#not lautity but i dont mind if you tag it that way
bird-likes-to-fandom · 9 months
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have a traditional steph and grace that took me a couple hours
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t4tgempearl · 1 month
hii im so excited to have someone to talk holyphone with.... if u dont mind non-ask-game questions: 5 things they each like about the other?
-Lautity :3
I always love answering questions about my ships!! :D *This may seem a little obvious, but this post does include some of my personal HCs on how the characters act & look :]
5 Things Steph likes about Grace:
1. Her tooth gap. Steph thinks it's such a cute feature on Grace, somehow making her smiles even brighter.
2. Grace's enthusiasm. Steph really likes seeing Grace be passionate about things, even if it's not always a topic Steph is necessarily interested in she'll always make sure to try her best to listen, though unfortunately her mind tends to wander often (ADHD Steph cough cough).
3. A little similar to the previous one, but Grace's determination. She's very persistent with the things she wants, going to great lengths to achieve those goals. Steph sometimes thinks that Grace's ideas are a little... far fetched, to say the least, but she's always supportive :]
4. The fact Grace does arts & crafts. It's usually small things like making bracelets or sewing patches and embroidering onto things. For example, the strawberries on the bottom of Grace's jeans. Steph has a small collection of bracelets Grace has gifted her over time. She doesn't wear them too often, but they hold a special place in Stephanie's heart.
5. Her organization skills. Steph would've probably lost her earbuds, her favorite hoodie and her English notebook months ago if it weren't for Grace, making sure they never leaves anything behind and that everything ends up nice and tidy. Steph can't even count how many times she was looking for something and a few seconds later a slightly smug Chasity pops up with an item in her hand, going "Were you looking for this?"
5 Things Grace likes about Stephanie:
1. Grace admires how laid back and nonchalant Steph can be. Grace can't imagine just, not caring about things, so whenever Steph shrugs things off Grace is genuinely very impressed and even a little jealous.
2. Stephanie's style. As much as Grace might've argued that it's "sinful" or "unholy" to wear 'revealing' clothing or put on makeup, she has now somewhat come to terms with the fact that Steph is gorgeous, and there's really hardly any point in denying it. The way Steph puts together outfits that are casual, yet all the small details in them come together so beautifully.
3. Her humor and jokes. Laughing comes so naturally to Grace when she's around Steph, small and seemingly insignificant comments that Steph says make Grace burst into a fit of giggles. There are some jokes that Grace would deem inappropriate, putting on a stern face and gently scolding Steph. But Steph notices Grace trying to stifle that giggle, and she just looks too adorable to ignore.
4. Steph's confidence. The way she's so self-assured in her words and actions, smooth talking her way in and out of things. Sure, Grace is also confident (although some would just call it being stubborn) but Steph just has that extra charm when she speaks, her voice sounding sweet as honey in Grace's ears.
5. This is a very simple one, but how warm Stephanie is (body temperature wise). I think Grace (like me hehe) always has cold hands. She doesn't really notice it but people always comment on it whenever they feel her hands. Stephanie on the other hand is almost always warm and you'll probably hear her bitching complaining about the heat if the AC in the class is broken. Grace loves clinging close to Steph on cold winter days and Steph loves putting Grace's hands on her face to cool off a little when it's super hot outside :3
In conclusion, I think they're complementary opposites. Some things they can agree on, while in other places they're totally different but they'll be there for each other no matter what :]
@lautity (hope the tag's alright, if not then lmk! ^_^)
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