#not much of a shipper but I do enjoy a good proposal tradition
thesinglesock · 7 months
my old How to Train your Dragon obsession suddenly re-emerging now, after I've spent years learning about Historical Viking Clothing and Crafts is great actually cause I get to apply the Fun History Knowledge to my favorite blorbos, and now I have some very specific scenarios.
in Viking culture, gift giving was a big complicated very significant thing. And one gift that was Especially Significant was that of a New Shirt. Women would propose to the guy they wanted to marry by making him a brand new linen shirt. I could go on for several pages about what that tells us about viking culture, gender roles, and also the extremely fun ways viking age stories used "gifting a shirt" as a symbol in romantic stories, but I'll restrain myself. This post is about How to Train your Dragon.
Astrid Hofferson can't sew. There's no way. Girl spent her whole life training to be a warrior, she has not had the time or patience to sit down and learn to sew (even though it involves a whole lot of stabbing things with a sharp object). I mean even her own clothes are made with minimal amounts of sewing (a needlebound tank top and some furs wrapped around her arms instead of sleeves).
Hiccup Haddock Horrendus III, on the other hand, knows how to sew. Sure he mostly works with metal and leather, but leatherwork requires sewing. I'm pretty sure I can find actual footage of him using a needle. Also his clothes are nicely sewn, and since he grew up without a mum, and his dad is a very busy man, he must have made at least parts of his outfit himself.
So my question is: how did they ever get engaged. How did that proposal go? Did Astrid suffer through learning a new skill so she could spend months of her life painstakingly stitching together the Worst Shirt Ever Made? I imagine her rage quitting after she has to undo that one seam for a fourth time, and in true Astrid fashion, just chucking it at Hiccup with full force when he walks into the room.
or! would Hiccup defy Viking Gender Norms because he gets that Astrid has no interest in sewing? and then he gets it into his head that it has to be the most elaborate shirt on the whole island cause it's for his girlfriend and he can't even remember ever seeing her in a nice shirt before? and that's a shame cause she deserves to have nice things! And he overthinks every choice along the way because what if she hates it???? But ofc it turns out really nice and she adores it.
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werewolfdays · 5 years
Jayde and Nadya for the ship breakdown :)
since this might be a little long I’ll include it under the cut!
• How did they meet?
They met when Jayde ended up in the hospital that Nadya was working at. If anyone’s interested I posted their first meeting here
• Who developed romantic feelings first?
It’s a pretty close race, but Jayde was the one that started falling first. I mean, how can you not with Nadya?
• Who is their biggest “shipper”? 
Besides me? Probably Jayde’s younger sister, Skye
• When did they have their first kiss and under what circumstances? 
It happened a couple months after they reunited. they were on the road for a while together so Jayde finally took Nadya to the Lodge for a break. Jayde felt like things finally calmed down enough to make a move
• Who confessed their feelings first?
If Nadya had been more sure of herself, she woulda confessed first. In fact, she almost did a couple of times, but was shot down by her anxiety. Evidently, Jayde beat her to it
• What was their first official date? 
Jayde wanted their first date to be as normal as possible. She kinda botched the asking out on the first time around, but after a little clarification, they went on a dinner date where Jayde cooked the food
• How do they feel about double dates/group dates?
Nadya thinks they’re fun. she gets to spend time with her girlfriend and friends after all, what’s not to like? Jayde prefers dates to be one-on-one so when she goes on double/group dates she doesn’t really see them as “dates” It’s more of like a group hang-out to her. Jayde doesn’t usually mind them, but sometimes it’s like “ugh why can’t I just be alone with my gf…”
• What do they do in their downtime?
They do quite a few things to be chill. They hike/camp, sometimes just hang out in their room while Nadya studies, they go to their favorite spot by the fireplace at the Den to talk/play a board game and drink tea or coffee
• What was the first meeting of parents as an official couple like?
Unfortunately, Jayde can’t introduce Nadya to her parents and that really kills Jayde. She’d give anything to have her parents meet Nadya. Nadya’s parents on the other hand… Nadya finally came out as a lesbian to them with Jayde there and that was a bit tense. Nadya’s mom stormed off and Nadya followed her to talk it out, leaving Jayde with her father. It was a really stressful night for everyone, but they eventually accepted it
• What was their first fight over and how did they get past it?
The first fight they had when they were officially together was that Nadya wanted to learn how to fight. Not self defense, but offensive fighting. Nadya hadn’t really seen much of the violence that came with Jayde’s life and she saw how hardened Jayde was and lowkey thought that if she became a warrior too, Jayde would like her more. Jayde was open to teaching her self defense, but thought Nadya’s attitude about fighting was distasteful and Nadya took offense to that, thinking that Jayde was just treating her like she couldn’t handle it.
Ultimately, whenever they get into a fight, they hate the environment they make and can’t stand being hostile towards each other. There’s a cool down period and then they try to work it out.
• Which one is more easily made jealous?
Jayde, definitely. She tries her damnedest to not come off as possessive, but sometimes when someone (especially another wolf) starts flirting with Nadya, she just wants to either clock them or worm her way in between them.
• What is their favorite thing to get to eat?
Nadya is a huge fan of foods that are rooted in culture (she likes to learn about all kinds of cultures and the more knowledgable she is, the better the food tastes as she says) and Jayde loves to learn how to cook all kinds of things. Nadya’s mother’s side is Native American so when she was little and visited her native relatives, she ate traditional foods. The days when Jayde makes stuff like that is her favorite. Jayde isn’t picky and enjoys basically everything that she makes, but some well seasoned meat cooked on a campfire always hits the spot
• Who’s the cuddly one? What is their favorite cuddling position?
This is almost a tie. Jayde is very physical, but she also likes to be active and do stuff, whereas Nadya could just stay in bed all day and cuddle her. Especially when it’s raining outside
• Are they hand holders?
Very much so
• How long do they wait before sleeping together for the first time? What’s the circumstances?
It took a while for Nadya to be ready because she’s never been in a relationship before and sex was always kinda intimidating to consider, particularly having sex with Jayde cause it’s Jayde. And Jayde was always very patient (it was important to her that Nadya initiated that kind of intimacy first) even tho the poor thing was horny like a lot. But they had a bit of downtime alone at a safe house where Nadya finally took the plunge. I posted their first time here if anyone wants to read (nsfw obvs)
• Who tops?
Pretty even on that depending the day. I will say that Jayde really likes it when when Nadya is more assertive though
• What’s the worst first they’ve ever gotten into?
look... Jayde is a really good cook… but sometimes her first go at exotic things can be disasterous. And Nadya has a really good laugh about it
• Who does the shopping and the cooking?
Nadya does the shopping and Jayde does all the cooking
• Which one is more organized and prone to tidiness?
Nadya is a very organized person in the traditional sense. Jayde has more ordered chaos
• Who proposes? 
Technically Jayde. It’s not really a proposal per se cause neither of them cares for the whole wedding thing. They give each other rings to signify that they’re going to spend the rest of their lives with each other, but that’s about it.
• Do they have joined Bachelor/Bachelorette parties or separate? Any groomsmen or bridesmaids?
Idk if they’d really have bachelorette parties… Skye might make them do it. actually she definitely would make them do it and set up a party at the Den
• Who is the best man/maid of honor?
Skye would swear up and down that she was the maid of honor for BOTH of them and NO ONE could take her place and they’re like “Skye, we didn’t have a ceremony” but she wouldn’t care as long as everyone knows
• Big ceremony or small?
If they were to ever have a ceremony it would be small
• Do they have a honeymoon? If so, where?
They’d go on a romantic camping trip. Yeah, they go camping a lot anyway, but why not take the excuse?
• Do they have children? How many?
Neither of them really wanna be parents. They’d make really great aunts though
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casino-lights · 5 years
staci and sasha for the ship breakdown!! loving ur longfic btw
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I actually love you thank you so much for reading the longfic 😭 and @foofygoldfish you are a treasure!
These are so much fun to work on! This one is mostly based off my au where the Collapse never happens!
How did they they meet?
Elementary school! Sasha was 6 and Staci was 8 and they played on the playground together. They’ve been inseparable ever since.
Who developed romantic feelings first?
Staci. They were friends with benefits and the arrangement was working quite well until Staci caught feelings and asked Sasha on a proper date. It was absolutely disastrous.
Who is their biggest “shipper?”
Joey Hudson. She was Sasha’s babysitter for a little while so she kinda saw both Staci and Sasha grow up and she’s known for a while that they’d do anything for each other.
When did they have their first kiss and under what circumstances?
Staci got his work uniform and he went to show Sasha - he wanted to impress her - and she thought he looked pretty damn fine in it. She stood on her tiptoes and pulled him down by the collar for a kiss that turned into sex with feelings, so Sasha decided they should probably have a no-kissing rule to prevent any further... complications. It was a very delicate balance they had.
Who confessed their feelings first?
They kinda did it at the same time. It was after Sasha rescued him from Jacob’s bunker, when they had nothing to lose by saying the L word.
What was their first official date?
Awful, that’s what it was. They went on a picnic dinner, but Staci may have neglected to tell Sasha that he was working that evening. He got called in to a car chase and had to leave ASAP, but not before he accidentally turned his radio on while in a *compromising* position. Oops.
How do they feel about double dates/group dates?
If they had friends who were in relationships, they’d love it.
What do they do in their down time?
Pre-Reaping: they fuck. Post-Reaping: they’ll read or talk or watch movies... or fuck.
What was the first meeting of parents as an official couple like?
Sasha absolutely adores Staci’s mother, and Staci’s mother absolutely adores Sasha right back. When they told her they were dating, she was beyond thrilled and she hugged Sasha and insisted on making her a whole tres leches cake. When they told Whitehorse they were together, all he said was “thank God, finally” and they reminisced and laughed all night.
What was their first fight over and how did they get past it?
The no-kissing rule. Sasha insisted on it and Staci didn’t like it. They argued, with a little bit of yelling, but they both took deep breaths before they said something they’d regret and they came to a compromise. It’s a no-*face*-kissing rule now.
Which one is more easily made jealous?
Staci. Because Sasha spends so much time helping others, she sometimes stays out too late or shows up late to dates and such. He knows it’s always for a good cause, but he does kinda resent the people she helps for keeping her away from him. He thinks it’d be nice if they solved their own problems for a change.
What is their favourite thing to get to eat?
Milkshakes. As teenagers, one of their favorite hangouts was getting milkshakes at Chad’s restaurant and driving around the Whitetails.
Who’s the cuddly one? What their favourite cuddling position?
They both really enjoy cuddling. Even just as friends, it wasn’t unusual to find them snoozing on the couch together, or to find her sitting with her legs draped across his lap. Of course, as they become a couple the cuddling increased. After what happened during the Reaping, Staci can’t sleep unless he knows Sasha is safe, unless he can see her, unless he can feel her breath against his chest.
Are they hand holders?
Name a kind of PDA and they do it. Gross. I love it.
How long do they wait before sleeping together for the first time? What’s the circumstances?
Remember the friends-with-benefits deal? It started with that kiss I mentioned earlier. They were both clumsy and fumbling but there was a lot of laughter too. They got better over time and began to... experiment. They’ve done some pretty kinky things.
Who tops?
Sasha has topped before, but she considers herself a sub and she gets the most out of an encounter when she’s the bottom. Staci is happy to oblige.
What’s the worst fight they’ve ever gotten into?
It was definitely their first fight. They’ve argued about minor things before but they don’t really have big bad fights since then because Sasha very patiently says “please don’t take that tone with me.” Snaps Staci right out of it.
Who does the shopping and the cooking?
Both! They like to do things together, even mundane errands like shopping. Sasha kinda needs Staci to help her reach things on the high shelves, anyway.
Which one is more organized and prone to tidiness?
Surprisingly, Staci. Sasha can live with controlled clutter, but Staci’s time as Jacob’s prisoner triggered some obsessive anxiety and it’s worse when his space isn’t orderly.
Who proposes?
Sasha. They’re in bed, snuggling and chatting, and she’s overtaken with the urge to say “Marry me.” When he says yes, she takes the ring off the top of a soda can on the bedside table and slips it over the top of his little finger with a shy smile.
Do they have joined Bachelor/Bacheloette parties or separate?
A joint party. They don’t like to be apart from each other for long after the Reaping.
Who is the best man/maid of honour? Any other groomsmen or bridesmaids?
Joey is Staci’s “best man” and Sharky is Sasha’s “maid of honor.” He even volunteered to wear a dress if she really wanted him to.
Big Ceremony or Small?
It’s a decent size, especially because they chose a blended ceremony with some of Sasha’s Jewish traditions *and* some of Staci’s Christian ones. It’s mainly so their parents will be happy - they don’t really think about religion that often - but they do have fun nonetheless.
Do they have a honeymoon? If so, where?  
They go to California and spend some time in the sun! They deserve it 😌
Do they have children? How many?
They have two: their oldest, Alex, and his baby sister, Sunny. Their friends say they never look so happy as when they’re with their children.
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ascalonianpicnic · 5 years
How about Wrelia and Embrant? 💛💛
wives wives wives wives 💛💛 you know Em is yours, @mystery-salad​
How did they they meet?
Embrant literally ran into Wrelia during the conclave. She ran to try and catch the same elevator and slammed right into the poor girl.
Who developed romantic feelings first?
Embrant fell hard and fast. Wrelia was a little bit after, when they started dating and getting close.
Who is their biggest “shipper?”
Gods I don’t know, they both have a lot of really supportive friends and family. Especially on Wrelia’s side.
When did they have their first kiss and under what circumstances?
It was on a date. Embrant nervously went in for a peck on the cheek, and Wrelia responded with a peck on the lips and a mischievous smile.
Who confessed their feelings first?
Embrant totally did. Wrelia reciprocated, but didn’t actually confess herself until she proposed to Embrant after the year they spent living together while Wrelia worked through a bad betrayal and a breakdown.
What was their first official date?
After HoT, and a break from everything to read through every book in the Priory library, Wrelia took Embrant to a small cafe. It was the first time they hung out and their first date, and it went really well.
How do they feel about double dates/group dates?
Hard yes from both! They love their friends and group dates are a great way to double up on friends and partner time.
What do they do in their down time?
Bake, make pillow forts, read together, cuddle and relax. The main idea is for both of the to get as far away from work as possible and just enjoy some peace and quiet together.
What was the first meeting of parents as an official couple like?
They both know the pale tree, who is super supportive. Laighe was happy for Wrelia finding someone so sweet and loving and also incredibly safe, who helped pull her back from the front lines. Veirett thinks Wrelia is a bit strange, but that suits Embrant well, and the two seem so genuinely happy together, so she’s happy for them.
What was their first fight over and how did they get past it?
They don’t fight often, but when they do, it’s over something really big. Usually about Wrelia’s safety. The first one was over Wrelia going to meet up with Kvold again. Kvold was an ex nightmare courtier, and also the person that caused Wrelia to have a major breakdown, which Embrant had helped her through. Embrant was really worried Wrelia would get badly hurt again, but eventually backed down and just made Wrelia promise to be careful. They were already planning their wedding by the time this came up.
Which one is more easily made jealous?
Wrelia is, but she also knows that when it happens, she just needs to take a step back and a few deep breaths. Anything that really bothers her, she can ask Em about later. SHe has pretty bad abandonment issues, but she truly trusts Embrant, and says as much when she proposes.
What is their favourite thing to get to eat?
Homemade cookies! They’re warm and soft and sweet. Good for calming down after something hard, and Embrant and Wrelia make them together!
Who’s the cuddly one? What their favourite cuddling position?
They’re both very cuddly, but Wrelia is cuddlier, just barely. Her favorites are wrapped entirely around Embrant from the front, and sneak attack hugs from behind.
Are they hand holders?
Absolutely! Those hands are never coming apart!
How long do they wait before sleeping together for the first time? What’s the circumstances?
As fast as they are with everything else, they’re slow to get to sex. They’re dating for several months before Wrelia is comfortable enough with it. She’s sleeping over at Embrant’s that night, and says she’s ready to try more than just cuddling in bed, after having turned it down in the past.
Who tops?
They play rock paper scissors for it
What’s the worst first they’ve ever gotten into?
They shared Wrelia’s first complete breakdown together. Embrant found her curled up under a table in the priory, not responding to anyone, and helped her come back from that. A very rough first, but one that showed Wrelia how much Embrant loves her.
Who does the shopping and the cooking?
With how busy work keeps Wrelia, Embrant does a lot fo the shopping. They always cook together, though.
Which one is more organized and prone to tidiness?
Embrant is much more organized and tidy than her mad scientist wife over there. Wrelia, your work station is a mess, how do you get anything done!
Who proposes?
Wrelia does. It’s a really important thing to her, too.
Do they have joined Bachelor/Bacheloette parties or separate?
You said both, so they had both. Separate ones leading up to it, and a shared one right before the wedding, just to really get as much of the experience as they can!
Who is the best man/maid of honour? Any other groomsmen or bridesmaids?
They had a traditional sylvari wedding, whatever that would look like, and I don’t know if that includes any of that stuff, because I never think about weddings, man. Taimi, Kas, and Braham would’ve been Wrelia’s first choices, though
Big Ceremony or Small?
Do they have a honeymoon? If so, where?
They’re having their honeymoon right now, actually. Going exploring around the world! Seeing the sights together! Getting away from work!
Do they have children? How many?
Wrelia doesn’t feel ready to be a parent, not that sylvari can have kids, and won’t feel even close to comfortable with the idea of having kids for a while. If the two ever do adopt, it’s not going to be for years.
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mermaidsirennikita · 7 years
Hello. I was just wondering, since you are very knowledgeable on Queen Victoria, but is it true that Prince Albert manipulated her (into marrying him, being with him, etc?) Because I saw someone accuse him of doing so in tags of their edit and it just sounded wrong. I thought Victoria had taken interest in him long before his second visit and that she decided to marry him on her own free will.
Hi!  Thanks for the compliment.  Far be it from me to call myself a Victoria expert, but I can say with very little doubt that Prince Albert did not manipulate her into marrying him.  Anyone who says so is probably coming from the perspective of a scorned shipper or someone who just dislikes Albert a lot, and I assume is drawing more from their (flawed) view of fiction than anything to do with reality.  The fact is that even historians who dislike Albert admit that Victoria was very much obsessed with him–romantically and sexually.
Victoria and Albert were, like many royal pairings of the time, somewhat arranged.  They were first cousins; her mother and his father were siblings.  Of course they wanted them to wed–on his end, it was very advantage for Coburg, and on hers it solidified relations between England and her ancestral home, and quite possibly would strengthen the “Coburg faction” at court.  However, Victoria had the advantage of being a sovereign queen at the time of her marriage, which meant that she couldn’t really be forced into marriage.  Furthermore, it seems that by this point in history (at least in England) it was becoming less common to just ship a bride off to meet her man as a young teen with little choice in the matter, and more common to introduce people to each other, see that they at least got on, and move from there.  Obviously, Victoria couldn’t marry just ANYONE, but if there had been a man of suitable rank and political significance around that she preferred, I imagine she wouldn’t have married Albert.  For that matter, the fact that Albert WASN’T the perfect option politically (not a bad one, but not a splendid match that gained England a lot of wealth and power) indicates more that she chose him of her own free will.  It should be noted that when Victoria and Albert’s eldest daughter, Vicky, married she met her husband (who was a good bit older) first as a young girl, then again when she was older.  She got to know him a bit before they married–royal parents were, it seems, beginning to care about their children having decent marriages.  (Albert himself adored Vicky and certainly seemed invested in the idea that her marriage was good, if not a passionate romance, and he’s been the one criticized for pairing his kids off with various political powers across Europe.)
ITV’s Victoria doesn’t get the meeting of Albert and Victoria right–while she wasn’t 100% sold on marrying him after their first meeting, she did find him pleasant and likable.  He was younger too, and more of a “man” by their second meeting, during which she fell head over heels for him and decided that she had to have him.  The Young Victoria errs closer to history on this front.  It wasn’t like it was one meeting, radio silence, and then a second more fateful meeting each other. They kept in touch, kept tabs on each other through word from others, etc.  They were very much aware that their union was desired, but Victoria wasn’t immediately sold on getting married young, and Albert really wasn’t in any position to demand that she move faster.  I think liking was under way well before the second visit, and for Victoria at least, passion took hold on the second.  (And though Albert, by nature, always comes off as colder–he was  young boy with an attractive young woman falling all over him.  The queen of England, at that!  I wouldn’t be surprised if his hormones took over a bit as well.)
Victoria proposed marriage–and from the sound of her diary (which was edited when she was older, but not to such a degree that I think she was hiding a secret forced marriage lol) she was thrilled to do so.  Victoria had the political power here.  Honestly, I’m not gonna pretend that Albert wasn’t in many ways a man of his time–he chafed at being considered the lesser figure after they married, he could be domineering.  But honestly?  Victoria seems to have been pretty into that, and throughout her life seems to have sought out paternalistic male figures, not just romantically but platonically (it’s not just Albert I refer to, but Melbourne and John Brown, and she was known to be quite fond of multiple uncles).  I’m not saying it makes Albert’s paternalistic side okay, but I think it’s ridiculous to imply that Victoria was some secret rebel unfortunately manipulated into marriage.  In her personal life, she often seems to have taken a traditional role.  She liked it when he acted intelligent, liked it when he did things that today we’d consider condescending–because she was a woman of her day and often seemed to think that her husband knew everything.  And it probably helped that he really did it for her sexually, and–Queen Victoria was dickmatized, okay?  I’m not saying she agreed with everything Albert said or never got into fights with him, because they fought a good bit.  But she did tend to “get over” things a 21st century woman probably wouldn’t, because a) she wasn’t a 21st century woman and b) she liked the German sausage and preferred to get it rather than have it withheld.
(And yes, I absolutely believe that Albert would freeze Victoria out when angry.)
With that being said, on a more serious note, Victoria did have more political power, ESPECIALLY before/at the beginning of their marriage.  Significantly more.  Albert wasn’t even a firstborn son–he wouldn’t be inheriting like Ernst did.  He’d be lucky to have Victoria choose him, and if she didn’t, well…  There isn’t much he could do about that.  He wrote her pretty letters and seems to have been rather soulful with her, especially during their second meeting, and I have NO DOUBT that he knew that she was a major catch for him and that influenced his desire to marry her.  But nothing I’ve read sounds like he manipulated her into marriage.  More that he, if anything, simpered his way into marriage.  He put the charm on–which was probably pretty awkward, seeing as he’s not viewed as the most charming person on the planet.  But for an inexperienced girl like Victoria, a handsome prince who probably was a little on the shy side and was a great hunter and knew a lot about a lot of things was DREAMY.  And by the way–part of what appealed to her about Albert speaks even more against the idea of him as a manipulative suitor.  He had so little experience–sure, he’d traveled about and seen cool paintings, but he didn’t have a ton of experience with people and had even less with women.  He was most probably a virgin when he married Victoria.  He’d perhaps been saving himself knowing that she preferred a “pure” husband, but I’d hardly call that manipulative, especially since Albert doesn’t seem like an oversexed person.  (All of his sexual energy likely went towards Victoria only, and I will say that I can get where that would appeal to her–Albert doesn’t seem to have been interested in any other people, male or female, never mind acting on anything outside the marriage.)  If Albert seemed like the perfect husband for Victoria, it would be because he was molded into that perfect husband by people who thought she should marry him–it had little do with any choice on his part, I imagine.  And indeed, once Victoria got to know Albert better, parts of her clashed with him–but other parts seemed to really appreciate his intellect, his ability as a father, and his tendency to take charge.
Obviously, this is just my opinion, but like… Prince Albert was not some suave charmer who manipulated ladies into being with him. Even if he wanted to be that, he seems to–especially at a young age, with so little experience–have been… less than up to task.  Reading his letters to her prior to their marriage, he strikes me less as someone who was even trying to get into a woman’s panties, and more like a boy who is really pretty excited about his First Ever Real Girlfriend (with a side of anxiety about going to a foreign country with like, no money or power and essentially being Victoria’s stud horse).  Albert wasn’t perfect, but while I’m not saying he never manipulated Victoria after they were married (and even then, I don’t think this meant he didn’t love her–I think it meant he was a paternalistic man of the day who GENUINELY thought he knew better and was doing what was best for her most of the time) but I don’t think he manipulated her into marrying him, and I don’t think he manipulated her into being with him, and I don’t think he manipulated her into loving him.  Maybe he’d take advantage of those feelings at times, but he didn’t engineer them into happening and I think there are a lot of reasons why a woman of Victoria’s age would love a man like Albert.  He had a lot of flaws, but whatever was up with his dick aside, he seemed to express genuine affection towards her, made her feel special and pretty (one anecdote has Albert freaking out after a woman they knew died in childbirth and rushing to Victoria, pregnant with their ninth and final child, to express his fear over losing her and the baby), enjoyed the great outdoors with Victoria, was very good with their children, and wanted the best for his adopted country, even if that wasn’t always the Actual Best.
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polar-stars · 7 years
Hey! For the ship meme, can I request sorina and ibusaki x ryoko? It's alright if not, thank you anyways!
Oh, oh no it’s absolutely alright qwq
I’d love to do that and just hope that you’ll kinda enjoy it as well…
so yah
Original Meme
How did they they meet?
“Hey I wanna transfer here!”
Who developed romantic feelings first?
Most likely Erina. It does takes it time tough. She first just feels….weird.
Like…why does her heart accelerates just because he steps into the room? It’s a normal occurrence?
At some point she does recognize what these feels are and has like no clue how to act with them.
Lucky, that she now has good friends who are ready to assist her!
Who is their biggest “shipper?”
Alice probably.
Like “Omg, yay Erina! You finally found someone!”
She certainly does cherish their relationship quite a lot and is just so happy Erina found someone who can give her that one special smile.
Other very strong supporters include Senzaemon, Hisako, Yuki and at some point also Megumi.
When did they have their first kiss and under what circumstances?
Depends in which fanfiction we’re in //slaps herselfOkay! I headcanon Erina and Soma to both travel the world after graduation and welp, their kiss happened on one of the thousands of plane flights.
Most of the other passengers were sleeping because it was a flight and night and well, Erina looked out of the window inspecting the night sky outside while Soma next to her minded his stuff as she suddenly whispered. “This is pretty nice, a little like back then on the train…..in the past I often didn’t even looked at the sky during flights once…” He responded with a laughter. “Glad you like it.”They ended up in a small, calm conversation about past, present and future with a lot of shy giggles in-between, hardly trying to not wake anyone up. At some point he says. “Who could have imagine that some day we would sit here…together, huh Erina?”She doesn’t responds and just looks at him. He does so as well. One things lead to the other and suddenly their lips lock.
Who confessed their feelings first?
Right after the kiss he whispers “I love you.”
What was their first official date?
Actually the whole world travel was one, but however if you ask the two they will say this:
At some point they return home to the diner and well at their first evening, Jou prepares a very nice diner just for the two, which they enjoy with candlelight in the small diner.
How do they feel about double dates/group dates?
Absolutely okay with it.
What do they do in their down time?
They like to sit on the coach together, Erina reading Shoujo Manga leaned against Soma who plays some games on his mobile phones.
Sometimes one of them suggests to start a movie…..
…then the argue about “which movie” starts…..
What was the first meeting of parents as an official couple like?
Jou just had these two standing in front of him right out of nowhere all of the sudden. But he did end up laughing and shaking his head. “Knew it all the time.” For the first day, he leaves them to peacefully arrive and makes them candlelight dinner (as mentioned above). They start the real talk the next day, but it’s a calm talk and everything’s fine. Let’s skip Azami for now alright? Since this is rather difficult.
What was their first fight over and how did they get past it?
Their first fight was over Transforming Furikake and Transfer Exams.
It got resolved trough Erina saying “Delicious” but also by these two just in general starting to actually like each other. 
Which one is more easily made jealous?
Erina probably. I can just picture her as a girl who rather easily gets jealous. 
Not that Soma can’t be jealous either, but Erina doesn’t actually gets hit on a lot of times, simply because nobody is brave enough to do that. 
What is their favourite thing to get to eat?
Erina loves to eat Soma’s Chicken Egg Tempura Don of course. 
Soma just in general loves every dish in which Erina tried something new. The more creative the more he’s going to enjoy it. Because he is just filled with so much happiness when he actually sees her trying things and going beyond her horizon.
It’s a tradition that they try to use Salmon Roe in dishes meant for anniversaries. 
Who’s the cuddly one? What their favourite cuddling position?
Soma loves to cuddle her, but Erina defiantly enjoys it and never complains. It makes her feel all soft and safe. 
It’s often simple spooning, with Soma being the big spoon who hugs Erina from behind and pulls her closer to him.
Are they hand holders?
Yeah sometimes, but not all too much. Soma rather lays his arm around her and they walk like that. 
How long do they wait before sleeping together for the first time? What’s the circumstances?
(okay we are coming to the light nsfw stuff, just so you know)
Oh well it happens on their traveling. 
You know they had to share a bed in one of the hotels, since the rooms they have are always rather smol and well. It was quite chilly at night and Erina was freezing so she snuggled closer to Soma, saying that she is cold. He just chuckled and laid his arm around her again.
In the end……it happened. 
Who tops?
Ehhh…..Soma probably most of the time, but Erina is able to as well
(Nsfw is over now)
What’s the worst first they’ve ever gotten into?
Their first meeting didn’t went that nice q w q ;;
Who does the shopping and the cooking?
Well, the cooking is of course pretty balanced as expected from Totsuki students. Whoever gets to the pots and pans first, has it for today! It’s almost a little competition.
The shopping they most of the time do together. 
Which one is more organized and prone to tidiness?
Erina loves to have it tidy and she actually started to like tidying up during her time in the dorm. 
Soma does assist her a lot of times tough and they have a lot of fun. 
Who proposes?
Do they have joined Bachelor/Bacheloette parties or separate?
Who is the best man/maid of honour? Any other groomsmen or bridesmaids?
Best Maid is Megumi and Maid of Honour is Hisako. 
Big Ceremony or Small?
Surprisingly rather small. 
But Erina’s dress is defiantly a high class one. 
Do they have a honeymoon? If so, where?  
Do they have children? How many?
Yes! A son and a girl just one year younger than the son. 
The boy is on the surface personality-wise more like his mother, he also adapted her special sense of taste. But he is very chaotic actually and can be quite dense, also he enjoys disgusting dishes because “Wow, they’re just so bad.” Admires his grandfather a lot. 
The girl is most of the time all happy-go-lucky and very creative when it comes to cooking. She’s surprisingly rather anti-social tough, because of her intense focus on the dream to take over the diner someday. She also is way more organized than her brother and even uses sarcasm!
How did they they meet?
On Totsuki in a certain dormitory!
Who developed romantic feelings first?
Ryoko probably. She also admitted her feelings to herself way faster.
Shun was a little confused with his feelings for quite some time. And after he finally acknowledged them, he sure didn’t knew how to tell with them and of course also didn’t ask anyone for help.
Luckily Isshiki and Zenji both noticed at some point (Satoshi did first) and tried to help, each in their way, without making Shun feeling uncomfortable. 
Who is their biggest “shipper?”
Yuki! Defiantly!
Right after Ryoko told her that she started to crush on Shun, Yuki just squealed and was like: “Yes! I approve!” 
I mean yo, Yuki get’s excited about the other people’s relationship and probably loves to hear about her friend’s crushes. 
She gets especially supportive of Ryoko’s and Megumi’s love life. 
And well, luckily for Ryoko Megumi also lives in PSD and can actually calm Yuki down to not make a too obvious move. 
When did they have their first kiss and under what circumstances?
After a date in a restaurant, they walked home, close together and linking arms, peacefully talking.
As they arrived right in front of the door of the dorm, Ryoko turned to Shun and smiled and says that she had a wonderful evening, for which she also thanks him. 
He smiles back and responds. “Glad to hear so.” He turns away from her to open the door and mumbles “Really, I am still glad that you actually enjoy my company….”
She then softly turns his head to her, get’s on her tiptoes and then the soft first kiss happens. 
Who confessed their feelings first?
Shun. Because he surprisingly was just faster, but actually Ryoko had planned a confession as well. She wrote a love letter and actually wanted to confess to him. 
But well he then suddenly approaches her and asks if she would come with him for a second on a sunday. She of course agrees and follows him into the woods. 
They stop at a very beautiful clearing and Shun takes all of his courage together, gulps and then takes out little wood thingies. Turns out he carved a crane and an orchid out of wood. Crane being one of Ryoko’s favorite animals and Orchid is her absolute favorite flower. 
Ryoko’s heart stops as she sees these things in his hand and her eyes widen. 
He then says his carefully prepared confession and well, she takes his gifts with such a carefulness, in fear she could break them or something, and looks at them in awe. Before she smiles and answers. 
She wears his wood crafts on a necklace later by the way. 
What was their first official date?
Picnic in the woods!
How do they feel about double dates/group dates?
Ryoko is fine with them, but Shun is not an all too big fan of it. 
The most double dates they have are with Zenji and Yuki, because after all Zenji is Shun’s best friend and they do come along of course.
Also the four did spend a lot of time together before. 
What do they do in their down time?
Going on walks and while doing so Ryoko often reads Shun some of the stuff she wrote (she likes creative writing) or talks to him about a lot of things on her mind.
He carefully listens and she of course does so too, when he starts talking. 
What was the first meeting of parents as an official couple like?
Oh! Well. Shun was defiantly quite nervous to meet Ryoko’s parents. Her parents were first a little troubled with how silent the guy is. But in the end, they did felt how much he cared for their daughter and how much he loved her. The one who was immediately overexcited at the encounter is Ryoko’s granny (to who she has a very close relationship) but also told Shun that if he’d ever hurt her lil cherry blossom, he’ll go trough hell. 
Meeting Shun’s father was a little more complicated. Ryoko insisted to meet him and at some point Shun gave in. You know Shun’s relationship to his father is rather complicated. Since the death of his wife, the man drowned himself in work and got more and more isolated from his family, which gave Shun the feel that he doesn’t cares at all. The meeting defiantly was quite uncomfortable with an awkward atmosphere. Not really because of Ryoko but just because of the relationship between the two.
What was their first fight over and how did they get past it?
Well again, Shun didn’t really wanted to meet up with his dad but Ryoko did. 
Which one is more easily made jealous?
S H U N!
But Ryoko defiantly can get quite jealous as well.
What is their favourite thing to get to eat?
Each other’s cooking. (Ryoko especially loves when Shun smokes fish)
Who’s the cuddly one? What their favourite cuddling position?
Ryoko is mostly starting the cuddles. 
It’s really often that Ryoko rests her head on Shun’s chest and he lays his arm around her. 
Are they hand holders?
Y E P!
Either hand holding or linking arms!
How long do they wait before sleeping together for the first time? What’s the circumstances?
(light nsfw)
Well they had some talks about it first and then some night, it just happened. 
They shared the same bed, kissed each other, snuggled and well went a little farer…
Who tops?
(Nsfw is over)
What’s the worst first they’ve ever gotten into?
The meeting with Shun’s father. 
Who does the shopping and the cooking?
Shun always does the shopping and the cooking is balanced. Both cook (often also together)
Which one is more organized and prone to tidiness?
Who proposes?
Shun and he after all knows how romantic Ryoko can be. 
He planned trough the whole day, starting with breakfast at bed. Gave her a bouquet of orchids. After that he got her to the spa. Lunch at her favorite café, followed by a romantic stroll trough town together and ending it with a delicious and expensive dinner in a really fine and nice restaurant, which Shun has booked for this night just for these two. He proposed there after the dinner as she asked her “What this day was all about..” The ring box was made by himself out of wood of course 
She did start crying and gave him a hectic and energetic nod, because she lost her words for seconds but still wanted to inform him that she “defiantly will”. 
Do they have joined Bachelor/Bacheloette parties or separate?
Separate probably. 
Who is the best man/maid of honour? Any other groomsmen or bridesmaids?
Best man is defiantly Zenji and Maid of Honour is Yuki.
Big Ceremony or Small?
A rather small one, but a nice and elegant one defiantly. 
Do they have a honeymoon? If so, where?  
Vienna, Paris, London, Prague or some other European City. I can just picture that. 
Do they have children? How many?
Two kids, a boy and a girl. 
The boy is a calm, friendly and well-behaved fellow who’s rather silent and does need his private time sometimes, but he’s very helpful and liked by a lot of people defiantly. A lot of people view him as a big brother type of person. Does hate loosing tough.
The girl is rather blunt and can defiantly tell you off if she wants to. She’s stoic but also rather polite. 
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hostprince · 7 years
Let us talk hypotheticals shall we? Shiryu and Tamaki.
MEME [ ACCEPTING && ANSWERED ] @shouxryuuxha
Hypothetical, my friend is just perfectly fine by me! Let’s just dive right in then shall we?
( Shiryu && Tamaki. )
How did they they meet? Tamaki finds Shiryu during some rather odd circumstances, assuming that he is a cosplayer or foreigner upon their initial meeting. At first glance he feels threatened and wants to compete with the other, but eventually his playful side begins to be too much for him and once it comes out his serious demeanor is lost forever.Who developed romantic feelings first? I believe it to be a mutual connection that has formed between the two of them, both having come to an understanding that their curious dynamic may have developed into something more along the way. Who is their biggest “shipper?” They are adored by all of ladies who attend the host cub, seeing as the two of them are so popular already so they would gather a lot of unwanted or unnecessary attention should they come out to the public. Even though Shiryu is not a legitimate club member he is still widely known around the school due to Tamaki’s reputation. When did they have their first kiss and under what circumstances? One day Tamaki decides to set up a game night at Shiryu’s to better get to know all of his friends. Despite the idea being rather childish In Shiryu’s eyes, not really one for board games, they end up having a really fun time. Before they know it it’s late into the night and a thunderstorm erupts. Everyone decides to stay at Shiryu’s, including Tamaki. Shiryu, the first to leave the party to get some sleep, Tamaki follows him to say goodnight. When he closes the door he knocks on it and Shiryu humors him by opening it up. He kisses him right on the mouth, surprising the daylights out of him. Who confessed their feelings first? Shiryu since I deem him to be the more masculine of the two. He would get his feelings out first, if only to be practical whereas Tamaki is floating somewhere up in space. He wants to make sure that Tamaki isn’t just playing like he is known to do and decides to tackle things head on in which Tamaki is able to be serious for once and reveal his own feelings for Shiryu. What was their first official date? Tamaki wishes to take Shiryu somewhere that will ignite his more passionate side, knowing that Shiryu seems to be the passionate type of man deep down and so he leads him somewhere special, perhaps a place that is meaningful to him so that he knows that he’s well cared for. How do they feel about double dates/group dates? I don’t think that it’s likely, this pair more of a private pair, probably due partly to Shiryu not wanting to attract any unnecessary attention. Tamaki is very attention seeking and eye grabbing and he knows that he is one to easily spin out of control. With this said Tamaki may still beg for them to go out on a group date to somewhere mundane like out for ramen or karaoke night with either one of their group of friends.What do they do in their down time? They love to watch movies and Tamaki still reads Shiryu stories that Shiryu painfully sits through if only to humor him but every once in a while Tamaki still catches a gleam of interest in his eye and that is what keeps him from stopping. He also falls asleep on Shiryu’s shoulder every time they have movie night which is fairly often but let’s Shiryu do the same during those few rare instances. He insists they always eat popcorn during their movies and says it must stay a tradition, always wanting to sleep over for more excuses to be in his company. What was the first meeting of parents as an official couple like? Considering Shiryu was an orphan, I would say this is out of the question. What was their first fight over and how did they get past it? It seems that Tamaki wants nothing more but for Shiryu to wind up a host, but there is something underling his intentions. He tries so hard to get him to join his club, and Shiryu still won’t budge. Eventually, his true colors begin to show, and Shiryu discovers that his intentions run deeper than he imagined, Tamaki believing Shiryu becoming a host the only solution to have an excuse to keep him as a friend. Which one is more easily made jealous? Tamaki maybe, though Shiryu is probably protective. What is their favourite thing to get to eat? They like to order take out, or otherwise go on fancy dinners dates.  Who’s the cuddly one? What their favourite cuddling position? They are both equally as cuddly, if only because Tamaki is able to bring out that softer side in Shiryu, the childlike side of himself that he has forgotten and so they cuddle often, under the covers or within the forts that Tamaki builds around Shiryu’s couch. When Shiryu isn’t feeling especially cuddly Tamaki feels unnervingly lonely but doesn’t say so.Are they hand holders? Tamaki likes to grab Shiryu’s hand and swing their hands together playfully but typically it is just light touches that he receives from Shiryu and nothing more. He thoroughly enjoys how rugged his hands feel against his own no matter which way they are touching. How long do they wait before sleeping together for the first time? What’s the circumstances? Quite a while, and not until they are official and Shiryu has opened up to Tamaki. Their first time would be slow moving and romantic and would escalate into some rough sex. It would most likely be planned out in Shiryu’s bedroom, and discussed prior to ensure they are on the same level. Tamaki would be anticipating it all day, sitting through class, nervously biting his lip. Who tops? Shiryu, every time. The man could break Tamaki so I can’t see it going any other way. Tamaki however is the one more likely to seduce the other. What’s the worst fight they’ve ever gotten into? They strike me as the type to get fairly heated in a fight, due to Shiryu’s ability to shut Tamaki out. I can’t say the worst fight they have ever had but it probably revolves around something that started off small and has escalated into something bigger than it needed to be.Who does the shopping and the cooking? They do all their shopping together, due to Tamaki’s habit of following Shiryu around like a lost puppy. Shiryu mothers him while Tamaki tosses random things into the cart as expected.Who proposes? Tamaki tries to but Shiryu refuses to accept his proposal and instead switches it around, proposing to him instead. Do they have joined Bachelor/Bacheloette parties or separate? Either or would work for these two honestly, though Tamaki would want to know what Shiryu was up to and may even tease him for it. Who is the best man/maid of honour? Any other groomsmen or bridesmaids? Tamaki chooses Kyoya in this alternate reality, and Shiryu chooses Seiya most likely though i’m not certain on this one. Shiryu’s saints and Tamaki’s host club will do. Big Ceremony or Small? A big ceremony, only because they strike me as the friends and family type who would prefer a nice warm gathering but I can also see it being just the two of them, married in a forest late at night near a river or something else romantic, perhaps near the bottom of a mountain or something when it is mistiest, in the dead of the morning, around six or so. Do they have a honeymoon? If so, where? Tamaki let’s Shiryu decide and Shiryu insists he decide instead so they fight over who gets to pick until they both agree on something together. Do they have children? How many? They adopt kids due to Shiryu’s past and give them good homes, this being Tamaki’s idea of course, always the sappier of the two. 
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itschrissenpai · 7 years
(A super late but still in time) Happy Birthday to you, @thatbastardmiyuki / @mochi6 !! ♥
Since you made this adorable drabble for my birthday last month, I just had to write something for you too. I hope you're having a nice, stressless day with much cake and many presents. You're a amazing person and one of the best ChrisMiyu shippers I know (and the best Miyuki my Chris could wish for).
Enjoy your day and have this ficlet of our dancing class!au. I figured I could sent this to you via IM but it was just so much text, that I decided that this would just be easier to post. 
ChrisMiyu ahead, in case you weren’t figuring it out already.(◡‿◡✿)
I really hope there aren’t too many weird parts or typos in there but I really wanted to finish this despite feeling a little feverish. Also, the end was totally on purpose heh. 
PS: No real nsfw here (just some teasing and... bananas). but it’s a long post, so I kept it under a Readmore after the first scene.
Home Is When I’m With You
     When Chris was young, Christmas always meant everything to him; family gatherings, weird sweaters (not to say ugly since his father used to be all happy seeing him wear them), good food and - of course - presents.
     Things shifted once he got older, gatherings getting rare occasions with his parents getting divorced and his father being absorbed in his work - and once Chris was the one working in his father's company too, knowing that one day it would be his , he started to forget about the importance this day once had for him.
     But it changed again when he met Kazuya. Granted, things between them always took their time. With them both being very busy (Kazuya was a well known model who definitely didn't need to look for jobs anymore), sometimes, it got difficult to meet up, to even just spend a night or an evening together without any interruptions. Sometimes Chris wondered how they even managed to keep this relationship. But they always found a way and it never changed anything about their feelings, not even after so many years.
     One of the things Kazuya brought back to Chris was Christmas. Despite their full schedules, they always spend the day with each other. It wasn't like they decided on it together; it just... happened and they had kept this little tradition since then.
     However, this year was different, because instead of sitting on their couch, all wrapped up in a blanket with a glass of wine and just some cuddling and snuggling, Chris was standing at Narita International Airport and checked the time in distress.
     "What do you mean, you cancelled the last meeting to go back to Japan? This was supposed to be one of the biggest deals we could've wished for the company this year, Yuu!"
     Chris sighed, trying not to move too abruptly while searching for his luggage. Fortunately, it should be one of the first pieces on the moving walkway since he'd been one of the last people to check in.
     "I know, father. And I made sure to send someone who's perfectly able to represent us in the meantime." He put the phone between his ear and his shoulder when his suitcase was the first to roll into his direction. "It won't affect the deal. But I had to come back sooner."
    "What kind of emergency is important enough to risk that deal?"
    Chris pulled the suitcase off the walkway, checking again if it was his. It took him a few seconds to give an answer, but when he did, there was a smile on his face.
    "Something personal", he said, tone gentle. "It's Christmas after all, father."
    Again, he checked his watch, realizing that it would still take at least an hour until he'd be back home; and he still had to make sure that Kazuya would be there, otherwise it had been pointless to stress about coming back early.
    "I have to go. I'll call you tomorrow. Merry Christmas, father."
    "Yuu, I'm not-"
    He hung up, trying not to think about how much damage control he'd had to do the next day to somehow calm his father down again.
    "You were on a business trip?"
    Chris looked up from his phone, surprised by the sudden question. The taxi driver was looking at him through the driving mirror, giving him a smile that Chris tried to return.
    "Yes. I've been to America for a week."
    "And you just came back to celebrate the day with someone?" It was somehow obvious that he did, considering that he came back miles to be here on this particular day. So Chris nodded, leaning a little back in his seat. There was a short pause, until the driver - a broadly build man, old enough to have white hair and a beard, some wrinkles shaping his face -, gave off a deep laugh. It strangely reminded Chris of... Christmas despite the lack of decoration in the car.
    He pulled out his phone to text Kuramochi, knowing that it was the most subtle way to get to know where Kazuya was since he and Kominato planned on asking him if he wanted to stay the evening. Once he sent a short message, he could only do so much and wait.
    Luckily, he got an answer minutes later that made him smile again - this time more sincerely than before.
    [text from: Kuramochi] Asked him but he said he'd rather watch a movie than be the third wheel all night. You gotta call him?
    Definitely something Kazuya would say.
    [text to: Kuramochi] No. I took a flight back. Don't tell him.
    With that he put his phone away to grab a small box he kept in his bag. Kuramochi was probably grinning at the message; perhaps even telling his boyfriend about it. About the fact that today was the day Chris would do what he'd planned on weeks before his trip. But once he opened the box, exposing a small, golden ring, he felt his chest tighten in nervousness.
    They'd never talked about this. About marriage, about staying together like this. It was a gamble to take that step without being able to calculate the outcome, but damn, Chris was willing to take it after so much time. If Kazuya decided that it wasn't what he wanted, then at least he'd tried - but that thought was anything but calming him down.
    He rubbed his temples as he took a deep breath, closing his eyes as he tried to go through everything he wanted to say.
    "Young love surely is beautiful, especially on Christmas, isn't it?" Chris looked up again, closing the box.
    "I guess it is", he answered, hands playing with the box. "It can be hard sometimes too though. We're not necessarily in a - what you'd call - normal relationship."
    "Depends on what you're defining as normal. But it seems to have worked out well until now." He nodded, eyes obviously on the little box to emphasize his words.
    "It did. I'm lucky to have..." Him. "Them. Both of our jobs don't make it easy to have a private life."
    "It seems like you're handling it well."
    "Yeah." Chris took a breath again. "Which is why I want to be with them." For the rest of my life.
    The car slowly stopped, causing Chris to look up. They were in the middle of the freeway, cars next to cars, rolling slowly further the road. The taxi driver furrowed his brows as he turned up the volume of the radio, listening to the announcement. The volume was still too low for Chris to hear it.
    "Is anything the problem?", he asked cautiously, internally preparing for something he didn't want to hear.
    "I'm afraid yes. Apparently there was a crash that causes the traffic jam. I'm sorry to say this, but we're most likely being here for a while."
    Of course. That one time when he needed to be home as early as possible was that one time he'd be stuck. Chris suppressed a sigh. Perhaps this wasn't a good sign for him. Perhaps this was supposed to tell him that he better not proposed tonight. Perhaps--
    "How about you take a nap? Since we'll be staying here for a while, you might as well not want to be tired once we reach your place."
    "I don't think I'll be able to sleep much. I'm..." Well, definitely a little tired after such a long flight, but probably too stressed to get proper sleep now. "I'm sorry."
    "How about you take that pillow next to you and lean back at least? I know this weren't the best news to tell you just now but if you want to surprise someone, you might as well try to be a little relaxed at least."
    He wasn't wrong with that, Chris knew that much. But he knew he wouldn't be able to sleep off his problems now.
    Chris tilted his head and turned, a deep red and white pillow next to him. There was no need to b impolite and he didn't have to actually sleep. Just making himself a little more comfortable wouldn't hurt anyone. One that definitely hadn't been there before (or he was just blind for not having seen it earlier). Still, he took it, a little reluctantly, and placed it between the window.
    It was comfy, no doubt. But he'd definitely not fall asleep on it.
    Definitely not.
    When Chris opened his eyes after what felt like a couple of minutes, the car was standing and the engine was turned off again. Part of him was afraid to check the time; and yet he sat up and glanced to the dashboard.
    God. There was still time, if...
    If they weren't still on the freeway. If they were at least a little closer to his place.
    "I was about to wake you up."
    Chris furrowed his brows, eyes wandering out of the window to see city lights, red and green Christmas-ey and decorations all over the place. There was even snow - not much but enough to cover the ground just a little.
    They were back in Tokyo despite the traffic and Chris had never been this confused (because how exactly could he have slept so deeply while they must've gone full speed to be here in this short amount of time). Yet he was happy at the same time
    "How...?", he asked.
    "I took a shortcut once the traffic got better." The driver smiled. "I know it's late already, but there's still some time until midnight."
    "I..." There was so much Chris wanted to say. "I don't know how to thank you."
    "Go to your lover and make them happy. I'm sure they're waiting for you."
    And Chris did - after thanking the old driver a couple of more times, insisting on paying him more than he'd have to for the drive (but he rejected even that; little to Chris' dismay since he hated to feel like he was in someone else's debt - luckily the driver at least told him to spend the money for charity, figuring there were people needing it more than him).  
    As the elevator took him to the last floor, Chris was staring onto the little box again, his heart racing more and more as he was carried from floor to floor. He still couldn't forget what the old man had said just before Chris had left the car and saw it drove off, that feeling that there was more to it than how it had sounded like lingering.
    "Keep making people happy", he muttered the words to himself, just before the doors of the elevator opened. He had decided to choose a charity to spend his money to later (either as a distraction in case he got rejected or as some sort of celebration if not). By now Chris knew many charity organizations since he was known to participate in many events all over the year.
    The door to his own apartment seemed larger than usually - but Chris still dared to knock, figuring it was better than just to enter and possibly scare his boyfriend. His suitcase stood neatly next to him, the little box slid back into his pocket.
    There were sounds coming from inside and Chris was pretty sure that he had heard someone say 'Coming', but when the door opened, Chris blinked at the sight: Standing in front of him was Kazuya with a peeled banana in his mouth, staring at him like he was estimating whether this was reality or not.
    It was adorable and Chris almost smiled a little too widely because he'd give much to catch that moment on a photo (but Kazuya would probably not speak to him for a while if he did).
    The model pulled the banana out and swallowed his bite before he fell into Chris' arms, the sudden movement almost causing him to trip backwards. It was then that Chris knew he finally reached it.
    Reached home.
    "It's good to see that you're eating properly while I was away."
    Kazuya pulled away a bit. "Well, since you were gone, a banana is the only thing I can take in my mouth that has the shape of..."
    "Kazu- Hmpf!" His voice turned into a hum when he felt lips shortly on his. "I see you haven't lost your sense of humor while I was away."
    "Never", Kazuya replied before letting Chris finally step inside. "But seriously, didn't you say you wouldn't be home until next week?" Chris started to take off his coat and his shoes while Kazuya leaned at the door. "Not that I'm complaining but..."
    "I wanted to be with you today." Their eyes met. "It's that day after all, isn't it? I didn't want to leave you alone. And I didn't want to be alone today either."
    There was a pause, and Chris almost thought he said something silly again, but judging the way Kazuya's face seemed a little red--
    "I... I wasn't alone..."
    "I know. You had that banana after all."
    "Now you're teasing me."
    "I have to make up for being away, don't I?"
    Kazuya huffed and followed him to the living room. There was a bottle of wine standing on the small table by the couch, next to it a glass of wine - half empty already. Considering that there was a blanket laying on the couch, Kazuya had probably been watching TV to waste some time; and although Chris didn't pay much attention to the TV (the volume was too low and he couldn't see the screen of it), he assumed it was probably either a documentary or a quiz show.
    "If you want to make it up, I'd recommend to start differently than that."
    Chris turned, his fingers going to his tie without any commentary to unbuckle it. Hungry, amber eyes hung on his collar as it was exposed slightly. Kazuya bit his lip.
    "So, are you going to eat up?"
    Kazuya grunted. "Yes", he answered. "But I think I found my dessert after that."
    Clothes were scattered all over the bedroom and two naked bodies were laying close to each other, arm in arm and sweaty all over. It was almost midnight, Chris noticed when he checked the clock and he turned a little to Kazuya, causing him look up and earn a kiss to his forehead the next second.
    "For what was that?", he asked, voice playful.
    "For being here. With me", Chris answered.
    "Now that's cheesy. Did you miss me so much?"
    Chris didn't say anything at first. This was probably the best situation he'd get for doing what he actually had planned. It was almost midnight. And Christmas' Eve.
    "Don't move." He pulled away, missing the warmth already as he stood. "I'll be right back."
    "Alright. I'll be waiting here. All naked. Watching you walking all naked through our apartment."
    "Sounds like fun to me."
    "It is", he purred, eyes following Chris when he left the room. "But it's going to be cold here!"
    "Not for long."
    Chris reached into his coat, the familiar small box in his hand again as the nervousness was slowly crawling into his chest again - but this time he swallowed it down and walked back, holding onto the box not too visibly. Sliding back under the blanket, he soon pulled Kazuya closer, head placed onto the others.
    They were staying like this for a few minutes, the clock in the living room quietly announcing midnight.
    "I need to get something off my chest." There was some resistance to how he held him, Kazuya seemingly wanting to pull away and look at him, sensing something bad. "Please."
    "Alright", Kazuya gave back - and Chris sensed some fear in his voice. The same fear he already had when they met, and which kept him away from each other for a long time. Chris knew that he wasn't doing it on purpose and it wasn't like he didn't trust him. It was something buried too deep, something Chris one day wanted to heal in him. Because despite knowing that his partner was the most beautiful person on earth, it wasn't this beauty that had kept him to stay. Or fight for them when they started to get feelings for each other.
    "I won't leave you." I will never leave you. "Actually, I... was thinking about the opposite. About the next step and... I've been thinking about this for a while now"
    "Chris." He held his breath. "I can't have kids. We have no time to take care of them and I..."
    "Oh." Of course.
    The next step... Kids.
    "I think you're skipping another step here."
    It seemed to be then that Kazuya realized, his lips forming an o-shape as he pulled away and looked at Chris, speechless. The businessman shifted, exposing the little box and opening it to reveal the ring inside.
    "Kazuya, I've been spending the last five years with you and every day that I was able to wake up - next to your or not - I realized that you're the one that I'll always want to have by my side. I'm the luckiest person to be with you. Because I love you. Because you're perfect to me. "
    He took a deep breath, seeking eye contact. " I know we haven't talked about this at all and I don't know how you even think about this but...
    "Will you marry me?"
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cass1x1 · 6 years
Send me a Ship and I’ll Break Them DOWN : César & Amita
How did they they meet?
Amita was like “Mmm who should be my date to this wedding? I know, an escort” and found him on some classy website.
Who developed romantic feelings first?
Probably they did it around the same time. Maybe Amita but a little bit.
Who is their biggest “shipper?”
Laura for sure! She’s stoked.
When did they have their first kiss and under what circumstances?
At the end of the wedding, he gave her one very tasteful kiss. He had his reasons and she doesn’t know what they are but it was a good one.
Who confessed their feelings first?
Cesar had to because Amita was worried he’d think she was like trying to get free sex work from him.
What was their first official date?
Coffee. It was awkward, so awkward, and they were honestly both relieved when it ended. We still don’t know why they went on another one.
How do they feel about double dates/group dates?
At first, Cesar is wary, but he warms up to Amita’s friends and after that, it’s fine.
What do they do in their down time?
Amita doesn’t get much down time, but she likes watching Netflix and chilling out. So does Cesar, but sometimes he makes fun of her because that’s not what Netflix and chill means.
What was the first meeting of parents as an official couple like?
After the wedding? Amita’s parents were awkward because they remembered him from the wedding where tf did he come from when did they break up why were they back together? Cesar’s parents liked Amita enough, I guess.
What was their first fight over and how did they get past it?
Over what to tell people about how they knew each other. Amita realized she was wrong, so she apologized.
Which one is more easily made jealous?
Pff probably Amita. She takes a long time to get used to the whole escort thing. Although Cesar can give as good as he gets when it comes to jealousy.
What is their favourite thing to get to eat?
Mediterranian food. It’s Amita’s favorite and Cesar is definitely a fan.
Who’s the cuddly one? What their favourite cuddling position?
They’re both pretty cuddly. They like sitting with her sorta tucked into his arm and chest, all cozy-like.
Are they hand holders?
They’d like to be, but it takes them a long time to get to a place where they’re comfortable with that.
How long do they wait before sleeping together for the first time? What’s the circumstances?
A pretty long time. They were both not sure about sleeping together, at first because of his job and then they just needed to let it grow naturally until one day they did it.
Who tops?
Cesar likes to change it up, and Amita loves it no matter what.
What’s the worst first they’ve ever gotten into?
Oooh probably something about Laura or his job or something.
Who does the shopping and the cooking?
They alternate, but Cesar does slightly more. His schedule is more flexible.
Which one is more organized and prone to tidiness?
Amita is a garbage baby. Cesar is mroe organized.
Who proposes?
Laura tells them they’re gonna get married and Cesar awkwardly reveals the ring he’s been holding onto.
Do they have joined Bachelor/Bacheloette parties or separate?
Separate! They do the super traditional thing where they don’t see each other the week before they marry, actually.
Who is the best man/maid of honour? Any other groomsmen or bridesmaids?
Amita’s sister is the matron of honor. Cesar has a best man, and Laura is the flower girl.
Big Ceremony or Small?
On the smaller side, but not SMALL small. Just small enough.
Do they have a honeymoon? If so, where?  
They go to France and bring a babysitter and spend part of it at Disneyland France with Laura and part of it enjoying Paris.
Do they have children? How many?
They already have Laura, and then Amita has two more (a boy and a girl).
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