flctlines · 2 years
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flctlines · 3 years
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flctlines · 3 years
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Chloe Bailey. 🍸
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flctlines · 3 years
duvksin is now wickedchxnces !
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flctlines · 3 years
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❝      if   there’s   even   a   present   .      ❞       the   brunette   huffs   out   ,   pulling   yet   again   another   box      (      this   one   much   smaller   than   the   previous      )     .   the   idea   seemed   cute   at   first   but   by   box   five   ,   it   was   already   getting   old   .   having   never   been   deemed   a   nonchalant   person   ,   this   skit   right   here   ,   was   surely   testing   their   patience   .   a   scowl   is   worn   as   she   continues   ,   completely   unaware   that   she’s   down   to   the   wire   ,   approaching   the   last   one   .     ❝      i   swear   to   god   ,   rome   ..   if   this   is   another   box   ,   i’m   going   to   shove   it   along   with   the     ——     oh   !      ❞      lo   &   behold     ——     a   sparkly   ring   staring   back   at   her   .   features   immediately   soften   at   the   sight   &   for   once   in   their   life   ,   nelly   cabrera   is   left   speechless   .
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their    anger    brings    a    teasing    grin    to    rome's    mouth,    a    reaction    he    couldn't    be    held    accountable    for    with    how    adorable    the    brunette's    behavior    is.    should    he    be    more    concerned    about    how    frustrated    he's    making    nelly?    perhaps,    but    her    reaction    to    the    ring    is    the    one    he's    scooting    closer    to    the    edge    of    his    seat    to    catch.    ❝    there    is    a    present,    i    promise,    ❞    despite    the    threat    beginning    the    next    words    out    of    their    mouth,    his    teasing    grin    slips    into    a    wider    smile    to    showcase    pearly    whites.    he    clears    his    throat,    tipping    his    head    to    the    right,    brow    cocked    as    he    lets    the    silence    linger    after    nelly's    outburst.    he    crosses    his    ankles,    wetting    his    lips    before    he    dares    speak    again.    ❝    should    i    take    it    back    and    get    something    bigger?    i    thought    that    one    would    look    best    on    your    ring    finger.    ❞    anticipation,    nerves,    the    brunt    of    emotions    he    had    suppressed    during    their    impatient    spiel    resurfaced    as    quickly    as    they    had    dispersed.
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flctlines · 3 years
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FLORENCE PUGH as Yelena Belova HAWKEYE 1.05 | “Ronin” 
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flctlines · 3 years
𝐁𝐀𝐒𝐎𝐑𝐄𝐗𝐈𝐀 ;   𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒐𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒘𝒉𝒆𝒍𝒎𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒅𝒆𝒔𝒊𝒓𝒆 𝒕𝒐 𝒌𝒊𝒔𝒔 .    (   a  series  of  kiss  prompts .   some  nsfw  material  present .   )
❛  01 .   a  kiss  to  say  hello . ❛  02 .   a  kiss  for  the  first  time . ❛  03 .   a  kiss  after  a  long  time  apart . ❛  04 .   a  kiss  to  apologize . ❛  05 .   a  kiss  to  forgive . ❛  06 .   a  kiss  during  a  fight . ❛  07 .   a  kiss  to  say  what  you  can’t  say  aloud . ❛  08 .   a  kiss  in  secret  /  a  forbidden  kiss . ❛  09 .   a  kiss  to  prove  a  point . ❛  10 .   a  kiss  against  a  wall . ❛  11 .   a  kiss  on  a  rooftop . ❛  12 .   a  kiss  that  seals  a  marriage . ❛  13 .   a  kiss  before  one  goes  away . ❛  14 .   a  kiss  in  the  shower . ❛  15 .   a  kiss  that  comes  out  of  nowhere . ❛  16 .   a  kiss  first  thing  in  the  morning . ❛  17 .   a  kiss  last  thing  at  night . ❛  18 .   a  kiss  during  combat . ❛  19 .   a  kiss  during  a  fake  relationship . ❛  20 .   a  kiss  out  of  desperation . ❛  21 .   a  kiss  on  the  cheek . ❛  22 .   a  kiss  on  the  forehead . ❛  23 .   a  kiss  on  the  back  of  the  hand . ❛  24 .   a  kiss  on  the  neck . ❛  25 .   a  kiss  on  the  fingertips . ❛  26 .   a  kiss  on  the  stomach . ❛  27 .   a  kiss  to  end  the  sexual  tension . ❛  28 .   a  kiss  over  a  scar . ❛  29 .   a  kiss  over  a  wound . ❛  30 .   a  kiss  to  say  goodbye .
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flctlines · 3 years
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flctlines · 3 years
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YELENA BELOVA Hawkeye 1x05 | Ronin
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flctlines · 3 years
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  a  sigh  escapes  brody’s  lips  as  he  looks  over  next  to  him  at  the  one  girl  he  knew  was  off  limits.   it  was  not  unlike  the  male  to  let  alcohol  diminish  his  morals  &  adriana  was  a  perfect  example.     “    you  can  just  close  your  eyes  &  pretend  it  never  happened    ,   ”    still  horizontal  ,  brody  rests  his  hand  behind  his  head  ,  watching  her  intently.   it  didn’t  feel  great  to  see  her  regretting  her  choices  ,   even  if  it  was  expected.   no  matter  how annoying  &  infuriating  he  found  her  ,  he  had  always  felt  a  desire  to  be  near  her.  maybe  masochism  ,  maybe  desire  ,  but  he  knew  this  was  a  long  time  coming  ,  even  if  she  hadn’t.    tries  but  fails  to  suppress  a  laugh  as  she  speaks.    “   don’t  worry  ,  i  won’t  tell  your  prince  charming.   ”   eyes  roll.   her  boyfriend  was  a  good  friend  of  his   ,  but  he  knew  him  in  a  way  she  didn’t.    “   you  didn’t  seem  to  mind  being  stuck  in  here  last  night  ,   ”  a  brow  raises  ,   smirk  evident  on  his  features.    “   if  you’re  so  miserable  waiting   ,   just  go.   say  i  dipped  or  something  so  you  took  my  bed.   or  …    ”    sitting  up  ,  lips  pressing  softly  against  her  shoulder.    “  don’t  go.  i  could  distract  you  for  the  time  being.   ”
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giving    into    drunk    temptation    wasn’t    as    typical    for    the    femme,    holding    a    certain    limit    for    herself    even    in    her    less    coherent    state    of    being.    except,    last    night,    she    found    herself    all    too    willing    to    succumb    to    her    inebriated    whims.    she    scoffs,    before    thinking    better    of    the    v o l u m e    of    her    noise,    of    her    words.    ❝    and    i    suppose    if    i    closed    my    eyes    and    pretended,    i    would    magically    find    myself    back    in    my    bed,    too.    ❞    her    eyes    rolled    as    she    said    it,    mentally    noting    how    ridiculous    that    sounded    and    taking    surveillance    of    the    room    around    them    for    her    clothing.    perhaps    if    she    had    slept    with    a    stranger,    it’d    be    less    concerning.    less    she    would    have    to    worry    about    his    friend    finding    out.    difficulty    in    finding    her    clothing    proved    by    her    lack    of    focus    as    the    other    spoke,    his    emphasis    when    speaking    about    her    boyfriend    sparked    annoyance.    ❝    you    have    your    own    vested    interest    in    not    telling    him,    don’t    act    like    it’s    such    a    favor.    ❞    maybe    it    is.    adriana    huffs    at    his    reminder,    a    petulant    sound    elicited    as    she    took    a    chance    to    catch    the    smirk    on    his    face.    the    truth    in    his    words    should    have    reminded    her    just    how    much    he    annoyed    her.    it    only    reminded    her    of    how    thoroughly    she    had    enjoyed    being    stuck    in    here    last    night.    ❝    right,    like    that’s    not    a    flimsy    excuse    ❞    deadpanned    words,    the    faint    contact    of    his    lips    at    her    shoulder    distracting    already.    ❝    wouldn’t    that    just    be    tempting    fate?    ❞
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flctlines · 3 years
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“i’m not trying to get into any of the presents, i’m just trying to play a game of guess what anthony got kiana for christmas. i just simply shake them to try and guess what it is.” she folded her arms. “i will lose my festive spirt if you booby trapping them, if you really want to stop me trying to guess -” she emphasised the last word. “just put them up high, you know how much of a short ass i am.”
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❝    you’re    trying    to    get    into    them    without    getting    into    them,    that’s    practically    the    same    thing.    maybe    you    don’t    need    none    of    ‘em.    ❞    he    arched    a    brow,    a    playful    smile    unable    to    be    hidden.    ❝    nah,    you’ll    just    be    forced    to    stop    trying,    there’s    plenty    of    other    things    we    can    do    to    keep    the    festive    spirit    alive.    but,    ❞    he    made    a    show    of    thinking    over    her    suggestion.    ❝    i    might    have    to    put    them    up    high    or    lock    them    up    ‘cause    you’re    liable    to    get    up    on    a    chair    or    somethin’    to    try    and    make    a    guess.    ❞
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flctlines · 3 years
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–––––––––––SHE DOESN’T THINK much when he calls her to come pick him up. they were close, it’s what she’ll take this call as, and hey, better for him to actually have someone to pick him. she doesn’t think much when he calls her an angel, arm wrapped around his body to help him stay up. he’s drunk, it’s cute, he probably thought she was his girlfriend. after all, it’s easy to confuse a drunk brain. it’s what quinn will toss it up to. ‘ i love you too. ’ she calls, it being more like she was teasing him than a true confession of emotion. after all, between holding him up, and the laughter that she couldn’t stop, she was sure that this was just a friendly encounter. her arms tighten as he leans and missteps, practically falling over. ‘ ‘m fine, but let’s get you to the car before we both end up on the floor, yeah ? ’ should she have been worried that he called her first and not his girlfriend ?
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he    couldn’t    think    coherently    to    call    anyone    else,    his    thoughts    had    circled    on    the    femme    when    he    reached    his    limit.    and    when    he    was    asked    to    go    home    (    or,    politely    escorted    out    of    the    building.    )    ,    of    course    his    first    thought    was    quinn.    a    light    chuckle    elicited    from    the    burns    male,    he    inhales    on    a    sigh    and    pouts.    the    latter    an    expression    that    simply    didn’t    paint    over    his    features,    ever.    ❝    no,    like...    for    real.    ❞    he    lingers    on    the    last    word,    slipping    into    a    soft    hum.    ❝    you’re...    i    love    you.    ❞    tripping    verbally    as    efficiently    as    he    seemed    to    be    doing    so    physically,    he    breathed    out    another    sigh.    trying    to    keep    himself    upright    and    not    weigh    her    down    as    much    was    proving    to    have    the    opposite    effect,    derek    tightening    his    hold    on    quinn    reflexively    and    resting    against    her.    ❝    okay,    quinn.    ❞    agreeing,    though    he    wanted    to    tell    her    to    drop    him    if    it    came    down    to    him    pulling    them    both    down.    there    were    too    many    words    to    slur    out    in    that,    however,    so    he    tried    to    focus    on    navigating    their    path    without    the    world    spinning    from    beneath    him.
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flctlines · 3 years
open to: anyone (mutuals or not) + all genders (f only for romantic). muse: tiffany burns. do what you will <3
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❝    you're    ashamed.    ❞    tiffany    felt    her    heart    seize    up    momentarily    as    she    pieced    together    the    way    the    other    had    been    acting    all    night.    it    formed    a    thick    lump    in    the    back    of    her    throat,    but    she    refused    to    cry.    swallowing,    she    wet    her    lower    lip    and    dropped    her    gaze    from    the    other.    ❝    ...of    me.    ❞    it’s    not    a    question,    more    of    an    observation.
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flctlines · 3 years
i have to get to work, but i will be back to do replies asap <3 
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flctlines · 3 years
open to: anyone (mutuals or not) + all genders. muse: adriana martin. do what you will <3 plot in source.
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❝    oh,    shit.    ❞    there    was    a    flutter    of    racing    thoughts,    of    what    she    was    supposed    to    do    now.    did    she    climb    out    of    the    window?    pretend    to    have    stumbled    into    the    other’s    room?    wait    til    her    significant    other    leaves    the    place?    it    was    difficult    to    suppress    her    annoyance    with    the    situation    as    she    sat    up    in    the    other’s    bed,    blanket    pulled    up    enough    to    cover    her    as    she    did.    ❝    what    are    we    supposed    to    do?    ❞    words    blurted    as    she    put    together    a    list    of    reasons    why    the    current    situation    was    bad    for    the    both    of    them,    and    acknowledged    to    herself    that    she    wasn’t    too    upset    about    ending    up    in    the    other’s    bed.    she    just    didn’t    want    to    be    caught.    ❝    he    can’t    find    out,    and    i’m    not    actually    looking    forward    to    being    stuck    in    here,    ❞    she    motioned    around    the    room    with    her    hand    not    holding    the    blanket    to    her    frame.    ❝    all    day,    or    however    long    it    takes    him    to    leave    long    enough    to    escape.    ❞    her    boyfriend    was    probably    looking    for    her    anyway,    another    complication.
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flctlines · 3 years
open to: anyone (mutuals or not) + all genders. muse: anthony “tony” russo. do what you will <3 plot (the bullet abt booby trapping the presents) in source.
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❝    stop    trying    to    get    into    all    the    presents    and    i    won’t    have    to    booby    trap    ‘em.    ❞    tony    scoffed,    shooting    the    other    a    glare    before    his    features    slipped    into    his    always    present    amused,    slightly    smug    expression.    ❝    you’re    impatient.    ❞
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flctlines · 3 years
open to: anyone (mutuals or not) + all genders. muse: sofia ruiz. do what you will <3 plot (3rd/4th bullet, the cooking one) in source.
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❝    hi,    ❞    sofia    afforded    the    other    an    all    too    bright    smile.    the    holiday    season    in    full    effect,    she    was    spending    too    much    time    out    of    the    kitchen    for    her    own    liking,    but    she    could    smell    the    other’s    food    cooking    (    or    burning.    )    from    her    apartment.    ❝    is    everything    all    good    over    here?    i    could    smell    some...    interesting    smells    over    at    my    place.    ❞    she    explained    gesturing    behind    her    with    her    hand,    attempting    to    be    tactful.
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