#not only the love square but also whatever the fuck gabriel and nathalie got going on!!!
oflgtfol · 10 months
i think the thing about miraculous ladybug is that for how utterly silly it is, it does really succeed at setting up intriguing and potentially complex character dynamics, that the silly tone of the show continuously does not follow through with, which is hilarious, but i can see why people are upset that it isnt as deep as it could be. like the whole love square thing is insane. the fandom makes it so angsty but the show just milks it for dramatic irony and comedy. and both takes on it are great 👍
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pearl-star · 3 years
Two Way Link
When Marinette cracks and gets akumatized, it’s not what she’s expecting. Hawkmoth is equally confused and more worried than she is. Turns out the mindlink is a two way streak, and her earrings make the link even stronger. Needless to say, some secrets got revealed.
Marinette had allowed herself to imagine herself as an akuma before. It was kind of hard not to when their class started bets for if Marinette or Adrien would get akumatized first. It also didn’t help after seeing Chat Noir’s akumazation first hand. If she ever got akumatized, Hawkmoth wouldn’t win. Oh No. The world would be in ruins. So if it wasn’t already an obvious goal, Marinette made it her mission to never even let a butterfly touch her. Of course she’s only human, and when she’s sleep deprived and dealing with a lot of extra stress her emotions run rampant. Not only did she deal with both night and day akumas for the past week, she also had extra work planning the fundraising events and the school trip. Include all her requests from her friends for different things and her regular school work, Marinette was already at her breaking point. Top it off with a couple idiotic stories from Rossi while the girl would slip in comments dissing the bluenette, and you got the recipe for a perfect akuma victim.
Marinette wasn’t even in the right headspace to try to hold off her emotions. She simply nursed her large cup of coffee, that may or may not be the 6th cup of the day, as she stewed in her seat. Why was her class a bunch of idiots? Like Marinette cared for them still, don’t get her wrong, but they hanged off her every word like it was air. Why didn’t they get curious and do a little research of their own? It would have saved everyone the trouble. And Adrien’s dumb high road advice would do more harm than good. He’s worried about Lila getting akumatized? Try the whole class when the truth gets out. Of course, Marientte had almost been akumatized because of Lila. Maybe she should have slipped that into her conversation with Adrien. That might have changed his mind. It didn’t matter much now though. She had just begun to speak normally around him. He might think that Marinette was lying about it to make him see her way, and that wasn’t a risk she was willing to take.
No one even noticed the butterfly coming into the room. It was only noticed when it landed on the coffee cup that Marinette held and the glowing mask appeared on her face. Very quickly, the class turned around and stared at their class rep. Marinette merely blinked a few times before groaning. “Really!? Come on! I was doing so good until now. Okay, you know what, fine. You want to akumatized me? Whatever. Just put the butterfly somewhere other than my coffee. I need that if I’m going to make it through today. You’re to blame for this, by the way. You couldn’t have just stopped with the akumas for the day could you. I mean one a day is bad enough. Why did you have to do two in one day? And at, like, 2am dude? Really?” Hawkmoth was just confused as the rest of her class. Marinette’s face scrunched up before her jaw dropped. “WAIT! GABRIEL AGRESTE!? YOU’RE HAWKMOTH!!?” The class paused before freaking out. Hawkmoth paled. He didn’t even get time to do his monologue before the girl started to speak out at him. As he started to reading deeper into her thoughts, he realized something. “You’re… Ladybug?” He was honestly surprised that this clumsy girl could possibly be Ladybug. Marinette just scowled. “Oh stop. I can feel your judgment from here. It’s a secret identity for a reason. Of course I’ll act differently with magical jewelry. Except, you don’t act too different than you do in real life. Maybe treat your son better, will you? He needs to have a backbone for when Rossi and Cholé drape themselves over him.” Cholé gasped and Lila tried to turn the tale but Marinette continued.
“I’ll give Cholé the benefit of the doubt since she had been childhood friends with him, but what Lila’s doing is bordering of sexual harassment. And you employed her as a model too. Like do you even care about you own son’s mental well-being?” Gabriel made the mistake of thinking about Lila and Marinette’s face shifted from shock to neutral. “Okay, so you made her spy on Adrien and report back to you as well as cause akumas. Got it. And that’s an interesting fact about her willingly getting akuamtized. Too bad my class has become too ignorant to realize that every word she says is nothing more than bull crap.” Hawkmoth, Gabriel, should have tried to rein her in. However when he tried it, magic was interfering. It was something that Nooroo had warned him about once before when he expressed the desire to akumatized Ladybug or Chat Noir. They would naturally have more resistance to him, especially Ladybug since her powers balanced for good and becoming evil would take drastic measures. Before he could try to act, the girl spoke again. “Oh, it’s nice to know that you at least let Nooroo talk. Seriously, I forgot about that whole Sandboy fiasco for a second. You couldn’t have at least allowed Nooroo to enjoy his whatever number cycle in peace. You had to traumatize so many people by creating their nightmares.” No one noticed as Adrien slipped away to transform.
Plagg flew out of his pocket and had the audacity to be laughing. “What is so funny?!” He demanded. Marinette was akumatized! Not only that, but she was Ladybug. Ladybug was akumatized and the akuma won’t be purified. Nor would any of the damage be reversed. Not to mention that his own dad was apparently Hawkmoth. Plagg caught his breath and was able to speak. “I’m sorry, but it’s too funny! This love square you guys had going on was great entertainment already. Top that with what Spots is doing and it’s gold.” Adrien decided to ignore what Plagg was saying for now and transform instead. While he was doing that, Marinette decided to discover something very important: what Gabriel’s motivation was.
Marinette clamped a hand to her mouth as she pulled the memory from his mind. Then that shock turned to hot rage. “ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!?” ALL THIS TIME YOU HAVE KEPT YOUR WIFE IN A GLASS COFFIN IN YOUR FUCKING BASEMENT LAIR?!?” Hawkmoth actually flinched from the raw power and anger she emanated. He made the mistake of recalling the peacock miraculous, setting the girl off on another tangent. “AND YOU’RE ALLOWING NATHALIE TO USE A BROKEN MIRACULOUS?!? Wow! Just, Wow!” Maybe if he detransformed and left now, he wouldn’t have to face the girl’s wrath. Nooroo’s powers allowed them to feel the strength of a person’s emotions. Marinette Dupain-Cheng’s emotions showed that even without powers or a miraculous, she would kill him with her bare hands. If he was told a day before that she would be capable of murder, he would never have believed it. Now though, he was scared.
It was at that time that Chat Noir decided to bust in. He was both shocked and impressed that Marinette was still holding out. Maybe if he destroyed the object now she won’t be transformed. Of course would that negatively effect her somehow? Before he could ponder it longer, the girl in question acted first. “You better meet me in front of your mansion and give me both the butterfly and peacock miraculous. You also better fire Rossi and put a restraining order on her so she can’t touch Adrien again. Otherwise this cup will be replaced with your neck.” Marinette crushed the cup with her hand and the butterfly flew out. Standing up, she called on her transformation before her kwami could protest. She swiped the akuma out from the air and looked around. The whole class was quite. Lila didn’t even try to say anything, and in fact she shrunk under her stare. “Alrighty then. Time to go kitty.” She walked calmly out of the room, ignoring everything that just had happened. Chat paused before following her.
Back in his lair, Gabriel detransformed from shock. Nooroo tried to hide his smirk. Wordlessly, he went back into the main part of his house and approached Natalie. She looked confused. “What’s wrong? I thought you were finally akuamtizing Miss Dupain-Cheng?” Gabriel just shook his head and held his hand out. He was slightly shaking. “Just give me the peacock miraculous. Turns out, she’s a lot more dangerous than expected.” Natalie wanted to question her boss, but he seemed to be in shock. She did as asked and followed him as he walked out the front doors of the mansion. Outside was a smiling Ladybug and a concerned Chat Noir. Ladybug’s smile looked dangerous, like she was giving a warning. When Gabriel willingly handed over both miraculouses, Ladybug laughed. A dangerous sweetness dripping out. “Thank you! Also you better be honest with what you’re wife was doing with the miraculous when the police question you. I’ll see if the damage can be undone without the potential for ending the world. Oh also I will be taking your son away. He deserves better parents and I’m sure that mine will spoil him. Chat you take his assistant, I’ll grab him. It’s time to drop them off.” Chat grabbed Natalie and had her over his shoulder before she could react. Ladybug did the same to Gabriel, ensuring that neither could make a grab for their miraculouses.
A lot of things happened on that day. Hawkmoth and Mayura were announced to be defeated. Gabriel confessed to having Lila work for him both as a spy and as a willing accomplish for Hawkmoth. Adrien’s mom was brought to a hospital and Master Fu repaired the peacock miraculous and reversed the damage done to both her and Natalie. Lila was taken off to serve time in juvie and the two adults went to jail. Adrien was not to blame and was unofficially adopted by Marinette’s parents, which resulted in him spending a lot of time at the bakery. Adrien’s mom and Gabriel both revealed how she was forced into the marriage and forced to use the miraculous against her will. She got a divorce and ensured that Adrien got therapy. He was able to quit modeling and even got a restraining order against Lila just in case. He revealed himself to Marinette after a month and they decided to date. Her class did everything to make it up to the bluenette, but she merely shrugged at their words. She could care less now. They only wanted her to be their friend again because she was Ladybug. She and Chat announced their retirement to Paris two weeks after Hawkmoth’s defeat, although she still got to see Tikki and Plagg. It seemed like getting akumatized was the best thing that had happened to her.
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ml-salt-central · 4 years
So, I finally watched the Miraculous New Your special...
I know this is late, sorry about that. It took a while for me to find a way to watch the special but I finally did so let's just get this shit over with:
Okay, how the fuck are these fucking pidgeons lifting the Eiffel Tower? Do they get super strenght from Mister Pigeon or something?
Astro Cat's design is cool af honestly but Cosmobug's design is awful! Why can't Marinette have a good design for her hero form for once? Oh, right, misoginy...
Okay so, I'm just gonna skip every Love Square scene because then this post would be even longer and I reacted the same way towards all of them, I just rolled my eyes and didn't care
Marinette's still a drooling idiot for Adrien despite claiming that she tries to move on which is... tiring and not funny, JUST LET HER MOVE ON!
Ms. Bustier is having a baby or whatever but I hate her so I don't care
If you saw Ms. Mendeleiev's reaction to Kim calling her a stick in mud and thought that that scene would lead to her trying to be more relaxed and less strict then you get to eat shit because it goes nowhere other than one scene at the airplane
Alya and Nino are just straight up terrible in this special, they spend all of their screen time trying to push Mari and Adrien together despite the fact that Mari said she wanted to move on and that Adrien has a GIRLFRIEND! WHAT THE FUCK, GUYS?!
Miraculous Ladybug: Where cheating is okay as long as it's for the sake of the main pair
I do not like the idea of historical figures being miraculous holders, am I alone on that?
Nathalie's apparently in pretty bad shape for using the Peacock Miraculous too much... good! Die, bitch! Also Gabriel's the fucking worst again, no surprise there
Luka deserves to be an actual character, poor boy is just being done dirty again and again
I said this before but I hate, hate, HATE the fact that there are other superheroes whose powers don't come from a miraculous. This just destroys the already weak world building, New York and Paris in ML don't feel like places that would exist in the same universe and it raises so many questions like how do people like Majestia get their powers? Why don't any of them go to Paris to help stop Hawkmoth since it doesn't seem like that would take much effort? Why are superheroes seemingly an exclusively american thing?
Mister Damocles's owl thing was funny at first but it was kind of annoying here, like this just proves once again that the characters never learn anything, didn't he realize that being an every day hero would be better for him in the episode he got akumatized?
All the american heroes are just knockoff versions of already existing heroes from comics, they couldn't even bother to parody the interesting ones they went with the more boring (and sadly most popular) ones
They made Aeon (the first black girl character of the show) a robot, made her become ivory white when she transformed and gave her the name "Uncanny Valley"... FUCKING YIKES! And that's not even all the things wrong with how her character is portrayed! She isn't even good as a concept! At least the idea of Jess as a character could work if she was written by people who knew what the fuck they were doing
The scenes where Adrien and Marinette can't get through automatic doors are really funny and cute ngl
Normally, I would be all for magic hot dogs being a thing but not on this show
The american heroes having all of their identities being public is just BEYOND stupid! Do the villains just not target their families or try to murder them in their sleep? And if having your secret identity being public has seemingly no consequences then what is Mari's and Adrien's excuse to not reveal who they are to eachother at least? I know the answer is to drag the show out for as long as possible but still!
I don't like the existence of the Eagle miraculous or the fact that there are more miracle boxes out in the world, why add more shit when you've barely explored the things you already have?
Techno-Pirate is boring and his name being Miracolonizer when he wields the Eagle miraculous is just... all kinds of uncomfortable
Adrien throws himself a pity party after almost killing Aeon due to him getting angsty mid-battle, I don't feel bad for him at all honestly
Knightowl looks so ugly without her suit, holy shit!
How the fuck did Jess know the deactivation words for the Eagle Miraculous' powers? Also her suit is so ugly! And her hero name is just "Eagle", at least Ladybug is now tied with someone as the blandest hero
Why the fuck did Knightowl and Sparrow hide the fact that they were female? Like there are plenty of other female heroes around so it's not like they're gonna be judged for it and if it's to hide their secret identities then why are they the only american heroes that do so?
The Miraculouses just keep piling on, making them even less special than before but now with the added bonus that they now seem like a pretty shitty power source compared to the american heroes' superpowers
Lastly, what's up with the technology in the ML universe? Like most of the time it feels like the show takes place in modern day but then we get these very advanced pieces of machinery out of nowhere and it feels so... jarring and inconsistent
In conclusion:
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The fuck was all that?!
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