#not all ofc a lot ofnthis comes from anti vegans not non vegans but still
sereniv · 2 years
so i was going to make a post about how people need to learn what a comparison actually is, but when i looked up the definition and dug more into what exactly a comparison is, i realise that i actually needed to learn
because what i realise is that most people get it wrong, on both sides
A lot of people, myself included, conflate comparison into meaning "between these two(or more) things, one is worse/better"
Either through accusation or defending. Meaning one party accuses someone of saying A is worse than B through comparison, and the other defending saying that its not a comparison but finding similarities.
Both are actually technically right. Because the definition of comparison is to find similarities and/or differences only. It is not about figuring out which is worse or better
Which this is probably obvious for some ppl but ive seen it in the vegan community in defending and in the anti vegan or non vegan community for accusations
It all depends on intent and how something is said
theres a big difference between saying "There are similarities between A and B" and "A and B are the samr" or "A is just as bad as B"
Especially when it comes to social issues of oppression.
Because all oppression is comparable, but that doesnt mean its all the same or one is worse.
Even when there is a comparison that shows which oppression is more prevalent, its not about it being "worse", which is so vague. Its about understanding history, understanding society and how it works, and many other things
Basically, when someone compares animal agriculture to slavery or the holocaust by saying "its no different" "its the same" "AnAg is worse" etc, that is a hard comparison and is wrong, and those hard or even casual (finding similarities) comparisons should be kept for those who have history with the holocaust and slavery.
But it is NOT the same to draw comparisons, as in highlighting similarities, between oppressions, even if that applies to animals
I understand the kneejerk reaction due to the history of marginalized people being equated or compared to animals.
But you HAVE to use your comprehension skills.
There are vegans, actual vegans who go by the Vegan Society definition, who make hard comparisons and they are wrong and bad.
But when someone is talking about the harmful mindset of viewing someone who is a sentient being as lesser, and how in history and even in fictional stories how that leads to oppression like...its just not the same
No oppression is comparable in every way. Because each oppression is different.
trans oppression is different within the trans community depending on race or gender or looks or weight or abledness or even attractiveness. but there is still a common mindset which connects the trans community. And trans oppression is different from gay oppression but theres still a similar oppressive mindset that makes up the whole Queer community
and you can draw those comparisons, find those similar mindsets in all oppression
and you cant draw a line because someone is different from you, be them human or non human
and that is all these comparisons are. they ARE comparisons, id like to call them soft comparisons to differentiate them from hard comparisons like mentioned before
but there is nothing wrong with having a conversation about the oppressive mindset that affects everyone who is human and non human animals.
Learn to take a breath before replying, and figure out which kind of comparison youre dealing with. and when in doubt? just ask.
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