spookyteeth · 6 months
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reese supports the relationship of @normris
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fucksurass · 6 months
This was meant to be posted in the @normris blog but I was wayyyy to proud of it
P.s kenny started the apocalypse
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Idk what to make of this all I know is that me and @crsgarsstuff 's ocs are so fucking basic but I love it too much.
Its shit like this that gives me a chance to experiment with my art and make pieces I can actually say im proud of!!
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lucin-kun · 5 months
Norman x Henry mayhaps? Could be in the cycle or them as humans <3
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I did both Cycle and Humans :)
Good excuse for me to draw my own version of Norman
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reel-fear · 1 year
Henry And Norman's Canonical [and unexplored] Friendship and why it needs more focus in canon and fanon
An essay by me~
So I've talked a lot either in tags or in other posts about Henry and Norman's implied friendship in the canon of Bendy, however implied isn't really the right word, unexplored is more accurate because despite the fact we've never seen them interact, Henry and Norman having been friends is entirely canon with a lot of proof for it!
Don't believe me? Well let me show you why I am obsessed with this duo~
So first we're starting with the games since they are the ones most barren for this implication. We only really have one line in BATIM to go off of in terms of this, but they are interesting and important ones. Specifically we have one line from alice and an achievement to look at. [EDIT: I forgot a note written by Henry! I have added it now below]
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Just from Alice's line we know she was under the impression Henry and Norman were friends, which not only shows they were in fact friends but close enough that others knew they were friends. Combined with the theory that Alice created the projectionist [one that is slightly backed up by BATDR confirming she was the one who mutilated the butcher gang] her teasing tone here could be rubbing in the fact such a horrible fate fell on someone Henry was close to...
It's an idea I think fits really well with Joey having created the cycle specifically to torment Henry too, why not make his friend one of the most mindless and horrible monsters down there just to make him feel worse. So close yet so far from one of the friendliest friends he knew.
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The other thing I want to draw attention to is the Norman's Fate achievement, this is the Only time the projectionist is referred to as Norman and it comes from Henry's POV. It's a bit of stretch but I think it could be Henry refusing to dehumanize Norman by calling him the projectionist instead calling him by his name. A detail I think is very cute and could show Henry's sympathy towards his friend's suffering... and fate.
However we have another great indicator on how Henry feels towards the projectionist in particular and that's this note left by him on level 14.
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Level 14 is the Projectionist's level, one full of the corpses of his victims and where he hunts Henry relentlessly, but Henry still questions The Projectionist being nothing more than an enemy. Their friendship seems to have meant a lot to him, and it seems to be on his mind, even after seeing what Norman has been twisted into. This could also be because the Projectionist literally fights the ink demon too. Who is far more antagonistic to Henry. Either way, I find it very sad but also a nice way of subtly touching on what Henry and Norman's friendship means for how Henry thinks of the Projectionist.
This is also a bit of a stretch but when Norman/The Projectionist peeks into the miracle station Henry is hiding in, in chapter 4, he doesn't seem super threatening, just curious and it even somewhat emulates Sammy's motions when commenting on Henry's familar face. Was there a moment of clarity for Norman there? Seeing his old friend hiding in there? Maybe, it's a little too vague to really dwelve on here but it is something to think about...
But time for us to get into the meat of their relationship, with the books, the media that elaborates far more on Henry and Norman's characters and has the lines from Norman confirming their friendship.
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I absolutely LOVE these passages they show off so much more about Norman's character and expand on the idea he and Henry were friends in such a nice way. Norman talks about Henry in a way so unusually positive for him Dot feels the need to point out how much of a compliment it is for him to say he's a decent fellow with a lot of talent. He also speaks with a lot of sympathy towards Henry's blight and the abuse Joey made him endure, doing this all with his feet on the table holding up a projector, a smile on his face and a mug in his hand. He speaks somewhat vaguely and with mystery not exactly with Sammy's theatrics but with his own ominious air.
He also recognizes Henry leaving wasn't personal and that Joey likely held a grudge over it, plus when Dot comments on how odd it is for Norman to speak of someone like this, he doesn't refute it, just agrees with a laugh.
These passages are one of the reasons I think the books are some of the best media to come out of the series and I hope soon others realize what untapped potentional the books hide.
Sadly despite all these interesting implications there's not a lot of canon or fandom content showing Norman and Henry's relationship and even less that attempts to develop and explore it. But for me it's one of the most interesting relationship's we have in BATIM [a series that is rather lacking in implied friendships or relationships between its characters]
Hell Henry's wiki page even mentions their friendship but Norman's page does not, which is strange since he has the most to speak on their friendship in the books. At least it's strange to me
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So why is this relationship so fascinating to me? Just because of the dynamic it presents to us and its potentional for fun interactions!
Norman is portrayed constantly as a strange mysterious and almost intimidating figure, he sees everything, he goes to investigate strange noises under his booth with nothing but a light to find out whats making a horrid noise at night, and when Buddy [a 17 year old delivery boy] shows up at the studio and asks where Joey is Norman tells him he's DEAD. Which Buddy can only pick up on as a joke when someone else comes in to tell him Norman's sense of humor is strange, all while Norman bursts into chuckles. He's also pretty easy going esp in comparision to Sammy's dramatic nature.
Henry however is such an every man, a soft spoken and hard working animator who just wanted to have a better relationship with his work and wife. He's always so calm and just a usual guy. How did he come to form a friendship with such a strange and bizzare guy? Did he enjoy Norman's strange sense of humor? What were their interactions like?
There's so many interesting things to do with such a dynamic and that's not even getting into the tragedy of the Projectionist and Norman's fate. I want to see Henry heartbroken by his close friend's fate and death, I want to see more stuff exploring interactions between the Projectionist and the artist.
Whether it's canon or fanon that does it, I want to see more content on Henry and Norman's relationship. Romantic or not, I just want to see more people talk about it! Because it's one of the most interesting relationships in a series that tends to lack a lot of character relationship drama, pushing for more content of these two might be the bridge towards getting more content from canon that generally shows us how these characters all feel about each other.
Something I don't think is an impossible idea too since Meatly straight up asked us what characters we wanted to see interact, showing interest in these two could be a big W for us I'm just sayin [yes that is me down there]
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I know I am very biased as a big Norman and Normry/Moving Pictures/Heman fan but I hope this post could show just a few more people the potential of this duo and we get more content of them in the future. Esp since fans have done a lot more with pairings in this franchise with far less content or implications of friendship.
Fingers crossed for a Norman novel where we can see them interact!!
And more content of these two in general <3
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The Ink Demonth - Day One Pencil
Henry always had a bad habit of taking out any art block on his supplies, whether it be chewing or stimming, someone should really just tell him to take a break. Oh well, Norman finds it kind of endearing...
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yepitshellinsp · 5 months
I got a little obsessed with these two ok.
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griffinjonshen · 6 months
I went from some weird small tiny character nobody knew. To a huge character… pretty cool right? Yeah I’m right I know don’t need to flatter me Bruv
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I guess it’s only fair everyone else learns about *the angry Brit* or as other people know *Chris James Garcia the III* more under the cut I guess though idk I didn’t think about it enough soooo ⬇️⬇️⬇️
Chris was born in Great Britain, 1997, July 27th (it’s 2007 in that universe)
Relationship life? Chris is in a same-sex relationship. With whom you ask? Someone in the spectrum named Norman Nasher you can see some gay art of them on @normris
His family life you may ask? He has 3 sisters one of them died because Chris pushed them into a bus for “insurance fraud” and won the case for it. He has 15 cousins 8 of them are deceased or braindead because Chris really wants money so he did more “insurance fraud” just so ya know. He lived with his father because his mother is deceased.
Likes: he loves Taylor Swift (he’s a swiftie) he likes reacting to stuff and does Tumblr.
Dislikes: Americans, toothpaste and toothbrushes, when there’s no tea, and blondes (except Taylor swift)
Fun facts: he went through an emo phase once, he knows how to play a guitar, and has poor hygiene
……Well that’s all I thought of but I’ll probably have to be more creative……
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barbiejeeps · 2 years
Anon said they were gonna do a Normrie fic next so that’s good, but man was that mostly in character and cursed
yeah i...in the weird world where that happened, we all should know that suzume would smell cherrie on phenya and fucking POUNCE on that twink. he is a very jealous person, even if he was still heartbroken
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"He never really talks much but Norman will tell you he's a wonderful listener, such a naturally talented artist and when he speaks he's usually got something important to say."
Sprinkling out some content for the Henry x Norman shippers out there since there is not much and hey I'll take any excuse to draw my favorite projectionist!
-Mod Cobalt
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reel-fear · 1 year
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So a while back I made an essay going over Henry and Norman having a canonical friendship that is underexplored in Bendy media and I only recently remembered an important detail which is this note left by Henry on Level 14! This is also more confirmation they had a friendship and the fact he even questions how much of an enemy The Projectionist is because of it, is heartbreaking.
I added some more thoughts on it to my og essay post, which you should totally check out right here.
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reel-fear · 11 months
Put my little rant about Norman and Henry's friendship in bendy and how I want to see more of it on twitter, go check it out if u want and let's all pray the devs see it and put something involving them in the new game 🙏🙏🙏🙏
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fucksurass · 6 months
Redraw of my oc look look look hes so so DUMB
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Lines to no lines. Stubby to less stubby. Circles to fingers. I love how my art just randomly changed one day bc I was experimenting with my style. L-look at it please.
More about Norman Nick Nasher under the fucking cut⬇⬇
Norman is a totally normal boy with a completely normal family. Hes an only child so its just him, his mom and dad. They love him dearly and try their best to raise him correctly. Normal right? The only thing not normal about his family is him which is weird because his name is "Normal" with an N instead of an L. Yeah I lied when I said he was normal.
Norman has a little frog under his hat named Froggo. He loves reptiles a lot but loves frogs the most which is why his hat resembles a lilly pad. He will not believe frogs are not reptiles and no matter how many facts you throw at him he will likely call you gay at the end of it. If he likes you he will talk endlessly about frogs and/or reptiles and he wont stop unless something trivial catches his attention. If he doesnt like you he quite literally will not speak to you at all.
Craig. Doesnt he look like Craig? He doesnt know who Craig is. He has no idea who the guy is which makes you wonder why Craig doesnt like him. They met each other one day and Norman would not stop asking who Craig was. It was- Just imagine this:
"Hi. Who are you?"
"Im Craig."
"Whos Craig."
"Me? I just told-"
"Craig... I have no idea who Craig is."
"Craig is ME."
"My name is Norman. Whos Craig?"
"Dude. Im Craig..."
"Oh. Wanna see my frog?"
"Not really."
"What?! Frogs are cool what-"
"Look I just need you to understand who Craig is. I am Cra-"
"No I dont. Could you tell me who he is? People keep saying I look like him."
"We look nothing alike. Look my name is-"
"Anyway about frogs did you know that [insert very long paragraph on frogs]?"
"Shut up, Norman. Stop talking."
"You must not like frogs... Weirdo."
"No I dont have anything against frogs I- Im leaving."
Would you hate Norman too?
Norman knows he is gay. He is fully aware and uses that to his advantage. He will call anything gay and anyone a fag. He will not stop. Oh youre on your phone too much? Thats gay. You like men? Thats gay. You study for an exam? Thats gay. Youre depressed and in need of a hug? Fag. Why he does this? Scientists have yet to figure it out. Now Norman is in fact in a relationship. Who is he dating? Some kid named Chris. To see gay art of them look into their blog @normris wanna see me cry of yippe? Follow it peas. (And thats how you sell a product)
What is Normans favorite food? Oh its just the most delicious meal ever. Broccoli. Just loves it so so much. Why? No one knows. As far as his parents know they accidentally deprived him vegetables trying to keep him happy. Norman was a quiet baby and they thought he was sad so they spoiled him. He was not sad. He just had beef with his parents because he was shaken up in the womb. Anyway about broccoli!!!! He loves the stuff. He eats it as a snack, for every meal, even just randomly takes some out of his pocket and chows down. His boyfriend recalls the time he pulled out a pack of frozen broccoli while they were coloring together.
Our last unsettling fact about Norman is that he doesnt like the bible. No this is not because his parents are atheists. Its because they encourage him to believe in anything he wants. Because of his he believes in a frog god. Why does he hate the bible? Because it, and I quote, "made the snake a bad guy. Snakes are cool maybe he just wanted eve to be healthy. The bible is gay."
The end. (If you got this far I have a lollipop for you 🍭)
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griffinjonshen · 7 months
Go check out @normris or something? I don’t know
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