#not me also thinking i’m going to have to examine if ‘qolnidar’ or ‘qalandar’ now too
bottombaron · 9 months
ok so, recently i got really excited to research Nandor's traditional Al Qolnidar costume that i had suddenly remembered, out of nowhere, actually existed and was shown in s5, Hybrid Creatures, right??
(small tangent but im like all over the place, all this costume research shit only got started bc I was looking for what would be accurate for Guillermo to wear as a traditional guy-wife in a wedding with Nandor ok?? now im knee deep in several hundred years of different turbans, shoes, and helmets. i might even have to commit to an exploration of where Nandor would fit within the several different ethnic groups of Iran and their migrations. kill me.)
and anyways. im still sick as fuck and two?? three?? days of just looking at this motherfucker has gotten me nowhere. i have so many questions to ask abt it and i have next to 0 answers that aren't just that Nandor had a Sufi Mystic phase and this was his Rumi cosplay or we might need to seriously examine the possibility Nandor was/is Dervish (with a *gold* trimmed jacket lmao)
thus im calling defeat on this one for now bc honestly i just want to draw but my brain can only let this go if i can trick it into thinking other people are going to be haunted by these questions too,,,
so! here’s my quick doodles/ notes on what Nandor calls ‘authentic Al Qolnidar clothes’. if you you see anything you might have an answer for (or even just Laura’s email address so i can send my questions to her directly) i’d be oh so eager to have them ✌️
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