up in a cult
B- BELOVED: What do they like about their beloveds?
Tom and his generosity, kindness and gentleness towards her and others
C- Career: What job do they have? What about their BELOVED?
An interior decorator and Tom is president of Nook inc.
D- Darling: Do they know about their BELOVEDS love sickness?
No. Had no idea until other DARLING'S told her about all the shit he had done
E- Eyes: What color is their eyes? Did they change them with contacts?
Her eye color she was born with was dark blue like her fathers but when she had her envy ritual they turned a deep green. But when envy takes over its pitch black with a pin prick of white in the middle
F- Family: What's their relationship like with their family?
Not great they are toxic and a cult. They also subjected her to sexual, physical and mental abuse so..
G- Grave: What secret do they have?
She was possessed by a demon when she was 4 and now has to live with the demon (Envy) for the rest of her days
H- Hair: What color is their hair did they dye it?
Blonde her hair only changes when envy takes over making it black
I- Insecurities: What is their biggest issue for them to over come?
Her crippling alcoholism and self loathing
J- Justification: Do they justify their BELOVEDS actions and if so how do they?
She blames his obsessiveness and clingy on him missing her for so long
K- Kill: How strong are they on a scale of 1-10? Would they ever be able to kill anyone?
She has Envy to do the killings she's cool when its not her. She isn't too strong but with Envy she is like a hulk x 1000 power
L- Life goals: What do they want to happen to them in the future?
Get married have a baby and raise her little family
M- Meeting: How did they meet their BELOVED?
When she was drinking coffee at a café In the city while she was on break. He walked into the café and struck a conversation with her.
N- Need: What do they need in a partner?
Someone who keeps her away from her family bc they are toxic af and someone who'll help her over come her crippling self hatred and alcoholism
O- Obstacles: What are their biggest issues in their relation ships?
Uni has a tooon of mental issues and it will be the biggest issue in their relationship
P- Parents: What is their relationship like with their parents?
mom went to a psyche ward because she killed a lot of people and dad is on the run from the family cult which made him abandon her when she was 8. So not great
Q- Quit: What would cause them to never want anything to due with their BELOVEDS
Him becoming abusive like Redd. She can not handle another Redd in her life
R- Romance: Do they love their BELOVEDS or are they in love with someone else?
She is deeply in love with Thomas, and she is happy they are a couple
S- Sexuality: What are their sexual preference? (Are they bi pan ect.)
She is Asexual
T- Time: How old were they when they met their BELOVEDS?
16 he was 21
U- Ultra sound: Do they have kids? If not do they want kids?
YEEEEEEEEES! Give her all the kids! She has her sons Timmy and Tommy but she wants more! At least one please! Especially with Thomas he's a good father!
V- Valentine: Did they confess to their BELOVED or was it the other way around?
Tom did he was very nervous to aswell and barely managed to get it out
W- Why: Why are they with their BELOVED?
Because she loves him! He saved her from killing herself. He makes an effort to make sure her mental state is good and helps her with said mental state.
X- Xerox: What unhealthy relationship patterns did they pick up from when they were young?
Learned that no one likes when she shows her weaknesses.
Y- Youth: What was their life like before their BELOVED?
She was born into a cult where she was raped when she was 4. Her mother lost her shit after she was branded into the cult and went on a killing spree. She was put into her aunts custody where a member of the cult switched bleach and Cool-aid and she drank it. After she got put in her dads custody and her other aunt burned her dads house to the ground almost killing her. She was forced to live as a servant to her where she was raped and had to care for her aunts kid. Her uncle killed the aunts husband (He was the main abuser) and let her live with his family. But his wife had problems with her PTSD episodes and kicked her out where her uncle let her live with her future abusive ex husband Redd. She was happy for a bit making friends at the city but it never last as Redd abused her and make her leave her friends.
Z- Zombie: How do they react when their BELOVED is upset? How would they react when they were to die?
Would be devastated but would continue to live because of the twins if Tom died. If he's feeling upset, she will try to cheer him up by doing things he likes like go golfing and stuff
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astrowonder98 · 1 year
Tom Nook and Animation WIP - April 21st
Yesterday, I drew Tom Nook going on an island business trip. I wanted to draw Tom Nook in his Nookington's outfit.
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I've also been working on small animation stuff, too. Here's a WIP of the first pass of an animation featuring Richie.
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It definitely isn't finished as you can see. Richie's body is inconsistent in its shape and I had forgotten all about the tail. It will show up in the next WIP showing.
See you tomorrow.
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jvgsjeff · 1 year
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Timmy and Tommy opened a bed store.
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mwya · 1 year
Wont forgive them for not giving us nookingtons in nh
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greyfireclover · 1 year
Today I learned that the Wheat Field item people like in New Horizons, didn't debut in New Horizons
idk what game it first debuted in, but I just found it in Nookingtons on City Folk.
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g-kat423 · 2 months
Good news: I was finally able to download a single player nookington’s rom hack for my ds emulator so now I don’t have to worry about never being able to fully upgrade nook’s.
Bad news: there isn’t a way to merge it with my current save as it’s its own separate rom with the patch so I have to start an entirely new play through. Not so bad since I’m still pretty early, but I’ve already paid off my first loan to Nook, got my first aircheck from K.K. Slider, and I have Stitches as one of my villagers :/
Part of me feels like I should just continue with the first save because it’s likely I’ll get bored before I’d have the opportunity to upgrade to Nookington’s, but on the off chance that I don’t get bored, I’m permanently locked out of that upgrade which includes Shampoodle.
Damn you, Nintendo for taking servers down because it would be less of a hassle to get a legit copy of wild world and find someone online to play with.
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queen-of-meows · 1 year
Yes yes yes !!!
Finally ! I found a cheat that works on the EU version of Animal Crossing Wild World !!!!
You can get Nookington’s on Drastic <3 !
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frenchifries · 2 years
i wonder if the wild world ROM running through a homebrew program on my 3DS is capable of local play because otherwise i'll never be able to unlock nookingtons
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