#not actually but people in that tag like bleem
ultimateinferno · 7 months
Congrats to the newest Game Changer episode for setting the record on pissing Brennan off the fastest at 3 minutes and 30 seconds.
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Embrafrost (BLeeM lied to you)
So! Brennan lied to all of us, so let me tell you what actually happened here.
Couple things to keep in mind, Ivy is curating her mean girl reputation 110% at all times, and because her and Oisín are executing a plot, they can't draw too much attention to themselves (and someone has to stay at the ping pong table). Also, Lucy's proclaimed dead right now, and they don't want to draw attention to her being revived (especially if she came back with a rage star).
Ivy notices "Lucy" (and Oisín doesn't). A 19's a pretty high roll, and with a 19, Oisín doesn't notice "Lucy", which means that on a lower roll, he would've noticed (and possibly caused some trouble). Ivy sees a hint of blue, and turns around to find "Lucy", and meets her gaze. (Used to looking for Lucy, perhaps?)
Ivy's microexpressions. Do not listen to Brennan. Do not listen to the IH. Hold my hand, come with me, let me show you the truth. Ivy's facial journey is eyebrows up, then a slow blink as her face relaxes into a slow smile. The nonplussedness that Emily read in her face would not show like that. It would be just as easy to be surprised and then drop her eyebrows and keep her face straight. That's not what's happening here. When her face relaxes, I know the camera turns away (trust me, I know, I'm pissed to all hell about it), but you can see the edges of her lips start to turn up, in what looks like the start of a smile!
Ivy's interaction with "Lucy." "Lucy" waves to Ivy and ducks away, so from Ivy's pov, "Lucy" has come back to life, and reached out to her, but wants to meet somewhere not around people. Ivy asks if it's cool that they meet up now, and Lucy agrees. Here's the important part, pay close attention! She doesn't tell Oisín. She doesn't tell her best friend, who we know she's close with! She doesn't tell him that Lucy's here, she doesn't tell him where she's going, she just says she's done and walks away. I rotate that in my mind a lot.
So basically, Brennan and the IH lied to you, and actually this is 90% of my propaganda for Lucy/Ivy, please see the truth. Like, I said in my tags on @ratgrinders post, to just see your not-dead friend and go 'oh! oh. :) I'll catch you up on what you missed' like. That's not Mean Girl! That's not Bitch! That's just Ivy! She is a hater and I love every moment where she hates someone, but that's not what this is. This is a moment of softness in the middle of Everything.
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utilitycaster · 2 months
I think you've mentioned that you don't like making up nicknames for CR villains. What do you think of the cast starting to use Luda more?
Honestly don't mind it at all. It's kind of funny, it's a Ludacris joke which I appreciate, and this is an exploration into a list of my idiosyncratic annoyances that no one asked for but I'm way less bothered by spoken nicknames than typed ones. Like, I think I said earlier, I didn't mind Sam saying "robit" about FCG but it irritated me when it was typed out.
A lot of nicknames and other things that, for lack of a better way to put it, that end up annoying me tend to be like...casual signifiers that whatever writing is coming is just not very good, in my opinion? Like this is all very general, from limited experience, and by no means 100% accurate but like..."Luda" people are usually just thinking about 2000s rap, which is extremely valid. Luddy/Ludi and variants people tend to have very surface level opinions. Lud can be just lazy typing but this is also the preferred moniker among people who desperately want to fuck him (note: these judgements are based on text body; i get with tags sometimes you have to shorten things). "Robit" annoyed me because it tended to be overly cutesy and also result in surface level or overly angsty takes. I don't think I've ever seen anyone who calls Brennan Lee Mulligan "BLeeM" post anything original enough to bother reblogging. "Ickythong" and "Ikithot" tended to also be signifiers of really surface level opinions that didn't actually want to talk about Caleb as a complicated person but rather as some kind of sad little baby boy terrorized by shadowy evil. And so on. Like, I don't think it's causative at all, it's just a weird correlation that more often than not signifies "this block of text will say precisely nothing interesting." Which in turn means that cast can say whatever because they are usually the originators and also they're not writing meta.
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