#normally she’s got better wys to entertain herself but when she starts she does it for aaaaaages
taffyeevee · 4 years
Does taffy brush her fur?
Not very often! Mostly she only does upkeep if she’s bored or fidgety, or something hurts.
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sanversinsane · 7 years
The Tour: Chapter 1
This is the first chapter of an AU series I’ve decided to call “The Tour” in which Nicole Haught is an up-and-coming singer/song writer, who meets Waverly Earp a small town local photographer at a show one night. It will follow their relationship as a tour starts and the two begin to spend more time together. 
Also for this chapter I put a youtube link to the two songs Nicole sings if you’re interested and you want to listen. 
Waverly threw herself down on the couch with a bowl of orange cheese puffs in one hand and the tv remote in the other. She had been waiting for this moment all week. Time to herself just to sit down and relax, eat junk food and watch sappy movies.
But of course the moment she pressed play, her phone started to buzz from her coffee table. She sighed as she paused it again.
Of course it was Wynonna. Who else would it be?
“Hey Wy.” She answered.
“Hey baby girl, listen are you busy tonight?” Wynonna asked right away.
“I mean, I….” Waverly glanced at the tv and the table of snacks. “Kinda had plans.”
“Waverly Earp. Licking gross cheese puff residue off your fingers while you cry over The Notebook does not count as plans.” Wynonna quickly retorted.
Sometimes it scared Waverly how well Wynonna knew her. She rolled her eyes and sighed before replying. “What do you want?”
“You know my friend Matt? The photographer?”
“Well he was suppose to take pictures tonight for a concert but he got sick and they need a photographer and a reporter for the newspaper.”
“Wynonna I…” Waverly began before Wynonna cut her off.
“Yes you can Waverly. You're so talented and you're wasting it away at that damn bar, busting your ass every night. This is what you want to do. This is your opportunity.” Wynonna always had a way of pep talking Waverly into doing anything.
“Fine.” She sighed. “Where is it?”
“The Brick.” Wynonna responded right away. “And hurry you've got an hour to get here! I'll let them know you're coming.”
Waverly clicked off the tv and ran to her room to get changed. She grabbed her camera bag and made sure her phone was charged before running out the door.
As much as she hated that Wynonna ruined her chill night, she did kind of love the thrill of working with her camera again. She has put it down for a while, and she didn't realize how much she missed it until she was holding it in her hands again.
The Brick was a small bar just outside of Purgatory. They had small shows every few weeks, and most of the time people would go solely because they had nothing better to do. When she pulled up to the bar, she couldn't find parking, her first sign that this might be a little bit bigger than she first anticipated.
Wynonna met her at the door and ushered her in. The crowd was much bigger than normal. Most of the time it was only a few tables worth of people. But this night, people were standing everywhere. “Who the hell is playing tonight?” Waverly asked as she glanced around at the bar at the crowd of mostly women and a few men.
“I don't know her but Dolls does. I think her name is Nicole Haught.”
“You're joking?” Waverly said as she looked back at Wynonna.
“You know her?”
“No but, her last name is really Haught?” Waverly laughed.
“Apparently.” Wynonna shrugged. “So listen pictures now and then before the set ends you need to get back stage and do an interview for the Purgatory Paper.” Waverly nodded and felt a nervous knot grow in her stomach. “I told Bob over there…” Wynonna pointed to the big burly man beside the stage with a “security” shirt on “To let you pass, so just head over to him.”
“Okay.” Waverly nodded again.
“You got this baby girl.” Wynonna said with a hard pat on her shoulder.
The lights to the bar dimmed and Wynonna ran back to where Doc was covering her beer, leaving Waverly standing alone at the side of the stage. She turned and got her camera ready. She played with the aperture and the lighting just to make sure everything looked correct. As she looked down at the screen and fumbled with the settings she heard a voice ring out through the microphone.
“Hi everyone. Um...thanks for coming.” Waverly looked up and saw Nicole come into view. The light was so bright she was squinting and she was adjusting the strap on her guitar. “My name is Nicole Haught…” a few people in the crowd clapped and hollered. “Thanks.” She giggled a bit. “So if you don't mind, I'm just gonna play some songs on my guitar and try to keep you entertained for the next hour. Is that cool?” The crowd clapped and she nodded. “Okay good.”
Waverly couldn't help but smile. This girl was cute. She was nervous and a little shy, but there was something else about her that made it hard for Waverly to look away. She was so transfixed that she forgot she was suppose to be taking pictures. She lifted her camera to her eye and snapped her first shot as Nicole tuned her guitar. She looked at the screen afterwards and felt pride bubble up inside of her because it actually looked pretty good. Maybe a little too bright. She turned down the ISO and took another shot just before the red head began to sing.
“Feelings will change but I never feel enough And time heals in waves but won't fill the holes you dug.
Memories fade but I hold onto my love.
I stay awake wishing on stars above.”
Waverly got one picture and then stood frozen staring up at the woman on the stage. Her voice was...it wasn't what she expected. It had a bit of a huskiness to it that sent a chill across Waverly's arms. Goose bumps formed all over her body.
Waverly lifted the camera to her eye again and snapped a few more pictures. Nicole had her eyes closed as she sang but the moment she opened them, those green eyes looked right at Waverly.
“I try not to think about the ways that it's coming down The things I was feeling then, I don't wanna feel again Deep breaths coming in and out, one kick and I'm coming down The things that I never said, I don't wanna hold them in.”
Waverly hid behind her camera. She wasn't even sure if the pictures were coming out but she knew if she put it down she might have to face those beautiful eyes meeting hers and that made the butterflies growing in her stomach flutter even faster. Through her lens she watch Nicole relax under the spotlight. She watched her lean into her guitar as she strummed and the way she smiled a bit a the crowd that was intently listening.
“I tried to grow but I never change enough I tried to be whole but somebody pulled the plug All that I was crumbled beneath your weight Days turn to night and love withers into hate.”
Waverly wondered if this was a song she wrote, or if it was just some song she'd never heard before. Either way, the lyrics were good. Really good.
As Nicole continued Waverly got more comfortable behind her camera. She moved to get a different angle, and find the perfect lighting for the shot she really wanted. Nicole’s eyes followed her for a moment as she moved and a small smile grew before she closed her eyes and sang the chorus again.
“It snowed in October when I wanted rain I don't think I'm changing but I don't feel the same And all of my pieces that I gave away I'm burning my body so I can stay warm.”
When the song ended the crowd cheered and clapped. It was much louder than anything Waverly had heard in this place before. And the smile on Nicole's face...Waverly had to capture it. She had to have taken at least 10 pictures in a row of that smile.
“Thank you.” She laughed. “I forgot to preface that I write all my songs.” The crowd clapped again. “I get most of my inspiration from love.” She laughed and rolled her eyes at herself as she moved the
capo on her guitar to prepare for the next song. “I know it's cliche but I can't help it.” She laughed and the crowd chuckled with her.
Waverly continued to smile as she took shot after shot. She couldn't stop smiling, and she wasn't sure if it was because it felt really good to have a camera in her hands again, or if it was because the girl on the stage was so beautiful it was hard not to smile just looking at her.
“So this next song I wrote sometime last year. I'll let it speak for itself, but it's one of my favorites.” She smiled as she began to strum.
Waverly caught the rosiness that had grown in her cheeks.
“I like my girls just like I like my Honey, sweet, a little selfish.”
Waverly felt her mouth go dry.
Those butterflies in her stomach were rapidly flapping their wings now.
So, Nicole liked girls? Something about that fact made Waverly feel lightheaded.
Waverly stayed planted in one spot as the song went on. She was nervous that if she tried to move her knees would completely buckle. She wasn't sure why this girl was having such a strong effect. She chalked it up to her just being really cool, in her faded jeans, her casual grey t-shirt and a leather jacket that fit her perfectly.. Her short red hair reflected the spotlight on her and literally gave her a halo. It was a lot of things. The way she smiled when she sang, and the way her fingers plucked effortlessly at the guitar in her hands.
Yeah she was just really cool...that's all.
When Nicole announced the last song Waverly made her way over the Bob the security guard. He informed her to get back stage, she she to go onto the stage and leave from the side. Waverly snuck her way up the steps while Nicole was talking and before sneaking back stage, she snapped a picture of her from behind. She didn't even have to look at it to know it was her favorite.
When she got back stage all she found was a hallway with one door. A door labeled “Dressing room” with one O peeled away. She opened the door to find a small room, just big enough for a couch and a vanity. It was nothing fancy but it would have to work for the interview.
Waverly was the most nervous about that. I mean, she was always great with people but she hadn't had any time to prepare for this and she wasn't even sure what she was going to ask.
Plus those butterflies in her stomach were still doing back flips.
She opened her camera and began to scroll through the shots she got. Some were blurry, some were too dark, some had too much light, but when she got it right….they came out pretty beautiful.
She zoomed in on one. One where Nicole was laughing about something. She had a huge smile on her face and her eyes were squinted shut. Waverly was stuck on this picture. She just looked so beautiful and so free and s-
“Hi.” Nicole said as she tentatively close the door. Waverly snapped out of her moment with a jump, her camera falling out of her hands and onto her lap. “Sorry didn't mean to scare ya.”
“No...it's okay.” Waverly quickly stood up from the couch. “My name is Waverly Earp. I'm here to do a piece on you for the Purgatory Paper.”
“Oh yeah. The girl with the camera.” Nicole nodded and smiled as she took her jacket off and placed it on the chair in front of the vanity. “It's nice to meet you I'm Nicole. Nicole Haught.” She stuck out her hand to Waverly and Waverly reached back.
Up close she was even more beautiful. Her eyes were a combination of green and blue, almost a hazel but with speckles of brown. Her hair was long, shiny, and red, and it all draped over her left shoulder. And that smile. It was the dimples. They were faint but God they made her breath catch in her throat.
“Sooo...do you want to sit?” Nicole asked with a bit of awkwardness.
“Yeah….yeah sure.” Waverly sputtered. “I'm sorry, I don't usually do this, so I'm a little nervous.”
“It's okay. This stuff is new to me too.” Nicole smiled as they both took a seat on the couch. Nicole sat up and crossed her legs like they were about to have a girls chat at a sleepover. There was something about her posture that eased Waverly’s nerves a bit.  
“Do you mind if I record you?” Waverly asked as she opened up her phone.
“Record away.” Nicole smiled again.
God she was charming.
Waverly awkwardly laughed and pressed the record button. “So...I guess my first question is...is you're name really Nicole HAUGHT or is that a stage name?” Waverly asked.
Nicole let out a loud laugh and those dimples seemed to get deeper. Waverly couldn't help but smile about the fact that she made her laugh. “No it's my real name.” Nicole laughed. “I use to get teased all the time for it, so I thought about changing it when I decided I wanted to do music. But then...I don't know I figured it's always made me stand out so why not keep it right? But yes it really is Haught.”
“I think it's cool.” Waverly replied and then quickly stopped herself. “I mean your name is cool I didn't mean that as a joke I actually think Haught it a cool name.” She rambled and then stopped herself with a sigh.
Nicole was still giggling. Her cheeks had become a bit red and her eyes wouldn't leave Waverly. “Thanks.”
“You said on stage that you write all your own music?” Waverly asked next.
“Yep.” Nicole nodded.
“And you write mostly about love?” She asked.
“Mostly.” Nicole replied.
“So what do those songs sound like right now?” Waverly hated the question the minute she finished saying it.
Nicole giggled again. “You mean, am I in love right now?” She asked back and Waverly nodded. “No I'm not. Just got over a pretty bad break up about a year ago actually. So...yeah my music hasn't been the most upbeat lately, but I try to channel my writing from all different life experiences and perspectives. I'm always writing.”
From that moment in the conversation seemed to flow. Waverly had forgotten it was an interview and instead found herself just having a conversation with the woman in front of her. They talked about music, and life, and what their biggest dreams were. Neither had realized 45 minutes had even passed until there was a knock on the door telling them they had to be out in 10 so the room could get cleaned.
Waverly quickly stopped recording and shoved her phone back in her pocket. “It was really great meeting you Nicole. Thanks for the interview.”
“It was my pleasure.” Nicole replied as they shook hands. “This was fun.”
“It was.” Waverly smiled as she slung her camera bag back over her shoulder.
“Hey when you're done uploading those pictures I'd love to see them.” She reached into her pocket and pulled out a business card. “Here's my email address. Would you mind sending a couple over?”
“Sure! Yeah of course!” Waverly nodded. “I can't promise they’ll be great but I'm sure I got a few good shots.”
“I'm sure they're wonderful.” Nicole smiled as she opened the door. “It was really nice meeting you Waverly.” She said as she leaned against the door as Waverly walked out.
“You too Nicole.” Waverly smiled before turning around to walk away. Waverly had to bite her lip to stop herself from smiling even bigger as she walked back to her car.
She didn't know how, but she knew Nicole was special. She knew somehow this woman was going to be big in her life.
Guys! I really hope you like this! I’d love to know your thoughts. I already have another chapter and a half done so I think it’s something I’ll continue if you think you like it! Let me know! 
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supergirlspurgatory · 7 years
Okay so I have a Wayhaught story for you. So I was thinking about how Emily was saying Wynonna definitely has opinions about Waverly and Nicole being together so what if Wynonna takes a moment with Nicole to have "the talk" with her about how she better not hurt her or end up like Champ (but she knows she won't) and Waverly hears part of this conversation and runs aways and now is very distant with Nicole bc she thinks Wynonna scared her away but later she assures she's not going anywhere
So, I couldn’t help myself and i wrote a whole fic for this. Hope you like it!!!!
Waverly was finally back from that creepy possession ordeal that they had to deal with, and she will absolutely tell you, that she will never be touching any strange gunk that she finds on the ground or otherwise, ever again. But everything is okay now and Wynonna, Waverly, Doc, and Nicole have taken over the Black Badge office in their search to try and find and get Dolls back.
It is had been a few days and the four of them have been locked up in that office. 
Waverly has been pouring over books and the internet, searching for anything she can wrestle up about secret government agencies that she can.
Wynonna was going through Dolls’s computer while she drinks whiskey out of his X cup, and muttering curse words under her breath since frankly there isn’t anything useful or entertaining of the hard drive.
Doc was sitting alone, at the far corner of the table. At first, he had spent a lot of time examining the vials that he had injected into Dolls before the showdown are Shorty’s. Now, though, he has moved on playing Solitare with an impossibly old set of cards.
Nicole, she has been sniffing out every gun and other weapons she can find in the office, she has been cataloging them and cleaning them, even going so far as to dismembering and, all the guns. At one point she even managed to wrestle PeaceMaker away from Wynonna. It was a very difficult feat and she found out that it hadn’t been cleaned in a very long time, probably since Wyatt himself had it.
Now it has been a couple of weeks, and with all the stress, Wynonna had pretty much forgotten about Nic and Waves dating, and reverting back to her normal self, had become totally oblivious of the lingering eye contact between her sister and the officer, not so subtle touching that they exchanged whenever close enough, and that whenever one of them left the room the other followed. She was so wrapped up in herself she had pretty much forgotten about the two dating.
At the end of the fourth night, after all of them had done almost as much as they could. Wynonna hadn’t found anything on the computer. Waverly hadn’t found anything mention a Black Badge Division. Nicole had run out of weapons to clean. And Doc, well how many games of solitaire can someone really play before they go insane? They all had started to sigh heavily and push their work away.
Grabbing Nicole’s hand, and looking across to Wynonna who’s face was buried in her palms, Waverly clears her throat, “You know Gus left me a message early and said that she was going to open Shorty’s back up tonight, invited us to stop by.”
“Got Dolls and I’s mess all cleaned up then?” Doc asks when he perks up at the idea of going to the saloon for a drink.
“Yup, I guess some town’s folk pitched in,” Waverly starts, “Gus said they wanted to try and make it up to Wynonna, the whole trying to kill her thing.”
“Strange,” Wynonna finally adds, “They’ve never felt bad about my near death before, I guess people are growing around here.”
“Oh come on Earp,” Nicole can’t help but attempt to protest that, “not everyone in this town hates you.”
Wynonna scoffs at that, “You clearly did not grow up around here red. But that is a conversation for another night when my brain doesn’t feel like soup. I think we ought to head down there, support Gus.”
It didn��t take them long to pack their things up and head to Shorty’s. Wynonna had already slipped behind the bar and found a bottle of whiskey and four glasses. Doc had stepped out to get some air for a few minutes. Waverly and Nicole had claimed a booth and were cuddled up pushed into the corner of the booth and were enjoying a slightly discreet and satisfying make out session.
“What the hell is this, guys?” Wynonna almost demands as she sets the bottle and glass down on the table.
“Uh, it’s me kissing my girlfriend Wy,” Waverly answers, with a very confused tone.
“Oh shit.” Wynonna declares as it dawns on her. “I, uh, I forgot about that.”
“No shit Earp,” Nicole adds after she lets out a giggle.
“I guess you and I need to have a little talk then Haught,” Wynonna replies as she starts the red-head down.
“I think that may be my cue to go find Doc,” Waverly says as she gives Nicole an apologetic smile for throwing her to the wolves or rather wolf that is Wynonna Earp, and then heads away.
“What exactly do you think you’re doing with my little sister?“ Wynonna asks, jumping right in.
“Honestly? Loving her.” Is all Nicole offers her in response.
“She’s been loved before Haught. What’s supposed to make you think you’re any different?” Wynonna questions the red head further.
“The way that I look at her.” Nicole challenges.
“And what way might that be?”
“Like she, herself, hung the moon and the stars, just for me.” Is all Nicole gives in return. Honestly, if you Wynonna hasn’t figured it out by now, she figuring she’ll have to draw it out for the woman.
“Champ used to look at her like that until she stopped being a trophy for him to win and became the strong young woman that she is. How am I supposed to know that you’re different than him?” Wynonna challenges Nicole. She knows that Nicole is different, but she needs to get a promise right from the woman.
“Because I’m not a boy-man-child like he was or is or whatever. Come on Wynonna, you’ve known me for a while now, do you really think I have it in me to treat anyone like crap, let alone Waves?” Nicole asks the question almost beginning to feel hurt.
“Well, I guess you’ve got a point there. I just have to make sure to give you the shovel talk or whatever. You know, Waverly is the most important person in my life and I haven’t really been there for her until recently, and I think I’m still a little too caught up in the curse bullshit to truly give her the attention she deserves.” Wynonna offers the confession as a peace offering of sorts.
“I get that Wy. But you are here now, and you’re not going anywhere. Plus, she has me now too, so I think she’ll be just fine.”
As Nicole finishes her statement, Waverly is walking back up to the table and notices the two other women completely emerged in the conversation but doesn’t catch anything, until Wynonna’s final statement.
“I get that. But just to put it out there, if you so much as crack her heart, or treat her even a little poorly, I swear to you, I’ll be using PeaceMaker for more that putting down revenants.” It’s an empty threat as she knows Nicole is better than that. As she finished though she notices Waverly within earshot and is completely unaware that she has been standing there long enough to hear the threat. 
“Hey, Baby Girl!” Wynonna greats Waverly with a broad smile. “Did you find Doc?”
“I ummm, I’m not feeling well, can you take me home Wynonna?” Waverly asks, not even responding to the question, she’s so shaken up from hearing the threat, scared of what it means. Does Wynonna no like Nicole as much as she’d been letting on the past few weeks?
“I can take Babe.” Nicole offers before Wynonna gets a chance to respond.
“No, I want Wynonna to take me.” Is all Waverly offers, and honestly the way she says it is a little cold. Before either Nicole or Wynonna has a chance to interject again, Waverly has headed out of the building. Thinking, dammit Wynonna, I finally found a good one, and you’re going and scaring her away, you can’t threaten lesbians with guns, it freaks them out. Admittedly, Waverly may have recently delved into gay culture and learned a lot about lesbian tropes.
“You’re not driving her anywhere Earp.” Is how Nicole decides is best to start the conversation.
“Why the hell not Haught? If Waves wants to go, I’ll take her where ever she wants.” Wynonna defends herself.
“No, you won’t. You’ve been drinking Whiskey all day, and you’ve drunk half that bottle by yourself while we’ve been sitting here. It’s not safe for you to get behind the wheel.” Nicole offers as she stands up and slips on her jacket.
“Fine. You going to go get her then?” Wynonna reluctantly asks.
“Yeah. Y’all can come sleep at my place when you get done here if you want.” Nicole presents the peace offering.
“Thanks, but there’s a room upstairs here, we’ll just take it. Let’s meet in the office at noon tomorrow? Give everyone a chance to get some extra rest.” Wynonna offers in return, her own peace offering of sorts.
“Sure, see ya then.” And with that Nicole has turned to head out the saloon herself. 
Nicole runs through the bodies as quickly as she can, pushing through the front doors, and scanning her surroundings. She finds Waverly sitting in her Jeep, letting it run. As Nicole gets closer to the Jeep, she notices hard sporadic shaking of Waverly’s shoulders, a clear sign of the tears that a certainly falling down the girl’s face. Wasting no more time, she runs to the driver’s door where Waverly is sat and pulls it open. Before she has a chance to protest or even notices who’s arms are enveloping, Nicole makes quick work gather Waverly up, rubbing her hands up and down the younger woman’s back.
“What’s wrong baby?” Nicole whispers in her ear.
With the question, Waverly starts to push Nicole away but doesn’t have enough strength to get her too far away.
“I asked for Wynonna,” Waverly states through heavy breaths.
“I know, but I don’t feel comfortable with Wynonna taking you anywhere. She’s had too much to drink.” Nicole offers, loosening her grip while looking down to search Waverly’s eyes to try and figure out what is going on. “I was thinking we could go to my place and I would take care of you.”
“I don’t expect you to take care of me Nic. You don’t even want to be around me, I’m sure.” Waverly states, not being able to help herself and leaning into Nicole.
“What the heck are you talking about Waverly?” Nicole asks shocked.
“I heard what Wynonna said. She threatened to kill you.” Waverly makes the statement though another round of tears.
“Oh baby,” Nicoles starts, with a grin playing at her lips. “She didn’t mean that.”
“Yes she did, she doesn’t joke about using PeaceMaker,” Waverly mumbles into the collar of Nicole’s shirt, that is quickly absorbing tears and most likely a gross combination of slobber and snot, not that Nicole minds. Waverly can bawl into any of her shirts any time she needs to.
“No babe, I promise she didn’t mean it. She knows I would never hurt you. She knows that I love you too much. She knows that I will treat you better than anyone else has ever treated you. She just said that because she felt like she had to finish her shovel talk.” Nicole whispers it to Waverly as she combs a hand through her hair.
“Are you sure?” Waverly asks, starting to regain her composure. 
“Yes, I promise. Now let’s go home and go to sleep. I think you may be a little over exhausted from the past couple weeks.” Nicole says as she lifts Waverly up, letting the smaller woman cling to her like a Khola bear, and walks to the other side of the Jeep. “We can sleep in and go get breakfast, Wynonna doesn’t want us coming in until noon.”
As she lets Nicole settle her into the passenger’s seat of her own car, she watches Nicole intently. Nicole just pays attention to what she’s doing. She buckles Waverly in and leans across her to turn the heat up a bit. As she is pulling herself out of the car, though, Waverly grabs the lapels of her jacket and pulls her so the forehead to forehead.
“You promise you want to be with me?” Waverly asks gently, her breath tickling Nicole’s lips.
“I promise Waverly. Ther is nowhere else, I would rather be.” Nicole makes what is probably the truthful statement of her life, and she is rewarded. She is rewarded by Waverly who leans in, gently pushing her lips to Nicoles, it’s the kiss of a promise, a kiss that means I love you, a kiss that says thank you for loving me. It gently but still passionate. Their lips move together like a choreographed dance. It is as though they were made for kissing each other, and honestly, they probably are.
“Good, because I feel the exact same way.” Waverly states as she pulls away but stays close enough to punctuate each word with another kiss.
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