#kudos 4 making me think about shuu
mchib · 4 months
I need some Rize and Shuu friendship headcanons!
thank u anon!
i want to say ive never written a fanfic or anything of the sort so im not experienced in that field of writing but i do like do do character analasys and like headcanoning things so feel free to share any opposing views!!
first and foremost i feel like they have a common character flaw that they expect nothing less of an extravagant lifestyle even though both of them attempt to uphold and fulfil this different ways i feel like they would find great company in like luxurious or over the top things and they could perhaps be one of the only people that dont harbor distaste or skeptical feelings towards each other upon learning of the others hobbies. they also have certain tastes and are both picky eaters in their own ways so i imagine a lot of discussions would be had about what characteristics make someone more tasty. that being said i think shuu would continuingly tell rize that shes way too messy and she should invest in self control or at least be more private about her eating habits lolol.
i also feel like they would find solace in each others company talking about like art and philosophy although i imagine shuu already had more than enough people to rant to i think that rize would definitely genuinely listen and engage. if they fought or had a disagreement i imagine one of them being stuck head first in a concrete wall and then shuu would refuse to to her for like a day and call her a barbaric hoodlum behind her back but no real feelings or resentment would comply. i feel like a normal person having a conversation with any of the two would somehow contain an interference of something along the lines of 'woah woah woah you cant say that man thats too far' because they both make pretty morbid jokes but if it were just the two i feel like they would feel as though they could freely speak their mind without anyone wondering how they were raised or what set of events led to such absurd jokes being recited in such grim circumstances.
i feel like shuu would feel sort of be offended meeting rize upon hearing that her insides were used to turn kaneki half ghoul as even when kaneki loses all sanity his and rize's personalities are not compatible in the slightest, and so before learning to get over it he would feel kind of awkward around her because he wants to be mad at her but he knows it wasnt her fault at the same time so hes trying to be civil about it. meanwhile she would think of him as an antisocial snob and try to brag to him about how she made something of herself without being spoon-fed and is able to manage her giant appetite while on the run from the ccg and ghouls alike.
when shuu is like in his terminally ill granny state i feel like she would stay by his side but also be discouraging saying stuff like 'men should suffer in silence' and 'a public execution would be more appealing'. i feel like when they go out together shuu would try really hard to convince her to clean up so they can look fresh as hell and go fancy places but rize always ends up consuming some random homeless guy on the street. rize gives off 'i want to be with the bourgeoiseses' vibes but when they come around she just doesnt want to put in the effort. 'just kick reason to the curb and come with me!' (can you tell i do lyric analasys).
i feel like rize would like use shuu's rich people resources to make stuff like lets pose a hypothetical that ghouls could eat cookies. rize would use shuu's kitchen and ingredients to make the most foul tasting cookies and then put a sticky note on them telling shuu not to touch. then he flips out. rize is also very not used to not having to do dishes or anything in his household so she feels weird about being emptyhanded while others make the food. she'll be trying to hide her pleasure with being treated with such luxury but you can definitely see her grinning at the dinner table. we know she has table etiquette from her and kaneki's date but whats to stop her from completely disregarding all manners when shes in the presence of ghouls? i feel like she'd be kinda gross the first few times over cuz men aint shit but she kind of grows into being at least presentable at dinner.
when they r in the car shuu wants to be passanger princess but he doesnt trust rize behind the wheel. hes not the hero we deserve, but hes all we have right now. irrelevant but if rize was driving she'd like crash on the highway for fun or something. she has a fake license that says something like risse kaminishi from district 12
ok thats all i can think of rn & sorry if i mischaracterized shuu im not nearly as much of an expert on his character but i do enjoy him a lot
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crystalkleure · 6 years
Shadow Bladers
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[Continued from {here}]
I WANTED TO SEE THEM ALL UNMASKED....................BeyBurst I will never forgive you if you never give me this, they're too good to just forget about, dammit
...God, I wonder if they're all even still alive?? The ones that got dropped in the Failure Holes were literally just. Never seen again. Well, I mean, we saw their masks crumpled up and strewn all over the ground outside later BUT THAT'S NOT EXACTLY A GOOD SIGN, NOW IS IT
Also, at least most of the shadows do TRY to mimic some aspect of their opponent's personality, not just their beyblades and fighting styles, but they're usually bad at it lmao. A for effort, boys. Also their stupid black catsuits are High Fashion and I approve.
Yellow Eye
Well, this is...unfortunately, the one we've seen the most of, out of the shadows. He's actually got a name, unlike all the others: "Richard Yellow", supposedly. Very convenient last name there, but I'm gonna call him Dick.
He, uh. Gives me MAJOR skeevy pervert vibes?
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That aside though, his sheer fucking terror post-Pit, when Boss actually {SPOILER ALERT} DID come back and kick his ass [YEEEEEAAAAAHHH] and he looked up at Ashram like "Oh...oh no. I am very, very royally fucked" was good for really hammering in the fact that Bad Shit happens to Snake Pit people who lose. Though, I think we actually briefly saw Dick again sometime later and he didn't look any different, so whatever was done to him after that, if anything, certainly wasn't deadly which GIVES ME HOPE FOR THE OTHER GUYS......
Also the sad thing here is the fact that, without the mask, this weird little bastard might actually be cute if he didn't do That with his damn lipstick. At least, I HOPE that's lipstick and he just sucks at wearing makeup?? And the "Welp...shit." moment when Boss lost to him in the Snake Pit but DIDN'T fall down the hole like he was supposed to was fucking hilarious tbh. "Is this allowed?? Can he do that??? Should. Should I do something about this? Mr. Ashram sir???? Is this allowed???? hhhhHHHHHE'S BREAKING THE RULES HGKSLSJFLK?????"
4/10, I'm forever bitter about the fact that ONLY this shadow got unmasked onscreen ;-; IT'S NOT FAIR
Black Eye
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This bitch. This pompous, taunting bitch. He's absolutely terrible and he's perfect and I need to see him again.
He was actually REALLY successful at behaving just like Dyna...except he was acting with an outdated character script because Dyna's not an asshole like that anymore. Black was playing the part of "early s1 Dyna" exceptionally well, though. He was playing mind games exactly like Dyna did back then. The resemblance was uncanny, he even managed to actually unnerve Dyna himself. Flawless execution. Kudos, buddy.
The fucking crystal ball thing is just unbearable though, holy shit he hams it up way too much. I would say that, hell, he MIGHT actually be able to ~see into the future~, considering Clio's Exceptionally Compelling Evidence that spoopy psychic majick possibly does exist to some degree in BeyBurst, buuuut...I know how IRL FAKE psychics work, and they, uh, act exactly like Black. Basically [at risk of oversimplifying], if they can get into your head and make you BELIEVE something's going to happen, then they can make it happen. Which is exactly what Black did to score that Over Finish against Dyna. And Dyna noticed it -- he noticed that he lost that point because Black's words were getting under his skin, and so his hands weren't steady when he launched. And when Dyna stopped believing Black after figuring that out, Black lost. Black's scenes were actually quite nicely written.
10/10. This guy's awful, but he's good, man. What's this overenthusiastic theater kid doing down in a damn torture pit, anyway. He should be out swindling people with palm readings or some shit.
Grey Eye
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I just can't really form a solid opinion on this one aside from the fact that he seemed like a fun guy? Cooza kicked his ass pretty fast and then he was gone. Hm. 5/10.
Azul/Azure Eye
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Perfect. Perfect and amazing. Very very fluffy and very very nice, how the hell did this sweet boy end up in the torture pit?? He LIKED Valt and Valt's friends -- I think his friendliness was sincere, if not a bit exaggerated and maybe slightly condescending? He certainly wasn't actually mean to them so much as he was really just...playful. More than that, he HELPED Valt. He fucking told Valt how to use his damn beyblade properly [though he wasn't expecting Valt to be able to use a newfound technique so well immediately, but still].
And. And he calls himself "boku-chan" if I'm not mistaken?? Which is a super cutesy way to say "I/me"? He’s like, referring to himself as "cute little me" asdhgklksjg
I'm nnnnnot sure which way is the intended "correct" way to spell his name, though? "Azul" and "Azure" BOTH mean "blue", and they are pronounced exactly the same way with a Japanese accent [there's basically no audible difference between "L"s and "R"s]. Is there any actual official info that explicitly states the correct spelling?? I haven't found any. Most people seem to have gone with "Azure" [including the team subbing the raw episodes], but I was always more inclined to say "Azul" because that's a Spanish word and the Snake Pit is in Mexico?
Also he makes dumb puns. I love him. This one's my favourite shadow guy, no contest. 100/10.
Violet Eye
Poor Violet, oh my god. We didn't even get to see very much of him because Shuu was an asshole lmao.
Seriously, Shuu barged into his room, interrupted his fight, and then kicked him off the platform. Into the Bottomless Doom Pit.
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That scene with Violet makes me think that literally all of the masked guys probably fucking hate Shuu just as much as Violet and Norman do, hahaha holy shit. He'd throw any of them under the bus [or rather, down the big hole] for so little as just getting in his way when he wants something. Jesus christ.
6/10, Violet was a jackass but he was funny. He played a pretty decent "early s1 Wakiya", too [generically cocky and insulting, etc.] Not NEARLY enough screentime though, thanks Shuu
To cap off the post, the entire concept of these guys is...neat IN THEORY, but actually pretty dumb and of course it didn't fucking work. It was, quite frankly, amazing that Dick managed to beat Boss. Their gimmick was to mimic Valt's friend group, but. You just. You can't fucking beat someone with their own tricks. Particularly when they've been practicing those tricks longer than you have. If they know the shit better than you do, you can't beat them with it. An actor who plays a kickboxer in a movie would likely get the shit beaten out of them by an actual kickboxer. The fakes just...really couldn't win here. •︵•
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