#not a character analasys i fear
mchib · 4 months
I need some Rize and Shuu friendship headcanons!
thank u anon!
i want to say ive never written a fanfic or anything of the sort so im not experienced in that field of writing but i do like do do character analasys and like headcanoning things so feel free to share any opposing views!!
first and foremost i feel like they have a common character flaw that they expect nothing less of an extravagant lifestyle even though both of them attempt to uphold and fulfil this different ways i feel like they would find great company in like luxurious or over the top things and they could perhaps be one of the only people that dont harbor distaste or skeptical feelings towards each other upon learning of the others hobbies. they also have certain tastes and are both picky eaters in their own ways so i imagine a lot of discussions would be had about what characteristics make someone more tasty. that being said i think shuu would continuingly tell rize that shes way too messy and she should invest in self control or at least be more private about her eating habits lolol.
i also feel like they would find solace in each others company talking about like art and philosophy although i imagine shuu already had more than enough people to rant to i think that rize would definitely genuinely listen and engage. if they fought or had a disagreement i imagine one of them being stuck head first in a concrete wall and then shuu would refuse to to her for like a day and call her a barbaric hoodlum behind her back but no real feelings or resentment would comply. i feel like a normal person having a conversation with any of the two would somehow contain an interference of something along the lines of 'woah woah woah you cant say that man thats too far' because they both make pretty morbid jokes but if it were just the two i feel like they would feel as though they could freely speak their mind without anyone wondering how they were raised or what set of events led to such absurd jokes being recited in such grim circumstances.
i feel like shuu would feel sort of be offended meeting rize upon hearing that her insides were used to turn kaneki half ghoul as even when kaneki loses all sanity his and rize's personalities are not compatible in the slightest, and so before learning to get over it he would feel kind of awkward around her because he wants to be mad at her but he knows it wasnt her fault at the same time so hes trying to be civil about it. meanwhile she would think of him as an antisocial snob and try to brag to him about how she made something of herself without being spoon-fed and is able to manage her giant appetite while on the run from the ccg and ghouls alike.
when shuu is like in his terminally ill granny state i feel like she would stay by his side but also be discouraging saying stuff like 'men should suffer in silence' and 'a public execution would be more appealing'. i feel like when they go out together shuu would try really hard to convince her to clean up so they can look fresh as hell and go fancy places but rize always ends up consuming some random homeless guy on the street. rize gives off 'i want to be with the bourgeoiseses' vibes but when they come around she just doesnt want to put in the effort. 'just kick reason to the curb and come with me!' (can you tell i do lyric analasys).
i feel like rize would like use shuu's rich people resources to make stuff like lets pose a hypothetical that ghouls could eat cookies. rize would use shuu's kitchen and ingredients to make the most foul tasting cookies and then put a sticky note on them telling shuu not to touch. then he flips out. rize is also very not used to not having to do dishes or anything in his household so she feels weird about being emptyhanded while others make the food. she'll be trying to hide her pleasure with being treated with such luxury but you can definitely see her grinning at the dinner table. we know she has table etiquette from her and kaneki's date but whats to stop her from completely disregarding all manners when shes in the presence of ghouls? i feel like she'd be kinda gross the first few times over cuz men aint shit but she kind of grows into being at least presentable at dinner.
when they r in the car shuu wants to be passanger princess but he doesnt trust rize behind the wheel. hes not the hero we deserve, but hes all we have right now. irrelevant but if rize was driving she'd like crash on the highway for fun or something. she has a fake license that says something like risse kaminishi from district 12
ok thats all i can think of rn & sorry if i mischaracterized shuu im not nearly as much of an expert on his character but i do enjoy him a lot
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amiti-art · 1 year
Okay, so I finished the book and I have a question: where tf is Apollo?????
I get that he couldn't go on a quest with them, he said so at the end of ToN but why doesn't he appear at camp at the end of the book? Or at least visit Will in a dream? Hades did that for Nico.
Also at the beginning it's said that Rachel spoke the same prophecy like 12 times. Apollo is literally the god of prophecies, why isn't he doing anything about it? (Unless Rachel first went to him and he told her to go with this to Nico and Will and asked her not to tell them that he sent her. Idk just an idea).
Personaly I don't have a problem with Will thinking that he might not see Apollo in years or even ever again, because well, it's not presented as fact, it's what Will thinks. And it fits with his fear of abandonment that we can see later in the book. If he has moments when he thinks that his boyfried could leave him behind in the Tartarus or the Underworld then I can easily belive that he thinks that his dad wouldn't bother with visits now when he's a god again.
But that's exacly why Apollo visiting at the end, to give Will comfort after a dengerous quest, would be perfect. It would prove that Will's assumptions were wrong. (I'm just gonna pretend that this is what happened the next day 🙃)
This book has a problem with mentioning important characters in general. Like where are Jerry, Gracie and Yan, you know, Will's new siblings? What was the point of introducing them if their existence is never acknowledged? Austin and Kayla are never mention during the quest itself, they just go home and Will and Nico never think or talk about them. And Hazel, the only alive sibling Nico has, is mationed like once I think???
So it's not that Apollo is the only victim of narration here, but he it the most noticible one because 1) he was a main character in the previous books. 2) he's name is constantly mantion in reference to Will: 'son of Apollo said this' 'son of Apollo did that' and so on. And maybe it's just me, but did anyone else noticed that Will is refered like this a bit too often? Like Nico is somtimes called "Son of Hades" by narration but not near as often as Will is called his father's son, especialy in the later in the story. Like at some point I had a feeling that the book was literally screaming at me "Hey remember Will's dad? This guy named Apollo? Yeah we know he's not in this book, but don't forget about him! He's still important we swear". Anyone else noticed this? Maybe I'm just being delusional but I swear they were doing this for a reason.
I don't know what are Rick's plan for the future, maybe there will be an explanation on why Apollo was so ignored by this book. Maybe he was super busy with something, or maybe he feard that if he intervenes he would bring Zeus' attention to Will and Nico and tbh we don't know how Zeus feels about quest to Tartarus, especialy if the said quest involves saving a titan (because let's be honest, Zeus probably dosen't like the idea of bringing a titan out of Tartarus).
Or maybe Apollo's planing a revolutuon to take his tyrannical father down, who knows.
Sorry if this is a bit messy, I normally don't write analasys/observations but I wanted to get this of my chest (also English is my 2nd language so sorry for all the mistakes)
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