#noora sætre icons
darthbatmann · 10 months
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Josefine Frida Pettersen icons
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oursweetdreamsblog · 2 years
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logladyyy13 · 4 months
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•noora amalie sætre• pfps and icons
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ac1nums · 4 months
tv shows.
degrassi, the next generation.
clare edwards, student at degrassi; drama queen, loves journalisms and vampire literature. nineteen/twenty, ella purnell, bisexual. eli goldsworthy, playwright, student at nyu and former student at degrassi, drama king, nineteen/twenty, munro chambers, bisexual. bianca desousa, former student at degrassi and college student now, nineteen/twenty, cierra ramirez, bisexual. imogen moreno, student at degrassi and drama club enthusiats, nineteen, cristine prosperi, lesbian. paige michalchuk, eighteen/twenty-five, queen bee of degrassi high, a lover, bisexual who has an older brother who plays hockey far away from home, renée rapp. manuela santos, eighteen-twenty five years, future movie star who loves hanging with band when boredrom kick in, bisexual, cassie steele. jake martin, eighteen/twenty-five man who love to build things and do love working on gardens, bisexual, nick robinson. becky baker, miss sunshine who loves musical and annoying directors, christian girl who is rebellious at times, eighteen/twenty-five, bisexual, madelyn cline. craig manning, musician who gets in trouble a lot with girls or boys, loves music as if it was his entiere life, eighteen/twenty-five, bisexual, felix mallard. maya matlin, cello and guitare enthousiast, loves to educate people with mental illness and is a lead singer in her own band, eighteen/twenty five, olivia scriven, bisexual. ashley kherwin, music lover who would do anything to being people back tonlife with her lyrics, eighteen/twenty-five, bisexual, benedetta gargan.
rachel berry, the drama queen who needs validation but know what she’s worth. eighteen, is going to be the it girl of broadway. rachel zegler. bisexual. blaine anderson, warblers prodigy, loves the glee club like a second family, eighteen - twenty-five, homosexual icon, darren criss. mercedes jones, queen latifa and the beyonce of the glee club, isn't afraid to hurt your feelings, eighteen - twenty- five, bisexual, ryan destiny.
one tree hill.
haley james scott, once a student, validatorian, singer, producer, mom and wife, twenty-five, bethany joy lenz, straight.
skins uk.
effy stonem, witch who’s a part of the frasser coven ( fear streat based ), twenty, marine vacht, lesbian.
the vampire diaries.
katherine pierce, vampire who’s living for blood and wrath, twenty in apparence but 545+, daniela nieves, bisexual. kai parker, leader of the gemini coven ( finally ), sociopath without a heart, twenty in apparence but 35+, no shippable, chris wood. bonnie bennet, town witch who is tougher than she looks, would do anything for her friends, even sacrificing herself, seventeen - twenty, kat graham, bisexual.
shadowhunters/ mortal instrument.
clary fairchild, shadowhunter who’s looking for her mother and tries not to attract the wrong people around but can’t, twenty, sophie skeleton, bisexual.
thirteen reason why ( tagged as 13rw if you wanna ban it )
jessica davis, future journalist who survived a lot in her high school years, twenty, alisha boe, bisexual.
teen wolf.
lydia martin, mathlet who loves shopping too much and skate on the ice when she has the times, is something special, can shatter your skull with her banshee cries, seventeen - twenty, kennedy walsh, bisexual.
skam norway.
chris schistad, penetrator chris when it comes to parties, love flirting with girls, and is a literature lover, twenty, herman tommeraas, bisexual. noora sætre, future madam president, would rather see her friends smile than cry and will sing justin bieber to cheer them up, twenty, bisexual, josephine frida pettersen.
wednesday addams, loves to tourment people and solve mistery. eighteen, jenna ortega, bisexual.
my life with the walter boys. ( book + tv show adapted. )
katherine walter, mother of twelve ( now thirteen ) kids , guardians, ( not all them hers but she loves them all equally. ) , late fourty, veterinarian in Silver Falls and happily married to george. sarah rafferty. jackie howard, little city girl who doesn’t like calm city living in silver falls with eleven boys and a girl who she foundly adores.eighteen, bisexual nikki rodriguez. cole walter, ex-quaterback of his high school football team, broody and mysterious, second of twelve bothers, is trying his best but sometimes, don’t succed. eighteen, bisexual, noah lalonde.
phoebe halliwell, twenty-thirty verse dependant, witch who loves to prank her sister and be gone for their lives for a thousand years and come back as if nothing bad happened when there is still obviously some bad blood with her older sister, student at law college of san fransisco, bisexual, seb quesada.
veronica mars.
wallace fennel, eighteen/twenty-five, nerd who loves to solve mystery with his best friend, loyal friend who would go down for justice and everything that comes with it, bisexual, percy daggs iii.
cobra kai.
robby keene, eighteen years old, part of the miyagi-do / eagles dojo. a little bit misunderstood, troublemaker, and have serious daddy issues. tanner buchanan, bisexual.
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sapphicsoie · 2 years
73 questions
on a scale of 1-10, how excited are you about life right now? solid 6, i am excited to live in norway for 5 months.
describe yourself in a hashtag? #wellshitok
if you could do a love scene with anyone, who would it be? timothee chalamet if it's a film that has the vibe of cmybn, but tom holland if it's a movie that is mainstream.
if your life was a musical, what would the marquee say? probably something like "don't worry!"
what’s one thing people don’t know about you? people don't know that i sleep with a baby blanket named blankey who is actually not a blanket i have had since i was a baby but actually the same type of blanket i had when i was 5. this is the third blanket i have had since then, she (yes she uses she/her pronouns) is from lands end (i buy a new one whenever she turns to literal threads). i got the one i sleep with now when i was 15.
what’s your wake up ritual? i don't really have one unless i'm like at camp or have class, then i will read in bed for a bit if i can, shower, drink a tea and eat breakfast, and brush my teeth last. i also like to listen to music.
what’s your go to bed ritual? i always wash my face and either shower or have a bath, then do skincare, take out contacts, brush teeth, put on lip balm, read in bed, then sleep.
what’s your favorite time of day? i love when the sun is setting.
your go to for having a good laugh? tiktok, or sonny with a chance or kim possible compilations.
dream country to visit? iceland or new zealand
what’s the biggest surprise you’ve ever had? that my dad who is slightly homophobic is actually into kinky gay sex and is a bottom.
heels or flats/sneakers? sneakers.
vintage or new? depends, i would say new for clothes because they don't make cute vintage clothes for fat women, but i love vintage cameras and furniture
who do you want to write your obituary? my best friend katie and if i die before her, my mom.
style icon? fictional? noora amelie sætre. irl? i love zendaya's style for the most part.
what are three things you cannot live without? my phone, my antidepressants, and something to read.
what’s one ingredient you put in everything? GARLIC but also love salt and pepper. i am very white.
what 3 people living or dead would you want to make dinner for? ummmm maybe like my grandma who i never met and or like isak valtersen, sana bakkoush and even bech næsheim from skam lmao.
what’s your biggest fear in life? feeling like my life is meaningless and i won't be rememebered.
window or aisle seat? used to be window, now it's aisle. i gotta pee!!
what’s your current tv obsession? haven't been watching tv AT ALL but i loved moon knight.
favorite app? tumblr or ao3 if that counts as an app, more of a website tho
secret talent? i am very flexible, and can do all three splits, and a perfect cartwheel.
most adventurous thing you’ve ever done in your life? i dated a girl in high school in a small town in the deep south
how would you define yourself in three words? determined, honest, lonely
favorite piece of clothing you own? rn it's a plain ribbed t-shirt from target
a must have clothing item that everyone should have? plain ribbed shirt and comfy high rise jeans
a superpower you would want? shape shifting
what’s inspiring you in life right now? to be transparent, i am simply existing for the most part. i do really want to graduate so i can move to nyc and try acting and not be in school for the first time in 15 years.
best piece of advice you’ve received? that it is okay to feel and show your emotions and that doesn't make you any less strong or capable.
best advice you’d give your teenage self? you won't feel this awful forever. i promise. also, don't let her hurt you over and over again. and lastly, just because you are in pain doesn't mean you have to force your anger and sadness and despair onto others, be kind.
a book everyone should read? i don't read as much as i used to, but i think a book/series that made me who i am is a series of unfortunate events by lemony snicket.
what would you like to be remembered for? i hope i'm remembered as someone who left the world better than it was in some way shape or form, even if it's trivial.
how do you define beauty? i think it depends on the person and what kind of beauty. i think there is no simple way to define beauty because it's so subjective.
what do you love most about your body? my eyes, they are a really pretty shade of blue with a gold ring around the pupil.
best way to take a rest/decompress? listen to music, read, lay in the pitch dark listening to music or city rain sounds
favorite place to view art? gonna be transparent i cannot look at art for more than like 30 seconds, so maybe a museum but i don't really view art :/
if your life was a song, what would the title be? liability by lorde.
if you could master one instrument, what would it be? piano, i played it growing up but stopped.
if you had a tattoo, where would it be? probably somewhere pretty hidden, maybe my ankle or the side of ribs?? idk
dolphins or koalas? koalas literally fuck dolphins
what’s your spirit animal? a platypus.
best gift you’ve ever received? probably my macbook, i use it a lot. idk i've never been given a super sentimental gift?? my friend recently gave me a really pretty drawing of me for my birthday though.
best gift you’ve given? horrible at gifts but got my dad a fancy speaker for christmas but little does he know it was 75% off.
what’s your favorite board game? don't really play them at all and never really have but i like chess
what’s your favorite color? baby pink
least favorite color? any bright colour. or like orange. or teal. i am picky.
diamond or pearls? pearls!!!
drugstore makeup or designer? mostly designer but the occasional drugstore product
blow-dry or air-dry? air-dry unless someone else is doing my hair
pilates or yoga? yoga
coffee or tea? tea, but if i need caffeine, coffee.
what’s the weirdest word in the english language? hippomonstrosesquippiedaliophobia.
dark chocolate or milk chocolate? milk but i'm not a huge chocolate gal
stairs or elevators? elevators
summer or winter? winter 4ever i hate sweating
you are stuck on an island, you can pick one food to eat forever without getting tired of it, what would you eat? probably something nutritious if we are being practical like salmon and quinoa but if we are being honest, steak and yorkshire pudding
a dessert you don’t like? super chocolatey stuff. or ice cream that is fruit flavoured. disgusting.
a skill you’re working on mastering?
best thing to happen to you today? the children went home and i get to drink tonight
worst thing to happen to you today? woke up at 7.30 am and had to spend time with children until they finally left at 12 pm
best compliment you’ve ever received? that i am determined and resilent.
favorite smell? christmas eve candle by yankee candle. smells like childhood.
hugs or kisses?
if you made a documentary, would it be about? a documentary about how internet culture and grooming affected girls born in the late 90's-early 2000's, like myself and so many of my friends did some crazy shit online as a kid.
last piece of content you consumed that made you cry?
lipstick or lipgloss? lipgloss!!
sweet or savory? savoury but i also love sweets
girl crush? zendaya, maybe margot robbie?? josefine frida pettersen is gorgeous
how do you know your in love? when you never get tired of being around them. like your social battery never runs out with them.
a song you can listen to on repeat? currently kjøre oss by marie ulven (girl in red before she was girl in red)
if you could switch lives with someone for a day, who would it be? probably a rich person who lives in nyc or canada or norway
what are you most excited for about this time in your life? moving to oslo in the fall!!
tagged by @silkscream
tagging: @peterthepark @spidervee @indouloureux
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charlesleclerctv · 1 year
omg skam is so iconic!!! what was your favourite season & character?
!!! s2 and noora amalie sætre you will always be famous
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ac1num · 1 month
tv shows.
degrassi, the next generation.
clare edwards, student at degrassi; drama queen, loves journalisms and vampire literature. nineteen/twenty, ella purnell, bisexual. eli goldsworthy, playwright, student at nyu and former student at degrassi, drama king, nineteen/twenty, munro chambers, bisexual. bianca desousa, former student at degrassi and college student now, nineteen/twenty, cierra ramirez, bisexual. imogen moreno, student at degrassi and drama club enthusiats, nineteen, cristine prosperi, lesbian. paige michalchuk, eighteen/twenty-five, queen bee of degrassi high, a lover, bisexual who has an older brother who plays hockey far away from home, renée rapp. manuela santos, eighteen-twenty five years, future movie star who loves hanging with band when boredrom kick in, bisexual, cassie steele. jake martin, eighteen/twenty-five man who love to build things and do love working on gardens, bisexual, nick robinson. becky baker, miss sunshine who loves musical and annoying directors, christian girl who is rebellious at times, eighteen/twenty-five, bisexual, madelyn cline. craig manning, musician who gets in trouble a lot with girls or boys, loves music as if it was his entiere life, eighteen/twenty-five, bisexual, felix mallard. maya matlin, cello and guitare enthousiast, loves to educate people with mental illness and is a lead singer in her own band, eighteen/twenty five, olivia scriven, bisexual. ashley kherwin, music lover who would do anything to being people back tonlife with her lyrics, eighteen/twenty-five, bisexual, benedetta gargan.
rachel berry, the drama queen who needs validation but know what she’s worth. eighteen, is going to be the it girl of broadway. rachel zegler. bisexual. blaine anderson, warblers prodigy, loves the glee club like a second family, eighteen - twenty-five, homosexual icon, darren criss. mercedes jones, queen latifa and the beyonce of the glee club, isn’t afraid to hurt your feelings, eighteen - twenty- five, bisexual, ryan destiny.
one tree hill.
haley james scott, once a student, validatorian, singer, producer, mom and wife, twenty-five, bethany joy lenz, straight.
skins uk.
effy stonem, witch who’s a part of the frasser coven ( fear streat based ), twenty, marine vacht, lesbian.
the vampire diaries.
katherine pierce, vampire who’s living for blood and wrath, twenty in apparence but 545+, daniela nieves, bisexual. kai parker, leader of the gemini coven ( finally ), sociopath without a heart, twenty in apparence but 35+, no shippable, chris wood. bonnie bennet, town witch who is tougher than she looks, would do anything for her friends, even sacrificing herself, seventeen - twenty, kat graham, bisexual.
shadowhunters/ mortal instrument.
clary fairchild, shadowhunter who’s looking for her mother and tries not to attract the wrong people around but can’t, twenty, sophie skeleton, bisexual.
thirteen reason why ( tagged as 13rw if you wanna ban it )
jessica davis, future journalist who survived a lot in her high school years, twenty, alisha boe, bisexual.
teen wolf.
lydia martin, mathlet who loves shopping too much and skate on the ice when she has the times, is something special, can shatter your skull with her banshee cries, seventeen - twenty, kennedy walsh, bisexual.
skam norway.
chris schistad, penetrator chris when it comes to parties, love flirting with girls, and is a literature lover, twenty, herman tommeraas, bisexual. noora sætre, future madam president, would rather see her friends smile than cry and will sing justin bieber to cheer them up, twenty, bisexual, josephine frida pettersen.
wednesday addams, loves to tourment people and solve mistery. eighteen, jenna ortega, bisexual.
my life with the walter boys. ( book + tv show adapted. )
katherine walter, mother of twelve ( now thirteen ) kids , guardians, ( not all them hers but she loves them all equally. ) , late fourty, veterinarian in Silver Falls and happily married to george. sarah rafferty. jackie howard, little city girl who doesn’t like calm city living in silver falls with eleven boys and a girl who she foundly adores.eighteen, bisexual nikki rodriguez. cole walter, ex-quaterback of his high school football team, broody and mysterious, second of twelve bothers, is trying his best but sometimes, don’t succed. eighteen, bisexual, noah lalonde.
phoebe halliwell, twenty-thirty verse dependant, witch who loves to prank her sister and be gone for their lives for a thousand years and come back as if nothing bad happened when there is still obviously some bad blood with her older sister, student at law college of san fransisco, bisexual, seb quesada.
veronica mars.
wallace fennel, eighteen/twenty-five, nerd who loves to solve mystery with his best friend, loyal friend who would go down for justice and everything that comes with it, bisexual, percy daggs iii.
cobra kai.
robby keene, eighteen years old, part of the miyagi-do / eagles dojo. a little bit misunderstood, troublemaker, and have serious daddy issues. tanner buchanan, bisexual.
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screenedits · 3 years
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too-sad-so-bad · 3 years
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josefine in real life
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rockericons · 3 years
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♡ josefine frida pettersen icons ♡
like if you use / pls don’t steal
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darthbatmann · 1 year
Josefine Frida Pettersen icons
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greenieicons · 4 years
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🐝 like if you save.
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logladyyy13 · 4 months
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•noora amalie sætre• pfps and icons
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iconswicked · 4 years
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- noora sætre icons;
like or reblog if you save. ღ
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fandomiconsx · 5 years
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like or reblog if you use
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flighticons · 5 years
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like if you save
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