#because it really is. vegans have to be so fucking clear just to make sure no one warps what we say and misunderstands
planetsano · 1 year
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◟* ♡ 𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 : hybrid reader, guns, hunting mention.
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Sometimes I think about a hunter— a big, tough macho kind of man who can hold a gun that’s heavier than you ever probably had to lift because all you do is pick berries and herbs all day.
A real man, you know? One of those men who could survive in the wilderness alone with just his bare hands. Hands that are so big and rough— ones that radiate warmth. I think about those same hands that have never touched or.. really felt a soft pair of silken bunny ears.
He would have had to met you in the wild, right? I imagine he’d had to have been at least 30 feet away looking through a scope on his rifle— he saw your ears first. Floppy sweet things that were beautiful in color. Shiny and healthy, a rare type of pattern speckled against the base color of your hair’s locks.
If your head hadn’t popped into view at the last second, surely you would have been someone’s dinner or a new fur scarf. A vegan’s worst nightmare, really.
His brows would furrow in a burly pinch, lowering his weapon before letting out a sigh. Well, he couldn’t kill you now. That would go against his morals but he’s well aware that there are plenty who would just be jumping to sink their claws into a hybrid. To either sell, kill, skin or keep as a pet— even a slave. There was just so much opportunity, which is exactly why hybrids like you were in such a high demand.
He’s never actually interacted with your kind before so he’s curious. He’d inch closer, careful not to spook you. It’s no surprise that for such a big man, he’s surprisingly light on his feet when he’s in his element. There’s too much experience under his belt to carelessly step on a twig. It’s life or death in some cases.
You’re at a pond— the crystal-clear waters mirror the vibrant greenery that surrounds it, while lily pads float gently on its surface. There’s a waterfall pouring into its depths. It looks unreal, and you’re just the cherry on top.
You’re nearly nude, only tattered pieces of various pieces of cloth almost stylishly worn to your body. You seem to be at peace giggling as your feet make the water splash while your chase a butterfly. He’s never seen anything quite so innocent
It’s your eyes. Your eyes it’s just fucking big doe eyes that do him in when you finally spot him. He’s fully ready for you to make a run for it but You don’t seem afraid at all— he’s surprised. Even more so when you cautiously walk over as if you don’t want to scare him. It’s just that.. he’s a man.. you’ve never seen one before. You’re so curious, too curious for your own good.
Your fingers would gently trace the contours of his face and run through his hair, a sense of confusion deepening in your eyes. Unlike the hybrids you’ve encountered before, there’s a startling absence of ears on his crown. You would take one of his hands and allow him to touch the softness of the floppiness of your own, silently asking him where his were.
“I don’t have ears like yours—” He’d suddenly cut himself off at your expression. His voice..! It’s so.. deep! It’s amazing, you want him to say more words but you don’t quite know how to communicate in a way humans would understand. You’re just so excitable you want to explore every inch of him but alas, you hear your friends approaching near. You give him one of the wild flowers stuck in your hair before disappearing onto a deeper part of the forest.
And he wonders if he’ll ever see you again.
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— ushijima, kita, iwaizumi, toji, choso, nanami, eren, reiner.
+ bonus: dilf gojo specifically, and single father bakugo.
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You mother fuckers astound me, truly. You had Biden and who has two big negatives
- the question of his mental capacity
- his stance regarding Palestine
Now that Harris is up to bat you idiots are still like ‘aw I don’t know’ what the fuck? She’s not 80 years old, she has previously been kinder to Palestine when the potus she serves under seemed to make his stance very clear. WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT!?
‘I didn’t like Biden but now that there is someone that’s better and still has a chance I’m going to vote independent’ or ‘I live in X state so my vote doesn’t matter I’m gonna vote independent’
You’re in a fucking tug of war for your life and the lives of those around you. ‘There’s some super buff people on the other side, but we can work together and win this to make sure women actually have rights’
And you idiots are like ‘no I don’t think I’m gonna make a difference in a tug of war for the fate of my soul, I’m just gonna go play basketball where the rings are 50ft high and the ball is deflated. But good luck though.’
Like I get that OnE vOtE dOeSnT dEcIdE the ElEcTiOn but a hundred votes does and those hundred votes are made up of one hundred single votes and I know it’s how it works in the US cause your country is a million kinds of fucked but what is the harm in trying to do the thing that could actually help people?
‘But she used to be a cop’
You absolute morons. I’ve seen so many people say this. I get it, I don’t like police I really don’t, but in what world is a politician really that much better? AND IN WHAT WORLD IS THE AVERAGE COP WORSE THAN ronald drumpf?
You dense shits decide to say ACAB because it gets you fucking brownie points but when you can actually choose not to help evil and malice you decide to look the other way because you don’t want people calling you out on what’s on your profile?
‘I won’t vote for the best choice because I wanna slide in the dms of this vegan trans girl’ fuck off. Did she work in a place that’s 99%filled with the worst fucking white men you know? Yeah she did but the alternative is John Wayne Gacy but he owns a bunch of properties. Do you know how much worse he is than the average police officer? I know it’s not really easy to compare evils and there’s lots of problems with it but this feels pretty cut and dry. One had jobs that people I don’t like have the other has committed some of the worst crimes imaginable and continues to enforce systems that allow them to happen.
For the love of God get your head out of your ass and vote blue, I don’t care if trump jr is announced as the newest Democrat choice, almost anyone is better than trump. It’s like if Ronald Reagan had late stage dementia or someone who seems comparable to Obama who was a very well received president and you bitches are letting Reagan go so the onlyfans girl feels comfortable calling you a good (gender).
I appreciate the idea that if the good option won’t win you guys are happy to go with what you think is the perfect option. But the perfect option has a 0% chance to win and you are doubling down there when the great option has a 40% chance to win and by going with the 0% chance it gets more likely that the absolute worst nuclear option wins?
Some of you truly astound me.
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lycanlovingvampyre · 2 years
MAG 103 Relisten
Activity on my first listen: putting up a new fence
I heard some people were surprised by the pig facts? I guess I'm being a redneck again? XD That's just stuff you learn when you grow up in the countryside.
"and their manure is great for composting." And omg, the smell of pigs is really quite something... I generally avoid going into the pig's barn at my grandparents in law's farm. Can't get that smell out of your clothes, your hair... A few years back someone in the area where I live fertilized their field with pig manure and it was dreadful... Luckily only happened once. Even the farmers around here were complaining.
"at around three or four hundred kilos" My fucking horse weighs 450 kilos. So that really, reaaaally big for a pig.
"Part of me did consider immediately trying to send it for slaughter" I wonder what would happen, if people were to eat meat from Monster Pig...?
"But as I got closer, I saw that they were scars. Shot scars, most of them, with some that looked like they might have been from spikes or axes." Nago/Okkoto?
"The first year they did it there was a lot of trash left behind we had had to clean up, but apparently someone bashed the right heads about it, since last year there was barely a cigarette stub left." Shit like this is actually a problem, there doesn't even have to be an event. Some people will just litter their trash, other people are just careless. And that trash then lands in the food for our animals.
"But instead, I felt it settle next to me, the meat of it sinking into the spaces left by my position. It was pressing up against me, and let out the most contented sound I have ever heard from a pig. The message could not have been clearer: ‘Friend’." Awww! But yeah, that farmer always fed Monster Pig. He never treated it badly. Of course Monster Pig thinks he's a friend. Until now he didn’t even do anything against it, so one could argue he’s complicit with the Fear?
"When you explained the situation, I hoped you’d have some special trick for dealing with it, but I suppose welding scrap metal around the pen and filling it with cement just about works" Our first problem being solved with concrete!
"Those pigs didn’t deserve what that thing did to them. Tearing them apart and eating them." Go vegan? Or, vegetarian would actually be enough for that. It’s something you should always be aware of when you eat meat. (Disclaimer: I'm a flexitarian. So I do still eat meat. Hell, my grandpa in law turned his pigs into delicious smoked meat...)
"Oh, and if you’re hungry, I’ve got some bacon in the freezer I’m going to cook up. ... What?" Lol. It sounded earlier like this was a transcribed statement. So Dylan Anderson did not write it down himself (because of that bit about "Oh, uh, when you’re writing this up, make it’s clear that we’re near the Marlborough Forest"). Still funny, that the transcriber would include the “What?”.
JON: "I currently have nothing to indicate where Gertrude might have travelled next, but I… I have a hunch Kurt Anderson might be able to help." He stops himself there. Was he going to say "I Know"? Still in denial about that?
KURT: “Yeah, but he didn’t say how. Told me some weird guy turned up afterwards, and she went off with him in a real hurry. So Gerry suddenly turned up with some horrible news. Can’t remember if we hear what it was exactly?
Interesting how Kurt Anderson doesn't notice he's been compelled until he gets the juicy stuff pulled out of him...
KURT: [Afraid] "What are you?!" I'm sure this hurt Jon. Now even others refer to him as... not human. He did absolutely chose to use compulsion here though. Why play investigations on hard mode if you can just cheat your way through it? And Jon later says he likes it. To be completely honest, I would use the hell out of that myself. Would probably save me a lot of nerves and time.
Jon finally puzzled together that the tunnels are a blind spot!
DAISY: "Right. So, if he’s not paying attention, and I kill you down here…" Oh man, I HATED Daisy back then.
Jon meeting up with murder cop, upon his wish alone and not because Elias told Daisy to escort Jon, heavily suspecting Elias can't watch (and therefore protect) him just so he can organize a bit of safety for the others <3
JON: "No. No. I was, I was… I was thinking. This… Section 31 unit that, that you’re a part of –" DAISY: [Insistent] "Not a unit! Just paperwork." JON: "Right but, but… what do they think about Elias?" DAISY: "Best avoided. Pretty harmless. Um, crimes involving the Institute get people sectioned, but he’s not an active threat." JON: "If we had evidence that he was an active threat, that he was killing people, he, he was the one threatening to make all of your stuff public, do you think they’d move against him?" DAISY: "… Maybe." Martin's stunt in MAG 118 is a JonMartin collaboration!
DAISY: "You sure you want to talk with that thing running?" JON: "Oh. Um, I-I… I didn’t … didn’t realise I’d turned it on." Was there ever an instance, where Jon unknowingly turned on the tape recorder himself? I think it was always the tape recorders acting on their own. Maybe Jon doubts his own mind, questioning himself if he's the one doing this? (I mean, we know that as least most of the time it's not him, it has happened plenty of time where the recorder was out of reach or Jon wasn't even there at all.) Also, since the tape recorders do work in the tunnels, it is kind of implied that the tapes are not the Eye.
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fanfictionroxs · 1 year
Hey pal, quick question? How do you reconcile all these hot men we simp for from BL and KPop being presented as angels on earth, but at the same time they are not even remotely vegan? Felix from Stray Kids, his animal in the SKZoo is a chick (baby chicken) and he recently did a live in which he ate a HUGE amount of fried chicken, but then got upset at someone who pointed out he was eating Bbokari (his chick SKZoo animal). I really want to like these men without asterisks, but I'm denied all the time. It's also so fucking rare that a desirable, popular man is proudly vegan and it makes me sad.
Simple. I don't respect them or like them as actual people. My ethics are clear. Animal slavery is unacceptable and your looks/packaging being hot doesn't cover up your very real unattractive nature of treating fellow animals like property/products.
I enjoy the fictional worlds, but have slowly distanced myself from fangirling over the actors. I used to be a massive bts fan earlier and then their mcd promotions thing started where chicken nuggets were part of the bts happy meal. Whew! It was a wake up call for me. I felt betrayed on behalf of the animals and my chickens who were rescued from poultry farms and meat shops. I had fights in some army groups and left them (but some people over there ended up going vegan because of those fights and one of them is my best friend now 😍). It was the start of my breaking away from the parasocial relationships we all very often get into with these actors and singers.
Honestly though there's very few people in life I reapect and each and every one that I do respect does not partake in animal slavery. I don't care if it's part of your culture, I don't care if that's how you were brought up. You have the internet and most of the world is aware of what vegan is. But most of them chose to remain lazy and selfish in regards to animal rights because animals cannot speak up or offer organised resistance.. and their fans are also totally fine with that since most fans are animal oppressors themselves and the few that aren't refuse to speak up.
But I always keep hope for change. If some slaughterhouse workers and dairy farmers can get it through their skulls that animals have moral worth and their exploitation is wrong and become vegan/animal rights activists, then surely everyone else can too! However, my trust is very very limited when it comes to celebrities and their intentions. Most of them time, I don't even trust vegan celebrities. So, I just enjoy the shows and move on. Some shows I'm entirely unable to stomach like cooking shows and shows romanticising animal 'farms' and so I skip them.
So.. don't force yourself to like men or women who don't share your values because most of them will never give animals even a fraction of the importance we unnecessarily shower on these actors. Just enjoy the content, detach yourself from the actors/creators and move on. Sounds sad and maybe even bitter, but really helps in the long run with your mental health, makes you have mad unhinged fun while keeping your priorities in order and even strengthens your resolve to end animal exploitation!
PS I LOVE your fics on ao3 and how you weave animal rights into them. Thank you for your great service, beloved author! You give me courage to be more open in my own fics and not worry about hate 💚
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negasonicimagines · 1 month
Afraid / Part 10: A Successful Meeting
You spend some quality time with Eloise and attend a faculty meeting.
You wake up with a startled gasp, feeling someone touch your face. 
“Shit!” Eloise exclaims, startled herself. “Sorry, your hair was in your face. I know how much I used to hate that, it’s one of the reasons I cut it short.” 
“Didn’t I ask you not to do me any more favors?” you ask playfully, cutting your eyes up to see her reaction. 
Fuck, she’s gorgeous. Did I just have girlfriend goggles on before, or is she somehow prettier today? Doesn’t help that she’s still wearing that damn suit. 
“Right, right,” Eloise agrees, but it’s clear she’s taken in jest as it was intended. 
“Thanks for waking me up. I’ll head out and get changed and stuff.”
“Yukio and I broke up,” she blurts. “I just- I’m sorry, I needed to tell somebody and you’re here, and-”
“What happened to the unapologetic Ellie I grew up with?” you remark. “Don’t sweat it. That’s a big change. You two have been together for years now, and friends even longer. I’m kind of honored you felt comfortable sharing that with me. I never really had any close female friends growing up.”
“Right…” Eloise trails off. “I’m sorry about that, too. We should’ve been friends back then. We’d both be better off now, I think.”
“It’s cool,” you assure her. “We’re friends now.” 
“I owe you one more apology. I can’t stop thinking about what I said that day. About Ultraviolet and you having ‘plenty’ of friends. That was seriously fucked up.”
“Hindsight’s 20/20. Besides, I’m pretty sure you saw me one of the nights I didn’t find any prey. I definitely slut it up when that happens. It’s all fun and games, since I won’t be going home with anybody.” 
“You deserve to have fun without being judged,” she insists. 
“Seriously, it’s okay. Are you just trying to avoid thinking or talking about the breakup? Because I can think of more entertaining ways to do that.”
Eloise stammers. 
“Oh my god, I meant we could go watch a movie in the den or something,” you groan. “You’re kind of a film buff, aren’t you? We could watch Donnie Darko, or Requiem for a Dream… Whatever.”
“Those are rated R, we can’t watch either of them in the-”
“As far as anyone else is concerned, we’ll be watching Care Bears.”
Eloise snorts. 
“Fine. Let’s watch Donnie Darko, then. Requiem’s a little too heavy for today. You sure I don’t need to do this, though?” she asks, gesturing towards the computer. 
“Wade and I got a lot done last night. He knows what to do, and I texted Logan and Laura.”
“Oh, thanks.”
You nod in acknowledgement. 
“Let me go get changed into real clothes. I’ll text you once I’m there and you can meet me. Sound good?”
“Yeah,” Eloise agrees. “Thank you, seriously, I… I could use a distraction right now.” Maybe she’s not the best candidate for that, but she’s the one who’s offering. It’d be nice to have some one-on-one time with her outside of this where we’re not yelling at each other. I never should’ve yelled at her like that. 
“It’s okay,” you reply reflexively. “You were justified.”
“So much for not reading my mind,” she remarks, but it’s not as accusatory as it was last night. 
“I can feel your regret,” you half-lie. “You have it pointed right at me, and it’s loud. I think even a normal person would be able to feel it.”
“Right,” she sighs. “See you soon.”
“Yeah,” you agree before heading back to your room. You take a quick but desperately needed shower before throwing on your usual attire and taking care of your other hygienic and beauty needs. 
You make your way downstairs to the den. She’s already waiting on the couch with a bag of premade popcorn and a bowl of the microwavable stuff for you.
“Miss Phimister, what will people think?” you tease her, taking the bowl. “Already on a date the morning after you broke up with your last partner. Who’s the slut now?”
She turns pink. 
“I- Uh-”
“I’m just giving you a hard time. So, you finally went full vegan, huh?” You pretend that’s news to you. 
“Oh, yeah, it’s been a couple years now. I’m just glad we’re living in an era with vegan options for just about everything, even if they’re a little pricier.”
“For sure,” you agree. “Still good with Donnie Darko? I just threw it out there, I’m not married to the idea if you wanna watch something else. I won’t tell anybody if you wanna watch Care Bears for real.”
“Donnie Darko is more than fine. It’s one of my favorites, actually,” she assures you. 
I know, you think. We watched it for the first time together. 
“Really? Me too.”
We should’ve been friends. Why weren’t we friends? Was I really so hateful? I don’t understand why I wouldn’t have come around once I realized we had so much in common, she thinks. 
“Let’s get started,” you remind her. She’s already got it pulled up on the TV. You keep a respectable distance from her on the couch, propping yourself on the arm on the opposite side and already munching on the popcorn. She put the parmesan garlic seasoning on it. How’d she know? Was it a subconscious choice? Is she starting to remember?
“Yeah, but first… I ran into Miss Frost in the kitchen. She asked about you.”
“Really? What’d you say?” 
“You’re feeling better.”
“Then why do you have that squeamish expression on your face?”
“I may have agreed with her that it would be a good idea for the three of us to go to brunch tomorrow,” Ellie confesses. “She just- She seemed sad. I couldn’t… I felt bad for her.”
“You have a weakness for tortured telepaths, don’t you?” you ask, knowing it’s the truth.
“Something like that, I guess. She even remembers what kind of seasoning you like on your popcorn. You two spent more time together than I realized.”
“Yeah, it was… We were close, but we had a pretty big fight. She was more wrong than I was.”
“Can I ask what it was about?”
“The girl. She told me it didn’t matter. That I was young, and if it felt good, I should just do it. Have fun,” you explain. “She said she was a dime a dozen and I was special. But that girl… Is the most special person in the universe to me. I’d burn the world down just to watch the flames sparkle in her eyes,” you admit. 
“Even after all this time?” Eloise asks. It’s like being stabbed in the heart. 
“Time has only made my feelings stronger. I keep tabs on her. She’s more beautiful with every passing day. Smarter, funnier, sweeter… Everything I love about her only grows with her. Even as she matures and changes, it’s all… Wonderful. Like a rose bush with more and more buds blossoming.”
Eloise reaches out, brushing a tear off your cheek. 
“Sorry,” you quickly say, fixing her perception of you. 
“No, come back. It’s okay. I’m sorry. I guess I just- I’ve never felt anything like that. I don’t even know if I’m capable. I wanted to know what it was like.”
“That’s only natural,” you assure her. “It’s painful, but in an exhilarating way. I guess I’m just a masochist.”
“I think it’s beautiful.” I think I might finally be able to relate to her soon. The more I know, the more I want to know. 
“I think we should watch this movie before I have to attend that faculty meeting,” you change the subject. 
“Oh, shit, yeah, sorry. Let’s.”
She presses play, and the two of you sit there in heavy silence as the film draws on. 
After the movie, you bid her a temporary farewell and take your bowl to the kitchen before heading to the faculty meeting. You’d forgotten how long the movie was, thankfully you’re already dressed appropriately. 
You take your usual seat, not everyone has arrived yet. 
“Miss Levi, I received an interesting phone call this morning,” the professor addresses you. 
You did? you ask him telepathically. 
Indeed. Your biological mother seems very interested in resuming talks about starting a foster program through the school. I think it’s a fine idea. There’s room in the budget, not to mention the donations we’d get if you were publicly attached to the project. I’d like to discuss it today, but Miss Frost likely won’t take kindly to the idea. Perhaps you should bargain with her. 
Eloise has already used up my best chip, I think, you reply. 
Don’t be too sure. She mentioned to me that it’s been some time since you’ve seen an optometrist. Perhaps if you allow her to take you, she’ll feel better about your mother joining our staff. 
You nod. 
Miss Frost enters.
“Speak of the devil,” you remark. She chuckles. “I’ll go with you to the eye doctor if you keep an open mind.”
“In regards to?” she wonders. There’s always a card up your sleeve, isn’t there? I’ve taught you well. 
“You’ll see,” you reply. This project is important to me. No games. 
Life is a game with the deck stacked in our favor, Y/N. Once you realize that, you’ll start having more fun playing. 
You roll your eyes, only to be given a pointed look by Xavier. The stragglers make their way in, and the meeting begins. It’s all positive news: an increase in the nutritional budget, the new clubs looking for teachers to sponsor them have all found a good fit, so on and so forth. 
“Of course, I’m saving the best for last. Years ago, I was approached by Miss Levi and our original Logan regarding creating a mutant-specific foster-to-adopt program. Over the next few months, we went back and forth, generating ideas for how it should go, but we were left with one problem: there was no one to oversee it. We’ve all got our hands full here. Yesterday, though, Miss Levi found a volunteer: her biological mother.”
You thought Miss Frost would be the only one surprised, but everyone in the room looks at you. These people were either your teachers or your peers. Their thoughts teem with questions. You decide to address the most common one:
“She’s not like me.”
They sigh in relief audibly. 
“Which means I will assist in vetting prospective parents,” you continue. “As most of you are aware, I am part of a task force that often retrieves not just mutant children, but mutates. Many of them are younger than the kids the school is used to accommodating. I believe this is the best way to ensure the school has involvement in the placement of these children. We already know what happens to them in the foster system. If we can be a barrier to that by having our own foster program… We can help a lot of people.”
“Well said, Miss Levi. With that being said, Rome wasn’t built in a day. If anyone would like to volunteer their advice, time, or any other resources they might have to offer, it would be greatly appreciated.”
“I’ll handle the lawyers,” Miss Frost speaks up. “I can also do some networking to pique the interest of potential donors.”
Thank you, you think in her direction. She smiles. 
“All of us in the counseling department should be available to advise parents or children in the program just as we are for students and their parents.”
“If they need more clothes, the school’s closet is open. I can also get some kids’ patterns off the internet and put the sewing club to work.”
More and more teachers and staff speak up, an outpouring of support you didn’t really expect. Sure, you knew no one would outright snub the program, but… It almost brings you to tears. 
“I think that’s a high note to end the meeting on,” the professor announces once the chatter dies down. “Everyone, you’re dismissed. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to Miss Levi or me if you think of anything else that may be beneficial to the program.” 
“Yes, thank you, everyone,” you add. “Especially the clothes. That’s a really good idea, maybe we can even come up with some sort of care package to send with every child to help parents get started.” 
“Wow, you just don’t stop, do you?” Wade asks, popping his head in. Everyone grumbles and groans, quickly dispersing. “Aw, what’d I do?” he whines. 
“What didn’t you do?” Miss Frost retorts. 
“He’s a mild annoyance at worst,” you argue. “And people consider me dramatic.”
“When’s the last time you saw… Her?” Miss Frost wonders. 
“I have control over my own mind, too, remember? All that’s blocked out, unless I’m distracted. I haven’t been distracted enough in a while.”
“That’s good,” she replies. 
“Who’s ‘her?’” Wade asks. 
“A consistent hallucination I’ve had since the onset of my schizophrenia. Miss Frost thinks it’s a manifestation of my adoption trauma. I believe the question she was actually trying to ask is, ‘how are you?’ I’m good, thank you, and you?”
“Better now that you’ve agreed to go to brunch with me tomorrow and let me take you to the optometrist afterwards,” she chirps. 
“Whoa, what’d you do, buy her a pony?” Wade jokes. 
“Some progress has been made in the foster program. Cheryl took it upon herself to call Xavier personally,” you inform him. “Miss Frost agreed to handle the legal side of things and generate donor interest.”
Wade laughs. 
“Look at you. You’ve got more moms than you know what to do with. Kinda makes me glad that the other Logan’s gone. I’m winning by default.”
“Wow,” you scoff, but a smile does creep its way onto your face at the dark joke.
“B-T-dubs, Yukio’s a total mess right now. I got her some ice cream, but…”
Miss Frost smirks. 
“Don’t get too excited. I’m not- It’s not like that,” you quickly remind her.
“I’ve done some thinking on that subject. Even if you don’t feel comfortable with the risk that you’re potentially manipulating her… You’re still disregarding her feelings. You still see her as inferior, just in a ‘kinder’ way. You still have just as little respect for her as I do,” Miss Frost declares.
“The difference is in how we treat her because of it.”
“That’s right. I’ve never manipulated her mind. I’ve played along with what you’ve done, sure. But I never crafted a lie that runs so deep that she doesn’t even know who she is.”
“She’s so envious of ‘that girl you loved.’ You know it just as well as I do. Her thoughts are screaming it.”
“It doesn’t matter,” you mumble.
“I thought that was my line,” she retorts. “See you tomorrow, Miss Levi.”
“See you then. The same place?”
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seafoamchild · 7 months
I continue to have anxiety dreams almost every night. usually of traveling - of not being able to get to the airport on time, or realizing I haven't packed any of the things I need. I have dreams about people watching me and not having any privacy. sometimes I get killed in my dreams. I even had one about flying, which was great at first, but then it turned into an anxiety dream because I couldn't control where I was going.
I'm trying to understand what makes me so anxious. I know a lot of it stems from my relationship with my parents, and I'm making efforts to distance myself from them. eventually I want to talk to my mom about what's going on, but for now I just need space. they have always been too involved in my life. their influence has felt suffocating for so long. and my dad just creates stress and anxiety wherever he goes. the most mundane things become the biggest ordeals. and then if I get upset by the stress, it's my fault for being mean and sensitive. it is hard having a parent who is emotionally still a toddler. no wonder it stresses me out so much.
people-pleasing is all I knew based on observing my parents as a child. my mom went out of her way to do everything for my dad. like when he decided to go vegan, he expected her to make all of his vegan meals, and she did. when she went to visit her family and left him at home alone, she made sure there were enough leftovers for him to heat up, because god forbid he had to cook his own food as a 50-something year old man. she went out of her way to make sure he was happy, meaning everything was exactly how he wanted it so he could feel like he was in control. she would even change her tone of voice to appear happier than she felt, and encouraged me to do the same.
when I look back I have repeated this pattern in all of my relationships - going out of my way to please my boyfriend, paying for things, making sure I don't upset him. I never brought up issues I was having because I had no idea how to talk about that kind of thing. I had never learned. I had also never learned that it was normal and okay to set boundaries. and that it was normal and okay to get mad when those boundaries were crossed. I kind of let my boyfriends do whatever they wanted. it caused me so much pain - I didn't know anything different than bottling up my feelings because I was always taught that they didn't matter.
it feels so different with T. we actually have discussions. not fights. and no passive aggressiveness. just honestly stating what line was crossed, and how we are going to move forward. I talked to him about his drinking/drug use the other night. and I was very clear that if he doesn't get help for his substance abuse problem, I can't be with him. that I will love and support him through recovery but I won't tolerate him continuing to get fucked up like that. and I mean it. I know I'm far from perfect and I'm working on recovery too. but I really want it this time and I think he does too. anyway I'm practicing self-advocacy and setting boundaries. and even though I don't think this relationship is going to be a long-lasting one, at least I'm practicing. my feelings matter and they are valid.
I feel like I'm finally becoming self-assured enough to leave this place. I used to be so terrified of leaving my friends. but I was really just terrified of facing all the things that made me loathe myself and doubt myself. I have been avoiding it all - drinking, drugging, compulsive exercising, overworking, planning too many trips, saying yes to too many things. I don't need any of that anymore. I don't need to try and be friends with people who don't make time for me. I don't need everyone to like me. I am starting to understand.
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sereniv · 2 years
so i was going to make a post about how people need to learn what a comparison actually is, but when i looked up the definition and dug more into what exactly a comparison is, i realise that i actually needed to learn
because what i realise is that most people get it wrong, on both sides
A lot of people, myself included, conflate comparison into meaning "between these two(or more) things, one is worse/better"
Either through accusation or defending. Meaning one party accuses someone of saying A is worse than B through comparison, and the other defending saying that its not a comparison but finding similarities.
Both are actually technically right. Because the definition of comparison is to find similarities and/or differences only. It is not about figuring out which is worse or better
Which this is probably obvious for some ppl but ive seen it in the vegan community in defending and in the anti vegan or non vegan community for accusations
It all depends on intent and how something is said
theres a big difference between saying "There are similarities between A and B" and "A and B are the samr" or "A is just as bad as B"
Especially when it comes to social issues of oppression.
Because all oppression is comparable, but that doesnt mean its all the same or one is worse.
Even when there is a comparison that shows which oppression is more prevalent, its not about it being "worse", which is so vague. Its about understanding history, understanding society and how it works, and many other things
Basically, when someone compares animal agriculture to slavery or the holocaust by saying "its no different" "its the same" "AnAg is worse" etc, that is a hard comparison and is wrong, and those hard or even casual (finding similarities) comparisons should be kept for those who have history with the holocaust and slavery.
But it is NOT the same to draw comparisons, as in highlighting similarities, between oppressions, even if that applies to animals
I understand the kneejerk reaction due to the history of marginalized people being equated or compared to animals.
But you HAVE to use your comprehension skills.
There are vegans, actual vegans who go by the Vegan Society definition, who make hard comparisons and they are wrong and bad.
But when someone is talking about the harmful mindset of viewing someone who is a sentient being as lesser, and how in history and even in fictional stories how that leads to oppression like...its just not the same
No oppression is comparable in every way. Because each oppression is different.
trans oppression is different within the trans community depending on race or gender or looks or weight or abledness or even attractiveness. but there is still a common mindset which connects the trans community. And trans oppression is different from gay oppression but theres still a similar oppressive mindset that makes up the whole Queer community
and you can draw those comparisons, find those similar mindsets in all oppression
and you cant draw a line because someone is different from you, be them human or non human
and that is all these comparisons are. they ARE comparisons, id like to call them soft comparisons to differentiate them from hard comparisons like mentioned before
but there is nothing wrong with having a conversation about the oppressive mindset that affects everyone who is human and non human animals.
Learn to take a breath before replying, and figure out which kind of comparison youre dealing with. and when in doubt? just ask.
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Paradise Circus - Chapter Fourteen.
Huge thanks as usual to everyone still reading and enjoying this! Sending much love!
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Previous chapters - One  Two  Three  Four  Five  Six  Seven  Eight  Nine  Ten  Eleven  Twelve  Thirteen
Tag list - In the comments
Words - 2,694
Warnings - 18+ content throughout. NO MINORS, PLEASE!
“Don’t hit me again.”  
Turning round from her assigned punchbag, Darla smiled to see Tommy there. She’d had a hellish Thursday and truly, should have been at home preparing for the last day of term the following day, but she knew exactly what she was like. It would be going over everything she already had, spending her previous evening awake until 1am making sure she was all prepared early. Darla Cooke was nothing if not meticulously well organised.  
“Hey you, I didn’t think you were coming up tonight?” she asked, wiping her sweaty forehead on her forearm, Tommy turning to say hello to Aimee, whom he’d now met once before while she was there with Obie, going over to introduce himself. He’d scored points for that.  
They’d been talking on the phone for a little while almost each night that week and he’d both revealed he’d chatted with her bestie on Monday, and also told her he wouldn’t be at the gym that night either, Darla only half decided whether she’d attend her now usual session with Aimee and Obie or not at the time, too.
“I wasn’t, but apparently the new guy wants his ass handed to him, so I thought I’d come for a ruck.” He replied, loud enough for his friend Curtis, who had just begun at the gym to hear him.  
“Fuck y’all, big T! Your ass is eating the canvas!” he called from the ring as he stretched, tapping around with one of the resident coaches.  
“Yeah? We’ll see, homie. We’ll see.” Tommy vouched, pointing at his eyes and then at Curtis with a nod, laughing. “So, how’s it all going with work?”
“Don’t ask! I shouldn’t even be here!” she wailed comically, tearing the Velcro on her glove and picking her water up, Tommy assisting by pulling the cap up for her.  
“Yeah, but we both know you’ll only be checking over the same shit you’ve already done.” How well he was beginning to know her.  
“True, I guess. And everyone needs a break once in a while, right?”
“Damn straight. Anyway, I gotta get up there. See you in a bit.” He winked, prompting her stomach flip, as usual. She resented the feeling a little, though, namely because Chantelle’s words had been playing heavily on her mind since their curry date the previous Saturday. Would continuing the sexual side of things with him truly be in her best interests toward making a clear-headed decision?  
Things were beginning to become really good with them. In fact, they were finding a little more common ground, surprisingly enough. During one of their phone calls, Darla had mentioned watching a documentary on big game hunting out in Africa, Tommy staunchly agreeing with her over how utterly abhorrent the practice was. ‘There ain’t nothing sporting about shooting a creature as beautiful and noble as an elephant, or popping off a lion. Nah, fuck that’ he’d stated at the time, asking where she was watching it so he could see it himself.  
He’d even also greatly surprised her by revealing that the dinner he was eating while he spoke to her was from the vegan restaurant they’d ordered from at her place that one time, Tommy stating that the dim sum was the best he’d ever had. It was true, their sweet potato and scallion bao buns were to die for. Was it enough to form anything more than friendship upon? Darla wasn’t sure, and as long as they were getting along so well, she honestly didn’t want to rock the boat by adding another complication.
Watching him in the ring out of the corner of her eye, though, denying herself someone so attractive, so incredibly chiselled, denying that ripped, huge body between her legs, could she do it? Sometimes, raw lust won out over common sense. Attempting to focus, she couldn’t help but have her concentration ripped away again once more, Aimee screaming ‘Jesus Christ!’ at her side, just as the sound of a body pounding off the canvas filled the gym, Tommy having Curtis locked completely, legs around his middle, arms gripping on around his shoulder, his arm wrenched back.  
“Okay, alright, alright!” Curtis conceded, tapping out, Tommy immediately slackening and rising to his feet, grinning through a mouth full of tooth guard at him.  
“He’s a damned machine!” Aimee exclaimed quietly at her side, Darla feeling her pulse flip madly. Oh yes, he was.  
“Oh, you got that right,” she muttered.
“Girl!” Aimee exclaimed quietly, tapping her shoulder with her gloved hand as she snickered. “Are you going to get yourself some later? But not in the locker room this time!”  
“No, no, locker room is out,” she chuckled, watching him continue to fight ahead of her. “I want to, but I’m unsure whether or not I should.”
When Aimee looked puzzled, Darla filled her in on everything she’d discussed with Chantelle, her friend nodding throughout her explanation.
“Well, ultimately, I think it’s your call. I do sort of agree with her, though. I can see that it might be judgement clouding, but if you don’t feel like it is, then you go have at it, which to be fair is exactly what I think you’re going to go and do, aren’t you? You only have one eye on me.”
Darla cringed a little at the fact she was severely preoccupied by the sight in the ring, a very sweaty Tommy completely handing Curtis’s ass to him.  
“Dude! You just put your fucking knee right in my dick, man!” He suddenly shouted, Aimee looking back at Darla wide eyed.
“Or maybe not!” They cracked up, continuing their focus when Obie came over to supervise, calling Darla to do some pad work with him. She kept her focus, working through her routine, a very sweaty Tommy jumping out of the ring and finding another pair or focus mitts, offering to work with Aimee.
“Jab cross, turn more, power comes from your hip, that’s it. Upper cut, body shot, round kick, awesome!” he encouraged her, Darla stealing little glances, liking that he was making an effort with her. After finishing, they hit the showers and changed, Tommy out by the front desk when she exited the main floor. The way he looked at her, wow. It was more than apparent he had on his mind exactly what she’d been wrestling with all night. Except with Tommy, there was no mental struggle.  
“My place?”
“I’ll meet you there.” She vowed, winking before she sauntered out. Ten minutes later, and they were tearing one another's clothes off in the hallway, Darling jumping to lock her legs around him, Tommy focused on sucking her nipples and spanking her bare ass as he carried her up the stairs, absolutely ravenous for her.
She let him sweep her up completely, lost in the moment, but not enough to wonder, was this her wanting a last hurrah with him, before denying it completely? Could she do it, should she? That thought was the eye of the storm, a temporary mental lull before it began to swirl once more, his teeth at her neck as he lay her down on his bed jolting her back to the moment, their passionate kisses thereafter pulling her into it once more, his divine lips travelling down her body, every rise and curve attended to, his elbows nudging her legs apart as he levelled with her sex.  
“Fuck, you have such a pretty little pussy.” He complimented, stroking her folds with his thumb before delving his tongue through them, her insides sparking with incandescence at that first indulgent lick. Her hands held his head, nails flexing in his hair as he took a mouthful of her and sucked, evoking her wail, watching her with lust blown pupils, a dark, stormy blue stare, watching at how she reacted to the thorough way in which he slowly began to eat her alive. It always made his arousal bloom wildly.
The wet drag of each lick languidly rolled through her slit and up to her clit, circling, nudging, glimmers skittering through her when he aimed his next suck right there, her breath catching in her throat, her little bud sucked plumper before bathed in the fast beating of his tongue.  
Her body arched off the bed, her toes curling, an orb of fire rolling through her groin before boom, it exploded and she came hard, her legs wrapping around his head, her clit throbbing against his tongue. He moaned against her slick petals, tongue continuing to explore her, hands roaming up to grasp her breasts and roll her nipples between his thumbs and forefingers. There was no other way to explain it, she was lost in pleasure, unmoored, adrift on the wide, dark sea that was Tommy, her body quivering as her arousal flowed unabatingly.
His fingers pushed within the heat of her core, laying soft kisses all over her slit, up her abdomen, tongue circling her navel before slipping down again to continue eating her. He granted her no clemency with the sublimity of his mouth, rapid and unyielding as he gratified her fervently, her womanhood the altar where he laid his worship of such beauty.
He was predatory with his ministrations, not ceasing or slowing, his fingertips seeking the place they had before to press precisely, her insides twitching aggressively as his tongue swept her bud with rapid circles, her body keening at she felt herself driven nearer, her core close to absolute convulsion as she panted and wailed, the surge of orgasm skittering through her strongly.  
He delighted in sucking it from her further as his biceps strained, fingers arrowing her plush cunt so strongly, it broke over her once more, like a match being thrown onto explosives, the wave rolling through her entire body as she crashed against his shore, overcome, howling as she trembled, pleasure melting down her spine.
Could she really, really relinquish this, the giver of multiple orgasms? Would she?
“Get on your back, big fella. I have some serious making up to do for that, damn.” He flipped himself so quickly, she couldn’t help but laugh, stroking her way up his powerful thighs, laying kisses to the muscles before reaching the fat erection waiting for her. She grasped him, squeezing the girth of his cock, slipping her lips over the head to swallow him hole, his groan deep and gone to gravel.
She pulsed her lips, increasing and decreasing pressure, her mouth slowly descending until he was almost all the way back in her throat. A few more pulses of her lips made him twitch violently, her mouth dragging slowly back up once more, letting a long drip of saliva coat the tip of his hardness, her tongue flicking, her eyes firmly on his before once more, her mouth descended.  
He watched her for a few moments before his head hit the bed, closing his eyes, a deep, guttural groan echoing through his throat, fingers lacing in her hair. He let himself enjoy it for a few minutes, before it became a little too much, especially when her mouth tightened over the very head of his colossal erection, her tongue swirling around speedily. It was too much to withstand, to have her there in his bed and not be inside of her in the way he wanted to be.  
“Okay, I was planning on longer, but totally up to you,” she exclaimed lightly after he’d grasped the top of her arms and hauled her up, settling between her legs, the bulbous head of his erection nudging her entrance. As always, her mouth dropped open as he breeched her, his cock sliding in fully, snug within the tight clutch of her aqueous walls, the feel of him beyond incredible. His cock was so perfect, he could have lain completely still inside her and she would have still cum.  
He was heavy and so wide within her, Darla gasping in exclamation as her depths opened by the fluid trawl of his thickness, his hips rocking against her gently, fingers stroking her throat as they kissed. She was wracked by muscles cording, jumping under goosepimpled flesh, Tommy beginning to establish a rhythm within her, the slow rolling gaining in voracity as his mouth began to wander everywhere it could possibly reach to plant heated, open-mouthed kisses upon her beautiful, dark skin.  
The grinding of his pelvis right against her clit felt like absolute sin, as if a thousand thunderstorms were striking within it, her escalation sudden as the coil within her rapidly grew, her moans unabashed as she felt herself teeter and then fall headlong into nirvana. The release that crashed through her in waves and didn’t abate, her nails digging deeply into his neck as he groaned at the flutters consuming his cock, loving that he’d made her cum so rapidly.  
Nothing felt like him, his huge body so incredibly delectable, his face so devastatingly handsome, and his kisses so heated, so amazing, Tommy returning his mouth to hers with nothing short of utterly ravenous hunger, pleasure still rippling through her.  
She’d never felt more alight, her nerves sizzling as he pushed her up off his chest and sat back on his heels, slapping her ass as he bounced her on his cock, carnivorous growls of desire echoing through his throat. Resting her hands behind herself on the bed, she arched back, her hips rutting against him, working in a roll so deliciously serpentine, he felt like he was about to lose his mind. It aroused him exponentially, to see her body roll against his like that, every inch of her beautiful skin sheening with a mist of perspiration.
His groan was pure gravel, watching her grinding herself upon his hardness intently, his eyes darker from his lust blown pupils as he leaned to run his tongue up the centre of her body. The pleasure was biting and powerful, like a tempest storm, rolling over them both without pause in a ceaseless continuation, their passion spiralling.  
Pulling her body back to him, his hands glided through her curls and down her back, forehead resting to hers, lost in her completely. She was just so fucking beautiful to him, his heart somersaulting in his chest, taking her face in his hands and kissing her so forcefully, he near knocked the wind right out of her. It was like that for the next two hours off and on, too, chatting casually between bouts of hot, heavy, passionate sex that left them dazed, so dazed that Darla didn’t notice the time.  
“You can stay if you like, you know,” he offered as she dressed downstairs where her clothes had been scattered, after noticing that it was 12:37am and very much past her bedtime.
“I’d like that, but it’ll put me in a mess for the morning, since I have so much stuff I need to take into work with me from home,” she lamented, pushing her feet back into her flipflops, Tommy leaning against the stair banister, looking so good that she almost didn’t want to leave him. He was one of those men who could just wear a pair of grey sweats and look like the sexiest thing alive in them, just like he did right then.
“Alright, well I guess I’ll see you on Saturday, then?”
“You will. Goodnight.” Pausing, she then walked back from the door, kissing his lips softly, that kiss deepening in and instant, his arms wrapping around her. She shared a look with him afterwards, a moment, one that was weighted, as they often slipped into. God, her head. It was a mess because of those moments, fighting against the good sense she knew had to prevail.
“Go on, get outta here before I drag you back to bed.” He smacked her ass, Darla squeaking and giggling before letting herself out, taking a deep breath once out within the cool, summer night again. To keep going like that and potentially confuse herself even more, or for the sake of simplicity in a situation already fraught with complications, cease what she had sexually with him.  
That was the sixty-four-thousand-dollar question.  
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13uswntimagines · 4 years
Loser Buys Dinner (Lindsey x Reader)
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Request: team goes to an ice rink and the reader is really good at ice skating and the team didn't know. you can add a pairing if you want
Author’s Note: Special Thanks to @literaryhedgehog​!!! Also this one has a slightly awkward ending, but we thought it fit. 
You stared at the sign as Kelley brought the car to a park. Ice Town skating rink blazed in neon letters as the outline of a skate seemed to circle around them. Around you, you heard the chattering of your teammates as they registered where you had come for today’s team bonding activity. They at least were excited. You unbuckled your seatbelt and followed Rose out of the car, still not taking your eyes off the neon image circling around your vision. It was fine. Today would be fun. 
“Hey fun size, you excited?” Lindsey bounced up to walk at your side. You flicked your head slightly to clear your thoughts and turned to smile quickly at her.
“I guess. It’s definitely been a while since I’ve ice skated.” 
“Don’t worry,” Lindsey said grinning, “I’ll stay with you the whole time if you’re worried about falling.”
“I won’t fall,” you said matter of factly. Lindsey raised an eyebrow. Before she could challenge you to a competition that she would lose, you said “if anything I’m worried about you. If you fall you’ll get frostbite.”
If Lindsey was concerned about the cold, she didn’t show it. She was from Colorado and was quite used to the terrible temperature. While Kelley had instructed everyone to wear layers, Lindsey was only wearing a jacket and flannel over a pair of skinny jeans. She grinned at your comment and shrugged. “I’ll be fine. What’s it going to be, like 30 degrees?”
“Yes. That is literally the temperature ice freezes at.”
“It’s just your California blood that makes you chill faster,” she smirked, elbowing your side. 
You rolled your eyes at her and entered the building. As the smell of the ice rink washed over you you inhaled deeply through your nose and exhaled through your mouth, intentionally relaxing the muscles that had tensed up at the memories the smell elicited. You still felt your spine straighten from habit, but chose to ignore it. 
“Are we sure this is a good team bonding activity. Like what if we break our legs before the game?” Rose asked, strapping a skate on her foot. She had always been the clumsier of the team. 
“We ran it by the coaches and they signed off on it so long as we’re all willing to be serious. Looking at you Sonnett. No fooling around on the ice. There are walls to hold onto if you feel unbalanced Rosie, but it’s a good chance to practice our flops if you feel like you’re going to fall. Remember- fall back and protect your head.” Carlie said with a grin.
“And then you want us to roll on the ice for the pretend ref?” Lindsey asked, quirking her eyebrow up at the ludicrous implication. There weren’t going to be any hands going near any skate paths. 
“The pretend ref would assume you were throwing a temper tantrum if you did since NO ONE will be skating at each other,” Beckey said, looking up from tightening her skate to catch the eye of each troublemaker on the team. 
Emily frowned, there went her idea of trying to joust with their umbrellas. 
“You alright?” Lindsey asked, sliding her hand along your lower back. 
“Yeah,” you said, looking at the rink logo imprinted in the center of the ice. 
“Well you’re kinda blocking the entrance to the rink,” Lindsey said very close to your ear, sending a shiver down your spine. When did she get so close to you?
You blinked away the feeling of a spotlight and thousands of eyes in your back to look back at her. Then you grinned slowly, “Just… creating some anticipation.” 
“I know you Californians probably don’t know much about moving on the ice, but you’re not supposed to just stand and stare at it,” she said, kissing your cheek. “just remember that I won’t let you fall,”  
You raised your eyebrows at her, then turned around fully to face her, still blocking the entrance intentionally. “Wanna make a bet Linessie? Because I think you’ll fall more than I do today.”
“In your dreams short stuff,” she snorted, refraining from saying that she had fallen for you already. 
“You taking the bet or not?” You said, a little louder this time so that you caught the attention of Emily and the rest of the youngins.
Linsey’s grin grew to match your own, “I’m always game, you know that,”
“Loser has to eat like Carlie for a week?” You proposed, sticking out your hand for her to shake.
“Hm, those stakes aren’t high enough. Loser has to eat Alex’s weird vegan shit for a week,” Lindsey said, her lips ticking up at your scrunched nose. 
“That would be cruel. I’m not doing that to you. Loser pays for winner’s Costco run?” 
“I think you’re just scared you won’t be able to eat ice cream for a week,” Lindsey scoffed, crossing her arms. 
“Okay, I tried to go easy on you,” you said, shaking your head dramatically. “If you’re willing to eat like Alex for a week, I’ll take that bet.”
“You’re on pipsqueak,” Lindsey shook your outstretched hand, squeezing it a little too tightly. 
You grinned at her and holding her gaze stepped backward onto the ice, crossing one foot over the other to gain speed as you glided to the center of the floor. 
It felt natural, as though the last 12 years had only been 2. You did a quick counter turn, letting the muscle memory carry you over the ice. You did a twizzle and grinned. Not too shabby. 
“Holy fuck,” Lindsey said, her jaw dropped as you glided effortlessly across the ice. So much for her plan to be your hero on the ice. Your protector from the cold. 
“Shoulda pretended you were the terrified one,” Emily snickered, bumping her lightly as she passed her. You may be oblivious to Lindsey’s feelings, but the rest of the team was not. 
Lindsey shook her head and skated off after you, not as smooth on the ice as you were, but pretty damn close. She had always preferred hockey over figure anyway. She easily caught up with you, skating relatively close behind you. 
You saw her and turned, arabesqueing a leg into the air behind you. Then you leaned into a tight camel spin so you looped around Lindsey as she moved. 
“You forwards are always such show-offs,” Lindsey rolled her eyes, catching your outstretched hand once both feet were back on the ice and pulling you close to her. 
“Cause diving headers and Bicycle Kicks are totally not showing off either,” you said, scrunching your nose at her. 
“How did a Cali girl like you learn to skate?” She asked, moving so she was behind you again, holding your waist as you skated. 
“Some way most girls who don’t live in a frozen wasteland do,” you said, shrugging. “I took lessons.”
“Wasn’t action-packed enough for our little firecracker?” Lindsey questioned and you could practically hear her eyebrow ticking up. 
You fought to keep your smile normal. “Believe it or not, there was a time when I wasn’t a firecracker and didn’t like being the center of attention.”
“Not a firecracker, impossible. I’m pretty sure most defenses are terrified of you, especially after you made that English defender pee her pants when she went after Mal,” Lindsey carefully pulled you into her chest resting her head on your shoulder, mindful that you two were still hurtling along the ice. 
You grinned. “Well, she deserved it.” You leaned out to the side then in again, pulling you both into a gentle spin. “But yeah, around middle school I dropped out of skating. My partner for pairs skating broke his ankle skateboarding and,” you paused, trying to find the words to explain, “I just really didn’t like singles.”
“Is it bad that I’m glad he got hurt? Cause now I get to be your pairs partner and you never have to be single again if you don’t want…” Lindsey mumbled, glad that you weren’t facing each other. She wasn’t sure she could have looked you in the eye and finally shot her shot. 
“Well, I am known for being a damn good team player, even if I am a showoff,” you nudged Lindsey playfully. “But I refuse to eat vegan for a week. I need my chocolate icecream.”
“Well,” said Lindsey with a dramatic sigh, “how about we amend the bet. Loser pays for dinner on the first date?”
Lindsey waited just a second for your agreement, enjoying the feeling of you in her arms, and then she gently pushed you away. You slid easily across the ice, turning just in time to see Lindsey “trip” and fall to her knees. 
“Guess I’m buying,” she said smirking up at you, her blond hair framing her face. 
“It’s a date loser,” You smiled so wide, your pink cheeks started to hurt. 
“You’re supposed to flop backward, Linds,” Carlie called across the ice.
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choiwrites · 4 years
kth | the day after valentine’s (m.)
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Words: 4.5k Synopsis: Taehyung, your best friend, had asked you to come over to help him arrange his furniture after moving for the hundredth time. It’s the day after Valentine’s and all the getting laid stuff is over, right? Not for Taehyung. Also, who the hell buys condoms after Valentine’s day? Rating: 18+ Author’s Note: This is a messy drabble that I have no intention cleaning or editing. I wrote this at liek 2am so a lot of typo’s ahead y’all.
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When you agreed to come over Taehyung's apartment, you thought he needed help with arranging the stuff that came from his moving van today. But no, your best friend's not the most truthful person you know.
He spreads across his dirty old couch, one he'd kept from his college dorm, wearing nothing but his basketball shorts that holds tight against his waist. Seven years since meeting him, he's done nothing to change his lifestyle. Every month, it's the same old scenario of him moving to another place after getting evicted for God knows how many times, and you watching him play a mobile game while you beg him to please start unpacking before a landlord sends him on his ass again.
"Let me finish this level, I'm so close." He looks for a second to study your reaction, annoyance painted clearly on your face.
You shrug, and your eyes dart over the cigarette pack that almost hides in one of his Goodwill boxes.
"I though you quit?"
Confused, Taehyung follows your eyes and he regrets in an instant bringing you here.
"I haven't had one in two months. I'm stressed lately."
Sighing, you try to understand. Taehyung's been on and off with cigars, he'd buy one in secret but sooner or later, you'd always find a lighter in his laundry when coming over. You advice him to keep his hand busy, and you'd even given him a bracelet that chimes. He removed it three months later and you never asked where he threw it away.
"Fuck," his finger swipes his screen as if he wanted to break it, "I almost got it!" he yelled.
He switches off his phone, now staring back at you. Your eyes fall, he's always intimidating. You couldn't blame him, you were always intimidated.
"What?" you croaked.
"What do you mean what? What's your plan?"
"My plan? Why do I have to make the plans?" Your fingers find the hem of your thin baby blue shirt.
"Because you're the smarter one. How do I arrange all my shit? You got any idea?"
"Taehyung, we've been doing this for ages. How come you still depend on me? There will come a day that I won't be here anymore and the only person you could depend on is yourself." Was it seeing the cigarettes that raised your voice, or remembering that he threw your handmade bracelet? You couldn't care less.
He was quiet. Then he opens his mouth, and he's quiet again.
"You sound like my mom," he says, meaning to tease you as if he hadn't used that for the hundredth time. "Was your date last night that bad? I told you you should come with Hoseok and I on Valentine's, we had an amazing night at Jungkook's crib."
There he goes again, ignorant of your troubles. Classic selfish Tae, the exact same one who stood you up on homecoming because he spent it having sex with Tilly Janes in his car. You're still upset about it, he didn't even think of going inside to give you at least a minute to dance with somebody on the dance floor.
"Mind telling me what happened? Did you get laid?"
"Do you ever think of maybe you shouldn't ask such inappropriate questions to someone?"
"Fine," almost tired in his tone.
And you spend a few more minutes in silence, guessing each other's thoughts with the way both your gaze lands on the floor. He clears his throat and forgets what he's about to say. You wish you didn't cancel your nail appointment today just to be with your best friend who still, in no surprise, doesn't have a single plan in his life.
Taehyung suggests he buys a stock from the grocery first, and when he says stock he means an awful lot of Oreo cookies and Lays. You agreed with him and he gets dressed, though the soles of your feet still hurt from walking in heels for three hours straight last night. If only you knew that Hyungwon would be bringing you to a walking spree, you wouldn't have worn a formal attire.
Taehyung spends his time choosing between peanut butter and double stuff. You tell him to pick the peanut butter one because you've never seen him finish the double stuff, he always throws the leftovers saying it was too sweet. He ignores your opinion and chooses the double stuff over the peanut butter.
He asks you again whether he should buy milk or pineapple juice instead, and you tell him to pick milk because whoever drinks pineapple is a monster. He nods in affirmation, commenting about how pineapple has a really weird aftertaste. And he brings the milk back to the shelf, putting the pineapple juice in the cart.
"You should dress like that." He points at a mannequin dressed in sportswear.
"You don't tell me what to wear, young man. I don't even jog."
"I'm just saying you'd look hotter." He scans you head to toe and your knees weaken a little.
He takes a route to the meat section, you already know why. He just wants to brag about being a vegan. Jungkook had convinced him last month to finally turn vegan, and he's been talking about it non-stop.
"I can't stand the smell of meat anymore, it's disgusting." He pinches his nose, wrinkles forming on his face.
"Okay, Mr. Vegan. We get it." You rolled your eyes.
"No, really. It's making me vomit," he says, nasally.
"Just make sure that once I cook chicken alfredo, your mouth wouldn't water."
Upon reaching the counter, Taehyung approaches the magazines and candy bars, leaving you in line.
What does he need this time?
And when you're up next in line, he comes back with a tight fist, hiding an item as he crosses his arms.
He thought he was sleek, but when he throws the condoms next to the Oreos, you couldn't help but laugh.
"You're buying condoms after Valentine's Day?" You throw your hand to your mouth, suppressing an uncontrollable laughter. "Did you run out last night or you're only getting laid today?" you added.
"Do you ever think of maybe you shouldn't ask such inappropriate questions to someone?"
You sighed. "But seriously, I know you wanna answer that question."
In the mood, you poke at his waist and he flinches like a worm. Taehyung was cocky, but he can be cute sometimes in ways he doesn't intend to.
"I ran out last night. Lucky you who don't need to buy another one since none of your dates ever pass your standards."
You couldn't point it out in what he said that made your heart throb, it felt a little offensive. Taehyung knows so much about you, it can get scary when he opens his mouth. What's he thinking right now? Cute little y/n, no one's ever good enough for her fragile heart. Cute little y/n, always finds a mistake in every part.
"That's not true, you know? I just don't settle that easily."
The corners of his lips lift, eyes rolling in disbelief. He was skinning you alive with that gaze, annoyed. He has a sarcastic smile sprawled all over his face, you just wanna punch it away.
On the way home, you thought about what he said for a second... For a while. You thought about it for a while. Was Taehyung right? Was his perception of you correct? Whatever it was, it did hurt. All you ever did for Taehyung was to be a good friend, and he gave nothing in return. You weren't expecting anything, but deep inside you knew Taehyung loves you just as much as you love him. But like every other person, insecurity gets in the way in relationships.
Maybe Taehyung doesn't even treat you as a friend.
No, you argued inside your head.
Sure, you've seen him in his most vulnerable moments. You've seen him break and you've seen him fall, you've seen him lose the inner parts of his soul. You've seen Taehyung happy, and you will always remember that specific laugh he lets out whenever he pretends something is funny. You know that he blinks when he curses because his body rejects it. He told you about his broken dream of becoming an astrologist, and you daydreamed together about the stars and the way they collide like magical dusts.
Maybe Taehyung doesn't know you like you know him.
Before the thought gets answered, Taehyung was already groaning as he puts the bags down to his counter. You had forgotten you arrived.
"We should start with your room. I'll place your clothes in your closet and you go arrange your miscellaneous."
He doesn't nod. Why won't he nod?  God, please, Taehyung, just agree with me once.
He remains standing with both his hands on either sides of his waist and he does nothing else. Still standing feet away from you, just knitted brows and a stern expression that you couldn't read. What is it this time?
"How was it?" His arms cross on the buff his chest, waiting for a response as he tries to read your reaction the same way you're reading where he's coming from.
"How was what?"
"The sex, y/n. Was it so bad you're in a bad mood today?" A laugh pauses in his throat, replaced by a rise of the corner of his lips.
It was a tug, or maybe a push, in your stomach that made your minds do wonders of spins. Such an unpredictable person Taehyung is.
There was nothing to deliberate inside your mind, nothing happened last night. Hyungwon went home without a kiss on his lips, and you're limbs gave out due to the amount of walking.
"There's no sex. We didn't have sex."
"Let me guess, he insulted your outfit? If not, he probably split the check." His index finger extends, eyes wrinkling to get out any more ideas from his dirty little head.
"Can you just- Ugh! What's with you and your insults?"
"How was that an insult? I was guessing which of what he did didn't pass your golden standard."
"If I had a better standard, maybe you wouldn't be my friend." Ouch. It wasn't directed to you but sometimes you just want to dissolve after saying something.
"I'm your friend because you have a high standard." He wasn't offended, not a single bit from what you have said. Was Taehyung that oblivious of how miserable he is? "If we weren't friends, I'm pretty sure I could get inside your pants."
You hoped he regret what he said, just as much as you wanted to dissipate earlier.
"I'm sorry, Taehyung. But my 'golden standard' would never, and I can't stress this enough, let you get in my pants, in an alternate universe where we aren't friends."
"Lies. Lies. Lies. I could easily get you swooning for me in just a matter of seconds, y/n. Stop, and I can't stress this enough, lying."
"Sure, Taehyung. Whatever you want me to fucking say." You turned your back on him to get a grip of yourself. You grunt, you shudder, and you sighed.
Cocky. Bastard. You could join those words together and it would still perfectly describe Taehyung. Perhaps you have a list of two words that could go either independently or together they'd still describe Taehyung well.
Arrogant. Pervert. Overconfident. Asshole. Striking. Idiot. Son. Of. A. Bitch. I. Just. Want. To. Punch. Him.
He places a grip on your arm to spin you to him. "I want you to say it," with a guttural voice coming from the pits of somewhere within his diaphragm, it's crazy how smooth it escaped from his lips.
"Saywhat?" as opposed to yours that escaped with so much tremble and crisp, thinner than air.
"Consent," he began. "I'm pretty sure I can reach your standard."
It was probably a bad idea. And a bad idea is followed by a spontaneous drive to try it, that's how it's done in movies. You'd probably regret it, right? But you'd regret it more if you don't get a chance to prove Taehyung wrong.
Fine. He needs a wake up call. He needs to wake up from that delusion he'd built inside his towering cocky arrogant head, no pun intended, that he's not every girl's cup of tea.
"You know what? Sure. What do you want me to do? Ride you? Then give you a blowjob after not finding the clit-"
He pulls you, hand reaching your lower back to push his groin toward your front. You were far behind than he was, Taehyung was already hard and eager. His lips were hot, warm around the tip of your tongue that vividly tastes the mint and smoke he had had earlier this morning. It was evident in the sloppiness of his kiss, swiftness of his wandering hands, and blazing fire underneath the lust of his eyes, Taehyung isn't exactly as what you have thought him to be.
The men you've slept with before, they were a floating fish in the sea. But Taehyung brings you sea deep into the weakness of your knees, the floor may have shaken 'cause you find yourself falling on his body and he catches you just perfectly, bodies molding with each other on the floor. Taehyung grips your thigh, to the north his hand traveled, his thumb harshly caressing your slit.
The position made it hard for him to move, he was struggling to reach every part of your body as he would have wanted so he pushed your body, and you look him in the eyes with question, both hands resting on his chest as he continues to play with your clit. He earns a sly grunt from you and he'd do anything to hear it again.
Then he was standing, carrying your body to the nearest stool he could find, desperate and quick. With one sharp thrust to lock you in position, he inhales the moan that went from your lips to his throat. Then he stops. He stopped.
"Moaning already, are we?" He lifts his brow, a crease forming on his forehead.
"Can you just get to it?"
He laughs. "That's not exactly how I always do it. I like to take my time."
You punch his shoulder, a questioning look taking over his features. Embarrassment flows through you. "This was a mistake."
He kisses you again, eating whatever insult was about to come out of your mouth. He wants to whisper it, that thing he have always wanted to tell you, in between kisses. Because now that he's got you under his touch, his tongue is burning just to say it. To distract himself, he digs into your waist deeper, sinking those three little words under your skin hoping you'd realize it.
You pull away, pushing him away from you. "Something wrong?" His nails have left their mark before you could figure out.
"No, no. Nothing's wrong."
There is though. You're not a stranger to not know the look on Taehyung's face. You recognize this one, it happened before. The trembling lips and crimson cheeks. They bring you back the day after prom, the day after Tilly Janes took his innocence.
"What happened last night?" you asked him, arms crossed against your chest.
"I'm so sorry I didn't come-"
"You came Tae. You came hard, didn't you? I can't believe you convinced me to go to prom just so you can leave me in there alone."
"I didn't want to. Listen, okay, I realized something last night."
"I don't need your apology, Taehyung. I don't need it. Jimin took me home last night."
"What? Why?"
"Why? Because some asshole left me without a ride. That's why!"
"I was looking for you last-"
"Shut it. He asked me on a date. So thank God, I'm at least in a good mood today to not flame on you."
"He asked you on a date? Are you going?"
Trembling lips and crimson cheeks. He gulped so hard you heard it.
"I am. Hey, are you okay?"
"I just can't believe someone would even ask you out. I'll be going, forget I came."
It's the same face, the same gulp. You put your hand on his cheek, like what a mom would do to an injured child, and he holds it so you won't ever let go of his face.
"We can stop. I know. This was a bad idea. We shouldn't have done it."
He shakes his head, his other hand creeping behind you. He latches his lips onto yours again, pulling your shirt up to reveal your stomach. The kiss was different, a touch of hunger for affection. A slow open one, mostly the breaths clashing in a soft whisper.
"I want you, y/n. I want you," he whispered to your mouth. You push him to the couch, straddling him and he groans in satisfaction. He pulls you closer, enough for his chin to land on your chest and he looks up in pure admiration of you.
There was more behind the words he said, but with the heat pooling in between your thighs, you couldn't care less as of now. It's something you'll resolve after. He tucks a strand of your hair as he makes thrusts underneath you, the thick cotton of his sweats didn't do anything to conceal his cock aching for you.
You remove his shirt, not being able to take your eyes away from his body. Sweet and honey under your gaze, he tenses them and you couldn't help but laugh at this. Kissing every inch of his exposed skin, you kneel as your knees approach the floor, not breaking eye contact with Taehyung while untying his sweats. His hand fails to fall steady on your arm and his Adam's apple bob in anticipation.
There's warmth that spreads across your stomach, different from the one in between you thighs. It's like electricity that continuously ignites a fire inside you when you notice his excitement, eager to have your mouth around him. A sign of reciprocation that he wants this just as much as you do no matter how hard you try to deny it, a catching fire of the thought that maybe he looks at you the way you look at him throughout all these years. Even now that you're not looking in his eyes, the continuous ignition of sparks inside you still teases.
You reach for his length, softly wrapping it in your hand and his breath quickens along with your heartbeat. Studying every detail, even the cold tones of the veins that spreads like tree roots. In usual occasions, giving head never takes your time. You suck it and finish it, no more and no less, nothing special really. But it's Taehyung, and his difference from others makes you uncomfortable in a way it shouldn't be possible. Trying to forget these unnecessary emotions, your thumb circles the head of his cock and he couldn't help but make his lip bleed, the agony of it keeping him awake to not fall into your dreamy touch.
His shorts reaches the floor and you made it quick to to kiss the base of his glistening length. Your index finger making lines on his thigh while the other keeps his cock steady as your lips move upward. You've never imagined how he would taste, but you were always sure he tastes exactly like he tastes now. Bittersweet. He throbs at the heat of your breath, thighs almost jumping when your fingers find his balls. He emits a groan that strengthens the force you're putting in your thighs to keep your core intact.
Down you go, the head of his cock deepening in your throat just like his grunts, getting lower and lower until he thrusts upwards making you gag and he releases a high-pitched whimper of your name. Tears blur your vision and a moan sends minimal vibration to his cock.
"I don't think... y/n, fuck, I'm not gonna last long," he confessed, and you finally look up to see him without removing him from your mouth.
You tongue swirling still and he has gone rabid trying to control himself, clenching your hair as he lets himself go maniac against your throat. He stares at you with mad eyes, his mouth failing in keeping him quiet. Only his groans, his throat-fucking, and your whimpers that you can no longer suppress. You're a little scared maybe he'll get too confident and tease you on your gagging, calling himself so big he made you cry.
He pulls your hair and he tries to get a hold of himself, catching his breath to gain stability. Before you can wipe the corners of your lips, he was standing up and taking your shirt off. He frames his chin with his index finger and his thumb, making you grow conscious of your own body. He had no reason to be looking so long, he'd seen you in a two piece more than one occasion. And he's going behind you, putting a finger at the waist of your shorts, bringing it down slowly until it lands by itself. He wraps your hair in a pony as the other grips your ass, a throaty growl escaping from his body.
He rotates you to the other side, an empty blank wall where you can see the fool you made of yourself. The argument ends here. The argument has ended since he had kissed you like no one had kissed you. You shouldn't have underestimated Taehyung, because he's now biting your shoulder as he slowly descends you to the wall. He hums, this close he can hear the tiny whimpers you try to keep to yourself, your fragile voice that can break once you open your mouth to say something. He can hear them all and he's aware of the power he has over you.
A hand holds both of yours behind your back, and once he has successfully taken your white underwear off, he's positioning the fat head of his cock right in your entrance.
"Make it easier for the both of us and just say it, y/n," he commands, his breath echoing in your ear sending voltage in your spine. He bites your ear and he whispers again, "Baby, please."
Taehyung laughs at your adorable cluelessness. He doesn't answer. The next thing you hear was the expansion of his breaths, getting heavier and heavier it's almost a hum as he slides himself inside you.
"Taehyung," you say in a falsetto, "god, Tae, fuck!"
"Hmm, fucking tight. You're so fucking tight, y/n. Your pussy's taking my cock so fucking well," his knees bend to enter you deeply, this sharp thrust hitting a spot in you you never knew you'd feel, "maybe now you'd let me fuck you often, huh? You're gonna take my cock anytime you want, I'll fuck your brains out, ruin you and your cunt."
You respond with a soft murmur of you're not entirely sure what, because Taehyung was already fucking your brains out and you had no other thoughts but the feeling of his cock that slips in out of you so easily. He'd hit that one spot and you're going to release yet another cry and he'd enjoy every note of it. You're a mess with strands of your hair sticking to your face as the sweat trickle down your temples.
"Tell me what you want, y/n. Want it fast, baby?" He speeds up his thrusts, your ah's getting louder as he almost sends you to your high. "Or you want to cherish every inch of my cock?" He slows down which brings you wailing, whimpering his name over and over until you're no longer sure if it's even coming out right. His free hand lands on your ass and you gasp as if inhaling after suffocation. "Answer me," he speeds up his pace again, "answer me, y/n."
But you couldn't, there's nothing in your body that you trust right now especially your voice. He growls, unsatisfied with your silence which leads him to pulling your hair and pushing your back to the wall. You're almost embarrassed to see his eyes once more in the state you're in, overpowered by the despair of wanting nothing but to have Taehyung take you to your climax. Your eyes are begging for him, hell there were tears coming from them as he enters you again.
He cries out, "I want to fuck you all day long, would you let me do that?" He continues to carry you upward the wall and your weight would go down whenever he pulls himself from you. You nod and as he sees this, his head moves back to watch your body crumble before him, giving him no more than satisfaction. "Look at you desperate for my cock, such a fucking whore for me, aren't ya?"
In every "hm" he makes, he enters you harder and rougher, makes you want to stay silent. You bite your lip, feeling yourself come to a close. Your thighs pulling together like magnets, wrapping his waist while it shakes and he doesn't take one second to land your body on the couch, watching your orgasm hit you with spasms traveling your whole body. Taehyung wraps his cock in his hand, moving toward your mouth as he jerks himself off to his own orgasm. You take the spurts of his fluid landing on your tongue, his waist twitching while he groans for each drop of cum.
He sighs, falling onto the couch where your legs are still apart. He smiles at your nakedness, not giving a second thought as his middle finger enters you once more. Your body  sits straight, only to land on the sofa's arm. "You're so fucking pretty," he commented, his body hovering over yours again. He kisses you.
"I can't handle," you say before Taehyung cuts you off with another kiss, and another, and another, his finger in and out of you which as the minute grows only turns from pain into pleasure again.
"You're going to," he whispers and he kisses you again, until you're crying his name and he just studies the way you react to his slender finger. "So pretty, so, so," he curves his finger resulting to your second orgasm, "pretty." He makes sure you see his savoring your juices in his mouth, and once he was done lapping up his finger he puts them inside your lips, tasting nothing but his saliva.
"Do you get it now, y/n?" He unclasps your bra, and from then on he ignores your eyes. "This is why I run out of condoms."
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blazedgraysons · 4 years
Could we get a part 2 to the virgin concept please... Maybe their first time idk
a/n: holy shit, i’m so sorry that it took me so fucking long to finish out my requests. i’ve just been feeling super disconnected from tumblr, but here’s a little something as i get back into wanting to write and post. i’m gonna be clearing out my inbox over the next few days (not that there’s anything to clear lmaoo, i have like four requests I want to do), but if anyone wants to send me something, i would love to write it for you! many kisses, angels, thank you for reading anything i write. i really appreciate it <333
warnings: loss of virginity, more first times, an overuse of the word fuck and probably the softest smut you’ll ever see on this account.
(this isn’t really a series, but it’s suggested you read this and this first.)
“Stop trying to be sexy.”
Grayson’s outside, doing pull-ups, soft grunts spilling out of his mouth with every rep. He looks up, a bright smile on his face when he sees you standing at the entrance of the backyard.
“I wasn’t doing anything.” He says, dropping down from the bar to move towards you.
“That’s more than enough, sometimes.” It was true; recently, it seemed you could be turned on by nothing more than just Grayson being Grayson. “Are you done, amour?”
He nods, leaning down to kiss you on the lips before walking towards the bathroom. You follow, sitting on his bed to scroll through your phone while he gets ready for a post-workout shower. Since the two of you have been taking your relationship further, everything’s escalated between you two - this unavoidable tension growing whenever you’re near each other. If anything, it was like waiting for the drop on a never-ending rise of a roller-coaster. You both knew what you were leading to, but neither of you brave enough to take the fall.
“Hey, have you seen my towel?”
And there was this part, the relentless teasing between the two of you. It was like the two of you knew about this cat-and-mouse game you two were stuck in, wanting to see who could give in first. Lingering touches whenever Grayson passes by you, warm hands always on your lower back and upper thigh. And, of course, the always semi-nakedness. He stood at the doorway, skin still shining with sweat from his workout and underwear low on his hips, showing off his abs and deep v-line. His constant working out recently has been paying off, appreciation present on your face as your eyes slowly drag down his frame.
“Y/N.” His voice roughly comes out, breaking your concentration of following a bead of sweat through the contours of his muscles. You hadn’t noticed your tongue slowly swiping over your lips, Grayson’s mouth drying at the small movement. You look up at him, trying to act as innocent as you can after getting caught checking out your boyfriend.
“My towel?” You don’t comment on how his voice is a few octaves deeper, instead choosing just to shrug.
“Probably in the wash. Just grab a new one.” He nods, watching you bite your lip as you continue to work yourself up over your own thoughts. You really weren’t joking when you had said that his presence was more than enough to turn you on, and he was starting to find it really attractive. He’s a simple man, and knowing his girlfriend finds him attractive is a healthy ego-boost, enough to make him want to see how far he can push you.
He walks over to you slowly, feeling a little stupid at this whole seduction attempt. The look in your eyes, however, resolves any insecurity he might be feeling.
“What… what are you doing?” You ask, stuttering slightly as you become eye-to-eye with his dick. You move forward to touch him, slip a small hand underneath his underwear, anything, but before you can, he stops you. He leans down to cage you in, arms on both sides of your body, so you’re face-to-face. He’s close, close enough that you can make out every minuscule detail on his face. He glances down at your lips, eyes several shades darker than when this whole interaction started, and you can’t help but moan softly, clenching your thighs as he moves closer. You feel the heat radiating off of him, and it’s like the two of you are feeding off of each other's energy, growing more turned on without having done anything yet.
He traces a palm along your inner thigh, stroking softly. Before he reaches where you want him the most, he reaches past you to grab his phone lying on the bed behind you.
“Forgot my phone.” He waves the iPhone in his hand before turning back to use the shower, laughing at the long slew of curses you’re throwing out at him. He knows that however long his shower is will be more than enough time for you to forgive him, being apart giving the both of you time to calm down. And if it isn’t, he knows just the way to apologize. He palms himself lightly, turning the water down to a colder temperature than he would’ve liked, but wanting to kill his throbbing hard-on. He knows he promised he’d wait for you, giving you however much time you needed to feel comfortable enough to sleep with him. However, he’s still a man in his prime, and he can’t help craving more than sloppy blowjobs and unpolished hand jobs. He craves you in the most intimate way, and it seems harder and harder to resist picturing you underneath him, softly moaning out with sharp nails trailing down his back, his mouth marking up your chest.
He shakes his head, almost as if trying to physically clear the image from his head. He was more than happy to wait weeks, months, even years until you were ready to be with him in that way, and he wasn’t going to let whatever fantasies he had ruin that. What the two of you needed was a hard-reset, something to break this rising tension between the two of you. He hops in the shower, shivering slightly under the cold water while coming up with a plan to romance you in the way you deserve.
When he’s finished, he walks out, surprised to see you with damp hair and a sundress on, seeming to have taken your own shower in the meantime. You smile up at him, already have forgotten the teasing from earlier. Grayson’s stomach somersaults at your soft smile, heart beating out of his chest with unbridled love for you.
“C’mon, I have a surprise for you.”
It takes about 30 minutes for him to get everything together, ordering some food to be delivered to his house before you find yourself in the passenger seat of his Tesla, hair blowing in the wind as you sing along softly to the Kid Cudi song playing in the background. He looks over, smiling at the way your skin seems to shine gold in the setting sun. You hadn’t questioned where he was taking you yet, moreso curious at the changing scenery as you drive further and further out of L.A.
“You’re not kidnapping me, right? This is the part where you finally get sick of me?” You joke, hopefully trying to prod some information out of your uncharacteristically silent boyfriend.
“You can never be romantic, huh?” He laughs, looking at you over a pair of sunglasses. After about 45 minutes, you arrive at the beach, car parked near the sand. Grayson grabs the food out of the backseat, handing you the blanket that stays in the trunk of his car.
“A picnic on the beach?” You tease lightly. “Very cliche, Dolan.” He laughs, grabbing your hand.
“Humor me.”
He leads you along the shore, waves providing a background melody to whatever meaningless conversation the two of you are having. The moment he finds a spot he feels is secluded enough, he sets the blanket and food down, pulling you into his lap.
“You’re never this nice to me.” You raise an eyebrow jokingly, wrapping your arms around his neck. You pepper light kisses along his face and neck, humming appreciatively.
“What do you mean, I’m always nice to you. Besides, can’t I spoil my gorgeous girlfriend?”
“Mhm, but you’re laying it on kinda heavy.”
“You’re so annoying.” He rolls his eyes playfully before taking out the food, handing you your meal before digging into his. You can’t help but admire the adonis of a man in front of you, the sunset giving him the infamous golden hour wash. He’s chewing on one of the sandwiches he ordered, concentrated heavily on the vegan goodness in front of him. He looks up at you, poking your face slightly.
“Quit staring. S’not nice.” He jokes, feeding you one of the chips. You don’t know why, but that simple act of domesticity does it for you, images of the future flashing in your mind. You see every part of your and Grayson’s life together, coming together like pieces of a puzzle. It seems overly apparent that there’s nobody else for you except for him, and you start to feel overwhelmed with love for him. There’s no doubt in your mind about what you want to do next.
“So, there's something I’ve been thinking about recently.” He turns to you, still chewing on his food. He cocks his head, giving you a sign to continue.
“I think I’m ready.”
“Ready for what?” His eyebrows furrow, confused at the lack of explanation.
“Ready to, y’know.” You trail off, tilting your head in hopes he’ll catch on to what you’re insinuating. When he still looks at you with a blank expression, you move your hand towards his dick, palming lightly over his pants.
“Oh.. oh!” He swallows deeply. “Are you sure, angel? I’m not trying to rush you or anything, just did this because I love you.” Your heart melts even further, and you lean forward, capturing his lips in between yours.
“Of course. Not doing this out of a whim or anything; I want it to be you because I love you. You knew that.” He laughs softly, pulling you closer to him for a light kiss. You lean forward, kissing him deeper, running your hands through his hair and shifting in his lap, trying to guide him in the direction you desired without saying anything.
“Now?” He questions. You nod, already leaning back in to keep kissing him. He pulls back.
“Are you sure, angel? I could make this better, get us a nice room, take you out to a nice dinner beforehand?”You shake your head. Whatever Grayson had planned in his mind, this was so much better - more the two of you.
“This is perfect, amour.” You assure, already leaning back into to continue where you left off. He holds your shoulder, stopping you from going in for the third time.
“Are you sure, Y/N? I want this to be perfect for you.” You stop, pouting slightly at his hesitation.
“Yes, amour. It’ll be perfect so long as I’m with you. Now, please. I don’t want to beg.” You whine, and if Grayson was any less of a man, he probably would’ve made you. However, he could feel you already growing warm in his lap, so he moves to kiss you, pulling you closer to him as he does. He feels every fiber of his being light up, electricity following wherever you touch him. You lean back, pulling on his shirt to get him to discard it. He takes it off quickly before leaning forward to kiss marks down your neck. You moan softly, trailing your nails slightly down his chest. You both lean back, breathing heavily as the sun sets completely, enveloping you two in darkness.
You take him in, not knowing what you want to do next. Even though this is your first time, you still want him to feel as good about this as you do, and so you move off his lap, him looking at you questionably. You lean down slightly, hands moving to unzip his pants. Before you could pull him out of his underwear, he stops you.
“Uh-uh, this is about you.” He grips your jaw lightly, bringing you back up so your face-to-face with him.
“What if what I want is for you to cum with your dick in my mouth?” You narrow your eyes teasingly, moving back into his lap while watching as his own eyes widen at your bold statement.
“Fuck, where the fuck did you learn to talk like that?” You smile at his response, feeling his dick jump lightly underneath you. You roll your hips experimentally, swearing breathlessly when he grips your hips harder. He controls your movements, peppering kisses from your neck down to your chest.
“Fuck, Grayson. Please, I need more.” You’re not exactly sure what you’re asking for, but he, knowing you like the back of his hand by now, is already pulling your dress off. He groans slightly when your tits are exposed, nipples hardening due to the cold ocean air. He leans forwards, taking one into his mouth, sucking and nibbling lightly, circling the other nipple lightly. He switches sides once he’s had his fill, giving your other breast the same attention, watching as you arch your back into him. Once done, he kisses down the valley of your chest, stopping at the edge of your underwear.
“Lay back.” He whispers, moving you, so you’re laid out on the blanket. You don’t hesitate, leaning back on your elbows, so you don’t miss a single movement. He slips your underwear off, whispering a ‘fucking perfect’ once you're exposed to him. He glances up at you again, features illuminated by moonlight, and you can’t help thinking how that statement perfectly describes him as well: fucking perfect. He licks a long stripe before sucking on your clit slowly.
“Grayson!” You jolt, slowly growing wetter with every movement. He slips one finger in, moving slowly.
“Grayson, more.” You whine, bucking your hips. He places a palm down, trying to still your movements.
“I know, I know. Gotta stretch you out first.” He curls his finger a few times before adding another, and you moan louder. It’s slow torture, knowing that he’s right about prepping you properly but also just wanting him to fuck you already. He moves his hand to rub your clit, and you’re done, moaning loudly as your orgasm wrecks over your entire body. You knew it wasn’t going to take much, already having worked yourself up the whole day. He leans back, letting you catch your breath while he slips off his pants and boxers.
“You good?” He checks in, watching as you focus on his dick in front of you. He laughs slightly when you just nod wordlessly and reach forward to jerk him off, hand moving up and down his shaft. He moves out of the way to position himself in front of you, sudden nerves appearing in his stomach. He’s not a virgin at all, but he might as well be, any previous experience flying out the door at the thought of wanting to make this memorable for you. He starts to stress, feeling this overwhelming pressure to make everything perfect. You lean up and kiss the crease that’s appeared in between his eyebrows.
“Just relax.” You whisper.
“I should be the one telling you that.” He chuckles. He coats himself in your wetness before slowly moving his hips forward, thrusting into you softly. And you suddenly understand why he wanted to stretch you out first, because fuck, is he big. You knew it already, having spent a lot of time sucking him off, but feeling every inch slide further and further into you makes the statement even more true in your mind. You whimper softly, and he pauses all movements completely, kissing both your cheeks lightly.
“You okay, angel?” He reaches down, rubbing your clit to help with anything you’re feeling. You nod, taking a breath. It’s not unbearable pain, just a dull ache from a foreign feeling, but the longer he remains still inside you, the more you want him to continue. You moan gently when he throbs lightly, wrapping a leg around his hip to pull him closer to you.  
“Fuck.” He whispers softly, staring down at where he’s bottomed out. He waits a moment, watching every expression on your face for any pain or discomfort. He starts to kiss along your neck and chest again, every kiss peppered with an unspoken vow of forever - knowing he had an unbreakable grip on your heart. You move your hips slightly, both of you moaning out when you squeeze around him. He rolls his pelvis into you, checking to see your response, and your eyes almost roll back from pleasure.
“Move. Please,” Your voice cracks and Grayson almost loses it at the expression on your face, knowing that this is all him. He’s the only man to ever make you feel this way, and if he had anything to do with it, it’d stay that way. He moves his hips again, watching as your face twists into pleasure, almost losing it at the way your velvet walls are gripping him. He picks up speed a little, still rubbing your clit consistently.
“Fuck, you’re so tight.” He rasps out, overwhelmed with deciding between to look at your face, breast moving with every thrust, or where his dick is entering and leaving your body. It’s almost like a sensory overload, and he prays he doesn’t cum too quickly to ruin this for you. You moan out loudly, not even having words to describe how you’re feeling, that being the only way to express how good he’s making you feel. Grayson thanks every higher power that the ocean is so loud, because between the wet noises from every thrust and your increasing moaning, he knows the two of you would’ve gotten caught in seconds.
“Fuck, angel. You’re doing so good for me, takin’ me so well.” You whimper loudly, eyes closing from his soft praises. He keeps that in mind, watching your reaction whenever he compliments you. He can tell your close, having spent enough time in between your legs to know when near cumming. Just as he thought, it only takes a few more seconds before you’re spilling on to his dick, back arching slightly. He stops, watching you so he can commit every moment to memory, kissing down your chest.  
“Aren’t you going to cum too?” You ask, opening one eye when you still feel him rock hard inside you. He looks down at you, wanting to shake his head at your expression. Here you are, recovering from your second orgasm, and you’re worried about him.
“About to angel, wanted to see you cum first.” He murmurs, kissing your neck once again.
“Cum for me, Grayson. Please, inside of me.” And fuck, he was close, but that does it for him, thrusting once, twice, three times before cumming deep inside of you, both of you moaning at the feeling. It takes a moment for him to catch his breath, kissing you lazily until he feels like he can speak again.
“How was it?” was the first question that comes to mind, not wanting for you to feel any regret.
“I think I have sand in my hair.” You respond.
“I meant the sex, you asshole.”
“It was perfect. You were perfect, amour.” He kisses you softly, moving your waist, so you’re closer to him. You pull back, and he takes you in under the moonlight, sandy hair (which he knows you’re going to bitch about later) and swollen lips. You look so dazed and love-stricken, and he’s sure that if he saw himself, he would have that same dopey expression on his face. He leans in to kiss you once more until you open your mouth to ask -
“Can we do that again?” He slips out of you, you shuddering at the emptiness that overtakes you.
“Whenever you want, angel.”
“Now?” It’s at that moment that Grayson notices his cum leaking out of you, dripping down your thigh, and he can feel his dick hardening again.
“Fuck, give me 5, and then I’m all yours.”
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needtherapy · 4 years
The Necromancer’s Apprentice
Xue Yang has seen The Dark House and he’s heard the rumors that a zombie, a witch, and a necromancer live there. It’s stupid, obviously, but...well...maybe he’ll just sneak in one night and find out.
It’s better than doing nothing. It’s better than going back to the group home. It’s better than sleeping on the street.
Aka, three mildly feral twentysomethings are forcibly adopted by one (1) very feral thirteen-year-old Xue Yang.
Read on AO3
Many thanks to @coslyons for co-writing this with me (all the funniest parts belong to them) and @kevinkevinson for beta.
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There is a Dark House in Ballard, and people say to avoid it.
It is probably not called the Dark House because evil lurks inside, although there is some debate about that. It is called the Dark House because it is black from threshold to cupola, from shutters to frames, and it looms on a block where whimsical shops of brick and steel are far more common. Unlike the thrift store and the record shop, the hiking outfitter and the vegan patissiere, no ivy reaches toward the roof of the Dark House. Unlike the local yarn store, no dogs sniff the Dark House’s gate, although at least two cats—also black, naturally—are always sitting on the porch.
It may not be fair to judge a house by its color, but the local legends are clear. If you step on the cracks in the sidewalk, the Dark House will steal your soul. The wrought iron gate of twining snakes comes alive under the light of the full moon to snap at unwary joggers. Children who walk alone after dark get eaten, and the yard is full of bones that wail songs of their murders.
Xue Yang sits on a bench, across the street, eating ice cream and admiring the house. He wonders about the sanity of people who mow the lawn and trim the roses, yet painted their pretty little house black, until it occurs to him that he could just go inside and find out.
He waits until dark, not to stay hidden, but because it’s a more terrible idea, and Xue Yang always gives himself permission to do more terrible things whenever he gets the chance. The high iron fence buzzes with a strange kind of energy that crackles in his palms, so Xue Yang wraps his hands tightly in his flannel shirt as he climbs over. His mother always said he was a practical boy, back when she was still around to say things.
Xue Yang lands in the backyard with a quiet thump onto thin and scraggly grass. The center of the yard is dark under the watery moonlight, with the dirt churned up and loose, and for the first time, a tiny twinge of warning pings in the back of his mind.
He ignores it.
With a flick of his wrist, he summons his knife, a long black switchblade that is seven kinds of illegal and which he loves more than anything else he has ever had, not that there is much competition. With nimble and practiced hands, he slides the knife between the door and the frame, twisting just right when he reaches the lock. With a grin of triumph, he turns the handle, shaped like a gaping mouth, and opens the door.
In the center of the room, there is a long sort of table that seems somehow to pull all the darkness of the room toward it. The shadows gather most thickly around a large, human-shaped lump laid out stiffly on top of it. Xue Yang reaches out to poke it and feels something unexpectedly warm give slightly under his finger.
The shadowy lump on the table sits upright with a sudden jerk.
The shadowy lump on the table sits upright with a sudden jerk.
“AHHHHHHHHHHHH!” Xue Yang shrieks.
“AHHHHHHHHHHHH!” the shadowy lump shrieks back.
“Why the fuck is everyone yelling?” a voice says, and the room is suddenly filled with light.
The shadowy lump rips off the sheet and turns into a guy in his early twenties with a scraggly little beard and wicked bedhead. The voice belongs to a grumpy-looking woman wearing a fluffy pink bathrobe. She squints at him in the oppressive brightness, glaring for a long moment before apparently deciding to deal with the man on the table first.  
“Wei Wuxian, I’ve told you a thousand times that the workshop is not a place for sleeping.”
“Technically—” the man begins, before being abruptly cut off by the woman.
“If the next words out of your mouth aren’t ‘yes, Wen Qing,’ then I don’t care. Go to bed.” She rounds on Xue Yang and he takes a tiny, involuntary step back. “You. What are you doing here?”
Before Xue Yang can answer, another guy—this one with long hair, killer tats, and a dedication to the goth look Xue Yang has to admire—runs in with a baseball bat held in his hands like a club.
“Jiejie! Is there something wrong?”
The woman—Wen Qing, she’d said—pinches the bridge of her nose and says, “It’s fine, A-Ning. I’m just trying to figure out what this little hooliganthinks he’s doing breaking into my house and tripping all of my wards while I’m trying to fucking sleep .”
Xue Yang is now convinced that what he’s broken into is some kind of madhouse, and he pastes a charming smile on his face, the one he uses when fists are clenched and the smell of alcohol burns in his nose. The smile whispers words like “anger issues” and “prone to destruction,” and it’s usually weapon enough, but he holds his knife a little tighter too, just in case.
The woman snaps around like she’s felt his fingers grip the handle of the blade and holds out her hand. “Give it to me.”
No. He will not. His chin tips dangerously, his smile grows icy spikes.
Her eyes narrow. “I could just take it.”
They face off for a minute, the tension almost palpable. Actually, Xue Yang thinks, it’s not tension after all. There’s something else in the air. It reminds him of the buzzing fence, and he doesn’t like the way it confuses him.
“Ah, Wen-jie, let him keep her. Can’t you tell? The kid is scared, they’re both scared, and it’s not like he can hurt us.”
Xue Yang is offended. He is not scared, but he’s relieved that Wei Wuxian spoke up all the same, because even though Wen Qing purses her lips and looks annoyed, she drops her hand.
“Fine.” She crosses her arms again. “Wei Wuxian, make sure our little guest leaves. I’m resetting the wards in five minutes and going back to sleep.”
“Yeah, sure.” Wei Wuxian grins and shoots finger guns at Wen Qing. “Sleep well and dream of me.”
Wen Qing rolls her eyes. “Yes, because I love having nightmares.”
“Oh shoo.” Wei Wuxian flicks his hand at the goth man and Wen Qing. “To bed with you both. I can handle it.”
Their footsteps creak on the wooden floors as they walk further into the house. Xue Yang and Wei Wuxian wait in silence until the footsteps quiet, and then Wei Wuxian turns to Xue Yang. The grin he’d been wearing drops off his face and he looks serious, his eyes shaded and dark.
“Look kid, you should know better than to piss off powerful witches. It tends to be bad for the health.” The side of his mouth just barely tilts upwards, more wry than mirthful, and he looks old now. Old and grey and tired. “So, we’ll just call this a learning experience, and you’ll never come here again, right?”
Xue Yang snorts. “Are you kidding? If you’ve got real magic why the fuck would I leave now?”
“Toddlers shouldn’t swear.”
“I’m almost fourteen, fuck you very much.”
“Ah yes, I am now so convinced you are an adult.” Wei Wuxian rolls his eyes. “It’s two in the morning. You want to go home and go to bed. There’s nothing here for you to be curious about at all.”
Something sibilant and musical weaves its way through the words, and Xue Yang has his hand on the door knob before he fights off the slithering compulsion.
Holy fuck that was cool.
“Nah, I think I’ll stay,” he says, sauntering back casually, pausing to look at a weird painting of a monster facing off with an axe-wielding guy in front of a lighthouse. He feels a very strong sense of camaraderie with it right now.
Wei Wuxian sighs. “Sure, maybe you’ve got a little gift. But you’re a kid. Don’t you have parents who are going to, you know, notice you’re missing?”
Xue Yang stares him in the eyes, willing himself not to flinch. Something tells him this is a chance he’s never going to have again, a chance that requires honesty.
“No.” Xue Yang lifts his chin stubbornly. “I don’t.”
Wei Wuxian stares back, and Xue Yang gets the feeling that he sees all the years and all the disappointments that fit into that no. He doesn’t care. No one gives you what you want unless you take it.
This standoff lasts forever, or maybe it’s only a few seconds.
“She’s going to kill me,” Wei Wuxian mutters, and a little louder, “You can sleep on the couch tonight, but I’m locking you in the room and if you touch anything, I will turn you into a mannequin.”
He turns to leave, but looks back with a frown. “Wen Qing builds beautiful, elegant wards that you’ll never feel, never even notice if she doesn’t want you to. Mine will hurt. Don’t. Touch. Anything.”
Xue Yang decides, in the principle of magnanimity, to agree. “Whatever.”
Wei Wuxian shakes his head and points a finger at Xue Yang. “Go to sleep, kiddo.”
The words hold Xue Yang’s hand and lead him to the couch, make him lay down, and within minutes, he is asleep.
He opens his eyes to piercing sunlight and a pale face inches from his.
“What the fuck!” he yelps, instinctively grabbing for his knife and snapping it open.
“Mr. Wei, he’s awake and noisy,” the face says, and Xue Yang focuses on its features.
It’s the goth guy. His arms have full-sleeve tattoos, matching patterns of stark black geometric lines and circles, but his neck has weird black veins tattooed on it. His eyes, which are still way too close to Xue Yang’s, are so dark they’re practically black.
“Where’s the witch?” Xue Yang asks, sufficiently recovered to be an asshole.
“Boiling children,” Wei Wuxian retorts. He’s leaning over the table and taking notes in a tattered book, poking something with a tiny screwdriver. “It’s the only reason we let you stay.”
“Really?” Xue Yang can’t decide if that’s cool or terrifying.
“He’s always like that in the morning,” Goth Guy says conspiratorially. “By ten, he’s pretty nice again.”
“I’m never nice,” Wei Wuxian grumbles. “A-Ning, can you take our miscreant home, please? The last thing I need is cops knocking on The House door asking if we’re kidnapping children. Again.” “Okay, Mr. Wei.”
Xue Yang panics. He can’t go back there. Not since they found him alone with the fire. He knows what they’ll do, and he can’t go back. He won’t . He ducks under Goth Guy’s arm and has his knife angled under Wei Wuxian’s chin before he’s even processed the motor function commands “get up” and “don’t let him send you away.”
“No! You have to…” He scrambles though thoughts, desperate ideas, each one crazier than the last before he hits on words that work themselves loose from his mouth. “You said I had a gift, you have to teach me to use it.”
Wei Wuxian frowns, but instead of being afraid or angry, he tips his head and whistles, two notes that almost sound like a name. To his great shock and horror, Xue Yang’s knife vibrates in his hand, and his fingers snap open like a broken trap, dropping the knife onto Wei Wuxian’s waiting palm. He carefully folds the blade back into the handle.
“Jiangzai,” he says, almost affectionately.
It doesn’t mean anything, but then it does , and it hits Xue Yang so hard he collapses to the ground. The knife has a name, and he knows it’s right as soon as Wei Wuxian says it. Xue Yang’s heart pounds, and he hates it. He hates this motherfucker who just took his knife away and he hates the Goth Guy who is helping him back to his feet. He doesn’t want to stay anymore, and he shakes off Goth Guy, wishing he could throw his kindness on the floor and stomp on it.
Wei Wuxian rolls his eyes. “Okay, maybe you have a little bit more than a little bit of a gift. But you still can’t stay, and I’m not teaching you anything.”
Xue Yang snatches his knife— his Jiangzai—out of Wei Wuxian’s hand and stomps to the door. “Fine. Fuck you.”
He gets as far as yanking the door open and slamming it against the wall before he realizes that there is a person in the way, and she doesn’t look inclined to move.
“Here you go, kiddo,” she says, handing him a bag. “I bought you some clean clothes and a toothbrush. A-Ning will show you where the bathroom is. Come back down for breakfast when you’ve changed.”
This is somehow more terrifying than when she was yelling at him. Yelling he understands. Now she’s just being...creepy. He stares at her belligerently, and she sighs.
“Listen, you little shit,” she says, bending over to look him dead in the eye. She doesn’t have to bend very far, he realizes. She’s actually tiny, even though she seems as big as the Fremont troll. “You will either go willingly with A-Ning, who is very nice, or you can test my patience and get buried in the yard with all the rest of the naughty children who break into my house. Your choice.”
Yeah, that’s more solid ground.
“Fine.” He grabs the bag from her and waves at the Goth Guy. “Lead the way, A-Ning .” He means it to be an insult, but Goth Guy just grins.
Xue Yang hears Wei Wuxian ask, “Wen Qing, what the fuck,” before Goth Guy herds him up the wide staircase, and he doesn’t hear any more of her answer than, “A-Xian, I can’t let him leave. You don’t understand, I did a location…”
This close to the Goth Guy, Xue Yang decides to acknowledge that the pale translucence of his skin is probably not makeup.
“I’m Wen Ning, by the way. I doubt Mr. Wei or jiejie introduced me,” Goth Guy—Wen Ning—says in a casual tone.
“So are you actually dead or what?” he asks Wen Ning, and Wen Ning grins.
“Or what,” he answers enigmatically, and gently shoves Xue Yang in a bathroom with pink tiles and a claw-foot tub.
Once he’s bathed and changed, Xue Yang heads back downstairs. Breakfast is bacon, eggs, and toast, and he doesn’t even pretend it isn’t the best food he’s eaten in a week. It is, in fact, the first food he hasn’t stolen in a week, and that alone is a novelty.
He’s halfway done with his food when Wei Wuxian, who hasn’t touched a bit of his and looks as sullen as an orange, says, “I have been informed that there is some arcane rule about teaching a gift you discover, and my...how did you put it, dear Wen Qing? My immortal soul and earthly being will be in danger if I don’t capitulate to the inevitable?”
He glares at Wen Qing, and she smiles sweetly at him.
“Whatever,” Xue Yang says around a mouthful of eggs. “Are you going to eat that?”
Wei Wuxian passes him the plate of food, and Xue Yang closes his eyes in bliss. Food is amazing.
“There are conditions—don’t look at me like that, Wen-jie. I agreed, okay? I get to set conditions. First of all, you do whatever I tell you. If I tell you to sell turnips on the street corner, you better sell some goddamn turnips. Second, you don’t touch anything unless I say it’s okay. A lot of this stuff,” he waves his hand around the white and yellow room, which looks surprisingly cheerful for a kitchen in a black house, “is priceless and dangerous, so…”
Wen Qing clears her throat and glares at Wei Wuxian.
“Uh...don’t touch anything.” Wei Wuxian finishes, snaking a piece of bacon from Xue Yang’s plate and shoving it into his mouth before disappearing back into his workroom.
Wen Qing rolls her eyes. “I promise he’ll actually teach you stuff once he pulls his head—” She visibly checks herself. “Once he stops being an idiot. More bacon?”
The rest is on AO3
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moeyy-writes · 4 years
Love Center
Jay Wasley x Reader
Warnings: Just cheesy fluff and light (platonic) teasing.
Word Count: 1,045
A/N: Here’s more Jay content, because I absolutely adore this man. Be warned, the cheese is strong with this one. But, don’t worry, it’s vegan. ;D
My Full Master List
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You watched the surveillance monitor in front of you intently, keeping an eye on Aaron as he was locked in a room alone. Your eyes flicked between the two static night vision cameras in his room and his POV camera. And, of course, he was talking to himself again, which made it hard to hear anything else.
Jay watched Zak and Billy investigate the basement of the building, where the body of a middle-aged man had been found only a year before, and whose murder was still unsolved.
You picked up your walkie to reach Aaron. “Aaron, come in.”
“What’s up, Y/N?”
“Dude, you’re talking so much I can’t hear anything else. I know you’re nervous, but I have eyes on you. You’re okay, bud,” you reassured him. He nodded toward one of the cameras and sighed.
“Thanks, Y/N. Sorry.”
You continued to watch Aaron as he asked questions with the Ovilus. You had one headphone in so you could also hear if Jay noticed anything on his side.
Jay cleared his throat beside you. “You, uh, you smell really nice.” Your back straightened as you tried to absorb what just came out of your shy friend’s mouth.
“I, um, what?” You didn’t realize how close you and Jay were sitting to each other. You leaned back just a little and turned to him.
He pursed his lips, then raised his head, as if he was hit with a gust of confidence. “You smell nice. We’ve been sitting here, close to each other, for a good twenty minutes now, and I keep getting little whiffs of your perfume. I like it.” You sucked in a breath, then huffed.
“Are you flirting with me, Mr. Wasley?” You cocked an eyebrow and smirked. Jay’s cheeks turned a light rosy shade of pink. Oh, you knew the answer. Honestly, you had been waiting for him to say something for a while.
“Yeah, I guess I am.” He shrugged, which made you giggle. Obviously, he was in his own way.
You knew this wasn’t even close to his first rodeo with dating. Hell, he had been married before. But, for some reason, he seemed shy around you. You felt like you had a middle school crush all over again.
“Well, thank you, Jay.” You peered back up at the screen, noticing that Aaron seemed calm. You turned back to Jay. “I was hoping you would say something.”
Jay’s eyes widened. “Really? I was actually hoping you would say something.”
Now that caught you off guard. He was waiting for you to say something. Sure, you had a thing for the quiet, techy, voice of reason of the group. His stunning hazel eyes made you want to melt into the floor every time they landed on you, and his calm voice grounded you whenever you needed comfort.
But was it really that obvious that you were into him? It must have been.
“Okay, well, this is out in the open now,” you laughed nervously. “So, now what?”
Jay smirked, obviously still carrying that confidence he found a few moments earlier. “Well, I could kiss you, if that’s okay?” Yep, this definitely felt like middle school. He was asking to kiss you? Right there? At Nerve Center? You chuckled again, then leaned in a little closer.
“Do it, Jason. I dare you,” you teased. Jay wasn’t going to ask twice.
Jay’s hand landed gently on your cheek, then pulled you towards him. He grazed his lips over yours, almost hesitating for a moment. Then, Jay pressed his lips to yours fully, instantly coaxing a whimper from you.
Jay was gentle, sweet, but eager. Something inside you knew he had been plotting this for some time, just judging by his enthusiasm alone. He moved slowly against your mouth, smiling every once in a while. Your hand reached up and covered his on your cheek.
Someone behind you cleared their throat, forcing both of you apart. You spun around to see Zak, Aaron, and Billy all staring at you, eyes wide. Zak sighed and rolled his eyes.
“While I want to say ‘fucking finally’, I want to make it very clear that this is Nerve Center, not a hotel room,” he joked, making the two of your blush.
“Yeah, this isn’t the Love Center,” Aaron added with his stupid laugh. You snapped your gaze towards him.
“That’s enough from the peanut gallery,” you muttered, rolling your eyes. He pursed his lips in apology, obviously realizing how embarrassed you were.
Jay rested his hand on your shoulder. “Look, guys, we can talk about this later. Sorry we got a little distracted for a few minutes. Maybe we should switch out, and Y/N and I can take on the third floor. We haven’t been up there yet.” Jay was always the voice of reason, exerting calm into otherwise out-of-hand situations.
“Hah!” Zak laughed, crossing his arms. “Not a chance, lover boy. How about I take Y/N up to the third floor with the spirit box, while you and Aaron check out the cemetery out back and see if you can get some EVPs from there.” He patted your back. “I think you two have spent enough time alone.” Zak winked, making you smile. He was an ass, but that didn’t mean he wasn’t one of your best friends. If he had the opportunity to tease you about something, he wasn’t just going to run with it, he was going to sprint.
You rose to follow Zak to your investigation, but a gentle hand caught yours. You turned to Jay, who smiled down at you.
“Hey, we’ll talk about this later, okay?” He looked happier than you remember him being in quite a while. You couldn’t help but smile.
“Okay,” you whispered. Then, you leaned up and stole one more chaste kiss, before following your lead investigator to the third floor.
Excitement quickly replaced any embarrassment within you. You practically pranced up the stairs behind Bagans, grinning from ear to ear. Your fingers tapped on the side of your camera as you filmed your journey up the pitch-black stairway, to the reportedly active top floor.
Only one thing was uncertain in your mind now: how the hell were you going to keep your focus on ghosts?
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herstarburststories · 4 years
Important Milestones (Damian Wayne x reader)
✾ Summary: An intimate look through your and Damian's relationship. Requested! It’s been a hot bit since I wrote for Damian, so I hope this one is good!
First meeting
Dick was taking Damian to the circus
Add a long conversation and lots of "Yeah, Dami. I'm sure the animals are treated well-- Actually, animals aren't allowed in legal circus anymore. You don't have to worry."
They were watching the show, and Damian couldn’t believe that Grayson was so excited about clowns
Damian excused himself to get some food
Dick asked him to get a hotdog, but Damian will bring him popcorn #beaveg
Thing is, you and Damian arrived the food trunk at the same time
Which leaded to an argument
Y/N: I got here first!
Damian: You are not on the line!
Y/N: Because you almost ran over me!
You two kept going long enough for a worried Dick to show up
How to trust each other
You know when you've never seen a person before, but once you lay your eyes on them, you start seeing their face in every crowd?
That's basically you and Damian
How come you didn't know the idiot from the circus was also the Wayne guy that studied with you?
How he, with Talia and Batman's observation skills, never noticed you walking around Gotham's School and now he always caught a sight of you?
You and Damian quickly fall into a weird routine:
Glare each other during lunch
Rolls your eyes when the others was talking in class
Annoy each other whenever you had the chance
Jon teased him a lot
Talking about Superboy...
He seemed off in the morning and he hadn't showed up for lunch like he always did
Damian decided to look for his best friend
Surprisingly, he found Jon crying in your arms in the middle of the chemistry laboratory
You just looked at Damian and nodded for him to come in
Y/N: His parents had a big fight. I found him here alone and thought I could help. Since you are here, guess I'll go.
Damian: You can stay. I mean, Jon probably could use your emotional assistance.
Damian still finds you annoying (and so do you), but you helped his friend
He trust you... A bit
Recognize your feelings
Damian came to school one day. He is clearly hurt-- he couldn’t even walk straight
Jon remained quiet. He was there when the week's villain throw Damian against a wall as if he was a bag of potatoes
But you don't know about the Robin detail
Besides, you are sort of a trinity with them now
Therefore, you worry
And you ask
And you worry some more
It's been a few weeks since your friendship started. Damian trusts you, he really does, but not enough to tell you
Let's keep in mind that pretty much like Bruce, Damian isn't the best when it comes to expressing his feelings through anything but violence
So, he acts like an idiot
Y/N: Damian, come on. I'm not stupid enough to believe you’d fall hard enough to get yourself hurt like this. Talk to me.
Damian: Stop pushing your need to fix everything on me, Y/N. You are not my mother. Don't waste your worry on me, I don't need it.
You realized you liked him when you felt way more worried than you usually would
But Damian just noticed his cherish for you when you glared at him with evident hurt in your eyes and left the table
He just wanted you back, making silly jokes with Jon and stealing his fries
Kiss me, idiot
Two days
48 hours + 12 minutes since you two fought
A whole weekend
LISTEN, his life was going perfectly well before you came along
Now it seems like you opened a spot that's exactly your fit and put yourself there
Whenever you aren't around, Damian feels this weird sensation of missing
Jon convinces him into talking to you
As soon as he sees you in school, he does
Apologize becomes another argument (surprise, surprise)
Damian: Why do you care so much?!
Y/N: Because I like you, idiot!
Damian: You, you like me? As in--
Then you kiss him
Because, let's be clear, you'd end up kissing or punching him
Finding out he's Robin
It's the most stupid way possible
Like, for real
Last night, his Robin's duties kept Damian up until 5am
Instead of leaving his clothes inside the Batcave as usual, he just crumbled to his bed
The sun arrived and so did you
School project
While Damian was out to grab some books, you were studying his room
A picture of him and Jon. Some papers with Arabian words. A dog's bed. Robin suit. A sword
Wait, come back
A. Robin. Suit.
Damian Wayne was many things, but cosplayer certainly wasn't on the list
The pieces glued together fast
A rich family would make sense: Batman and Robin's instruments never looked cheap. Four Robins existed among the years, and Damian had 3 brothers. Not to mention that he'd show up with random scratches and never explain what happened. He was good with swords, and the current Robin had been seen with them a lot of times. Besides, Damian Wayne would never wear a costume willingly, much less keep one in his room
He walks inside the room to see you wearing his cape and mask
Y/N: Guess I'm robin' your persona, huh? Wanna tell me something?
Meeting the family
You come from a big family
Good thing because anybody else would be scared if they were in your shoes
Dick is smiling like a crazy all the time, and making dad jokes
Tim is teasing Damian by asking you to blink twice if you need saving
Jason is directly fighting Damian and calling him devil spawn
Bruce is quietly watching everyone with a subtle smile on his lips. He asks you a few questions, and occasionally asks the boys to behave before answering his phone and excusing himself
Babs, Steph and Cassandra come in later
Now the teasing is divided between you and Damian and Steph and Tim
You tease them a lot, blushing Tim is adorable
You are wearing purple boots, and Steph already loves you for that
Dick tells Babara about you being aware of the family secret
She offered to train you for some self-defense
Cass is more quiet, but very friendly
Alfred was the first batfam member that you'd met, though (also your fav)
You try (key word being try) to help him in the kitchen
Batcow became your best friend, sorry Jon
You met the Titan family as well
Now you had munition to tease Dick as much as he teased you and Damian
Thank you, Kory
Also, Kor is a real life alien princess, how cool is that!?
Beast Boy is the funniest guy -- and now you are pretty sure you became a vegetarian because you can't eat animals after seeing his transformation
Raven reminds you of Cass
Donna is so powerful, and she knows so many languages!
You get along with his two families
Although Damian rolls his eyes a lot during y'all interaction, he is really happy
First kid
You and Damian are in university when it happens
You both know it's a big step
There's no turning back, you two will always be connected
Damian and you are now responsible, parents
Of the cutest bunny!
Yep, you insisted on naming him Robin
The first kid you both adopted together
Get on your knees for me
Damian isn't much of a romantic
You don't really mind
But when he proposes, it's the sweetest thing
You two had ordered some veggie food to celebrate the end of your finals
Finally a break!
Damian was holding you on the couch as you both watched one of your favorite movies when Robin, the bunny showed up
Y/N: Batbunny, just because we have vegan food, it doesn't mean you can get some. Go eat your lettuce.
Damian: Beloved, maybe you should see what he brought for you.
The bunny had a necklace wrapped around him!!
And the said necklace was attached to a ring!!
Extra of love:
You became a vigilant for a bit before deciding how you truly wanted to help people
Besides charity, you became a lawyer specialized in cases of racism and immigration
Your and Damian's wedding was a mix of your culture and his
Comment/Reblog if you liked it, feedback is magic! Wanna see more? Check my Masterlist! How about get tagged on my batboys or just Damian works? Ask me or add yourself to my taglist!
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Ablaze ~ S.R.
A/n: Haaaaaaaaaa so y'all liked that Spencer Reid fic I did huh? lol I'm glad
Request: "Could you do a Reid x male reader where the team is in Cali following an arsonist and the readers a firefighter (and Reids bf but the team doesn’t know that) and somehow the reader gets into a confrontation with the arsonist and has to use what Reid has “taught him”/talked about to try and deescalate the situation" by @sheepfather
Word Count: 2400+
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They met when Y/n's team was putting out the fire and Reid's team was rushing to the scene to see if their arsonists was still around. The BAU had been dragged to California because it seemed that a killer was on the lose. They couldn't figure out the connections of the victims, but they were all dying in horrible fires. It turned out that someone wasn't setting fires to kill people, just that they were setting fires that happened to kill people. There wasn't a killer on the loose. There was an arsonist.
When I say "they" I don't mean Y/n and Reid by the way. The two boys actually went way back. They'd met in Vegas at a party neither of them wanted to be at. Y/n had been going through a rough time and Reid wasn't good in social situations and they'd ended up in the same corner and just enjoyed the mutual silence. After they'd found peace in each other Y/n had rested his head on Reid's shoulder and Reid was surprised to see that it didn't bother him. They'd run into each other again at the local library of all places. There they'd exchanged names first and then numbers soon after. After that, they'd spent more and more time together. They had to work around work and school schedules (only Y/n went to school anymore, but it was still an issue) but eventually it went from hang outs to date and then suddenly they were boyfriends instead of best friends.
The "they" I meant was actually Y/n and the rest of the BAU. None of Spencer's friends knew about Y/n. It wasn't like he was ashamed or hiding anything, it was just that it never came up. Everyone assumed Spencer was single and would always be, and Spencer didn't care enough to correct them. He wasn't into PDA either so the team didn't figure it out themselves. What they could tell was that they knew each other. It was nice to see Spencer be comfortable around someone outside of work, but Spencer hated talking about his personal life so people tried to ask as little as possible.
Working together was fun though. Y/n knew him very well, down to every micro sign of each emotion. Whenever Spencer got anxious or confused or was really focused and needed to be alone, Y/n always reacted appropriately. It came with knowing him for many years. It was also very helpful when Spencer was profiling and giving information to the other firefighters to keep a look out in case they arrived when the arsonist did. The firefighters, of course, were who made up Y/n's team, as Y/n was a firefighter as well. They had lots of questions though, and even more doubt. Y/n showed very early on that he knew Spencer's capabilities, so when they got too dubious or went to interrupt him, Y/n was quick to cut them off. It made JJ, Emily, and Morgan smile.
One day Morgan prodded. He walked up to Y/n, leaning against the wall next to the boy. "How far back do you and Reid go?"
Y/n was drinking water so he finished his gulp before answering. "Further back then Reid being in the BAU," Y/n responded. "I was still in high school He wasn't, of course, but-" He shrugged, chuckling. "We both lived in Vegas for a while. The relationship carried even when we moved away."
Morgan nodded. "You like him?"
"I'd like to think so." Y/n tried to hide a smile. He could tell them that he was Spencer's boyfriend, but what was the fun in that? "I'd even say I was in love with him."
That seemed to surprise Morgan. "Oh." He looked at Reid and then Y/n, obviously confused. If Y/n was so sure of his feelings, why did it seem like they were just friends? "Does Reid feel the same?"
Y/n considered that. "I don't know. I don't think Spencer and I have ever been on the same emotional playing field. Usually when I feel one thing he's feeling something else... But even then, no one ever seems to feel the same way about each other." Y/n shook his head. "I'm a psychology major, ignore me. What you want to know is if Spencer loves or likes me or whatever. But I can't speak for him." With that, Y/n left and Morgan only had more questions. Were they together or not?
His question was answered on one very bad night that almost cost Reid everything.
Lina Mare was a local sweetheart. She was kind of quiet and shy, but she liked Y/n. They were friends at least - Lina was in college. Y/n seemed to have a knack of befriending awkward, shy, or quiet people. People that couldn't quite get along with anyone else. So when she came into the fire station that day, it wasn't totally weird. She'd never visited Y/n at work before, but that didn't stop Y/n from greeting her when she came in. Nothing else was going on- why not?
She looked upset though. "Hey, you okay Lee?" He asked, touching her shoulder.
The girl leaned into his touch and his eyebrows came together, wondering if maybe she felt dizzy. Her eyes were clear though and her expression was set and clear. Her features were sharp and her gaze was like someone running a knife along his skin. Dangerous and seconds from doing damage. "I'm not," she told him. "I need you to stop, Y/n."
Y/n looked at one of his teammates behind her head. They made eye contact and the other man stood at the ready in case he needed to act. Y/n had a very bad feeling about what was happening. He didn't know why, he just felt like something bad was about to happen. "Stop what?" He asked her softly.
Lina looked right into his eyes, seeming to see something amazing. Her gaze softened, but didn't become any less dangerous. Just a little more uncontrolled. "The fires. You can't stop them. You have to stop putting them out."
It clicked immediately in Y/n's head. He looked at Lina's hands, still in her pockets. "Why don't we go outside and-?"
"No," Lina snapped, tugging out of his reach. "You have to stop putting them out!"
"Okay," Y/n cooed, putting both of his hands up so she could see that he was unarmed. He recalled everything Spencer had ever taught him. Anything he'd been told about in stories, or things Spencer had complained people often did wrong. "Can I at least let my friends go outside?"
She considered that a second before nodding. "But we stay."
"Okay," Y/n assured. He looked at the other fireman he'd warned before. Daniel. "Take everyone outside, will you please? Make sure everyone is there that needs to be." Daniel nodded before running off. Thankfully people trusted Y/n's judgment. Soon the building was empty. "Why don't you take your hands out of your pockets, Lina?" He knew they'd call the police. If he stalled long enough no one would get hurt. He'd gotten as many people safe as he could. Now he had to keep Lina calm until they could solve this.
A sigh came from the younger girl but she agreed. In one hand she had a lighter. Now that it was free of her pocket, she flicked it on and off every few seconds. "You're so oblivious, you know that?" She moved further into the fire station, toward the back of the truck.  Y/n followed, wanting to keep her in sight so she couldn't do anything too stupid. "You don't get anything."
"What did I miss Lina?" Y/n asked, trying to stay casual.
She rolled her eyes. "I'm in love with you." Y/n froze, both because of her word and also because she'd stopped down and hooked her fingers around a canister of gasoline. She vegan to move back into the building and when he didn't follow, she snapped, "Come on." He swallowed before obeying. She was getting agitated and he didn't want to set her off. She began to pour out the can all over the floor.
"Wait Lina-" She turned on her lighter and let it hover over the pouring gas. Y/n stopped dead in his tracks.
"You know Y/n I've tried for months." She let her lighter out, but kept it at the ready. "I tried everything to get you to realize how I felt about you. But you just kept laughing and it was so frustrating. I thought, it wouldn't help to be mad at you all the time. I'd have no time that way. So I did something I haven't done in a long time. I managed to keep myself under control for years. But you made me so angry, I had to let it out some way. So I burned. Little things."
Y/n's jaw hardened. "You killed people."
"I KNOW!" Lina sneered. "It wasn't on purpose! But fire is alive, Y/n. And it has wants and needs. And it grows. Who am I to stop it?" Y/n felt his stomach turn. "Then you made it even worse. You came rushing in every time and put them out. And suddenly I had a new reason to be angry. I'd almost forgotten about you. Until I saw your stupid, pretty face through the window and realized you were one of these stupid people putting my fires out. Of all people, OF COURSE it had to be you, huh?" She scoffed and Y/n's mind raced as he tried to figure out how to stop this. Lina went back and got three more cans, pouring those out too. Y/n could do nothing, as she kept her lighter at the ready. The whole floor was covered in oil now and her lighter was alight. "So I figured, get rid of the problem you know? No more fire fighters. No more you. No more me."
Y/n began moving to her. She tried to move away, but he forced a smile. "What, you're scared of me now? What am I going to do? I'd never hurt you Lina, you know that." She relaxed again. "I was just thinking, you know, I feel the same way." He tried not to cringe at the words. He was like seven years older than her and had a boyfriend but SURE, he liked her too. He knew that he had to get her to calm down. Trust him. He'd heard it a million times from Spencer. You give them what they want until you find your opening.
Her eyes widened in surprise. "You do?"
Nodding, Y/n chuckled softly. "Of course I do. I just thought, I'm too old for you. Of course you'd never like me back. If I had known... Well, like you said, I'm completely oblivious."
She giggled, her eyes watering. "I knew it. Everyone said that you were into that- that- that weird guy from the FBI. But I KNEW we were made for each other." They were close now. The lighter was out and Y/n was inches from getting it out of her hand. Then she did something that totally knocked him off of his feet. They heard sirens and she ignored them, because of course why would the police be after her? She ignored them and she kissed Y/n and he was so stunned that he almost forgot about the lighter.
Finally Y/n's fingers closed around the lighter and he yanked it from her grip. She pushed him away and they parted. She shoved the lighter in his back pocket, moving to her quickly and wrapping her arms around her to force her to be still. She thrashed and kicked until they ended up with Y/n on his back, arms and legs all wrapped around her to keep her firmly in place even as she screamed and moved her head. It meant, unfortunately, that Y/n's face was nearly completely in the oil.
When the door finally opened and police came in, Y/n was relieved to let her go. His head was spinning and his vision was blurring as his eyes burned. She was handcuffed and taken away and he ignored what she was saying as she screamed at him.
It was Morgan who pulled Y/n to his feet and out of the oil. Who questioned him and got him a towel to wipe off as much oil as he could. Who got him outside and to clean air and who kept everyone back as Y/n processed what just happened and got real air into his lungs.Morgan finally got the story piece by piece and then took it to the others. That was when Reid finally got to his boyfriend.
Y/n leaned away from his touch. Then he started crying, his head full of images of him burning to death. Or Lina burning to death, screaming for him as she did so. Or, even worse, both of them burning to death together. Holy shit...
"She kissed me," Y/n choked out, covering his mouth.
"What can I do to help you?" Spencer asked softly, his eyes wide with worry.
Y/n shook his head before looking at him. "How can you forgive me?"
That seemed to confuse Spencer. "Forgive you for what?"
"She kissed me," he reiterated. "I let her."
Spencer tried not to laugh. "Y/n you were in a stressful situation and because of that, you got the lighter away from her. Because of it, you're safe..." He shook his head, moving closer to take Y/n's face in his hands. "Listen to me. I know I don't say it enough, but I love you, Y/n. Kissing her didn't mean anything other than you being safe today and that is all I care about. I don't even know who would ever consider that cheating. Don't be an idiot." He smiled and Y/n did as well. Spencer wiped the tears off his face. "Now can I take my turn and kiss you or do you need more space?"
Y/n laughed before pulling his boyfriend close by the belt loops. Their noses brushed a second before they finally kissed. It lifted the weird imaged out of his head and the weight off his chest. He was okay. Everyone was okay. That's all that mattered.
"So you guys ARE dating then?" The men looked over to see Emily there, JJ next to her.
"Yes," Spencer answered as if it was the most obvious thing ever. Emily looked at Y/n and then at JJ and then JJ and Y/n looked at each other and suddenly they were all laughing. After the stressful showdown from before, it was nice to laugh. It made Y/n feel better, and everyone seemed to sense that. Unfortunately, just because Spencer understood the laughing helped, he couldn't get why they were laughing at all. "I don't get it. What's so funny?"
They just kept laughing.
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Almost NSFW-Alec Volturi P2
Ava’s POV 
It didn’t kick in yet. Bella would probably kill me if she knew but it doesn’t take a mind reader to know that my dear sister was extremely anxious and worried. We walked down a long, beautiful elegant hallway after passing the “future maybe desserts.” I hoped for the gummies to kick in soon because if I was going to die, painfully might i add, in the hands of a fuckin governing-power-royalty-mosquitos-whatever the hell they were, there was no way in hell I was about to do it sober. Was I too young to die? yes. But do I really give a shit? Yes, I do and I really don’t want to die on an empty stomach, but then again I really don’t wanna be here so it’s not like we all have choice here.The jetlag was just too much and I honestly at this point was leaving it up to natural selection to just do its thing. My plan was to just shut my mouth, follow Bella, slap the shiny disco named Edward, and then one of the red eyes would probably snap my neck or something because apparently, according to Alice, Edward broke one of their most sacred laws. I just pray that Bella will be happy again and maybe not a total fuckin idiot for the rest of her future immortal life. As for the Edward guy, I’m pretty sure there’s like no hope left for him. 
 if you’ve lived for more than a century and STILL lack common sense, it’s just hopeless for you at this point bud. And don’t you dare tell her I took these gummies i was anxious the whole time and its literally a fuckin miracle that i managed to get these through customs, you owe me that much. I thought to myself        
The mind rapist turned around to give me one annoyed look, but I could see in his eyes that he was apologetic and worried. 
We quickly approached the grand wooden doors. There were guard lining up the doors. Alice randomly whispered, “theyre the lower guards, the replaceable ones” as if I had any idea what the hell she meant by that, but the lower guards were stone faced, I honestly thought they were sculptures until one of them bowed to jane and opened the wooden doors.
We were greeted by a dude with red eyes that looked exactly like jane except much taller and like all of them- pale as fuck. He smiled and came forward to greet Jane. 
“Alec” she smiled for the first time and reached out to him. We stood awkwardly for a few seconds as they embraced and kissed each other on both cheeks. tf is this France? 
Alice blocked me from the view she seemed even more nervous than she was before, and the only vampires that could see me right now were the Demetri guy and the other one that was like 7 feet tall. The Alec boy suddenly stopped smiling and sniffed as if he was smelling something new. He quickly recovered and started to talk again
“And this is the cause of all the trouble?” 
“dibs” someone said and Edward started to growl. 
They passed another set of doors that were entirely gold and approached another set of plain wooden doors
Then it finally started to kick in. I sighed a breathe of relief. My plan was working. There were three vampires in the middle of the room, all of them in their 20s-late 20s. But I started losing focus and depended on Alice who was next to me for physical and emotional support. 
third POV
“They have another human with them. Brother this is absolutely ridiculous. It is clear that the Cullens have absolutely no respect towards us.” Caius hissed in disbelief
That was when every pair of eye in the throne room was on the other human. The other human looked young and shared no resemblance with the original human causing the trouble. The depressed king suddenly sat up. He had seen something he was not prepared for. One of their Elite guards had finally found not only his bloodsinger but also his true mate, that happened to be human and none other than the Bella Swan’s sister.
Alec felt like he was floating. Never in his 3,000 years of being an immortal had he expected to ever find a mate or a bloodsinger. But here he was. He had found both. The tired looking human was absolutely breathtaking in his eyes. He could every detail of her face. He ached to be close to her. At this point everyone had noticed his stance. 
Jane and Caius were showing confusion on their flawless cold faces, as Aro and Marcus started to exchange hands. Edward,Bella, and Alice tensed up,even more, unsure of what was going to unfold. Suddenly, a childlike yet angelic laughter echoed throughout the room. 
“Oh my, I absolutely adore happy endings. Not only is Bella Swan alive but her younger  sister seems to be the mate and bloodsinger of our dear beloved Alec.” The man with the raven black hair rejoiced giddily, his hands together. 
“La tua Cantante” 
Ava POV 
I was feeling high but clearly not enough because I was still well aware of my surroundings. The vampire with his raven black hair slicked back said something in italian  La tea cans … Cans? Edward was soon by my side in attempts to reassure me and calm down my anxiety. He opened his mouth carefully as if he was thinking carefully about what he was about to say next.
“Alec over there is..he’s your mate.” he mumbled but it was enough for me to hear. 
“What?” I answered bluntly almost close to yelling.  When edward looked down and failed to answer, instead of turning to Alice I did the logical mature thing I could think of.
Third POV
Ava slapped edward in the back of his head over and over again. Her sister and Alice were just watching helplessly and hopelessly as Ava poured out all her anger. Her hands were severely bruised at this point but because of the effect of the gummies and her rage she could give less than two shits. 
“YOU FUCKIN IDIOT. MAKING MY SISTER DEPRESSED FOR 6 WHOLE MONTHS WASN’T ENOUGH HUH HUH? YOU DRAGGED MY ASS ALL THE WAY FROM NYC TO FUCKIN EUROPE AND WHAT THE FUCK ARE WE EVEN DOING?” this was the point where Ava didn’t care about the others in the room because she was probably gonna die anyways and since her gummies weren’t doing shit she felt the need  to take out her rage on the stupid depressed vegan 
After 10 continuous slaps her hand was literally turning into a purplish red so she looked towards the amused 7 feet giant
“Do your job and HIT HIM PLEASE-GODDAMN IT” 
In a split second the pixie haired vampire was next to Ava, taking off her glove and holding the human’s badly bruised hand. And before they all knew it soothing black mists surrounded them, surrounding Ava’s badly bruised hand.
Link to Part one
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