#not actually anti rina this is just to be safe
To all the mean/disrespectful rinas in your asks, I have to say this: The only reason why I hate rina is the hate I saw from a part of the rina fandom. Yes, I've seen so much hate coming from that part of the fandom that I can't even watch a rina scene without being annoyed... Josh and Sofia are great actors. I admit that they have chemistry, BUT I can't help but hate to see their characters together on screen bc of all the hateful comments I saw from that fandom (what you got from rinas is nothing compared to what I saw on Twitter, if you don't have Twitter, don't go there, it's terrible... Ppl really tell others to k themselves over a disney ship...). SO, to these mean/disrespectful anons (this includes also portwells or other shippers): stop sending hate (any kind of hate, including making fun of someone's posts or trying to prove a point in an insulting manner) bc that won't convince ppl to ship your ship. It's doing quite the opposite... If you really want to convince someone of sth be nice and don't insult them or the things they like... Actually, you should be nice to ppl in general bc that's common sense... 
hi anon!! thank you so much for this ask!!
it's so sad that there's so much toxic behaviour it has changed the viewing experience for you (and i know from what I've seen, for others too). it goes to show how much of an impact these toxic fans have and how excessive their behaviour is.
and i completely acknowledge that fans of any ship can be toxic--frequently when people point out how toxic r*nas can be, you see some getting upset and saying everyone else is toxic, so I'm not trying to deny that others can be--but it really has been on another level with r*na.
i avoid twitter like the plague but what I've heard and seen about how portwells are treated there scares me. i consider myself lucky that I've never gotten any crazy bullying over portwell; it has mostly fallen in the category of people not being able to mind their own business and live and let others ship differently than them.
this here especially i want to scream from the rooftops:
SO, to these mean/disrespectful anons (this includes also portwells or other shippers): stop sending hate (any kind of hate, including making fun of someone's posts or trying to prove a point in an insulting manner) bc that won't convince ppl to ship your ship. It's doing quite the opposite... If you really want to convince someone of sth be nice and don't insult them or the things they like... Actually, you should be nice to ppl in general bc that's common sense... 
it's sad because it really should be common sense, especially bc we're talking about a disney show aimed at children and people are out here bullying others over liking one pairing over another (pairings that aren't even messed up). that's when I'm like okay they need to step away from the screen for a sec, go outside and touch some grass because nothing is ever that serious and it's a real person they're harming over a fictional show.
also the "trying to prove a point in an insulting manner" thing. this!! i think some people think what they're doing is okay because they're not bullying others. but when you see someone talking about a ship they like and they haven't even done anything to provoke an argument or say something problematic and you feel the need to come into their ask box or comments and start rudely arguing with them, unsolicited, because they like something different/have a different interpretation? how is that good for anyone. like if i see a r*na post and i disagree with the interpretation of something, I'm not going to hop into their inbox and start making rude comments about how they're wrong. I can just think cool. they saw this differently than me. and keep scrolling.
because you're right, anon. the toxic/rude behaviour doesn't make anyone want to ship a couple more and instead does the opposite.
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homemade-ghosts · 2 years
i'm starting to see that some anti rinas are just racists...and that is really vile considering the show aim to be a safe space for young audiences
You’re absolutely right, so much of the hate Gina gets is, at its core, fueled by racism. 
Unfortunately, this isn’t a recent development. I’ve been blocking & reporting people (primarily on Twitter — but here, too) for posting incredibly derogatory & racist remarks about Gina (&, by extension, Sofia) since season 1 was airing. 
From day one, they’ve called her a bitch or a homewrecker or said she wasn’t good enough for Ricky (gee, I wonder why that is) — then, when 2b rolled around, they switched up, pretended to like her because they no longer saw her as a threat to their white ship (despite the fact that rini was already crumbling for reasons completely unrelated to Gina).
Suddenly, she’s their favorite character…as long as she does exactly what they want her to do & acts exactly the way they want her to act. Meaning, as long as she keeps dating EJ (the character they really care about) and stays sweet & soft, they love her. It’s always conditional.
The second they realized her relationship with EJ wasn’t going to work out, they started to villianize her again. Now EJ’s “the perfect boyfriend” (I lose 3 years off my life every time I see a pw call him that — like, is this perfect boyfriend in the room with us right now?) despite the fact that he treated Gina like a chore all summer, never showed up for her & never put a single ounce of effort into making their relationship work — but, oh, no Gina’s the evil one for even daring to suggest that she deserves better ??? 
Basically, they want her to sacrifice her own personal needs & wants to stay in a relationship she isn’t happy in for the sake of a guy who barely even gives her the time of day. Okay, cool. So Gina should suffer so that EJ doesn’t have to face his own flaws & insecurities? Got it.
I swear, she expresses literally any normal human emotion and they jump to criticize her for it.
She seeks comfort in her friend (at the time) Ricky because she wants to be around someone who understands what it’s like to have an absentee mom. Oop, she’s trying to “steal” Ricky away from Nini! Oh, & somehow that and Gina dating Ricky now is some kind of betrayal towards Nini? (yes, that is a real take that I’ve actually read). First off, I can promise you Nini does not give a fuck what Ricky does. How many different ways does the show have to tell them that they are done. Over each other. Bones & better off because of it. Nini has not spoken to that man all summer and she’s somewhere in Southern California chilling on a beach with her moms, living her best life. & more importantly, why are they always acting like someone else's happiness is more important than Gina's? Why is she not deserving of the kind of love that she wants and that Ricky can & will give her? I'd love to see pws/rinis try to answer either of those for me. I'm all ears.
Oh, & apparently Gina can’t even kiss the boy she loves without being vilified for it because, the other day, I saw someone say that the Rina kiss “made [them] uncomfortable” & that Gina pulling Ricky in for that second kiss was “aggressive.” (It’s called being passionate, my god — but I think we all know exactly what they really meant by that.)
Ultimately, Gina is the most well-rounded, complex character, played by — hands down — the best actress on the show, if #they don't like her, if they have a problem with her being The Main Girl™ of hsmtmts (if we're being fr, she's always been the main girl to me, but this season made it official) then it's pretty obvious why.
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james-beaufort · 2 years
The thing is that PWs clearly like the unbalanced dynamic of their ship cause EJ gets what he wants while Gina is not as happy or she's constantly compromising or letting things go while EJ walks all over her. So it's ironic that they try to act like he was the best dynamic or relationship for her when it's obvious even they know she's not enjoying herself. But that's the selling point for those shippers. I think it's telling that these anti black PW/Rinis are lashing out at Gina now that she refuses to pander to rich yt boy with the daddy issues anymore cause clearly that was the reason they enjoyed their ship: some sick satisfaction seeing the black lead be treated as an afterthought in her relationship. My conclusion is that they dont even like PW either. They just like seeing Gina down and not treated right and her best shot at that kind of treatment is with EJ. They only tolerate her. When she starts demanding better from EJ, they start their vile attack. They love to talk about s2 Gina being their favorite version, and surprise surprise, that was her most miserable time, constantly upset and hurt. And they hate Rina because Ricky treats Gina like an absolute queen that she is, bending over backwards to make her happy and these racist show "fans" don't like seeing her happy, cared for, enjoying herself, and being deeply loved by the lead to the point he is making himself heartsick. Gina started getting more focus in s2 than Nini and those crazy fans have never gotten over it since.
^^^this 100%
I have seen a lot of racism and vile attacks of Gina and their true colours are shining through. I didn’t really think it was my place though to say it given I’m not black or American, but it really makes me sick how those fans treat Gina and I have seen a lot of flat out racism towards her. It disgusts me.
They enjoy Gina only when she was miserable and acting like someone she wasn’t to gain the approval of their fave rich white boy who treated her like a doormat. Gina became a shell of herself in season 2 and settled for less than she deserved because she felt it was the only way to keep her feelings safe. It’s funny that they used to love saying that they wanted Gina with EJ because he made her happy, but ignore that he made her miserable and that he was never what she wanted. Ricky let’s her be herself and treats her like a queen AND that is who makes her happy and who she wants. They don’t actually want to see her happy and demonize every action she did this season - when she was the one trying to keep that relationship afloat. Whenever they talk about pw it is always in terms of EJ and what would make him happy and they don’t care at all about Gina’s feelings. It is completely clear where they stand and how they really feel about Gina.
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akajustmerry · 4 years
man I'm not even on tumblr much these days but I'm SO glad that you're not 1 of these ppl who even CONSIDER this popular wh-te blonde singer being possibly gay. I mean why waste time on her when you could listen to actual out gay legends right?? I just discovered Rina Sawayama (I know I'm late) and I can't believe somebody would waste their gay thoughts and feelings on Miss Wh-te Amer-can???
RIGHT?!?!? it's like why bother creating dumbass homophobic essays about why u think ur straight 2 note range white supremacist fave is secretly gay when u can support actual LGBT artists like rina, against me!, hayley kiyoko, shea diamond, mika, halsey, dua saleh, etc who have talent and actually create music for gays and about being gay, rather than releasing token songs when it's trendy??? like??? why??? its like u only want gay content from straights cos of internalised homophobia or some shit. i truly CANNOT STAND sw*fties. dw this will always be a safe space for tay*or s*ift antis, friend. x
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