#not my usual fare but this is my tumblr.com i post what i want
smolghostbot · 9 months
Random Robot Snippet
Is it obvious I've been in a robot mood for the last few days? Here's a random word-vom I wrote about a tiny discarded robot being repaired.
Word count: 900ish
CW: POV description of a robot in disrepair, some robot-themed body horror (maintenance while awake) but portrayed softly.
You stumble through the street, wishing it wasn’t night. All of the businesses are closed, and your solar panels aren’t picking anything up from the street lamps…
You curse your size, the smallest model of family companion, only six inches tall. Six inches that move at a negligible speed as you try desperately to find anywhere to charge… but you know deep down that this is the end for you…
You desperately stumble in view of the sky, hoping that maybe, just maybe, you’ll recharge when the sun co
System Status: Critical
You wake up. You weren’t expecting that. As you take in the fact that you’re alive, you notice an odd sensation by your arm. Ah. It’s missing. The wires that previously sent power to your fingers have been spliced into a power plug, which must be where you are getting charged from. You notice additional problems as your warning system slowly warms up. Namely, that your chassis is open, exposed to the elements. It just now occurs to you that you have no idea where you are. The room is dark, and you appear to be on a wooden surface, sat in a slumped-over position. Several tools are nearby, as well as spare wires. You begin to panic, your cooling fans turning on automatically to control the heat coming from your processor.
You hear a voice, talking. The words are hard to hear over the roaring of the fans, but you can make out some of them. “Project”, “Replacement”, “Help it”. The voice seems to be speaking to no one, you can’t hear the reply, but they sound adamant. Finally, you hear them move away from the door, as the room returns to silence, and you fade into sleep mode to charge faster.
System Status: Stabilized
Your internal clock is broken, you lost internet access long before you were discarded. You have no idea how long you’ve been here. How long since you were in the street. Hours? Days? Longer? The solar panels making up your “hair” have finally activated, but at an extremely low generation rate. That must be what woke you up.
You’re now laying flat on the surface from before. Your pressure sensors feel something. You boot up your optical nodes, and see… gloved human hands, almost as big as you are, poking at your now-exposed chest cavity with rubber-tipped tools. It feels… odd, the sensation of having your insides meddled with while still awake. You take in the form of the human, their tied-back hair, their oil-stained coveralls, clearly from working on something bigger, and presumably more important than you.
Their face, covered by a welding mask, turns up to look at you, clearly noticing the blue lights from your optical nodes, and they speak in a muffled voice. “Oh, hello! You’re awake! Can you… can you speak?”
“Yes. Where am I?”
“Oh good! Sorry, I know this must be scary, this is my robot workshop. I guess you could think of it as… a bot hospital. I found you sitting in a dumpster, but I know your model had AI, I couldn’t just let you be discarded!”
Discarded, you think, taking extra time to process the word. It wouldn’t be the first time.
“Where is my arm?” You ask, as your optical nodes glance over at the missing appendage, and the mess of wires in its place. “What are you doing?”
“Oh! Your arm is safe, I was doing repairs on it, and I figured ‘Hey, the chassis needs power anyways, may as well give it a jump’. I’ll put it back when you’re fully charged. As for this,” they say, pointing to your open torso, “Just a bit of an upgrade for you. On the house,” they say with a wink.
Your fans calm down as your processor slows to normal levels. This human means well? You don’t understand why they would care for an outdated, defective unit like you, but that hardly matters if they’ll help repair you. You stay awake as they continue to poke and prod, occasionally causing a power flicker but always apologizing. The way they treat you… it’s almost as if you were a human yourself. Now that they know you’re awake, they speak slowly and softly, narrating what they are doing and why. “I’m removing this, but I’m replacing it with this better one, okay?”
“Okay”, you reply, not that you have much of a choice. If they wanted, they could be, no, should be scrapping you for parts… but they don’t. Finally, it burns at you enough to ask.
“Why are you helping me?”
They go quiet at this. You worry that you said something wrong, something to upset them. Instead, they lift their mask and look at you, a gentle gleam in their hazel eyes, as they respond. “I’m helping you because you were hurt. Nobody should be thrown away like that.”
You think to argue, to tell them that you were defective, replaced by a newer, more capable model, but you hold your metaphorical tongue, afraid of upsetting this human who currently has access to your most vital parts. “You don’t believe me”, they say. You don’t. After a moment, they speak again. “That’s okay. Whether you believe me or not, I’m going to help you, okay? So just be patient and trust me.”
And, with no other option, trust them you shall.
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bjax27 · 2 years
|Salty Sea Ships| Total Drama All Stars II
Tumblr media
Word Count: 5,175 (It's not as long, sorry to disappoint)
Link to the previous chapter: https://bjax27.tumblr.com/post/695426147837788160/puck-you-total-drama-all-stars-ii
“Last time on total drama all stars, two!” Chris did his intro on the quiet dock during the middle of the night. A blood moon was in the background of the shot.
“Tensions rose at the rink, as our competitors played in an eventful game of hockey at our brand-new facility. Due to the Eagles cheating in our first challenge, Heather was subjected to the penalty box. Scott was back to his usual tricks, lighting fires under his own team, and the Eagles by tripping Cameron. The Otters, well… they Ottered it up in typical fashion, losing both of their games. After it was all said and done, the Otters opted to send Trent home after his less then stellar performance at the rink. However because I want to switch things up, I sent Trent to the Eagles and Cameron to the Otters. Maybe giving Mike and Zoey their old buddy back will help them win, and at the same time hamper the Eagles? How will Trent and Gwen compete alongside each other? How kindly will the campers take to me waking them up this late at night for this week's challenge? Find out this and more on this week’s installment of Total Drama All-Stars two!” Chris flashed a smile and held up two fingers.
Glamorous Golden Eagles
“…I completely understand your frustrations, Gwen. It’s not an easy situation to compete in. But cmon, look at what we did together in the last challenge!” Courtney attempted to console Gwen. The two girls weren’t alone as Dawn was invited into Courtney’s room as well.
“I sense that Trent is uneasy as well, I know that he means no harm and that he wishes to make up. He is still very dissatisfied with how things ended” Dawn said.
“I’m still so amazed as to how you can do that. I mean I’d like to think I can read people pretty well, but that’s a genuine gift” Courtney replied amazed.
“Thanks you two, I feel just a little bit more at ease about the whole situation now” Gwen smiled.
Across the hall, Harold was playing some video games with Trent.
“How are you so good at these?” Trent asked.
“Well Trent, I just have mad skills bro. Besides that, I was playing with Cameron the past few weeks, he’s easily a skilled competitor in the game of Smash Brothers” Harold answered nonchalantly.
Cuts to confessional
“I know Trent came to me because of my mad skills, and he’s gonna need as many allies as possible. Gwen and Courtney seem inseparable, B and Dawn are obviously friends, and Heather exists. That just leaves Sammy and me”
“I taught you well Harold!” Heather said from outside the confessional, scaring Harold.
End of confessional
“I see. Well, I think it’s about time I get to my room and settle in for the night-” Trent was cut off by a very loud speaker coming from the outside.
“Good evening Campers! For tonight’s challenge, we will be utilizing this uncommon blood moon to take some amazing pictures of animals on the archipelago. Meet me at the dock for your equipment, pronto!” Chris finished his announcement by briefly laughing.
Courtney and Heather simultaneously screamed into their pillow, and Gwen and Dawn just rolled their eyes. Trent was about to take a stock off Harold before they both put down their controllers. The group all quickly got dressed if they weren’t already and headed outside.
Colossal Cobras
“Why does he do this to us? What did we do to deserve this?” Dave cried out.
“We signed up for the show, genius,” Scott scoffed.
“Unfortunately Dave, he’s right. This is what it’ll take to win the two and a half million. Now get dressed bro, we gotta be on the dock soon” Shawn said adjusting his beanie.
“Sigh” Dave sighed.
The girl's cabin for the Cobras didn’t fare much better, as everyone was asleep. The speaker startled Sky, Bridgette, and Leshawna, all the same.
“My fourth season and I can’t with this y’all. I so need this prize money” Leshawna said angrily.
“I have to agree with you Leshawna. I’m gonna kill him” Bridgette rubbed her eyes and lifted the covers off of her.
“I may have an unpopular opinion on this, but I feel more than ready to compete in this challenge” Sky dismounted from her bed, sticking the landing from the top bunk.
Cut to Confessional
“My personal trainer often wakes me up sporadically to go on sprints throughout the early morning hours. Thus, preparing me for moments like these” Sky smiled.
End of the Confessional
“I’m so glad you are girl because that Hockey challenge still has me sore” Bridgette rubbed her side.
As for the Otters, Lightning dashed out of the cabin doors with Cameron and Cody draped over his back. Zoey and Mike followed behind worriedly.
“We’re Sha-winning this challenge!” Lightning continued to dash to the dock with little to no trouble with the pair on his back.
Cuts to confessional
“That is my charitable donation for this sha-team. If carrying in challenges isn’t enough, I might have to physically carry these string beans too!” Lighting said panting.
End of Confessional
“Lighting! Relax, please! Cameron has been through a lot lately!” Zoey said worriedly.
“Good point” Lightning set both Cameron and Cody down on the ground carelessly.
“Cam, Cody! Are you two all good?” Mike asked.
“Yeah I’m fine, I can’t say the same for Cameron though” Cody pointed towards Cameron who lay on the ground groaning.
“What’s all this racket for? I just got up” Duncan said, rubbing his eyes.
“This noise is not good for my beauty sleep. Chris McClean would be a dead man back home I assure you” Alejandro said.
The teams slowly gathered together on the dock. The cobras, the otters, and then the eagles. Heather took the longest out of anyone to arrive on the dock.
“What took you so long? It’s not like you wear the most clothes out of anyone here!” Courtney said annoyed.
“Shut up Courtney, some people like to look good for all occasions. Even if it’s a late-night challenge like this” Heather scoffed.
“Good evening Campers. For tonight’s challenge, you will be riding on the boats behind me to capture pictures of different animals on the island. Each team has a designated driver, a camera person, and crewmates. As far as how you get the pictures, there are no rules. Just report back here by sunrise, and we’ll put your pictures on the projector. Since the Glamorous Golden Eagles won the previous challenge, they will be given these!” Chris tossed a pair of night vision goggles to Courtney and Harold.
“Those will help out your cameraman immensely, as you can point out spots to take pictures. As for the lot of you, grab a duffle bag with your team's supplies on it. Gather your crew, assign your roles, and move out! Oh, and before I forget, take these” Chris fished in his raincoat pockets for maps. Throwing one to Dave, Trent, and Mike.
“This is a rough idea of what the archipelago should look like. There are seven islands, and we’ve only ever had challenges on two of them. That means the rest are unknown!” Chris attempted to scare the campers to no avail.
“Now then, on your marks, get set, go!” Chris sounded an air horn and the campers were off and running to the shoreline.
The campers each boarded their respective boats. The Eagles and Otters had immediately left shore, and the Cobras chose a more practical and patient approach.
“I call being the driver!” Scott said immediately. The team boarded the boat, one by one, perfectly fine up until Dave attempted to board. He fell into the water, wetting the map, and having to swim back out and try again.
“So. Cold.” Dave started shivering.
“Watch where you're stepping next time,” Scott scoffed.
“Moving on! We need a photographer, map reader, and crew mates” Sky said.
“I wouldn’t mind being a crewmate,” Bridgette answered.
“That takes one of them. Who else?” Sky asked. The only person willing to do so was Shawn. Sky approved.
“I’ll read the map if you don’t mind hun,” Leshanwa asked Dave, to which he nodded. When Leshawna tried to read the map, it wasn’t legible.
“Darn it Dave, look what you did. We don’t have a legible map anymore” Sky said angrily.
“I’m sorry, didn’t mean for that to happen, was just a tad bit clumsy getting on the ship” Dave answered while still shivering.
“Anyway, so that leaves Tyler, Owen, and Dave, who haven’t been assigned roles, and where’s Brick?” Sky wondered.
Cuts to confessional
“I’m not scared of many things, but the dark, that thing, it scares me” Brick’s teeth were chattering out of fear.
End of confessional
“Sorry everyone, I am right here” Brick responded. He was noticeably nervous.
“I volunteer as an honorary crew mate. Unfortunately, I didn’t quite make the cut for the navy, but I am familiar with a ship” Brick put his teammates at ease.
“Very well then. I’m not into photography, so one of you three can decide who takes that job” Sky shrugged.
Dave raised his hand, and to his disappointment, Shawn slowly moved it back down.
“I was never the artsy type back at school, I pretty much only played sports, y'know? So it would be hard for me to take good pictures. I think letting Dave do it might not be so bad” Tyler said, sticking up for Dave.
“Yeah, why not? I mean he probably has awesome photography skills that we didn’t even know about” Owen chimed in.
“I’m cool with it, if they are,” Leshawna and Bridgette shrugged simultaneously.
“Knock yourself out Dave” Scott tossed Dave the camera into his chest, and smiled sheepishly.
Cuts to confessional
“Okay, look, I can’t really photograph, drive a boat, or really do much of anything on a ship. But listen, I want to be invested in the game, that was my biggest downfall before. I’m here to win some money after all. Maybe even Sky will forgive me if we talk things out now that her boyfriend is for sure out of the picture” Dave said confidently.
End of confessional
“Well, everyone else who isn’t doing anything important, just help out in any way that you can. If you see any cool animals or potential shots for Dave to take, just shout it out” Shawn said, as they left the dock and started speeding off.
Optimistic Otters
“Where is Sha-Lightning driving this thing?” Lighting asked speeding off into the water.
“Says here, according to the map we’re approaching an island that’s not too far North from the dock” Mike pointed out.
“Just keep going forward Lightning, we’ll reach it soon” Zoey chimed in.
Glamorous Golden Eagles “Woo-hoo! Ah, this is so much fun!” Courtney said manning the wheel. She smiled happily, Gwen and Heather standing close by giving directions to the rest of the crew.
“Okay, so we’ve got Courtney, driving obviously, but who's gonna read our map?” Gwen looked at the relatively calm group.
B shrugged, taking the map from Trent.
“Now, which one of you losers is- sorry, which one of you is going to be our camera person?” Heather said, trying so hard not to start a fight with her teammates.
“Ah what the heck? Why not me right?” Trent offered, and Heather tossed him the camera. He took it and started immediately messing around with the settings.
“Okay, map person, camera person, Harold just carry this flashlight or something, I don’t know” Heather handed him the flashlight, and He clicked it on and off.
“What about me?” Dawn asked quietly.
“Oh dear god, you scared me, where were you even?” Heather asked, startled.
“Here the entire time, I think I’ll help look over the map as well if that's fine with you of course?” Dawn said.
Cuts to confessional
“I don’t mind being low profile, and super under the radar, but there’s a point where enough is enough. I have to command some sort of respect around here” Dawn said bitterly.
End of confessional
“Okay, I guess Amy, Heather, and I will help out as crewmates, whatever that’s supposed to mean” Gwen shrugged.
“…the otters have approached one of the islands on our archipelago! Their crew is for sure taking pictures on that island as we speak!” Chris’s voice could be heard from the walkie-talkie in the duffle bag.
“I didn’t know we had a walkie, also if we want any chance at winning, we gotta get some good shots too, let's get onto an island asap!” Courtney sped up the boat, and the crew was unpreparedly grabbing a hold of the railing.
Optimistic Otters
“It’s very dark out here isn’t it? But the moon is beautiful” Alejandro commented.
“For sure, nothing quite like this back at home, that’s for sure” Jasmine responded.
The team had entered an archipelago that was relatively small in landmass, but it was still home to a very diverse ecosystem. Including some tropical birds, various fish, and lizards from what could be seen.
“Ooh, I think this would make an excellent shot right here. Look at this lizard, using its camouflage ability, and the moon is in the backdrop, how amazing” Cody zoomed in with the camera, taking a few shots before his teammates moved forward.
“Can I see?” Mike asked, and Cody passed the camera to him.
“That’s an awesome shot, Cody, keep it up and we stand a pretty good shot to win this challenge… hopefully,” Mike said cautiously optimistic. Cody chuckled.
“I don’t see much of anything here you guys. Maybe a few tropical birds around, and that lizard we just saw. I fancy us going elsewhere, afterall the archipelago does have several locations of different islands” Jasmine analyzed the island.
“We’re already here captain Amazon, what's the harm in taking a few more pictures?” Duncan challenged.
“I suppose you're right, but I just want to see everything we can and get as much information as possible, you never know what Chris has up his sleeve,” Jasmine said.
“Allow me to break this tie, friends. Let Cody continue to take his phenomenal pictures, we have to win today, or another one of us will surely be going home. No way would McLean not send someone home after the last ceremonies events” Alejandro said.
Just then Cody took a shot of a green macaw with the help of Cameron pointing the flashlight in the direction of the camera. The macaw was about to fly off into the distance, but you could still see its green color under the moonlight.
“Not bad Cody, you got the moon and everything too” Camera slapped hands with Cody in excitement.
“Thanks, Cam, we probably should move though, other teams will be at this island soon, as it’s the closest to the main island” Cody started walking towards the boat, and the others followed.
Colossal Cobras
“Hey! This is the facility from the previous challenge, how did you know the way that easily?” Bridgette asked.
“Pappy didn’t raise me to be bad at directions I promise. Besides, we aren’t going there, we’re going here!” Scott slowed the boat down, pointing towards a nearby island that was full of trees.
“We’re going there? Awesome!” Brick said nervously.
“What’s gotten into you soldier, you seem awfully nervous for someone who’s experienced the military before” Leshawna commented.
“What? Me, no way, it simply isn’t possible” Brick answered back.
“Then why don’t you prove it by leading us into battle soldiers” Scott taunted.
“I will do just that” Brick answered right back by taking the flashlight, and waiting for the boat to stop nearby the island. He anchored the ship and was the first one onto the shoreline. The sand had a few crabs moving throughout, and the forest was a few feet away from the shoreline.
“I think a shot of these starfish next to the shore wouldn’t be too bad,” Dave said before clicking the camera, taking a decent shot of the starfish on shore.
“We gotta get a few more shots on this island, otherwise this trip wasn’t exactly worth it” Shawn commented.
“Fair enough, but how are we supposed to get good pictures while it’s this dark outside? This moon won’t do us much good” Dave said.
“C’mon Dave and Shawn, we have to go into the forest. Hopefully, we’ll find some wildlife there worth taking pictures of” Sky pulled on Dave’s hand and Shawn rolled his eyes, following the pair.
The forest was rather large, taking up a majority of the island. The trees stood tall, as their leaves blew into the wind. The Cobras would find hardly any wildlife on this island they found. A few seagulls flying, maybe a butterfly passing, but not much of anything worthy of note.
“How are we supposed to get pictures, if there aren’t any animals to take pictures of?” Tyler asked as his teammates looked very discouraged.
“Beats me Tyler, I thought this island was going to have animals to take pictures of for sure. I do think we have some time left though” Shawn shrugged.
“Do you guys know where large and in charge went?” Leshawna asked.
“I think he went to the “latrine” as he calls it” Dave answered. The group exchanged looks, each standing in the forest clearing, waiting for Brick to finish using the bathroom. He had taken their only flashlight as well.
“C’mon Brick, it’s just the dark, you're stronger than this, you're better than this” Brick's hands were shaking out of fear. Just then, the flashlight dimmed, and then briefly went out before turning back on.
“Phew, no now it would’ve been really bad if-” The flashlight went out completely.
“What’s that noise?” Brick asked himself, as he heard intense rustling noises coming from the tall grass nearby.
“It’s probably a bunny or something, no need to worry” Brick attempted to take care of business, and once he finished up, a scream was coming from the opposite direction of his teammates.
“AHHHHHHHHH!” A masked and body suit-covered Izzy screamed from the treetops. Her suit was covered in vines and vegetation, it was hardly recognizable what animal she was attempting to be.
“AHH!” Brick zipped his pants and ran towards his teammates, gaining all of their attention.
“What happened to you?” Sky asked. The rest of the team was curious as well.
“You didn’t hear that scream? Now, let’s move soldiers, we aren’t here alone and we aren’t armed to fight!” Brick attempted to reason with his teammates.
“Fair enough, but we have to find another island and fast because we have till sunrise, and it’s already starting to get a bit brighter outside” Sky agreed, and the team rushed back to the boat, leaving Izzy, all alone, or so they thought.
Glamorous Golden Eagles
“Nice work Trent, we’ll for sure win with those” Harold and Trent slapped hands, and the rest of the team was satisfied with the pictures.
“Just trying my best, after all, I don’t want to disappoint any of my new teammates” Trent smiled.
“Well, we still have plenty of time till sunrise, you guys just want to explore some more? The archipelago has seven islands total, and we’ve only been on three. Not to mention we can take some more pictures for the camera, and strategize for future challenges” Heather suggested to the team, and Courtney nodded her head in approval.
“I like the way you're thinking, for once,” Courtney joked. “Oh shut it prep school” Heather taunted back. The two girls laughed, and Gwen smiled. The rest of the team smiled as well, as they were perfectly content with a leisurely tour around the islands.
Optimistic Otters
“Must I say, Cody, your camera skills are phenomenal. As we would say back home, maravilloso, well done!” Alejandro patted Cody on the shoulder.
“Thanks, I guess. I mean, I took some photography classes back home once, and once you learn, it’s pretty simple” Cody shrugged. The team had finally made it back to their boat each boarding one at a time. Mike and Zoey, of course, ensured that Cameron was safely on after his track record in the previous challenges.
“Cam, does your arm feel any better?” Mike asked, looking at Cameron’s snake-bitten and injured arm.
“A little, but it’s still in pain, I assure you. The hockey challenge didn’t help very much at all” Cameron winced in pain.
Cuts to confessional
“Poor Cameron, but I’m super happy that he’s here with us, and not playing against us” Zoey looked at the camera happily.
End of Confessional
“Where’s Sha-Lightning going? Are we good with the pictures? I just wanna win once man!” Lightning said as he started up the boat's engine. Just then Chris started speaking into his walkie-talkie.
“Attention Campers, we have about an hour left until sunrise! For those of you who have finished your pictures, great! You can freely explore, for those of you who haven’t, chop chop” Chris finished talking with his signature laugh.
“I’d say we go for a few more, just be safe. We haven’t won any challenges at all yet” Duncan suggested, gaining approval from a few of his teammates.
“Lightning, if you don’t mind I think I have a place we can get to. You’ll just have to trust me and let me drive” Jasmine attempted to take the wheel, and Lightning wouldn’t budge.
“Tall lady, just sha-tell me where we’re sha-going and I can make it happen” Lightning pleaded his case, and much to his dismay, Jasmine refused.
“Why don’t ya do the harry and get off the ship, I’m excellent with directions, but when it’s this time of night, it’s easier for me to do the driving instead of the guiding” Jasmine fought back.
“Enough! Lightning, please step aside and give Jasmine a shot. We already have some amazing pictures, but Jasmine may be able to give us the chance to take even more” Zoey interrupted by separating them. Lightning let go of the steering wheel, and Jasmine took over.
Colossal Cobras
“Okay, is everyone good?” Sky asked her teammates. She was out of breath, much like the rest of the group.
“What was that thing? I could barely see it with the corner of my eye but it was scary” Dave commented.
“Was it Zombies? Surely they can’t already be here to eat my brain. I can’t allow that to happen, man, these islands are freaky” Shawn curled up into a ball and started shaking.
Brick was noticeably nervous, as he was the one who had the run-in with the supposed monster. Just then the lights on the front of the ship cut out.
“Uh, guys. What happened?” Scott asked as let his foot off the gas pedal a bit.
“Beats me, but we still have the flashlights in the duffel bag, right?” Bridgette asked, fumbling her hands inside the bag. She didn’t have much luck finding them.
“About that, heh” Brick scratched the back of his head, nervous to tell his team what happened next.
“What happened here sarge, seems that you’ve come back empty handed,” Scott said slyly.
“This isn’t a time to be making jabs at others, we don't have any light source out here, and I’m starting to get nervous,” Tyler said, pointing out the obvious.
Izzy rose up from the water and jumped aboard the ship. She immediately took off her mask.
“Hiya Big O!” Izzy shouted, and the Cobras lost their minds. Scott started to speed up the boat as fast as he could.
“AH!” Brick took the camera right out of Dave’s hands and threw it right at Izzy, completely missing. He started throwing items from the duffle bag, including the compass, a spare life jacket, and some protein bars, not one of the items hitting Izzy.
“Nice to meet you too I guess. Well, you guys are probably wondering why I’m dressed like this. To answer that question, Chris paid me, you guys! I like so totally do not want to be on these islands anymore. I think the kid in the beanie peed himself, same with the large and in charge, military man. Oops, I probably shouldn’t have said that. Anyway, good luck in your challenge or whatever. Talk soon Owen, love you, baby!” The team’s jaws were completely on the floor. Izzy, just then jumped right off the boat just before Scott crashed it into the shoreline of the other islands. All of the contestants on the ship groaned, no one sustaining any major injuries.
The Cobras couldn’t move their damaged ship and decided to shelter in place for the evening. The Eagles returned to the main island to get some rest before the second part of the challenge. As for the Otters, they spent the night taking several more pictures and even found some actual otters to take pictures of. The sun started rising as the teams made their way back. The Cobras were taken back, via Chef. Chris had the projector and the computer set up for the teams to display their pictures.
“Time's up! Let’s see whatcha got Eagles” Chris looked over at Trent and he nodded, walking toward the projector and computer with the SD card. The screen immediately showed the team's pictures, and they weren’t too bad. He had taken a few pictures of the same macaw Cody and the others had seen, as well as a picture of a few smaller fish, and a lemur as well.
“Not bad stuff Trent, but will it be enough? Next up, the Otters!” Cody looked over at the projector and started his walk over. He ejected the Eagle's SD card and put in his own.
“Wow, you found actual Otters like the ones in your team name! Bonus points for that one Cody. Not to mention that cool shot of the lizard, with the usage of additional lighting. You guys will be taking first, unless the Cobras blow me away with their pictures” Just then as Cody returned to his seat at the amphitheater, Dave stood up, empty-handed.
“Unfortunately, Chris, we don’t have any pictures to show” Dave sighed before sitting back down.
“Well, what happened to the camera?” Chris asked.
“We had gotten into a fight with a monster, only to find out it was Izzy, during that fight we threw the camera at her, causing it to go overboard” Shawn continued. Heather was attempting to hold back her laughter, as Gwen glared at her.
“Well as I pretty much said before, Otters will take their first win!” Chris said as the Otters jumped up from their seats excitedly. Mike, Zoey, and Cameron formed a group hug. Cody and Duncan slapped hands, Lightning and Jasmine smiled, but their smiles faded the moment the two looked at each other. Alejandro grinned proudly to round out the group's celebration.
“Cobras, Elimination ceremony, later. However, we have to make sure none of you sustained any major injury in your, uh, incident we’ll call it” Chris motioned them over to the nurse's tent where a disgruntled Chef Hatchet was waiting.
Elimination Ceremony
The tiki torches were lit, the voting tablet was charged, and the peanut gallery was filled with members of the Optimistic Otters, each satisfied that they were not sitting on the logs in the circle, waiting to see who was being sent home.
“Good evening Cobras, likewise Otters, speaking of, how do you guys like it in the Peanut Gallery? The first time over there must be nice. Anyway, let’s get this show on the road here folks, I’m certain a lot of you are very tired after the challenge. Today’s MVP will be Sky, not that she did much of anything, she didn’t screw up the challenge, like at all” Sky graciously accepted the marshmallow, and Chris looked to continue.
“In any event, let’s get these votes in people!” Chris motioned Shawn over to the booth, and he started the festivities.
Voting Booth confessional
“Gotta say, man, Brick seemed scared. I can’t have someone scared on my team when the zombie apocalypse inevitably happens” Shawn shrugged.
“I know I’m at risk of being voted out, but I really did try my best, and I hope Sky can see that,” Dave said worriedly.
“Oh, to be honest, I think we all did badly in our own right. But, someone has to take the fall, just glad this time it’s not me” Sky said happily.
End of Voting Booth confessionals
“When I call your name, you are deemed safe and can compete in another challenge” Chris lifted the tray and started tossing the marshmallows out.
“Tyler, my man” Chris tossed the Marshmallow.
“Odell!” Tyler caught his marshmallow with one hand in the air, but he leaned too far back making the catch, and he stumbled over the log behind him.
“Owen!” He opened his mouth and the marshmallow went right inside. “Bridgette and Leshawna are both safe” Chris tossed two marshmallows in their direction.
“Shawn, cutting it close here huh?” Chris threw the marshmallow to him, and he let it bounce off his head.
“It’s okay though, Scott cut this one even closer, but he can live to see another day” Chris threw the marshmallow to a sneering Scott.
“Bottom two! Dave, you didn’t provide much of anything in today's challenge, not to mention you stained the map at the very beginning when you fell into the water while attempting to board the ship. As for you Brick, you threw out several important materials from the ship, caused Izzy to go after you and your team, and essentially caused Scott to crash the boat from all the panic.
“The final marshmallow goes too” Dave and Brick looked at one another nervously, as Chris slowly placed his hands on the marshmallow, and readied his throw.
Suspense maybe?
“Dave, you are safe!” Chris tossed him the final marshmallow, as Brick started his walk toward the escape pod.
“Well Brick, any last words before I send you off?” Chris said holding the switch.
“No sir, this elimination was completely fair! I have disappointed you all” Brick said humbly.
“Sorry it had to be you, Brick, you're ten times the man I am,” Dave said apologetically, and Brick shook his head no.
“Nonsense soldier, you can be a man in your way Dave, and people will respect you for who you are!” With that, Brick was sent off and the splash got the waiting Cobras very wet.
“Well, another episode is in the books here on the island! The Otters finally won their first game, will they start a winning streak? How will Trent settle in on the Glamorous Golden Eagles now that he’s been through his first challenge? Will Sky ever give Dave some sort of respect? Find out next time on Total Drama All-Stars, two!” Chris flashed a smile and put two fingers into the air.
No debriefing, I'm tired asf and it's basically 1 am where I live, so yeahhh. Love you guys though, I promise.
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five-miles-over · 4 years
What I Did For Love (Emperor Commodus x Reader)
(Hi, everyone! I’m back with another song imagine - this time, it’s “What I Did For Love” from the musical A Chorus Line. I highly recommend the Glee version of this song, simply because Lea Michele absolutely kills it.
This fic is somewhat of a continuation from ‘Till I Hear You Sing’, so I’ve pasted the link below. Like always, please feel free to leave constructive criticism and any thoughts you might have. Without any further ado, let’s get on with the show.) 
Read Part 1 Here: https://winterjasmine007.tumblr.com/post/618127031391125504/till-i-hear-you-sing-emperor-commodus-x-reader 
Summary: A few weeks after encountering the Emperor himself, Prince Lucius delivers some shocking news to the reader.
Warning: Some angst and a happy ending 
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Kiss today goodbye
The sweetness and the sorrow
Wish me luck, the same to you
“Come in, Y/N.” Lucius called to you from his bed. Obediently, you entered the prince’s bedroom. You were dressed differently for tonight - apparently one of the guards had instructed you to wear something a bit more elegant as opposed to your usual white frills. So here you were, kneeling by Prince Lucius, wearing a flowing gown of jade with a v-neck and a golden girdle. It was certainly nothing compared to the royal fare of Empress Lucilla, let alone compared to the Emperor’s mistresses, but it was perfect for you.
“You look nice tonight, Y/N.” The prince spoke as you approached him. “Thank you, Highness.” Lucius cocked his head sideways at your reply. “Why won’t you call me by name, Nightingale? You’ve sung me to sleep for years - ever since I was a baby.” You chuckled, unaware of how ethereal you looked in the candlelight. “Very well then…I shall call you Lucius, if you will tell me why you call me Nightingale.”
“Mama says you sound like one when you sing. Actually, everyone in the palace thinks you do.” “Everyone?” You queried, much to his pleasant surprise. The boy nodded with a sad smile. “Yes. But Uncle has told me you can’t sing for me anymore, Nightingale.”
After a moment of blinking, you took a deep breath and straightened yourself. “Then I suppose this is our last night together, Lucius.” He peered into your mixed expression. “Aren’t you going to ask why?” You shook your head, swallowing the urge to show any emotion. “I am sure the Emperor has his reasons, Lucius.” Stroking his light brown hair, you began a lullaby - tonight’s melody was a familiar one, about a white flower that bloomed every morning and brought joy.
But I can't regret
What I did for love, what I did for love
The news had come as quite a shock to you. This had been your main profession for almost eight years, and during those years you had actually come to find the prince endearing. The bond the two of you shared was almost more wholesome than the bond he shared with his mother. She had become increasingly withdrawn during the past few weeks - every night she would be nowhere to be found in the palace, much to the Emperor’s irk. Naturally, the prince turned to you as a confidante.
You couldn’t help but wonder if you had done something wrong that fateful night Commodus came to you. The Emperor had fired you…and worse, he made his nephew tell you. Not that you expected His Majesty to deliver the news himself - you were a palace servant after all. Then again, it would’ve given you one more chance to see his face.
Ever since that night he came to you, the emperor never seemed to leave your thoughts. He was captivating and commanding to most, hardly ever seen without a full set of armor, a sword in his arm, and a new maiden on his knee. Yet it was that vulnerability and sweetness he had with you that night, that made you wish to see him again and again.
It couldn’t be called love, you told yourself several times. Even if it were, what good would it do? The Emperor hardly ever saw you - most nights when you entered the palace, he could be heard…actually the screams of his concubines could be heard from his bedroom and bathing areas. And most nights, you called yourself a fool for thinking an attraction to someone so powerful could ever be reciprocated.
Look, my eyes are dry
The gift was ours to borrow
It's as if we always knew
In that moment, it took all of your strength not to burst into a fit of sobs while you sang. Lucius peacefully drifted off while holding your hand. Simply realizing that the baby you had sang to was now a little man made you realize that the Emperor didn’t want you to sing anymore because he had grown up. Now, he was expected to start behaving more closer to his age - no more toys, no more bedtime stories, and no more lullabies.
The song came to an end and you kissed the boy’s forehead, pulling the blanket to his chin.
And I won't forget what I did for love
What I did for love
Emperor Commodus watched everything from his usual hiding place. As he watched Lucius talk to you earlier, his heartstrings tugged at how affectionately you kneeled by his side and entertained his questions. Over the years, Commodus felt his feelings for you rise like an obelisk, brick by brick. Never once had he regretted the first night he’d heard your voice.
It all started with a simple wish to hear you sing, but it slowly spiraled into an urge for your closeness. Even more fantasies haunted him for weeks after the night you found him. Gods, what wouldn’t he give to run his fingers through your lustrous hair to soothe himself, or to merely turn and find your lovely eyes gazing back at his? And if he could make you laugh the way you made his nephew and your palace friends do, he would consider his existence as heaven on Earth.  
Gone, Love is never gone
As we travel on
Love's what we'll remember
When the last candle of the prince’s room had been blown, you closed his door and wiped away a tear. Not only had you come to adore the boy, but he had come to love you and trust you. You were going to miss him no matter what. If fate permitted, you would have been happy to put him to sleep until he’d become a man. Silently, you chided yourself for getting so attached to someone you knew would leave your life someday. It was time to do away with useless emotions, and think of your next occupation…but not tonight.
Taking advantage of the palace’s emptiness, you unpinned your hair, leaned against a marble pillar, and wept profusely. Unbeknownst to you, someone was also against that same pillar, witnessing his heart break with every tear you shed.  “Y/N?” He called.
Kiss today goodbye
And point me toward tomorrow
You turned to find the Emperor himself facing you. Red-eyed and teardrop-stained, you rushed to smoothen yourself in hopes you did not look unpresentable before him. “G-good evening, Highness.”
Highness, he thought, Of course she has forgotten you - you bared your soul for a maiden, and this is what you get. How could you be so silly? She doesn’t want you - she would never. Maybe I shouldn’t even ask her. “Are you alright, Y/N?”
“Yes,” you replied with your most poised manner. “I am, Highness…I shall be going to the infirmary tomorrow to serve as a midwife.” The Emperor seemed genuinely shocked, asking why you would no longer be coming to the palace. You recounted every word the prince told you, and Commodus listened intently. He was surprised at how easily you trusted his decision, not even bothering to know why you were to be dismissed from serving his nephew’s bedside.
“Y/N, I dismissed you because I wanted you to be transferred to another area of service…one more suitable for you.” He informed. “May I know the service you are speaking of, Highness?” You asked, silently hoping it would be away from the kitchens or the sewers. Perhaps the royal family was expecting another child.
We did what we had to do
Won't forget, can't regret
What I did for love
“I want you as my nighttime personal aide.” Commodus clarified, cautiously approaching you as he explained your duties: taking the Emperor’s messages, making sure his bedsheets were perfectly cleaned by the laundry staff, sending away a lingering concubine, checking his schedule for the next day, as well as having his breakfast ready for him in the morning. “And…” He gently placed his lips on yours in a soft kiss. “I would like one of those every night.”
You felt a slight smile across your blushing face at the list of responsibilities. With a delighted smirk, the Emperor extended his hand towards you. “Take my offer, Y/N. I only give it once.” His tone may have been a gentle order, but his eyes pleaded for your acceptance. “I accept, Your Highness.” You kissed his ring before allowing him to lead you to the imperial chambers. “Did I tell you that green is my favorite color?” He asked nonchalantly, pointing to your dress. “They are the color of your eyes, Highness.” Commodus interlaced his arm with yours as you walked, pleased with your response. That night, he had a new wish for the gods: to make you love him the same way he loved you, and to keep you by his side for a while - if not for the rest of his life.
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isaiahrippinus · 4 years
The Inn at Little Washington Sommelier Allie Nault Wants to Help You Find the Perfect Pizza Pairing
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On Friday, June 5, 2020, Allie Nault will be working a shift with VinePair to answer any and all of your wine questions. No question is too simple or too advanced. Text a Somm is a fundraiser in partnership with The United Sommeliers Foundation to benefit the thousands of wine professionals whose careers have been put on hold during the Covid-19 crisis. In addition to paying the sommelier for their shift, VinePair will be making a donation to the USF, and so can you by clicking here. Text your questions to Allie from 7-10 PM ET on Friday, June 5 at (914) 580-4540.
Allie Nault is a sommelier at The Inn at Little Washington in Washington, Va. The esteemed restaurant recently made headlines for its creative reopening strategy, but earlier headlines may have referred to its status as a Relais & Châteaux, Forbes Five Star, AAA Five Diamond, and Michelin Three Star property.
At this upscale establishment, Nault tells us she is the youngest Michelin Three Star sommelier in the country. As the property’s sommelier, she presents guests with wines from some of Europe and California’s best producers. The award-winning wine list is carefully curated to accentuate the inn’s decadent dishes such as carpaccio of herb-crusted baby lamb loin and crispy Napoleon of chilled Maine lobster with caviar in coulis.
Below, Nault discusses her own “serious” pairings — pizza makes several appearances — as well as what kind of cocktails she’s whipping up during quarantine. (Hint: Wine is involved.)
1. What are you drinking the most in quarantine?
My boyfriend is an incredible chef, so I always end up on wine duty (a pretty good gig). I try to pair our wines with what we are enjoying for dinner. Lately he has been making pizza as well as Asian cuisine. One of my pizza pairings was La Collina ‘Rosa Luna’ Rosato Lambrusco dell’Emilia. Lambrusco is a slightly sweet, slightly sparkling dynamic wine bursting with berry flavors. The salty Parmesan Reggiano complements this wine. A more serious pairing for our mushroom-covered pizza was the Piedrasassi Rim Rock Vineyard Syrah Arroyo Grande Valley which is one of my favorite American Syrahs. For Asian fare, either a German Riesling, or off-dry Chenin Blanc from the Loire Valley, or a Cru Beaujolais are always perfect pairings.
2. What is the most expensive bottle you’ve opened in quarantine?
I am furloughed, so currently I cannot afford to drink expensive wine. However, I make a very fancy cocktail that is wine-based: Combine 1 ½ ounces Lustau amontillado sherry, ¾ ounce Punt e Mes, ½ ounce Cocchi Americano, a dash of orange bitters, and a dash of Cointreau. Shake with ice, strain and serve in a coupe glass. Amontillado sherry is expressive, delicate and complex, so this cocktail is my “take” on a finessed Manhattan. I am not much of a cocktail queen, so it is no surprise that my preferred cocktails are wine-based.
3. How do you make guests feel comfortable if they seem intimidated by you (in a restaurant)?
I do not think I have ever intimidated a guest, and if I have, I am really sorry. When I walk over to the table as the sommelier, the response I usually receive is that people are surprised that a young lady with a smile on her face is a sommelier. Many people have even asked me as I recommend them a bottle of wine if I am old enough to drink. I am for sure not the stereotypical image of a sommelier, but that does not stop me — or you could say, intimidate me.
4. What’s the best wine you can get at the grocery or discount store?
I found a sensational value wine for $7 at Safeway (a grocery store chain here in Va.). It is the charming 2017 Masciarelli Montepulciano d’Abruzzo. It is a soft and approachable red wine that is balanced beyond belief for the price. With forest-fruit-like blackberries and cherries accompanied by cedar smoke and dried flowers, it is a show stopper and is perfect with a takeout pizza or any red-sauce pasta dish. I usually chill the wine before I enjoy it.
5. What regions and styles of wines are you most interested in?
I usually drink what I am studying, so I am currently drinking sparkling wine and fortified wine for my next two exams. I am also most interested in a good deal. I get way too excited when I find a $15 bottle of wine that drinks like a $40 bottle.
6. What’s the best way to ask for a budget-friendly bottle at a restaurant?
Don’t be shy, just ask! I enjoy introducing people to wines that are magnificent and will not break the bank. After all, I also look for the best deals that I can find on a wine list.
7. Which regions offer the best value?
This is one of my favorite topics to talk about. I recommend Portuguese wine for Vinho Verde and robust red blends. Another favorite is Deutscher Sekt, which is a sparkling wine made in Germany. Riesling takes on a mysterious and smoky profile. I also recommend Austria’s Grüner Veltliner, which is perfect for all spring vegetables. If you like Burgundy, do not shy away from Oregon Pinot Noirs.
8. Where do you like to buy wine online (or which clubs do you recommend)?
I will be honest, I do not think I have ever purchased a bottle of wine online. I love going into a local wine shop and supporting my community.
Ed. note: This interview has been edited for length and clarity.
The article The Inn at Little Washington Sommelier Allie Nault Wants to Help You Find the Perfect Pizza Pairing appeared first on VinePair.
source https://vinepair.com/articles/text-somm-allie-nault/ source https://vinology1.tumblr.com/post/619909785192628224
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