#not a chay protector
loudgaybug · 8 months
I wanted to analyse the different ways that their "deaths" affected both Pomme and Em (I say "deaths" because Pomme's was a nightmare, but still shaped her character). Both deaths were inescapable ; caused by undefeatable enemies, however while Em's was short and sudden, restrictive, being held by a leash, Pomme's was long and drawn out, breaking many totems, giving her time to think about how powerless she was as Phil tried to save her. They are narrative foils to each other in my eyes ; Pomme herself said she saw her younger self in Em. They were both young, new eggs - Em being not the absolute youngest, but still viewed and young and fragile the way Pomme was the youngest. They both started out as very caring eggs, with a love of flowers to show their affection. They are also very smart and calculative, Pomme choosing knowledge as her element and Em always paying attention to her surrounding. Em also initially had Pomme's protector mindset, which Pomme learned through experience. They almost had opposite character arcs in my opinion, largely due to the different circumstances and parenting styles they had.
After Pomme's nightmare, she hated how she couldn't fight back. Her parents reactions, particularly Etoiles, were to teach her how to fight and protect herself. They encouraged her to be strong and learn how to take a fight. Pomme's view of the world was also strongly formed by the fact her siblings had all lost lives before her, they were all in danger, they all needed to be protected. She was the only oen with two lives. Her life was less valuable, she must use it to protect others. Em, in contrast, after the egg hospital, is now the only egg with one life, rather than being the target like Pomme with two lives. Now Em is the most fragile, something I'm sure that's hard for her, as she got used to wanting to be a protector.
Em's natural reaction to conflict was to fight, however we first see that change of the day of the egg's bed trapping. She tries to keep up a strong front, but this time, she freezes, she walks around aimlessly, her hands won't work, she can't help, she can't decorate with Sunny and Tubbo. I think when Em gets somewhat stressed she fights, but when really traumatised she can't handle it and her response is to shut down.
In contrast to Pomme constantly being taught by her parents that the important thing is to be strong, and to protect others, reinforced especially by self-sacrificing characters like Bad, Em is consistently taught by her mother she should stay back, run away in conflict, and in fact they get in disagreement about this, because Em wants to help. This is compounded by Tubbo, who consistently teaches Sunny to run, and, when acting as a caretaker for Em, also encourages this mindset. Then when Em talks to her mother about it further, she reinforces Tubbo's teaching, that it's safer both for her and her siblings is Em runs away. But I think its Em's death that really solidifies this, in the same way that Pomme's nightmare solidifies that she wants to get stronger and protect her siblings and provides basis for later teaching. Children are malleable, and they listen to what they are taught and what experiences they have really shape them.
Em's death comes from being at the centre of the action, and, crucially, being restrained, not being able to run or warp away. This forms a strong correlation in Em's mind between being able to get away and being safe. This is then compounded the next day when Bad teaches her how to use the grappling hook to escape easier, and she often uses it now, I think it makes her feel safer. In the same way, Pomme would often unhide her armour, because she wanted to show her strength, and it reminded her that she was stronger now, that she has the power to protect her siblings that she's so scared of losing, and that she has to be the target, she's the safe one, the one with two lives. She also uses armour now to show care, making protective kits for Sunny Em and Pepito. In addition, Em's reminder of her death is flowers, flowers that symbolise change and transformations, symbolic of how her mindset has changed and now she realises she can't be a hero and just wants to be safe with her family. A reminder of Pomme's death and her mission is her scythe Vengeance, which she named so that she could seek revenge for her siblings. A scythe and flowers, two very similiar eggs, who learned very different lessons.
Em started out trying to be protector, wanting to be a hero, ending up realising she had to be a lover. Pomme started out as a lover and found she had to be a fighter aswell.
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thoermp · 9 months
The parallels between Chayanne, Pomme and Empanada!!
They are all so diffent eggs. But one of their main objectives is the protection of the other eggs.
Chayanne is kinda the og protector of the eggs. It's been his goal for so long and for even more failures. He saw his siblings dying and promised protection for them again and again like it is a calling for him. And over and over wasn't he able to protect them.
Pomme was just born into the role. At first she was overwhelmed by the target on her back through the two lives. But with Etoiles as her father she managed to grow right into it. It's an assignment to her, which she has to complete. So the reset of the egg lives left her a bit disoriented (the brick to her head with the memory loss didn't help).
And Empanada had no choice but to learn how to protect herself and her two little siblings to survive. The first weeks she was only the sweet little egg, but with more equipment it became apparent that she knew how to fight. And at the first sight of danger she fell right back in the role of the protector, having done so for so long it's just natural for her.
A calling, an assignment, survival instinct. Their urge to protect comes just from so fundamental different angles and motivations.
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qtubbo · 7 months
The way Chayanne plays with Tubbo is incredibly escapist, he doesn’t like being the protector and the one person everyone relies on, but that’s his “duty” he feels like he has to. Chay limits himself a lot from truly acting like a kid, because he feels he needs to be the big brother.When Chay is taking care of Tubbo it’s fake, easy to just stop if ever feels overwhelmed, and he has no real duty. It’s getting to play as a child, in a way that doesn’t make Chay feel guilty for not focusing on protecting his siblings.
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snickerdoodlles · 6 months
No wonder this show became a hit. They really asked "you know what's better than one guy forced to give up something that it would break him to lose?" and gave us a whole bunch in different color shirts and said "Enjoy! :D"
(x, x)
right!!!! one of my favorite things about kinnporsche is how the show's like "here's some sexy mafia guys" except it's a TRICK, all the boys are at their sexy best when they're loving and domestic and caring for each other and get traumatized any time they actually act mafia. this show has its messy moments and goodness knows how their world works sometimes, but the writers had the most correct priorities when it comes to the emotional beats of the story.
Khun: the emotional journey of a deeply traumatized guy where we only see him in the aftermath, desperately clawing his way back to some sense of normality. how absolutely tender ep3 was with Porsche taking him to a new space, gently holding Khun's hand and asking him to stay with him and trust that he'll keep him safe, and he does, and we see Khun grow into a fiercer protector who can chase after the people he cares about past his walls and defend his home when its security is compromised.
Kinn: he wasn't a cold mafia boss softened by love, he was always a bleeding heart who's kindness was mercilessly beaten out of him. he falls in love so fast and so hard and it's so good watching his past traumas rear their ugly heads but him letting go of his old ghosts and clawing his way past them anyways, because he so desperately wants love and wants to love. and like? what a baller move that is for his character? he's a mafia boss, and a merciless one at that, but he also wants to be soft and cute and a good brother and boyfriend and all his people safe while living in and facilitating his violent and blood soaked world. the wonderful contradiction you are Kinn <333
Kim: the boy who tries to sacrifice everything for his and their greater happiness except it just makes him all the more miserable because this show really said there is no glory in what you give up or destroy, only what you shelter and protect. he's a self-saboteur but you can't help but root for him all the more because of it. he's just so scared to care, of that being used to trap him or anyone else, yet he's falling face first into his own schemes because he loves so much and so deep.
and just. Porsche, carving himself to pieces trying not to lose anything. Chay, who will twist himself into knots trying to hold everything he sacrificed for. Vegas, who tries to drive everything away before it can abandon him and shattering when it goes. Pete, who repressed and ignored all his wants and discontent until it shattered him.
i just. i love these boys. i'm obsessed with these boys. kp had a lot of balls to juggle and a bananas premise to do it in, but they nailed all the big emotions so good, i'm still mashing potatoes over them two years later.
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phatcatphergus · 7 months
Okay so here’s me attempt at putting my scattered thoughts together:
Shell ranks:
Rank 1- sunny
Rank 2- chay
Rank 3- tallulah
Rank 4- empanada
Rank 7- richas
Niki: keeper
Phil: Guardian
Bagi: Keeper (slow keeper)
Center control- The order?
Creator: tubbo
Primary protector: tubbo
The ruins were created before the residents arrived on the island but didnt always look like that.
Tubbo doesnt remember creation or the message he wrote.
If tubbo knows about the ruins or creation he will die, creation will kill him.
Creation is empathetic to all creatures (wither farm)
There is a floppy disk of data on tubbo that is used to bring him back.
Did the order let tubbo record a last message before erasing his memory to keep everything secretive? whatever they had him working on meant he may die? Did he originally know the stakes when he joined the order? Did he coin voluntarily?
Creation is in direct contact with center control so did tubbo create creation for them or him? Was creation made for center control but tubbo programmed him to protect sunny because he might not make it out alive?
What does the order have to do with the feds?
Are they older than the feds? They arent afraid to show creation to the feds.
Did Tubbo create the disk or did the order?
Another directive of creation was to learn? He learned how to pick flowers and banter, he learned how to live. Creation asked “boss” if he was proud of Creation for learning these things.
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keline11 · 6 months
This day just doesn't end.
(Another long post this one is funny)
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Time to sleep. pt. 1
MIssa: “Ok son, I’ll tell you the story of…*sees the potato in the wall* did they already tell you the story of the potatoes?... yes, right? they already did, ok… I’ll tell you the story of an ogre, this was an ogre that lived in a swamp *Laughs* oh! wait son, you can’t go to bed without dinner, you have to eat, and eat good, wait…”
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Missa: “I have to prepare you a spectacular dinner, how did I forget that!...*looking at how to craft the food* interesting... milk, Where do I get milk? water, Where do I get water? bottle! Where do I get a bottle? bucket!! Where do I get a bucket??”
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Missa: *gives him food* “Chayanne I have for you a delicious dessert to sleep well with a full belly”
They start to run to get hungry
Missa: ”That’s it, that’s it, let’s run to get tired, *chayanne jumps from a tree* that works too... I can’t get tired ether” 
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Quackity appeared to talk
Quackity: “I heard that your kid is accusing my child of stealing his bike”
Missa: “what are you saying? what bike?”
Chay: “I never say that”
Missa: “see he is telling you that”
Quackity: “really?"
Missa: “First of all, listen to me…” *pushes him off the wall*
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Missa tries to do a water drop but failed so they are both down
Missa: “Look what you did quackity!”
Quackity: “You did it! tell chayanne to come help us!”
Missa: ”I came to help you and you didn’t catch me!”
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Quackity: “Say you are sorry”
Missa: ”Quackity, you have to keep something in mind, you have a chainsaw... but I have chayanne”
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Quackity explodes
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Missa: "Chayanne is the protector of good and bad people"
Quackity in a sign: Take good care of you child
Missa: "I'll do it, dummy"
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Missa: “Good job son, good job”
Chay: “I defend good people”
Missa: “that’s right”
MIssa: "He is going to take us out of the series"
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Time to sleep. pt. 2
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Quackity send him some "good night" messages (the second image is a picture of the singer Chayanne)
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Missa: "Ok let's tell you a story"
After a long story that ends with a duck exploding.
Missa: ”Oh my god I have to make you food! I have 4 more foods to make for the mission wait"
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Missa: “Corn! WA-A-A-A-A-A!!!”
He keept giving him food and running back to make another food.
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Missa: ”Son, I also prepared this with lots of love, only for you, I hope you like it”
Chayanne: “To grow strong, thank you pa”
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Time to sleep. pt. 3 final
Another long story of a kid that wanted to make good content for youtube. (pipipipipi <tres)
Missa: "Good night Chayanne, sweet dreams."
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Missa: "That is my egg"
End (8
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rhiaarrow · 7 months
I don't know whether you respond to anons or not but I thought I could send my thoughts anyway
The issue with Chayanne is, he's going to have a hero complex either way. It's useless to argue that another character is at fault for it.
Is qPhil and qTubbo unintentionally feeding into it bad? Yes! But would his complex dissapear if they didn't? No!
There is a fundamental issue, where Chayanne being the oldest has been internalised into a "protector" role, and therefore it's regardless of what Tubbo does or says, regardless of what Phil does or says, the feeling that Chay needs to protect his siblings (all eggs) and his family will always be there, that's just a tragic part of his character, which is no fault of any other character really.
Exactly! There's no point in getting into arguments about something that is neither characters fault. Both characters are unintentionally feeding into Chayanne's complex and there's no point arguing with each other over something that both characters are doing.
No one is worse than the other,
No one is better than the other,
They're simply just emotionally complex characters unintentionally aggravating his complex.
There's no point arguing over it
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caged-crows · 1 year
thinking about chayanne and how heavily the "chosen one" themes in just ingrained into him. think about how he think he has to be that protector, that shield, for not just tallulah, put for missa, and phil, and all his brothers and sisters. thinking about how similar tallualh is to tilin, the one chayanne promised he'd protect but failed to.
thinking about chayanne and quackity, how the started as enemies, with q being one of the biggest threats to his family in the beginning, but then eventually worked their way to being somewhat amicable with each other, maybe even trusting each other a little bit.
thinking about chayanne and forever, how upfront and honest forever is with chay when things are going wrong since he is the eldest. "i think this is a punishment and its not fair to you guys, but we're going to get through it. okay?"
thinking about chayanne and phil. phil, the angel of death who has lived in isolation with nobody but his goddess to talk to him, to comfort him. and then suddenly, this bright-eyed little warrior boy in placed his lap and phil knows. he knows he need to protect him, to love him.
just. thinking about chayanne. and everything he has to endure.
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alltheardy · 10 months
Chayanne, the warrior
Chayanne never got to be a kid.
Everyone praises him for being a little warrior and protecting everyone, he has never focused on protecting himself. Ever since the beginning he has been told "protect Tallulah" and he will.
For they are both half of the other, victims of circumstances that are beyond anyone's control.
Forced to grow up, designated as the protector.
Phil tasked him this as he himself knows nothing else.
He has only ever protected, cared for those more weak then himself. Its understandable he would raise his child to do the same.
And Tallulah, poor Tallulah has had to deal with so much. She does need protecting, and Chay will do that for her- always.
And due to their circumstance neither will grow up knowing anything but protecting each other.
They will never be kids.
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pommunist · 4 months
I know you're not a Phil main, but I've got more agonizing things about him to say.
Phil's third favorite egg was richas. He never got to tell him that. Or say goodbye to his favorite nephew.
He blamed himself for being unable to assist in cellbit and bagheras rescue. That he should have gone sooner... he was their team leader and he failed them. In fact... he lost Jaiden and Max as well from the same explosion. Blamed himself for not being able to carry others from the blast. That his wings, yet again, failed him.
He blamed himself for being unable to assist more in Tubbos revival. He felt useless in fact. That they didn't even need him for it. He had promised chay he would help get his godfather back by any means... but he didn't assist at all. He agonized over being unable to assist more kids. When sunny needed cookies, he lamented that he wished he could have given her those cookies she needed when tubbo was down. It's hard being just one guy with two kids. He knew others could do it where he failed.
A choice between trusting his fellow islanders or his kids lives.
He wanted to help everyone get their kids back, he took every book he coukd find to try and find out how to fix things... the local detectives hadn't been around so he did all he could to try and help. He knew it must have been agony for Pierre to assist in the rescue effort, but there are few Phil trusts more than the French when it comes to skill, power, smarts, and resilience. Phil alone isn't strong, isn't smart, isn't resourceful, and isn't patient for puzzles. He knew he wasn't enough.
Even through his possession, he kept to himself. Certain others were far more busy. That they shouldn't need to worry about him. He's fine. It was his enemy, his problem.
His fault.
Noone else should deal with his shortcomings or incapabilities in his opinion.
Just as he quietly tucked his kids in for the last time. Not bothering anyone with the pain he felt the last time he'd see them. Unwilling to burden anyone with anything. He isolated till the very end.
Aaaah qPhil who always ends up being put in a leader/protector position, without having ever asked for it and only getting the guilt of not being able to fill this role as everyone who was under his care either lost themselves or got lost.
qPhil just wanted to have a quiet life but sometimes the simplest things are the hardest to obtain.
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p4tt4t4 · 5 months
Let's talk about Chayanne being a glass child. It seems that this has been a topic that has been noticed for some time, but I just notice the last friday! Xd
Probably because I'm a glass child myself, and yes I do kinn/kin(? Chay, so I take most of these behaviors as normal unconsciously (I had decided that I would use Tumblr only to upload drawings but since twitter didn't pay much attention to this I'll post it here too because I need to share my opinion with people).
First of all, what is a glass child?
It's a sibling of someone who needs extra attention/support. A child whos parents see right through them, like glass.
In this case Chay is a sibling of someone who is given extra attention most of the time, in most occasions not exactly because she needed it.
Chay is a glass child.
Theres no room to even try to discuss that.
Lullah is a kid who is constantly given extra attention. Whatever reasons it happens won't be important for this thing I'm written/sharing.
Lullah is seeing as the little sister. A little sister who needs, who must be protected above everything (which affects Lullah to some extent negatively but we won't focus on that this time). Lullah is seeing as someone weak. Someone who always will need help.
(I'm talking about must people on the server, yes including q!Philza, except, specifically, q!Missa).
Lullah is the little princess who must be protected.
Now, who is Chayanne?
Chay is the big brother.
The oldest.
The warrior.
The strong one
The protector of his siblings.
Chay must be strong, Chay must aim to be the strongest not just fiscally. Chay is forced to be this big, strong, brave leader who everybody can trust. Chay is expected to be the one wich his sibling can and must put to take every important decision if there's no adult around at the moment.
Chay is expected to be closer to act like an adult than a child.
When something dangerous happens Chay is not a priority. His sibblings are. Lullah is the priority. Philza must be sure that Lullah is fine before checking anyone else. Before checking if Chay is okey.
Because Chay is strong. Because Chay can take care of himself alone. Because Chay "don't need" that kind of attention to say it somehow.
I am a big sister, as I said before, a glass child too, so I have lived similar things, obviously not to a death or live situation but I understand the feeling. So, I'm gonna try to explain the feeling the best way I can for people who aren't a glass child.
As a big brother, as the warrior, the example, the leader, the protector he probably thinks that this kind of thinking is fine.
But I can assure it is not fine.
But I can't assure that Chay feels exactly like what I'm gonna said, because if he does feel like it, he would never show it to his dad therefore neither to us. He would do everything in his power to not show that he feels like this (I will explain why later). So I have no way of guaranteeing that he does feel like the following, either way he could feel this way and that's why we are talking about it.
Glass childs can feel jealous for theirs sibling. And it's an awful feeling. At the same time they can feel bad of being jealous of their sibling because they think that feeling like that is selfish. That They are being selfish by feeling that.
Because what right do they have to feel like that? Their sibling needs that attention. They can be fine without that attention. Thay must be fine without that attention. Because if they aren't, what kind of sibling are they?
Because is not like their sibling nor parents wants them to feel like they are being overlook. Because is not that their parents "loves them less". Is just because their sibling needs their parents attention more than them. And they must live with that. They must be good little kids that don't create more problems, more stress, nor to their sibling nor parents. Thats their job. To be one less problem.
The expectation of Chay is that he must be the one to fight for his sibling. Chay is expected to give everything in his power to assure the well being of Lullah.
Chay do like being strong, Chay do like to fight and protect. But when you are forced to the extreme of this things, of being strong all the time, of feeling the need to fight in every dangerous situation, to help, and to feel that you are always protecting and never being protected is exhausting.
As the big brother, the strongest, how could he tell ANYBODY that he is feeling exhausted of doing his job?
He can't show that that is making him feel sad, nor exhausted, nor any negative emotion.
Because he can't be a problem. Because he "doesn't" need more attention nor care of Phil.
Lullah is expected to be sentimental and open about everything she feels. It doesn't matter if it's sadness or happiness. It's expected for Talullah to show her emotions.
Chayanne is expected to be fine. Chay is expected to not show at the same extension his emotions as Lullah, nor his sadness, nor his fears nor any "negative" emotion. It is "normal" for Chay to not show such emotions. It's not something strange.
Because Chay sees his value on how well he can take care of his family, of Talullah.
He sees his value on how well he can perform as this big, strong, brave brother.
I will develop this using an example of Chay being treated as a glass child.
The last friday, Philza goes and saves Lullah first. Then Chay. This is not that big of a deal, but what is big deal is what he says when Tubbo started saying that he has a favorite.
"Out of this two, I know that Chayanne would be a little bit more okey being alone for a bit longer."
Chay is expected to be fine.
Chay must be capable of being fine.
Chay must be fine with Phil being more worried about Talullah than him.
Chay must be fine with Philza not being that worry about him because he has going to be okey.
And how does Chayanne react?
He said nothing. He literally didn't show any inmidiate reaction. He look at his dad for a moment and then look at what Lullah wanted to say. And just after Phil said that he is his little warrior, that he is strong, that he fight him and won he spoke.
He said that it was not great fighting Philza. And of course Phil said sorry... And that's it. Talullah is the one who mention (in a joke but still mention it) about Philza implying that he wasn't worry about Chay.
Chay is expected to be fine alone. To not need help as much as Lullah.
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dozyrogue · 9 months
So yeah as I was saying chayanne and tallulah desperately need people outside of Phil to make connections with.
And ramon is a good example of this, he leo chay and lulah are some of the loneliest eggs I think??
ramon is the best example of what I mean, he was alone most of the time he didnt really hang with people outside of his dad, pac, and tubbo. But he comes back from his monthly sleep lol. And he made 2 little sisters and admitted he sees tubbo as an older brother figure. and we saw that he can trust tubbo with important info, Like of his dads lovelife lol.
Of course he loves his other siblings and his dad but having someone that he chooses to vulnerable around is so important even if its a little bit. In his letter admitted he sees tubbo as an older brother, or just showing how much he loves his siblings. HIS diamond girl and panda he can take care of them, because he wants to, and still have fun. He gets to create and do projects with tubbo but also he can just run around with his sisters and be a kid. Yes he's still a protector, because its what he wants, when push comes to shove.
I will always remember him boxing sunny and empanada away to have a serious talk with Phil and tubbo. And just standing infront of them when the three were in phils basement?? THE PHIL MUSEUM. While phil is asking what's wrong and lil mans was just looking at him because the adults can be traitors now 2.
Chayanne wants to protect Tallulah so bad but hes so tired and just needs someone who can look at him and see him for what he is a scared, traumatized, tired child. (No hate to phil, cuz hew trying) And we see it first hand that chayanne wants to reach out to tubbo, he really does. The comfort and kind heart his godfather provided was probably so new. At the time tubbo was a little hard on himself for being a bad fighter but even then he fought of mobs for them. He comforted them when chay and lulah were panicked and in pain the day before they ran away. I don't blame chayanne for wating to run back to him
And Tallulah needs someone who will love her uncontrollably. That will look at her broken parts and help her put them back. In her head no matter what phil will always choose chay first and she hates the idea that she keep him from phil. At some point maybe she also wanted to turn to tubbo or even forever hell even slimescicle because they opened up their arms to her and she loves them deeply obviously. But she feels so alone
Do I sound crazy??? Am I making sense??
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sublimecatgalaxy · 2 years
This looks so fun!!
Jon Snow
“Come on, let’s get you cleaned up”
“It looks better on you anyway”
Princess x Knight/Protector au
friend i love this and you.
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"Jon?" I ask, my voice crippling under the weight of my anxiety, looking around at all of the injured men filtering back into Winterfell. A sense of relief passes through him as his eyes land on me and he sheaths his sword before rushing up to me.
He doesn't hesitate to wrap his arms around my shaking frame, cradling the back of my head. I can hear the people around us asking questions, wondering why he's bothering to comfort the woman he's paid to protect but it's so much more than that.
"Are you hurt?" He asks, leaning back to look down at me, frowning when he sees the ash in my hair and the edges of my dress torn and covered in blood.
"I just needed to know you were okay." I gasp, eyes tearing up and he frowns, reaching up to push some hair behind my ear before ushering me along.
"C'mon, let's get ya cleaned up."
By the time we get back up to my chambers, I'm practically falling to the ground, my knees buckling as Jon wraps his arms around my waist. He gets me to my bed, helping me sit down on the edge as I allow my body to relax just the slightest bit.
"Here." Jon offers, taking my foot in his hands as he unlaces my boots straps one by one before moving onto my neck foot. "Shouldn't have been out there." He chastises but I scoff.
"Neither should you." He looks up at me through his lashes, his jaw tightening a bit and his back straightens.
"I had a duty to protect my people." He says, brows furrowing as I lean towards him, eyes flickering back and forth between his as he gulps.
"I'm your people." My voice is unwavering and so is my gaze as his lips lift up in a small smile, his hands reaching out to take mine.
"That you are." He sighs, reaching up to brush away some of the ash on my cheeks, lingering a bit. "How on earth did you get ash all over you?" He asks with a small smile, standing to round the bed, sitting behind me so he can work on the back of my corset, nimble fingers untying every thread as a shiver runs down my spine.
"I know, I know." I laugh bashfully, not wanting to get into the strides I took trying to find him among the dead. "The ash looks better on you anyways. Makes you look all rugged and handsome." His fingers pause against my back, a small laugh leaving him as I crane my neck to look back at him, feeling relieved at the small, boyish smirk that spreads across his lips.
"Rugged and handsome, huh?"
-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- Taglist: @bubblebuttwade @rafelover2405 @leslienjazzy @sorceresss @grxnde-dwt @alex–awesome–22 @bunnietoof @niyamar1e @serialghost @plantlungs @geniusohn @akaliltimmytim @lilaalouuxx @xshariex @elliotsbeigeguitar @elle4404 @lelieja @srhxpci @joselyn001 @taysirene @spinkspanther @thedivineuphoria @peter-maximoffs @tsukishimawhore @poohkie90 @szlaco @distantsighs @nstyles4299 @wolflover384 @givemefoodandlovesstuff @vane28282 @yeswhatever33 @amirrahfranson @vvaalleennttiinna @f-mu @yaspillz @jeyramarie @skylievin@abbybarnes17 @jointherebellion215 @visiondaddy
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qtubbo · 7 months
poor chay, he doesn't need another serious responsibility. tubbegg was supposed to be a fun thing between him and his godfather, then it got concerning with tubbo's mental health, now he feels he can't take is as a joke anymore.
yeah, the tubegg thing was escapist for Chayanne because he felt like he could be in control and be the protector he felt he needed to be, without serious responsibility. Then he had to watch Tubbo’s steep decline in mental health, in which everyone ignored his pleas to pay attention to, and now feels like it’s his responsibility to take care of Tubbo in this state.
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acourtofthought · 1 year
Since E/riels like to come on to my page and attack me for Anti E/riel posts.... Here's another one!
I wasn’t Tamlin’s mate, as far as I knew. There was no mating bond between us—yet.
"What if the Cauldron was wrong?"
(Two different characters questioning the Cauldron)
I wanted to taste his sweat, wanted to become full of him. “Don’t stop,” I gasped out. “I—” he said thickly, resting his brow between my breasts as he shuddered. “If we keep going, I won’t be able to stop at all.” (<- Tamlin had sex with Feyre even though he knew he'd be sending her back to the Human Lands in the morning in ACOTAR)
This might be the last time I touched him, the last time we could be together. I wouldn’t waste it. / I wanted him—here. / We both knew what tomorrow would bring. (<- Feyre wanted Tamlin one last time before her final trial)
But he could have this. This one moment, and maybe a taste, and that would be it. "
Two pairings just trying to "get it in" while accepting it will probably be the last time
“I don’t give a shit if she’s your mate. I don’t give a shit if you think you’re entitled to her. She is mine—
"Tell me how it's possible that my two brothers are with two of those sisters yet the third was given to another" / "You believe you deserve to be her mate?" "I think Lucien will never be good enough for her"
Two males not having respect for the mating bond, thinking they are entitled to the female instead.
“Outside, inside, on the roof—paint wherever you want. I don’t care,” he said. “But if you need paint and brushes, you’ll also need paper and canvas.”
Azriel and Elain remained in the sitting room, my sister showing him the plans she’d sketched to expand the garden in the back of the town house, using the seeds and tools my family had given her tonight. Whether he cared about such things, I had no idea, but I sent him a silent prayer of thanks for his kindness
Two males showing support for a females hobby.
I’d awoken—tried to speak to him. But he’d shaken off my touch, his skin clammy, and had shifted into that beast / He will always, always seek to protect you, whether you like it or not. / And he will do everything in his power to protect you from that danger again, even if it means keeping secrets, even if it means sticking to rules you don’t like. In this, he will not bend. / That was who he was, what he was: protector, defender. I couldn’t ask him to stop being that way—to stop worrying about me. / “But what about you? Who gets to keep you safe?” His mouth tightened. With his powers returned, he didn’t need anyone to protect him, shield him. Just let her train, let her master this— I heard the first word out of his mouth, barely more than a growl. No.
I wondered if the shadowsinger was usually the first to throw himself into danger. / “I know. I helped rescue Elain, after all.” / “There is an innate darkness to the Dread Trove that Elain should not be exposed to.” / "he knew she had no idea that he had done unspeakable things that sullied his hands far beyond his scars" / He left the rest unspoken.
Two males who are protectors by nature, who hide parts of themselves and don't talk about things, who need the female they are currently interested in to avoid doing anything dangerous.
That wild, small dream could still come to pass: my sisters comfortably married off, and a lifetime with my father, with enough food for us both and enough time to maybe paint a little -> “I’m thinking that I was a lonely, hopeless person, and I might have fallen in love with the first thing that showed me a hint of kindness and safety. And I’m thinking maybe he knew that—maybe not actively, but maybe he wanted to be that person for someone. And maybe that worked for who I was before. Maybe it doesn’t work for who—what I am now.”
Elain would like it, too. Though she’d probably cling to Azriel, just to have some peace and quiet.” -> Elain sat silently at one of the wrought-iron tables, a cup of tea before her. Azriel was sprawled on the chaise longue across the gray stones -> "my sister showing him the plans she’d sketched to expand the garden in the back of the town house, using the seeds and tools my family had given her tonight. Whether he cared about such things, I had no idea, but I sent a silent prayer of thanks for his kindness" -> Elain spoke from the doorway, having appeared so silently that they all twisted toward her, “Using me.” “You do not decide what I can and cannot do, Nesta.” / “I am not a child to be fought over.”
Two females who turned towards certain males when they were at low points in their life because they were desperate for peace and quiet in the middle of chaos. But those same females began to grow and desire more and so far we've seen how one of the males was no longer a match for one of the females and we've gotten possible hints that the same will be true for the other.
Feyre and Tamlin were engaged, they had sex. She thought he might be her mate, thought she loved him and despite finding out Rhys is her Mate, Tamlin still wanted her. He was willing to risk his own life time and again to protect Feyre because he believed he could while needing Feyre to remain in a little bubble of safety, not wanting her to be near anything dangerous. It's not that Tamlin never mattered but it wasn't what was right for Feyre and who she was becoming. He was part of her journey but not the end destination.
Az and Elain?
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phatcatphergus · 7 months
Creation telling chay that primary protector will be back shortly…
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