#not a big fan of xander so might not summon for him
yeyayeya · 2 years
IntSys remembered Xander exists
Love his art and was surprised he was an axe cav (I haven’t played fates in so long but isn’t his axe like Garon’s old weapon? I may wrong)
Xander fans are having the time of their lives right now
But Legendary Elincia when IntSys. Please, I need her already
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faireth-reed · 3 years
Friendly reminder that all of this is Camilla's haters' fault
Like okay, I understand people wanting the Askr/Embla situation to be solved. But it seemed a plot that could be solved in the next set of Tempest Trials.
No, not Veronica...
Really. We just want a separate banner with all the OCs that can't be summoned yet in the same place instead of one each month. Then again, I would be pretty frustrated because I'm only interested in Fáfnir (mostly) and Bruno.
But woah? They forgot about Bruno again. Of fucking course. Because someone decided to raise up Vero's popularity, so that means that Heroes can ship her with Alfonse.
But her personality hasn't had any development? We're just supposed to feel sorry for her and that's it.
No, not Alfonse...
But this one is only my personal opinion. We've seen that plots centered around Alfonse completely forget about Sharena. And he's almost as boring as Chrom. He had some plot with Bruno but he won't be absent (I'll complain once more about that, not finished yet).
His angst is boring, his mother will only appear to say a few sentences, Sharena will be tossed again, bye bye.
All the book will be Alfonse x Veronica or Alfonse x Summoner. Half of it will make some fans happy, so I'll be a bit happy for you.
No, not a fucking furry waifu
No, we don't need more female characters to be summonersexual if there is no male counterpart for the other fans. I'm gonna end up preferring Valter over all of this.
I really hope she's not as boring as she seems, but we only got one Reginn (Fjorm and Eir were kinda cool tho), so I doubt we'll be that lucky again.
But seriously, this character doesn't seem connected at all with the plot. What's the point?
But then, let's mention other things
If the TT plot isn't about Askr vs Embla, we might get some material from the other books, since Fire vs Ice looks like it'll end in some months.
Elm has a really cool design. Personality wise, I'm afraid of Ótr 2.0, but we've seen worse characters. Ótr wasn't thaaat bad.
Letizia (big death flag) seems the interesting one around here. But all this plot has appeared out of nowhere. She surely wasn't planned when Vero was calling for Bruno and Xander (wish Seth had a similar plot) when she was feeling lonely. Perhaps she's come back from a long travel or something? Perhaps she's investigating the curse too.
Also, a really weird idea that won't happen. If she's mentioned to be able to inherit the throne as well, but she isn't Vero's sister, is she a distant cousin? Could her parents want her to marry Bruno? That could give us more angst (specially for us Brufonse shippers), but would be a way to see him more.
More Awakening units! Don't give a fuck fore Yen'fay, but Heroes might give him the material that we didn't have. Don't know much about Priam, but Forging Bonds can be interesting or fuck up a lot.
The other three are cool, though. No Gregor or Vaike yet, but these characters deserve a lot of love. And I'm still thirsting over Patrick Seitz's voice, to be honest.
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murasaki-murasame · 5 years
Since I still don’t really care much about MH-Sarisse, and also I’m big gay for Epimetheus, I decided to just go all in on the Valentines banner, lmao.
I’m gonna just put the results of my summons under a cut since there’s other stuff I wanna talk about related to the event.
So basically what I ended up getting was:
-3 whole copies of V-Melody [I got her from like my third or fourth single ticket and then two dupes in the same tenfold lmao]
-V-Addis from a surprise gold to rainbow shift
-Dupes of Konohana Sakuya [now at 3UB], Pazuzu [now at 3UB], and Vayu [now at 2UB]
-EDIT: I also got a Xander dupe, who I got from the last dream summon we had, so that kinda sucks, lmao
-Durant [!!!!]
-Like a thousand fucking copies of V-Ezelith who I already had, I stg.
I might not have gotten Epimetheus, but I’m pretty sure he’s permanent so it’s not a huge deal lol. I got all of the new limited units at least. I’m still kinda surprised we didn’t get any new 4-stars, but I’m just gonna take that as an excuse to think of Durant as an honorary Valentines unit ;) [And yes I immediately promoted him even though I already have both Natalie at 50MC and Ieyasu at 64MC]
It looks like the old Valentines units are permanent now, which is great, since they’re basically all so powercrept out of existence that it’d be kinda unfair to keep bringing them back once or twice a year to tempt the whales.
ALSO we’re apparently getting a dream summon soon after about 84 years of waiting, so that’s cool. I’ve been planning to get Delphi from a dream summon for ages but now that I have V-Addis, and 70MC Cassandra can inflict poison, I’m not entirely sure if it’d be worth it. We’ll see, lol.
Though really the true star of Valentines this year is them finally making Chocolatiers permanent. This is a pretty big game-changer, with how vital it is to certain characters in endgame content. I already had a MUB copy from the last rerun, but this is great for newer players, and anyone who joins after this event ends.
We also got a new [limited] poison punisher wyrmprint which basically seems like a more conditional version of the existing one we have, but really the true metric to judge them on is the fact that one has Volk on it and the other one has Prometheus and Epimetheus, so really the new one is better in every way that matters :v
The new 4-star print seems basically useless since there’s lots of better prints that give recovery potency, and Odd Sparrows is way better as a way to get healing doublebuff. If it had a unique effect where it gave the entire team a healing doublebuff effect then that’d be really neat, but oh well. More importantly it has three entirely new maid characters on it. I assume that they’re probably eventually going to become units [at least one of them], since they’re complete mysteries who don’t even show up in any of the Valentines event stuff.
And on the note of the Valentines event, I kinda wish they had done . . . more with it. At least we’re getting other stuff over the next two weeks like chapter 12 and a new Agito fight. The valentine’s messages seem kinda . . . lame, which is what I figured would happen after we found out how many of them there’d be, and for some reason the event endeavors give way less wyrmite than they did in the previous runs of this event, so that sucks. RIP in pieces everyone who was waiting for this event to give them a last ditch amount of wyrmite for them to chase MH Sarisse with, lmao.
Apparently one of the Fleur stories gives a copy of Elegant Escort as a reward, so if V-Orion’s story does too, I guess that means you can get two copies of it from this event, which is pretty amazing. I still wish they’d just make it a permanently available print, but oh well.
I’m also kinda . . . surprised at them deciding to give Fleur her own unique Valentines story but not actually giving her a Valentines alt. We didn’t even get any new 4-stars for this banner, which just makes it seem like even more of a missed opportunity.
I feel like they might not hold up well in the endgame meta, but I do really like Melody and Addis’ new alts. I really like V-Melody’s outfit, even though I get why people think it’s boring. And V-Addis is just a really nice surprise in general. I wasn’t expecting to get any shadow units out of this banner in the first place, let alone an alt for someone like Addis. It’s a really different sort of vibe than what you get most of the time with Valentines alts in gacha games, so I really like it. I’m not a huge fan of characters based around being at low health, but I’m happy that he’s another poison enabler for people like me who don’t have Delphi yet.
And obviously I just really love Epimetheus and I hope I get him eventually, lol. I know he’s technically outclassed by Fatalis in terms of raw strength, but Epimetheus is non-limited so he has that going for him. Either way, him getting released pretty much confirms that we’ll eventually get Menoetius and Atlas, so that’s exciting. I wonder if they’re just going to be the Valentines dragons for the next two years.
I might end up just continuing to put all my resources into this banner until I at least get Epimetheus, but we’ll see how it goes. Once this banner ends I’m probably gonna start saving for the next gala, but we’ll see what sort of banners we get in March.
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