#not a fic but a little more details than in dms ahahaha
hiddenmoonbeam · 6 months
So because @polaroidcats keeps talking about motorbike!Remus yet has no clear answers for how anything happens in this hypothetical au (and tbh we couldn’t make sense of why he’d be a motorbike in a mermaid au) (not that this one makes sense either), my head ran away in a different, non-fairytale direction. Now I’m cursing blessing you all with the result, whether you want it or not <3
As a small child, Remus is turned into a werewolf. The transformations hurt him terribly, and as he grows up he keeps getting weaker. In his late teens/early twenties it’s so bad he risks dying, and there isn’t anything that can cure or make the curse easier to handle. After Remus’s mother dies, his father, so scared of losing his son too, becomes obsessed with saving him. But each full moon Remus’s body gets closer to failing, and soon Lyall’s only way of stopping the inevitable is to transform Remus into an object, a motorbike, because that wont age or keep turning into a wolf and tear his body apart. It buys Lyall time to find a solution.
For most of Remus’s childhood the little family hid away in the Muggle world to protect their boy and his curse from being discovered by other wizards who would want him harm. Now Lyall spends more time in the magical world again, though most find him strange. Few remember he even had a son, even fewer still believe said son is still alive. Didn’t that boy have a strange Muggle illness he got because his mother was one?
Lyall works and researches tirelessly for many years, until he suddenly falls ill and dies. As a result of his isolation, no one knows about Remus and the motorbike, and when distant relatives clean out the home, they get rid of everything Muggle without a second thought.
Some time later, young wizard Sirius finds this old motorbike on a Muggle sale, and instantly falls in love. He buys it, eager to put to use all the mechanical knowledge he’s acquired the years since leaving Hogwarts. The bike is old and rusty, but with Sirius’s time and care and skill it’s brought back to a glory it never had before. 
Sirius does all the repairs without magic, but once it’s done he starts experimenting with ways to enhance it. One big goal is to make it fly. While trying to figure out spells and enchantments, he realizes there are magic threads woven into the parts of the bike already. Slightly annoyed with himself for not noticing sooner, but mostly so fascinated, he pulls at this magic. First a little and tentatively, then all at once. And so all of a sudden there’s a confused boy falling into his lap from where his beloved bike had stood.
A lot of questions and talking and explainings and more questions follow, but eventually they manage to paint a picture of what’s happened and how to move forward. Sirius misses his bike, but he’s also enamored with Remus, and moved by his fate. There might still not be a cure for lycanthropy, but now wolfbane exists so that’s far better than last time Remus had to transform, so many years ago. And although Remus feels embarrassed to let him do so, Sirius insists on buying it for him.
When the full moon comes, they’re as prepared as they can be, and while Remus always feels awful beforehand and still does, it helps to know he has Sirius there with him. 
The moon rises, the light filters through the curtains, and Remus’s body twists and cracks from one form into the other… except it’s not the wolf Sirius expected to meet. It’s his beloved bike, engine running, wheels ready to take off from the ground.
And from that night forward, Sirius and motorbike!Remus spend each full moon flying together beneath the starlit sky. 💖
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*BREAKING INTO YOUR ASK BOX WITH A TELENOVA GASP* Dave York: Sequel to Cici’s ideas?!?!?!?!?!?!? I thought you said you weren't writing that one?!?! 🤡 minds are enquiring tell the public ALL ABOUT YOUR SHAME!
(For this WIP Ask Game.  Feel free to send me an Ask)
Ahahaha... Ma’am!  As though you didn’t know all about that fic idea because 95% of it comes from my screaming in your dm’s!!  (Also, I’m not writing it... unless you write the middle part first!!) For the peanut gallery: 
Cici told me that she didn’t want to write a sequel to her absolutely fantastic Dave York fic, Kill Me Softly since it wouldn’t be the happy ending people want “because a murderer who manipulates his wife with sex does NOT get to have a happy ending.”  
The best outcome she could envision (as compared to “everybody dies”) was that, when wife!reader decides to divorce him, Dave realizes he loves her enough to respect her decision and goes on the run to avoid attracting danger to her & the girls.  They occasionally exchange postcards.
That’s when I set out to prove to her that even her Dave could be redeemed enough to deserve a happy ending (because I am nothing if not motivated by spite).  
Here’s how I would tell that story (cut for length and mentions of canon typical violence):
What if the postcards they’re exchanging eventually evolve to actual letters (not phone calls or emails because those are too easy to trace), then maybe one day he might start to pop up randomly while she’s traveling to various cities for work conferences.
The first time (or five) he shows up, she doesn’t want to see him. Shakes her head and mouths too soon, and he leaves without a word.  Eventually though (and it’s very clear that it’s her choice—he never forces his presence on her) she agrees to coffee, and they spend 15 awkward minutes mostly ignoring each other from opposite ends of a bench outside a random Starbucks.
Over time (a long, LONG time, probably years), short coffee breaks evolve into longer lunches where they actually talk, which evolve into her booking later and later flights back from each work trip until they have whole afternoons to spend exploring the cities she visits together.  
And as they spend more time together, she starts to realize that he’s being open with her in a way he never was before.  He tells her the truth about what he’s doing now (or, if it’s illegal or has to stay a secret then he tells her that at least, and as many details as he can).  None of it is exactly above board or safe (because even if he wanted that, he’s a fugitive now), but he’s obviously being careful to help more than he hurts and cause as little damage as possible.
Maybe there’s even a time when he’s not sure what to do about something that’s turned out to be a little more questionable than he originally thought, so he asks her what she thinks he should do, and actually listens to her advice.
She’s just so confused because she should hate him, and she does at first almost as much as she still loves him, but the longer this goes on the more she sees that he’s trying.  That he’s reaching out and being honest with her and respecting not just her autonomy, but her judgement, her opinions, her feelings.  And she feels like an idiot because she should know better by now, but she can’t stop herself from falling for him all over again, harder than ever, because he’s showing her all of himself now. (At least she thinks—hopes?—so.)
They go on together in this strange limbo—not together, but not quite as separated as they should be—until something from Dave’s past catches up with him... or rather, with her.  
The phone rings one day, and she would just know as soon as she heard his voice that something was not just wrong but truly FUBAR because he doesn’t call her.  Not ever.  He's told her over and over again that it's not safe.  So whatever is happening must be bad—hideously dangerous, probably for her—if he’s risking a phone call.
He swoops in to save her (with her consent because that’s how he rolls now), and they run off together, action movie style, while also squeezing in all the tropes: he shields her with his body; he gets (slightly) hurt and she has to take off his shirt tend the wound; oh no! it’s the last hotel room and there’s only one bed!
And the whole time she can to tell that he’s fucking terrified (because despite all the times he lied to her in the past she knows him), but she can’t quite figure out why because: isn’t this what he does for a living???  
(But of course we know it’s different this time, because it’s never been her at risk before.)
Through it all, he’d also be doing his best to reassure her and to keep a lid on his own feelings.  He’s made his peace (in every way that might affect her, anyway) with the fact that she’ll never completely forgive or accept him again, but god that’s not going to stop him from loving (or wanting) her.  He’ll never stop loving her.
In fact, he does such a good job of hiding his feelings and being respectful of her and her space, that she begins to worry he doesn’t actually want her anymore at all.  (She can read him so well about everything except his feelings for her.)  Maybe he’s just helping her out of a feeling of nostalgia or (platonic) love?
(I’m sure everyone can see where this is going, because I am nothing if not a clown for mutual idiots pining for each other 🙈)
Eventually, of course they’d get caught, trapped somewhere with no way out, the bad guys demanding their surrender, and Dave agrees to turn himself over to them as long as they let her go. 
The bad guys agree, but then go back on their word (because: bad guys), but it doesn’t matter, because Dave gets ahold of a weapon and kills them all.  (He may be older than he used to be, but he’s also damn good at what he does.) 
He thinks, of course, that that’s it.  That her seeing him kill them spells the end of any hope (even the tiny, lingering hope that he’s been harboring all this time despite himself) of reconciliation.  After all, isn’t this what she couldn’t forgive the first time around?  And now she’s actually seen what he can do—what he is—firsthand.
And is it the end of those hopes....?  Or could it be that this Dave might deserve a happy ending? 
I’ll leave that up to you, CiCi.  Let me know what you decide. 😈
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I really love the attention you pay to detail in prominence. In one of the older chapters of the story where Seonghwa and y/n were exposed for their relationship I saw a twt account user named “Currently leaning ANiMA” and in one of the recent chapters the account named was changed to “Finally learned ANiMA”. Small things like that really make me appreciate how much effort the author puts into the story.
Also if you want to add more detail to the story I would suggest putting txt messages on Kakao Talk since it’s the biggest messaging app in South Korea. And also because some NCT members use an android *cough* Mark *cough* and seeing blue bubbles instead of green bubbles wouldn’t make sense. You obviously don’t have to do this. I understand that authors have a life outside of this app and are more often than not stressed about what goes on in their real life. And I can only imagine how much time it would take to edit a series. Once again, you don’t have you go out of your way to do all this, it is your series after all.
With that being said I hope you are happy and healthy. And remember to eat you meals and stay hydrated.💓 You are one of my favorite writers on this app. Prominence has really become a comfort fic to me and I tend to go back and reread some chapters when I have a bad day. Sorry for the long ask I hope it doesn’t bother you and have a great rest of your day.
Thank you so much!!! I was wondering if anyone caught those little changes, hehe, and I'm glad it did! I like putting small things throughout my fics just cuz, it's fun to see people pick them out too!
Also yes, omg, I've been considering changing to Kakao format. I honestly planned to do so when I introduced ATEEZ into the story since I've heard that Yunho's an alleged Kakao Talk addict, but I haven't found a good fake message generator for it on iOS, honestly I could just use a web app but I stick to the iMessage format since I use an app that includes fake tweets/dms, fake insta posts/dms, and fake messages all in one and it's just more convenient for me lolol and I have all my fake contacts (i.e. the Stan Twt users and the contacts for each character) already there. But best bet I'll probably switch over once I find a good generator on iOS!
But yes! You stay happy and healthy also, love! I really am so appreciative that you left this long ask because I honestly love interacting with everyone on this blog! Also if you can keep a secret sometimes I go back and skim through a few chapters myself because damn I can be really funny if I write these chapters at a late enough time AHAHAHA No but for real, I put a lot of time in this fic (as seen from the, what, 40+ chapters on it including the mini updates and the written ones?) so it really makes me feel happy to hear how much people like it. You take care, anon!
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