2000slizzy · 4 years
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reesethewolf · 5 years
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churchtears · 4 years
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I liked hurting girls. °•☆ • • • tags #nicoledollanganger #nicoledollangangeraesthetic #cutebutcreepy #diaryofanoxygenthief #pink #pinkaesthetic #tumblr #tumblrpink #tumblrpic #tumblraesthetic #tumblrgirl #rot #rotaesthetic #trauma #traumacore #childhood #childhoodmemories #doll #dollaesthetic #dollcore #nostalgia #nostalgiaaesthetic #childhoodnostalgia #killme #depression #goth #pastel #pastelcore #pastelaesthetic #pasteltumblr (at Oxygen Thief) https://www.instagram.com/p/CCudMnZpKuc/?igshid=1273likssrcst
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s3791650 · 2 years
Week 6
Responding to A1 feedback:
“These are potentially 3 frames that you could explore. Perhaps you could at least frame your written work to communicate that you intend to explore all 3, but your focus for this phase of your work is transition? Separation and Incorporation as known elements outside of the frame and yet still influencing your current focus on transition might help locate the work so that it is not in a vacuum or isolation. We can discuss this perhaps more soon”
The idea of looking at communicating the pre-liminal, liminal and post-liminal space definitely did not cross my mind - with my current idea of transforming something like a backroom to a nightclub mainly through the use of colours this could most definitely be interesting and dare I say feasible. My main task would then be to focus on how I intend to clearly get across that transition and transitional state and do that through colour solely...
A physical example of moving through the three states: “For example, practicing the piano can seem laborious and yet when entering into liminal states where the mind is simultaneously focused on motor memory whilst the passive or receptive experience is focus on memory of harmonic pattern, the brain/mind integrates higher order function. It can be a difficult process, but a greater and more nuanced understanding of 'harmony' and 'colour' emerges from it. No one wants to work to achieve this state. Everyone wants enlightenment without the journey there. “
Words and emotions I associate with the 3 states
pre-liminal: familiar, nostalgic?
post-liminal: odd, eerie, transient/fleeting, heading towards unfamiliar
post-liminal: euphoric, trance, unknown, confusing?, enlightenment
Colours attached to these states: “how emotions can form these colours”
post-liminal: black is one of them...?
Technical Research: should aim to discuss and demonstrate information and data that forms the foundation of your production design. Of course you may reference elements of your methods for production design but it should stop there in this section 
2d and 3d: “I think the wording of this is problematic. I dont agree that 3D elements may explicitly help to embody a liminal space necessarily. What I mean by this is that the idea of liminal space, in the context we are discussing, is largely an internal experience. Yes, a certain environment may present itself in a way that is conducive to creating or facilitating a liminal experience, this much is true. You do go on to state that you intend to conduct and experiment on this hypothesis that 3d elements may, but how? Viewing 3D assets within a 2D frame? Perhaps.. Motion/Movement can trigger certain classic visceral reactions and response... hmm.. more discussion and thought needed here. Something else to consider which we can discuss more is the idea that colour itself is a dimension... In that it can elicit some kind of spatially referenced neurological response or reaction ie does this colour feel more spacious or less spacious than another colour”
“Yes. Patterns that modulate. In 2D. In 3D. Modulate between 2D and 3D... We're getting somewhere. This information is relevant to technical research if you were to dive deeper. Aim for this in A2“
Sound design:
9AM in Calabasas - 808 DEAD: “This one feels like its roots are in vaporwave territory. especially with regards to vocal treatment. In the previous track (Joji), the vocals are very vivid and sit on top of environmental sound design. This track the vocals sit way back. In a way we are not as aware of their meaning for that reason. Arguably, the production on the vocals is more liminal. The phaser towards the middle/end of the track is very vaporwave. This aspect of sound modulation works as a modulator of the harmonics.  I found this, which might be a good resource for you https://online.ucpress.edu/jpms/article/33/1/70/116330/Reconstructed-NostalgiaAesthetic-Commonalities-and”
Reconstructed Nostalgia: Aesthetic Commonalities and Self-Soothing in Chillwave, Synthwave, and Vaporwave
- does this genre/any of these sub-genres fit into the pre-liminal, liminal or post-liminal space
“Although these genres certainly approach nostalgia in different ways, they each rely on imagery that evokes nostalgic feelings or memories in a form of collective, imaginative self-soothing. The memories evoked, however, tend to rely on unrealistic depictions of reality and center on times and places that have perhaps only existed in the listener’s imagination.”
“These fictional situations may have ties to popular culture of the past; for instance, much of the synthwave visual and musical style references 1980s sci-fi movies.“
- I find it interesting that much of synthwave has ties to 1980s sci-fi movies. I think tied together with the concept of nostalgia, sure science has us quite grounded? and in the pre-liminal maybe but its with the idea of fiction that creates a sort of grey area with impossible situations “the specific, personal nostalgia becomes merged, in real-time, into a past which the listener already knows never to have existed.”
“Listeners collectively embrace the chillwave, synthwave, and vaporwave reinterpretations of these eras, often relying, in some part, on their own memories, but ultimately creating something that is simultaneously nostalgic and new.“
- look into sci-fi aesthetics?
>>> adding to this, Nova’s ‘Not Around’
Chillwave - pre-liminal ... maybe even liminal >> hypnagogic, transitional
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“In chillwave, the vacation, summer, and vintage-related themes are certainly more realistic than those of other genres along the nostalgia genre continuum“
>> I also find it interesting how here in this reference image the colour scheme is befitting of a yellow monochromatic colour scheme similar to one found in backrooms but the emotion/vibe it gives out is completely different - could be completely different depending on what soundtrack i use?
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chillwave - using cooler tones? desaturating warmer colours?
Synthwave - liminal?
>> the Californian palm tree aesthetic is also present with synthwave perhaps in a more stylised and animated manner 
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Vaporwave - starkly different to chillwae and synthwave aesthetically
“As Born and Haworth state, vaporwave engages with “technological imaginaries of the present and recent past…through ironic remediations of sounds, images, and practices characteristic of earlier phases of the internet, the historicity of the net becomes focal for vaporwave aesthetics.”
“Chillwave, synthwave, and vaporwave each highlight a different form of this reconstructed nostalgia while sharing similar pop culture iconography. While chillwave and synthwave certainly share a predilection for images of Californian sunsets and imagery reminiscent of that of the ‘80s, synthwave tends also to posit impossible scenarios, potentially involving science-fiction themes. Vaporwave likewise follows the tendency for impossible scenarios, although pushed to surreal and bizarre lengths and often involving ironic references to consumerist imagery of the 1990s. Subgenres of vaporwave, such as mallsoft, highlight the links between consumerism and vaporwave, often to an absurd degree, while vaporwave highlights links to Asian culture through the use of samples from Japanese city pop. All of these are related by the individual listener’s willingness to accept the impossibilities (as well as the elements of truth) in the “reconstructed nostalgia” inherent in this music on the nostalgia genre continuum. This reinterpretation of cultural memory acts not only as a musical element in several of these genres, but also as a key structural feature in understanding how this music is heard by listeners.“
Perhaps by deconstructing elements of chillwave, synthwave and vaporwave in playing around with the pre-liminal, liminal and post-liminal stages I could create a more sycnhronous and flowing piece that transitions more smoothly between the phasess (as opposed to also considering the trance/psytrance music genre...this idea may still be used in perhaps the post-liminalm stages of my work however...? should focus be drawn to vaporwave instead?)
Your writings on your blog addressing colour management through various software programs relates to your technical research and production design. This level of information communication is at a higher level and should be included in your PDF 2.0 >>> is this in reference to the stuff I made for HME?
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