#not a college au (im not there yet) not a highschool au (im out of there) but a secret third thing
whiskeythefishski · 3 months
hi i am very curious about everyone’s roommate situations in ur college au and honestly just any other cool n random bits of info you have bc im so excited for it lol
i actually finally watched Nerdy Prudes Must Die(its been in my ‘watch later’ playlist on youtube) because of this au!! im personally craving more spommy content in general but im also a sucker for like college/highschool aus bc im currently that age and ig its something i can actually imagine/understand 😁😁
Omg hello! I'm so, SO glad to hear that you're enjoying this story so much! It's easily the most self indulgent thing I've ever written, so the fact that other people are resonating with it means a lot! Also - congrats on finishing NPMD! I loved it so much (if you couldn't tell, haha), I hope you did too! And don't worry - this AU has plenty of Spommy moments coming up! :D
Roommate situations:
Trevor has a roommate, but they aren't a character in the story so I haven't thought about who they are too much. They share a traditional college double. Trevor has the top bunk. He just transferred in for the spring semester, so he hasn't made many friends yet.
Arasha, Angela, and Chanse have a little college apartment with a common room and a shared bathroom. Arasha and Angela share a room and Chanse has his own.
Erin and Heidi share a double.
Spencer and Alex Tran share a double. Tommy and Kiana both have singles in the same hallway/floor as Spencer and Alex.
Kimmy and Jackie live together off-campus. They rent a small 2-bedroom house cheaply from Kimmy's aunt.
All of the seniors in the story - Shayne, Courtney, Damien, Olivia, and Keith - share a college apartment with a common room and a full kitchen. Shayne and Damien share a room, Court and Olivia share a room, and Keith has his own room.
Amanda and Sarah weren't roommates when they were in school, but they were friends and probably had a lot of sleepovers.
And finally, when Ian and Anthony were in school, they were roommates all four years! (oh my god, they were roommates)
Other tidbits:
Before he transferred, Trev did a year at a culinary school. He also went to a high school that offered a culinary program.
Trevor is shown on his phone a lot in this AU because he's texting his friends from his old school. One of them is Josh (as in Mythical Chef Josh), who was childhood friends with Shayne. Josh asked Shayne to look out for Trevor, and Shayne is happy to do so!
Arasha skipped a grade in elementary school, so even though she's a sophomore, she's about Trevor's age.
On the other hand, Spencer and Damien both took a gap year, so they're a little older than their counterparts in the same year.
Chanse, Angela, and Arasha have weekly wine and movie nights, where each of them brings a bottle of wine to try and they pick a show or movie to watch in their PJs.
Kimmy and Jackie have parties fairly frequently, probably about once a month. I think nearly everyone in the cast has probably spent the night there at least once.
Spencer is one of the only ones with a car on campus, so he often finds himself carting his friends to the grocery store, pharmacy, etc. Sometimes he and Tommy go on late night drives when Tommy's feeling overwhelmed.
That's all I've got for now! In the next few chapters there will be POVs from more cast members, so we'll get to see into their heads a little more :) I hope you enjoy! And thank you so much for the ask! :D
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ok so one day i was hangin out and thinking about how jinx and murie are both my favourite little sad wet guys in my two fave medias of all ever *And* at the same time SO far apart on the spectrum personalitywise
and it took me listening to this to flip the switch on the Autism Blender and want to just fucking mash them together like a coked up toddler making Slime out of fish guts and hayao miyazakis mothers ashes because thats what i do thats my job💅👌so theeeen it comes out pretty reminiscent of my first muriel au that also sprung up from a song i like, just- a bit to the left? like, moving along on the scale from The OG not liking violence and being involved in it whatsoever, to AU 1 where i pictured him going "yeah ok fuck it this is what i do i guess" and revengy motives to his whole thing that i now connected with him more thru the song lmao it just made me realize the vision of like. jinxies "murderingmurderinmurdering 💕fun✨" aspect + his potential desire to still do good things despite being doomed to be a machine made for destruction (ignore the fact of that desire being nonexistent in his canon form because of how he perceives himself as a thing unable to achieve performing any good ever under any circumstance) (but still refusing to actively cause harm as he isolates himself to prevent any situations arising that would lead him to do so) (ignore all that) (were yassifying him a little were allowed its fine ive already lost the plot here anyway were wildin) so a vigilanty type beat and also ~my axe is my buddy🥰 we both cry with the trees😔✊ /me & my axe will bring the devil to his knees (✿◕‿◕ )~ goes hard as phUCK
so then all that led to This new V.3 mutation where hed be actually having fun with it........ so I kinda start turning him over in my brain some more, forgetting about jink by now and at first I go Huh this is kinda. him but lucioey a lil bit. and THEN i go hm. Well this ground is awful soft n ready to dig
so with all that out of the way i can now present!: Brand New Vague Shadow of a Concept of an Idea that ill Never Do Anything with
and I really don’t know how to verbalize this very well at all mmjfdh but like. Ok bulletpoints activate
From a badass warrior tribe
Didn’t get booted out cuz theyre fine this time oopsie no genocide
Hes in there way chillin way awesome way good at fighting everybody loves him
Hes like. Way himboey in this one. SO jock. Smiles a lot <3 <3 <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3
Like okay if i was actually serious about writing this I think id need a fucking lucio consultant because I really know zilch about that bitch but like okay you know how lucios kinda all scary n cunty and cunning and fancy and seems like hes got shit figured out. Until he *starts talking*? Muriel here is like that but hes just really fucking scary until he starts talking BUT not like normally where hes adorable just has resting bitch face, its just like. that part of him that came thru in the reversed ending at the very end, yknow. but make it less depressing ihjhsrfbjs hes like full letterman jacket highschool bully core total kurt & ram vibe, like ok youd see him on a battlefield ABsolutely WRECKIng some fools into a pulp with his bare bear hands and immediately after that he turns around like WOOOOOOO THAT’S what im TALKIN ABOUT LETS GO GUYS WHO WANTS A BEER *cut to him chugging an entire keg over his head with da boys around losing their minds* like think college frat but they raid villages for fun and profit. Pretty orc coded. Kinda thor coded. Actually exactly thorcoded wow that really is what I was going for. I was wondering why I couldn’t help imagining him with a australian accent, I guess that’s a mystery solved. anyway
Maybe his parents got killed in some other battle im not sure how to weave around that in detail yet BUT- ok so check this I thought ill have to give him some motive to wanna reach the devil somehow for,,.,,… something right. to make him fill an antagonist role So this might be stupid a lil I just thought of this and it needs to cook for sure but what if he just rolled up into vesuvia as the magic capital or something whtver, to figure out how to get to talk to the devil, cuz he just like, really wants his parents back cuz they got valhallad in some glorious combat, and they were cool and he misses them and they could fight some more cool fights together and pillage n chill jhbsfvjgzdc beCAUsE hear me out im rolling with the swap inversions opposites motive here right, so the thing that popped up in my head was- Lucio had the “I wanna kill my parents bcause I hate them and so I can rule and get what I want” thing goin at the start right, like that is basically what started it off he got his dad he didnt get morgha SO what IF I gave murie a “i wanna conquer this place and use it to get my parents back. cuz I missem :(” like fully turned it around idk IDK IT SEEMS MESSY IDK IS IT CUTE IS IT DUMB IT MAKES ME FEEL DUMB BUT IN THAT WAY THAT MIGHT MEAN THAT ITS ACTUALLY WORKING BUT I DONT KNOW *screaming with no air*
But overall yeah hes khal drogo but more noticeably himboey but not in a likeable way cuz were switching them so I cant make him likeable for myself hnjdgfgb leaning into popular dumb jock trope
UnLESSSS i DID combo it with murdermuriel au 1.0 some more and made their tribe like. Not murdery somehow like what would be the opposite of the og scourge roaming around ruining shit. well that was the og kokhuri but now I gotta do some fucking triple axels here to make it make sense so how the fuck do I make this version of kokhuri more warriory in culture than the original but still nice like robinhoody style jhbfsvhjbs this is falling tf apart might need to scrap it bc on lucios end itd be even harder wouldn’t it. Spartan cunts but they don’t kill people that’s a nono lmao
now im thinking some more about the aspect of lucio being, you know. a pretty shitty leader right, and how to incorporate that here, because i have no idea if im following an actual set rule here regarding whats swapped and how even, theres barely a theme im straight up just
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but yeah so now i figure it could be murie tryna get his folks back because they were the actual defacto leaders of their tribe, he was just kinda still following along and doin his chores in being the uhh the face, the charisma, the one to kinda like. get the people on board easier with whatever decision they made for them and hyping it up as the best possible choice anyone could ever make and maybe even actually believing it too cuz theyre actually that tightknit and he trusts them with anything aw. is this too onedimensional or can i give my boy some good nice facking family relations at least in an alternate life ghhkjkfdh hes their pride n joy and can do no wrong but yeah the point is he himself hasnt actually made any decisions without them before, isnt very good at actually leading and strategizing and planning and knowing how everything complicated works and he knows it, so he sees his only solution in bringing them back to not let everything fall apart
SEE I BROUGHT IT AROUND I CLEANED UP NICE WITH OG LUCIO SETTING OFF FROM THE POINT OF FEELING LIKE HES THE BEST AT EVERYTHING AND SHOULD B RECOGNIZED AS SUCH AND TRYING TO GET RID OF HIS PARENTS TO GET IT AND MY BOY HERE ENDING UP EXACTLY OPPOSITE. GO SHAWTY GO SHAWTY IM SO SMART am i fucking up lulus backstory i feel like i am cuz im like wait what the fuck did he kill his dad for again. demonheart. deal. thing. whatd he wish. like he wasnt already running for count n shit yet he did want to climb up the ladder in his own tribe right i have no idea yell at me in comments thank you
I also don’t know if the first (last) scourge battle wouldve happened or nah
Oh my fucking god what if I figured out an alternative L moniker for murie so theyd get to switch letters in their namesssssssss like lucio is a made up name he made it up so like UAGHASHG L.,,,...,, Lion ofthe,... south NO he HAS to be bEAR CODED AAFYFFHG BUT LUCIO HAD LEOPARD IMAGERY N SHIT RAAHAHHGH IM FITIN FOR MY LIFE HERE
Anyway he lives in a forest somewhere cuz his tribe threw him out fully voluntarily bc he sucks ass (or at least for their standards cuz I guess he would be way younger than 18 here for this) (Like a spartan type deal ur too weak we don’t want you *drops you off a cliff*  *but theres 4 feet of snow under it so he survives*  *that’s so fucking goofy hjbsfbj kinda suits him*) so uhhhhhh i don’t know where hed be currently chilling for an mc to meet him ever but yeah hes kinda Floki Vikings™ type of vibe at least visually that’s what came to mind first to picture him lol
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look at this little blond rat bastard. adorable. becoming increasingly obsessed. picturing lucio with this exact hairline. moving on
and his thing is hes still insecure as fuck but worse at ignoring it and hiding it and hes a lil nervous bundle of sticks and always talking bc of it, kinda Bruno Madrigalesque type vibe julian but a pitch more pathetic who knew it could be done yknow? opposite of The OG The Mountain The Stone Cold Silent The Muriel The Scourge The Kokhuri The Third and also me when writing and not stopped in time
oh oh what if he was totes in denial that his tribe kicked him out and in his view hes on some super intense convoluted secret mission (lasting from. age 7 to now apparently) and as soon as hes done they’ll totally come back for him kdfsgjffd I thought it could either be his own copium or he took it from some last interaction with someone who took pity on him as a kid and wanted to give him some comfort, or something he misunderstood entirely
hm. They both have canid familiars idk what to do with that. muriel with two wolves tho. thats hot shit righ there if i do say so myself
oh now im toying with the idea of taking away muriels SUPPOSED YET UNCONFIRMED AS MY VERY CONTROLLED ACADEMIC STUDY HAS SHOWN COUGHCOUGHJHBSRGJBHF talking to animals buff, i dont wanna just take it and give it to lucio tho, but like. what the fuck else do i give him. astral projecting to tie into his ghost era? sounds dope actually alright lets do that lmao
ok its 1 30 am i hope this is comprehensible to anybody anywhere im zonking out now khbsfhbfk love u
@tetsuooooooooooo I've missed your essays, this was such a treat to log in to!!!
And WOW, thorcoded Muriel is not something I ever would have thought of on my own but oddly enough I feel like the AU you're coming up with could really work, goodness me. And the way you've inverted Lucio's character too!! I'd love to see how their interaction dynamics invert as well!
Always good to hear from you friend, hope you're doing well!
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digitalinsanity111 · 2 years
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Mikasa x f/reader <3
[nsfw!!, switch y/n, ✂️ing🤭]
(aot college AU)
some lore----
You and mikasa were dorm-mates, you and her were both in your freshmen year of college. You'd known her since the start of freshmen year in highschool, so i guess you considered your self lucky to still have her end up sticking around. You won't lie, you've always had a huge crush on her. She had always been so dominant and independent, something about her gaze had always sent you butterflies making your knees feel week.
"Are you going to that party tonight?" you questioned. "Huh?...what party?" mikasa said in response. "The one that Eren and connie are throwing". Mikasa had a confused expression "What? oh well no then. i'd rather just stay here, plus I'm sure eren will just be fucking sluts in the bathroom the whole time". You were only planning to go if she was as well. "Oh alright, then i'll just stay here with you". - "Are you sure? if you really want to go i'll just come with you i guess..". Your face started to feel a bit hot when she said that, you aren't sure why, but maybe it was just the thought that maybe she said it because she wanted to protect you. She had always came with you to the dumb college party's you always wanted to go to, because she knew that when you got high or drunk you couldn't handle your self. "O-oh no! it's ok! i kinda..i kinda want to just stay here anyways." You had finished up the last bits of your work for the semester the day previous, so you had time to blow off.
"..." It was getting too silent, you always hated the awkward silence that would distance between the two of you. "So uh.. well what are you up to now then?" you asked, trying to fill the awkward gap. "Nothing, i'll probably just relax. You should too, i think you've been working hard." Did she really care? it made your heart flutter, it's corny but almost everything she did managed to fluster you in some way. "oh yeah uh..maybe we could like watch Netflix or something." This was your chance to spend time with her alone, it felt like forever since the two of you had actually gotten to be alone together since both of you were always busy with completing work for the semester. Mikasa looked to the side, wearing that almost expressionless face as usual "Sure." You got on the bed where Mikasa was sitting. Before getting under the covers, you grabbed the LED remote and flipped it to red, it was the only color that was actually relaxing for you. It was dark, but still light enough that you could make out all of her beautiful features. Mikasa switched through the selections and genres of shows and movies to watch until she gave up and found something random to put on. You situated your self, scooting a bit closer to her. Your arm basically kissing hers. "i miss nights like these." you said trying to start a meaningful conversation. "..me too." she shot in reply. "i wish that we could do this all the time, I've really missed you lately. it feels like we never get to be alone with eachother anymore." Mikasa's face flushed a light shade of pink, but the red glow of the lights made it impossible for you to see. It was starting to get too quiet again. "so.. i-" mikasa cut you off, pulling you into her embrace. It was so quick, yet she was still so gentle with you. you gave into her warmth and returned her affection. "M-mikasa?..." you blurted out her name, if she could see how red your face was right now you'd definitely be embarrassed. She lightly finger brushed the pieces of your hair, still remaining silent. Mikasa pulled away "..im sorry, i don't know what that was, i just felt like i wanted to do it." Your eyes bored into hers. Without even thinking, your lips found their way to her soft ones. Mikasa froze still for a second before pulling away slightly, then pushing her lips against yours, mouths interlocking. You swear it felt like butterflies were dancing in your stomach, it felt so right. Her tongue meeting with yours as you held one hand to her cheek. A string of shared saliva connected from both of your lips when you finally pulled away for a breath. Panting slightly, Mikasa pushed you over onto the bed. "M-mikasa...i..." you didn't know what to say, your head felt empty as you tried to process if this was actually happening right now. Before you could speak another word, she pressed her body against yours, her knee digging up into your sensitive heat. she trailed kisses along the side of your jawline, to your neck and collar bone, gently pushing up your shirt to continue the process. She resumed to pressing more gentle kisses down your stomach,your abdomen tensed up. She continued kissing down, stopping at the waist band of your sweat pants. You stopped breathing for what felt like a minute, trying to hold back your voice from escaping. "..Can i continue?" she waited patiently for your reply. Was this real? was this really about to happen? questions filled your head, cutting them off you responded "yes...i want you to..". Mikasa swiftly and slowly pulled down the soft fabric, her face flushing a deeper shade of pink when she saw the wet spot on your grey panties. She pressed her thumb into the spot simply out of curiosity of your reaction. "H-ha m-mikasa..feels good.." she released the pressure and came back up to eye level. "Can i..c-can i remove your shirt?" You flushed, "yeah..that's ok with me" You had never heard her voice like that before, the tone of her words sounded so desperate. Mikasa reached her hands up your shirt rubbing upward your stomach, cueing for you to lift your arms.
You complied, raising your arms as she slid the shirt off of you. Your ears burned hot, you could feel her eyes hungrily examining your uncovered body. She traced her hands down your bra to your ribcage, hands stopping at the sides of your waist. She kneeled down, lowering herself to lick at your upper stomach. You winced at the sensation of her saliva meeting your bare skin. She pressed sensual kisses down your body, stopping right between your thighs. The wet spot noticeably larger than before, she wrapped her arms around your plush thighs, thumbs rubbing circles into the soft warm flesh. "i...i want it mikasa .. please~" The way you spoke made her whole body shiver inside even if she didn't physically show it. She kissed your heat, humming lightly enough for you to feel the vibrations against you. "a-ah!" you cried, from the unexperienced feeling. Mikasa licked over the thin cloth of your cotton panties, it was warm. The heat from her breath making the feeling amplify. You were definitely reaching your limit, or so you thought. Mikasa stopped, "huh w-why'd you stop?" you whined. She lifted up, "would you help me?.." she lifted her arms. Dazedly, you sat up to assist her in taking off her shirt. You trailed your hands up her shirt, feeling over the warm supple surface of her skin before removing it fully. She took off her shorts, leaving the both of you in your undergarments. Both Leaning in closer on your knees, your lips intertwined, breathless pants of desperation leaving your mouth as you yearned for more of her touch. Her leg slipping in between yours as she yet again pushed you onto your back. This time it was more lustful, she interlocked her hands with yours, keeping them from moving. Under her you felt small, she was so possessive, it made you feel safe. Kissing, then sucking into your neck leaving marks. you moaned yearningly, you wanted more of her, it felt selfish but you wanted all of her. She lifted one of your legs over her shoulder, pressing her heat into yours. The sensation of both of your sensitive bits touching together was enough to drive you up the wall. You let out a lustful sigh from how long you had been holding your breath. Your breathing hitched when she stared to slowly move herself against you. You could feel her arousal seeping through the fabric of her panties onto yours. It was hot. Mikasa let her voice out "ahah~ fuck!" Your hips rolled against her, rubbing into her most sensitive areas. Head empty, you couldn't even manage to process a thought, the feeling was overwhelming. She continued thrusting her body into yours, your panties were definitely soaked with both the fluids from you and hers. The sensation was warm and made you feel fuzzy. The feeling burned a hole into your mind as you reached for her hand. "P-please~ *huff* hold my hand" and she did. You involuntary shivered at the feeling, uncontrollably thrusting against her warmth. It felt good, you couldn't put it into words. Her legs trembled as she felt her climax building a knot in her stomach. You felt like you would die if you didn't get a release, you squeezed her hand tightly as you both matched paces. Each Reaching your climax, you cried out, using the other hand to muffle your lewd noises "mmffh~". Mikasa rode out her high with you, softly thrusting hips against one another. It still felt good, the vulgar noises coming from where your bodies connected were so enticing . She panted, loosing her grip on your thigh. Mikasa placed your leg down before leaning down to press a kiss to your lips. Your fucked out expression was one that she would never forget. She laid next to you tiredly, gripping gently at your waist and burying her head into the crevice of your neck, pressing soft pecks to your neck. Falling asleep like this was now your favorite way to spend your days off.
Ty for reading!! i hope you enjoyed and lmk what i can better 😩🙏 i rlly enjoyed writing this one tho bc AHHH I LOVE HER SM😭
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astrosye · 1 year
How about some bullets for a Traveller!reader who gets along spectacularly with Itto? Absolute chums. Paimon is not pleased with Bull Chuckers ability to lower the collective intelligence of the room.
➻ astrosye
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a/n⇶ I love this request so much omg I'M GONAN HAVE FUN WITH THIS 😈😈 also im alive now😘 changing my theme in a bit, be patient 4 me babes🤍 GIVE ME SOME CRITICISM SINCE IT'S BEEN A WHILE SINCE I WROTE😞😞
cws/tws ⇶ platonic, swearing here and there😋 kind of a crackfic?? Both modern au and regular teyvat ykyk!! Just a lot of chaos
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⌗ scene I — modern AU (college or highschool students)
♡ now, this could go both ways: If you have a personality that contrasts Itto's, he would be a great ally and protector to you- but if you had one that matches him more,, the both of you are skipping school, driving motorcycles, and possibly getting dumber each second. Though,, if you do have a more quiet, and reserved personality- far from Itto's- it could still lead to the same result as the other one! Maybe..
♡ anyway- with both results, Paimon is very much displeased from you and Itto's relationship. PAIMON SAYS STOP HANGING OUT WITH ITTO AND HANG OUT WITH HER INSTEAD, HE'S MAKING YOU DUMBER!!! <— the exact words paimon said.
♡ both you and Itto get a lot of tutoring from the person whom has the highest grade in your class — Kokomi Sangonomiya. With you being around Itto- he practically just affected you with his dumbass-ness! You have no choice but to get a tutor..
♡ but if you managed to resist the dumbass-ity, you tutor him instead! Just a warning, he's annoying as fuck, but you already know that.
♡ anyway- with you tutoring Itto,, it seems he finally got that one math question correctly! (The math question was literally 4th grade math..)
♡ but studying under the wing of Kokomi.. Itto will act like a total smartass even though he's the exact opposite😭 He's more knowledgeable about the subjects, yes, but does that mean he's not an idiot anymore? NO.
♡ but even if he's still got pretty low grades.. you have to admit, you're proud of him for improving!
♡ ^and he WANTS you to show him that you are.
"[name]! I passed my science test! Aren't ya proud of me?"
he boasted about his paper with a winning smile -- despite him having a score of 37/60, you can't help but smile as well.
"Right, right! You're amazing!--"
⌗ scene II — modern au
♡ there are times the both of you are separated; as horrible as it is, this is a big school, you can't help it!
♡ so as soon as the both of you learnt that the both of you were in different sections.. you were all bawling your eyes out!
♡ ^cue paimon dragging the both of you away
♡ but apart from that, the both of you always meet up at the cafeteria to do whatever it is that you both please!
the straw was stuck in itto's nostrils - as disgusting yet hilarious that it was - a pathetic attempt that made you laugh.
"pfft — bwahaha!"
the loud laughter echoed throughout the room, as itto gave you a wide grin,
"you're an absolute idiot, itto.."
༶•┈┈⛧┈♛ ♡ ♛┈⛧┈┈•༶
⌗ scene I — teyvat
♡ the oh-so popular traveler, walking around inazuma in search for another adventure — they'd eventually find that adventure as they come across a small village, seemingly terrified for their lives.
"t-the monster.."
♡ the villagers would mutter, a feared look flashing across their eyes.
♡ when you ask what happened, they'd stumble to find words- muttering as you make out the words, "white-haired.. oni.." leaving you and paimon to wonder, what oni?
♡ deciding to ask more about the situation, the villagers had finally said it in a full sentence, 'a red-horned monster that dwells among the village, allergic to beans, and with a strong, muscular build.'
♡ an elderly man asked if you would be kind enough to find and get rid of the monster, and being the kind traveler you are: you accept.
♡ venturing off to find the oni, you and paimon camp nearby the village to try and find the monster.
♡ what you didn't know, was that the so called monster was just some silly guy that screamed at the sight of you holding red beans.. and that your personalities would just click..!
♡ paimon was quite displeased — we were supposed to fight him, not gossip with him!
"traveler!!— weren't we supposed to throw the stupid bean things at him and tell him to leave the village?!"
"oh- right, yeah.. just lemme finish talking to him, then we'll fight!"
♡ upon your ignorance, paimon tugged at your sleeve, "c'mon!!"
♡ it had seemed that you had forgotten your quest, and managed to befriend the monster..
⌗ scene II — teyvat
♡ upon realizing your mistake of chatting for too long, paimon sighed in relief - 'finally..' she'd mutter under her breath, as you now explain to itto about the situation,
♡ he took it well!
"ah- right, yeah— sorry about that!.."
♡ he understood the situation, but you eventually introduced him to the villagers not as some kind of monster- but like a normal person!
♡ it was clear he was grateful that you didn't treat him like the others did, which only heightened your bond!
♡ after that, the both of you we're just absolute buds, two peas in a pod! (or three if you include paimon)
♡ the both of you would so often join each other on these little ventures into the forest, searching for onikubato bugs for your next fights -- always flexing on how "mines bigger!" "no, mine is!" like little children bragging about their toys.
♡ oftentimes, the both of you get into little dog-fights as a joke, whether it's about some puzzle the both of you had bought, or whatever!
♡ but other than that, the both of you really just chill in each other's presence.
the both of you laid on a rock, arms behind your head as you leaned into the grass. the both of you laid besides each other in peace, silent chatters exchanged among you two as you both gazed at the sky above,
"remember the first time we met?"
the both of you talked about whatever, whenever.
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another a/n ⇶ grabe.. it's been so long since i wrote HAHAH!! i so missed writing oml.. i had SEVERE writers block, man, it's so good that i can write again even if it's not as good as before😭😭 CURRENTLY WORKING ON OTHER REQS I GOT DURING MY HIATUS WHAUAHAH slow process but it's going pretty good so far😼😼
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sorin-in-the-stars · 2 years
Lunch After Class... (pt.3)
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Lunch Before Class
Scaramouche x GN! Reader
Contents: Modern AU, Highschool/College AU, Fluff
Summary : Scaramouche practically invited himself over to your house. And you make dinner for him. It seems rather domestic.
Wc : 1.2k
Requested? Yes and no
Pt. 1 Pt. 2
People asked for a part three...though I had planned for a part three anyways 😭
I have nothing planned for a part four, but if you guys want another one I will deliver!
Also, i wrote this entire thing on my phone as apposed to my computer so. if there are any mistskes, im sorry! i dont proof read much of my work 😭
"So..Have you decided what to make for dinner?" Scaramouche asked, sitting at the kitchen table as you looked throughout the kitchen.
"Not yet. Got any ideas?" You kept opening and closing cabinets and the fridge, not noticing the dark haired male staring at you with a certain…look in his eyes.
"I told you earlier, it doesn't matter. Make what you want." He sighed. Scaramouche lifted his arm up to the table and leaned his head on his hand, keeping his eyes trained on you.
You huffed and gave it some thought. "How about some Yakisoba? Or spicy curry?" You pulled out a pan and a pot, prepping to make either meal.
"Yakisoba sounds nice." His family never had dinners together seeing as his mothers were always busy with work. He had to buy takeout often. It was nice to be able to have a home cooked meal.
"Great! I'll get to cooking then!" You clapped your hands together as you turned to him. Eyes closed and smile wide. He could get used to this.
You set down the two plates of your guys' food. Sitting down you smiled over to your companion. "This smells really good. Let's eat!"
"Thank you.." He spoke softly, starting to dig into his food with a smile. He took several bites of his food. He seemed a bit different in the moment. Soft if anything.
"You like it?" You asked nervously, eating your own food. He has eaten your cooking before- but that did little to nothing to ease your anxieties.
To your relief, he nodded. Not saying a word Scaramouche kept eating his food, thinking to himself about how he wishes it was like this more often. Eating a home cooked meal with someone that is.
You smiled at that, continuing to eat your own in the comfortable silence.
Scaramouche had offered to clean up. So now you were sitting at the table as he did the dishes you two dirtied. He was so adamant at doing this for you- mentioning it was all he could do to repay you for your cooking. It was out of character for him to do something of this sort. The reasoning for this was unknown to you.
Truth be told, Scaramouche wanted to prolong the time he spent with you that day. It seemed to him the only time you spent together was during lunch and the so-called 'date' you two had earlier. Was the date still going on?
"You're like a little house husband, cleaning up after we ate." You sat there in a similar position to what Scaramouche was sitting in earlier.
"A house husba- What are you talking about? I'm repaying you!" He stopped washing the plate he held. He turned to look at you with a surprised look. A house husband? Were you insinuating that you two would make a good couple? That was impossible!
"Yeah! You look like you enjoy cleaning!" You laugh out. You wouldn't admit it, but you do often see him and you as…you weren’t going to finish that thought.
"How absurd. Like I said, I am just repaying you." He huffed, and went back to cleaning the dishes. He stood there facing away, ears a soft red, and dishes being cleaned a lot slower. He kept to his own thoughts for a few moments, wondering why it is that he did want to come over for dinner. Why he didn't mind having this type of..nearly domestic relationship with you. Why did he got so flustered at the idea of going to Mcdonalds and skipping class as a date? It wasn't a real date anyways…was it?
"Keep saying that, my little house husband." You teased him. You could not get the idea of him being here more often than not out of your head! It was a silly idea, yes. But…you found yourself entertaining the idea. What exactly was this?
"..." Scaramouche didn't reply. He kept quiet, face becoming red as his ears were.
For the time after, it was quiet. And thus, time had passed. It seemed it was time for Scaramouche to leave.
"Scara, you want to watch a movie?" You asked, plopping yourself down on the couch. You didn't want him to leave yet, nor did he. Who was to speak up about it first though?
Scaramouche nodded, sitting down as well. He got more nervous as time went on, still being incredibly confused about his own feelings. Was he supposed to feel these emotions?
You scrolled through the movie options, debating what to put on. Then he spoke up- to suggest a movie. "How to Train Your Dragon?" He asked, pointing to one of the children's movies. Who were you to deny such a great movie? And so you put it on.
You leaned against the arm of the couch, throwing your legs over Scaramouches lap. You folded your arms under your head, positioned in a way you could still see the tv. "Hm, does this make it a movie date as well? Mcdonalds, the park, dinner, and now a movie. What an ideal date. Don't you think Scara?"
He didn't think about that. "Were you serious about the Mcdonalds date?" He thought too much about it, and had finally worked up the little courage he had to ask the question.
In return, you shrugged. You hadn't given it much thought before, having only stated it was a date to tease him. "If you wanted it to be. That would make this a date too." You looked at him, giving him a smile. You lifted yourself up, and closer to him.
You reached your hand out to him, and cupped his face. "So. Is this a date my little house husband?" You liked that nickname, it seemed to make him flustered.
He sat there, wide eyed and a tad flustered once more. He didn't know if he wanted this to he a date or not. "It doesn’t matter. You pick." He barely was able to say those words, being too embarrassed to speak. Did he want it to he a date?
"It's a date then." You say, twisting your body around so your legs are no longer on him and rather you're nearly sitting on him, though really it was just your thighs. "C'mere, people cuddle on movie dates." You state as if it was a fact.
Scaramouche could feel his heart race, face still as red. He felt stiff as he moved. He didn't know where to put his hands- arms or anything! Why would anyone want to be this close to another?
To this, you laugh. You pull him forward and on top of yourself. "Scara, you're cute when you're flustered." You wrap your arms around his head, forcing him to lean into your neck. Gently you hold him there, pressing a soft kiss onto his head.
"...Shut it." He whispered. He finally melted into your embrace. Scaramouche wrapped his arms around your torso, and smiled to himself. He wouldn't speak this out loud but he enjoyed it. The cuddling that is.
As the movie played in the background, you felt yourself get tired. Your eyes got heavy as you were close to falling asleep. In your sleep deprived state, you spoke. "You should..be my boyfriend Scara.."
He hummed in acknowledgement, and nodded back. His heart was still racing, he hoped you couldn't hear it. He doubted you could. "We can..talk in the morning." He did not want you forgetting that you asked him to officially date in the morning. He will never let you get over this.
He could feel his heart slow as he slowly fell asleep on top of you, in your arms.
Yeah. He could get used to this.
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LWFKWKKD GOD HI okay i literally made this up 20 minutes ago so i don't have a lot worked out yet BUT
They're adults still bc im not super into writing highschool aus lol
Maybe college students? That could work.
Angel is obviously Adrian/Chat. A famous model, working for the Vees. Just instead of the "shitty dad" plot we have the "shitty abusive boss" plot instead!
Yes Val is Hawkmoth *who else*
LISTEN ACTUALLY Charlie as Marinette/Ladybug works SO WELL.
Love the idea that everyone is convinced their superhero identities are in love, and these two are just "ew. No." LMFAO
But also, lowkey love them not liking eo too much as civilians, but becoming EXTREMELY close in their hero identities. Best of friends, trust you with my life etc. They eventually become friends as civilians too- it just takes a while.
I can't decide if i should change the identities at all. Bc ladybug actually suits Charlie really well but do i keep Angel as Chat Noir, or shift his herosona to be a spider instead?
Hm. Much to think.
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nonchalantatall · 2 years
In my future au fic, I said Emu took 7 years to finish her higher ed which is... a lot for someone with the power of nepotism on her side. She could've just started working at pxl right out highschool and be fine since even as a 16 year old she already takes phoenix wonderland business so seriously. The fic is 10 years in the future so she's 26 and is only just finishing her MA because after graduating highschool, she didn't know what to do with Tsukasa and Rui on the verge of moving on and Nene having a strong drive to leave for her dream. She thought she'd go to college while nenekasa went to acting school so she could still have something to relate to them but uhhh she wound up hating it without having a clear idea for her future. She changed programs so many times until she forced herself to settle for arts management since it was what she should probably do for the sake of pheniland even if it meant giving up performing shows herself. She finished undergrad in 5 1/2 years, then realized she didn't want to work as an adult yet so she put off working full time while she got a masters and at some point Rui had to sit her down and be like, "love what are you doing to yourself you don't seem like you're having a good time" and she responded like she didn't have any other options since nenekasa had already left at that point and GGAAHAHHHH
Her reasoning she told others for putting herself through so much school was that if she wanted to work at pheniland and her family was going to make her an executive anyway, she wanted to feel like she earned her place and be worthy of having that position rather than just floating by on nepotism. When actually she also wanted to keep putting off the future, because if she stayed a student forever, she could convince herself that things never really changed.
The good end that takes place after my fic is that Rui gets an offer directing for the orb or something and while nenekasa are at a low, they decide to come home so they can see his show, while they're home, they do a guest performance at the pheonix stage with Emu, get scouted, and move back to work for international theaters in shibuya to get more professional experience before trying broadway or west end again because they realized that diving into the deep end was harder for them than they were prepared for, and doing a show with Rui and Emu again was the most fun they've had in like 4 years.
But im too lazy to make that into an actual fic so
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currently percolating an au idea in my brainicles, though i doubt I'm gonna do anything with it any time soon bc im a busy bitch lmao
the basic idea is persona 5 swap au, but instead of akechi/joker swap it's akechi/futaba swap. more details under the cut (also big huge thanks to my bud @lunagalemaster for enabling me <3)
so this actually spawned bc i have milgram project brainrot rn, and while listening to mu's first audio drama some things about persona 5 clicked. luna mentioned that wakaba being so caring towards futaba despite her being born out of wedlock is actually not the norm, and it's some pretty important cultural context we missed.
naturally, i made a joke that the real akechi foil was the futabas we found along the way...but actually it could work!
in this version, everything up to medjed is the same wrt palaces and such, but shadow madarame doesn't mention the black mask bc black mask doesn't exist. more on that later.
instead, he mentions a hacker that's been exposing and/or threatening people, doxxing them, etc. you guessed it, it's futaba.
she doesn't have leblanc bugged bc she doesn't live with sojiro, she lives with either her (less shitty) relatives or a random foster family, so she doesn't actually know who the pts are.....yet. mishima better hope his website security is beefy as hell, im just saying.
her whole plan is to dig up as much dirt on shido and the conspiracy as she can, then go to him in person, slap the information down on his desk, inform him she's his daughter and that she knows he killed her mom, and then basically blast all that shit all over twitter. she also has a deadman switch set up so that even if he kills her, the info still goes out.
of course, shido knows about her already, because genius or not she's still 15. he just doesn't care bc he thinks he's untouchable.
akechi, on the other hand, is sojiro's ward. he's not a shut-in due to anxiety, but more in a sense of "what's the point?"
he takes online courses, either highschool or college depending on if i wanna accelerate him a bit, so he doesn't see the point in leaving really. it's not like there's anything interesting outside, so why bother?
if you've ever seen either the mekakucity actors anime or the mv for lost time memory from kagerou project, you probably know exactly who im basing him on.
anyway he does have a palace, it's a void of foggy swamp with ruins scattered around, like futabas endless desert in canon. a charon-like figure drifts around the swamp in a little raft, and surprise! that's shadow akechi.
he's only got the one persona since he has no detective prince mask, and that's loki, though ill probably fuck around a bit personality wise. who knows, maybe his persona actually is charon lmao
luna said it adds a new dimension to the black mask/crow persona and i fully agree: depressed, directionless, passively suicidal akechi's first real full force emotion in YEARS? anger. like how futabas was determination and righteous justice, his is anger and spite at how society managed to convince him to drift through the life he fought so hard to have.
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feralwaff1e · 2 years
So before I start anymore kind of world building. I want to properly introduce you all to Ezra my PMATGA OC, who, in this AU is Betrayus’s fiance. The picture of ghost Ezra and Betrayus were done by the lovely and talented @toad-in-a-trenchcoat before I had decided to scrap the design and redesign Betrayus.
Ezra isn't really a man of confrontation, although he will fight if provoked. He first met Betrayus back when Betrayus was a freshman and he was a sophomore. There is a one year age difference, Ezra being older then Betrayus.
In highschool they really couldn’t be called anything but acquaintances. Usually only seeing each other in the halls. It wasn’t really until after the pac pong tournament where Spheria beat Betrayus did anything happen. I like to think at this time Ezra being a Senior and Betrayus a junior. Ezra had always found Betrayus attractive, he wouldn’t lie, although he could never find it in himself to approach.
It wasn't until Ezra found him crying behind the school did Ezra approached him, and much to Ezra's surprise, when he sat down Betrayus didn’t move away. This was the start of their tentative, yet, surprising relationship.It’s during this time they were just friends, doingstupid crap, regular teen shit. It wasn’t until college did something happen. One drunken kiss from Betrayus and Ezra was fully hooked, keep in mind Ezra’s crush had been full blown at this point. It isn't until Betrayus sobers up do they talk about an actual relationship.
Surprisingly Betrayus found that he liked being in a relationship with Ezra. At first he had thought maybe he had ruined a good friendship. Although he didn't, he had gained a wonderful boyfriend
I like to think at this time, Betrayus had closed himself off from his family. Very rarely did he talk to his mother or brother, even though he was living there while in college. I think the only reason it was tolerated was because he still did work around the house.
So one fateful night, Startos had invited Spheria and her sister to an underground concert. After all, it would be fine right? Well, Ezra was in one of these bands, and Betrayus was in the crowd unbeknownst to his brother. It was when Ezra sung Mary On a Cross did Stratos know Betrayus was there, because the spotlight hit Betrayus in the last chorus.
Honestly it was an unofficial proposal, and that's his brother storta found out his brother had a boyfriend(Fiance?) he didn’t know. This.. This lead the whole house to have a fight and Betrayus stormin out. This was the catalyst where Betrayus joined the pacworld military. Ezra supported him, moved closer to the school and even transferred to a college near there to study psychology. He graduated right before the pac war broke out, I'm not sure what the war was about in this story, i'm still trying to figure this. Either way, I want to say it was for something, im not sure. What I do know is Ezra had helped Betrayus mentally at this time. It’s because of that he hadn’t gone fully deranged.
This is all I have! If ya’ll have any questions, feel free to ask.
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feralmoonlight · 2 years
I'm having early morning feelings about building this pirate au as well as an almost normal au.
For pirates y/n would end up as a stowaway, possibly accidentally, and start with a not so warm welcome with the usual M/O being to just toss you overboard and wish you luck getting back to shore. Though two things, you're amusing enough to moon and the night crew that they hesitate (also they haven't actually managed to catch you yet, a slippery little shit and moon would lie I'd he said he wasn't having some fun tailing you through the rigging and across the deck) AND the fact that unlike finding you nearish to port still, they've gone a few dozen miles out to sea and a sorta fair bet you could swim back to dry land has turned into a watery death sentence. GRANTED Moon and Sun aren't above doing a murder, cutting someone down In battle is a little different than chucking someone possibly useful and not hostile over the railing. They do have a brig and another set of hands can be helpful. If you're gonna live to see the next port you're gonna work for your cruise vacation. Even harder if you wanna make the whole trip until they bring you back to your home. Though by the end of it would you really wanna go back?
Other AU is sorta more normal but more... Um... Well I'm being mean to the boy(s) and letting their protocol keep them trapped in an abandoned daycare for... X years. In a world where Fazbear Entertainment doesn't just have the pizzaplex but has smaller locations, some being just the restaurant and arcade, some being just a daycare, etc. Though the one in your small town, one you used to attend as one of it's little superstars, got shut down right as you were outgrowing it. Now you're (ambiguous age somewhere either late highschool or early college) and the building still stands, sort of, but rumors have been popping up of something still there. The hobos avoid it, the kids avoid it(still having most of its outdoor equipment set up) and the big Corp that own the land hasnt bothered to demolish the place, as condemned as it looks. There's a wall near the front that's threatening to topple and another window that looks like maybe a car ran through it once upon a time, but there's minimal graffiti, and honestly if you didn't know it had been dead for ages one would think it was this more recent damage that shut the place down. What's all this mean? What the heck,let's go check it out. Urban exploration is kinda cool,yeah? And you're pretty sure you remember most of the layout still last time you were there you were like 11 or 12 or something so your memory can't be that bad.... Oh. Uhm. Turns out the building wasn't the only thing left behind. Enjoy a totally feral/unhinged DCA where neither side of the coin is really safe to be around! Levels of unsafeness tbd~ gonna be a slow burn befriending with lots of ohshit moments!
Feel free to drop me asks about these any time! Im still throwing ideas for it around and organizing so actual writing may not happen for a bit but I'm excited to talk about them~
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bokebelle · 3 years
Bertholdt with his crush (feat. reiner, annie, ymir, and historia and wingmen/people)
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request: can you please please PLEASE do some headcanons where its a modern highschool!au and nerd!bertholdt has a crush on the reader while annie reiner and ymir (sometimes historia) put bertholdt in situations where hes by you or has to talk to you? thank you!!
a/n: im so sorry i posted this so late! uni has been kicking me in the ass. I also just made it a more modern college au bc idk how flirting works in high school. jsdfkjdsk this is also unedited 
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the moment rei, annie, Ymir, and hisu (ymir snitched) found out bert liked you, bert wanted to dig a hole and die in it on the spot
to be fair, reiner would probably be really subtle about trying to get you to together
reiner would probably invite you along whenever he and bert would do stuff
“hey [y/n]! You wanna study with us? Bert and I are off to the library right now”
he’d talk about things he knows you and bert like so you two can have more to talk about
he would also strategically sit away from bert so you could sit beside him 
He’d also leave to get “snacks” during your breaks so you and bert could be alone and talk
his mf got too excited and forgets to actually buy snacks because he was too busy watching from behind a bookshelf and sending pictures to a  group chat he made with annie, yimir, and historia without bert
took much longer because he actually had to go buy snacks
ymir would be a little less subtle but it can be easily be confused as her just teasing you guys
She’d insist you all study together in her and historia's apartment during finals so you guys could study longer
when you try and find a seat, she will NOT hesitate to shoo you away until you end up sitting beside bert 
“sorry babe, that seat is for historia” “ymir, she isn’t in the room yet” “i knw but I want her beside me. there’s an open seat beside bert, go sit with him”
historia would also be just as lowkey about it as reiner
she would ask you to help her in the kitchen and would make you bring like 6 bags and plates of snacks and drinks while she only brings a bag of chips ymir and a bottle of water for her 💀
she would also redirect any question you had towards bert because she “doesn’t know the answer, that’s why ymir has to help” she and ymir just spent half the time cuddling instead of studying
“hey bert, I think [y/n] is struggling with the snacks. mind lending a hand?”
when you handed him a few bags of chips, your hands touched and this baby turned so red you thought he was having a heat stroke or smn
ngl he froze for a seconds before helping you
they’re all pretty impressed with how bert managed to keep his cool during the entire night
lmao he’ll never admit it but he was too busy noticing how you’d move a little bit towards him whenever you had a question and the face you’d make when you were concentrating
it was getting late and you had exam in the afternoon, so you decided to go home. since you live pretty near ymir and historia’s place you decide to walk home
“hey [y/n] i can walk with you. it’s pretty late and it’s not safe to walk alone.” “are you sure?” “yeah I live pretty near you anyway, it’s no problem” 
and here we have the silent, but deadly one
the one who would not hesitate to throw bert under the bus if it was for his own good
since you and bert were just walking, you guys decided to head out first
everyone said their goodbyes just as bert is about to close the door, he hears annie go “hey bert since you had the balls to walk them home, maybe you finally have the balls to ask them out”
bert slammed that door SO HARD everyone thought he broke the door
he’s praying to every god in every religion he knows that you did NOT hear annie
but you just...talk to him like and he’s relieved and makes a mental note to look for new friends
you ask him questions about his major and he gets so passionate about why he loves his major and his plans after school
you both don’t notice you’re already as your place
“well, good luck with your exam tomorrow [y/n]!” “hey bert I have one more question!” “sure what is it?” “are ever going to ask me out?”
if you watched avatar: the last airbender, this mf went into the avatar state 💀
“okay well, um, do you wanna maybe go on a date with me after the exams?”
“u-um do you want me to? I mean you don’t have to and I didn’t think you heard annie and honestly it’s not a big deal and you’re probably gonna say no and tha-”
“bert you’ll never know if you don’t ask me.” you smile at him, biting your lip to hold back your giggles as the taller boy got redder with every word that left his mouth
“i’d absolutely love to”
lets just say, those were some of the best scores bert got in a while
unblocked it when annie told him you guys never would have dated if she didn’t say anything
his favorite date is when you study together because he gets to spend time with you while also helping you study <3 
Bert blocked annie’s number for a few days
ymir says she didn’t care if you guys started dating or not
reiner got disappointed that it was annie who got you guys together, not him but called it a team effort anyway
historia swears ymir had the biggest smile when you guys showed up holding hands after your first date
ymir never denies this but gets super grumbly about it
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kenmei · 3 years
♡ gn!reader x kita shinsuke
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cw: angst, some fluff here n there, break ups, moving on, slice of life, highschool luvrs, college!au
synopsis: self love = the best love
wc: 750+
notes from mei!
this was so hard to write but im so happy with how it turned out
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it’s weird, you think, not having anyone by my side.
your head turns to the empty space beside you. the wind ruffles your hair and your mind can’t help but create an imaginary him—an imaginary someone, just so you could maybe feel less alone. your chest hurts and a part of you wishes you never gave into love.
because love is strange phenomenon and when it gets you, there’s no backing out.
it’s blinding, love. 
it had you running circles, but in those moments, it felt like you had the entire world in your hands.
you think back on it and almost laugh; you feel naïve, heart empty yet full all at the same time. you wonder if there could’ve been something more between you and him, if even there was the smallest chance, you both could live a proper life together.
if maybe, he’d let you have another chance at loving him.
because after all, you wonder why you couldn’t make him stay.
you’d say you’re both good people, kita a little more empathetic. but either way, he’s a good person and so are you.
so why aren’t you both being good people together? or more accurately, why can’t you?
you already know you’ll forget him completely soon enough; the small details of his face and his voice that would lull you to sleep—you’re already forgetting them all.
it’s been two years, after all.
you wonder if he’s happier now; if maybe, he’s found the one that could hold him together when he himself couldn’t. maybe, he’s found the one that makes him laugh harder than you ever did.
maybe, you think, chest tightening painfully, he found the one who he lets himself be vulnerable in front of.
and you can’t help but laugh at yourself when the feeling of jealousy seeps into your veins. 
the waves crash onto the shore and you realize you may never forget him completely.
after all, it’s been two years and you’re still hoping you’d see him at the train station, the grocery store, the car beside yours during a red light—anywhere. you reminisce on your high school days more than you should, wondering why you could never be his first choice.
you were there, by his side, before volleyball; before inarizaki. you were there when he tried learning how to ride a bike at six, only to watch him crash into the sidewalk and scrape both of his knees and left elbow.
you were the one so close to his family that his mother had no problem scolding you, too. 
you were the one who encouraged him to keep pursuing volleyball even when it was getting tough for him—his pillar, you were, but even then, he always kept you at a distance.
it was almost unnoticeable, but you knew when his hand would always retract whenever your fingers brushed against his in public, his hand on your shoulder when you’ve gotten a little too close... that even if you held the title as his significant other, he still would always keep you at a distance.
you made a fuss about it only once, but a part of you wonders if you made a fuss for every time he did, maybe you could’ve smashed down the iron walls surrounding his heart; maybe you could actually call him yours without feeling so unsure.
the waves crash onto the shore and you realize that god, you have way too many regrets.
“come here.” shinsuke says, extending his arm out to you. you fall into his rare embrace and sigh shakily, grasping the front of his shirt like he’d disappear if you didn’t.
“i’m sorry.” he says, turning to the waves that crashed onto the shore, cold autumn breeze nipping his face. “i wanted to take you here because you like the beach. i thought it’d make you happy.”
you shake your head, voice muffled by his clothes. “i am. i’m happy.”
and you miss his smile, but the feeling of his hand caressing your head makes it somewhat worth it.
“i’m glad.”
as sad and lonely as your teenage romance felt, you know you’d want that over any other teenage romance. all because it was him, you loved.
and you make fun of yourself for still feeling butthurt because he didn’t choose you, but you know you could’ve tried a little harder because it wasn’t completely all his fault.
you push yourself off the railings, the breeze a little stronger than before and smile, because one day, you’ll forget him completely and find a new love.
a love where you feel full instead of empty; a love that you’ll understand, and a love that you can call yours without feeling unsure.
but right now, you think you’ll start with learning how to love yourself.
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Roommate (Suguru Daishou x fem!Reader) College AU
Warnings: some teasing, my bad writing but other than that none
Word count: 2371
Authors note: and this too was written back in October LKADNHDJF Im so sorry but this just had to be posted here at some point, so why not now? *proceeds to lip bite* Anyways lmao skdnnf I think suguru is so damn underrated and he isnt even as bad as people might think he is so yeah, here is my oh so badly written suguru fanfic. Enjoy!!
(2 months ago)
It was Friday evening, a day you and your roommate usually binge-watched movies and series, but not today. The sudden change in plans was a change you didn't want. After all, the change of plans meant helping your roommate to pack his stuff and help him bring it into his new Unit. A Unit that was far away from his previous one and it made you feel dejected. You wouldn't be able to see him that often anymore and for once you grew close to someone outside of Japan.
, Ow c'mon Y/N. Don't be sad. I bet your new roommate will be nice as well.'' You let out a grown as you let yourself fall down on your bed. , Yeah but he's not you and you're like my only friend here in the Unit.'' Christian let out a chuckle and then suddenly got up from his kneeling position, getting his backpack and suitcase. , Well, you'll be alright, '' he threw some of his last stuff in his backpack. ,,After all my new Unit isn't even that far away.'' - ,,Christian, what is 'not far away' about 30 fucking minutes?'' you huffed in annoyance, sitting up again death glaring your 'ex' roommate. His laugh filled up the room as he threw his backpack over his shoulder, it was time for him to go, and then again you felt miserable. You wanted him to stay, but it was his decision after all. After two full years with Christian you knew you weren't the reason why he left, he left for other plausible reasons.
,, Alright let me help you then.'' You announced, grabbing one of his bags opening the door for him. A smile was plastered across his face as he walked past you with all his belongings. Letting out a last sigh you followed him, hoping your future roommate would be as subtle as Christian...
After helping Christian carrying and unpacking his stuff in his new Unit, you just made it back to your Unit. You were tired and felt like a piece of shit. Christian was one of the only people you interacted with on campus and the only one in your unit. The rest of your friends attended Universities in Japan, mostly in Tokyo or Osaka, just the minimum was somewhere outside of Japan, including you. Moreover, it was hard for you to find friends since you lacked in social skills. And having a new roommate would totally throw you off, you didn't even know how you wanted to welcome him, you were just too socially awkward for this.
So when you finally opened the door to your little 'apartment' and discovered a new pair of shoes next to all of your shoes, you freaked out. He was already here and you literally had nothing to offer him. Not even goddamn chewing gum. This would most definitely turn into some second hand embarrasment, you were sure about it. You closed the door when you suddenly heard footsteps slowly coming your way. ,,I'm really sorry that I just barged in but you weren't here so I let myself in.'' There he was, standing in front of you. You recognised him right away. Suguru Daisho, the high school rival of a friend of yours. ,,Well well, if that isn't our Miss Nekoma Manager, Y/N it is, right?'' he leaned onto to wall, giving you one of his smug smirks.
,,Of all people, it really just had to be you, huh?'' you spat out ironically, slipping out of your shoes as you walked up to him. ,,Ouch Y/N, you hurt my heart.'' Letting out a fake sob, he touched his chest and tried to look as hurt as possible which made you sigh out in annoyance, so you walk past him showing no reaction. ,,Jesus, you're no fun.'' - ,, Never intended to be fun, especially when it comes to you.'' As you replied to his complaint, you just plopped down on the little couch, already missing Christian. You really were so close to just change units as well. It hadn't even been 5 minutes yet, but here you are already considering to move out. What an awful day you had. And your next years in Uni would get even worse with him as your roommate.
But things turned out quite differently.
You imagined living with Suguru must be the most annoying thing ever, but you were so wrong. First, you really thought he was just trying to get on your sweet side and then act like an asshole again, but you started to reconsider when he brought home some chocolates for you. It wasn't just that, no he did so much more for you, and all of that in just two months.
He cooked for you, whenever he had time. When you woke up every morning, there was breakfast on the table. He helped you with studying and kept his distance whenever he knew you needed some time for yourself. And most importantly, he never invited friends over, since it didn't take him long to find out you just couldn't interact with people. Of course his teasing side would come out sometimes, leaving some comments here and there, but he changed and not only by a bit no, he changed a lot and even for the better.
Living with him was easier than you thought.
And yet, yet the old things would obviously come back because today you wanted to tell Kuroo, who was and still is one of your best friends from high school, that Suguru was your roommate. God, you were nervous. You knew Kuroo has always hated him and he will most definitely not stop hating him, even despite the fact that you grew quite close to him.
So when you pressed the 'call' button on your laptop, you really just didn't want to tell him, but you had to. Even if you wouldn't tell him now, he would find out somehow. You really wanted to tell him in person, rather than him finding out and then getting mad at you as well.
Once his faced showed up on your screen you smiled and waved, shoving away the nervousness you just had. ,,Hey Hey Tets!'' - ,,Hey! How're you doing over there?'' he smiled, taking a sip from the cup wich was located right next to him. ,,Well Im doing pretty good! How're you and the boys doing?'' Kuroo's face turned dark, making you worry, but once you've heard his answers you couldn't have expected less from such an idiot as him. ,,Well we're all doing pretty good.... and yet I feel broken, Kenma's ignoring me once again.'' He sobbed ironically, making you smile in an instant. You had to admit it, you missed the old times. The time you guys were still in Highschool, enjoying life and just having fun. But over all you just missed your friends, you always see them hanging out with each other, going on trips together while you were stuck with boredom and nothing but schoolwork. Of course your friends were part of the University life as well, however it seemed like they had much more time than you. Less worries than you.
,,You know Tets... I miss you guys a lot.'' You whispered as you nervously played with a stuffed animal, that was standing right next to your laptop. Showing affection wasn't really your thing, yet you missed your group of friends way too much to just ignore it like that. ,,Awe Y/N, we miss you too! Once you're back we're definitely going out somewhere! Oh and you should bring Christian as well!! Come to think of it.... where is Christian?''
You chocked on your saliva. ,,Oh god are you okay?'' Kuroo worriedly stated as you coughed. Why now, you had nearly forgotten about it, and yet all of the good had to come to an end. So when you finally stopped coughing you assured your friend that you were okay, but you most definitely weren't okay, you didn't even know where to start. You couldn't possibly just go ,,Ah yeah forgot to tell you, but Christian changed units. Suguru and I are now roommates.'.There was no way you could tell him. Literally no way.
But while you were overthinking this whole situation, suddenly Suguru made his entry.
,,Eyo Y/N can you-'' - ,, What is he doing here?'' Kuroo frantically yelled as he regocnised Suguru, pointing at him through your screen. Great, you thought. This could've gone better if you had the guts to bring it up earlier, but of course your friend had to find out like this. Luck was definetily not on your side today. ,,Oi roosterhead, still lying about your height huh?'' Suguru smirked as he placed himself right behind you, moving closer to the laptop. ,,Get lost.''Kuroo scoffed and now looked at you while still pointing at Suguru. ,,Why's he here?'' he repeated himself, not leaving you out of his sight once. Yet you looked away, trying to avoid his gaze as much as possible, you would even prefer hiding behind Suguru than sitting here. ,,He's my new roommate... Christian changed units.'' You whispered slowly looking back to see if he was still watching you.
Suguru took his chance and moved closer to you as he purred. ,,Wait, you didn't tell him babe?'' Oh god you forgot the petnames he had for you and you hated him for using them on you now. After he moved in and you finally got along pretty well, he started with all these ridiculous pet names, just like honey. And oh god...this was definitely not going to end well.
,,Can you tell him to fucking leave?'' Kuroo asked, seemingly annoyed of your roommates presence. ,,Alright alright I'll leave, just don't forget our business later.'' and with that he left your room.
The sudden awkward silence that was between you and your best friend was more than just uncomfortable for you. In fact, you hated it, you just wanted to disappear. ,,How long?'' He was the first one to finally break the silence and you knew he was upset, after all Suguru just walked in and you didn't tell him at all. ,,Two months..'' you whispered, full of regret. Kuroo then sighed, hand on his forehead as he leaned back to process what he has just heard. ,,Two months? God.... why didn't you tell me?'' - ,, Listen I was scared.... I know you don't like him but we got along so well..'' you stuttered, trying to avoid his gaze again. Honestly you were scared. All this time you were scared that you might lose your friend, although this might be a stupid reason to end a friendship, you were still terrified.
,,Hey that's fine Y/N, liking each other and having a relationship is fine! Im not even mad I promise!'' You looked at him as he smiled, to let you know that it was fine. All you could do was smile back and be thankful that he wasn't mad at you. ,,Oh and we're not really in a relationship..'' You stated and let out a nervous giggle. Kuroo on the other hand leaned in closer and then whispered. ,,Yeah right hon.'' - ,,Kuroo.'' You warned, holding up your finger just as you were about to scold him. ,,Anyways, seems like you have some unfinished business with the snake, so go for it.'' You huffed, ready to protest that there was no business to finish, but before you could tell him otherwise he disappeared from you screen.
Sighing out in annoyance, you got up from your chair to go scold your roommate for his bold words he has spoken during your videocall. So when you saw him doing some schoolwork you seated yourself in front of him, death glaring him. ,,Just what exactly were you thinking?''you hissed in such a sharp tone, that even suguru backed off for a second. But he quickly collected himself and leaned in closer just to smirk at you. ,,What do you mean babe?" he asked, his voice soft and unbothered. You groaned again, leaning in closer as well. ,,He thinks we have a thing." - ,,So?" his reply was bold, just like as if he didn't care about your current situation at all, which was weird to you since he usually never acted or talked to you this way.
You answered him, voice quiet. ,,So you're just going to leave it there?''
The confusion was plastered all over his face. You didn't really know what left him so confused, but you needed answers and as for that you waited for an answer. ,,Wait wait wait.'' he said, holding up both his hands. ,,Is that disappointment I hear?'' - ,,Never.'' You leaned back, looking away and thinking how to continue this conversation, which obviously seemed pointless to your roommate. But it wasn't pointless to you, your friend literally just hung up on you just because of this stupid statement the guy in front of you had made. ,,Why did you say these things? What did you even mean by unfinished business? That's not appropri-'' you got cut off midsentence. ,,We still haven't decided what we wanted to cook this weekend. That's what I meant babe.'' he stated, as he held up a paper with an amused expression.
,Oh' you mouthed, sitting there in embarrassment as you tried to avoid his gaze. The embarrassment just grew bigger as you realised what you were actually thinking about.
,,Well well, it's okay to have these thoughts about me. But next time you might as well share them with me.'' His grin grew bigger, putting down the paper he just lifted up a second ago. That's it, you thought, he has crossed the line. You then suddenly stood up, cheeks flushing red as you huffed out in annoyance once again. ,,You're the worst.'' you muttered, stomping away to your room in an instant, shutting your door. But something was odd. No, you... you felt something odd happening to you.
You then realised your fastened heartbeat, your hot cheeks, still flushed in a light pink shade,you...you were confused.
Just.... what... what was this feeling?
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notnctu · 4 years
7 days: dream series ♥ [DISCONTINUED]
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welcome to the realm of sugary shy looks and bursting stirs of butterflies in stomachs. here lies a fluff series of yearning for a secret love! we’ve all had it before, a manifest of infatuation for a what if? Counting down days of possible love confessions and silly, yet embarrassing moments that will mark first impressions. and wondering: maybe we could happen...
a nct dream fluff series ♥´・ᴗ・`♥
genre ❥ fluff, maybe some angst, vaguely happy endings
details ❥ crush!au, highschool!au, college!au, a sweet series where dreamies either have a crush or someone has a crush on them, slice of life? 
warnings ❥ swearing, that’s all i have for now lol its pretty pg, this will be continuously updated once i start writing
a/n ❥ this is author doie ❀!! stories are NOT connected. i clearly love to make series lmao so i decided im going to make a series based off of each song in the RELOAD album haha so keep an eye out for future series. also 7 days is one my fav nct songs & i had to write something as sweet as that song. dont worry, the ridin’ club is my top priority! but i need to take breaks between writing y/n fucking 00line LOL i can only drown in so much dick. taglist is open! pls reply/send an ask to lmk if you want to be a part of it :)
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MATCHMAKER - lee haechan
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“I think you two would look good together.”
“But is that something you really believe?”
━ details: where haechan has the fattest crush on you, but so does his friend.
━ warnings: explicit language, light banter
━ synopsis: Haechan’s secret crush on you backfires when he finds out that his own friend wants to pursue you, with his help. Since he’s a better friend than he would be a potential lover, he pushes aside his feelings to set you and his friend together. But he can’t ignore them for too long when he sees his own reflection in your eyes whenever you look at him or the brief moments your fingertips have grazed against one another. He regrets playing matchmaker and hopes that you don’t notice his lingering stares and the heavy beating of his heart. 
━ status: reject
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“Every person I’ve dated before has been very different from me.”
“ha ha! you know what they say, opposites attract...” 
━ details: where you and jeno are similar in every way possible.
━ warnings: anticipating none
━ synopsis: Jeno rides your same exact wavelength, down to every small detail. Growing up in the same neighborhood, attended the same high school, sharing the same birthday, apparently sharing a cat allergy, being in the same major, and having practically the same favorites, you two finally cross paths in a psychology class about love and attraction. The irritating saying, “opposites attract”, has your small crush on the boy in low spirits. But the very moment your psychology professor debunks its credibility, your heart soars with a hope that Jeno could like you back. 
━ status: reject
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CUPID’S ARROW - huang renjun
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“Cupid has made you into a fool for your crush.”
“He’s made me into a bigger one for thinking I could get my crush to like me back.”
━ details: where renjun makes a bet to get you to fall in love with him.
━ warnings: explicit language, light banter
━ synopsis: The silly boy has no idea what he’s gotten himself into when he makes a bet with his arrogant friend to get you to fall in love with him. Renjun never intends to confess, mainly because his past unrequited loves have demolished his confidence. So a low stakes gamble causes him a great deal of stress and pride, wishing that it was as easy as striking you with Cupid’s Arrow. While he wants your feelings to develop organically, he actually doesn’t know what he’d do if you did end up liking him back. Because to him, you have always been someone unattainable and out of his reach.
━ status: confess!
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HIT MY LINE - na jaemin 
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“First rule: don’t develop feelings.”
“Second rule: don’t break rule number one.”
━ details: where you break the first rule of being friends with benefits.
━ warnings: mentions of fucking, explicit language
━ synopsis: Jaemin started out as a good friend, one who shared the commonality of a disastrous break up with their long term partner. So, you two vowed to stay single and go through the ‘hoe phase’ all your single friends suggested. But hooking up with each other became a consistent occurrence and rather exclusive. Boundaries had to be made clear once you two established the want of continuing your mutual lust. Nevertheless, through his lovely comments in bed, the cute pet names he calls you, and every fucking sweet implication, you’ve fallen head over heels for your friends with benefits. 
━ status: reject
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VALENTINE’S DAY - zhong chenle
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“You’re probably going to get a lot of gifts on Valentine’s Day.”
“Yeah, but none of them will be anything special to me.”
━ details: where chenle knows you’re lactose intolerant and have a flower allergy.
━ warnings: none
━ synopsis: Chenle is assigned as your partner for an end of the year group project, without any knowledge of the small infatuation he already has for you. While you two have never exchanged more than a few words, Chenle sees this as the perfect opportunity to get to know your heart. As Valentine’s Day approaches, the young boy has to figure out a memorable way to confess. All the typical gifts are thrown out the window once he learns that you’re allergic to dairy and flowers, and your forgetfulness leaves stuffed animals stranded. You don’t make it easy for him, but that’s one of the many reasons he’s completely whipped for you.
━ status: reject
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P.S. I LOVE YOU - park jisung
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“This looks a little bit like your handwriting.”
“As if I’d ever write about how your eyes twinkle with star light.”
━ details: where jisung is unaware that you’re the one leaving letters in his locker.
━ warnings: none
━ synopsis: Jisung has been your childhood best friend for your whole life. And you’re close enough to the point where people think that you’re actual relatives. While you have no clue how he feels about you, it hasn’t stopped your heart from loving him ever since the first time he tied your shoes. Park Jisung is your first and only crush, there has been no other clumsy boy to steal your heart away. Before the end of your Senior Year, you plan to tell him how you feel. However, you leave out one important detail in your love letters to him: your identity. 
━ status: reject
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kianakaslanagf · 3 years
[R u Online?]
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Modern AU! Everyone is alive and happy besides shinichiro trying his utter best to get a lover LOL. (Fluff i guess? I haven't plan this before hand,eventual smut?!?)
Warning: Cussing words.
MNDI- Please like don't
• PART 1 •
[ Hey XXXXX u online? ]
-Even if i am? Who are you?
-Your future 🤭✨
-yk what, blocking list you go
-WAIT, give me a chance! Im sorry! I didn't mean to come of that way
-Names Shinichiro but you can call me,yours
-...Im putting up with your bad flirt lines and yet your very consistent about it
-I wanna get mad it but now i find you entertaining
-Wait really?
-Hold on
-Me entertaining??
-Yes, im incredibly Bored now due to the fact college isn't fun, assignments are a bitch and group work is a force of socialising till you worn out
-You may have been the weirdest message i have gotten but im not complaining
-Plus as how cringey your pick up liners sounds
-i can't help but laugh honestly
-it wasn't so bad
Shinichiro paused, if being weak to women is not enough then this is. He had stopped processing whatever is his brain,trying to find any idea or solid response for you. A guy like him usually had people laughed at how incredibly stupid his pick up lines were. Now he wasn't sure either your laughing at him for how stupid he sounds or the fact your laughing happily on the pick up lines
-You think so?
-Yeah, your message is the best thing I've gotten so far
-Yk what,let's be mutuals. Motorcycle guy
- Yes sure-
-It's Shinichiro or Shin
-or whatever you want to call me
-what happened to the confident earlier
-man now your making me bored
-Im [Y/N]
-Ah, sorry
-I'll try to make more pick up lines
-wait no
- honestly it's okay, your messages is entertaining enough
-Well then Shin-chan
-i have to hop off now
-mfing group projects
-See you soon
[Still trying to write fanfics again, i took a long break so yeah. I might convert to actually text messages soon. This will be a mixture of textfic and normal fanfic. Updates takes long while cause im busy with other things]
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flowerbeom · 4 years
Double Pepperoni | LJB
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Part of The Pleasure Chest | A GOT7 Cringe Collaboration
Lim Jaebeom x Female!Reader Genre: College AU, Crackhead Comedy Smut Rating: Mature. So very mature. Warnings: Bad puns, Swearing & Explicit smut scenes. Word Count: 4k
Concept:  to: [email protected] hey cass, its me. your best friend. or what’s left of her. remember that kinda hot but kinda gross pizza delivery guy? the one with the nose ring and always smelt of cheetos? yeh, he’s looking less gross these days. what?! don’t judge me. desperate times call for desperate measures. it has been 154 days since i’ve had sex. shit’s dire here man.
A/N: If you lean into how bad this is purposefully meant to be, you’ll really enjoy it. 
All GIF credits for this series go to @defsenses.
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Day 97 
📧 to: [email protected] hey cass!  yes my phone is still broken, and i have no idea when im going to get a new one cause im broke from visiting you in another goddamn country - so just suck it up and reply to my emails like the good best friend you are.  fuck i miss you already! why the hell did you have to be smart and shit and get into that international program and go to college in Seoul of all places!  do you know how far away that is?! 16 hours cassandra! 16 fucking hours on a plane with no leg room, subpar food and a middle aged balding man snoring next to you the entire time so you get no sleep on a 16 hour flight AWAY FROM YOUR BEST FRIEND.  it was really good to see you though, can you thank mrs kim again for me - you really struck gold with that housing sitch you got - especially your roommate! that fine ass college freshman you DID NOT allow me to fuck!  yeh yeh whatever, i get it - how the hell are you meant to look mrs kim in the eye again when your childhood best friend who you talked up to be an angel fucked her only son on the fold out couch. yes i get it, stop rolling your eyes at me.  either way, its still the dry season down here. miss you, love you. bye. 
It’s funny how jet lag after coming home from a holiday feels almost identical to a hangover; it’s a painful reminder that something that was quite enjoyable is over. The headache feels almost the same, along with the cotton mouth, hunger, dehydration and utter disappointment and resentful emptiness that the fun you were having is completely done - but only one makes you hurl your guts out at the smell of orange juice. Condolences to those who are unlucky enough to hurl in both instances. 
Either way, that’s where you found yourself - Thursday night, half unpacked suitcase lay in the middle of your living room, eyes bloodshot and staring blankly at the television; an all consuming headache pounding between your temples. Lucky for you, you knew a sure fire way to get rid of it without painkillers. Insert Mr. Pene Falso. No literally, insert it. You didn’t call your vibrator Fake Penis in Spanish not to insert it. And in case anyone hasn’t caught on yet, an orgasm legitimately helps get rid of a headache. Try it next time. 
As ever, positioning is important - preparation is key. Sweatpants pushed down to your ankles, one leg completely fished out. Sideways lean, cushion under one elbow, completely bare leg propped up onto the couch; allow for maximum spread when those pre-orgasm hip rolls start. Set Mr. Pene Falso on one, there is no need to go hard straight away - ease into the session, let the endorphins build. You have been deprived of a real penis for a while, so you know you’re eager; but a little self control will yield the most delicious of results. 
You will run the long race to Destination Stimulation and you will bite that bottom lip as your eyes roll back into their sockets as your long awaited, slow built, easy increase of settings on Mr. Pene Falso brings home the most delectable of orgams. It will not be a dry night, no sir. So lower that beautiful vibrating, bright pink silicone wand onto your clit-- 
Who the fuck..? Your eyes snapped to the front door, your hand clenched around your vibrator just millimetres away from your clit. A small loosening of your grip dropped the angle and the tip of your vibrator dipped against your clit, sending shockwaves through your body. A gravely moan escaped you; your focus immediately brought back to the task at hand. Literally. 
Ignore it, it’s probably no one important. That’s what you told yourself, shaking your head and leaning back against the couch once again. You licked your bottom lip at the enticing notion of self-induced euphoria. Spreading your legs further than before, you corrected your grip and pushed Mr. Pene Falso into you. Your head dropped back involuntarily, your teeth marked your bottom lip and those pre-orgasm hip rolls started slowly. It felt devine, finally some release; a little bit of pleasu--
“Who the fuck?!” 
“Pal’s Pizza!” 
Tossing Mr. Pene Falso aside, you yanked on your sweatpants, wiped the one bead of sweat off your brow and stampeded to your door. 
“You got the wrong house, buddy!” Ripping it open, your rage was greeted with a face you had not seen in a long time. Your eyes blew wide, as the eyes of the man before you narrowed; complimenting the smirk etching across his face. The ever familiar smell of cheetos, weed and pepperoni of years passed filled your nostrils and nostalgia wasn’t a word you wanted to use in that instance, but repressed memories were being dug up nevertheless. 
A few moments of stone-cold silence passed before a subtle hum started to invade your auditory peripherals. Leaving your eye-line, Mr. Pal’s Pizza leaned sideways, throwing his smirk into the apartment behind you and directly onto the bright pink silicone wand still vibrating on your couch. All colour drained from your obviously stiffened face. 
He scoffed. “Sorry, didn’t mean to interrupt your alone time. Mind if I join you instead?” 
Day 106
📧 to: [email protected] hey cass did you know that there’s a woman in Georgia, who due to a rare disorder, experiences hundreds of orgasms a day? she’s just persistently aroused and will climax any time, anywhere - even in the most obscure of places. whereas I cannot even have one, in my own goddamn apartment.  because you will never guess who delivered a pizza to the wrong house last week. Crusty Jae. Yyu heard me. Fucking Lim Jaebeom from high school! Who by the way, still looks like a tryhard 2006 Skaterboi with his stupidly baggy jeans, Stussy t-shirt and bad haircut - or lack thereof who fucking knows.  AND he still smells like damp. No no, he doesn’t smell damp. He smells like damp. Like the idea of damp. but istg i could still cut myself on that jawline of his. and come to think of it, I haven’t had pizza in ages.  miss you. love you, bye. 
Day 114 
“Seriously dude, you need to stop ‘delivering pizza to the wrong house’. It’s getting pathetic.” You feigned irritation despite taking the box out of Jaebeom’s outstretched hand.
“Bruh, I am not. The guy’s next door never answered. So you--” He shook back his overgrown fringe and shifted all his weight back, angling his pelvis towards you. His eyes traipsed up and down your frame, saliva clearly pooling under his tongue. “-- get a free pizza delivered by this handsome mug.” 
You didn’t even try to bury the scoff that escaped you as Jaebeom dug two thumbs into his chest; a pungent smugness wafting from his stained Pal’s Pizza t-shirt. You practically laughed in his face. Yet he didn’t waver. 
“You’re still the same overconfident creep from highschool, Jae.” Jaebeom faked offense, a hand slapped on his heart - leaving a faint damp hand print. 
“And I still managed to nab all the ladies.” Sliding his tongue over his top teeth, he winked and you almost gagged. The fact that Crusty Jae, the school’s resident stoner, managed to have the highest body count by graduation is something that still baffled you. Something must have been seriously wrong with the girls who let that inside them. There were rumours of course, but you weren’t willing to explore any of them to prove if fact or not. 
Lifting the lid, you inhaled a glorious whiff of mozzarella and pepperoni but caught Jaebeom scratching his head from the corner of your eye; little flecks of dead skin floated to the ground and you couldn’t help but focus on the flakes of what looked like parmesan on the top of your pizza. Horror ensued, visible in the quiver in your voice. 
“You.. you don’t make the pizzas do you?” 
Jaebeom smirked, and ran a clammy hand through his greasy hair. 
“Nuh babe, I just deliver them.” He punctuated his statement with a wink and pucker of his lips. You were not comforted and turned away before he could see the grimace on your face. You dropped the pizza box onto your couch and fished a twenty-dollar-bill from your wallet and returned to the door to slap it into Jaebeom’s hand. 
“Nuh baby, it’s free.” He insisted with a stupid slanted grin. You shook your head, pushing the money harder into his hand and away from your door. 
“Keep the change.”
“Damn, thanks for the tip.” He smiled softly. Maybe he isn’t so much of a creep anymore. 
“Want a taste of mine?” 
You couldn’t have slammed the door in his face any harder.  
Day 129 
European. What about Lebanese? Kirby? No, too short. Continental? Way too long. But then again Kirby cucumbers have girth, and it’s not all about length. It’s how you use it. Would you go raw? Or would you wrap it? How sturdy are Kirby cucumbers? You’d obviously have to wash it first. Oh shit, could they poison you if it smooshes up while inside you? No, well you eat them so they can’t be too dangerous. How much lubrication would you need? 
“Little to none if you’re warmed up enough.” 
Cutting off your mental ramblings and ripping you back into reality, your head snapped towards the voice. Jaebeom’s voice. Of course it had to be Jaebeom. Why is he suddenly everywhere? 
“Excuse me, what?!” 
“Lubrication. You wouldn’t need any if you’re warmed up. Cucumbers just slide right in.” He said with total confidence as if speaking from absolute experience. If anything, the pompous smile was enough to tell you what he was saying was true. You tried to swallow and gasp at the same time, causing you to start choking in the grocery store. 
“Wh-wait-what, I was saying all of that out loud?!” You prayed it didn’t say all of it out loud. 
Are you really that delirious from lack of sex that your pathetically curious and completely comedic wonderings about cucumbers as dildos was said out loud in the grocery store?! Have you become that incapable of controlling yourself that you can’t even keep being a horny bitch on the inside?! Must you zone out in full stereo?! 
Jaebeom giggled. 
“Maybe. I heard from about ‘What about Lebanese?’.”
You froze, the hand gripping your shopping basket growing dangerously limp.
“So pretty much all of it.” Jaebeom laughed again and reached across you to pick up the thickest Kirby cucumber from the pile and dropped it into your basket. 
“Think of me.”
His smirk thawed you completely, leaving you standing in a lukewarm puddle of distaste. “Later babe.” 
Seriously, you needed to find every girl who fucked him in highschool and just ask them “WHY?!” 
Day 147
📧 to: [email protected] hey cass he ran out of battery I have no spares I live in a wasteland of despair miss you love you bye
Day 165
“Pal’s Pizza, can I take your order?” 
“Hey Jae, it’s me. The usual please.” 
“Stuffed Crust?” 
“No thanks.” 
“No probs. How about I stuff you?”
“See you in twenty minutes!” 
Day 167 
📧 to: [email protected] hey cass I think I’m living in a permanent fever dream today in my tech drawing class my professor told me if I lick the tip I’ll get better results so I asked him, if i let him lick my tip would I get extra credit? HE MEANT MY PENCIL CASSANDRA, HE MEANT TO LICK THE TIP OF MY PENCIL SO I GET THICKER LINES what the fuck is wrong with me?!  oh I know.  it has been 167 days since I’ve had sex ONE HUNDRED AND SIXTY SEVEN DAYS and Mr Pene Falso still does not have new batteries.  miss you love you bye
Day 175
You had never felt more accomplished in your life. In one hand rested your brand new phone, shiny and in-built with all the things to keep your easily distracted brain entertained. No longer did you have to make calls from the decrepit pay phone outside your apartment building. No longer did you have to sit on buses and pretend to like reading. No, you were reunited with the technology of your generation and you were ecstatic. Full time college and part time employment didn’t always meet the needs of your demanding lifestyle, but you saved enough to finally get a brand new phone.
And in the other hand lay two beautiful AA batteries. You know perfectly well what they were for. You were equally as ecstatic. But for some reason there was one person you wanted to talk to about it. 
Your fingers dialed the number almost on their own; muscle memory taking over. It rang six times. 
“CASS!” So excited to hear your best friend’s voice you tripped on the corner of your rug; your body colliding with the couch. 
“Holy shit, you finally got a phone. Took you long enough.” 
“Shut up, I’ve been busy.” Rubbing the part of your shoulder that managed to miss abundant cushioning on the couch and hit the tiny piece of wooden framework beneath it all. 
“Sure. Busy trying to get yourself off every chance you get.” 
The fingers trying to unscrew the bottom of your vibrator halted; your bottom lip folded between your teeth - a pout formed in your silence. 
“I--” Lost for words you resumed unscrewing the cap, placing one battery into each slot. 
“You’re probably gonna go masturbate after you get off this call.” 
The last battery dropped in with a clang, albeit muffled by Cass’s muffled laughter. 
“You know I’m messing with you right?”
“Good. So how’s Crusty Jae?” She continued to laugh as you groaned.
“Dude, can you please explain how he managed to pull so much in high school?! Please! Am I the only one who doesn’t get it?!” Suddenly incredibly frustrated, you screwed on the vibrator cap with so much gusto that your grip accidentally turned it on; the abrupt buzzing ripping out a quiet yelp. 
“You know his nickname used to be Double Pepperoni.” You scoffed so hard, you felt it in your ribs. “Nuh apparently he was packing.”
“What? Like what, like he always had slices stuffed in his pockets?”
“No, like p-a-c-k-i-n-g.” 
“I highly doubt that flat-ass McGee is huge.” You smirked while Cass tried to stop herself from choking on laughter. “And even if he was, dude, I still don’t understand how that seemingly unhygienic mess can score so much.” 
“Bro, I don’t know either. But from all the girls I’ve ever talked to about him, they all say that whatever he did to seduce them or whatever - their reactions were purely carnal.” You made a pathetic noise, like a dying car horn to highlight your skepticism. “Like apparently, he would do something or they would see him do something and they’d just snap. Fuck him once, have a great time but then refuse to ever bring it up again. Except to me.. Cause after all, it was Crusty Jae.. But that’s beside the point.”
“They’d just ‘snap’?” 
“Yup. Like a fresh green bean.”
“Weird metaphor.” 
“But you got it.”
“Sadly. I’m going to go now.” 
“Happy Orgasm!” 
“Fuck you.” 
“Miss you.”
“Love you.”
From putting down one electronic device to picking up the other, you settled into the couch cushions with Mr Pene Falso in hand - recharged and ready to go. Yes, you were obviously going to prove your best friend painfully correct by getting off as soon as you hung up that call, but honestly - fuck it. You deserved it. 
Remember, preparation is key. Sweatpants pushed down your ankles, one leg completely bare. Hair pulled up into an overeager and messy as ever bun. Sideways lean. Mr Pene Falso, setting one. 
It’s not meant to be pretty, the faces you pull while masturbating. And the sounds one makes, equally as carnal. But who the fuck cares. You’re doing this for you. And as those pre-orgasm hip rolls get more and more intense as your clit is vibrated right down to Destination Stimulation, you moan in pleasure for you know you are finally getting what you’ve wanted for so lon-- 
“Hey it’s me!” Your head snapped so fast to the door it cracked every bone in your neck. 
“Yeh, can I come in please?”
“Oh come on, what the fuck!?” Fury swallowed you whole, Mr Pene Falso slamming into the ground in a fit of rage. “What do you fucking want, Jaebeom?!” 
“Please, I need--” Jerking your pants back on, you charged at the door; ripping it open. 
“Need what?!”
“-- to use your bathroom.” Sheepish eyes met your own; blown wide and shaking. Jaebeom stood before you, pizza delivery bag hung loosely in his hand; completely soaked from head to toe. 
“Sorry, it’s fucking pouring outside and I delivered next door and I just want to dry off a little, that cool?” 
His usually loose shirt clung to his body, every inch of his torso outlined. His hair, normally shaggy and overgrown, was completely pushed back off his face; slick and saturated to show every carved line of his face. Was his eyes always this piercing? Or was it only because it was in context with the rest of his beautiful face? 
“So..?” Jaebeom reeled you back from your slow descent and you shook it off violently. 
“Uhh yeh, that-that way.” Throwing a thumb over your shoulder to show him the way, Jaebeom slinked past you; a marginal waft of damp weed followed behind. 
What has gotten into you? This is Crusty Jae we’re talking about here. You are not meant to find him attractive. Nothing about him is meant to be attractive. But there you were - standing in your hallway, dumbfounded as you watched Jaebeom take off his shirt and wring it into your sink. You tried to tear your eyes away from how broad his shoulders were, or how all the muscles around his waist tensed as he squeezed all the water out of his shirt. You couldn’t even fight off the shiver that crawled down your spine when you watched his triceps flex when he pushed his hair off his face. You swallowed hard when that shiver landed right between your legs. 
“Like apparently, he would do something or they would see him do something and they’d just snap.” 
He didn’t see you come up behind him but he felt the hand you placed in the middle of his back. Turning to face you, his eyes were as dark as yours were crazed.  
“Sup.” His cheeto breath didn’t deter you.  
“You’re a pal, right?” You swore you couldn’t sound any more desperate. 
“Says so on my shirt.” You couldn’t quite figure out if it was Chipotle or Flamin’ Hot cheetos. But it wasn’t the time or the place. You had needs. 
“Be a pal then.” Jaebeom quirked a lewd and curious brow. “Get me off.” 
The speed of which he had his hands under your arms and lifting you onto the benchtop was frighteningly fast. Your shirt was pulled hastily over your head and thrown aside, your pants were torn down your legs equally as fast. You had no time to question, no time to doubt - not when Jaebeom’s mouth was on yours, his tongue rolling over your teeth as if searching for hidden cheetos in your cheeks. But with the way his thumb circled over your clit through your underwear, you weren’t going to complain. Go on, fish for those cheetos baby. 
Through wet and messy kisses, your hands tracked down his chest; stopping at his belt buckle. Of course, you thought, it was one of those snap closure canvas belts - ridiculously too long and matched his ridiculously baggy jeans. Nevertheless, you snapped open the buckle, fished it out of the loops and his pants fell instantly to the ground. 
Jaebeom broke away from your mouth, leaning back to make room for his hands to pull off your underwear; just to have his lips crash back into yours the moment the lace garment hit the floor. 
“Conmg-do. Cone--. Con-” You mumbled against his mouth. Strong hands pushed against his chest; disappointed eyes flashed for a moment, before turning devious at the sight of your naked breasts. 
“Condom.” He nodded and you swung around to grab one from the medicine cabinet. Rounding back to face him, you saw his underwear was on the ground, his very erect penis greeting you fully. Double Pepperoni…  
He ripped the wrapper open with his teeth, slid the condom expertly onto his length and caged you against the mirror in one fluid movement. He waited, paused for effect if you will and you weren’t having any of it. One hand scratched into his hair, the other pulled on the chain around his neck.
“Oh, you want me to stuff you do you?” Said with total hubris. 
“Like cheesy crust.” Who have you become?! 
Jabeom’s heavy hands found themselves on your hips, pulling you down onto his dick. He filled you wholly, deliciously; throbbing against your walls so achingly good that you didn’t even care that you could feel crumbs of garlic bread that did not belong to you in your mouth. 
He pounded you roughly; each thrust making you bounce on your porcelain sink. His hair, still wet, dripped onto your shoulder and down your back as his teeth marked your neck. Your bathroom began to fill with lewd and erotic noises, squelches and squeaks of wet flesh against wet flesh and some against hard surfaces. 
Jaebeom snapped his hips harder and harder into you, moans tumbled from your mouth as the orgasm you have craved for finally rounded the horizon. He was merciless, relentless, completely determined to drive you home. 
You yanked harder on the fist full of hair in your hand, ripping a loud and gravely groan from Jaebeom. Not one to be upstaged, Jaebeom shoved his hand into your hair, tangling his fingers into your bun and pulling down to expose more of your neck to him. His pace had not slowed down at all. 
He marked your neck, sucking and biting on your flesh so gloriously that you began to mewl - high pitched and needy, and it’s what sent Jaebeom over the edge. His hips snapped harder, forcing his dick deep into you; hitting spots you had forgotten about completely. 
Different colours were flashing behind your eyelids and you were close, so close. 
And as Jaebeom neared climax, he tore his hand out of your hair. Though in his earlier fervour, got so much of it tangled around his fingers and stuck under his ring, that your whole body was torn sideways and off the bench. 
Landing on the floor, shocked eyes watched Jaebeom ejaculate all over your sink as your own orgasm retreated away; shrivelling up into dust and blown away in the wind - his hand still stuck in your hair. How the fuck, wasn’t he wearing a condom, you thought, only for you to reach down and find it stuck inside your vagina, half hanging out. There was literally nowhere lower you could go. This, this is rock bottom. 
“Haha, holy fuck. Sorry babe.” Jaebeom leaned down and carefully untangled his fingers out of your hair. Towels were passed around for hygiene purposes and you almost vomited when you saw cheeto crumbs wedged between Jaebeom’s butt-cheeks. 
You weren’t really sure what happened after. You think Jaebeom said something crass. Or maybe he said thank you. In a crass way. Either way, he eventually left and the two hour shower you took still didn’t make you feel clean. Especially not after finding a half-dried pearl of cum on your toothbrush. 
But there was one thing you knew for sure. You totally snapped. 
Day 0
📧 to: [email protected] hey cass in the interest of our friendship and for the purposes of full transparency it has been 1 day since ive had sex and we will never speak of it again
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