conduitofhealing · 6 years
I do not celebrate 4/20 but, on 4/21 my #purple means #Prince and my #smoke is water #vapors laced with #saline for my allergies. #breathingeasy #freemysinuses #iaintsmokingshit 😂 #theconduitofhealing #psychicmedium #reikimasterteacher #allergyseason #nopass #nopuff #ineedtobreathe (at Ridgewood, Queens)
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c18adverts · 5 years
December 11, 1719 - Stolen: Swords, Household Goods, and Clothing. Reward for Return
Stole out of Capt. John Gordon’s House at Limehouse, Yesterday Morning, the following Goods, viz. A Silver-hilted Sword, with a Shoulder Blade scented, gilt to the Point, and Pro Aris & Focis writ on the Blade, one Silver-hilt Tuck Sword, 2 Silver Salvers with a Flower-de-lis, 1 old fashion’d Silver-gilt Spoon, mark’d G. scratch’d, 3 Silver Spoons mark’d J.G. 6 Tea Spoons ditto, 1 Pair of Silver Buckles, 2 Salts with a Flower-de-lis, 1 Pepper Box mark’d J. G. E. 1 new Silk Drugget Suit lin’d with white Silk. 1 new Scarlet Pair of Breeches, no Puffs, 1 Dove-colour’d Suit, the Coat Open’d Sleeves, lin’d with a white flower’d Pelan, one Crimson Atlas Pair of Breeches and Wastcoat, flower’d with Gold, lin’d with Red. 1 black Damask Wastcoat and Breeches, 1 light tye Wig. 1 Scarlet Camblet Cloak. Whoever brings the said Goods to the said Capt. Gordon’s House at Limehouse, or to Mr. Jonathan Wild’s in the Old Baily, shall receive Five Guineas Reward, and no Questions ask’d.
Daily Post (December 11, 1719)
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