#not famous
aroacesafeplaceforall · 6 months
Jesus Christ dudes 😭
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aimseytv · 2 years
did you ever think youd get famous or was it a surprise to you
i still do not think i am famous and will not because i wouldn’t say i am, i’m just a bit known by people
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mindmattertime · 3 months
STAY on your OWN time and your OWN dime, and peace shall be yours as well as peace be mine. - 🜏ЯYᙠ
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niall-ate-mynamee · 9 months
He's Not Heavy, He's Our Brother (part one)
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Author's note: hello lovers <3
So, it's been a while, huh? I am so sorry. I have no excuses. I've been hitting writers' block for months now, and have finally overcome it! Because I've felt bad about not posting for a while, I wrote this today! It will have a second part to it, but because I have work in just over an hour, I wanted to post the first half now. I've combined the above two prompts that I received in July, so please let me know what you think! I will be writing the next part when I get home tonight, and will have it up either tomorrow or Sunday! Thank you for being patient with me and sticking by me, I love you guys <3
TRIGGER WARNINGS: bad language, sexual harassment, drug use, drugs, non-consensual touching, non-consensual drugging, attempted non-con/rape.
Characters: Niall Horan, Louis Tomlinson, Harry Styles, Liam Payne, Original Male/Female Characters
Word count: 1632
Hope you enjoy!! :) please let me know what you think! :)
P.s. the lads are NOT famous in this one :)
21 year old Niall Horan had been working at The NightLife Club for a few months now, along with his best friend Louis Tomlinson, 25. Their other best friends Harry Styles, 20, and Liam Payne, 23, were frequent customers, always coming in on the night's Niall and Louis were working, knowing they'd get at least an hour or so after their shift to have some fun together. Not that they didn't have fun anyway, because Louis was always cracking jokes and the four were found huddled around the bar every second they had spare in between serving drinks.
Niall loved his job, most of the time. Of course, working in a night club in the middle of London wasn't always smooth going. He'd dealt with a lot of drunken men, thrice his age, trying to hit on him or touch him in places nobody besides his future partner should even think about even looking at. Thankfully, his three best friends rarely leave him alone for five minutes, meaning he's always got his boys protecting him.
He had met Louis first, just a few hours after he moved into the flat he was renting, a little over a year ago now. The older lad was his neighbour, he lived in the flat opposite Niall, and the two hit it off instantly. Then, he was introduced to Liam and Harry, who also lived in the flat block, three floors below. The four were instant friends, and they were rarely apart. Niall couldn't believe how lucky he was. When he moved from the small town in Ireland where he was born, to London, he never expected to make friends within twelve hours of his flight landing, but he'd never change anything about his life. Moving to England had been the best thing he ever did, and he adored his best friends, who were more like brothers to him, more than anything in the world (besides his family, of course).
When Louis told him about the server position going at the club he worked in, Niall jumped at the chance for a change in jobs and immediately applied. His managers, Frank and Tucker, seemed to take to him very quickly, and he was basically offered the job on the spot. The lad could've cried in happiness. He had a job he loved, with his best friend, and he had a pretty decent amount of money behind him. He thought his life was amazing and didn't think anything could stop him.
Until it did.
It was approaching 11PM, the time when Niall and Louis' shifts would end, and they planned to stay at the club to have some fun with Harry and Liam, before the place closed at 1AM and they decided to go home, or, well, to one of their flats for some more drinks and movies, as their Friday and Saturday nights tradition, and tonight wouldn't be any different, or so they thought.
Five minutes before he was due to clock off, Niall was approached by his manager, Frank, who was barely taller than Niall. "Could you just go serve that gentleman over there for me before you go, please? He's been giving Anna a hard time." Frank asked him, bent close so Niall could hear him. The Irish lad glanced to where Frank was pointing, and after seeing Anna, his 19 year old co-worker, shaking her head in disgust, he nodded and made his way over. Once he arrived, he put a hand on Anna's shoulder and gently pulled her back with a quiet, 'I've got this,' and was rewarded with a relieved smile from the young woman as she hurried away.
"What can I get for you, mate?" Niall asked as professionally as he could, while wanting to smack this man's smug face. He held eye contact and stood as tall as he could, beginning to get bad vibes from this man.
"Your number." He smirked, and Niall resisted the urge to roll his eyes. "And a look at that ass."
"Sorry, mate, no can do with either of those. It's a drink or the door, your choice." Niall bit back immediately, really not wanting to deal with this…at least he could clock off once he's finished with this man, though. He's definitely needing a few drinks after this customer.
"I'll take a vodka and coke then, handsome." The man eventually replied, still smirking as he leaned forward against the bar, getting even closer to Niall as he did. Niall nodded and, after catching Harry's eyes a few feet away, he smiled and turned away to get the drink, when all of a sudden, he felt a hand slap his backside and he gasped, swinging around in a panic.
Before he could say anything, Harry was there and shoving the man aside. "Don't touch him, you creep!" The younger man exclaimed, which caught the attention of Louis and Frank, who both hurried over.
"What's going on?" Frank asked, at the same time as Louis asked, "Ni, you alright?" Niall just nodded, melting back into Louis' chest as his older friend wrapped his arms around him.
"Chill out, mate," The man was talking, holding his hands up as if surrendering, "I'm sorry, okay? Just a spur of the moment kinda thing, yeah? Won't happen again."
Harry huffed, not liking the man, but not wanting to cause a scene, especially when his best friends work there and wouldn't want him in any trouble. "If I see you so much as even look in his direction again…" He let the threat hang heavy before letting him go, very slightly shoving him.
When the man walked to the other side of the room, Niall let out a breath and slumped. "Thanks, Hazza." He smiled gratefully, which Harry returned with a grin of his own.
"Always got your back, Nialler." Both lads grinned at one another as Frank put a hand on Niall's shoulder and smiled gently at him.
"Go clock out, Niall, you and Louis go enjoy a few songs, drinks are on me tonight." Their manager said, and Louis whooped while Niall gave the older man a quick hug.
"You're the best, Frank, thank you!" He laughed as he pulled away, before turning to Louis, "Race you to the back!" He yelled, quickly running ahead with Louis cackling behind. Frank just shook his head, before continuing with work.
McFly's Obviously was thumping through the speakers as Niall, Louis, Liam and Harry drank, danced, laughed and sung to their heart's content. It's been nearly an hour since the incident at the bar, and it seemed like the lads had put it behind them. Niall didn't see the point in being cautious or nervous now, because in his mind, the guy was gone and he could fully enjoy the night with his brothers. They've all had a fair few drinks now, since Frank had said they were free for them, so they said screw it to their usual limitations and simply drank, Niall had definitely had more than the others, but they wouldn't try and stop his fun now, they could tell he had been shaken up by the incident, so wanting him to have some fun.
That would all be coming to an end soon, though.
When Niall announced he was off to get another drink, the lads nodded and continued jumping around to the music. Niall laughed as he watched Liam's poor attempt at the robot, resulting in him nearly tripping over as his shoes caught a tiny lip in the floor. Heading over the bar, Niall caught sight of Damien, a 31 year old who had started at the club a few weeks ago. "Usual, Niall?" The man smirked, already pouring the drink before Niall could talk. As it happened, the younger man nodded and laughed, taking the drink as it was handed over.
"Thanks, Damien!" He called over his shoulder as he began making his way back to his friends, before bumping into someone. "Shit, sorry, mate!" He apologised, looking up and freezing as he saw the drunk from earlier. "Um, I, uh, sorry…I'll just be…" He was cut off as the guy grabbed his wrist and pulled him towards an empty corridor. "HEY! Let me go!" He cried, using his other hand to try and pry at the tight grip on his bruising wrist.
"Shut up!" The man growled, just as the two ended up in a small room, which Niall recognised as the spare storage room. "First you reject me, then you get your little friend on me, and now you bump into me? I've had it with your type!" He was ranting, slamming the door closed and blocking it with an empty shelving unit. "You pretty kids, thinking you're better than everyone else. I'm sick of it!"
Niall was terrified now, his drunken mind sobering as he finally realised the situation he was now in. "P-please…I'm s-sorry, please don't h-hurt me." He whimpered, trying in vain to get up and away from this creep. It didn't work. Niall watched as the man, who had a clear bottle of something, grabbed his chin and began pouring whatever the drink was down his throat. Niall felt it burn and began choking, trying to spit up whatever it was.
"Swallow it!" The man screamed in his face, making sure the entire bottle was empty before waiting for the effects to start. Once the drug kicked in, a few seconds later, Niall was losing all strength and could no longer think straight, vision blurring and head spinning. He no longer felt in control of his body. "Perfect," The man smirked, "Just how I've wanted you since the second I saw you…I can't wait to finally get a taste of you…"
Niall knew no more.
Author's note: I haven't proof read this, so if you spot any mistakes, please let me know! See you this weekend for part two! <3
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daybreaksys · 8 months
zero notes
that hurts
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ant1quarian · 6 months
The famous one
The banger artist
Wonderous. Except- I'm not quite famous, but I find that very silly /pos
Thank you!!
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hoitsbetty · 1 year
why can’t i be a nepo baby who gets to meet taylor swift backstage bc one of my parents said a nice thing about her once
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Some Thoughts on my Forthcoming Novel 'Not Famous'
Some Thoughts on my Forthcoming Novel ‘Not Famous’
It’s gonna be a busy few weeks, getting ready for the launch, and an even busier time trying to get people to read Not Famous. But, I’ve been thinking about a bunch of things, and thought I’d share them. It took me seven years to finish the first draft of my novel. Most of that time was honestly not spent working on it, but that long period of time from start to completion gave me plenty of…
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chronotopes · 15 days
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nobody got hurt so im allowed to giggle about this extremely looney tunes looking accident on a part of 64 i used to drive down at least once a week
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fagm77 · 5 months
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bronzetomatoes · 8 months
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Why dont we all look at Andy
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say what you want about bridgerton I know it's not a Good Show or whatever but nicola coughlan insisting on being 'as naked as possible' in this series as a 'fuck you' to everyone saying she's too fat to be a romantic lead and because 'when I'm 60 I wanna watch it and remember how fucking hot I was' is ICONIC BEHAVIOR
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sycamorality · 2 months
when someone asks me what i like
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juno-infernal · 11 months
[covered in blood, with tears in my eyes] I AM VERY YOUNG AND I AM LEARNING HOW TO LIVE
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niall-ate-mynamee · 9 months
He's Not Heavy, He's Our Brother (part two)
Author's note: well...turns out, this will be a three parter! I've basically made this into a mini fic, rather than a one shot like my original plan lol. I hope that's okay with you all hahaha! Again, I have work soon, and really wanted to get another part up for you all, and half way through writing this, I knew I'd have to make it into three parts.
As usual, lemme know what you think! Part three will be up either tomorrow or Monday. I'll start working on it tonight after work and tomorrow!
Enjoyyyyyyy! <3
TRIGGER WARNINGS: bad language, sexual harassment, drug use, drugs, non-consensual touching, non-consensual drugging, attempted non-con/rape.
Characters: Niall Horan, Louis Tomlinson, Harry Styles, Liam Payne, Original Male/Female Characters
Word count: 1434
It took the lads a few minutes to realise that Niall had yet to return to them. Liam, always having been the slightly more mature one in certain situations, stopped his dancing abruptly and looked around him. "Where did Ni say he was going?" He asked, wanting to make sure he heard the same as the others.
"He was only getting another drink…he should've been back by now." Harry answered, the worry setting in now. Louis immediately made his way over to the bar, knowing the others would be right on his heels. As he approached, he saw Damien and quickly stepped behind the bar and to his co-workers side.
"You seen Niall?" He asked as he leant down to the man's ear. Damien nodded and frowned at the look of concern on Louis' face.
"He was just over here a few minutes ago. Wanted another drink, so I topped him up and he went back over to you guys. Why? What's wrong?" Damien asked, worried now. Apparently, the look of panic on the lads' faces was spotted by Frank, who made his way over.
"What's going on?" The manager asked, already getting a bad feeling, even before knowing anything. "Louis, what's wrong?"
It was Liam who spoke up next. "We can't find Niall," He said, "He was over here getting a drink like nearly ten minutes ago, but he never returned to us…even if he needed a piss, he'd be back by now."
"You don't think something's happened to him, do you?" Damien panicked. "I made sure I gave him his drink personally, I watched as he walked away. Nobody had time to do anything!"
"Okay, just calm down, we'll figure it out and find him." Frank said, trying to calm the situation, but out of nowhere, a young man approached the group, and he looked worried.
"Excuse me, are you the manager?" The newcomer asked, eyes darting around in a worry. Frank smiled assuringly.
"Yeah, that's me…how can I help?"
"Um, that young lad who works here, I've seen him here a few times, uh, I saw him bump into someone a few minutes ago. It didn't look like a nice interaction. They went off that way…"
Panic ensued. Louis and Harry were racing off in the direction the man was pointing. Liam thanked the man and took off after his friends, and Frank rushed off to get security. Everyone's hearts were thumping in fear. Damien, who stayed where he was, sent a silent prayer. He's only known Niall, and Louis, for a few weeks, but he respected both lads and they'd formed quite a nice friendship. He just prayed everything was okay and this was all a misunderstanding.
Louis, Liam and Harry made it to an empty corridor, they were thankful that Louis worked here and knew this particular area well, because Liam and Harry had no idea where they were. "These are just spare storage rooms…we used to have a little common room for us staff here a while ago, but when the back was redone, we started using that since it was bigger. Ni's only been down here a couple times, mainly just for some peace and quiet when he gets a little panicky…you know what he's like." Louis was explaining, head darting back and forth as he glanced about for their friend.
"You don't think that guy from earlier is still hanging around, do you?" Harry asked, voice trembling. Just as Liam opened his mouth to speak, they heard a grunt and shelves knocking around. "It came from there!" Harry exclaimed, pointing at one of the only doors that were closed. Liam was there immediately, rattling the door handle when it refused to open.
"Open this door!" Liam shouted, banging on the wood and trying with all his might to get the damn thing to open. It was at this moment that Frank arrived with Bill, the head of security. "I swear! Ni, you in there?!"
"You found him?" Frank asked, but Louis shook his head.
"We heard noises from this room, but the doors locked. We thi-" He was suddenly cut off as a broken whimper sounded and Liam breathed out a small, "Nialler…" before doubling his efforts and ramming his shoulder against the splintering wood.
"Stand back!" Bill said, pushing the boys aside as he kicked the door in. It only took a few seconds, but for the boys, it felt like hours until the door broke and they could see inside. The sight, however, was one they would never forget.
"NIALL!" Louis screamed in fear, and watched as Bill quickly stepped over the broken shelving unit to grab at the man, half naked, around the chest and pull him roughly away. "YOU BASTARD!" Louis sobbed, "What did you do to him?! Niall!" The boys finally got a good look at their best friend, and they all sobbed.
Niall was barely conscious, his jeans and boxers around his ankles, his shirt ripped and scratches adorned his body like a sick work of art. The corners of his mouth and down his chin were wet, the empty bottle a few feet away giving the group a hint of what it possibly was. His blue eyes, once sparkling and full of life, now glazed over and dull. He wasn't in good shape.
"Oh Nialler." Liam cried, hurrying to his friends side. Frank was already there, taking off his own sweatshirt to place over Niall's groin and thighs, trying to help with what little dignity he could save for the boy.
"We need to call 999, he needs to get checked out properly. It looks like he was drugged and…" The manager couldn't finish, just turned his face away from the broken body of his colleague. It was quiet for a few minutes, before Tucker finally appeared at the doorway, gasping in shock with his phone to his ear.
"Yes, police and ambulance please…The NightLife Club, Braxton Way…a friend of ours has been attacked, he's unconscious…yes, he's breathing…come round to the back door, I'll let them in…okay, thank you." When he hung up, he crouched at Frank's side, putting a hand on his shoulder. "Damien told me what happened, he said you'd been gone a while, so I thought I'd come see if everything was alright…I saw Bill down the corridor, he told me what happened back here and I came as quick as I could…how is he?"
"I don't know…he hasn't woken up." Frank said, "Could you get that blanket from my office, please? He's cold." Tucker nodded and was up and gone in seconds, and Frank glanced around at the boys. "Lads…stay here with him, I need to go open the back door for the ambulance. Won't be long." With that, the manager left and it was just Louis, Liam, Harry and the unconscious Niall. No one knew what to say.
Tucker, at some point, had come back in and laid the blanket over Niall. He must've left again, as one second he was there, the next, two paramedics were being shown into the room along with two police officers. "His name's Niall Horan, he's 21. He works here. There was this guy a couple hours ago, he was being rude and inappropriate with some of our staff. I sent Niall over to help…oh god, and when Niall finished his shift, the guy was back and dragged him in here. He drugged him, and…oh god." The manager broke off with a shaky breath.
One of the policeman put a hand on Frank's shoulder. "It's okay, sir, your security guard has a tight hold on him. We've got some back up on the way. We'll take him to the station, and we'll have to close this place down for a few days while we investigate, I'm afraid."
Frank just nodded, eyes watching as Niall's limp body was wheeled passed on a stretcher, Louis clutching Niall's hand and Liam and Harry speaking to the other officer. "That's fine…my friend, Tucker, he's the other manager, he's getting everyone out. The other staff are just clearing down, but they should be done soon. We can go to my office, if you wish? That's where the CCTV is."
"My colleagues will be here any minute. We will need to view the footage and get a copy of it, if that's possible? We will need statements from everyone present, and any other witnesses who may have a different view point. Any additional evidence we can get will benefit Mr Horan's case."
With that said, Frank knew it would be a long night.
Author's note: again, if you spot any mistakes, please let me know! :)
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attleboy · 5 months
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don't forget
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