#northern state medical academy
neetexam2024 · 6 months
Discover Northern State Medical University (NSMU) for Indian students aiming for MBBS in Russia. Delve into the fees, admission procedure, campus atmosphere, and why NSMU stands out as a premier option. You can find detailed insights on MBBSINFO.
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Updated: September 18, 2024
Reworked Group #4: S.P.A.R.R.O.W.S.
Tequila and Red Eye successfully dismantled a rogue military organisation engaged in illicit human trafficking and arms dealing, which had also planned to launch a global bioterrorist attack in collaboration with the Pipovulaj Army. The plot involved spreading a zombie plague to control the population, transforming numerous innocent civilians into violent Man Eaters as a means to create a twisted form of super-soldier. Impressed by Tequila and Red Eye's exceptional performance as highly capable spies, the Intelligence Agency and the Regular Army jointly established a covert operations branch, S.P.A.R.R.O.W.S., through a mutual agreement.
The S.P.A.R.R.O.W.S. is responsible for gathering intelligence and managing information to prevent public panic and global hysteria. They provide their members with specialised training in high-risk covert operations that surpass the scope of regular Intelligence Agency agents, which are all conducted with utmost discretion and situational awareness. Some of these special covert operation missions involve precision targeting of high-priority threats and strategic disruption of complex criminal schemes.
It features a cerulean square Iberian shield, rimmed with a spiky teal vine that’s outlined in bronze. Above the shield, the words "S.P.A.R.R.O.W.S." are inscribed in bluish-white, surmounting a stylized pair of bronze eyes with a yellowish-white star at their centre. The shield is flanked by a stylized peregrine falcon holding a gilded blade on the right side and a male house sparrow clutching an olive branch on the left side.
S.P.A.R.R.O.W.S. Base
The Intelligence Division is tactically positioned adjacent to the Joint Military Police Headquarters, deeply entrenched within a dense and remote forest in Northern Russia. The rectangular military compound features a forest-inspired camouflage colour scheme, a secure warehouse for military vehicles, multiple surveillance cameras, and several elevators leading to a subterranean base. They have a rooftop array of parabolic antennas that enables real-time surveillance, threat detection, and situational awareness, preventing surprise attacks and informing strategic decision-making. The base features comprehensive protection through an advanced security system and a defensive magnetic field, which automatically activates in response to potential threats, safeguarding against enemy attacks.
The subterranean base features a state-of-the-art command and surveillance centre, equipped with cutting-edge technological systems to orchestrate and execute operations. Additional facilities include:
An armoury housing the group’s most cutting-edge, high-clearance weaponry and specialised ordnance.
A high-tech meeting room with a high-resolution, encrypted display screen and multi-axis, AI-enhanced holographic projection system.
A state-of-the-art gymnasium for maintaining elite physical readiness, featuring biometric monitoring systems and AI-driven training programs.
A fully equipped, high-tech medical bay with regenerative treatment capabilities and telemedicine connectivity for remote expert consultation.
A secure dining area serving optimised, nutrient-rich rations for peak performance.
A high-security quarters with biometrically locked storage for personal gear and AI-monitored, secure communication arrays.
A Combat Academy, led by Margaret Southwood, featuring a heavily fortified training area with advanced combat simulation zones, tactical obstacle courses, stealth and surveillance training areas, and high-tech weapons testing ranges.
Extra Information
S.P.A.R.R.O.W.S. stands for Special Pursuit Agents and Rapid Response Operations Worldwide Strikeforce.
Members of the S.P.A.R.R.O.W.S. are commonly known as "Sparrowers" or "Following Falconers", reflecting their affiliation with the unit and their close relationship with the P.F. Squad.
Despite being part of an elite covert operations branch, Sparrowers face a significant pay disparity: males earn a quarter of the average government agent's salary, while females earn about a third. Additionally, underperforming Sparrowers, both male and female, experience further financial hardship due to delayed salary payments, often waiting between one to two months to receive their overdue compensation.
The S.P.A.R.R.O.W.S. conduct their covert operations in collaboration with the Peregrine Falcons Squad who provide primary firepower and protection for their agents.
The handguns carried by Sparrowers are the Murder Model-1915 .38 Mk.1Am or Classic Murder .38 for short. It’s a double-action revolver that features a 6-round cylinder. Originally designed to enhance the Enfield No.2 .38 Caliber revolver in 1915, the Murder Model retained only the frame and grip from the original. All other components were replaced with newer parts in later years.
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My favorite is when Yuu is from America (If they refer to it as USA Crowley might think it was some other academy) especially when it's combined with the great 7 parents, and once the great seven are in Yuu's head for a while and they start to feel protective of this strange child, and Yuu slowly sharing their horrible experiences all non-chalant because "this is really normal where I come from??"
Like if Yuu was from a northern state with air and water quality issues:
Yuu: Whoa, Look at at all the stars you can see out here! I don't think I've ever been able to see this many before!
Hades: ???... Ummm, Kid, Why are you acting like the stars aren't in the sky literally every night?
Yuu: Oh, Well back in my world there's so much light pollution that some people can go their whole lives without seeing any, in the city I lived in though you could see a couple if the air was good enough.
Ursula: The.. air?
Yuu: Well yeah, sometimes the air was filled with to much exhaust and smog and they would send out warnings to not travel and stuff, it was really boring -__-
And it would be so funny if when they get the sevens powers it's really because they won't seek medical attention
Yuu: *putting duct tape on their gashed cheek* See? Told I could fix it myself!
Jafar: No-
I could go on about this au forever I love it sm, I would love to see more with it, sorry i don't want to ramble ur work is amazing!
Nonono you don't understand this is my shit. I always think about how yuu would be from out world. Like I say this a lot but like imagine telling the octotrio about the pollution of our world.
Imagine telling malleus you have never seen stars before
Imagine telling Idia about the elephants foot??
Can you imagine when Lilia tells you stories of bloody history you fore back with things arguably worse like Unit 731*? Maybe even joking about horrible historical events?
Imagine the stories of fairies and cryptids both fascinating and insulting Sebek
Explaing to ruggie that animals from your woukd cannot talk nor be understood in the same way they can here
Explaining to any royal how most monarchies are down and frowned upon??
And depending on where you from can you imagine having to tell them to boil or check your water?? To watch the air for chemicals? To be cautious of radiation? Hell maybe even running from ambulances cause Yuu cant afford that right now! (It's like 10k in the US to give birth). Or even ask about attacks on schools?? Would probably be so alien to them
*an extremely fucked up experiment with extremely triggering topics, please use caution when researching it
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scotianostra · 6 months
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Charles Duguid was born on 6th April 1884 at Saltcoats, Ayrshire.
I only learned of this man 4 years ago, and have to say, if ever there was an apt name for a man “Dr Do Good” as he became known has that honour.
Duguid was the son of Charles Duguid, a teacher, and Jane Snodgrass Kinnier, daughter of Robert S. Kinnier, a surgeon, he attended Ardrossan Academy, where his father was Headmaster between 1882 and 1889, and the High School in Glasgow, before studying medicine at Glasgow University he gained a Master of arts in 1905 before going on to gain degrees in Medicine and surgery. Whilst teaching at Glasgow University, Duguid worked as a doctor in the slums of Glasgow, but in 1911 he signed on as ship’s surgeon for a voyage to and from Australia. This experience led him to emigrate to Australia in 1912. His early medical work in the Glasgow slums developed in him a compassion for the underdog which continued throughout his 102-year life.
After settling in Victoria and marrying an Australian lass, who tragically died in 1927, he remarried in 1930, both Duguid and his wife were idealists and humanitarians, the murder of a white man by Aboriginals at Landers Creek, Northern Territory, sparked Duguid’s interest in their rights.
The police shot 17 Aboriginals during the course of the hunt for the murderer, but official records at the time state that at least 31 people were killed. In 1934 he headed to Darwin, but missed his connection from Alice Springs after responding to a request to perform some emergency surgery there and stayed on for three weeks. He was appalled at the way Aboriginal people were treated there and by their poor living conditions.
Duguid’s wife Phyllis, founded the Aboriginal Advancement League in 1935 and Duguid served as President. In 1937, Duguid helped to found Ernabella Mission in the Musgrave Ranges of South Australia. He lectured and spoke in the UK as well as Australia and New Zealand about the conditions of the Australian Aborigines.
Duguid was active in other organizations concerned with the advancement of Aboriginal rights such as the Council for Aboriginal Rights and the Association for the Protection of Native Races. He also led the 1947 campaign against the establishment of a British-Australian rocket testing program at Woomera in the Central Australian Desert. He worked closely with Donald Thompson to inform the public of the harmful effect that this program would have on those people still living traditionally, nearby.
In addition to his work with Australian Aborigines, Duguid helped to found the Australian branch of the English-Speaking Union, of which he was Chairman in 1932. In 1935, he was elected Moderator of the Presbyterian Church of South Australia. Duguid died in Adelaide on December 5th, 1986 at the age of 102.
Check out this link for the full story of this good man http://adb.anu.edu.au/biography/duguid-charles-12440
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transfemme-floofer · 3 months
Mistress brought some friends over for Election Night and myself and Kat were put to work serving her friends. Luckily I know a few wacky recipes for nights like this, Strawberry Creamer, Chocolata-zucchini cake, and the like. Mistress called for me
“Yes Mistress?”
“We’re discussing who we think is going to win, any thoughts”
I wasn’t stupid, I knew that the Northern Empire was unhappy with the south, one study trip to Britannica proved that. The Judean Front (Jewish freedom fighters) was flaring up for the quadrillionth time and allying with Arabia wasn’t helping. But Mistress had also mentioned the Universitas Napoli publishers coming, and they were Romulans (Conservatives) through and through.
“Social Unitas (Centre-Left party), maybe Parti di Populi? (Populist Left party) The Romulans just want to double down on everything”
A voice came from the other room “who was that?”
“Just my serva, Julia”
“Is she Well Educated?”
“Bluestar (Education academy for slaves) graduate”
“That explains it, because she’s absolutely correct”
I murmur, focused on the cakes, eyes down, “thank you miss…”
“Please remind me, why is that the correct opinion”
“Certainly, dumb slut” I blush as red as cherries
“It’s because, the Romulans are fundamentally broken right now and have divided the empire North and South, with the North feeling ignored and betrayed, while the South doubles, triples and quadruples down, even loyal Francia has been split down the middle”
As if on cue the TV blares out “and we have results for Lutetia (Paris) and the seat goes to Emile Digiorno of the PdP”
Mistress chides me for not having the food and drinks ready before results started, smacking me on the butt and sending me off to serve the plates
I was happy to see my Bluestar professor Madam Maria de la Lancia again, but did not show it until she felt my pussy up my skirt and we bet that if the infamous Fasces Parti (UKIP for Rome) won any seats I would lick her pussy, and she then bet loudly with mistress that if the Romulans won she could mount me with a strap on. I creamed at the thought
The Romulans lost badly but as the Fasces Parti won 5 state seats, 13 constituencies and one imperial seat, I got to lick my old professor’s pussy
At that point I poured out some low alcohol fruit posca I made for the party
One of mistress’s friends from the Vigilium (Imperial State police) grumbled when she suggested I should have some “I thought the courts were clear Miss Presenti, only on Saturnalia”
Mistress spoke “Luna, the imperial court ruling was over regular, strong wine, this is prescribed by a doctor and thus protected by the 2729 ruling, Provera vs Roma, that very low alcohol fruit wines are medically acceptable to use on slaves. Both Julia and Kat, Minerva bless their souls, come from regions where high blood pressure is common”
“Fine, pour it out”
And so we enjoyed the rest of the dinner
Eating and sex and drink and sex
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End Up Being a Certified Nursing Assistant: The Top CNA Schools in Virginia to Kickstart Your Healthcare Career
**Title:⁣ Become a Certified Nursing⁢ Assistant:‍ The Top CNA Schools in Virginia⁤ to‌ Kickstart Your Healthcare ‌Career**
**Introduction:** Are you passionate about helping others ‍and looking to start a rewarding ⁤career in the healthcare industry? Becoming a Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) is ​a‍ great way to make a difference in people’s lives while working in a fast-growing field. If you’re in Virginia ⁤and considering a career as a CNA, this article will highlight the ​top CNA⁤ schools⁣ in the​ state to help you kickstart your healthcare career.
**Benefits ‌of Becoming a Certified Nursing Assistant:** Before diving into the top CNA schools in Virginia, let’s first discuss the benefits of becoming a Certified Nursing Assistant:
– Job Stability: The demand for CNAs is expected⁣ to grow significantly in the coming years,‍ providing ample job opportunities. – Rewarding Work: CNAs have a direct impact ‌on the lives of patients, providing essential care and support. – Career Advancement: Becoming⁢ a CNA is often a stepping stone to ⁤other healthcare careers, such as⁣ nursing or medical assisting. – Flexibility: CNAs can⁤ work in a variety of ⁤healthcare settings, including ⁤hospitals, nursing‍ homes, and home health care agencies.
**Top CNA Schools in Virginia:**
1. **A1 Healthcare Academy** – Location: ⁢Richmond, VA – Program Offered: CNA Certification ⁣Program – Highlights: Small ‍class sizes, hands-on ‍training, flexible schedules – Website:​ www.a1healthcareacademy.com
2. **Virginia School for ⁣Nurse Aides** ‌ – Location: Norfolk, VA ‍ – Program​ Offered: CNA Training Program ⁤ – Highlights: Experienced instructors, clinical practice at local healthcare facilities – Website:‌ www.virginiaschoolfornurseaides.com
3. **Northern Virginia Community College** – Location: Annandale, VA ‌ – Program Offered: Nurse Aide ‍Certificate Program – Highlights: Affordable tuition, state-of-the-art facilities, job placement assistance – Website: www.nvcc.edu
**Practical Tips for Choosing a ⁢CNA School:** When ⁤selecting a CNA school in‍ Virginia, consider​ the following factors to find the best fit for your needs:
– Accreditation: Choose a ⁢school accredited by ​the Virginia Board⁢ of‌ Nursing to ensure quality education. – Hands-On⁣ Training: Look for programs that ⁣offer hands-on training in real healthcare settings. – Class Size: Consider class sizes to ensure personalized attention from instructors. – Job Placement Assistance: Check if ‌the school provides job placement assistance after⁣ completing the program.
**Conclusion:** Becoming a Certified Nursing Assistant in⁢ Virginia ⁢can be a fulfilling and rewarding career⁢ choice.⁣ By ‍choosing one of the top​ CNA schools ⁤highlighted in this⁢ article, you can receive quality education and training to kickstart your healthcare career. Remember to consider important factors like accreditation, hands-on training, and job ‍placement assistance when selecting a CNA school. ​Start your journey towards becoming ⁤a CNA today and make a positive impact on the ‌lives of others in need of care and support.
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trinaphleb · 3 months
The Top 10 Colleges for Aspiring Phlebotomists: A Guide to Launching Your Healthcare Career
**Meta Title:**‌ The Top 10 Colleges for Aspiring ‌Phlebotomists: A Guide to Launching‌ Your Healthcare Career
**Meta ‍Description:** Looking ‍to start a career as⁣ a phlebotomist?‍ Check out our guide to the top‍ 10 colleges for aspiring phlebotomists and kickstart your healthcare career today!
If you have a passion‍ for healthcare ‌and helping others, pursuing a career as ​a phlebotomist could be the perfect fit for you. Phlebotomists play a crucial role in the healthcare industry by drawing blood from patients for various purposes, such as diagnostic testing, transfusions, and research.
To kickstart your journey as a phlebotomist, it’s essential to receive proper education and training from reputable colleges and institutions. In this guide, we’ll explore the top 10 colleges for aspiring ⁣phlebotomists to help you make an​ informed ​decision about your education and future career path.
**Benefits of Pursuing a Career as a⁢ Phlebotomist**
Before ⁤we dive into the top colleges, let’s discuss ‌some of the benefits of pursuing a‌ career as a phlebotomist:
1.‍ **Job Growth:** ‍The demand for phlebotomists is expected to grow rapidly in the coming years, providing plenty of​ job opportunities for aspiring professionals. 2. **Quick Entry:** ​Becoming a phlebotomist typically requires less time and education compared to other healthcare professions,​ allowing you to enter the workforce sooner. 3. **Rewarding Work:** Phlebotomists have the opportunity to make a ‍meaningful impact on patients’ lives by providing essential diagnostic services.
**Top 10 Colleges for Aspiring Phlebotomists**
When⁢ choosing a college or institution to pursue your phlebotomy education, it’s crucial to consider‌ factors ⁤such as⁣ accreditation, program comprehensiveness, hands-on‍ training opportunities, and job placement rates. Here are the ⁢top 10 colleges for aspiring phlebotomists:
1. **ABC School of Phlebotomy** – Location: City, State ⁤ – Accreditation: XYZ Accrediting Body ‍ – Program Highlights: Comprehensive curriculum, hands-on training, job placement assistance
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2. **123 ⁣Community College** – Location: City, State – Accreditation: XYZ Accrediting Body ‍ – Program Highlights: Experienced faculty, clinical rotations, flexible scheduling options
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3. **Healthcare Institute of Technology** ⁢ – Location: City, State – Accreditation: XYZ Accrediting Body – Program Highlights: State-of-the-art facilities, ​externship opportunities, career development⁣ resources
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4. **Medical ‍Training Academy** – Location: City, State ⁤ – Accreditation: XYZ Accrediting Body – Program Highlights: Small class sizes, personalized instruction, certification exam preparation
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5.⁤ **Sunshine State University** ‌ -​ Location: City, State ‍ – Accreditation: XYZ Accrediting Body – Program Highlights: ⁤Industry partnerships, research⁤ opportunities, post-graduation support
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6. **Northern Institute of Health Sciences** – Location: City, State ⁢ – Accreditation:‍ XYZ Accrediting Body ‍ – Program Highlights: ⁣Simulation⁢ labs, mentorship programs, alumni network
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7. **Midwest Medical College** ⁤ – Location: City, State – Accreditation: XYZ Accrediting Body ‍ ‍- Program Highlights: ⁣Online course options, regional clinic partnerships, career fairs
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8. **Coastal ‍Community Technical College** – Location: City, State – Accreditation: XYZ Accrediting Body ⁣ – Program Highlights: Affordable tuition, financial aid options, continuing education courses
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9. **Mountainview Healthcare Academy** – Location: City, State – ⁤Accreditation: XYZ Accrediting Body ​ – Program Highlights: Specialized training tracks, mock patient scenarios, professional networking events
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10. ⁢**Bay Area Medical School** ‌ – Location: City, State ​- Accreditation: XYZ Accrediting Body – Program Highlights: High faculty-to-student ratio, advanced phlebotomy⁢ techniques, alumni success stories
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**Practical Tips for Aspiring ⁢Phlebotomists**
1. Research each college carefully and schedule campus visits⁢ or virtual tours to get a feel for the learning environment. 2. Reach out to current students or alumni to gain insights into​ the program’s strengths and ‌areas for improvement. 3. Consider factors⁤ such as tuition costs, financial aid options, and job placement rates​ when making your final decision.
Embarking on a career as a phlebotomist can be a fulfilling and rewarding journey. By choosing one of the ‍top colleges mentioned in this guide, you’ll receive the education ⁤and training needed to excel in this essential healthcare role. Remember to prioritize accreditation, practical experience, and job placement support when selecting a phlebotomy program. Best of luck on your path to becoming a skilled phlebotomist and making a positive impact ‌in the healthcare industry!
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ikmbbsabroad · 3 months
Study MBBS in Armenia
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Study MBBS in Armenia
Starting Fees: 3000 US$/Year
Apply Now: 📞 +91 9102882340                 📧 [email protected]
⇒ Approved by MCI and WHO
⇒ Medium of Instruction: English
⇒ Globally recognized universities
The medical profession is regarded as one of the noblest in the world. Because medical sciences is a respected subject, earning an MBBS involves significant and hard schooling. Most students want to pass the degree entrance exam, but only a handful are chosen.
Armenia has traditionally been one of the most popular places to study MBBS. Armenia has a lot to offer in terms of scientific research due to its advanced education system and world-class infrastructure.
Armenia now has 26 state universities, four of which are foreign, and 33 private (licensed) institutes of higher education. Universities, institutes, academies, and conservatories are some of the institutions that offer higher education. Armenia welcomes students who are physicists, mathematicians, chemists, microbiologists, engineers, medical experts, and IT specialists.
Practical training is highly valued in Armenian education, and the majority of universities currently prioritize practical training over classroom courses. As a developed country, Armenia has set the benchmark for most other countries’ educational systems. For MBBS students in Armenia, no extra admission examination is required in addition to the NEET.
About MBBS in Armenia.
Armenia is located deep within the northern subtropical zone, surrounded by towering mountains; hence, its climate is dry and continental. There is, nonetheless, significant regional climate diversity.
About 95 percent of the population is Armenian, and they speak Armenian, an Indo-European language. Kurds, Russians, Assyrians, and other minorities comprise the remaining population. The city’s diversified population is what draws most visitors. Fresh graduates find employment in the country since it is in a developing state with various employment prospects. Buses and trains link the country. Slowly, the country is transitioning to a fast-paced, urbanised lifestyle. However, its old roots are still intact and will persist for a long time.
Why study MBBS in Armenia?
Because of its emphasis on research and development, Armenia is one of the greatest places to study medicine. The country’s attractiveness stems in part from its rich heritage. University administrators have grown more attentive and have taken initiatives to improve their environment so that overseas students can further their studies in their home country.
Armenia has recently been one of the world’s most desirable study destinations due to its increased emphasis on law, business, and medicine. Growing economic development has helped to boost the number of overseas students in the country. Medical students looking for a quiet setting with modern infrastructure will find Armenia to be the finest alternative.
The Armenian economy is expanding rapidly.
The Armenian universities have received approval from India’s Medical Council and the World Health Organisation.
In Armenian medical colleges, practical training takes precedence over classroom instruction.
Students with an MBBS degree can work at any hospital in the globe.
Other than NEET, students are not required to take any other entrance tests, making application easier.
In Armenia, most colleges offer hostel systems for students.
In the absence of university accommodation, students can rent reasonably priced apartments.
Armenian universities offer a relatively low fee structure.
Students might profit financially from scholarships offered by various Armenian universities.
Armenians have a relatively laidback lifestyle, and adjusting to the country is not difficult.
Students might appreciate experiencing the country’s architecture during their stay.
Armenia also provides part-time job possibilities to students as a form of financial support.
Medical students may also apply for paid internships in hospitals affiliated with their university.
It is a nice country with many individuals who are always eager to assist.
Every medical university uses English as its primary language of instruction.
Classrooms at universities are well-designed and equipped with cutting-edge technology.
The teaching team is highly experienced and knowledgeable, which can be beneficial to pupils.
A student has access to his or her university library.
The country also boasts a huge number of public libraries.
There are numerous cafes and workspaces throughout the country where students can study or spend alone time.
Armenia normally has dry weather, but this varies by city.
During the holidays, visitors can visit Armenia’s most famous tourist attractions, such as the Geghard Monastery and Khor Virab, among others.
Graduates from the programme can work in reputable hospitals across the country.
Furthermore, they can pursue a Ph.D. in Armenia.
Its degree is highly valued in European countries due to the high level of education provided.
MBBS in Armenia for Indian Students.
Armenia is an excellent choice for Indian medical students looking to complete their MBBS. Its infrastructure is cutting-edge, and its education meets European standards that are widely accepted around the world. After clearing the MCI and FMGE screening tests, MBBS candidates can work in India. Furthermore, Armenian universities grant MBBS degrees that are recognized globally, and many prominent doctors have graduated and are employed in some of the world’s greatest hospitals.
Armenian culture is incredibly adaptive, and students are really comfortable. Students from India will benefit from the fact that there is already a considerable number of Indian students in Armenian universities, and they will not feel out of place. There are no language obstacles at Armenian universities, therefore, studying there is advantageous. Students benefit from the widespread availability of Indian cuisine. For individuals who enjoy vegetarian cuisine, the country offers a fair option. The opportunity to experience a completely different culture in Armenia would provide students with an excellent opportunity to broaden their horizons beyond India. In addition to being attractive, the country is highly advanced.
Advantages of Studying MBBS in Armenia.
Armenia is known throughout Europe for its well-balanced educational system.
Students from many nations throughout the world come to Armenia to study, gaining insight and learning about each other’s cultures and values.
Racism and ragging are strictly prohibited among university students.
Canteen food is cooked under sanitary standards and made available to students to make their stay more enjoyable.
Most Armenian cities, particularly those with universities, are safe.
There are a lot of Indian seniors at universities, so students can feel comfortable and not overwhelmed.
Universities are located in cities with well-defined transport systems, and students can even commute by bicycle.
Almost all Armenian institutions provide gyms and other recreational facilities for students to use.
Friendly locals make navigation easy.
Armenians generally have a low-income lifestyle, and they value what they have.
Universities select guidance professors to help students with confidence when they face obstacles.
Medical students doing MBBS in Armenia have access to excellent amenities on university campuses.
Indian banks offer relatively competitive interest rates on student loans to Indian students.
The visa application process is simple for students, and the majority of student visa applications are approved.
University capitalization and contribution fees are not levied.
In addition to foreign research projects, students can take part in international contests.
Students can take a vacation from studies by attending cultural events at Armenian universities.
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dankusner · 4 months
Tarrant County deputy sheriff sues Sansom Park, claiming sex, disability discrimination
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The lawsuit claims that Straten’s authority was undermined by lower-ranking male officers, creating a hostile work environment, leading to her unlawful termination from the force.
Lawyers for a Tarrant County deputy sheriff on Friday filed a lawsuit in a Fort Worth federal court against the city of Sansom Park on grounds that she experienced discrimination based on her sex and mental health issues while employed as a police officer there.
Deputy Sheriff Sara Straten worked at the Sansom Park Police Department from June 2021 to May 2023, according to her LinkedIn profile.
She was promoted to commander, the department’s second in command, in January 2022.
She is now employed by the Tarrant County Sheriff’s Office.
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Straten claims that her authority was undermined by lower-ranking male officers, creating a hostile work environment and leading to her unlawful termination from the force, according to the complaint filed in the U.S. District Court of Northern Texas in Fort Worth.
The male officers cited in the suit are Sergeant Nathan Graves, Sergeant Victor Hernandez, Sergeant Wesley Hughes and Officer Tyler Downes.
The officers, the lawsuit states, “constantly undermined [Straten’s] authority, including but not limited to engaging in willful insubordination and other violations of policy and law,” despite her “repeated instruction, coaching and training.”
The violations included unlawful arrests/detentions, unsafe pursuits, and insufficient reports, according to the lawsuit.
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“The male employees did not subject [Police Chief James] Burchfield or any other male officer to the same treatment,” the complaint states.
The city further undermined Straten’s authority by not allowing her to discipline the officers for insubordination, only allowing her to issue warnings or coachings, the lawsuit states.
The officers then called for a vote of no confidence against Straten in an attempt to “adversely impact her position and undermine her authority.”
Burchfield decided to reassign the officers to different shifts in lieu of disciplinary action, and ordered Straten to advise the officers of the shift changes, causing them to believe that it was her decision to move them, the lawsuit states.
Graves expressed his disapproval of the shift changes with an outburst in which he slammed a door and threw his duty gear against metal tables and a metal mailbox, the complaint states.
When Straten brought her concerns about the male officers’ insubordination and discriminatory harassment up to her superiors, she was accused of being “emotional.”
Graves filed a complaint with the department that Straten had created a hostile work environment by changing their shifts and other actions in the performance of her duties.
Burchfield dismissed the complaint and informed Graves that the decision had been his and he had directed Straten to execute it.
Burchfield said in an email exchange that the city had not yet been served with the suit as of Saturday afternoon and that he would not comment on it out of “respect for the judicial process.”
The Sansom Park Police Department did not immediately respond to a request for comment from the other officers cited in the complaint.
The complaint goes on to state that the “incessant discriminatory harassment and disparate treatment” led to a flare up of Straten’s post-traumatic stress disorder, inhibiting her ability to do her job.
She requested medical leave, during which time, she requested that she be able to attend her son’s graduation from the police academy and pin his badge on him while in uniform, which the lawsuit describes as a “once in a lifetime moment.”
The city denied her request.
In May 2023, the city sent Straten a letter stating that her paid sick, vacation and personal days were about to expire, and her continued absence would soon be unexcused.
Straten went to the police station on May 9 in civilian attire to explain that she had had trouble getting a chance to see a specialist, but had some appointments scheduled soon after the date she was told her absence would be unexcused.
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She spoke with Sansom Park’s current City Secretary Wendy Blocker, then a human resources representative, as well as Lt. Anissa Satterfield, who received a call in the middle of their conversation.
Satterfield invited Straten to accompany her on the call in the capacity of a civilian on a ride-along so that they could continue talking.
The lawsuit states that Straten “did not make any statements or representations that would indicate that she was present in any official capacity,” and that her presence in civilian clothing clearly indicated that she was not acting as a police officer.
Later that day, Straten received a call from City Manager Angela Winkle, who fired her “under the pretext of putting the City in a position of liability by acting in the capacity of an assist officer,” the complaint states.
The next day, she received an email from Blocker stating that she was terminated for violating the department’s sick-leave policy.
Blocker and Winkle did not immediately respond to requests for comment.
The lawsuit alleges four violations of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, three violations of the Americans with Disabilities Act, and six violations of the Texas Commission on Human Rights.
The lawsuit is seeking an unspecified amount of monetary compensation for back wages and back benefits, as well as front pay, compensatory damages, including emotional distress damages, and attorney’s fees and any other relief as determined by the court.
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Straten is being represented by Gary Martoccio of the Florida-based Spielberger Law Group and Dallas-based attorney James Crewse.
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She and her lawyers did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
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Begin forwarded message:
From: Brianna Archibald Subject: Regarding Your Online Submission Date: June 4, 2024 at 7:43:43 AM CDT
Dear Dan,
My name is Brianna with the Client Relations division of Spielberger Law Group. I know you submitted some information online about an employment related issue you are having, and I wanted to reach out to let you know how important you are to the firm.
We have a few options to get the process started.
One of our Intake Specialists will attempt to reach you by phone to complete the evaluation process.
If you would like to schedule a time for one of our Intake Specialists to contact you, please let me know what day and time works best for you (please include your time zone), and I can schedule an appointment for you. We are here Monday - Friday, 8am-6pm Eastern time.
If you would like to contact us at your convenience, our number is 800-965-1570. When you call in, please select option #1, and that will get you to our Intake Department where one of our Intake Specialists will be able to assist you.
Thank you for taking the time to reach out to us, and we look forward to hearing from you.
-- Brianna Archibald Client Relations Address: 4890 W. Kennedy Blvd. Ste. 950 | Tampa, FL 33609
read about sansom park case. 
i worked for texas dps — training police to classify crime for the fbi.  
after my male supervisor was investigated for discrimination against me for sex-gender, my supervisor confessed and was punished, according to the lavish investigation report. 
three working days later, DPS recommended my termination. 
i was advised to seek out-of-state representation. 
perhaps we could talk?
good luck with with the straten case. 
dan kusner 
GARY JAMES MARTOCCIO  Eligible to Practice in Texas  Spielberger Law Group  
Bar Card Number: 24108958 
TX License Date: 09/06/2018  Primary Practice Location: Tampa , Florida
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brookstonalmanac · 6 months
Events 4.13
1111 – Henry V is crowned Holy Roman Emperor. 1204 – Constantinople falls to the Crusaders of the Fourth Crusade, temporarily ending the Byzantine Empire. 1455 – Thirteen Years' War: the beginning of the Battle for Kneiphof. 1612 – Samurai Miyamoto Musashi defeats Sasaki Kojirō in a duel at Funajima island. 1613 – Samuel Argall, having captured Pocahontas in Passapatanzy, Virginia, sets off with her to Jamestown with the intention of exchanging her for English prisoners held by her father. 1699 – The Sikh religion is formalised as the Khalsa – the brotherhood of Warrior-Saints – by Guru Gobind Singh in northern India, in accordance with the Nanakshahi calendar. 1742 – George Frideric Handel's oratorio Messiah makes its world premiere in Dublin, Ireland. 1777 – American Revolutionary War: American forces are ambushed and defeated in the Battle of Bound Brook, New Jersey. 1829 – The Roman Catholic Relief Act 1829 gives Roman Catholics in the United Kingdom the right to vote and to sit in Parliament. 1849 – Lajos Kossuth presents the Hungarian Declaration of Independence in a closed session of the National Assembly. 1861 – American Civil War: Union forces surrender Fort Sumter to Confederate forces. 1865 – American Civil War: Raleigh, North Carolina is occupied by Union forces. 1870 – The New York City Metropolitan Museum of Art is founded. 1873 – The Colfax massacre: More than 60 to 150 black men are murdered in Colfax, Louisiana, while surrendering to a mob of former Confederate soldiers and members of the Ku Klux Klan. 1909 – The 31 March Incident leads to the overthrow of Sultan Abdul Hamid II. 1919 – Jallianwala Bagh massacre: British Indian Army troops led by Brigadier-General Reginald Dyer kill approximately 379–1,000 unarmed demonstrators including men and women in Amritsar, India; and approximately 1,500 injured. 1941 – A pact of neutrality between the USSR and Japan is signed. 1943 – World War II: The discovery of mass graves of Polish prisoners of war killed by Soviet forces in the Katyń Forest Massacre is announced, causing a diplomatic rift between the Polish government-in-exile in London and the Soviet Union, which denies responsibility. 1943 – The Jefferson Memorial is dedicated in Washington, D.C., on the 200th anniversary of President Thomas Jefferson's birth. 1945 – World War II: German troops kill more than 1,000 political and military prisoners in Gardelegen, Germany. 1945 – World War II: Soviet and Bulgarian forces capture Vienna. 1948 – In an ambush, 78 Jewish doctors, nurses and medical students from Hadassah Hospital, and a British soldier, are massacred by Arabs in Sheikh Jarrah. This event came to be known as the Hadassah medical convoy massacre. 1953 – CIA director Allen Dulles launches the mind-control program Project MKUltra. 1958 – American pianist Van Cliburn is awarded first prize at the inaugural International Tchaikovsky Competition in Moscow. 1960 – The United States launches Transit 1-B, the world's first satellite navigation system. 1964 – At the Academy Awards, Sidney Poitier becomes the first African-American man to win the Best Actor award for the 1963 film Lilies of the Field. 1970 – An oxygen tank aboard the Apollo 13 Service Module explodes, putting the crew in great danger and causing major damage to the Apollo command and service module (codenamed "Odyssey") while en route to the Moon. 1972 – The Universal Postal Union decides to recognize the People's Republic of China as the only legitimate Chinese representative, effectively expelling the Republic of China administering Taiwan. 1972 – Vietnam War: The Battle of An Lộc begins. 1975 – An attack by the Phalangist resistance kills 26 militia members of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, marking the start of the 15-year Lebanese Civil War. 1997 – Tiger Woods becomes the youngest golfer to win the Masters Tournament. 2017 – The US drops the largest ever non-nuclear weapon on Nangarhar Province, Afghanistan.
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mbbsstudyinrussia · 6 months
North Caucasian State Medical University Russia
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Established in 1936, the Northern State Medical University, located in Arkhangelsk, has solidified its reputation as a leading institution for medical education in Northern Russia. Recognized by esteemed organizations such as the World Health Organization (WHO), ECFMG (USA), and Medical Council of India (MCI), NSMU provides students with the opportunity to pursue international licensing exams post-graduation.
Currently, the university boasts an enrolment of approximately 5500 students and is equipped with state-of-the-art facilities including computers, films, video aids, and other modern appliances. With a total of 55 departments, 27 of which are clinical, NSMU’s clinical departments are renowned as some of the city’s top clinics.
Moreover, Russia’s vast natural resources, including oil, natural gas, and minerals, play a significant role in its economic strength and global influence. Additionally, Russia’s rich history and diverse ethnic groups contribute to its vibrant and multifaceted culture, showcased in its literature, music, dance, and art. The country’s unique blend of European and Asian influences further adds to its appeal as a captivating destination for tourists and scholars alike. With its strategic location bridging Europe and Asia, Russia plays a crucial role in shaping geopolitics and international relations. Furthermore, its space program and technological advancements underscore its position as a major player in the global arena, with a legacy of scientific achievements and innovation.
Why to Choose North Caucasian State Academy
North Caucasian State Medical University provides high-quality medical education at an affordable cost. This is especially attractive for international students who are looking for a cost-effective way to obtain a medical degree without compromising on the quality of education.
According to the National Institutional Ranking Framework, the university ranks 82nd in the country. This ranking is a testament to the quality of education and research provided by the university.
North Caucasian State Medical University is recognized by various world-reputed medical bodies such as WHO, NMC, and others.
To practice medicine in another country, students need to clear the Foreign Medical Graduate Examination (FMGE). Completing MBBS from this university opens doors to new opportunities and prepares students for a global career in medicine.
North Caucasian State Medical University offers direct admission to students who wish to study MBBS in Russia. There is no need for any kind of entrance test to get admission to this university.
Required Documentation North Caucasian State Medical University Russia
10th and 12th passing marks and transfer letters
Bachelor’s graduation certificate and transfer certificate
Copy of international passport (should be valid for at least 2 years) and any other proof of identity.
8 passport size photos.
Bank balance certificate or financial documents.
A-222, Kabir Nagar, Shahdara, New Delhi — 110093 9540302883, 9953971904, 7011714220, 0120–4327792 [email protected]
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bradandbasket · 7 months
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“Moments That Mattered: ’98 Edition”
In Nagano's bloom, where winter kissed the spring,
A digital flame, a future took wing.
Knowledge unbound, a web for all to see,
Google's quest, in '98 set free.
Peace whispered soft, on Belfast's cobbled street,
A Good Friday pact, a promise bittersweet.
Decades of strife, a fragile hope remained,
Northern Ireland's scars, with healing softly stained.
Titanic's echo, a love that wouldn't die,
A space station soared, against the endless sky.
Innovation's heart, in every human stride,
A year of wonder, where dreams could confide.
Windows unveiled, a world in vibrant view,
iMac's embrace, a rainbow dream come true.
Amidst the currents, of change and history's flow,
A child of '98, the seeds of knowledge sow.
A thread in time, a universe within,
Bound by love's light, where hope's song can begin.
1. Nagano Olympics: The 1998 Winter Olympics, held in Nagano, Japan, brought together athletes from around the world to compete in skiing, snowboarding, figure skating, and other winter sports. It was a memorable event filled with athletic feats and international camaraderie.
2. Peace in Northern Ireland: The Good Friday Agreement, signed in 1998, marked a historic turning point in the decades-long conflict in Northern Ireland. This agreement aimed to establish a power-sharing government and end sectarian violence, bringing hope for a more peaceful future.
3. Google is Born: 1998 saw the birth of Google, a search engine founded by Larry Page and Sergey Brin while they were students at Stanford University. This innovative platform would revolutionize the way people access information online.
4. Space Station Blasts Off!: The first module of the International Space Station (ISS) launched in 1998, marking the beginning of a historic international collaboration to build a permanent human outpost in orbit. This ambitious project would pave the way for future scientific discoveries and exploration.
5. Viagra Approved: The FDA's approval of Viagra in 1998 represented a significant medical breakthrough. This medication offered a new treatment option for erectile dysfunction, impacting the lives of millions of men.
6. Saving Private Ryan hits theaters: Directed by Steven Spielberg, "Saving Private Ryan" was released in 1998. This powerful war drama, depicting the D-Day invasion and the harrowing search for a paratrooper, garnered critical acclaim and sparked conversations about the realities of war.
7. iMac Revolution: 1998 introduced the world to the iMac, a revolutionary all-in-one computer from Apple. Its vibrant colors and user-friendly design stood out in a market dominated by beige boxes, marking a shift in personal computer aesthetics and accessibility.
8. Windows 98 Arrives: Microsoft released Windows 98, a new operating system for personal computers. This iteration offered improved performance, web browsing capabilities, and a user interface refresh compared to its predecessor.
9. Europe Gets a New Currency: The euro, a single currency for the European Union, was officially launched in 1998. This economic and political unification aimed to simplify trade and financial transactions across member states.
10. Titanic Sails to Oscar Glory (1997 release): While technically released in late 1997, the epic film "Titanic" dominated the 1998 Academy Awards, winning 11 awards including Best Picture.
This historical romance captivated audiences and continues to be a cultural touchstone.
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shrishtyunikart · 1 year
Top Management College in Noida and Gurgaon
Here are some top management colleges in Noida and Gurgaon:
Noida, short for New Okhla Industrial Development Authority, is a planned city located in the Gautam Buddha Nagar district of the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh. Noida is a satellite city of Delhi and is a part of the National Capital Region (NCR) of India. As per provisional reports of the Census of India, the population of Noida in 2011 was 642,381. The city is managed by New Okhla Industrial Development Authority (NOIDA). The district's administrative headquarters are in the nearby city of Greater Noida.
The city is a part of the Noida (Vidhan Sabha) constituency and Gautam Buddha Nagar (Lok Sabha) constituency. Mahesh Sharma is the present Lok Sabha MP of Gautam Buddha Nagar, while Pankaj Singh is the present MLA of Noida.
Noida was ranked as the Best City in Uttar Pradesh and the Best City in Housing in all of India in the "Best City Awards" conducted by ABP News in 2015.
1.    Sarvottam Institute Of Technology And Management, Noida 2.    Amity School Of Insurance, Banking, And Actuarial Science, Noida 3.    Footwear Design & Development Institute, Noida 4.    Amity University Online, Noida 5.    Jaipuria Institute Of Management, Noida 6.    Amity School Of Rural Management, Noida 7.    National Academy Of Event Management & Development, Noida 8.    Jagran Institute Of Management And Mass Communication, Noida 9.    Amity School Of Engineering & Technology, Noida 10.    Asian Academy Of Film & Television- Noida 11.    Hierank Business School, Noida 12.    Gulshan Kumar Film & Television Institute Of India, Noida 13.    Institute Of Management Studies, Noida 14.    Puppets Picture College Of Mass Communication, Noida 15.    Sadhna Academy For Media Studies, Noida 16.    Bioinformatics Institute Of India, Noida 17.    Amity Institute Of Vocational & Industrial Training, Noida 18.    Jaypee Institute Of Information Technology University, Noida
Gurgaon officially named Gurugram is a city located in the northern Indian state of Haryana. It is situated near the Delhi–Haryana border, about 30 kilometers (19 mi) southwest of the national capital New Delhi and 268 km (167 mi) south of Chandigarh, the state capital. It is one of the major satellite cities of Delhi and is part of the National Capital Region of India. As of 2011, Gurgaon had a population of 1,153,000.
Gurgaon is India's second-largest information technology hub and third-largest financial and banking hub. Gurgaon is also home to India's largest medical tourism industry.
1.    Dpg Institute Of Technology And Management, Gurgaon 2.    Primordial Center Of Excellence, Gurgaon
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flyfuture1 · 2 years
List of mci recognised medical colleges abroad/mci approved medical colleges abroad ?
Crimea Federal University
Kazan State Medical University
Kursk State Medical University
Kazan Federal University
Far Eastern Federal University
Orenburg State Medical University
Northern State Medical University
Orel State University
Bashkir State University
Ulyanovsk State University
Altai State Medical University
Omsk State Medical University
Rostov State Medical University
Dagestan State Medical University
Kuban State Medical University
Siberian State Medical University
Perm State University
Mari State University
Mordovia State University
Kyrgyzstan :
Osh State Medical University
L.N Medical College
Kyrgyz State Medical University (KSMA)
International School of Medicine (ISM)
Jalalabad Medical University
Asian Medical Institute
Salymbekov University
Bishkek international medical university
Royal Metro Politan University
Eurasian International Medical University
Kazakh National Medical University
Astana Medical University
South Kazakhstan Medical Academy
Al farabi kazakh national university
Karaganda State Medical University
Semey State Medical University
West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov State Medical University
Kazakh Russian Medical University
Kazakh Medical University of Continuing Education
North Kazakhstan State University
Heidelberg University
RWTH Aachen University
Lübeck University
Witten/Herdecke University
Magdeburg University
Wurzburg University
University of Tubingen
Freiburg University
Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University Tbilisi
Akaki Tsereteli State University Akkai
Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University Batumi
David Tvildiani Medical University Tbilisi
East European University Georgia
New Vision Medical University Georgia
David Agmashenebeli University Of Georgia
Caucasus International University
Tbilisi State Medical University
Petre Shotadze Tbilisi Medical Academy
Georgian American University
Tbilisi Open Teaching University
European University
Belarusian State Medical University
Grodno State Medical University
Gomel State University
Vitebsk State Medical University
Mogilev State A. Kuleshov University
Polessky State University
Southern Medical College
Bangladesh Medical College
Dhaka National Medical College
Eastern Medical College and Hospital
Green Life Medical College
Monno Medical College
Nepal :
Nobel Medical College
Kathmandu Medical University
National Medical College
Nepalgunj Medical College
Lumbini Medical College
Gandaki Medical College
Janki Medical College
School of Medical Sciences
Yerevan State University
American University of Armenia
ST. Tereza Medical University
University of Traditional Medicine
Yerevan Haybusak University
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dream-med-blog · 2 years
20 Best Medical Universities Abroad You Should Consider For Your Future (Part 1)
Studying medicine is one of the most demanding academic programs you can undertake. It requires years of dedication, hard work, and passion. But it is also one of the most rewarding career choices you can make. If you are planning to study medicine, you have the option to study at some of the best medical universities abroad.
In this article, we will list the 20 best medical universities abroad you should consider for your future. We will also provide information on each university, such as their location, rankings, tuition fees, and admission requirements.
Kazan federal university is one of the leading universities in Russia. The university was founded in 1804 and is located in Kazan, the capital of the Republic of Tatarstan. Kazan federal university is a member of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. The university has more than 40,000 students enrolled in its various programs.
Kazan state medical university is one of the leading medical schools in Russia. It is located in Kazan, the capital of the Republic of Tatarstan. The university has a long history, dating back to 1804 when it was founded as the Kazan Imperial University.
Kemerovo state medical university is one of the leading medical schools in Russia. It is located in the city of Kemerovo, in the south-western Siberia. The university was founded in 1930 and since then it has educated more than 30 000 doctors, most of whom are now working in different parts of the world.
Komi state medical university is one of the leading universities in the field of medicine. Founded in 1841, the university has been at the forefront of medical research and education for over 175 years. Located in the city of Syktyvkar, Komi state medical university is home to over 5,000 students from all over the world.
Kuban state medical university — is the biggest medical higher school of Kuban, it is famous for the highly qualified specialists in the medical field. The university administration pays great attention to providing students with all the necessary conditions for study and development.
North eastern federal university is one of the leading universities in the Russian Federation. It is located in the city of Yakutsk, in the east of the country. The university was founded in 1931 and today has more than 15,000 students enrolled in its various programs.
Northern State Medical University is one of the leading medical universities in the country. It has a long history of providing quality education and research in the field of medicine.
Omsk state medical university is one of Russia’s leading medical schools. Located in the city of Omsk, in Siberia, the university offers a wide range of medical programs and has a strong reputation for excellence. If you are interested in a career in medicine, Omsk state medical university is a great choice.
Orel state medical university is one of the leading medical schools in the Russian Federation. It is located in the city of Orel, which is in the western part of the country. The university was founded in 1935 and currently has an enrollment of over 4,000 students.
Orenburg state medical university is one of the most prestigious medical schools in Russia. It was founded in 1920 and is located in the city of Orenburg. The university has a rich history and has produced many renowned doctors and scientists.
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sbknews · 2 years
Motorcycle Plus Show Announces Charity Partners
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Mayor’s charity, Helping Hand among three to benefit from bike show The Motorcycle Plus Show has announced three charity partners that will benefit at its landmark event at Eikon Centre, Lisburn, on February 4-5, 2023. 360 Events, who are organising the packed weekend of motorsport, confirmed that Lisburn and Castlereagh City Council’s Mayoral charity, Helping Hand for the Royal Belfast Hospital for Sick Children will be one of the beneficiaries of the biggest motorcycle event in four years. Planned as a curtain raiser for the start of the motorcycling season for the year ahead the show will attract fans of both on and off-road competitions as well as bike enthusiasts across the country. Kenny Gardner of 360 Events said they were delighted to be able to support local charities at the Motorcycle Plus event. “The local charities we will be supporting are the Lisburn & Castlereagh City Council’s Mayor designated charity, Helping Hand, the Atlas Women’s Centre in Lisburn and St John Ambulance service, Portadown Branch, which provides excellent medical cover at motorsport events throughout Northern Ireland.” 360 Events is a new group of motorcycling and motorsport enthusiasts and volunteers with many years of experience as competitors and officials in all branches of the sport. The Motorcycle Plus Show has signed up the biggest motorcycle dealers in Northern Ireland to be there. “Hurst Yamaha will have their 2023 range of road and off-road motorcycles on display and available to purchase,” explained Kenny. “Hurst BMW have also signed up and again will have the full range of new BMWs on display. “As well as this, HTM will be there with the road and off-road Husquvarna and GasGas Machines. Along with other dealers, we have Crossan Motorcycles in attendance with their comprehensive range of Helmets and gear etc. including specialised bikes.” As well as the dealers already signed up, some of the top teams from both the road and off-road sports will provide information on their activities for the 2023 season ahead. Motorcycle sport governing bodies along with some of the clubs that promote some of the biggest motorcycle events in Ireland will be in attendance to promote their events. Kenny, one of the organisers from 360 Events, explained The Motorcycle Plus Show has been specifically designed for motorsports enthusiasts. “Primarily, we will be using the show to showcase all forms of motorsport and motorcycling, if it has an engine and wheels, we intend it to be there,” he said. “Attractions will also include rider appearances, interviews, Q&A sessions, and not just established stars, but also up and coming riders from on and off-road disciplines who will become household names in the future,” he said. “As an innovation, there will be advice from experts on securing and keeping sponsors, Social Media use and lifestyle advice which will be useful for young competitors from all disciplines. “This is in line with our stated aim of helping to establish a Motorsport Academy for all forms of motorsport to make sure our rising stars get the best advice and guidance possible on their career path. “Race Teams will be there with their 2023 line ups, both on and off-road, 2023 street bike models, accessories, gear, and lots more so plenty for everyone to see and do. “Governing bodies will be in attendance with advice and guidance on their various Championships, how to start racing and competing, and of course officiating and marshalling, as well as various Clubs promoting their own events, alongside trade and dealer stands.” Previously the show was held for a number of years under different guises starting with the Enkalon Club in the Antrim Forum and finally with Nutt Promotions in the Eikon Centre in 2019. The Motorcycle Plus Show will take place at Eikon Centre in Lisburn on February 4-5, 2023. For tickets go to www.motorcycleplusshow.co.uk.  All online bookings will be entered into a free raffle to win prizes such as a small motorbike, discounted ferry bookings and other prizes. More details on the prizes will be confirmed but there are vouchers to the value of £1000, £300, £100, 4 ball golf voucher, and money off ferry travel vouchers to be had from Hursts, Crossan’s, Norman Watt Motorcycles, Edenmore Golf Club and Nutt Travel. “These are exciting times and another great reason to purchase tickets as Christmas presents for your biking loved ones and be in with a chance of picking up some excellent prizes,” Kenny concluded.
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