#not 100 percent sold on thos but will see
smittenskitten · 9 months
Everyone is in it
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for spnwomenweek i give u all my weed thots on some spn ladies
claire: is at the top of this list for a reason. who do you think sold alex the grass she smoked under those bleachers?
kaia: only sativas. only with claire
meg: 100 percent for sure gave cas medical grade when he went housewife mode just to see what would happen
charlie: owns weed socks. has smoked maybe all of one gram in her life. wrote a spirk fic where they smoke space-weed tho so props for that
rowena: knows ALL the spells to enchant weed and make it stronger. shes not sharing tho also oh my god society if spn gave rowena one of those long cigarette holders
jody and donna: jody wouldnt sorry to break it to yall but donna absolutely would shes the reno 911 deputy clemmy johnson of the force (not that jody knows tho shhhh)
dean: jokes about it like hes cool but he greens out after one hit and gets super paranoid
mary: yeah. just yeah
jess: she was the one who smoked sam out in college i know it i just know it
death: the scythe doubles as a one-hitter actually
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unnursvanablog · 2 years
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Now, I will start pretty much any drama that my darling child Yeo Jin Goo stars in. Will I sit through anything for him? no, but I will still give it my all in trying to enjoy it if I can and Link: Eat, Love, Kill is no exception.
Now Link is a lot of things; a mystery and a fantasy with a hint of romance. And so far I think it's doing all of those things decently, but it does lack a certain wow factor for me. I can't really put my finger on why tho. I think I am just not 100% sold on the show yet. It hasn't totally clicked with me yet, but then again... I feel like I am just in an odd mood when it comes to consuming most stories and media. Like, my attention just isn't always there. My mind wanders a lot.
the premise of the show did not sell the mystery or the murder bit at all. I went into it thinking that it was just a rom-com about a chief... and then a dude get's killed at the end of the first episode (for a good reason tho) and put into the fridge of the new neighbors that just moved it.
It's bonkers, it was kinda brilliant move, but I kinda wish they went darker with the humor. I think they do seem to play it a bit save with it sometimes. I feel like the drama tries to be funny at times, but it's not really landing for me.
I enjoy the more somber tones of it much more. I think the whole family dynamic of both the leads and their troubled past that seems to be lurking withing both of these families to be very interesting. I am not fan of the dead twin thing, but it's still well done. And both Yeo Jin Goo and Moon Ga Young seem to have a brilliant way for that sort of dramatic acting.
I think the way the drama is Da Hyun's trauma of dealing with the aftermath of the stalking and the dead guy that resulted from that is very well done.
Again, I must say that I am not a fan of the dead twin thing AND I am even less of a fan of the 'there is a small percent change that this girl might be my dead sister' thingy that might then later turn into 'oh no I think I like her... but what if she is my dead sister' but then of course it turns out she isn't his dead twin because you know... they are then main couple so they can't be twins. AND I HATE IT. I hate that trope.
That's unnecessary drama and just a bit weird to me. I hated it in the immortal instruments and I doubt there will be a story where I will enjoy sitting through that. I do have a gripe with the drama springing that on me. The romance might not do it for me in this drama. AND I THINK THE TELEPHATHY THINGY COULD WORK JUST FINE WITHOUT THE DEAD TWIN THING SO WHYYYYYYY. But hey, that’s just me.
But everything else I do see a potential in. The drama does have a nice build to the mystery, even if I did sometimes find it a bit slow and the introduction not always hitting all the emotional beats or the right flow and nether did the flashbacks. But it's hard to start any story and the second episode was much better in that regard (as they usually are). There is this who-done-it question being raised and it's probable that Da Hyun didn't actually kill the dude.
and the twist at the end... when she opens the fridge and the body is not there and then Gye Hoon comes in and askes her 'did you find what you were looking for?' oh that was a good cliffhanger. That does intrigue you. That's a good way to set up a mystery.
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launeae · 3 years
Some wild edible plants from the Arabian peninsula. For my own reference and whoever else would like to know:
Note: I'm not 100 percent on the toxicity of these plants. Information on them is few and far between.
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Nitraria retusa:
red edible berries. Salt tolerant plant. Grows in the Middle East and North Africa.
(photo from username:Naturalist on iNatutalist. Image a plant with somewhat fleshy leaves and bright red berries)
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Glossonema varians:
The fruit of this small wild plant are edible. They're harvested when green.
Image: photo from salla.sa (saudi seed merchant) the image is of a khaleeji style hat filled with tear drop shaped fruits. They are green ranging to brown and are covered with fleshy spikes.
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Capparis spinosa: needs no introduction. This plant has edible fruit and flower buds (usually pickled)
Image: caper bush in full bloom. From alamy stock photos. It's has white flowers with pink stamens
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cocculus pendulus: more of a vine than a tree. edible berries
Image: photo from flora of Qatar. Image is a close up of a red berry with leaves similar to olive leaves.
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Lycium shawii:
A close relative of the goji berry. It's apparently edible but some say it's poisonous or harmful in large amounts..
Image: Wikipedia commons: image of a spiky plant with small greyish leaves and red berries.
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Ziziphis (Spina Cristi, nummimura)
A tree, grows wild usually in wadis, it's fruit is edible and the leaves contain saponins and are traditionally used for washing hair and bodies of the dead before burial.
Image: Wikipedia, image of a broadleaved branch filled with little yellow flowers and some dark purplish fruit.
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Rhus tripartita:
Arabic sources say it has delicious fruit. English sources all have the copy pasted line "the Arabs make an intoxicating drink from it's fruits" not sure of the original source.
Image:( flora of saudi) plant with oak like leaves, but smaller, it has green berries not yet red.
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Sideroxylon mascatense: this tree grows in the mountains in oman and Yemen (it used to grow in the uae but not anymore) and the horn of Africa. It has small black berries. It's called boot in oman and is one of the few fruits listed here that I've actually tasted.
Image: from flora of the middle east. Plant with spiky branches, oval leaves and small black berries.
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Grewia tenax:
Fruit is eaten fresh, dried or powdered in drinks.
Image: Wikipedia. Image of a branch, toothed leaves with a pretty white flower with slender petals and next to it is an orange fruit that looks like four orbs stuck together.
Edible greens
Erucaria hispanica: called wild rocket.
aizoon canariense: the seeds are also edible and the fleshy leaves are used as a salad green.
Rumex vesicatius: a kind of sorrel, it's sour and contain oxalic acid so can't be eaten in great quantities. It appears after the rain. Most of these greens do
Rumex cyprius: same as the above.
Cheeseweed mallow: called khubaizah in Arabic. The leaves are edible
Corchorus olitorius: jute mallow or molokhia. Popular pot herb in the middle east.
Brassica tournefortii: saharan mustard. The leaves are edible and spicy.
Edible roots
Emex spinosa: has a sweet edible root similar to a carrot but thinner.
Moraea sisyrinchium: a wild iris plant also called the barbary nut, despite some toxicity it's bulb is collected in the wild and eaten
Allium atroviolaceum: a wild leek.
Tarthooth: a parasitic plant. It's flowers are used for dye and it's flesh is edible.
Useful plants:
Salvadora persica: a large sprawling bush. Its roots are popular as toothbrushes. It's has berries and some people eat them but they taste awful so I leave them for the birds.
Moringa peregrina: this plant grows in the mountains it's seed oil used to be collected and sold. It's medicinal and cosmetic.
As you can see there's more than enough here to incorporate into any permaculture project in Arabia. Tho a lot of these plants are not cultivated and I'm not sure how easy they'd be to grow (a lot are native to mountains and won't be used to sea level shenanigans) . Im keeping an eye out for them and planning to grow them in my yard for now (those I can find)
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brialavellan · 7 years
ME:A spoilers
People who are more astute than me have written better summaries on the overall game.
Here’s one by @billowsandbreeze​ (mostly spoiler free)
Here’s another by @saarebitch​ (has spoilers)
And I agree with them re: game mechanics. 
Summary: It feels like the spiritual successor to ME1 (in terms of the positives AND the faults) 
But beyond that, I’m gonna just add little thoughts of my own that maybe other people haven’t touched on. Mostly just thoights going through my head as I play.
Under a cut  - There are a LOT of story spoilers. Also a very long post.
0. Ok first of all, WHY CAN’T I SAVE???????
I have literally been playing this planetside/Nexus mission for close to 2 hours and NOT ONCE have I been able to actually MANUALLY save the game....what the fuck Bioware?????? 
I’m sorry, but I don’t like the idea of Bioware choosing when I should save, especially when I save for strategic reasons (i.e. right before a cutscene for vids and screenshots, or right before a major decision, or finishing a major questline).
This is a huge deal. I shouldn’t have to keep playing hoping to find a good point when YOU’LL decide to autosave for me. I’m an adult, sometimes I gotta turn off the game and get back to real life.
Y’all better fix this for the official launch, Bioware. This is a HUGE issue.
1. Liam was a joy from intro to the Nexus (which is as far as I’ve gotten). He’s full of wit and heart in equal measure. I really can’t wait to kiss him. Planetside, the dialogue was fantastic, it was a joy to explore while he was talking - and he talked a lot. 
Cora’s far more reserved and professional but she has her shining moments. I got a Miranda vibe from her. I don’t like that - not because I don’t like Miranda, but because I don’t like the idea of someone more qualified than me having the stronger role. Maybe it’d feel less weird if she felt more like a protege - like myself, and less like she could kick my ass back to the Milky Way. She’s already been forged. I would prefer companions that need cooking like myself in this case. 
2. The scanner is a pretty fun tool, but I could easily see it becoming a crutch. The first planetside mission did a decent job of balancing scanning with figuring stuff out on your own - I’m worried there might be quite a few side missions where it’s pretty much “scan to solve”. Seeing other playthroughs farther in i.e. Eos - especially before Peebee’s intro confirms my fear of what could happen.
3. The narrative is shaky so far. There were periods where it wasn’t going anywhere, then everything hits you at once. I think the story needs time to find its legs.
4. I don’t like SAM. I’m sorry, I just don’t. He’s a useful tool, but I’m not digging this “linked to an AI without my consent”. Even if it was to save my life.
------ 4a. I also assume SAM is the reason Cora’s not the Pathfinder even though she’s more qualified. It’s a weak justification tho.
5. I really get the impression I’m a wide-eyed recruit being thrust into the spotlight where I’m not qualified or even eager. Giving me DA:I flashbacks. And it also REALLY makes me believe I should not have been qualified for the Pathfinder team. I’m a newb surrounded by experts.
------5a. I also speak of experiences like dealing with Prothean artifacts. I would have preferred a bit more customization in that regard - a chance to CHOOSE how to respond when Liam asks me questions about my background. I don’t wanna make comparisons to DA:I - they are an entirely different team, but surely if the ME teams can borrow DA writers, they can also take some of the good DA concepts
6. I haven’t really had the chance to be an ass. Or to be angry. Ryder isn’t really my character, and I don’t feel any ownership of her the same way I felt I truly owned my other characters. This might be a side effect of the narrative and personal preference. Unlike most, I prefer vague backstories i.e. the Inquisitor. Maybe this will change over time.
7. Yes, there’s some goofy animations. Look, I like giving Bioware shit for it but at the end of the day, I don’t care. It’s funny. It makes for good reaction images. It’s A+ meme material - you think tumblr would be more forgiving for the memeing potential alone.
It just wouldn’t be Bioware without janky animations - I mean, y’all collectively find game breaking bugs in Bethesda endearing instead of aggravating to no end and absolutely unacceptable for a AAA gaming developer with million dollar budgets, so let Bioware have one “fuck-up” thing. 
------ 7a. But I’m gonna be honest. With a non-default Ryder. most of the animations look....fine. There’s some blep moments but for the most part, the game (and the people) are gorgeous. I also did really appreciate seeing a teeny bit more diversity in skin tones and features - in the presets AND the characters. There can always be more, ofc. But my incredibly low expectations have been surpassed....for the moment. 
8. The opening narration really sold the “spiritual successor” feel. Narration as stirring, the music was moving, the cinematography excellent - I have actually recorded and replayed the scene just to feel that lil burst of excitement and wonder I felt when I opened the game. I just hope the story catches up....I don’t want the opening credits to be the most exciting thing in the game.
9. Bioware still hasn’t learned that you don’t necessarily have to kill people off to move the story forward but whatever.
10. If Bioware can make me a custom mother for a picture in the Codex, they ALSO could’ve potentially brought her with us. A minor pet peeve but something that bothered me nonetheless. 
11. I am SO tired of these white names. It’s not as much of a slap in the face as FO4 where the best I got for MENA names was Aaliyah and Muhammad but we got 5 variations of Fuck and Ass, but really? Scott??? Just one more thing showing that Ryder isn’t REALLY my character in the traditional RP sense.
12. This CC is INCREDIBLY disappointing. I’m 100 percent sure there’s already 50 Ryders that look like mine. I am satisfied enough with her appearance, but I’m really frustrated that I was stuck with the features of whatever preset I chose. When they mentioned DA:I, that was the CC I EXPECTED. What I got was laughable in comparison. However, I can take some heart in seeing presets that weren’t white people.
 Also, one half-assed afro and pathetic excuse for cornrows is flat-out OFFENSIVE. Bioware has not listened in 5 years. Black people shouldn’t “wait for a patch” to make their own Ryders. 
In conclusion: an enjoyable game with a great cast, a lot of great, well-written (and well voiced dialogue) with combat that’s SUPER fun. I need to look for my controller adapter, because the UI is so clunky, I STILL haven’t gotten used to the controls. 
However, this, for me, is not a 60 dollar game, so far. I won’t be hurting if I wait a few months for the price to drop. And I will wait for the price to (inevitably) drop before I buy it. 
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