#not really 2hu but tagging just in case
takonei · 3 years
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As a Touhou Lost Word player, I couldn’t resist taking the concept of the side story Hifuu LW and go wild with character designs. And of course, the Beta AU main trio had to be the test subject. I’m not used to futuristic stuff, so it was a bit hard at first, but I got the hand of it pretty quickly. And I’m proud of these ngl!
Design details and weapon concepts under the cut!
◻◻◻◻◻◻ ◻◻◻◻ ~ Code: Assassin
Role: Technical. A highly efficient killer armed to the bone whose lightning blades can cut in a flash.
Her role is straightforward. To kill quickly and efficiently. Stealth is optional, but preferable.
The mask regulates her oxygen income, allows for better stealth and her comfortable yet firm gear enhances her agility and stamina.
She stores multiple small weapons in her coat, both outside and inside. That includes grenades, small electrified blades and different types of bombs, including smoke and sound.
Her main weapon is the lightning combat knife she holds that can be stored in the front pocket. Its blade is charged with a high amount of electricity that can have its effect by just touching her opponent’s weapon if it is conductive.
The tower-like boxes on the side is where she stores a majority of her smaller electrified blades. Each box contains 6 of them. Once empty, Assassin can detach it and place it underneath the bottom one, and its light will go out until the box is full again. With 4 boxes on each side, she can store up to 48 blades here.
◻◻◻◻◻◻◻ ◻◻◻◻◻◻◻ ~ Code: Maestro
Role: Technical. A surprisingly devastating fighter whose strong music can put anyone to sleep forever.
The music printed on his coat is Beethoven’s moonlight sonata 3rd movement.
His main weapon is the sound that comes from the giant speakers and megaphones behind him. The gear is attached to very resistant straps attachable on the front, for practical reasons.
The speakers can blast sounds up to 275 dB. In comparaison, the threshold of pain is 130 dB and a human skull can explode if exposed to >240 dB.
For that reason, he wears a set of headphones that can cancel about 150 dB. Absolutely mandatory if he needs to launch a strong attack.
He can also use different sound frequencies to disturb his opponent(s).
Maestro controls the speakers with the twin wands he is holding, hence his codename. They are stored in the front pockets of his coat.
He also has two pistols that can help if sound is not effective.
◻◻◻◻◻◻◻ ◻◻◻◻◻ ~ Code: Physician
Role: Technical. A two faced healer who is usually in the back lines, but may god have mercy on you if you are in his way.
His two jobs are to heal and to harm with similar techniques, represented by his arm bands.
The green side, represented by a cross, is the healing side. The pyramid shapes floating serve to create a screen that allows him to keep an eye on everyone’s physical state and health. The screen can only be physically touched by someone who wears ‘mechanical fingers’, as seen on the drawing.
Physician can communicate with anyone registered in the list with his mic, see them through cameras and check their overall health, stamina, strength and regeneration speed.
The prism shapes attached to cables offer health boosts. Think of medic from TF2.
The red side, represented by the biohazard symbol, is the harming side.
The large cubes attached to cables are the biocannons. They contain large amount of deadly chemicals that can take any organic enemy down. In normal circumstances, this would be a war crime, but we are very much not in normal circumstances.
The little red cubes have the same use as the green pyramids, but instead the screen allows him to regulate the biocannons. The screen indicates the different options available, and the certain boosts that can come along with it. The option chosen is indicated with a target. On the side can be seen the amount of chemical left in the cannon, the battery of the engine itself, and the state of the engine (aka, the chances of it exploding and killing the entire building).
The collar around his neck can expand to create a filter mask that is mandatory if he uses the biocannons.
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yamayuandadu · 3 years
Sadly, I suspect the lack of response to your posts is because of people being butthurt at your lack of toho stuff these days. Like, they saw you post mespotamian stuff instead of 2hu and were like "oh okay, they'll just post touhou shit later then." And then ignored your other stuff as background noise in their dashboard. Frankly, I like your shit and the only reason I don't comment on them is because I'm busy with a lot of other hobbies/ADD.
There wasn't much to post on this blog about when it comes to Touhou this year - I followed Human Gensokyo religiously, but 18 wasn't my cup of tea and had little to cover compared to 16 and 17 and in 17,5's case I sadly covered all there was to cover back when speculating -if- we'll ever see Toutetsu was in the vogue. I don't really track the main tag currently, just the Hecatia and Keiki tags, so I have no clue if someone took over the lore niche.
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