#nora acton
abyssalzones · 2 months
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2019 -> 2021 -> 2024 [now]
after a few years, I've finally updated the Escape Velocity crew's reference sheets ^_^ they feel much more real now.... possibly too real. I feel like domino is going to appear in my house and start asking me to buy beer
sometimes I feel a little discouraged about how long I've spent developing these characters without any comic pages to show for it, but I think in the end the extra time was really needed, and I'm really happy with how the crew look now :J and hopefully I can stop myself from making any more major changes.
check out my ev tag if you want to see more of these weird guys
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sassenashsworld · 2 months
I have just returned from a 4-day drive Montreal/Boston to follow the first steps of the American revolution and this man who I admire since I was a child and who still has grows within me with the fallout reference: John Hancock.
It was a beautiful journey full of revelations and I cannot recommend enough to people who have not done so to do it...
But as a fanfiction author, that’s another point of view that the journey has revealed to me. The shock SoSu gets when they comes out of the shelter must be even worse than anything I could have imagined because the Vermont, the New Hampshire and the Massachusetts are incredibly beautiful.
The respect for trees and nature in these regions is incredible and the pride of the inhabitants for their heritage as well.
There is not a corner of everything I have seen that is not cared for and that the inhabitants do not care for with religious love and shining pride.
And I’ve seen a lot of them--even in just four days.
I already had the intention to rewrite my fanfiction because I have developed a lot my English since I started it, but there may be major changes...
I think that this love and pride of Boston and the surrounding area, faced with the destruction of everything that was important in the America Spirit is something major.
Look forward to the new version of Silver’s adventures, there will be a complete change up-- (and at the same time, the next chapter of Heartbeat should come out soon)
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spencerberkeley · 30 days
Look, you know what happens if you don't spice up the dash. People die. Mistral's doesn't get enough love so...let's do this to it I guess idk. Features Spencer, Cassie, Nora, a bunch of NPCs and a vaguely referenced dude. Date: Evening of 21/8/24. Warnings: Kate up to her usual ish. 
“I hate French food so fucking much. Why are you doing this to me?”
“Laurent recommended the place, and I said I’d—”
The initial disgust present on Cassandra’s face dissipated in an instant, instead replaced by amusement, and all he could do was grimace in annoyance that he had somehow ended up calling her his best friend. There was no point finishing what he was about to say. Slowly, she lifted her hand from the thankfully (in her humble opinion) foodless table, giving him a dramatic thumbs-up.
“Don’t start this shit again.”
“Ooh friend!” The blonde cooed loudly.
Too late.
“French friend!”
This time it was Nora who chimed in, and he shot her a look that very much said ‘traitor.’
The reference earned a few sniggers from the others gathered around the table—Jessica and Llewellyn, in particular—and worse, drew the attention of several onlookers. Spencer didn’t care enough to offer them any attempt at an apology for bringing literal farm animals to dinner, but tried to hush the pair of idiot blondes for his own sake.
They were a party of eight and he regretted almost every choice intensely. Cassandra and his former girlfriend, Jessica Mirzoyan, sat opposite, smirking like school girls at his expense. His two sisters flanked her new partner, his cousin, Llewellyn, to his left. Camilla’s husband, Philip, and his childhood friend, Jack, were engaged in their own conversation, entirely separate from the mess at the table, to his right. They were down two, though. Jasper and his new girlfriend—or old, if they were going to get technical about it, he supposed—were also supposed to be in attendance, but given her apparent reticence sparking concern during their vacation earlier in the month, Spencer suspected it was for the best that they weren’t being subject to whatever the fuck this was.
“You know when you lecture me about being too busy with work to socialise with you?” Spencer began, pointing a finger at Cassandra accusatorily. “Maybe it’s because you’re shit.”
“I’m actually a blessing, but okay.”
“A blessing,” Nora repeated for emphasis, taking a very ladylike sip of her champagne. “Speaking of blessings, though, where is Alexis? You better not have left her at home with the kids so you can get drunk on a school night…”
“Nah, some shit came up with Gaius. Mum is babysitting.”
“Mine, too,” Camilla added.
“She’s watching all of them?! You realise dad has the larger inheritance, right? This better not be some morbid tactic to send the woman to an early grave…”
The conversation was light-hearted, and he appreciated it given the weight his day had landed squarely on his shoulders. A meeting with Elizabeth Acton had left him reeling so spectacularly, Spencer had almost cancelled last minute so he could go home and try to figure out what the fuck he was going to do. As much as he pretended the people surrounding him were nothing more than irritants, however, the reality was that in that moment, he was more grateful for the distraction than they could begin to understand. Particularly when he was no longer sure that this could be as regular an occurrence as he’d like going forward.
Eventually, the food was delivered by a very proud looking waiter. Most displeased was he, upon returning to check on their progress, to see Cassie pushing hers around the plate like a petulant toddler who would’ve been better suited to chicken nuggets.
It was the first time everyone had been relatively quiet, though; a contrast to the otherwise bustling restaurant around them.
Until the ambience was disturbed by a shrill shriek coming from outside.
Spencer checked his Rolex. 19:39.
In typical British fashion, everyone’s eyebrows pulled into a frown, though none commented aloud. It was more an annoyance—how dare somebody mildly inconvenience their evening with such unbecoming behaviour—as opposed to concern for what may have caused the outburst. The only one seated at their table that seemed to be worried about what might be happening outside of their little bubble was Nora, typically enough, and she attempted to steal a glance through the window they were seated beside.
“It’s South Ken, Nora. Somebody was probably spotted wearing last season’s Chanel,” Jack brushed it off, though not without attempting to get a look, himself.
Spencer almost huffed out a laugh at that, but it died in his throat before it ever reached the others.
Suddenly, something just…didn’t feel right.
A few people around them had got up from their tables with similar intent to be nosy; perhaps, when they noticed the normal evening crowds making their way down the street begin to disperse in what was almost certainly not a reaction to somebody’s poor fashion choices.
It wasn’t his first time being caught up in a situation like this, but given how he reacted, one could’ve been fooled into thinking so.
It couldn’t have been more than twenty seconds between the first scream and the sound of gunshots ripping through the comfortable normality of Kensington and Chelsea. The onslaught was so loud it couldn’t have been anywhere else but right outside, and as much was confirmed as the sounds of nearby windows shattering intermittently pierced the panicked screams of the diners.
Champagne and fois gras was sent flying as people sought cover beneath their tables. Threw them aside in an attempt to get away from the room and the stray bullets finding the interior, entirely. Except it didn’t much seem like they were strays. It seemed like someone was aiming them directly at the fucking restaurant.
Pick a table by the window, Laurent had said… It’ll be fun, he’d said…
Spencer reflexively grabbed for Nora, attempting to drag her beneath the table to take cover, but she was attempting her own rescue on Cassie, and she was out of his grip before he ever truly had it. Philip was trying to pull his wife to safety, but the continuous shots in their direction made it hard to tell where was safe, and where was directly in the fucking firing line.
What were they supposed to do? Where were they supposed to go?
Glancing around for something they could all duck behind, every single sense heightened by the immediate shot of adrenaline, he took note that a woman a table over had clearly been struck. Though he could see her moving, the blood pooling around her seemed so swift in its escape, he probably would’ve wondered if her demise was an inevitability had he not been so focused on trying to help the people he loved avoid a similar fate.
Everything was a blur, eerily reminiscent of another time he’d been showered in glass at the hands of murderers.
Why here? Why now?
A Frenchman lying limp on the blood-stained pavement outside answered both of those questions, but nobody present beneath the table could’ve known that.
It felt like an eternity of ragged breathing and thumping hearts until it finally stopped.
The screaming didn’t, though. Nor did the wails of pain. Grief, in some cases, he didn’t doubt.
“What the fuck—” Jessica, always the calm and collected one, was utterly betrayed by the wavering in her voice. Spencer was surprised she could string a sentence together at all.
“What’s happening? Is everyone all right?” Camilla, then.
Cassie was practically catatonic, and he realised quickly, this was not her first encounter with a firing squad. It seemed she was even less equipped to deal with it than he felt. Maybe in some cases, experience wasn’t always such a good teacher…
“I think I’m bleeding,” Nora said shakily.
Spencer’s head shot up immediately in spite of the fact everyone else was too scared—rightfully so—to stray from their hiding spots. What was to say whoever had done this wasn’t just fucking reloading? What if this wasn’t really over as quickly as they thought it was?
“What do you mean? Where?”
“Oh, Jesus.”
“It’s just—” His sister’s attempt at an explanation was cut off as she gasped out in pain, Llewellyn attempting to place pressure on the wound. “It’s just my arm. I think it hit my arm.”
“We need to get out of here. Is everyone else good?”
“There’s blood on me, too, but I think I’m—” Philip started, his slicked-back hair dishevelled for perhaps the first time in his existence, before he was looking right at Spencer. “It’s not mine. Spencer, you’re bleeding.”
Maybe it had been a mistake to assume he felt so detached from that moment because of stress, or anxiety, or pure fight-or-flight reflexes. In fact, he hadn’t felt a fucking thing until he’d looked down at himself, the faces of the others around him paling. It didn’t require too much searching when ‘you’re bleeding’ suddenly felt like the biggest understatement in the world. Evidently, when he’d jumped to his feet in an attempt to grab for his sister, he’d exposed himself to the window.
He hadn’t felt a fucking thing then but he sure did now.
The blood was soaking into his dress shirt at a terrifying speed, and he was suddenly very aware of an intense pain growing just beneath his ribcage. Oh, fuck.  
One hand reached for his upper abdomen, another for the table.
One missed and he found himself falling to the ground, body suddenly weak as though it took seeing it with his own eyes for his brain to fucking register what was happening.
It was enough to break Cassie out of her trance, though.
Might’ve laughed at her crawling toward him hurriedly on all fours like something out of a horror movie if he hadn’t felt himself starting to fade a moment later.
Maybe he hated French food now, too.
And maybe, he wouldn’t have to worry so much about Elizabeth propping him up to be the next Leader of the Conservative Party if he was fucking dead.
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jessi-reyes · 6 months
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@jessi-reyes || 🏆 2024. @leylayilmazx @cassandra-acton @alexislarsson @nora-berkeley @laurent--stpierre @silasagreste @spencerberkeley @henrygarcia @yvonne-rutherford
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drrutherford · 1 year
What are the 5 Important female relationships in Gideon's life?
Taking out family cause that's too easy, as well as characters that are not currently in play like Nora (bff) and Diana. Also taking out Amélie for this one (sorry Amélie) bc she's in a slightly different category in relation to Gideon at this point in time than the ones below. In no particular order, then, the following ladies come especially to mind:
Eleanor — He's known her almost as long as he's known the Rutherfords themselves. Somehow, looking back, he sees Eleanor in most of his childhood memories, smiling in the periphery. Always trailing after Lara and Adri, undoubtedly, but always there. Always a friend to the family, always a constant. As they've gotten older, he's keen to make it known that the feeling is mutual, and that he'll always be a constant for her too, should she ever have need for it. After catching Olivier Fontaine threatening her during the Awards After-Party, that protective instinct has surfaced more overtly in him, and he's determined to figure out what kind of trouble she's gotten herself into, and if there's a way he can help. @eleanorxshipley
Cassandra — They go back ages, they have a complicated history and a connection that's often been described as a love/hate dynamic by others. There's a lot of ingroup loyalty there, despite all the jokes about nepotism and elitist educational experiences. He also has a lot of respect for her political career and her outspokenness on ethical topics. Even though I suspect if he were to find out about some of her sympathies for the French/mob-affiliated French, he'd consider it to be hypocritical on her part and would lose some respect for her political stances accordingly. That said though, his loved ones are his Achilles' heel, and Cassandra, whether she knows it or not, has earned a spot in that circle that would take a lot for her to lose. @cassandra-acton
Ayda — A newer and far more recent entry to the list, and because of that the depth of this connection is (inevitably) a little less invested than the rest. But that doesn't mean he doesn't care about her. They've spent time together on and off over the last few months, and there are a lot of qualities he cherishes in her. He's rooting for Ayda, and she's someone he'd like to see happy. He's also made a promise to her brother to keep an eye out for her, and whether or not he trusts Hasan, he intends to keep his word. For her sake, and out of respect for the uphill battle that she choose by leaving behind a life of crime, even if she's still loyal to her people. But this also makes their connection a little bittersweet, because he's mindful of the fact that life may pit them against one another or force them eventually to take sides. @ayda--demir
Jessica — They've had their ups and downs, but somehow the downs have only brought them closer. This isn't something Gideon takes for granted, as many of his friendships have fallen apart exactly when the going got tough. In a humbling way, what's won him over the most when it comes to Jess' character is her capacity for forgiveness, even when he didn't deserve it. Heck, even when he was too proud to ask for it. Although he's not the type of man to make explicit declarations of fuzzy feelings, this experience was one that's ultimately earned Jess his hard-won trust, and his fidelity to their friendship. The other stuff; their shared commiseration of working in the NHS, the hospital banter, common traumas they've survived, are merely additional layers on that foundation. @jessi-reyes
Alexis — What is it about some of the oldest connections in his social circle that get so damn complicated?? This might seem a surprising entry for the list, but it isn't, not to Gideon. There's a lot of bad blood between them, a lot of misunderstanding, and lot of ways in which he's felt hurt by Alexis, too. That said, there's little he wouldn't do for her, if push came to shove. He'd defend her against any naysayers and protect her to the best of his ability, if needed. A lot of this does come down to loyalty to his best friend, Spencer, but that isn't to say it'd be his only motivation for sticking his neck out for her. Spencer's also been with women in the past that Gideon did not respect and would not protect. But he respects Alexis; he always has. She's smart, funny, and she can go toe-to-toe with Spencer as few people can. Selfishly, Gideon wishes she had a better opinion of him, but that doesn't change the fact that she's important to him, even if the feeling isn't mutual. @alexislarsson
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mobscene-london · 3 years
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Aviv Kasyanenko
Gideon Rutherford
Kathleen Zhao
Lara Rutherford
Laurent St. Pierre
Yves de Metz
Adriana Amaro
Delphine St. Clair
Giorgio Pecatti
Johnathan Parsons
Zhanna Medvedeva
Alexis Larsson
Amélie Castaignède
Anatoly Veselov
Aria Rossi
Cassandra Acton
Edward Hathaway
Emilia Lefebvre
Étienne Canet
Francisco Vidal
Jean Palfroix
Leyla Yilmaz
Lisette Marseille
Maksim Kurylenko
Mikhail Vorshevsky
Nora Berkeley
Olivier Fontaine
Peyton Harrow
Sofie Dekker
Spencer Berkeley
Théodore Chaussard
Varden Lefebvre
Yana Kurylenko
Artem Kravchenko (NPC)
Constance Rutherford
Frankie Rossi (NPC)
Izabele Anasenko (NPC)
Patrizia Pecatti (NPC)
Silas Agreste (NPC)
Valérie Dautremer (NPC)
Azra Yavuz
Cecelia Hathaway
Damon Rutherford
Elaina Halévy
Eleanor Shipley
Élodie Chang
Emine Yalaz
Giordana Rossi
Henry García
Isla Hunt
Jessica Reyes
Lyudmila Korshunova
Melissa Lin
Nevra Erdogan
Olivia Coppola
Ophélie Redgrave
Rina Olivetti
Svetlana Vorshevsky
Viktoriya Kurylenko
Vincenzo Vespucci
William Robathan
Yvonne Rutherford
NPCs are present for those who are married to/in a relationship with upcoming/open characters, and didn’t want to participate by giving a rose to somebody else.
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mobscene-awards · 3 years
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Leyla Yılmaz & Nora Berkeley
Adriana Amaro & Lara Rutherford
Viktoriya Kurylenko & Svetlana Vorshevsky
Jessica Reyes & Melissa Lin
Runner(s) Up: Kathleen Zhao & Peyton Harrow, Giordana Rossi & Rina Olivetti, Alexis Larsson & Cassandra Acton.
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leylayilmazx · 3 years
Top 3 most attractive. Top 3 wouldn't piss on if on fire. Top 3 influences.
None in order, k? k.
Top 3 most attractive.
Henry Garcia, Gideon Rutherford, Laurent St Pierre (or as she calls him - the guy from the bar)
Top 3 wouldn't piss on if on fire.
Konstantin Vorshevsky
(Though she would save them, no matter who they are. She took an oath to help. She just wouldn't be happy doing it.)
Top 3 5 influences.
Nora Berkeley, Cassandra Acton, Azra Yavuz, Henry Garcia, Gideon Rutherford.
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cheshirelibrary · 4 years
Perhaps you recently read or listened to a book by Juliet Hulme or David John Moore Cornwell. Or maybe it was a novel from Chloe Ardelia Wofford or Sidney Schechtel. If these names don't sound familiar to you, it's because you know them better as Anne Perry, John le Carré, Toni Morrison, and Sidney Sheldon. For centuries, writers have been using alternate names, also known as pen names, noms de plume, or pseudonyms.
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Why do authors use pseudonyms?
There are many reasons why an author might use a pen name. A woman writer might have a better chance of getting published if she is thought to be male. This was done frequently in earlier centuries, when women were not published at all. For example, Charlotte, Emily, and Anne Brontë first published under the names Currer, Ellis, and Acton Bell. Amantine Lucile Aurore Dupin also chose to use the pen name George Sand for this reason, although it was becoming more common for women writers to get published in her lifetime.
Alternately, to cite a recent example, more male authors are choosing female or gender-neutral pen names when they submit thrillers, a genre that has become female-dominated over the last decade, thanks in part to authors such as Gillian Flynn, Tana French, and Megan Abbott. Riley Sager (Todd Ritter), A.J. Finn (Daniel Mallory), and S.J. Watson (Steve Watson), are some of today's successful writers to adopt this method.
Some authors choose a pen name to write in a different genre than the one for which they are best known. Agatha Christie published several romance novels under the name Mary Westmacott. Nora Roberts and John Banville both chose pseudonyms when they started writing crime fiction. You will find their mysteries under the names J.D. Robb and Benjamin Black.
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How do you choose a pseudonym?
There are infinite ways to come up with pen names for writers!  You could use your initials or combine the names of your favorite musicians, or pets, or your children. Here are a few ways famous authors chose their pseudonyms:
Theodor Geisel got into trouble while he was a student at Dartmouth College, so he was banned from submitting any more articles to the school paper. To get around his punishment, he began submitting articles under his middle name: Seuss.
Samuel Langhorne Clemens worked on Mississippi steamboats before he became an author. He got his pen name from the term they would yell out when they reached the mark on the line used to measure the depth deemed safe for steamboat travel: "Mark Twain!"
David John Moore Cornwell might have the coolest reason of all for using a pseudonym: He published his first novel as John le Carré when he was an agent with MI6, the foreign intelligence service of the government of the United Kingdom, and was required to use a pen name. (After all, you can't be a secret agent if you're splashing your real name around on a book jacket!)
Click through to read more.
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damon-rutherford · 4 years
⁇, ツ, ♀
Send “⁇” for a DRUNK text.
Damon: Nora dared me not to hit on anyone all night Damon: It’s HRAD. Damon: also hard Damon: Can you like distract her for ten minutes
Send “ツ” for an EXCITED text.
Damon: I convinced Gid to come out for drinks with you guys. Damon: Pay up, Acton.
Send “♀” for a HEARTBREAKING text.
Damon: Yeah, yeah, we’re not talking right now, but I had to say this. Damon: I’ve lost friends because of the actions of other people. Damon: I don’t want to go through that again. You know me, Cassie, and what kind of person I am. I just hope that’s enough.
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cassandra-acton · 4 years
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Cassandra Acton attends the Easter Magic Gala at the Empire Hotel, hosted by Damon Rutherford & Nora Berkeley. –Saturday, April 11th, 2020. Escorting: No one. The gentle reminder that she’s still the hottest bitch in parliament.    
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abyssalzones · 2 months
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[OC] misc evposting... including some glimpses at additional characters that I've had to redesign again. lol
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gidrutherford · 4 years
A bloody bachelor. Top five ladies on the dash, in order, go.
The MP for Poplar and Limehouse
The inferior Acton
There you go, Bekah. ♥
Okay on a serious note, I can’t really do this based on who he gets on well with, because he’s pretty reclusive/busy/doesn’t get out much. I’ll pick who he’d be interested in personality-wise from my ooc knowledge? And I’m including two upcoming bios because otherwise I wouldn’t even be able to settle on five. Boy is picky.
Nora Berkeley
Diana Sehgal (he’ll simp for this bitch always, but pretend he hates her)
Eleanor Shipley
Jessica Reyes
Cassandra Acton 
Alexis would have made number five on this list instead of Satan if it wasn’t for the fact that Spencer has a thing for her, and Gideon isn’t that bitch okay.
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spencerberkeley · 4 years
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Spencer Berkeley attends the Easter Magic Gala at the Empire Hotel, hosted by Damon Rutherford & Nora Berkeley. –Saturday, April 11th, 2020. Escorting: Elizabeth Acton, the whole ass reason he’s looking like such a basic bitch. (Also Pippa, but who really cares about her.)
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thedsp-blog1 · 7 years
Dr. Death’s victim list
Acton, Lily Adams, Lizzie Adkinson, Sarah Adshead, Norman Adshead, Rose Ann Aitken, Irene Andrew, Dorothy Mary Andrew, Joseph Andrew, Mary Emma Arrandale, Albert Arrowsmith, Winifred Ashcroft, Netta Ashton, Dora Elizabeth Ashton, Ellen Ashworth, Ada Ashworth, Brenda Ashworth, Elizabeth Ashworth, James Ashworth, Sarah Aveyard, Clara Ethel Baddeley, Elizabeth Mary Baddeley, John Bagshaw, Bertha Barber, Squire Bardsley, Joseph Bardsley, Lily Bardsley, Nellie Barker, Elsie Barlow, Charles Henry Barnes, James Edward Battersby, Elizabeth Baxter, William Beech, Joseph Bell, Norman John Bennett, Ethel Bennett, Frances Bennett, Nellie Bennison, Charlotte Bent, Arthur Berry, Irene Bill, Edith Annie Birchall, Mary Ivy Bird, Violet May Black, Alice Boardman, Kathleen May Boardman, Mary Louisa Bogle, Geoffrey Bolland, Alice Bowers, Mary Elizabeth Bradshaw, Miriam Brady, Edith Bramwell, Harold Bramwell, Vera Brassington, Charles Geoffrey Brassington, Nancy Anne Bridge, Doris Bridge, Jane Brierley, Albert Brierley, Edith Broadbent, Lily Brock, Edith Brocklehurst, Charles Edward Brocklehurst, Vera Brooder, Irene Brookes, Lily Brookes, May Brown, Alice Brown, Mary Alice Brown, William Henry Buckland, Edward Buckley, Ethel Burke, Elizabeth Mary Butcher, Lydia Edith Cains, Ida Callaghan, Sean Stuart Calverley, Edith Campbell, Annie Carradice, Marion Carrington, Alice Carroll, Josephine May Cartwright, Hannah Chadwick, Wilfred Challinor, Ivy Elizabeth Challoner, Genevieve Chapman, Irene Chappell, Alice Chappell, Wilfred Charlton, John Charnock, George Cheetham, Albert Cheetham, Alfred Cheetham, Elsie Cheetham, Hena Cheetham, Norah Cheetham, Thomas Chidlow, Amy Clarke, Fanny Clayton, Elsie Clayton, Frances Clee, Beatrice Helen Clough, James Condon, Thomas Connaughton, Alice Hilda Connors, Michael Conway, Margaret Ann Coomber, Frederick Cooper, Ann Copeland, Erla Copeland, Sydney Hoskins Couldwell, Constance Anne Coulthard, Ann Coutts, Mary Couzens, Hilda Mary Cox, Eileen Theresa Crompton, Eileen Daphne Crompton, Frank Crompton, John Crossley, Lily Cullen, Lilian Cuthbert, Valerie Davies, Cissie Davies, Eric Davies, Fred Davies, Miriam Dawson, Fanny Dean, Elsie Lorna Dean, Joan Edwina Delaney, Bessie Denham, Christopher Dentith, Frederick Devenport, Ronnie Dixon, Alice Dobb, Edgar Dolan, Ethel Drinkwater, Alice Drummond, Joseph Dudley, Mary Rose Dutton, Elaine Earls, Doris Earnshaw, William Eddleston, Harold Eddleston, Monica Edge, Agnes Evans, Bethel Anne Everall, Hannah Everall, Joseph Vincent Farrell, Phyllis Fernley, Marie Antoinette Firman, Mary Elizabeth Fish, Hilda Fitton, Hilda Fletcher, Dorothy Fletcher, Elizabeth Floyd, Arthur Fogg, Leah Foulkes, Edwin Fowden, Thomas Fox, Moira Ashton France, John Freeman, Harold Freeman, Winifred Frith, Hannah Galpin, Minnie Doris Irene Garlick, Rose Garlick, Violet Garratt, Mary Alice Garside, Millicent Gaskell, Marion Gaunt, Mary Gee, Nellie Gess, Clifford Givens, William Goddard, Edith Godfrey, Elsie Golds, Annie Elizabeth Gorton, Alice Maude Graham, Edith Gray, Rebecca Greenhalgh, John Sheard Grimshaw, Annie Grimshaw, Muriel Grundy, Donald Anthony Grundy, Kathleen Grundy, Nora Hackney, Clara Hackney, Clara Hadfield, Violet Hague, William Hall, Josephine Halliday, Frank Hallsworth, Janet Hamblett, Leonora Hamer, Mary Emma Hammond, Caroline Veronica Hampson, Jesse Hancock, Christine Hannible, Elsie Harding, Joan Milray Harris, Charles Harris, Harriet Harrison, Christina Harrison, David Alan Harrison, Marion Harrison, Muriel Eveline Harrison, Samuel Harrop, Elsie Haslam, Mary Elizabeth Hawkins, Sarah Healey, Winifred Heapey, Clifford Barnes Heapey, Gladys Heathcote, Irene Heginbotham, Olive Hennefer, Ellen Hett, Mary Jane Heywood, Ada Heywood, Florence Hibbert, Hilda Mary Hickson, Robert Higginbottom, George Eric Higginbottom, Peter Higgins, Barry Higgins, Lily Higham, Marion Elizabeth Highley, Ruth Higson, Ellen Hill, Sarah Ann Hillier, Pamela Marguerite Hilton, Ada Matley Hilton, John Hirst, Emma Holgate, Ethel Doris Holland, Alline Devolle Holt, Alice Hopkins, Dorothy Doretta Howcroft, John Hulme, Hilda Hurd, May Iwanina, Jozef Jackman, Harold Edward Jackson, Maureen Lamonnier Jackson, Nancy Jameson, Ronald Jeffries, Beatrice Johnson, Norah Johnson, Richard Johnston, Leah Jones, Alice Mary Jones, David Jones, Hannah Jones, Ivy Jones, Jane Jones, Robert Edward Jordan, Mary Ellen Keating, Mary Kellett, Ethel May Kellett, Fred Kelly, Ellen Kelly, Moira Kennedy, Alice Killan, Charles Henry King, Elsie King, James Joseph Kingsley, Mary Kitchen, Alice Christine Lacey, Renee Leach, Florence Leech, Edith Leech, William Henry Lees, Olive Leigh, Carrie Leigh, Joseph Leigh, Wilfred Lewis, Elsie Lewis, Florence Lewis, Peter Lilley, Jean Lingard, Robert Henry Linn, Laura Frances Livesey, John Louden Llewellyn, Edna May Lomas, Harry Lomas, Ivy Long, Dorothy Longmate, Thomas Alfred Lord, Jane Ellen Lowe, Beatrice Lowe, Esther Lowe, May Lyons, Eva MacConnell, Charles Mackenzie, Selina Mackie, Christina McCulloch Mansfield, Mary Ann Mansfield, Walter Marley, Martha Marsland, Sarah Hannah Matley, Maud McDonald, Kathleen McLaren, William James McLoughlin, Gertrude Melia, Joan May Mellor, Elizabeth Ellen Mellor, Samuel Mellor, Winifred Meredith, Oscar Metcalfe, Margaret Middleton, Deborah Middleton, Mary Mills, Samuel Mitchell, Cyril Mitchell, Wilbert Molesdale, John Bennett Morgan, Emily Moss, Bertha Moss, Hannah Mottram, George Henry Mottram, Hannah Helena Mottram, Pamela Grace Moult, Thomas Mullen, Nellie Mycock, Miriam Rose Emily Needham, Nora Nicholls, Violet Nichols, Fanny Nichols, Lily Nuttall, Hervey Nuttall, Norah O'Sullivan, Thomas Ogden, Mary Oldham, Agnes Oldham, Samuel Oswald, Frances Elaine Otter, Enid Ousey, Margaret Ovcar-Robinson, Konrad Peter Overton, Renate Eldtraude Oxley, Phyllis Parker, Marjorie Parkes, Annie Parkin, Laura Victoria Parr, Bertha Pearce, Elizabeth Pedley, Rosetta Penney, Vara Pickering, Leah Pickup, Kenneth Pickup, Mavis Mary Pitman, Edith Platt, Elsie Platt, Marion Pomfret, Bianka Potts, Frances Potts, Reginald Powers, Annie Alexandra Preston, Ada Marjorie Prestwich, Alice Proud, Ethel May Quinn, Marie Ralphs, Anne Lilian Ralphs, Ernest Colin Rawling, Alice Reade, Audrey Redfern, Tom Renwick, Dorothea Hill Richards, Jose Kathleen Diana Richardson, Alice Riley, Stanley Roberts, Edith Roberts, Esther Hannah Roberts, Gladys Robinson, Eileen Robinson, Eveline Robinson, Lavinia Robinson, Mildred Rogers, Elizabeth Ann Rostron, Jane Frances Rowarth, Dorothy Rowbottom, Annie Rowland, Jane Isabella Royles, Elsie Royston, Betty Rudol, Ernest Russell, Tom Balfour Sankey, Margaret Saunders, Albert Edward Saunders, Gladys Scott, Edith Scott, Elsie Sellors, Kate Maud Sharples, Cicely Shaw, Joseph Shaw, Leonard Shaw, Lilian Shaw, Neville Shaw, Susan Eveline Shawcross, Edna Shawcross, Ernest Shawcross, Mabel Shelmerdine, Jack Leslie Shelmerdine, Jane Elizabeth Shore, Lily Sidebotham, Florence Sigley, Elizabeth Teresa Simpson, Kenneth Harry Slater, Albert Slater, Florence Slater, Lena Norah Slater, May Smith, Alice Smith, Dora Elizabeth Smith, Emma Smith, Kenneth Ernest Smith, Margaret Smith, Mary Alice Smith, Sidney Arthur Smith, Winifred Isabel Sparkes, Monica Rene Squirrell, Alice Stafford, Harry Stafford, Kate Elizabeth Stansfield, Joe Ainscow Stocks, Louisa Stone, John Stopford, Arthur Henderson Stopford, Harriet Strickland, Ruth Sumner, Grace Swann, Bessie Swann, Robert Swindells, Emmeline Taylor, Caroline Mary Taylor, Edna Mary Taylor, Florence Taylor, Lily Newby Taylor, Mary Tempest, Mary Ann Thomas, Alice Thomas, Sarah Ann Thornton, Maria Tideswell, Sarah Tierney, Angela Philomena Tingle, Walter Toft, Beatrice Tomlin, Mary Townsend, Margaret Tucker, Dorothy Tuff, Mary Tuffin, Winifred Amy Turner, Frances Elizabeth Turner, Irene Uttley, Stanley Vickers, Frederick Vickers, Margaret Mary Virgin, Lucy Vizor, George Edgar Vizor, May Wagstaff, George Lawton Wagstaff, Jessie Irene Wagstaff, Laura Kathleen Waldron, Margaret Anne Walker, Edward Walker, Ellen Walker, Henrietta Walker, Winifred Mary Waller, Harry Waller, Marjorie Hope Walls, Mary Walton, Sydney Warburton, Ada Ward, Maureen Alice Ward, Minnie Ward, Muriel Margaret Ward, Percy Wardle, Eric Wareing, William Hill Warren, May Wass, Kathleen May Watkins, Annie West, Maria Wharam, Ellen Frances Wharmby, Lavinia White, Mona Ashton Whitehead, Amy Whitham, Colin Whittaker, Maureen Whittaker, Violet Mary Whittingslow, Vera Whittle, Edith Wibberley, Edith Wilcockson, Joseph Frank Wilkinson, Annie Wilkinson, Maud Williams, Albert Redvers Williams, Emily Williamson, Sarah Jane Wills, Jack Wilmore, Margaret Wilson, Muriel Elsie Wimpeney, Mark Winston, George Winston, Olive Winterbottom, Mary Wood, Annie Wood, Charles Henry Wood, Fanny Wood, James Woodhead, Joyce Woodhead, Kenneth Wharmby
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Mit der Hotel-Metasuche trivago bauten Rolf Schrömgens, Malte Siewert, der früh für Stephan Stubner zum Team gekommen ist, und Peter Vinnemeier, eines der ganz großen deutschen Tech-Startup auf. Unter dem Namen Monkfish Equity investieren die bekannten Unternehmer inzwischen in junge Unternehmen aller Art. Das Investment-Profil von Monkfish ist simpel zu erklären: Bis auf Masterplan und KolayIK sind Unternehmen, in die die trivago-Macher investiert haben, im B2C-Segment tätig. “Hier sind wir durch unseren trivago-Background am stärksten aufgestellt und liefern Know How zu den Themen SEM, Display, Social Media, TV, Call Center und BI. Wir wollen in Teams investieren, in denen wir Teile der trivago-DNA wiederfinden. Unser Mehrwert ist besonders groß, wenn das Business so weit ist, dass es durch Marketing effizient skaliert werden kann”, erklärt Malte Siewert die Investmentstrategie”, erklärt Siewert die Investmentstrategie von Monkfish. Auf der Liste der Monkfish-Exits stehen Startups wie HelloFresh, Delivery Hero, Flaconi und homeday. Als Flop mussten die trivago-Macher Investments in TeamsUnited, muun oder Zapitano verbuchen. Und nun enthüllen wir einmal alle aktuellen heißen Investments der trivago-Gründer, die bisher in rund 40 Unternehmen investiert haben. Die heißen Investments der trivago-Macher Alphapet Hinter Alphapet verbergen sich unter anderem die Shop-Marken pets Premium und Hundeland.de. Das Family Office Reimann Investors, weitere Family Offices mit Konsumgüterhintergrund sowie die Altgesellschafter Venture Stars, Mountain Partners und Heliad Equity Partners investierten zuletzt 10 Millionen Euro in die junge Futterfirma. ArtNight Das Berliner Startup ArtNight, das 2016 von Aimie-Sarah Carstensen und David Neisinger gegründet wurde, wurde durch einen Auftritt in der Vox-Show “Die Höhle Der Löwen” bundesweit bekannt. Bei ArtNight geht es um eine Art Kunstkurse, die in angesagten Bars und Restaurants stattfinden. Ende des vergangenen Jahres investierte auch M-Venture, die Beteiligungsgesellschaft von Mast-Jägermeister, in ArtNight. Barnebys Hinter Barnebys verbirgt sich ein Online-Auktionshaus für Antiquitäten und Kunst. Das Unternehmen wurde 2011 vom schwedischen Antiquitäten-Experten und Fernsehmoderator Pontus Silfverstolpe gegründet. Barnebys sammelte bereits über 14,5 Millionen US-Dollar ein. Calm Das Fitness-Startup Calm (Sitz: San Francisco) wurde 2012 von Michael Acton Smith und Alex Tew gegründet. Die App der Jungfirma bietet Meditationen und Sleep Stories, die helfen sollen, Angstzustände zu bewältigen, Stress abzubauen und besser zu schlafen. Calm konnte bereits über 40 Millionen Downloads verbuchen. Campanda Michelin Travel Partner, eine Tochterfirma des Reifenherstellers Michelin, Accel, idinvest, Le Peigné, Ringier Digital Ventures, b-to-v Partners und Atlantic Labs investierten Anfang 2017 beachtliche 10 Millionen Euro in Campanda, eine Plattform für die Vermietung von Wohnmobilen und Caravans. Das junge Berliner Unternehmen wurde von Chris Möller, früher erento ins Leben gerufen. Comtravo Der Berliner Geldgeber Project A und der schwedische Investor Creandum investierten im Sommer 2017 rund 8,5 Millionen in Comtravo, eine Buchungsplattform für Geschäftsreisen. Comtravo wurde 2015 von Michael Riegel, Jannik Neumann, Marko Schilde und Slobodan Utvic gegründet. Exporo Das Hambuger Startup Exporo, eine Crowdfunding-Plattform für Immobilien, wurde 2014 von Simon Brunke, Björn Maronde, Julian Oertzen und Tim Bütecke gegründet. Bisher wurden bereits über 170 Projekte mit einem Kapital von insgesamt über 300 Millionen Euro über die Plattform finanziert. Auch e.ventures, Holtzbrinck Ventures, Sunstone und BPO Capital investierten bereits in die Jungfirma. EzCater Das 2007 in Bosten, Massachusetts gegründete Unternehmen EzCater positioniert sich als Marktplatz für Corporate Caterings. 2018 expandierte EzCater über den Ozean und erwarb das in Paris gegründete Pendant GoCater. Freshly Das New Yorker Startup Freshly, das 2012 von Carter Comstock und Michael Wystrach gegründet wurde, liefert seinen Kunden Mahlzeiten (“Healthy, Chef-Cooked Dinners Delivered and Ready in 3 Minutes” bis an die Haustür. Glamping Hub Das 2013 in Sacramento gegründete Startup positioniert sich als Buchungsplattform für Camping-Unterkünfte im Luxussegment. Horizn Studios Investoren wie Milano Investment Partners, Project A Ventures, Vorwerk Ventures, Perpetual Investments, Tarsadia Investments und Astutia Ventures investierten insgesamt bereits 25 Millionen Euro in Horizn Studios. Das Berliner Smart-Luggage-Startup, das 2015 von Stefan Holwe und Jan Roosen gegründet wurde, vertreibt unter anderem ein Hartschalen-Kabinengepäck mit Fronttasche für Laptop und Co. KolayIK Das türkische Unternehmen KolayIK bietet seinen Kunden maßgeschneiderte SaaS-Lösungen im Bereich HR und Employer-Management an. Die Produktpalette reicht von Vereinfachungen für das Erstellen von Gehaltsabrechnungen über Employer-Benefits, bis zu Versicherungen. LemonSwan Auch nach Jahren im Dating- und Partnervermittlersegment hat ElitePartner-Gründer Arne Kahlke noch immer nicht die Nase voll von einsamen Herzen. Seine neueste Unternehmung hört auf den Namen LemonSwan. Das junge Startup, das Kahlke mit Oliver Czok, Lars Jankowfsky und Paul Uhlig führt, richtet sich an Singles jeden Alters ab 18 Jahren. Die Plattform soll sich langfristig über kostenpflichtige Premium-Mitgliedschaften refinanzieren. Lingoda Das Berliner Startup Lingoda, eine Online-Sprachschule, wurde von Fabian und Felix Wunderlich gegründet. Zu den Investoren der Jungfirma gehören auch Grazia Equity, Mountain Partners und die German Startups Group. Loopline Systems STS Ventures und Fawkes Ventures investierten zuletzt eine siebenstellige Summe in Loopline Systems. Das im Jahr 2014 von Nora Heer und Christian Kaller gegründete Berliner Startup unterstützt Unternehmen seine Führungsprozesse zu verschlanken und zu digitalisieren. Masterplan.com Das Bochumer Startup Masterplan wurde 2017 von Daniel Schütt und Stefan Peukert, die zuvor Employour betrieben haben, gegründet. Tengelmann Ventures und DVH Ventures investierten bereits 6 Millionen Euro in Masterplan.com, ein E-Learning-Unternehmen rund um das Thema Digitalisierung. In Zusammenarbeit mit führenden Digitalexperten aus Deutschland und dem Silicon Valley entwickelt das Unternehmen spannende Lernvideos. Moebel24 Hinter Moebel24 verbirgt sich ein Vergleichsdienst für Möbelanbieter. Ins Leben gerufen wurde das Berliner Startup von Miro Morczinek, ehemals Group Chief Marketing Officer von Home24. Pixsy Auf Pixsy können Fotografen das Netz nach ihren eigenen Bildern durchsuchen. Entdeckt dabei ein Fotograf, dass eines seiner Fotos unberechtigt irgendwo verwendet wird, kann er sich mit dem Fall an Pixsy wenden. Das Startup wurde von Anders Fleck, Torsten Rüter und Daniel Foster gegründet. Tourlane Der US-Geldgeber Sequoia Capital, der hierzulande bisher durch ein Investment in 6wunderkinder aufgefallen ist, investierte kürzlich gemeinsam mit den Altinvestoren 24 Millionen Dollar in das junge Cyber-Reisebüro Tourlane. Die Bewertung lag bei 90 Millionen (Pre-Money). Ein Wettbewerber von Tourlane ist Tourradar. TCV, Cherry Ventures, Endeit Capital, Speedinvest und Hoxton Ventures investieren kürzlich 50 Millionen US-Dollar für das Online-Reisebüro aus Wien Tractive Das österreichische Startup Tractive, das Echtzeitortungsgeräte für Haustiere und andere Tiere entwickelt, wurde 2012 von Michael Hurnaus, Michael Lettner und Michael Tschernuth gegründet. Auch Harold Primat, Erbe des Erdölunternehmens Schlumberger, Hansi Hansmann und die Runtastic-Gründer rund um Florian Gschwandtner investierten bereits in das junge Unternehmen. Vinted Über Vinted können Onliner gebrauchte Kleidung und Accessoires kaufen, kaufen und tauschen. Milda Mitkute und Justas Janauskas gründeten das Unternehmen 2008 in Vilnius, Litauen. In Deutschland ist das Unternehmen unter der Marke Kleiderkreisel unterwegs. Weitere Investments im kurzen Überblick: 4scotty, Ampido, catawiki, CoffeeCircle, JustSpices, lecturio, Lineavi, merolt, Reparando, SpareFoot, SpotHero, Uniplaces, Vitamed, Wallapop, WellNow, Wunderflats, Zageno Lesetipp: Die heißen Investments von Tim Schumacher, der SumUp- und Zeitgold-Gründer (Jan Deepen und Stefan Jeschonnek), von Gerald Schönbucher, der Amorelie-Gründer (Lea-Sophie Cramer und Sebastian Pollok), von Sebastian Diemer sowie der Flixbus-Gründer (Jochen Engert, Daniel Krauss und André Schwämmlein). Startup-Jobs: Auf der Suche nach einer neuen Herausforderung? In der unserer Jobbörse findet Ihr Stellenanzeigen von Startups und Unternehmen. Foto (oben): trivago
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