#nor cigs or vapes
most-generic-username · 10 months
rip Francis Abernathy, you would've loved strawberry kiwi 20mg 5000puff vapes 😔😔
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jeankirsteinsgrlfrnd · 8 months
the attack on titan characters and vaping
modern au
a/n: most of this is according to my fanfic :)
eren jaeger is sooo clutching a cool mint disposable vape. it’s always in his pocket. he’s the accusatory type when he loses it, always claiming someone has it but in reality he’s just sitting on it. swears he’s not addicted but runs to get another one when it dies.
armin arlert is too cool to vape or smoke cigarettes. he does use a dab pen because of the convenience and how it doesn’t leave a smell. he occasionally lectures eren on his use but knows it’s a useless battle.
mikasa ackerman goes through different phases. she’ll vape for a long time, and then quit, and then start again. her flavor of choice is anything cherry flavored. she knows it’s bad for her so she tries to stop but since eren does it, she always falls back into the habit.
connie springer wishes he could vape. he just can’t get into it. it’s too harsh for his throat and it leaves him a coughing mess. if anything, he’ll have a shitty box mod with very low levels of nicotine. he just likes to call himself a vape god when he does very mediocre tricks.
jean kirstein thinks vaping is incredibly stupid. he tried it once and was immediately put off by it. he smokes cigarettes like a ‘real man.’ i wouldn’t call him a smoker smoker, but maybe he smokes one or two a day. he plans to quit.
sasha braus neither vapes nor smokes habitually. she tried to hit eren’s vape once and it burned her throat so bad her eyes watered and she couldn’t stop coughing. however, when she gets really, really drunk, she’ll be found having a drunk cigarette.
marco bodt has never touched a vape or a cigarette. he sees how easily his friends became addicted and honestly, he doesn’t want that for himself. he hates when jean smokes.
reiner braun doesn’t vape. he doesn’t smoke, either. he’s a big gym bro and takes his health pretty seriously. his body is a temple and he treats it as such. he also makes a big deal when someone smokes near him.
bertholdt hoover hits the occasional vape if he’s with his friends but he’s never bought one for himself. he’s not addicted either so he only hits it if he’s offered. he enjoys the head buzz but knows starting a serious habit wouldn’t be good for him.
annie leonhardt smoked cigarettes first and then tried to get into vaping. she decided it wasn’t for her and switched back to cigarettes. she thinks if you’re going to vape, you might as well just smoke. it’s more romantic, she thinks. she’s tried to calm it down since dating armin, though.
hange zoe insists that she vapes but she never has one of her own. she also coughs up a storm when she hits anyone else’s.
levi ackerman wouldn’t be caught dead vaping. he thinks it’s stupid and it’s for kids who are too much of a coward to smoke a real cigarette. he doesn’t smoke cigarettes either but he’s tried them before in the past. he might have one if he’s really, really stressed but he tries not to indulge.
erwin smith doesn’t like smoking. he doesn’t like when it’s done around him, either. he’s kind of uptight about it and no one’s really sure why.
zeke jaeger vapes. he totally would be the type to have a necklace to attach to it so he’d never lose it. he spends an unreasonable amount of time in the vape shop looking at all the flavors. i feel like he’d also have a fancy vape, like something with a weird fancy mouth piece.
ymir’s been sneaking cigs for years. obviously,she’s old enough now and the habit of smoking has stuck. she has a pack on her all the time. she’ll vape here and there if it’s presented but she’s a classic girl and prefers her cigarettes.
historia reiss doesn’t vape. she says she doesn’t smoke either but she partakes in it from time to time. usually when she starts ranting on about something, ymir will hand her a cigarette and hit it without really realizing it. it makes ymir laugh everytime.
porco galliard is a vaper. he loves his lil vape. he ‘accidentally’ got addicted after pieck made him try it. he also swears he doesn’t have a problem but he does!!
pieck finger has a fruity little girl vape. it’s definitely pink lemonade flavored. i feel like she’s always got in her hand and she’s also always offering it to people. she’s like a god damn chimney when she drinks, always puffing it.
my jean fanfic
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bookscandlesnbts · 10 months
May I know why army want to immediately include Jimin to the list whenever something about a member get exposed ? Is it like Jimin doing it makes it less 'problematic' so they can defend their favs using that ? For one, I don't have ANY issue with ANY members/anyone smoking... including Jimin. BUT to this day there's NOTHING which points to him smoking nor he has been seen with a vape or cig. So I don't think there's a need to say he also does because 4/7 members were seen smokes. Problem is ratmy wanting to include him in each and every dirt their favs gets included. When it's about appreciating skills .. Jimin is invisible for them, then it's all 'what about X or Y'. But when it's things like this they are on front line to include Jimin too, suddenly it's 'Jimin too'. They hate him way more than antis hate him.
You know, I still call myself an OT7 Army because I actually love all 7 members and can’t wait for them to reunite and make music together. But stuff like this…. Really makes it difficult for me and my blood is simmering. Anon, I also don’t care if Jimin smokes. For some reason, I can’t picture it, but if he does, it’s his life. And with the stress they are under, it wouldn’t surprise me. For some reason, in my mind it fits the “brand” of the members it’s been confirmed that we do. Idk Namjoon smoking, Yoongi smoking, Tae vaping (probably smoking), and Jungkook smoking all make a lot of sense to me. The three members not confirmed make less sense personality wise, but I’m not here to judge or speculate. I don’t know why Jimin gets lumped into EVERYTHING. I don’t know why these “fans” are always throwing his name out during every scandal, every mention of MS, ect. I mean I do know why… the cult (tkk) runs deep. They infiltrate and indoctrinate fans that don’t even care about shipping and their idiocy goes unchecked. They do hate Jimin. Just as much as the gay BP fanboys. He’s always at the scene of every crime for them. He’s the shameless flirt too (don’t even get me started on how much that narrative pisses me off and makes me livid). Jimin deserves way better. Not going to lie, I block any and all “big” BTS twt accounts with like 20k plus followers. The discrimination against Jimin is so obvious and no one cares. And TikTok is arguably worse. I hate that app with a passion for BTS content (though I do use it for lifestyle, cooking, and political purposes). I get so sketched out by someone being a “content creator” and potentially making money talking about the tannies anyway. It gives me the ick. Anyway, this turned into a super long rant about how disgusting the majority of this fandom is. The worse part is that I have little hope that it will be cleansed by the time 2025 rolls around. Hopefully something new and shiny attracts these rats interests.
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ask-serendipity-sky · 10 months
They were saying og tweet is by a jkkr.. idk I didn't checked their acct. As jkkr or not doesn't matter as they are using Jimin as a cover up.
And May I know why army want to immediately include Jimin to the list whenever something about a member get exposed ? Is it like Jimin doing it makes it less 'problematic' so they can defend their favs using that ? For one, I don't have ANY issue with ANY members/anyone smoking... including Jimin. BUT to this day there's NOTHING which points to him smoking nor he has been seen with a vape or cig. So I don't think there's a need to say he also does because 4/7 members were seen smokes. Problem is ratmy wanting to include him in each and every dirt their favs gets included. When it's about appreciating skills .. Jimin is invisible for them, then it's all 'what about X or Y'. But when it's things like this they are on front line to include Jimin too, suddenly it's 'Jimin too'. They hate him way more than antis hate him.
Hi anon,
Literally this week (maybe all the weeks) Jimin has been dragged for a different thing each day... by his own fandom.
•Including him in smoking allegations
•Hating on Tetris because he said Like Crazy should have been nominated for Grammy's
•People dragging Jimin because Jk was on top of the charts (wtf)
•Saying he is not good looking like Tae
• Sending him to ms again just for existing
And they have tried including him in other stuff that I dont even want to mention.
Army's obsession with Jimin is so real. They should really use that for good.
Thanks for sharing.
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63 · 10 months
Have any of you heard anything about people getting way fucked up from nicotine? Bc I'm not a regular smoker nor do I often vape but whenever I do I get crazy dizzy and fucked up. Like half a cig fucks up my walking to the degree that it used to take at least five shots to get to
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akookminsupporter · 10 months
May I know why army want to immediately include Jimin to the list whenever something about a member get exposed ? Is it like Jimin doing it makes it less 'problematic' so they can defend their favs using that ? For one, I don't have ANY issue with ANY members/anyone smoking... including Jimin. BUT to this day there's NOTHING which points to him smoking nor he has been seen with a vape or cig. So I don't think there's a need to say he also does because 4/7 members were seen smokes. Problem is ratmy wanting to include him in each and every dirt their favs gets included. When it's about appreciating skills .. Jimin is invisible for them, then it's all 'what about X or Y'. But when it's things like this they are on front line to include Jimin too, suddenly it's 'Jimin too'. They hate him way more than antis hate him.
I don’t know anon, maybe you could ask the person or people who do things like that?
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aloha-eloha · 2 months
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Your Journey Begins…
That’s one of the taglines of the Füm, an essential oil inhaler that my father got me as a gift to aid in the battle against smoking cigarettes and weed. Why am I engaging in a battle against two of what I consider to be life’s greatest pleasures? I plan to undergo the Transmission of the Cellular Plan which marks one's baptism as a Raëlian. The TCP declares that I’ve accepted the Elohim as our creators and transmitted my cellular and DNA structures to them via the initiated Guide anointing the new Raëlian (me) with water. As explained in Raëlian scripture:
the principle of baptism, the transmission of one’s cellular plan, is today understandable to us, and this ceremony is scientifically explained as follows: every individual has a cellular chromosomic plan, specific to him, which vibrates with its own electromagnetic spectral emission. A Guide, whose own frequency has been noted by the Elohim during his or her initiation, can act as a relay between the new Raëlian and the Elohim’s satellite which records every human’s thought. Water is used between the new Raëlian’s forehead and the Guide’s hands so as to establish a good electrical contact, and the Raëlian baptism indicates to the Elohim that the Raëlian has both understood the messages and lives by them. It is an act of recognition.
A clear demystification, but no less vital and important than the more occult ceremonies which arose prior to the advent of the Maitreya. Fortunately I've been able to make plans to travel to a gathering celebrating the Raëlian New Year (August 6th, this coming Tuesday, and it’s the preceding Saturday night) commemorating the day a nuclear bomb was detonated over Hiroshima and ushered in the millenarian Age of Apocalypse. This is also one of the annual Raëlian holidays upon which the Transmission of the Cellular Plan may be conducted, and I'm travelling to the New Year's get-together specifically for that purpose. I trust in Raëlianism and I trust in the Elohim, and in their last prophet Claude Raël; it is to that end that I’m getting baptised (as it were). But there’s an important condition there: that the Raëlian understands the Messages and lives by them. And living by them means this:
Do not intoxicate yourself with alcoholic beverages. You may drink a little wine while eating, for it is a product of the Earth. But never intoxicate yourself. You may drink alcoholic beverages in exceptional circumstances, but in very small quantities and accompanied by solid food so that you never get drunk. Anyone who is drunk is no longer capable of being in harmony with infinity, nor able to control himself. This is something appalling in the eyes of our creators.
You will not smoke, for the human body was not made to inhale smoke. This has appalling effects on the organism and prevents total fulfillment and harmonization with infinity. You will not use drugs. You will not drug yourself in any way, for the awakened mind needs nothing outside itself to approach infinity. It is an abomination in the eyes of our creators that people think they must take drugs to improve themselves.
For someone who smokes nearly three packs of cigarettes a day, smokes or vapes THC every day, frequently gets drunk, and infrequently enjoys the pleasures of ketamine and MDMA, these restrictions by the Elohim can seem like a lot. They almost feel unfair, juxtaposed as they are with the otherwise laissez-faire attitude that Raëlianism displays toward the pursuit of pleasure more generally: the Elohim even tell us that “all things that bring pleasure are positive, as long as that pleasure is not harmful to anyone in any way,” and the aforementioned rigorous prohibitions against drug use seem to go against the grain of this. Equally galling in this preparatory, catechumen period is the salient observation in Susan J. Palmer’s (excellent book) Aliens Adored that “many rank-and-file Raelians drink wine and smoke marijuana or cigarettes, knowing it is against the rules.”
This is, of course, true in every religious tradition which requires some form of abstinence — plenty of Jews do not keep kosher, plenty of Catholics use birth control, people of all religious affiliations use recreational drugs, etc etc. It isn’t surprising that people, even people who consider themselves religious to some degree, bend or break the behavioural strictures of their ostensible faith. This kind of behaviour is something which has, hypocritically, rankled me for as long as I can remember: I’ve always been of the conviction that if you say you’re part of a religion you should believe in its essential teachings and follow its prescribed rules. I say hypocritically however because I’ve always been bad at adhering strictly to such rules myself; one of the many things I loathe and resent about myself. But that’s not the point. The point is that behaviour distancing oneself from religious orthopraxy is far more difficult to stomach from the Raëlians because the vast majority of them are converts. Like me, they read the Message and decided to have their cellular plan transmitted. They’re not rebelling against the ossified orthodoxies of their parents; rather, they’re making the same choices and declarations I’m making and still get to smoke and drink?
It’s unjust.
But of course, that’s missing the point. Just because there are Raëlians who disregard the rules that the Elohim have asked of us doesn’t mean that the rules aren’t worth keeping. In the first place smoking cigarettes is, in fact, harmful — as is smoking copious amounts of weed and occasionally doing ketamine and ecstasy, all of which is essentially playing Russian roulette with your sanity if (like me) you have severe bipolar disorder and are heavily medicated for it. I could perhaps credibly claim that getting drunk now and again, or occasionally doing certain recreational drugs, “is not harmful to anyone in any way” if I was sane and healthy; but sane and healthy I certainly ain’t.
These requests by the Elohim are themselves indisputably good and healthy. Very few people, looking back at their lives, will say they wish they hadn’t quit drinking, smoking cigarettes, or doing drugs. Much like the ancient rules of kashrut that the Elohim imparted to the Israelites these new commandments are for our own good — for my own good. One of the key reasons why I decided to be baptised as a Raëlian is that I need a solid impetus to make changes in my life. I’ve been consistently unemployed for a couple of years now but thanks to loving and supportive family members that hasn’t put a damper on my debauched lifestyle: I smoke too many cigarettes, I smoke too much weed, and I get drunk with roughly the same regularity as a popular college freshman. Although there was a time when I had the upper hand over marijuana that time has long since passed and Mary Jane has come out the victor — I spend hours every day sitting on the porch getting high. I plan my daily life around getting high, and mark the passage of the week based upon when I’m getting new THC cartridges. And since getting high makes me crave cigarettes my cigarette addiction has worsened as well. I have lost all advantage against my habits and drift through life as intoxicated as I can manage, constantly on the lookout for new and exciting ways to banish sobriety.
Formally converting to Raëlianism has long been in the offing. I was introduced to the writing of the Prophet in, I believe, elementary school — reading Geniocracy at my desk. No idea how I originally came across it, but at the time I was regarded as a ‘gifted’ student and easily saw myself among the ranks of geniuses entrusted with running Raël’s ideal society. It wasn’t until much, much later that I became acquainted with the raison d’etre of Raël’s work in the form of the Message — the fact that we were created by an extraterrestrial race known to us as the Elohim, upon which of course Geniocracy and all of the Prophet’s ancillary texts are based. By that point, in early 2017, I had converted to several different religions and was firmly ensconced in my lifelong quest as a “spiritual seeker”. It was perhaps natural that Raëlianism would be next. The insurmountable catch was that Raëlianism, sharing a trait with Christian Science and no other religion that I know of, accepts converts only at certain times of the year: if it isn’t the first Sunday in April, August 6th, October 7th, or December 13th then sorry, no Transmission of the Cellular Plan for you. As it happens, whenever a Raëlian holiday rolls around I generally have been satisfied with whatever religion I’m working with at the moment — with one exception that I’ll detail later. But now, at 27, I’m finally ready… or trying to be.
The problem which going clean off drugs represents is that my usage of marijuana is, in its purest and most essential form, self-medicating; I’ve been smoking weed for roughly the same amount of time as I’ve been treated for bipolar disorder. By far the most important arrow in my treatment quiver is prescription drugs — especially lithium — but marijuana plays an indispensable role as the vanguard against suicidal ideation. Now, I smoke marijuana both socially and alone, and in every type of mood, so by this point my drug usage is almost entirely recreational.
but not quite all the way.
The last few days provide apt examples of “getting back to my roots” with smoking weed. The original plan was to stop smoking weed on Monday, a week and a day before my baptism. I made it through Monday sober. Tuesday I got in a very hurtful fight with a close online friend right before I was due to hang out with my best friend, and since I didn’t want to carry those bad vibes into the hangout I ended up getting higher than fucking balls while chilling with him. Understandable, but not ideal, and probably not necessary in the strictest sense of the word. My father was disappointed with me but allowed that getting clean is not a flawless journey and I resolved to keep my nose clean moving forward. I was sober for another 24hrs before getting into another, worse fight with my father himself. This is where the medicinal usefulness of marijuana really shines: after the fight my mind was screaming at me to kill myself. It does that sometimes — more often lately, since there was recently a period where I was slipshod in taking my medication — but this time was bad. My odds of attempting suicide were exceedingly high. IDK if it would’ve been successful (probably not) but an attempt was likely to be made.
So I smoked some weed.
Weed is my vanguard against suicidal ideation because it takes whatever shitty thing I’m feeling and transmutes it into gold. When my brain is ceaselessly exhorting me to kill myself marijuana bursts through the door and says no, not today. Things will get better. Things are better. You can and will move past this. There are situations where getting high to cope with the vicissitudes of life is not only not ideal, but actively counterproductive. You can’t get high for every single obstacle you face; otherwise you’re robbing yourself of agency and the necessary skill of working through your problems. A decent example of this is a funeral — you shouldn’t get high before a funeral b/c that’s just tamping down your grief and other complex emotions instead of allowing yourself to truly feel it and address it in healthy and constructive ways. But sometimes you need to get high to fend off the worst your insane mind can offer you. To allay the prospect of your own funeral, which would be a sudden and unbearable financial expense for your family. I want to obey the Elohim, but I also need to bow to necessity: for someone with my particular mix of headfuckery getting high can be a lifesaver — or at least spare you the agony and consequences of a failed suicide attempt.
However much I want to keep Raëlian kosher and attain total mastery over my vanquished bad habits, it seems it’s still a work in progress. Last night I hung out with my two closest friends, both stoners, and I ended up drinking some vodka (mixed liberally with Coke over a few drinks) and partaking in a blunt that was passed around, getting, not drunk or high per se, but reasonably sauced overall — they both knew of my ongoing commitment to quitting for Raëlianism and judiciously denied me the blunt at regular intervals, although I more or less freely availed myself of the mixed drinks. I justified myself to them by saying what I really wanted was to switch to a medical card and start using edibles to satisfy — in a roundabout way — the Raëlian prohibitions against using recreational drugs or smoking anything, in addition to giving up cigs and the infrequent harder drugs like ketamine. Taking edibles only when medically necessary and giving up smoking and drinking altogether would still be huge progress. Will it ultimately please the Elohim? Maybe; I don’t know. Maybe switching to edibles will eventually lead to foregoing that arrow in my quiver, and healthier emotional processing overall. Being a 100% kosher Raëlian would be the best option but I can’t get there all at once.
My father has been both supportive and relentlessly negative — he consistently talks about what a horrible bitch my mother was when she too quit smoking (for a time) using Chantix, and about her nightmares, nausea, fatigue, aggression, voracious and fattening appetite, etc. He assures me that over the coming days it’ll be progressively worse and harder to bear. Since I smoked the remaining half-pack or so I had yesterday I’m now officially out of cigarettes, and frankly with the Füm it’s been easier than I thought it would be… but possibly not for long. I’ve been especially irritable today and retired to bed at midday to chill out, hit my Füm, and work on this post. There are signs on the horizon that things will, indeed, get worse. With that in mind it would be useful to wrap this up by focusing on why, exactly, following the Elohim’s restrictions will be worth it. To touch upon that we have to turn back to Raëlian scripture. Two primary motivations for undergoing all this hardship are unearthed in Intelligent Design; namely love for the Elohim, and the promise of a great reward.
Why should we love the Elohim? Well, don’t you love your parents? We should love the Elohim because they created us and, as a result, they love and guide us. They have guided us through the world’s religions and have bestowed favours upon men like Job who loved them, and in this millenarian age they want us more enlightened men to also love them in return:
We, the creators, will only show ourselves officially if humanity is grateful to us for having created them. We fear that human beings might hold a grudge against us, which we cannot accept. We would like to begin making open contact with you and give you the benefit of our considerable advance in scientific knowledge - so long as we could be sure that you would not turn against us, and that you would love us as your parents.
Woe unto him that striveth with his Maker!... Shall the clay say to him that fashioneth it, What makest thou? or thy work, He hath no hands? Woe unto him that saith unto his father, What begettest thou? Isaiah 45: 9-10.
…the majority among us thinks that you will prove to us that you love us, and that you will never try to destroy us. That is the least we expect before coming to help you.
This is why the Raëlian message is so important. The world is a religious place and billions of people would gladly say they love their Creator — before the Elohim return we must make known who, exactly, that creator is. According to the Elohim “humans have almost proved that they are worthy of being recognized by their creators as their equals. They lack only... a little love. Love for each other, and particularly for their creators.” I try to have love for my fellow man — a task that can be difficult — but loving our scientific creators is no great burden to someone who understands the Message. On the contrary, it’s a pleasure; a pleasure which drives me to live and do as they have asked even if those particulars can be trying. But the ‘stick’ of these stipulations do not come without a mighty carrot:
Those people who will be entitled to scientific reincarnation on the planet of the eternals will live in a world where food will be brought to them without their having to make the slightest effort, and where there will be marvelously beautiful female and male partners scientifically created for the sole purpose of satisfying their pleasures. They will live there eternally, seeking only to fulfill themselves doing whatever pleases them. As for those who have made others suffer, they will be re-created, and their suffering will be equal to the pleasure of the eternals.
If you recognize the Elohim as your creators, and if you love them and wish to welcome them, if you try to do good to other people by making as much use as you can of all your potential, if you think of your creators regularly, trying through telepathy to make them understand that you love them, if you help the Guide of Guides to accomplish his mission, you will without a doubt be entitled to scientific reincarnation on the planet of the eternals.
These promises are just a glimpse of the pleasure found in our scientific recreation after death, and are a hint of greater delights than can be found in any pack of cigarettes, blunt, or bottle of wine which our world can proffer. My love for the Elohim and my present suffering will not go without reward: the hardships I undergo now are signposts pointing toward a more glorious eternity than I can imagine. It won’t be easy to get there — surely it will be anything but. But on that day when the Third Temple of the old prophecies is built and the Elohim return, or on that day I am (hopefully) recreated on the Planet of the Eternals, being an observant Raëlian will be the most worthwhile undertaking of my life. Troubles of quitting or not I’m excited for my Transmission of the Cellular Plan and for the lifelong journey which lies ahead.
I hope you all, dear readers, will follow along with me.
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countthereds · 2 months
reasons I smoke:
1) stress relief
2) I look cool, i like the way the smoke curls up and the way I look with a cigarette in hand
3) it's gender affirming, i smell like a man and I have a deeper voice
4) tobacco taste nice, shisha is preferable to cigarettes flavour wise but I still like tobacco (i should try that one coffee that promises to have hints of tobacco in it)
5) it's something I can do because I have decided to do. Nothing my parents envision for their "pretty little girl". It works entirely against that shitty image they have of me as a sanctimonious woman who has a stick up her arse. I'm not _flat_ like that. and while I can play that stereotype well, i'm so sick of always having to hide myself from my family.
even if I _do_ try to communicate, it doesn't work. they don't want to see me anything else, so I only have to prove it to myself. and mentally "proving" it to myself is not enough, verbally is nowhere near enough, I Need to be out doing things that break the stupid puritanical image they cast on me.
6) I'm comfortable doing it. Both mum and dad were chainsmokers. I know the different brands, i know what the average price of a pack is having to look anything up. I know what kinds I am likely to like.
7) it's socially inoffensive. Nobody looks twice at someone smoking
8) it's cheaper than other things
9) the fallout of it is not horrible. my parents find out I smoke, they get pissed, so what? even if a cousin does, who _cares?_ It's not sth to get disowned over or get religious sermons over
10) I can store it easily in my room. in my bag, i can get it from any grocery store, nbd. Life is easy
11) I smell Nice, i didn't think i would enjoy the smell tobacco leaves on my body but i do
12) i made my boyfriend cum just with my voice today, which was deeper and hoarser than usual bc i smoked last night
13) It doesn't make me silly like alcohol. I am a happy drunk, and while that is nice, I don't like how i end up more trusting
14) alcohol fucks with my meds. I can only have a tiny bit.
15) it fits the moody aura, it affirms an image in my head. I look more like myself with it.
16) cigs are cheaper than shisha, and they're easier to carry around, cheaper than vape, and look cooler lmao.
17) the withdrawals are not as bad as other stubstances
18) I can't keep popping anti-anxiety pill every time I need to calm the fuck down, nor can I go rub one out, and sometimes even physically managing anxiety and stress doesn't work
19) I can just step out to smoke a bit and not come back absolutely silly and hugging everyone. it fits
20) the sting of smoke balances out the relief of nicotine
21) it tempers my apetite. I always get more hungry when stressed. I need to get rid of that and I can't just go bust a move whenever I want to relax
reasons i should quit after this pack:
1) I'm healing from surgery, and it would suck to ruin all my progress for smokes
2) I'm training for a marathon for fuck's sake
3) I never told Lee
4) I promised to be healthy
5) i don't think using cigs as a bit of self control/self harm move is the best mentality to start Any habit with
6) it will definitely affect my medications and my hormones and the health of my teeth
7) it's expensive in the long run
8) I can't smoke at work
9) i want to be able to handle my anxiety without substances, because i want to be able to have that much control over myself
10) I want to live a long life with my darling
11) I don't want to ruin my lungs
12) I want to be better to the environment than that
13) I want to not be part of the problem
14) I don't want to be a hypocrite. I'm doing this to lash out against the current situation, but I most definitely do Not want to be a smoker forever
15) smokers actually stink, tobacco might smell nice, the rest of that crap getting metabolised through their bodies is Not
16) my farts stink sth fierce rn
17) it can make me more likely to get sick in winter
18) my tits hurts whenever I smoke, i did Not pay a ton of money for my to fuck it up for a short term thrill
19) I'm Better than that, I'm better than relying on a cig for relief, I just need to find a way to do that. I'm sick of suffering through anxiety, i want a way to make it go away
20) I want to be able to donate blood (this stops me from getting tattoos, too)
21) I want to be healthy, that mystical wonder of "healthy" where I can run around freely no problem and where I can swim laps at 80 years od age and not be worn into pieces
22) I want to be a role model to the kids, someone to look up to. I don't think I could look them in the face and lie about having never smoked a single cigarette in my life anymore.
23) nicotine IS mood altering, just bc it doesn't make me silly doesn't mean it doesn't change me. I do Not want to be more irritable
24) I CAN take ashwagandha, which is cheaper and better for me, AND longer lasting and has a better effect, even on my depression and doesn't fuck with my blood pressure
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kiyosw · 1 year
3 TIMES????
Is this about the be nosy post?? If yes, then no!! Never even touched a single cig nor vape😣😣😣😣😞
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Learn About The Best Selling Disposable Vapes On The Market Right Now
Are you interested in contributing to the enormous public health benefit that the e-cigarette industry could provide?
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If you've stumbled onto this page by accident or after conducting extensive research, you'll find all the facts you need to know before you start a business selling Disposable E-Cigs. As the popularity of e-cigarettes keeps rising, retailers who are looking for a way to diversify their income streams, as well as those who offer just Disposable E-Cigs, are finding salvation in this emerging market.
Most significantly, you'll be doing a great service to your customers. Disposable E-Cigs are much more cost efficient than cigarettes, customers have the option to ween off, due to various nicotine strengths, and it’s possible that there are less negative effects to the user.
Get in on the Disposable Vape Industry! Vaping and electronic cigarettes are gaining popularity as a means for smokers to satisfy their nicotine withdrawal symptoms. The vaping business has responded to a request to make vaping easier by producing disposable devices.
Most people who vape merely want to meet their nicotine needs. They're not chasing clouds or building vape mods.
Modern disposable vapes have been intended to improve upon their predecessors in several respects, including quality, cost, flavor strength, and ease of use. The days when disposable vapes were considered nothing more than a low-cost entry point choice are long gone.
Vaping is a sustainable enterprise. To start a business right now would be a wise decision.
With disposable vapes, customers may enjoy a satisfying alternative to smoking at a reasonable price. Choosing the best selection is all that remains.
We've compiled a list of the top Disposable E-Cigs for 2023 to help you make an informed decision.
Esco Bars Mega 5000 Disposable One of the top brands of disposables is ELFBAR BC5000. They have a draw activation mechanism for convenience, and the drawing quality is top notch.
If a customer is trying to kick the habit of smoking cigarettes, they'll find that its loose mouth-to-lung pull makes for a satisfying vaping experience.
The draw is pleasant; it's neither too slack nor too tight. They weigh next to nothing and can be carried around easily in a pocket.
ZOVOO Drag Bar B5000 As far as disposables go, DRAGBAR B5000 have a long lasting and consistent flavor. They have a massive 13ml of e-liquid already inside and a rechargeable 500mAh battery. This makes the DRAGBAR B5000 a fantastic choice for long trips, car trips, or even regular use since your customers can enjoy their favorite vape for a greater portion of the day without having to switch disposables.
ZOVOO Drag Bar F8000 ZOVOO's DRAGBAR F8000 is a high-quality disposable with an impressive lifespan and an impressive flavor profile. One of the largest capacity disposables available, the DRAGBAR F800 comes pre-filled with 16ml of 50mg nicotine e-juice.
Buy Disposable E-Cigarettes in Bulk Online Both of the ZOVOO Drag Bars that we've discussed in this piece, as well as another one that isn't featured here but is at the top of their list of disposables, are presently 15% off at KingdomVapor.com.
To stock up on wholesale vape business supplies, check out KingdomVapor.com.
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unloved-cadillac · 4 years
hello! good evening! sending love from the philippines <3 can I request some hc's for levi, armin, gojou, and sukuna for having a smoker gf? like how do they deal with it (bec afaik nicotine can lower??? your sex drive lol) and would they tolerate her or not? thank u so much <3
C/n: hello there! This is new. Thanks for requesting and I hope that you enjoy🤍
HCs on Levi, Armin, Gojo & Sukuna having a Smoker GF.
He finds it disgusting.
He doesn’t like the smell nor the way it tastes. He tried smoking once and ugh.
The person that calls it “Cancer Sticks.”
When he found out that you smoked, he subtly tried to get you to stop. He didn’t want you to get sick in the long term.
Levi would hide the cigs sometimes, other times he’ll hide your lighter.
Won’t kiss you if you just smoked. He’d force you to go and brush your teeth and use a special mouthwash to get the taste out.
If you’re being honest, you did cut down smoking ever since dating Levi. The effort to wash and rinse after every single smoke was getting annoying.
So you stopped. Because you loved Levi and listened to him.
He smirks to himself that his tricks finally worked. Now he can kiss you whenever.
Armin pretends to be okay with it, but whenever he sees you pull out a cigarette he just wants to take it and smash it on the floor.
He doesn’t care that you like it, he will tell you the dangers of smoking and how sick you can get.
“It causes cancer you know.” “Yes I know, Armie.” “A lot of people die from cancer.” “ARMIN! It’s four in the morning. Shut up.”
Just like Levi, he’ll try to hide your cigarettes. But you always find them making he curses under his breath.
He finally gave up on trying to stop you but he was surprised when he didn’t see you smoke the whole day.
“You didn’t go out to smoke.” “Yeah. About that. I saw this video of the two lungs side by side. One a smokers lung and the other normal. Freaked me the fuck out. So I stopped.” You say and he hugs you. “I’m glad you did.”
“Glad.” He was ecstatic.
I see Gojo in accepting it. To a certain extent.
When he first met you, he saw that you would smoke like one or two a day. But when you two got together, it was a pack or two a day.
Gojo started getting worried as fuck. He despised the cigaretts more than any curse.
He’s the type of person who would throw water on you when you smoked.
“GOJO! WHAT THE FUCK?!” “Nothing.”
He wants to tell you to stop but at the same time it’s your life. You can do what you want. But at the same time, FUCK SMOKING.
Gojo came up with a plan. It wasn’t any better but he felt it was lower risk.
“A vape pen?” You look at it curiously while Gojo smiled. “Yeah. It comes with all kinds of flavors and it smells so gooooood.” He drags the good making you laugh.
“Go, do you want me to quit smoking?” You ask and he stiffens. “U-Uh. Well, I. I don’t want you to not stop. I just don’t want to be that controlling boyfriend who tells you want to do and shit. It’s your life and it’s your choice mmf!” He gets cut off by your lips on his and smiles.
You pull away and cup his cheek. “If it was bothering you that much just tell me. I’ll try to stop. For you.”
Everything works out in the end.
Listen, he smokes too. But not as much as you.
He thought you looked cool with a cigarette in between your lips. Until he realized that he wanted something else on between them.
That’s when he realized that it interfered in your sex life.
He would start to kiss your neck and place his hands in between your thighs but all you did was say, “Babe. I’m super tired.” He will pout.
It happened for two weeks before finally he put a stop to it.
“Y/n. Look at me.” He says and you pick your head from your book. “You need to stop smoking.” You raise your eyebrows at his sudden concern. “Why? You smoke so what’s the difference?”
“The difference is I’ll stop too. I’ve been reading up on it and it lowers our chances of having kids. I don’t want that. I want to have everything with you. So please.” He places his hand on yours and you almost start crying.
“Okay. Okay I’ll stop. But if I see you smoking I’ll-” “I know. You’ll let Itadori poke my eyes out.”
“Gojooooo-sannnnnnn!!!!! Sukuna is the horniest out of all them.”
🖤🤍Thanks for reading🤍🖤
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yagamisdiary · 2 years
Does smoking weed have any effects on ur lung health? I’ve never heard of someone get lung cancer or anything from smoking weed but ur the only person I know who smokes weed so does it or not? 😭
weed itself necessarily won’t damage ur health in plant form or food form like edibles for example. weed is actually good for you! they give it to LITERAL CANCER PATIENTS to help with pain and slow the growth of cancer cells! weed has so many benefits and that’s why so many places have it legalized both medically and recreationally!
smoking however is bad for you no matter what it is you smoke, weed, cigs, vapes it doesn’t matter smoking anything is gonna take a toll on your lungs
i believe weed is a lot slower/less damaging than cigs/vapes bc those two have harmful chemicals that make the process must more quick but weed still will affect u just not as strong or harmful
i personally don’t want to live long anyways so i don’t really care (sorry if that’s hard for some of y’all to read but it’s the truth lol) i don’t wanna live past 80 so if it takes a toll on me fuck it but i don’t vape nor smoke cigs and i don’t smoke weed everyday so i think i’ll be alright
moral of the story, if u wanna try weed, try it lol it’s not gonna kill u if u smoke once or twice or here or there
once u get used to it or whatever, try edibles because it’s a much much much healthier alternative because u get the high without having to smoke at all so ur lungs aren’t affected
i hope this makes sense lol
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vaporbossflavors · 3 years
Lush 3300 Disposable Vape is Effortlessly Portable. Know Everything…
Vaping for many is a way to relax in the evening or during breaks and for making this all the more convenient and effective, Lush 3300 has become one of the trending vape units. If you are a fan of vaping with one-time vapes or want to begin your vape experience without any hassles then picking up this one can be one of the best decisions. Keep reading the article to know all about this device.
The Luscious Vape Juice
To puff through vaping is famous because it gives vapers the chance to enjoy the throat hits with different kinds of flavors. The nicotine used is of sal base and mixed with 5% concentration per every unit. To make the taste overall pleasing with sweet and thick contents, the right proportion of Vegetable glycerine and propyl glycol is added. A total of 8.2ml of e-juice can deliver up to 3300 massive-sized puffs which are satisfying to the core. 
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You can vape with any of the following tastes and can switch every time you begin vaping with a new one. 
Aloe White Grape Ice-  Aloe Vera Juice blended with light hints of white grapes.
Blue Razz-  Pure blue raspberries juice taste.
Lychee Watermelon Ice-  Lychee and Watermelon juices mixed with hints of mint.
Strawberry Milk Tea-  A fine taste of milk, tea, and strawberries.
Zush Ice-  Watermelon and menthol taste blended to perfection.
Cool Mint- A strong hit of mint sensation. 
Grape Gum- Gummies and grapes give awesome hits. 
Kiwi Passion Fruit Guava- A combination of three fruit juices that can take you on 
Lychee White Peach- Lychees and Peaches amalgamated for best vapor taste. 
Orange Mango Guava-  The medley of mangoes, guavas, and oranges. A pure bliss.
Automated Firing Mechanism
Lush 3300 is pre-charged and pre-filled making it work on the highest ergonomics that require just inhale on the vaper’s part. This buttonless unit comes with an in-build automatic firing mechanism, making the process super easy. 
The convenient Design
The weight of this vape highlighter won’t feel heavy in your pockets or palms. You can easily carry it anywhere. There is no compromise on the quality also. The plastic used is of very high quality and its appeal is also very classic. The colors used to paint Lush 3300 Disposable Vape are attractive and add up an opulent feel to it. 
Warning: We do not condone the addiction of vaping and strictly prohibit its use by minors and lactating ladies.
Some Benefits of  Vaping with Lush 3300
It needs no maintenance. Whether you are a fresh vaper or not, no one says no to effortless action. Lush 3300 is all about vaping with ultimate comfort. It won’t put you on refilling the e-liquid nor do you have to recharge it. There are no complications of replacing the coils and maintaining their hygiene.
Those who are always on the move. This is the vape they need. It is not only travel-friendly but fulfills vaping satisfaction with completeness.
The automatic battery built might not be that robust as compared with the traditional e-cigs but it is fully protected from accidental blow-ups and cases of heatings.
The flavor list of Lush 3300 is uber delicious and whichever your palates select, they are not going to let your hopes down.
All in All
Lush 3300 Vape is a luxurious yet fully rewarding vape pen that gets you closer to an extravagant vaping experience. With this pod, you will have all you need and once you are done, you can just dispose of it and move on to the next one. Isn’t that cool? Try and share the feedback with us.
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abubakrcox · 3 years
Top E-Cigarette Brand 2021
Vaping is a rather innovative trend that is actively spreading all around the globe. Basically, it's the usage of e cigarettes rather than conventional cigarettes. The term "smoking" is improper here, because the very concept of electronic cigarettes functioning has nothing that resembles common smoking course of action. The use of this modern day cigarettes and tobacco products alternative is called "vaping". Ok, vaping is a big craze, but why is it worth switching from common smoking to electronic alternatives. Here are the apparent advantages of e-cigs convincing people to quit regular smoking. First things first - electronic cigarette equal minimal harmful influence on your body. Not like cigarette smokers, vapers usually do not cough at night and do not are afflicted by lack of breath. Getting rid of a bad habit is always uncomfortable and challenging. Electric cigarette makes it simple to manage the amount of nicotine absorbed. By progressively lowering every day amount, the cigarette smoker slowly quits smoking. Last, but not least within this short list is convenience. You won't need matches or a lighter to use an innokin.com. And you don't need to search for a bad smelling ashtray. None rain nor strong wind flow will obstruct the effective use of an e-cigarette. All you have to do is simply press a control button. After turning off the unit, you can immediately put it in your wallet or bag. Naturally, you want to invest in finest companies out there. Do not wait to take a look at top rated Vape Brand web site from which to choose best products available on the market.
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Smoking cigarettes is not sexy and the globe is eventually over experiencing and enjoying the smell and taste of tobacco cigs. It is well-known that skilled those that smoke are not able to perceive taste as strongly as non-smoker. Wonderful thing about e cigarettes is that these never affect receptors and allow you to enjoy a full lifestyle. Not like common smokers, vapers can use the e-cig anytime at any place. Restrictions are extremely exceptional, which means, you won’t need to leave the structure to take a 10-minute break. As you can see, the advantages of changing from common cigarettes to electronic alternative are very remarkable. What else do you need to take the final step and stop smoking once and for all? Stick to world’s greatest trend and become one of many mindful folks who value their health and health of folks around them. Follow the link to buy from top E-Cigarette brand and leading trustworthy Vape producer. Contact us on: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Innokin.Technology/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/Innokintech Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/innokin-technology-co-ltd Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/innokintechnology/ Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/innokin YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJTjnyXtlnN5LUQ7ABuMlAA Website: https://www.innokin.com/
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piscesboyjo · 5 years
Who is Eli’s personality and what would he do in curtain situations?
How does Eli meet new people?
If you wanna know how Eli would make friends with people, I think it’s important to remember to be yourself mostly. Eli wouldn’t be the type of person who approaches somebody unless he’s interested to get to know them as a person. I think he’d go for a “wassup, I’m Eli.” And go on from there if he was to make a first move. However if somebody talks to you, we all saw the first episode of skins season 3 how Katie Approached Effy, Katie asked “arnt you Effy Stonem you got like a really cool brother.” And Effy responds with “yea he’s cool.” I think Eli’s less of a talker and more of a listener.
What would Eli do if he was bored?
There’s a lot Eli would do if he was bored. I can see him reading books, he would like SciFi and Fantasy because he is an escapist sometimes. I can also see him going outside and talking walks around the neighborhood. I don’t think Eli would play video games but if he did they’d most likely be games like Call of Duty or Gears of war. Shooting games. He can call his mates to come chill and smoke if he wanted to as well. Anything that’s away from home or his mind.
How does Eli act personality wise.
Eli’s the type of person who listens and watches. He kinda observes everybody in his surroundings. Not staring but just looking around. His standing would probaply folded arms and this weird smirk on his face or just a slight smile with his eyebrows a bit up and down. If that makes sense. Walking would kinda be similar to Effys walk in series 3, however I can imagine Eli having his hands in his jacket pockets.
Does Eli care about what people think of him?
No absolutely not. Eli couldn’t give less of a fuck what people think about him. He’s not all about the Center of attention or look at me look at me I’m so cool. He’s just. There. If that makes sense. No Eli would not care nor would it ever cross his mind. If he caught people staring at him I don’t think he’d care he’d prob stare back and wink or raise his eyebrows and see what their deal is just by staring.
Would Eli smoke?
I don’t wanna encourage vaping and smoking for teens cuz I don’t personally think it’s okay for a teen to smoke a lot but Answer is yes. Now if you wanna start smoking or vaping, my advice, don’t do it a lot. I say like 2 cigs a few months is okay. Constant packs and everyday is not okay cuz smoking does kill you and vaping can harm you. Eli wouldn’t smoke publicly I don’t think so. He’d have a little area at his house he could outside like near a shed or the side parking lot or maybe the garage. But it mostly would have to be an occasion like he’s talking to someone.
What type of music would Eli listen to?
Eli’s an old soul. He would like old music mostly. He would like some Jazz, maybe some pop as well. But I can also see him listening g to people like Billie Eilish and Melanie Martinez and some rap songs like Eminem, or post Malone just for the sake of concerts and raves he’d attend.
If there’s more questions you have about Eli’s personality or what he’d do in curtain situations and facts about him lemme know. I’d love to share my thoughts.
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sergytumar-blog · 5 years
Vaping Laws: How Old Do You Need in accordance with Be in conformity with Vape
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“How ancient operate I want according to lie to vape?”, “Is vaping allowed because of minors?”, “What is prison vaping youth into my country?” - postulate ye are nevertheless searching because an answer in conformity with it questions, you’ve take place in conformity with the appropriate place. In this composition you pleasure discover outdoors as regards the criminal vaping majority among you country, hence as wish find out the excellent location in imitation of buy vape online.
 As the popularity about e-cigs as regarding an choice because grown-up smokers is growing, the enterprise has got a tough team about customers: curious teens. Nevertheless, the vaping world is open because of major ups only. But where is the honest row between morning yet adulthood now it comes after vaping: 18, 19 or 21? Let’s have a shut look at the vape majority guidelines around the globe yet edit it query explicit for you.
 When Does The Childhood End?
 In each country, so is an estimated age at which a younger body is preceding allowed according to vote, request for credit, purchase alcohol, tobacco, or other merchandise considered improbable for minors. Mostly, the prison youth for vaping is equal in accordance with the permitted age for smoking. In nearly countries it age is 18, but that may additionally vary, as ye pleasure see.
 Where Is Vaping Restricted?
 In deep areas vaping is ether regulated simply kind of tobacco cigarettes, and no longer constitutional at all. Before we proceed along approved majority because vaping within deep countries, it’s worth in conformity with observed to that amount at that place are partial locations about the world where e-cigarettes are surely banned. Thus, neither buy or allocation over vape products, nor theirs utilizes is legally allowed in Cambodia, Singapore, Turkmenistan, Vatican City, Jordan, Vietnam, Panama, Syrian Arab Republic, United Arab Emirates.
 Vape Geography| How Old Do You Have To Be To Vape In … ?
 This is the list countries and states as permit vaping, but bear one of a kind age regulations.
Like within almost countries, Australia’s dictation approves vaping in accordance with whole people whoever hold reached the age about 18.
 New Zealand
You need to be at least +18 according to use then purchase vape enroll into New Zeland. In 2017 the e-cigarettes had been labeled namely “a damage reduction then smoke cessation tool” via the Health Ministry within New Zealand.
 The United Kingdom
The UK embargo selling vape fill according to minors. The Tobacco Products Directive (TPD) implemented the +18 majority administration again of 2015. Retailers who promote vapes in imitation of minors are fined £2,500 because of the offense.
 The United States over America
The USA has 50 states along special legislation about dense aspects. And vaping is no deduction here, so the age government varies out of 18+ after 21+. In Utah, Alabama and Alaska vaping is allowed in accordance with people whoever hold reached the majority over 19. In Oregon, California, New Jersey, Maine yet Hawaii vapers bear in accordance with stay at least 21 years old. The federate rule allows vaping for humans upon 18 years over youth in the relaxation regarding forty two states.
The federal government of Canada has imposed a number youth enactment according to the region. Thus, only 19 yr historical people can also use and purchase vape among Ontario. In Manitoba, the felony youth because of vaping is 18. In Calgary city, within the Alberta area, vaping or smoke have been banned very on account that 2015.
China is where vaping got here from, then even these days approximately 90% concerning enterprise products are constructed among that country. Even postulate the vape law are now not so much strict namely between mean countries, there is nonetheless an age monitoring because of the usage of e-cigarettes: +18.
 European Union
The EU international locations bear extraordinary vape regulations, but the known vaping youth is once more 18+. Most regarding the EU international locations does not permit vaping between near populace locations and bear big penalties for promoting vape products in imitation of minors.
 Vaping is turning into greater popular throughout the UK, including on 3 million about vapers and heaps about vape income throughout the internet. And even are consequently many people oversea like whosoever attempt according to sully the recognition concerning vaping, claiming as e-cigs are focused to minors. In fact, vape authorities namely nicely as producers and distributors govern people no longer in conformity with use e-cigarettes agreement she hold not reached the legal vaping age in theirs country. The vape corporations consent along accurate legal guidelines of promoting vape merchandise in imitation of underage yet hold advantageous majority approval measures.
 If ye are now not about a felony age, please work now not absorb yet vape. If thou are an grown-up smoker, please reflect onconsideration on vaping as an advantageous access to quit. Take care.
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