#not gonna tag astraea cause her name was only mentioned like once on purpose and its not really about her
bluejay-in-write · 1 year
⌨ for sol pls 👀
So uhhhh heres your sentence😅hope you enjoy 👀 *sprints in the opposite direction*
Another captor, another planet, Sol thought as the ship touched down on what would be his new home for the foreseeable future, until he could figure out how to get off this blasted planet and return to where he belonged. Who he belonged to. Sol had gone his whole life without a place to belong, being shepherded from planet to planet at the whims of those more powerful as he proved too difficult to control time and time again. Belonging was a foreign concept to him, a word meant to be spoken on other people’s tongues but not his, never his. Sol belonged nowhere and to no one, despite what his previous owners had insisted. And that fact was as immutable as the laws of the universe, or so he thought, up until the day he had met that girl… That day was just like any other, another captor, another planet, another place to disrupt until he was desperately thrown away, no need for escape. He would prove himself more trouble than he was worth until he was inevitably sold again to someone else; someone with more money, just as little patience, sonic shower and repeat. At least that was the plan until she had gone and inadvertently foiled it completely. Sol hadn’t known that someone more stubborn than him existed. She happily showed him otherwise. His first impression of the girl was that she was nosy and controlling but over time she had proven his assumption wrong once again. What he thought was prying was actually vigilance and what he believed was meddling turned out to be a single-minded protectiveness, unwavering and resolute. That new information didn’t change much about their relationship though, at least not at first. They were very different people and couldn’t help but butt heads whenever they happened to remain in the same room for too long; never agreeing on the right way to survive their gilded cage, nor the cost of that survival. But somehow their differences didn’t stop his body from learning to fall into step with her over time, always slightly behind and to her right. And on one fateful day when both of their survivals were threatened, the girl who he had never agreed with on anything and who had only ever seen his presence as a threat had done the unthinkable…and risked her own life to save his. That's when Sol knew his place would always be at her side, one step behind. Protecting her back and shielding her from the rest of the world was exactly where he belonged. For the first time in his life Sol had felt secure in his place in the world and the Jedi had stolen that from him. But Sol would do whatever was necessary to fulfill his duty as Astraea’s defender and return to his place at her side and no one, not even the emperor, would stop him.
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