#norton phone number
hypersonic04 · 5 months
Fresh Out The Slammer: Part One
circa 2019. ross is 29, its the notes era. imagine graham norton ross. there's a lot of waffling because I feel like I need to get back into the swing of writing, and also set the scene because this is going to be three parts! so apologies for that. i've missed you all so much and i'm just glad to be posting something for the first time in ages. i hope you're all okay i would love to hear what you've been up to in the, like, five months i've disappeared into the abyss for. I'M WAFFLING AGAIN. sorry. okay. fresh out the slammer! enjoy. i'm nervous. okay.
Word Count: 2,848
Part One: 'Now pretty baby, I'm running back home to you.'
Who were you supposed to call on nights like this? The question seemed to be the only thing your brain circled back to as tears streamed down your face, a sob caught in your throat, heels harsh and loud on the pavement, even over the chaos of muffled bars. Your 28th birthday, stood outside a club that you were probably too old to be at in the first place, phone vibrating with 'where r u???' - who were you supposed to call?
Your birthday didn't feel very worth celebrating when you looked back on the year you'd had, your freshly shattered heart stinging as a very raw memory of being walked out on a week earlier seared itself through your memory. He'd always been a dickhead, the kind of boyfriend who'd told you that he was the best thing to ever happen to you, or that the whole writing thing wouldn't work out, but what did you have if you didn't have him? He'd been a pillar in your life since, well, forever. He'd shown you your favourite holiday destination, your favourite wine, your favourite book - were you just a product of him? The thought panicked you. No, you were cool. You had loads of interests, and friends, and hobbies.
The one thing he'd not shown you was something you'd kept a secret from him.
Your favourite band.
Even now, your stomach twisted as you recalled him and your youth, nights tangled up in bed sheets and clumsy hands on sticky dance floors, the mere thought of his recurring aftershave sending a wave of nostalgia over you as you perched on the ledge, lighting up a cigarette. It'd been years since you'd spoken to Ross. Now that you thought about it, it was probably around the same time Charlie had come on the scene, private-schooled, 5'9, biology-studying Charlie. You'd ignored Ross' messages inviting you to their gigs out of guilt for Charlie (his ego would have been well and truly tarnished), reluctantly un-followed him on Instagram when there'd been questions asked about him, tried to pretend that there wasn't an invisible tattoo of his hand prints at your waist, the memory of his fingertips forever stained in your hair, remnants of his kisses on your starving lips. Nothing has ever come close to Ross, and you'd be lying if you said that when Charlie had been away for work, you'd replayed the reels of your nights together in your mind.
You looked at the time - 3:17.
His number probably wasn't even the same as the one you had in your phone.
You leaned your head back, looked up at the sky, squeezed your eyes shut. There's no way you were about to do this. He probably thinks you're a weirdo anyway, cutting contact like he'd been a random one-time snog in a club. He might not even be in the country, for all you knew, with his world-famous band and world-famous records and most likely world-famous girlfriend. You'd not thought about that up until now - his girlfriend. Perhaps non-existent, probably existent. Jealous curled up your spine, a sick feeling settling in your stomach.
It was like your hands weren't your own as you scrolled through your contacts, brain on auto-pilot and suddenly feeling 20 again, stood outside a bar at university, ringing him to come and get you. The picture you'd set all those years ago was still the same somehow, and it made you swallow heavily - his head pressed next to yours, hair swooped to one side and probably wearing a Hollister polo. You both looked so young. It stopped you in your tracks, almost. You thought of how different things could have been if you hadn't ran away from everything, panicked and settled down like you thought you'd wanted, let him go on tour with the band and forever have the 'what if' hanging in the windows of your newly-purchased house with Charlie. What a success that was.
You pressed it and waited. It rang. And it rang.
As if you'd thought he'd pick up. It probably came up as an unknown number. You felt daft as you held the phone to your ear, tears stinging at your eyes again. The only person you'd thought to call.
Your stomach dropped when the ringing came to a halt and you could hear crackling.
And then his voice. Sleepy, low, tired.
Familiar. Warm.
"Y/n? Can you hear me?" he repeated as you stood in silence, lips pressed together at the sound of his name down the line.
"Ross," you managed to choke out, running a hand through your hair.
"Is everything okay?" he sounded concerned and you could hear his footsteps across what sounded like a hardwood floor, pacing.
"I just..." You looked up again, swallowing. "I'm so sorry."
"Y/n/n? What's going on?" Coming to a halt, his voice softened.
"I'm in Manchester, and I guess I'm kind of lost? I don't know, it looks different than it used to, and I'm on my own. I don't know why I called, you're probably not even here, are you?"
There was silence from across the line for a second and you squeezed your eyes shut. If he didn't think you were crazy before, he definitely did now.
"No, I'm here. I'm in my flat." He said softly.
"Oh, right," Your head was spinning. "I'm sorry for bothering you, I just-"
"Whereabouts are you?"
You breathed in sharply.
"I'm not sure, it used to be that bar we went to every week, but it's changed now, it's a kebab shop, I think." You glance at the neon sign, voice shaky.
"Are you staying in a hotel or anything? I can order you an Uber, or-"
His voice crackled down the line.
"I was, but I've lost my friends, and I've had a drink and I can't call Charlie and I don't know what to do." Your throat feels tighter when you say it all out loud. "I don't know, I called you because it was the only thing I could think of, but it's fine, I can-"
"Stay there," you can hear him moving around, "I'm leaving now."
It felt like an eternity between him hanging up the phone and arriving, perhaps because all you could do was think about how you've ended up here.
The car pulled up slowly and your stomach dropped, the window rolling down and his smile visible as he ducked his head.
It was like your feet were frozen to the ground for a second. His lips curved at the sides, hair messy and just as dark as you remembered it, but his eyes were older. They creased at the corners a little, slightly darker, a bit more tired. It wasn't just you who'd been trying to figure things out since you graduated, exhausted by the demands of post-graduate existence.
"Just move that, sorry." he mumbled as you opened the car door, throwing an empty water bottle onto the backseats. His eyes seemed immovable for a second, like he was having the same thought process as you. You felt intensely vulnerable for a second, and suddenly remembered the ladder in your tights and the mascara stained cheeks that faced him.
"God, it's been so-"
"I've missed you-"
You both started at the same time, an airy laugh escaping as you let the silence consume you.
He started the car without another word. It took everything in you not to stare, or cry, or say how much you'd missed him and how sorry you were that you'd abandoned it all. Instead, you kept your gaze forward, drinking in the streets you'd traipsed as a student.
"We're here." he glanced at you, pulling up outside an apartment block.
"Oh, you didn't need to bring me here, it's okay, I think there's a Premier Inn up the road." You furrowed your brows at him, shaking your head and starting to rifle through your bag. "I've got my card, it's fine, I-"
"It's fine." He said with a slight smile, shaking his head. "You can stay at mine. 'Will be nice to have the company."
You smiled at him softly, in the way you might smile at a cashier or your boss. It felt strange, transactional, like maybe there was a void between the two of you. You'd put it there.
"Thank you." You said quietly, following him out of the car and up the steps.
The lift was creaky and you closed your eyes for a second, the tiredness hitting you. The past two weeks had been a lot, and you'd thought a night out might fix everything.
His flat was just as you'd expected it to be. Records and CDs and books on every available surface, a scattering of guitar picks, some empty mugs, a weeks' worth of unopened post.
"Is it just you that lives here?" You asked as you stood awkwardly in the kitchen, watching him as he put the kettle on and grabbed two mugs. A Macclesfield FC one, and a souvenir one from Germany, it seemed.
He nodded with a hum, glancing at you. "You can get comfy, it's fine."
The fluorescent kitchen light felt exposing as you slid your heels off, placing them neatly by the door with your bag. He handed you the cup of tea promptly after and you followed him into the living room. It was spacious, yet the sheer amount of stuff everywhere made it feel lived in.
"Why couldn't you ring Charlie?" he asked after at least five minutes of the two of you pretending to watch whatever random Top of the Pops repeat that BBC 2 had shoved on for the 4am slot. He looked at you intently, but his tone was calm, simply wondering.
"We've split up." You looked down at the mug, mouth drying out. "About a week ago."
"I'm sorry to hear it." He said after a beat, looking back to the TV.
"Don't be." I shook my head, lips pursed. "Wasn't as good as it seemed, all that house-owner, engaged shit."
His gaze softened, but you could sense his sadness for you.
It's strange, to sit in a room with someone you once slept with on the regular, thought you were going to marry, like people do when they're 19, and feel like you know nothing about them. You could mentally draw him, the identical placement of the birthmark on his right hip, the exact colour of his eyes, yet you couldn't identify which bedroom was his in this flat, or what he'd had for tea the night before.
"I'm sorry for calling you at this time." You said meekly, looking back at the TV.
"I was awake anyway, it's okay." He glanced at you. "It was nice to see your name on my phone."
"I'm sorry for not calling sooner, then." You corrected your earlier statement, watching as his lips tilted into the oh-so-familiar smile your fingers had traced over countless times.
"I missed hearing from you."
"I missed hearing from you, too."
The silence was deafening, almost claustrophobic as you inhaled deeply. His eye contact faltered, skitting back to the TV, blinking heavily. You wondered what he was thinking, whether memories of you under him were also still as fresh in his mind as if they'd happened yesterday.
He downed the last of his tea, sitting forward.
"There's a spare room across from mine, down the hallway. Feel free to get a shower, use some of the clothes in those drawers, whatever you need."
"Thanks." You placed the half empty mug next to his on the coffee table. "Do you have any paracetamol or anything? I can't really hack hangovers anymore, even if it is just a couple of cocktails."
"Could you ever hack hangovers?" He teased as he stood up, walking into the kitchen. You blushed - so he was thinking about those mornings, too.
He handed you the box to take to bed with you, showing you the bedroom.
"There's a clean towel in the bathroom," he pointed to the on-suite, "I'm just in here if you need anything." His neck craned to look into the bedroom behind you, pointing to the bathroom and drawers, but you could only look at him. His tan skin, his tousled hair, neat, tidy beard, the chest hair that poked from the top of his t shirt.
Standing across from each other in the hallway, you could see into his bedroom. Light green sheets, a book next to his bed, a pair of jeans thrown over the end of the bed-frame. You wanted to know him again. To know him, and his life, and his body. Charlie was superficial - his lavish proposals, extravagant holidays, Instagram posts declaring you as 'the love of his life' and lonely nights spent waiting for him to get back from a boys night out. Ross was everything. He was 'picking you up at 3am', remembering how you liked your tea after 7 years apart, dark eyes and curls and haphazardly strewn clothes and empty beer cans on bedsides and you.
"Thank you, again, for letting me stay over." you looked up at him, his gaze already fixed on you.
"It's not a problem."
A second passed before you turned on your heel, a shaky nervous hand reaching for the doorknob.
"Night," You said, with a small smile.
You closed the door and watched his turn away, broad shoulders disappearing into the opposite room.
The shower was hot, steaming up the bathroom, as you turned it on. You'd dug out a stripy t-shirt and some joggers you could roll up from the back of the wardrobe.
You tipped your head back in the shower, letting the hot water run over you. The shower gel lathered against your skin, and it felt symbolic, to be washing away the day, the thoughts of Charlie, the fake smiles of your fake friends in fake, pose-y bars. Ross had always felt real to you, the realest thing in this city. He'd been brutally honest with you when you'd needed it, soft with you when he knew he had to be. The memory of your fight flashed into your mind - the last day before you went back home after graduation, tears in his eyes, down your cheeks, raised voices and a final, slammed door. Your eyes opened quickly as you remembered how you'd told him you wanted stability, not to follow his 'silly band around the world'. You hated yourself for it, even now. He's been hurt, like it had meant nothing to either of you, the way you'd got into your car and drove back to your parents with blurred vision, Car Seat Headrest blasting through the stereo as you fled the scene.
You thought about him laid across the hall. Was he wide awake? You tossed over onto your side, duvet pulled up to your neck. It must've been about 5am. You willed yourself to just fall asleep. The sound of floorboards creaking forced your eyes open, but they hushed as soon as they'd chorused through the flat.
The smell of coffee was the thing that roused you from your sleep. So I did sleep, you thought.
His back was to you as you entered the kitchen, the rustle of the TV and clanging of utensils echoing off the walls.
"Morning," You yawned, smiling as he jumped and turned to you. His gaze trailed up and then back down for a second, the sight of you in his clothes clearly taking him by surprise.
"Did you sleep okay?" He smiled. His hair was flat on one side, sleepy eyes, crinkled t-shirt. You nodded, heat rushing to your stomach at the sight of him. "Did you?". He just hummed in reply, pouring water in the mugs.
You sat and ate scrambled eggs on toast. You talked about work. You discussed the rugby, each other's siblings, old uni friends. It felt comfortable, and right, and you had to catch yourself when you stared at him for too long and began to picture doing this every morning.
"We leave soon, though."
"Leave?" You asked, sipping your orange juice.
"Yeah, for tour." He looked up at you from his plate. "Next Wednesday."
Next Wednesday, for tour.
You felt silly for thinking your lives would be sewn together seamlessly, that you would fit into his world like you'd never left.
There wasn't much conversation after that, and it was like you could read his mind for a second. He'd said that to warn you, to prepare you, because he too was imagining this as a constant. This wasn't going to work, and you both knew it. You wanted it to, desperately, and when you left his flat that morning, your eyes welled like they had that fateful day in 2011.
You'd hugged him tightly before you'd left, his arms around your waist firmly, yours around his neck. He was going away for a year, touring the world, and you were going back to your mum and dad's, because where else could you go?
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As United States Postal Service letter carriers face increasing violence and assaults on the job, the police officers who could protect them have been sidelined by the government, a new Raw Story investigation revealed.
With letter carrier robberies skyrocketing by 543 percent between 2019 and 2022, the issue has spurred a bipartisan group of Congress members to introduce legislation aimed at providing more secure mailbox equipment and better protecting letter carriers.
Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick (R-PA), who introduced the Protect our Letter Carriers Act last week, said Raw Story's investigation should urge Congress to turn the bill into law.
“The concerns highlighted in this story only increase the urgency needed in Congress to pass the bipartisan Protect our Letter Carriers Act," Fitzpatrick said in a statement to Raw Story. "The United States Postal Service must have the resources to update its outdated arrow keys and harden mailboxes. We must also increase the prosecution and lengthen sentences of individuals arrested for assaulting and robbing letter carriers. I will do whatever is necessary to work with my colleagues on both sides of the aisle to pass this crucial piece of legislation.”
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A 2020 statute reinterpretation by the Postal Service curtailed uniformed postal police officers' ability to patrol the streets where mail crimes typically occur, restricting them to working on postal property such as post offices and distribution centers. Meanwhile, the number of postal police officers overall has shrunk from a high of more than 2,600 in the 1970s to about 450 officers today.
In a phone interview with Raw Story, Del. Eleanor Holmes Norton (D-DC) said mail theft is "rampant" in her district and is an issue she's heard about across the country from her colleagues. Postal police officers aren't currently "doing any good being confined to postal property," Norton said.
"The spike in mail crime only reinforces my notion that we need to have postal police go wherever the crime is," Norton said.
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If postal police officers began patrolling the streets again, there would be "a better chance of restricting crimes for the Postal Service," said Norton, who is a co-sponsor of the House version of the Postal Police Reform Act alongside Reps. Andrew Garbarino (R-NY), Ken Calvert (R-CA) and Bill Pascrell (D-NJ).
Calvert himself lost nearly $10,000 in campaign cash last year because of mail theft, Raw Story first reported.
"I think the bill has a good chance of passing not only because of what we're experiencing in the district but because this issue is nationwide," Norton said.
There's a Senate version of the Postal Police Reform Act, as well, introduced by Sens. Dick Durbin (D-IL) and Susan Collins (R-ME), along with 10 other co-sponsors, including Sen. Ben Cardin (D-MD).
“Postal carriers routinely deliver lifelines to Marylanders and others across the country. They should not be left vulnerable to dangerous situations that leave them and mail recipients in potential danger – from theft and the lost items," Cardin told Raw Story in a statement. "This is a growing problem that Congress should address, preferably in partnership with the USPS.”
Read Raw Story's full investigation: Letter carriers face bullets and beatings while postal service sidelines police
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spaceclefairy · 2 years
The Gentle Art of Making Enemies, Ch. 16
Pairing: Michael de Santa/ OFC; Trevor Philips/OFC; Michael de Santa/OFC/Trevor Philips; Michael de Santa/Trevor Philips
Summary: Los Santos is a hellscape, but if you’ve got brains and a little determination, it can be a real hell of a playground. Michael needs money, Trevor needs whatever Trevor wants, and Franklin’s moving up in Los Santos. Jen’s just along for the ride.
This is gonna be fun.
Author’s Note: I’ve been writing this beast of a thing since 2013. It’s been through a thousand different incarnations, but it’s been in my drafts for the last six years. I realize this fandom isn’t as popular as it used to be, but I might as well have a little fun and finally start posting it.
Also, not to be that bitch, but this is on Ao3. I would very much appreciate kudos/comments, if you’re so inclined!
Part 1  ||   Part 2  ||  Part 3  ||  Part 4  ||  Part 5  ||  Part 6  ||  Part 7  ||  Part 8  ||  Part 9  ||  Part 10  ||  Part 11  ||  Part 12  ||  Part 13  ||  Part 14 || Part 15
--- --- --- --- ---
Lester’s contacts came through beautifully.
When Jen arrived at her office the next morning, the only people in the office were her own employees, peacefully doing their jobs. There were no IAA interns rummaging through her files, no IAA agents stalking her employees through the halls, no IAA agents sniffing and smirking or lauding their hierarchy. Possibly better still, absolutely no sign of an FIB agent could be found. 
Jen grinned as she strode through the office, clicking away in her tall, tall heels - there would be silence today, for at least a brief little while. Mary at the front desk handed Jen a stack of mail as she entered the office, smiling politely. She’d seen the news that morning, pleased that she no longer had to keep tentatively looking for a new job. The rest of Jen’s employees waved and greeted her as she walked by each office heading to her own. 
Absolutely beautiful.
Wonderful, beautiful silence for a brief little while. Brief, being the operative word.
Jen had no sooner sat down to begin her day when her phone started ringing. She grinned as she looked at the glass screen - Dave Norton, right on time.
She answered. "Howdy, Dave."
Dave's voice crackled out as a scandalized huff. "What did you do?"
Jen stifled a chuckle. All the years of maintaining decorum despite immense displeasure had given her a stellar poker face. "What are you talking about, Dave?"
"The shitstorm going down on Weazel News? Breakdown of election results being published? Covers blown? Ring a bell?"
"I haven't turned on Weazel this morning, so that’s news to me. Come to think of it, though, it's awfully quiet in the office for once," Jen observed. "Look, Dave. I've got a massive murder trial in a few weeks. It’s all I can do to get out of bed in the morning some days. Where would I find the time to do all that? Or get the resources?"
"Oh, stop. I know who you know," Dave snapped. "Good Lord, Jen! We told you we would handle it!"
“Well, it’s been handled now,” Jen replied simply, stifling a giggle with the back of her hand. "What are you complaining about anyway? I’m watching Weazel now. Looks like it was only IAA info that got leaked, not FIB."
"Be that as it may," Dave huffed, "But now the higher-ups are talking about a government-wide review of all personnel."
"Wouldn't hurt, I'm sure."
"Need I remind you that if I get tapped, so does your boyfriend?" Dave grumbled.
To be fair, Dave had a point. His career-making takedown of one Michael Townley hadn’t come without a price.
"More threats, Dave? Come on, we’re on the same side. That’s not your style."
Dave sighed. “It’s a warning, Jen. You should have let me handle it."
"I had nothing to do with it,” Jen lied. “Check your sources."
"I will,” Dave snapped. "Now, I’m going to go clean up this mess. You better pray Steve doesn’t start snooping around in my files. And be careful, please."
"I'm always careful."
Jen hung up the phone and cackled while she dialed Lester’s number. She really liked Dave, truly. If he put half as much work into actually being a good agent as he put into pretending to be a good agent, he might have had a shot at being director once upon a time. But Dave, deep down, wanted glory without putting the work in. And that mindset, in Jen’s experience, was easily exploitable.
Lester picked up on the first ring. Jen could hear the crackle of Weazel News in the background. No doubt the nefarious little nerd was enjoying the spectacle that was the product of his handiwork.
"Lester, I could kiss you!"
He snorted. "Keep it to yourself. I don't want your boyfriends beating down my door."
"You'd let me if I tried."
"Probably,” Lester conceded, “Oh, and you’re welcome."
“As always, my friend, I appreciate our time together,” Jen replied in her sweetest voice. "Also, I'm sending you the recording of the call Dave Norton made just now in case we need a little… insurance. Thanks again."
Jen hung up and tossed her phone onto her desk. The pleasure of silence was golden. She could focus on actually doing her job now rather than monitoring agents and babysitting her staff. She could get ready for all the cases coming up, get this mess of a murder trial off the ground… She might even get to go home on time today.
Huh. Now, there’s an idea. Getting home on time meant Jen might be able to get Michael to come over, maybe even spend the night. He had been back in Los Santos for a week, having successfully gotten the price on his head rescinded. He hadn’t come over yet for want of a little relaxation.
Jen grabbed her phone and texted him, asking him to come over tonight. To her surprise, he responded in short order with a quick sure (Michael wasn’t known for his texting skills). 
Excellent. Jen could get everything ready for tonight. A little wine, some candles… She could get that whiskey Michael likes and order some movies, relax for a while. Wonderful.
MaryAnn threw open Jen’s office door, yanking Jen out of her euphoria. Never let it be said that MaryAnn practiced proper work etiquette. 
MaryAnn’s manic grin was contagious. “What did you do? How did you get them out of here?”
Jen shrugged, matching her grin. “I had nothing to do with it.”
“Bullshit,” MaryAnn laughed, taking a seat in one of Jen’s cushy office chairs. “I know you better than that. Did your creepy old boyfriend have someone killed?”
“There are so many things wrong with what you just said.” Jen shook her head, but the grin never left her face. “Wasn’t me - pinky swear. Some internet do-gooder pulled the records and leaked them last night. Check Weazel.”
“And you didn’t even point them in the right direction?”
Jen shook her head. “Nope.”
“Well, I’ll be,” MaryAnn said, crossing her arms. “Someone really likes you.”
Thanks, Lester.
Jen snorted. “As much shit as I get on the daily, I’ll take any win I can get.”
“Well, that means we can get down to business prepping for this trial.”
Jen eyed her whiteboard over in the corner. It was covered in notes and crime scene photos - a gruesome collage of a trial plan. “Finally. I’ll be glad when it’s over.”
“You and me both,” MaryAnn agreed. “Well, as much as I’d love to let you bask in your victory, we need to get started.”
“You pull the file, I’ll start calling witnesses.”
--- --- --- --- ---
Michael spent most of the week following the fertility idol debacle moping in his sedan. A week after yelling he loves Jen, he sat in the Burger Shot drive-thru, moping in his sedan. One full week of Burger Shot Depression Specials, blitzed out of his mind at 11AM on the good cognac, while Franklin shakes his head at him from the driver’s seat of the sedan. 
Michael had texted Franklin maybe an hour before requesting Burger Shot, not for the first time this week, after downing about a hundred dollars’ worth of good cognac for breakfast. He was resolutely ashamed of himself, but too depressed to stop. Franklin, bless his soul, agreed to drive him, if only to ensure Michael wouldn’t drunk-drive himself to Burger Shot in Los Santos lunch traffic.
“Jen calls the sedan the Saggy Balls,” Michael hiccuped from the passenger seat while Franklin contemplated his life choices. “She says it makes me look old.”
“You are old, dude,” Franklin replied, accepting the reeking, greasy bag of double-doubles that will surely incite The Widowmaker, the final heart attack that will send Michael to an early grave, from the window cashier. “Why don’t you just call her?”
Trevor had already given Franklin the run-down of what happened on the beach, from the fertility idol right down to Michael’s duh-moment revelation. Therefore, he already knew why Michael wouldn’t willingly call Jen. It’s not like the man was an expert at dealing with his feelings in a healthy, sensible fashion.
“I’d rather fuckin’ die, Frank,” Michael moaned, taking a bite of his double-double cheeseburger with bacon. Grease beaded up in shiny specks on the bun, and Franklin wished Michael would eat a salad, for his own sake. “I got a plan. I’m trying to get my life back. I want my kids back. I want Amanda back.”
“You sure about that last one, man?” Franklin asked. He really shouldn’t complain about what Michael eats (why was he even concerned about it in the first place?). He was chowing down on greasy ass fries while idling at the red light.
“I want my life back.”
“Whatever you say, bro.”
Not a moment later, Michael’s phone vibrated. He groaned and laid his head against the headrest. “It’s from Jen.”
“Why are you complaining? Don’t you love her?”
“Yes,” Michael said flatly. That much has been established. He flicked through his text messages. “She wants me to come over tonight.”
“Maybe I’m missing something, but I don’t understand what the problem is.”
“I can’t keep seeing her if I want to get my life back.”
“Ain’t you been seeing her for, like years? Just go-” Franklin stopped, huffing. “You know what - you’re not gonna listen to whatever I tell you. You’re gonna drunk dial me at 2AM and ask me to come get you from Tequila-la’s and take you to Cluckin’ Bell.”
Michael was lost in his own thoughts. “You know what, I’m gonna go see Jen tonight. I’m gonna go tell her I can’t keep doing this.”
Franklin shook his head. “You’re gonna be diggin’ your own grave…”
--- --- --- --- ---
Jen answered the door dressed in a black button-down and her underwear, a glass of wine clutched in her hand and a grin on her face. Her cheeks were flushed pink, and she'd tied her mass of puffy orange hair up out of the way. An empty bottle of wine rested next to another full bottle, belying that she’d already started enjoying her night.
She had to be drunk. She wouldn’t have answered the door in a button-down (his button-down, one he’d left here before) and her underwear if she wasn’t at least tipsy. He’d surprisingly never seen her drunk before. Or, at least, she never let on that she was drunk. 
It was… nice. She looked happy, kind of like the morning after the first night he’d stayed here, like she’d actually been able to let loose and relax. She wasn’t often this happy, always stressed about everything and exhausted and even more harried and harassed than usual with the election issues hanging over her. And that trial she’d mentioned - the serial killer one. He’d followed that story himself - seen some of the crime scene photos on her computer once, too - and it looked like a doozy.
Looking at her made Michael’s heart ache. He was going to ruin a perfectly good night by just being himself.
Or, at least he was, until she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him. Oh, fuck him. Michael’s hands were latched onto her waist in half a second, kneading her soft flesh with the tips of his fingers. She tasted like bad decisions, like he was about to really fuck up his life if he stayed here any longer.
The button-down was a stupid idea; she should have just answered the door naked and put him out of his misery. He’s got it so fucking bad for her, and there’s not a thing he can do about it.
Jen pulled back with that wicked grin on her face that let Michael know, in no uncertain terms, that she had his number. Guiding him over to the couch, she sat him down and shoved a drink in his hand. "I bought that good whiskey you like, the entire Richard's Majestic catalog, and snacks, Mike. Snacks. So, get cozy because we're celebrating!"
Michael reclined back against the couch, crossing his legs. The glass of whiskey in his hand was cold and sweating lightly. "What are we celebrating?"
Jen flopped down onto the couch next to him and slung a muscled leg across his lap before curling up against his side. "The death of my IAA annoyances - not literally, of course. Lester leaked the election results and blew all their covers."
He instinctively wrapped an arm around her shoulders. "Good enough reason to celebrate, I guess."
Jen tipped her glass in salute. “Any reason to celebrate is a good reason. But this reason is an especially good one.” 
Michael had to agree - any reason to celebrate was good enough for him. He’d never been one to turn down a good time, for whatever good it did him.
Jen snuggled closer into his side. "Plus, it's your first night back here since Madrazo called off the hit. Figured we could have a night to ourselves."
That’s what was killing him. Michael knew he shouldn’t have come over. No matter what the situation, no matter what time it was, any time he walked into Jen’s apartment, he didn't want to be anywhere else. He should have asked her to meet him for dinner or something - made it easier for both of them. He could have called things off, let her blow up and leave, gotten drunk and forgotten all about the past… seven years. 
Yeah, that totally would have worked… He totally, under no circumstances, would have ended up right back here in Jen’s apartment, in exactly the same position, completely brought to his metaphorical fucking knees.
There was no scenario in which Michael wouldn’t fuck this up in some way or another. He’s just gotta do it. He’s just got to open his mouth and do it.
Twenty years ago, this wouldn’t have been a problem. He’d never had a problem telling a girl to get lost (except for his wife, Amanda, who he married because he got her pregnant, in some chivalrous attempt to own up to his choices). Never had a problem being the asshole, the bad guy, the jerk… He could sweet talk right up to the point where he wasn’t interested anymore, when he got what he wanted (ass), and would tell them to get lost.
Not this girl. Not Jen. Michael knew good and well he couldn’t do it because Jen was Jen, and she was his. He just didn’t want to acknowledge he knew it.
Before Michael could blink, they’d finished the first movie. He couldn’t even remember which one they’d watched - he’d been lost in his own thoughts. One of the shitty action movies, probably, that comprised most of the Richards Majestic catalog. Jen crawled out of his grasp to grab the remote and press play on whatever movie was queued up next. The loss of heat next to him was jarring after being so comfortable for so long.
The next movie in the queue was a romance. Michael preferred action movies all day long, but he wouldn’t turn his nose up at a decent romance. Especially not a Richards Majestic romance - they had just the right formula of hot and cheesy. 
Jen crawled back up under his arm, another full glass of wine in one hand and a refill of his whiskey glass in the other hand. “I remembered you like Some Like it Hot - figured you wouldn’t mind watching this one next.”
“It’s one of the best, as far as rom-coms go.”
“Rom-coms aren’t so bad,” Jen teased, taking a healthy sip of her drink.
“Says the woman who almost exclusively watches mafia movies and B-horror.”
“I don’t want to hear shit from you, Mr. Action Movie.”
Michael pinched her side, earning him a gentle slap on the thigh. He shouldn’t be encouraging this, shouldn’t be playing with her and teasing her like he always does, but he wants to. And her lips are so soft when she kisses him, and she feels so warm against his chest, he just can’t make himself stop.
The minute Jen straddles his lap, he's done. Lost. No hope of holding out. She tastes like liquor and a lost cause when she kisses him, like communion at church, and he's the damned sinner clinging to the hope of salvation.
Michael damn near rips the buttons off of the shirt she's wearing - his shirt his shirt his shirt - just to get it open. He doesn't care to push over her shoulders or even try to get it off of her completely. He lets it hang open while he grabs her tits, pinching and pulling blindly while she kisses him. Fuck he loves these tits, these soft, heavy tits that make him forget how to think-
She didn’t have underwear on - how had he been sitting here half the night and not noticed?
Jen takes him by the throat. He fucking loves when she does that. She doesn't put pressure on his windpipe, it's just to force his head back so she can leave deep purple bruises on his neck that won't even be close to hidden by his shirt collar. He groans deep in his chest, and he swears he feels her smirk against his skin. He’d never admit out loud he likes being handled like this, loves when she leaves those dark bruises where everyone can see, loves when she puts him in his place. He can’t function like this, reduced to a groaning mess with every kiss and lick and touch.
She grinds down in his lap, stroking her naked pussy along his still-clothed cock. He could scream, he really could, but he doesn't. He lets her use him to work herself up, use him to get herself wet for him. 
Michael’s searching fingers find her wet little cunt grinding down in his lap, and he wastes no time plunging his fingers into her. He crooks his fingers against the spot that makes her shake, and she howls against his neck. He can feel the muscles in her legs tense from the effort of hovering over his lap. Her nails dig into his shoulders, and it’s only the thin barrier of his shirt that saves him from red little half-moon bites in his skin.
Jen pulls at the buttons of his shirt with shaking hands while he fingers her. “Get- get this off.”
“Get it off me, then.”
The way her eyes flash at him, that dangerous little warning of don’t test me, makes Michael’s cock twitch. He twists his fingers, adding a third finger to stuff her full, and the shaky whimper she lets out makes him grin. She works faster, though, almost ripping a couple of his shirt buttons right off.
“That’s right, princess - you don’t want to be the only one naked, do you?”
Jen yanks his shirt open so she can get her hands on him, and Michael just lets her rake her nails down his chest. He loves testing her like this, loves when she gets rough with him. It doesn’t matter how much he likes to be in charge. Jen is Jen, and he wants this any way she’ll give it to him.
Michael can feel her starting to tense around his fingers. "Come on, princess, you know you wanna come for me."
Jen stops him with a hand on his bicep. "Don’t get mouthy. Stand up."
Michael is damn near bewildered, but he does as she commands and stands. His jaw hits the floor when she turns toward the back of the couch, knees in the cushions, hands resting on the top of the couch.
Jen doesn't do this. Hasn't done it, not once, in the seven years they've been seeing each other. She likes the dominant role, and Michael is more than happy to take the lazy route and let her use him any way she wants. Vulnerability and submission are not her preference - she likes to be in control, and getting fucked from behind isn't enough control.
And, for a long moment, Michael finally forgets himself. Forgets he wants Amanda back, forgets he tried to keep himself from getting in this position in the first place. This vulnerability throws him for a goddamn loop. 
And Jen is impatient. "You gonna stand there all night or are you gonna fuck me, Mike?"
Michael’s pants hit the goddamn floor like they're on fire. He lines his hard, leaking cock up with her cunt and thrusts, and thank god he fingered her for as long as he did because she's tight and dripping wet and rocking back against him and-
He squeezes her ass and gives it a sharp swat before pulling her back onto his cock as hard as he dares. He's not gonna last like this - not by a long shot, but damn if he's not gonna get her to scream his name before he does. He leans over her, chest to her back, and guides her upright, knees buried into the couch cushions,  with one arm wrapped around her waist and the other hand squeezing her tits.
Michael's teeth nip at Jen’s earlobe, his tongue tracing the outer shell of her ear. He thrusts up hard, pinching her nipples. "Gonna come for me, princess? Gonna come for Daddy?"
Oh, he knows she wants to sass him, wants to fight him, wants to shove him back down on the couch and take back control for that comment, and he fucking wants her to, but he can feel her hot cunt start to tighten and flutter around him. No, she’s not going to fight him for control. She wants him to fuck her stupid, take her like he wants to take her.
"That's it, let Daddy make you come."
“Don’t-” Jen jerks the hand squeezing her tits down to her clit, where he circles her presses and dips his fingers between her folds. Her nails dig into his forearms, searching for stability and balance while she falls apart in his hands. "Fuck, Mike-"
"Try again."
And Jen plays his game. To his amazement, she plays his game. "Come on, Daddy, make me come-"
He does. With quick, rough strokes, and his fingers pressing down and circling and teasing her swollen clit, he makes her come. Long, and hard, and slow, until Jen is howling his name like he’s never heard her do. It breaks him, and he comes in hard spurts, twitching and rocking up into her.
“That’s it, princess,” Michael groans into her neck, “love your cunt, love you, baby-”
Michael grabs Jen’s chin, twisting around so he can kiss her. She’s still fluttering around him, still coming all over his cock, and he feels like he’s never going to be able to stop.
And when Michael finally softens enough to pull out, Jen collapses down on the couch in a sweaty, satisfied little heap. 
From that moment, it takes approximately five seconds for Michael to freak the fuck out.
Because he said it.
Michael had never gotten dressed so fast in his life. His hand is on the front doorknob before Jen even really realizes he’s leaving. He doesn’t know if she comprehended what he said, and he’s not sticking around to find out.
“Michael, where the fuck are you going-”
The door slammed behind him, and he could hear her yelling. He’s in the elevator and on the way down to his car before Jen can even grab a robe.
He let his phone ring and ring as he climbed into his car, and he ignored every call.
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goongiveusnothing · 2 years
The thing with Louis is that, he has no radio play. The only times his songs get played are when fans request them. Why is it like that? The bands that support him have radio plays and they are way more Indie than he is, one of them is like proper punk. When his album reached number 1 in the UK, bbc (jack Saunders) made the customary phone call, where louis tells him that he got that without radio support and it is thanks only to his fans. Guess what, they edited this part out before putting it on YouTube. Why would they do that? When his first single was released, and there was no radio play, some of his fans from the UK wrote a written complaint to the officials in BBC and the song was added to the c playlist, which they play at 2am. Even that they wouldn't do for more than a week. There was a q&a he did two weeks ago in London, where he again talked about the lack of radio play.
He cannot reach new audiences without that. He is the only one from ot4 who hasn't played bbc live launge or similar stuff. The next thing he can do is play festivals. Again he himself said that he doesn't get invitations to festivals. It is evident that he can pull in a crowd, then why wouldn't he get booked? He made a festival by himself and even that would hardly get any media coverage.
His number 1 album got four mainstream reviews that qualify for a meta critic score, just four. Out of which one is by an ex larrie, who wants to impregnate harry styles and fuck Zayn. He went private on twitter now. He has been abusing louis on twitter since 2017. Again if there is no review, good or bad, no new audience. Bruce Springsteen's album was released the day louis' album was released. This guy from official charts tweeted about the extreme level of promotion Springsteen has been doing and mentioned Columbia and one direction and BMG. Louis's uk promo was near to non-existent. No Graham norton, no tv performance, nothing. Again no new audience. All of this cannot be a coincidence. I hope Harry is not at least directly complicit in this( but I also hoped he had nothing to do with that whole euphoria mess, which he clearly had) . Sony 100% has involvement in this. Do the Azoffs have? I don't know, there is nothing to implicate them directly. But as you have mentioned they have a clear history of sabotaging artists. Afterall louis and harry share a fanbase. Larries like to tell that all this is happening because he left syco music. That is not true. This has been happening since his second single with bebe Rexa came out. At that time in 2017, there was this twitter conversation between her team and some rj's, where the rj's mention the lack of effort from his label's part as the reason for it not going viral. His next single just like you(which also mentions the Sony- George Michaels clash in the visuals). Was pulled off the radio within a week. And it has been like that ever since.He teased an album and world tour for 2018, instead he became a judge in x-factor. He said that he could not get people to write with him( even though he is the one with the most writing credentials in 1d), he said recently in Zach zang show that he contemplated leaking his album walls because it was going nowhere. He isn't even invited to events or after parties, since 2017. Absolute blacklisting!
Then there are larries, the bane of his existence. They have been writing essays on why he shouldn't be let to grow as an artist for the past many years, especially for the past two months. Spoiler alert: their theory is that louis is forced to make music, his life ambition is to get inside a suitcase and travel alongside harry styles and be a good loving house husband. Apparently he broke his arm, to not promote his album and go visit harry who had the flu. Now a large chunk of them are boycotting him, because he celebrated his birthday with his son. Some of these buffoons are cis white women who are senior citizens.
I am actually quite surprised that he got to make two albums. Honestly didn't expect even that.
Sorry didn't realise it became this long.
it's just that music is a gamble, and sometimes popular musicians don't even get the steam they need, and really talented ones are overlooked entirely. so it's hard to say well it's all because they're being blacklisted or whatever. it's just not a set in stone industry.
i have to say that with radio everybody knows it is a payola industry. it's pay to play. i've always assumed that because louis has real genuine convictions about pay to play and the machinations of the industry, that he's just never been willing to pay to get his music on the air. that he wants the success of his music to be organic and real, not a playlist payola or a radio payola scheme like harry styles.
with the other things like festivals and reviews, i've felt that's because the industry has decided because he's a former one d member, and because harry styles and maybe niall horan are the only ones you're "allowed" to like from one d, that they don't do these things for him. niall does more radio friendly music. louis doesn't and he knows that he doesn't. louis is trying to break into an area of music that is pretty tough because rock/indie music is very gatekeepy, so they don't want former boybanders to show up, as they think it's uncool. we've seen this already in random bands try and make fun of him. he has to really work hard to break into that scene.
we also know how the industry is all about connections. harry has masses of them, and they all cater to him. rolling stone interviews, vogue, another man, auditions to every movie in the world, MET gala, even louis has basically spoken about that. louis could try and spend his time in hollywood trying to schmooze people, but that isn't him. is louis willing to literally become a family member to some random powerful member of the industry just to get a career? do people think louis would be happy like that?
and while i also think showing up to events is something that would boost his profile, again these are things that louis has always said he's not interested in. he's always hated these PR event things, he even hated when in one d. they're very fake and everybody's posing and being full of it, it's exactly where louis would hate to be.
maybe i'm wrong about things. i can think of good promo ideas that don't involve these types of machinations. doing charity work, being seen at local charities or music for like impoverished kids type things, doing low key cheap gigs at small places, learning an instrument or showing how far along on the guitar he is.
personally, i would also change louis's sense of fashion, i think it's just boring to me to see a guy in hoodies onstage. but again, louis thinks wearing that stuff is authentic because it's him. but i personally think it's cool and fun for a musician to have a bit of flair and fun with fashion onstage, of course not clown costumes and maybe he has PTSD from thinking if you dress onstage you gotta dress like a clown like harry, but just something a bit fun. i remember the clash used to talk about how nobody would show up to a gig if you looked like shit, you had to dress cool in a way other dudes want to dress, i do think that does create a coolness and appeal and would be fun.
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oswednesday · 2 years
moms been using harder stuff lately and its making her impossible to deal with in various ways but today she asked me for my phone cause she got involved in a scam and the scammers were like if you have an iphone we can activate these cards faster and i was like mom thats a scam what are you talking about fghfghfghgf she was like i got a huge bill from norton and i was like mom i dont use that and your laptop never had that gdgdfgdf and even if we did why wouldnt you call the bank to dispute the charges, like she called the email number or whatever and they had her buying amazon cards and were like oh yeah we’ll cancel your bill and pay you that way like what about that seemed real to you,,and she is now on the phone cause her credit has been frozen i guess, but its like cause shes been high out of her mind for the last several days =_=
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systemtek · 2 months
New Norton VPN Lineup Delivers Ultra Protection
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Norton, a consumer Cyber Safety brand of Gen, has reinvented its Virtual Private Network (VPN) and unveiled Norton Ultra VPN, a new all-in-one VPN combining speed and reliability with advanced security, privacy and identity features to give people a higher level of protection from today's cyberthreats. To help people browse online safely, take control of their privacy and enjoy their favorite content on-the-go, all Norton VPNs now include worldwide content access, service compatibility upgrades, and more protocols for people to choose from for better online experiences. Additionally, Norton improved its no-log policy, which has been audited by an independent third party, giving customers confidence that their privacy is protected. "Today, people need more from their VPN. They need help protecting themselves and their families from an ever-increasing spectrum of modern threats," said Leena Elias, Chief Product Officer at Gen. "We reimagined our lineup with this in mind, innovating with our award-winning technology to create tailored solutions that provide the most comprehensive online protection, helping people everywhere to regain control of their Cyber Safety with the perfect VPN for their lifestyle." Norton now offers three VPN plans: Norton Secure VPN for individuals in need of a fast, easy-to-use and reliable VPN service1; Norton Ultra VPN for individuals and couples looking for additional security and privacy protection; and Norton Ultra VPN Plus for families looking to protect their household with an all-in-one solution. New Norton VPN Lineup Delivers Ultra Protection Norton Ultra VPN provides enhanced privacy, security and identity features, including: Privacy - VPN: A fast, secure and reliable private internet connection to access your favorite content at home and on the go. - Privacy Monitor (US and Canada): Included with Norton Ultra VPN Plus, Privacy Monitor scans people-finder websites for exposed personal information every 90 days and helps you opt-out of these websites for improved online privacy. Security - Malware and Scam Protection: Blocks dangerous websites and helps keep malware, ransomware, phishing and other scams at bay with real-time protection. - Parental Control: Pinpoints the location of Android or iOS devices, sets boundaries for physical locations2, and blocks harmful or inappropriate websites to help children explore the internet safely. - Password Manager: Create and manage passwords in one secure place. Includes an encrypted vault, detects duplicate passwords and suggests ways to improve password security. Identity - Dark Web Monitoring3: Notifies you if your personal information – such as email addresses, phone numbers or credit card numbers – have been exposed and found on the dark web, so that you can secure your accounts and take the necessary steps to protect your identity. Norton Ultra VPN is available today and compatible with Windows, Mac, Android, and iOS platforms, protecting up to ten devices in the highest tier. For more information, please visit https://us.norton.com/products/norton-vpn. Read the full article
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wooassist · 4 months
How to Recover Abandoned Carts in WooCommerce?
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It’s not uncommon for ecommerce shoppers to abandon carts. You may not know it, but your store might also be suffering from carts being abandoned. This problem can be addressed however. To start, you must determine why your customers abandon their carts.
Why online shoppers abandon carts and what you can do about it?
There are various reasons why online shoppers abandon their carts. We lay out the most common ones and what you can do to address them.
Checkout is Too Complicated
Your customers will nitpick and that is to be expected. When you make your customers jump hoops during checkout, you’re not doing them a favor. Your checkout should be quick and straightforward. If you must add some other stuff that will complicate checkout, consider if you can add it on the thank you page instead. The thank you page is the page where the customer is redirected to after making a successful purchase. If you need help tweaking your thank you page, the Wooassist team can help.
Users Need to Create an Account to Check Out
Internet users are already burned out having to create an account for each internet service that they use. Don’t add to that burden. Don’t force your customers to create an account if it’s not necessary. To enable guest checkouts on WooCommerce, go to your WordPress Dashboard, click on WooCommerce > Settings. Under the Account and Privacy tab, enable “Allow customers to place orders without an account”. You can tweak other account related settings here to your liking.
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Too Many Checkout Form Fields
The default WooCommerce checkout page is good enough as it is. There is no need to add more fields unless necessary. If you’ve edited your checkout page before to add some unnecessary fields, look into it and consider removing it.
Unexpected Charges
Customers will abandon your checkout when they see the shipping fee. No one will force you to offer free shipping if it will make your business unsustainable. There are however some things that you can do to reduce abandoned carts as a result of shipping and other fees. People now are more accepting of shipping fees. For other fees, be transparent from the get-go. If you charge taxes, handling fees, and other fees, make it clear starting from the product page that you charge these fees. If they are suddenly greeted by these fees on checkout, it will look like unscrupulous practice.
Too Many Clicks to Checkout
Reducing cart abandonment is all about simplifying your product purchase process. Ideally, it should not take more than three clicks for a customer to check out. If it takes four clicks to check out, that is one click too many. Get rid of unnecessary barriers to completing checkout.
Don’t Make it Hard to Contact You
Some of your prospective customers will look for your contact details before they make a purchase. If they added a product to their cart but could not find your contact information or even a contact us page, there is a high likelihood that that user will abandon that cart. To prevent this from happening, make sure you have a contact us page. Even better, if you can add your email or phone number on your WooCommerce store’s header.
Payment Issues
Another common reason for abandoning shopping carts is payment issue. When the customer tries to pay for his/her order and it fails, you can bet that cart will be abandoned. The solution here is simple. Offer more than one mode of payment. Some common payment channels you can use are Paypal, Stripe, Authorize.net, Apple Pay, Amazon Pay, and Square.
Other Things You Can Do to Reduce Cart Abandonment
Show Security Certificates
To be able to sell your products or services online, you’ll need to be able to establish that you are trustworthy. You can show security certificates and security seals on your checkout page to improve your trust rating. Some security seals that you can add to your site as Norton, McAfee and TRUSTe.
Offer Free Shipping
Free shipping can significantly reduce your cart abandonment rates. However, not every business can make a profit when offering free shipping. As an alternative, you can offer free shipping when your customers meets a required minimum order value or quantity. This strategy can also help improve your average order value.
Offer a Money-Back Guarantee
Most consumer laws dictate that you should have a return policy anyway. So there’s no reason not to do it. Making your money-back guarantee known shows your prospective customers that you have faith in the quality of your product or service. Don’t worry about the people that might abuse your money-back guarantee. It hardly ever happens. And if it happens a lot, the problem might be your product.
Improve Your Page Load Speeds
If your site is slow, some of your prospective customers might get frustrated and abandon their carts. Make sure your site is fast.
How to Recover Abandoned Carts
There are many ways to recover abandoned carts. Some of the more common methods are remarketing and abandoned cart emails.
Using Remarketing to Recover Abandoned Carts
There are many platforms that you can use for remarketing. Essentially, remarketing works by saving a cookie on the user’s browser so you can show them your tailored ads. Neil Patel details how you can use remarking on Adwords to recover abandoned carts. Facebook is another platform that you can use for remarketing. SproutSocial details how to use remarketing on Facebook.
Using Abandoned Cart Emails to Recover Abandoned Carts
Abandoned cart emails send your customers a reminder email if they did not complete their purchase. For guest checkouts, this requires that the user must at least have entered his/her email address. This won’t be an issue if you require your customers to register before making a purchase. Do note however that requiring customers to create an account may hurt your conversion rates. There are a lot of abandoned cart email plugins that work for WooCommerce, you just have to find the plugin that works for your needs.
Recover abandoned carts and improve your sales by implementing these strategies. If you have any questions, you can post a comment below. If you need help setting up abandoned cart emails or anything else, you can send us email.
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eileennatural · 4 months
seeing your childhood phone number and remembering the hours you spent talking to friends and family on that defunct landline. thanks norton security and all the data brokers currently listing my moms data for that bit of nostalgia
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thetechmaster · 9 months
The 'YouTube Like and Earn' Scam: Why It's a Hazardous Scheme to Avoid
People are so fond of money that they forget everything when they come across an easy way to make money or earn money buy doing nothing. In recent times, the allure of earning money by liking YouTube videos has led many unsuspecting individuals into the web of a widespread scam. While some can easily identify the scam, a significant number of non-tech-savvy users are still falling victim to it. The Operation of the Scam : The Deceptive Progression : Identifying and Avoiding the Scam : Real-life Consequences : How to save yourself from a youtube scam : People Also Ask : Lets Understand the process of trapping people inside the scam : The Operation of the Scam : According to insights from BitDefender Labs, the 'Like YouTube videos and earn money' scam typically initiates with cybercriminals reaching out to random users on platforms like WhatsApp and Telegram. These fraudsters, often posing as digital marketing professionals, entice users with promises of additional income through a part-time job—liking videos on YouTube without any upfront registration fees. Once users express interest, the scammers solicit personal information such as WhatsApp number, full name, age, occupation, and bank account details under the guise of facilitating payment. Users are then instructed to like and subscribe to specific videos, providing screenshots as evidence. Once this initial task is completed, the cybercriminals claim to compensate the users. The Deceptive Progression : Exploiting users' greed, the scammers take the deception further by inviting them to join a Telegram group, promising additional tasks and payments. To gain trust, these groups showcase screenshots of payments made to users. Subsequently, participants are urged to join a 'VIP' group, requiring an upfront payment ranging from $20 to $1000 for unlocking purportedly 'high-paying' tasks. However, upon payment, victims are either blocked or cease receiving responses from the scammers, exposing the fraudulent nature of the scheme. Identifying and Avoiding the Scam : Recognizing these scams is crucial in protecting oneself from falling prey. Legitimate job opportunities do not compensate individuals for liking or watching YouTube videos. If contacted by unknown individuals and they refuse to communicate over the phone or provide business details, it's likely a scam. Additionally, any request for upfront payments to unlock high-paying tasks should be treated with skepticism. To stay safe, report and block the contact immediately, refrain from sharing sensitive information, and utilize scam detection tools such as Norton Genie or Bitdefender Scamio. Real-life Consequences : The 'YouTube like and earn' scam has left a trail of victims, including a Mumbai-based architect who lost over Rs 7 lakhs and a Bengaluru cop who fell for the scheme, losing between Rs 1,000 and Rs 3,000. Even a senior government official with a central agency in Delhi was not immune, losing between Rs 3 lakh and Rs 5 lakh to the scam. In response, law enforcement agencies emphasize the need to avoid online job offers promising significant returns in exchange for upfront investments. Users are cautioned against engaging with such schemes to protect themselves from financial losses. By staying vigilant and informed, individuals can shield themselves from the pervasive 'YouTube like and earn' scam that continues to exploit the unsuspecting. https://twitter.com/thesayansapui/status/1642107708185907201?s=20 How to save yourself from a youtube scam : - Be Skeptical of Unsolicited Messages: - Avoid responding to unsolicited messages from unknown numbers or social media accounts. - Exercise caution if someone contacts you out of the blue with lucrative job offers. - Verify Identities: - Verify the identity of individuals claiming to offer employment or business opportunities. - Legitimate businesses provide clear information about their operations and can be easily contacted. - No Payment for Basic Tasks: - Be cautious if a job involves tasks as simple as liking or watching videos on platforms like YouTube. - Genuine employment opportunities typically involve more substantive responsibilities. - Never Share Sensitive Information: - Refrain from sharing personal information like bank account details, full name, or contact information with unknown individuals. - Legitimate employers or businesses do not request sensitive information without proper verification processes. - Avoid Upfront Payments: - Steer clear of any opportunity that requires upfront payments to participate. - Legitimate jobs and businesses do not ask for payment before you start working or earning. - Research Companies or Offers: - Conduct thorough research on companies or offers before engaging. - Look for reviews, testimonials, or any red flags associated with the business or opportunity. - Trust Your Instincts: - If an offer seems too good to be true, it probably is. Trust your instincts and exercise caution. - Listen to your gut feelings about the legitimacy of the opportunity. - Check for Official Communication Channels: - Legitimate businesses often have official websites, email addresses, and verified social media accounts. - Verify the authenticity of communication channels before sharing information or engaging in any transactions. - Use Scam Detection Tools: - Leverage scam detection tools like Norton Genie or Bitdefender Scamio to validate the legitimacy of opportunities. - These tools can help identify potential scams and protect against fraudulent activities. - Report and Block Suspected Scammers: - Report and block any suspicious contacts or accounts immediately. - Help prevent others from falling victim to scams by reporting fraudulent activities to relevant authorities. - Educate Yourself: - Stay informed about common scams and fraudulent schemes circulating online. - Regularly update your knowledge on cybersecurity best practices to safeguard against evolving scams. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N0WCV6IFfDM People Also Ask : Q1: How can I identify if an online job offer is a potential scam? - Be cautious of unsolicited messages, especially from unknown numbers or social media accounts. Legitimate job offers typically come through official channels and provide detailed information about the company. Q2: Are there specific red flags I should look out for in scam messages? - Yes, watch out for offers that seem too good to be true, requests for upfront payments, and any reluctance to provide clear details about the business or job. Genuine opportunities won't ask for sensitive information or payment before you start working. Q3: What information should I never share with unknown individuals or companies online? - Never share personal details such as your full name, bank account information, or contact details with unknown parties. Legitimate businesses have proper verification processes and won't ask for sensitive information prematurely. Q4: How can I verify the legitimacy of a company or job opportunity online? - Conduct thorough research by checking for official websites, reviews, and testimonials. Legitimate companies have a clear online presence with verified social media accounts and contact information. Q5: Why should I be wary of job offers involving simple tasks like liking videos on platforms like YouTube? - Scammers often exploit the simplicity of such tasks to lure victims. Legitimate jobs usually involve more substantive responsibilities, and offers involving basic tasks may be indicative of a scam. Q6: Are there tools available to help detect online scams? - Yes, you can use scam detection tools such as Norton Genie or Bitdefender Scamio to validate the legitimacy of opportunities. These tools can help identify potential scams and protect against fraudulent activities. Q7: What should I do if I suspect I've been contacted by a scammer? - Report and block any suspicious contacts or accounts immediately. By doing so, you contribute to preventing others from falling victim to scams. Additionally, stay informed about common scams to better protect yourself. Q8: How can I protect myself from falling victim to scams when working or earning money online? - Trust your instincts, stay informed about common scams, and follow best practices such as avoiding upfront payments and not sharing sensitive information. Regularly update your knowledge on cybersecurity measures. Q9: Can legitimate job opportunities ask for upfront payments? - Generally, legitimate jobs do not ask for upfront payments. Be skeptical of any opportunity requiring payment before you start working, as this could be indicative of a scam. Q10: What steps should I take if I have fallen victim to an online scam? - Report the incident to relevant authorities, such as local law enforcement or cybercrime units. Additionally, seek guidance from your bank to mitigate any financial repercussions. Learn from the experience to enhance your online safety measures. 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powervoltteam · 10 months
Founded with a vision to revolutionize the energy sector, Powervolt Team has emerged as a leading force in the UK's energy solutions industry. Specializing in a broad spectrum of services, including voltage optimisation, power factor correction, renewable energy integration, and advanced lighting solutions, we are dedicated to delivering state-of-the-art energy management to a diverse clientele. At Powervolt Team, we blend innovation with practicality. Our expertise in LED lighting upgrades, installation, and EICR testing, coupled with our commitment to integrating renewable energy sources, positions us at the forefront of sustainable energy practices. Our services extend beyond mere installation to encompass comprehensive energy audits, ensuring that every solution we provide is not just effective but also tailor-made to meet our clients' specific needs.
Website: https://www.powervolt-team.uk
Address : 28 Kingfisher Avenue, Norton, Stockton-on-Tees TS20 2FA
Phone Number: 0800 086 2889
Business Hours: Monday - Friday : 08:00 AM - 06:00 PM Saturday : 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM Sunday : Closed
Contact Email ID: [email protected]
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instanttfn · 11 months
How do I get a live person at Norton?
How do I Talk to a live person at Norton LifeLock?
Norton LifeLock is a global leader in consumer Cyber Safety. The company is dedicated to helping secure the devices, identities, online privacy, and home and family needs of its nearly 50 million consumers. NortonLifeLock is committed to empowering consumers to live their digital lives safely with the help of NortonLifeLock's award-winning Norton and LifeLock products. However, if you need to contact NortonLifeLock customer service, you can do so by visiting their website and clicking on the "Support" section. From there, you can access various resources and options for communicating with customer support, including live chat, calling the Nortonlifelock support phone number, and email support. For that, must consider the given blog readily.
Dial Norton LifeLock phone number-
Visit the Norton LifeLock website.
Click on the "Support" or "Contact Us" tab.
Select the issue you need help with.
Choose the option to contact Norton LifeLock via phone.
Dial the number provided on the screen.
Follow the prompts to speak with a Norton LifeLock representative.
Alternatively, you can search for the Norton LifeLock phone number online and directly call the number to speak with a representative.
Fill out the Norton LifeLock contact form-
Open the Nortonlifelock Customer Service page.
Find the contact form option; next to fill out the form will all the crucial details. 
Continue to recheck it, add your conflicts, and submit it; soon, in a week, the support agent will contact you and try to fix your issues.
Chat with Norton LifeLock person-
Visit the Norton LifeLock website and navigate to the support section.
Continue to select the tab to begin chatting with a representative.
Enter your information and describe your issue in the chat window.
Wait for a representative to respond and follow their instructions.
If necessary, provide additional information or screenshots to help resolve the issue.
Once the representative has resolved your issue, confirm that everything is working correctly before ending the chat.
Email the Norton LifeLock agent- 
A user can contact the Norton LifeLock agent at [email protected]. For that, you need to take the email from the support page. Afterward, compose the issues to the customer service agent, or any query that you want to take, proceed to send them. Further, within 24 to 72 working hours, the support person will contact you and help you in getting rid of all conflicts.
Hence, the above ways directly help you in linking up with the Norton lifelock Customer service person. To get more information about this, you should pass through their erudition base and community forums to look for answers to commonly asked questions.
Source: https://www.instanttfn.com/blog/talk-to-a-live-person-at-nortonlifelock-support
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nortonsecurity · 1 year
How to get norton antivirus refund
 To request a refund for Norton Antivirus, you will need to follow the refund policy and procedures set by Norton's parent company, NortonLifeLock. Keep in mind that refund policies may vary based on the specific product, region, and the time elapsed since the purchase. Here's a general guide on how to initiate a refund:
For Instant Help, Dial 0800-090-3202 (for the UK only)
Contact Norton Customer Support: Visit the official Norton website and navigate to the "Support" or "Contact Us" section. Look for a customer support phone number or email address.
Provide Purchase Details: When contacting customer support, be ready to provide the necessary information, such as your name, email address, order number, product details, and purchase date. This information will help them locate your purchase in their system.
Explain Reason for Refund: Clearly state your reason for requesting a refund. It could be due to dissatisfaction with the product, technical issues, or any other valid reason.
Follow Instructions: Norton's customer support will guide you through the refund process. They may require you to fill out a refund request form or provide additional information.
Await Response: After you've initiated the Norton refund request, you'll need to wait for Norton's customer support team to respond. They may ask for more information or provide you with instructions on how to proceed.
Refund Approval: If your request meets the refund criteria outlined in Norton's refund policy, they will approve the refund. The time it takes to process the refund can vary, and Norton's customer support will provide you with an estimated timeline.
Refund Method: The refund will typically be issued using the same payment method you used for the original purchase. If you used a credit card, the funds will be returned to your credit card. If you used another payment method, Norton's customer support will provide information on how the refund will be processed.
It's important to note that refund policies can change, and it's always recommended to review the specific refund policy associated with your purchase before proceeding. Additionally, ensure that you follow the instructions provided by Norton's customer support to ensure a smooth refund process.
Remember that this information is based on my last update in September 2021, and details might have changed since then. Always refer to the most current information provided by NortonLifeLock for accurate and up-to-date refund procedures.
Source - How to get norton antivirus refund
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qocsuing · 1 year
Why You Should Never Share Photos of Your Boarding Pass on Social Media
Why You Should Never Share Photos of Your Boarding Pass on Social Media We get it — sometimes you're just so excited to go on vacation, you simply have to take that classic photo of your boarding pass and passport and post it on social media. We hate to burst your bubble, but that's not the best idea. Boarding passes contain quite a bit of personal information, and if that information gets into the wrong hands, you're in for a bumpy ride.Get more news about boarding pass manufacturers,you can vist our website! Your boarding pass always shows your full legal name, your ticket number, and your passenger name record (PNR), which is the six-digit alpha-numeric code that is unique to your booking. "Using the PNR and your last name, a hacker can have full access to your booking information, which will give them access to your phone number, email address, and emergency contact information," says Amir Sachs, founder and CEO of cybersecurity and IT company Blue Light IT. It can also lead them to your frequent flier number, Known Traveler Number (associated with Global Entry and TSA Pre-Check), and redress number (associated with the Department of Homeland Security's TRIP program). With all this information, it's easy for anyone to change your booking. In fact, you only need a name and PNR to change or cancel flights online, no password necessary. And if someone hacks into your frequent flier account — which does require a password — they could easily steal your hard-earned frequent flier miles. But these aren't even the worst issues you might encounter if someone steals your details from a boarding pass. "Your frequent flier number, name, and PNR are valuable for identity theft, enabling fraud like opening credit card accounts or making unauthorized purchases," says Josh Amishav, founder and CEO of data breach monitoring company Breachsense. "Hackers can employ social engineering techniques, pretending to be airline representatives to trick you into revealing more personal data. They can also create targeted phishing attempts using your boarding pass info, leading to clicking on malicious links or sharing sensitive data." These dangers aren't only linked to posting your boarding pass online. You might want to skip the printed boarding pass altogether to reduce the risk of data theft from a discarded or lost slip. "Consider using a mobile boarding pass to ensure no physical copies will be left behind in your plane seat pocket, boarding area, or somewhere else where scammers can easily grab it," says Kevin Roundy, researcher and senior technical director for cyber safety brand Norton. Of course, travel apps can be hacked too, so digital boarding passes aren't entirely safe either. If you do opt for a printed boarding pass, it wouldn't hurt to shred or tear it up before you throw it out. Sharing your boarding pass details could have consequences beyond travel-related theft and scams, too. "You’re tipping off scammers that you’re about to be on vacation, meaning you might be less diligent in checking your bank accounts for any unusual activity," says Roundy. "Additionally, letting people know you’re on vacation means you’re also sharing that you’re away from home, as well as the dates you’ll be out of town, leaving your home at risk of physical security threats like break-ins."
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bradley-hicks · 1 year
Secure Your Diablo 4 Gold Accounts: Best Practices and Strategies
As a gamer, you know how important it is to keep your Diablo 4 Gold accounts safe. With the rise of cybercrime, it's more important than ever to take steps to protect your accounts from hackers and scammers. In this article, we'll discuss the best practices and strategies for securing your Diablo 4 Gold accounts.
Understanding the Risks
The first step in securing your Diablo 4 Gold accounts is understanding the risks. Hackers and scammers are constantly looking for ways to steal your account information and use it for their own gain. They may use phishing scams, malware, or other tactics to gain access to your account. It's important to be aware of these risks and take steps to protect yourself.
Creating Strong Passwords
One of the most important steps you can take to secure your Diablo 4 Gold accounts is to create strong passwords. Your password should be at least 12 characters long and include a mix of upper and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols. Avoid using common words or phrases, and don't use the same password for multiple accounts.
Enabling Two-Factor Authentication
Another important step in securing your Diablo 4 Gold accounts is to enable two-factor authentication. This adds an extra layer of security to your account by requiring a second form of authentication, such as a code sent to your phone or email, in addition to your password. This makes it much harder for hackers to gain access to your account.
Keeping Your Software Up to Date
Keeping your software up to date is another important step in securing your Diablo 4 Gold accounts. This includes your operating system, web browser, and any other software you use to access your account. Updates often include security patches that address known vulnerabilities, so it's important to install them as soon as they become available.
Securing your Diablo 4 Gold accounts is essential for protecting your personal information and ensuring that you can continue to enjoy the game. By following these best practices and strategies, you can reduce the risk of your account being hacked or compromised. Remember to stay vigilant and always be on the lookout for potential threats.
Diablo 3 Official Website
CNET: How to Protect Yourself from Phishing Attacks
PCMag: How to Enable Two-Factor Authentication
Norton: What is Malware?
Article by NoneIf you're bored, try learning about it safe diablo 4 gold.
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LastPass vs Bitdefender: Ultimate Comparison Guide 2023
There are a large number of antivirus available in the market that you can choose to protect your computer devices or businesses. Some of the prominent Antivirus software are Norton, McAfee, Bitdefender, Kaspersky, and many others. Additionally, there are many password manager software that provides full security to your devices by keeping your device safe.
If you think about which one you should get between LastPass and Bitdefender, then this blog post can be beneficial for you. So, keep reading the following write-up to understand the key features and specs of both products fully.
LastPass Overview
LastPass is a password manager software. It is very user-friendly and comes with loads of features, such as password storage synchronization across multiple devices. As a result, it allows you to use the password for personal as well as professional use. It was founded in 2008, and the developer of this software is GoTo.
Additionally, this product can be used as a desktop app. But, if you want to, you can add it as a web extension. Plus, the free version of this product comes with limited features. But you get a fully-fledged password manager with advanced features. It keeps the passwords of multiple platforms safe. And let you access the password when necessary.
Bitdefender Overview
Bitdefender is a well-known antivirus software. It is helpful in keeping your info and data secure from hackers. Also, it comes with a password manager that keeps your password at your fingertips and makes your experience smooth. Apart from that, there are many other products it offers.
Additionally, it is a Romanian-based cybersecurity company. With the help of its products, you can keep your home, small & medium business, and big enterprises safe. Its products are best for detecting viruses and threats and then taking quick actions to remove those issues from your device. Some of the popular products of this brand are Total Security, Internet Security, Antivirus Plus, password manager, and many others.
LastPass vs Bitdefender Comparison
Below is the full comparison of the features and specifications between LastPass vs Bitdefender.
Below are the features of LastPass and Bitdefender.
●      LastPass
●      Bitdefender
Language Support
●      LastPass
LastPass supports languages such as English, Dutch, Turkish, Polish, and Swedish.
●      Bitdefender
The language Bitdefender supports is English, Dutch, Polish, and Turkish.
Device Compatibility
●      LastPass
It is compatible with devices like Windows, Mac, Android, iPhone/iPad, Linux, Web Based, and Windows Mobile.
●      Bitdefender
Its products run on Windows, Android, iPhone/iPad, Mac, and web-based devices.
Company Sizes
LastPass and Bitdefender both are best in providing services for small businesses, medium businesses, large enterprises, and freelancers.
LastPass only offers its support through tickets; on the other hand, Bitdefender has many supports such as Email, phone, live support, and training.
Browser support
●      LastPass
The LastPass supports various browsers and systems, such as Apple Safari, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Microsoft Internet Explorer & Microsoft Edge, Duo Security, Password Ping, Internet 2, SecureAuth, Opera, RSA Ready, and Entersekt.
●      Bitdefender
The Bitdefender works on ConnectWize, Kaseya, Lab Tech, and Gravity Zone.
The pricing of the products starts from 2 US dollars. At the same time, the pricing of the Bitdefender starts from 14 US dollars.
Above, you read the full details of both LastPass and Bitdefender. The first one is best when it comes to managing the password of multiple platforms on your devices. And Bitdefender is a great choice if your aim is to get robust cyber security and antivirus. However, Bitdefender also has its password manager product that lets you manage your passwords. So, it is up to you which product to choose based on your preference.
Visit: Central.bitdefender.com Bitdefender Central login Bitdefender login Bitdefender Sign in Bitdefender.com/activate
Source: https://centralbitdefenderdotcom.wordpress.com/2023/06/02/lastpass-vs-bitdefender-ultimate-comparison-guide-2023/
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solotravelers1 · 1 year
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