#not mweor related
edgy-meme · 10 months
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Also, have a firestar I guess
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impspixelcats · 2 years
gummying every earth at my doorstep into a peen cat
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hellsbelmont · 2 years
Uhhh hey mweorians I almost got enough stuff to do another give away I'm probably going to do it at the beginning of November, to see if there's anything I can collect for October, or do yall think I should hold out until December for a holiday type give away?
I've been wanting to enjoy mweor, badly, but people are correct... it's hard to enjoy right now. But that's a part of growth, it's not always linear. Am I excited to see what happens? Yeah but I'm also not getting my hopes up too much cause the people who handle mweor now are all adults who are busy as hell in their mundane lives too.
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leafysunmweors · 8 months
Hello! I’m Leafy, they/kit ^^
This is my petsite and originally a mweor blog (as seen by the url!)
Mweor: 223516
Pixel Cat’s End: Leafysun 18499
GPX+: Leafysun
#leafy meows - not petsite related tag!
#mweor - Mweor tag!
#pixel cats end - PCE tag!
#gpx+ - global pokedex plus tag! It’s not really a petsite, but I think it should go on this blog anyway!
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catrobin · 2 years
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Heyo! Thomas and I have expanded our Mweor Discord Cinematic Universe and have created a new general Mweor server-- The Scratching Post! We've got both general and Mweor-related channels all set up, and a group of us already chilling, so we'd love to have you all hang out as well 😺
Click to join!
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raivoid · 2 months
Hey, I know this isn't really Mweor related, and I know a lot of my don't recognize me from there. Hi, I'm ThatSmallWeirdo#124799 over on mweor. But I'm going through hell right now, I lost my dad unexpectedly on friday, and my aunt and I are scrambling to try and pay for just his cremation costs.
If anyone at all would be able to either donate, or I have a couple customs, lots of rare items to sell, and 27 MP as well.
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cryptocorvid · 3 years
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this is me trying //
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unpopular opinion: sometimes I feel like mweor is too clique-y :( maybe it's just anxiety but even though individually people are nice, it often feels like politeness versus a real willingness to expand the circle to new friends/users
So unfortunately mweor has kinda always been this way. I find that discord is a good way to meet new mweorians, but a lot of dudes have had these groups for upwards of ten years so sometimes it’s hard for people to come around. It takes persistence but usually everyone can find their place. But yeah, it isn’t just you. Just keep on trying!
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hey guys, i got a tattoo today!! my very first!!
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ppedri · 3 years
Please enjoy Mr. Spice.
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divbits · 3 years
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ayo uh,,, new pubby
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impspixelcats · 2 years
not an outright attack on anyone specific btw but if you were mad/upset people were doing their own individual flags for the contest..with a theme that was up for the interpretation of the designer..thats mad fucking weird
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quinn4635 · 3 years
I love you, please tell everyone about your guinea pigs 🧡
I love you too, lysa! 💙 and for those who don't know, I'm an absolute guinea pig fanatic. They came into my life nearly 3 years ago and since then they have had me wrapped around their little paws.
I absolutely love my girls. We have four adults and one recent addition, bringing up the grand total of piggies to 5 in larger than a 2' x 9' cage(it's absolutely massive and it's the centerpiece of the room!) In order of oldest to youngest we have Eleanor, Pua, Scribbles (Squibbs), Toffee, and Pippin!
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(in order of images from left to right: Toffee, Eleanor, Pippin, Squibbs, Pua)
This started off with me only having 3 girls (Pua, Scribbles and Toffee), but then my boyfriend added in his two girls (Eleanor and Penelopig) back in November. We sadly lost Penelopig at the end of February, but she is remembered through Pippin who has such a similar personality.
Pippin is our little 3-month old red roan piggy who marks the first animal my boyfriend and I are raising together. She's so little compared to the adults but they all have accepted her just fine and she's one of the herd!
If you ever have questions about guinea pigs or just want to talk about them, I'm always open to it! I love talking about my animals and helping to educate others on topics I'm familiar with
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lady-penumbra · 3 years
hi hey hello
this is a weird thing but,, if any of ya’ll use my studs like, ever, even non-gen 1, could you post ur mwits here??? i would LOVE to have a list that is easy accessible to see other people’s mwits from your studs w/o having to hunt down everyone’s profiles, so until then, i guess this? ;v; i just wanna see how my babes are producing!! edit;; RIP LMAO  i’m rainy #18015 on mweor btw
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He is beauty he is grace. Can you see the resemblance in my doodle?
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vasillisa · 3 years
Be Careful Where You Get Your Information.
For transparency’s sake, I’m Vasillisa (#2460) on Mweor. I’d like to start out by saying that life is a complex series of choices and consequences. The choice(s) you make today may not always seem like the right one tomorrow, or next year even- and as humans, we are all going to fuck up sometimes. 
I usually don’t leave my ‘lurker’ status but you bet your sure ass I will be when someone is harassing one of my friends. Every single individual in Cat Party is an incredible human being. Have they fucked up before? Duh. Haven’t we all? But I’ve never seen a single person there not learn from their mistakes or strive each and every day to better themselves and their lives.  That being said, I’d like to shed a light on some recent accusations. What Zanna/Alyria is spreading couldn’t be farther from the truth. Nobody told her to commit suicide/ mocked her for being suicidal. She will speak until she’s blue in the face about how we are villains and how a handful of screenshots she took OUT OF CONTEXT are the reason for all her mweor troubles. It simply isn’t true. The cryptic screenshots she has managed to shove in anyone’s face that will listen were actually a group of very concerned friends voicing our opinion and expressing hope that she could get help. We didn’t damn her for being mentally ill and none of us ever would- as many of us struggle with our own issues daily.  Lysa is one of the strongest, most uplifting and understanding people I have ever met. She’s helped me through so much and is one of the people I’d say has kept me going through some of my darkest times.  I owe a lot of my successes and triumphs to the collective of Cat Party’s ongoing support over the ~3ish years I have known them. They are genuinely good, decent people.  Be careful who’s word you take at face value- especially directed at the newer, younger players. Some of us have a long history that isn’t always apparent during first interactions- and not everything is always black and white. I personally recommend you make a conscious effort to get to know some of us before villainizing and wishing misfortune on our homes and lives. (obv. if you are racist, homophobic, transphobic, etc. its a different story) but the cover of the book typically doesn’t reveal the true story inside.  Be nice, spread positivity, grow as a person and an individual- don’t conform to the crowd.  EDIT: I wanted to qive a quick clarification that this post isn’t directly about the blacklist, rather Zanna/Alyria dredging up old drama WITH the surfacing of the blacklist and attempting to pin it on anyone and everyone. Stay classy yall and for everyone’s sake stay aware.
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