#not an invitation for any of yall to debate me on shit. im tired now. but just saying generally i debate good.
if it's more Christian than right wing (and you havent revealed yourself to be otherwise) you mayyy gain some more traction by finding the basis for some of your socialism within The Beatitudes. just a suggestion!
It's equivalent parts Christian to Conservative. Generally speaking, I grind against them on both political and religious issues, but use their stance on whichever I'm not talking about to support what I am talking about, generally resulting in catch-22s for them.
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peachymhaechan · 6 years
“Not even one snow angel?”
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Genre: fluff
Warnings: language bc im too dumb to find better words
Pairing: Jaehyun x gender neutral reader
Author’s Note: yall it’s so cold that they had to cancel school for three days bc it’s supposed to be in the negatives for three days straight, so yall already know what that means: time to write fluff focused around Jung Jaehyun when I should be preparing for my biotechnology debate,,, yeehaw !! also: im shook that yall liked the mark mafia au so much,,, I will have another mafia au out soon, love yall !!
our story is set in fair Verona, where it is cold as tits out
jk its not actually set in Verona but ya know. Romeo and Juliet, am I rite, laid ease and gents?? (even tho that story is high key messed up and I don’t really understand why people aspire to have relationships like that) 
no but for real, classes for the next couple of days were cancelled because of a negative ten degree Fahrenheit wind chill, and that meant you had nothing to do (other than procrastinate your class work)
yeehaw, am I rite, laid ease and gents???
n e ways, 
rather than staying in your dorm all day w your dorm mate whom you did not always get along very well with, 
you decided to carpe the fuck outta that diem and play in the snow with some of you friends
lacing up the boots you shoved over four pairs of socks, you called Johnny, a kid you’d known since your freshman algebra class
“Seo, let’s go outside for once.” 
“Excuse me, what? Is it the sleep deprivation talking or did I hear you just say the words lets go and outside in one sentence?” a sleepy Johnny said from the other line
“Haha, very funny, dumbass. Let’s go play in the snow,” you told him, throwing on a winter coat 
“Y/N, it is eleven AM,” Johnny told you, causing you to roll your eyes as you shut the door
“Really? I had no clue, Johnny, thank you for telling me.” 
“Y/N, it is eleven AM on a day when classes are cancelled,” Johnny rephrased
“Yes, I am well away. Suit up, Seo. I am on my way over, be there in five.” 
on your way, you looked at all the snow and tried not to slip on ice
you made a few stops at some of your other friends’ dorms, and by the time you got to Johnny’s, there was a small army of people ready to play in the snow (and wake up Johnny)
“Mark, can I please wear your hat?” Haechan whined, flashing Mark puppy dog eyes and tugging on his sleeve
“Y/N, make him give me his hat,” the boy begged you, turning those eyes on you
“Mark, do what the baby says,” you told him, knocking on Johnny’s door
johnny seo opened the door, and before you could say anything, you were hit with a snowball in the face
he started cackling and said, “Before you guys got here, I went outside and made a snowball, then put it in a bowl in my mini fridge.” 
“Nothing, Y/N, I thought you wanted to play in the snow?” 
“Johnny, we are not IN the snow right now. We are standing in the middle of your dorm building, while snow drips down my face. I am going to destroy you when we are actually in the snow.” 
“I’d like to see you try, dumbass. Oh, also: do you care if I invite someone to hang out with us today?” he asked, and for some reason, everyone pivoted their attention to the six foot tall man, which you did not notice
“Go ahead, the more the merrier. Right, guys?” you asked, and everyone nodded a little too enthusiastically
You narrowed your eyes in suspicion but didn't ask any questions
“Who all were you planning on inviting?” you asked, trying to get more info out of him
Mark, Haechan, Jisung, Chenle, Jaemin, Jeno, and Lucas all avoided eye contact
“I don’t know, probably just a few of the other guys... Ten, Taeyong, Winwin, Kun, and Jae.” 
so THAT’S why they were acting weird 
those two faced whores
“Jae?” you asked, trying to do some more subtle investigating
“Yes, Jae.” 
“Jae as in... Jaehyun?” 
“Yes, Jae as in Jaehyun.” 
“Like... Jung Jaehyun?” 
“Yes, Jung Jaehyun.” 
“Like..... your roommate Jung Jaehyun?” 
“Yes, my roommate Jung Jaehyun.” 
“The one that I think is hot and told you all that I have a crush on him?” 
“That’d be the one.” 
oh no
oh fuck no
“Unless, of course, you want me to tell him that something has come up and he is no longer invited.” 
“No, no, that’s not necessary, he can still.... he can still join us, if he wants.” 
“Okay, good, because I told him to come with us, and he should be ready any minute now.” 
cue Jaehyun nudging johnny out of the way so he can get out of the door
and all you could think was 
ohhhhhhh mannnnnnnn, he’s hot
he had on jeans, a fluffy winter coat, gloves, and boots, but he had you quaking in your four pairs of socks, okay 
you could feel your cheeks heat up when he gave you a smile
those dimples had you wEAK, BITCH
“Hi, Jaehyun!” you managed to get out, to which he responded
“Hey, Y/N! That hat looks really cute on you! You always look cute, but, ya know what I mean.” 
to say you were malfunctioning would be an understatement
the boys saw you go into a full system reboot
“Let’s get going before all the snow melts!” Chenle said, grabbing your arm and pulling you out of your technical difficulty
“I doubt the snow will be melting any time soon,” Jisung mumbled, getting a slap in the arm from one of the other boys
the only sounds that registered to you were the sounds of the bickering boys, sleds dragging on the floor, and your own heart beat
okay, dawg, just play it cool. 
now that’s easier said than done, isn’t it? dumb bitch. 
the whole time yall walked outside, you were super aware of the proximity of Jaehyun
after about two minutes, Jaehyun was standing right! next! to! you!
wowie, babey! yee fuckin haw!
when yall finally made it to the “lawn” (whatever the fuck u wanna call it, I am not good with words, yeet) of campus- a huge hill with trees all around, right in the center of campus-
yall threw down the sleds a few of you brought, and got right to it
johnny got on a different sled and challenged you to a race, to which you naturally agreed to
while johnny was getting situated before the race, you made a snowball out of his sight, and right as it started, you nailed him in the face
“yOU MOTHER FUCKER!” johnny yelled as he fell off his sled and you took the lead
the boys all laughed (including Jaehyun! let’s gooooo!) and watched you do a half assed victory dance when you reached the bottom of the hill
winning was great and all, but you had to climb back up the hill:/ 
not cool, dawg:/
when you finally reached the top, you found that some of the guys were making a snowman
Jisung saw your heart melting upon the sight and said, “Stop that, this is emo boy gang, either get on board with emotional numbness or get out.” 
that stopped melting your heart, but you still loved the sight of all of them so concentrated on making a huge snowman
Jaehyun led the group, telling them what to do and assembling everything
by the time the snowman was complete, it easily was taller than you were
“yo. this is dope, bro,” johnny said to Jaehyun, pulling him into a bear hug
“thanks, bro,” Jaehyun said, laughing a bit at how ridiculous it all was
“Snowball fight time?” Jeno asked, all of the younger boys behind him, looking at you Old Folk for confirmation as to whether or not it’d be socially acceptable to start wailing balls of coldness at each other
you, johnny, and Jaehyun looked at each other and shrugged 
“Why not?” 
why not, indeed
without a second of hesitation, the younger boys started chucking snowballs at you three
sicko mode or mo bamba? 
“DIVIDE AND CONQUER, DIVIDE AND CONQUER!” you yelled, all three of you taking off in different directions, making the boys split up their force to follow
for some reason, Jaehyun ran along with you, leaving johnny to fend for himself
“Jaehyun, this isn’t a part of the plan!” you scolded, but at the same time loved the situation yall were in
“I know, I wanted to make sure you don’t get hurt.” 
wow, we stan !
“That’s awfully sweet of you, but now we have to figure out how to get rid of them.” 
“I’ll make a diversion while you hide and make ammunition? Send a signal or something and i’ll find you when you’re ready,” Jaehyun told you, making a sharp left and darting through the trees, a trail of boys following him
since you were left alone, you put your hands on your blushing cheeks and then got to work
within a few minutes, you had more than enough ammunition to hit the boys with and you saw all of them at the bottom of the hill, some wrestling and some throwing wads of snow at the others
great idea: take them out from up there?? yes, let’s go y/n, coming in clutch w that idea
without warning, you began to chuck the hundreds of snowballs you made at the boys
by the time you went through all the ammo, none of the boys were left standing except for johnny and Jaehyun
johnny stood up from behind a statue in the campus center and said, “Holy shit.” 
Jaehyun looked at all the boys laying in the fetal position and said, “Holy shit.” 
after that, everyone wanted to go home
not sure why, after all it’s not like they just got their asses kicked in the cold
“I don’t feel like going back to the dorms so soo, though,” Jaehyun said to you and Johnny
johnny went :) idea time! 
“I am feeling really tired from today, but I heard Y/N say earlier that they wanted to stop at the café at some point today and try one of the new drinks they’re making.” :) ;) 
“Okay, cool. Do you want to go to the café with me, then?” Jaehyun asked you
Jaehyun asked you. 
Jaehyun asked you? 
“Yes, I’d love to!” you told him, handing your sled to Jaemin to take with him to the dorms
after parting ways, yall went to the café and had a kind of?? date
just a lot of small talk, what is your goal in life, what are your deepest fears, blah blah blah
on the way home, though, that was when it got REALLY couple-y
you slipped on ice! 
and he went to catch you!
but he fell, too!
but he made it so that you were laying! on! top! of! him!
Hello, K-drama moment!
instead of speaking, you both stared into each other’s eyes 
before you totally #securedthatman by rolling off of him
and making a snow angel
laughing, he stood up and held out a hand to help you up
“Come on, let’s get going, it’s really cold out now. Too cold for snow angels, for sure.” 
“Not even one snow angel?” you asked, flashing him puppy dog eyes
“Not even one snow angel,” he confirmed and helped you up, and!
he didn’t let go of your hand! 
later on, yall consider that snowball fight turned café trip to be your first date, and boy, was it cold, but your hearts sure as hell felt warm that day
in conclusion, uwu
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