#not for long tho if Roderick has anything to say about it
amerasdreams · 2 years
Lol how almost everyone in Muldavia knows about Jason's mission but almost no one knows about Whit's mission
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forgottenroisin · 6 months
OOC | Lord & Lady Malconaire
so this post might be pointless, and not to have yet another malconaire family thread running, but i was responding to aoife's comment <3 and i realized there's a lot i don't know about the girls' parents and i'd love to hash that out w you guys, if lizzy doesn't already know? @thelongforgottenrealm
ok so first id love to establish first names for our love birds? [ this site ] might help w that ;D next, id like to discuss a lil their timeline as well as the broader timeline re: valentina and her kids coming onto the scene etc, bc, for example, the thing tht actually spurred this comment was me realizing i have no idea if rosie remembers her mom at all!
speaking of, rosie's bio says she doesn't remember much abt when they were wealthy, so we know that she was still pr small when valentina arrived on the scene, and from that im guessing their mama died pr early into in her life but im not sure how long lord m was a widower -- was it decades? years? months? esp since the remarriage we now know was politically motivated it really could've been any timeframe at all since it wasnt him moving on, etc
but anway! yeah basically just a few basics would be great <3
so yeah to get us started imma start w what we know (using the first event as year 1 since im not sure what the years supposed to be plus lbr roderick's probs did smth stupidly dramatic like re-starting the calendar w year 1, day 1 being his coronation day etc smdh so who even knows whats going on)
year 1 -- birth of valentina (as a result of this being the first known malconaire event, this whole calendar is a timetable of valentina's ages when everything went down which is pr interesting for me as her rper heehee)
year 18 -- birth of cassimir
year 22 -- births of sonya, cillian
year 23 -- birth of eithne/presumably lord and lady m were married by this time, if not before?
year 25 -- birth of brigit
year 26 -- birth of saoirse
year 27 -- birth of aoife
year 29 -- birth of roisin/last known year in which lady m was def alive
year 48 -- surrender of astaira to roderick/battle of m may or may not have already taken place but obv would've been before the formal capitulation -- im guessing it was the same year tho since the v next battle led to the surrender, but anyway likely this is the year in which lord m died, and certainly he was dead by this time
year 50 -- the present
so some notes!! i believe @forgottencassimir said...somewhere haha that cassimir was probs abt ~teenage when valentina married lord m, so that puts the marriage likely between years 31-37, and we know that rosie hardly remembers their wealth at its full height, as well as the fact that valentina was the direct cause of its loss, so she was probs 6-8 when that happened, so that puts their marriage between years 35-37ish, most likely (also never fully appreciated the age gap between rosie and cassimir till i started really thinkin abt this alksdjfaklsdfj), so we're safe to say, i think, that lady m was def dead by year 37 also, i don't want to assume anything, but i do think we're pr safe to say that the battle of m took place in the year 48 and, therefore, that lord m died in year 48
this means that the smallest amount of time lord m spent without the woman he loved was 11 years SOB, and it ALSO means that at the smallest range valentina and he were married that long, and that its been at LEAST 13 years since the marriage of lord m and valentina and thus their kids have been siblings all that time/she's been their stepmom that long etc, but possibly for even longer!
are there any major events whose timetable we know that im forgetting? i feel like there are hahah but im drawing a blank
anyway, this is all quite rambly, and quite possibly lizzy already has all this info for us and i just never thought to ask before now hahaha but yeah!! i was wondering <3
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A tag game thing
Hello friends, I’m alive, it has been a g e s since I actually posted anything original on here (I have been reblogging the occasional thing tho) but oh well. Rmeind me to post things. Somehow.
This tag thing then! The rules - New post, answer the questions (one for each letter of the alphabet) and then tag ten blogs you would like to get to know better.
I was tagged by both @the-snarky-british-girl and @estel-of-the-eyrie, thank you friends
A - Age: 18
B - Birthplace: Warwickshire, England
C - Current time: 22:47
D - Drink you last had: Some really nice ass tropical juice that I found in the Nisa on my uni campus.
E - Easiest person to talk to: I talk to myself all the time. I talk to inanimate objects. I talk at people if I’m comfortable enough with them but people genuinely have to be specific in order to draw out of me any information about my personal life. So, in short, everyone, and no one.
F - Favourite song: .......................................fUCK um, I will pick a random song that I like to listen to currently. Loving You Sunday Morning by Scorpions. It’s off the album Lovedrive, and every song on there is bloody brilliant.
G - Grossest memory: ... I don’t particularly have one. I remember having a nightmare about a remote control car that transformed into a bear and ate me while I was playing frisbee in a little alleyway outside my house (which is not big enough to play frisbee in, nowhere near, so idk it’s a fucking Tardis thing). I remember throwing up spaghetti bolognese one evening and filling the entire sink, which then wouldn’t drain because it was so thick so my dad had to get his hands dirty to make sure it went down the plughole. The other day i found a pregnant spider underneath my desk while vacuuming (I’ve been living in uni accommodation for the last couple of weeks, for the first time ever). Those are just random memories I thought of, idk if i have any worse, my brain is like a very temperamental sieve.
H - Horror yes or no: It depends. The whole Lovecraftian aspect of horror is fun, and yanno, like fantasy horror, but most horror films are real shite because the plots are shite and it’s all jump scares and gore and possessed dolls. And I need to want to risk it bc it will almost defo make me scared to even stick my foot out the side of my bed. My brain goes “it’s fucking fiction. It’s not at all going to happen. You’re not going to be brutally murdered like the victims in Hot Fuzz. but... just in case, don’t move, at all.”
I - In love or not: Yes. That is all the elaboration you are going to get.
J - Jealous of people or not: It depends. People get way more opportunity then me. For once in my life I am pursuing a big opportunity myself, but I think about how different it will be and then I’m not so jealous of those who took the opportunities they got because I know that they could have been shit. But I still hate myself for not taking/getting opportunities because they could have been great. And people have better things than me - e.g. you listen to a guitar blogger on YouTube or a famous artist and they sound good because they have expensive amps and shit but nah my amps are all a bit shite. I’m going to tinker with a design or two myself to try to make progress on that though. I’m convinced you don’t need to pay for an expensive amp to get one that sounds good and reacts how I want.
L - Love at first sight or walking by again: Walk by again. Even better, stop by me, and make friends with me, and keep working your way up from there.
M - Middle name: Roderick. It’s my dad’s name. His middle name is his dad’s name too, and so on.
N - Number of siblings: One. I have an older sister.
O - One wish: Damn. I have plenty of wishes but I don’t know which one wins out. I could be an asshole and wish for more wishes. Or wish for myself to always have just the right means to achieve what I’ve set my sights on (same thing I guess but just in a bit more of a roundabout way)
P - Person last called: Specifically on my mobile, my parents called me earlier. If we include social media, my mate Dawid called me earlier about physics work.
Q - Question always asked: I don’t know. Probably “What the fuck are you doing”. Who asks me that, you say? Mostly myself.
R - Reason to smile: Fuck loads of things. Music. Food. Cute animals. Managing a thing. Meeting a friend. A sunny day. Bed. I could go on.
S - Song last sang: Erm. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FCARADb9asE KNOCK YOURSELVES OUT FELLAS
T - Time woke up: God knows
U - Underwear colour: Black.
V - Vacation destination: Italy. Anywhere there is good. Specifically Tuscany, or the sort of middle section (North Italy doesn’t feel as Italian??? and South Italy is okay but I preferred Tuscany)
W - Worst habit: I have plenty. Maladaptive daydreaming, procrastinating, whatever. Basically just not doing shit I should.
X - X-rays: Dental X-rays. Twice, one each side both times.
Y - Your favourite food: Erm? Italian food is bae, pizza, pasta, gelato, it’s all god tier food imo. Also chocolate. Pastry. Biscuits. Fruit. Bread? Potatoes? Fuck it whATEVER JUST F E E D M E
Z - Zodiac sign: Taurus.
I shall tag - @do-you-want-this-open-or-closed @ure-gonna-loveme-when-u-seeme @notcoolgirl @thatgirlunderarock @definitelynotemomusic @savagetay @epicfailingagain @istherelifeonberk also anyone else who wants to do it feel free whatever might as well get to know you all again
I forgot who the people I started to make friends with before are, I’ve been gone ages. I suck at keeping in touch so pester me. If you remember me and want to talk again feel free to say hi, if you don’t then still feel free to say hi, if I knew you I should remember or will make friends with you all over again anyway and if I didn’t then I will probs be your friend still, and if you don’t remember me and it’s weird that I remember you then sorry lmao I’m a mess but say hi again bc if I remember you after this long you probably made a good impression.
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