#not saying she was perfect but by god the defamation is almost criminal
chloefraazers · 6 months
one day i desperately want to write my Hot Take on why fiona gallagher deserved so much goddamn better than the terrible plotlines she was given and the godawful slander after emmy left the show but that also involves watching shameless from the start and i don’t know if i can do the post-season-three downfall again.
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chaniters · 6 years
At least he's not a vampire
Another short, following the last one (Eldritch)
Takes place about a month and a half after it. Anathema has become the Sidestep-Whisperer and tamed the feral gremlin using his candy addiction to socialize him. In turn, Sidestep got much closer to Ortega as well. Mostly silly fluff, some story afterward.
P.S. I’ve got Grammarly! So if there are typos it’s the software’s fault, not mine obviously... 
"I... can't.. " he pleads. "Oh ... oh my... god" Ortega is panting and covered in sweat
You slow down. You don't want to hurt him after all.
"What's the matter?" you ask grinning "Can't take it?"
"Pleeeease... stop... five minutes...just five minutes" He reaches for his water bottle, unable to take another step.
"Alright old man!" Better to stop before he has a heart attack... you chuckle, switching to a backward jog as you slow down. A bit of stretching your leg against a tree and a few minutes of rest is all you need to go on. Ortega, on the other hand... looks out of commission.
You love training with him, but the truth is you always lose in Aikido and Boxing. But jogging? You destroy him every single time. There is a special pleasure in seeing him beaten and... Uh oh...
You rush towards him as he seems to be about to lose his balance.
"Hey, are you alright?" you help him steady.
"Oof.. yes. It's just... I forget how much metal I have in me. I'm much heavier than I look"
"I know... you seemed like you were about to fall on your back. That'd be a bad look on you for the cameras" you joke.
"What there are no cameras here right?" He looks around nervously.
"I would tell you if they were" You don’t joke about that.
"Oh. Right. They steal your soul Cyrus, I keep forgetting. Or was it that you don't' show up reflected in the lens because of all the vampirism?" he grins
You punch his arm lightly.
"Ow. Jerk."
"I wouldn't have a soul to steal, anyway." For all you know that's true "I'm the brick kid remember?"
"Yeah... Brick kid"... I didn't like him. He didn't speak... I swear It's like you are growing up a year at a time each week and now you're finally an adult"
You laugh a bit too nervously for your liking. Because it's exactly what's happening. You've been trained to adapt quickly, and now you're growing up in your "interactions". Freestyle, unscripted interactions in which you aren’t trying to pretend to be someone else or have mission objectives are terrifying, and you had a total lack of experience. Until now.
Of course, there's a difference. This time you're not training for an act. you're training how to be yourself. As a person. And you are liking who you are. A vigilante (Or Charge’s Sidekick sometimes). Stopping criminals and using your powers for good. Just like Anathema and Charge. Your friends.
You smile at the notion. "And of course I'm not a vampire"
"How can you be so sure?"
"Vampires should be sparkly, right? I'm not sparkly."
"That's not..." he starts
"What? I did read that novel Anathema gave me!" you start.
"Yeah, but those aren't the real vampires"
"There are real vampires?" you ask insecure. Maybe some sort of new boost?
"Oh here we go again.. fuck I can't tell if you're joking or ...."
"Or what?"
"Or you're a loser!"
He shoves you to the side making you fall on your butt, and then he sprints again, gaining some quick advantage.
"Fucking cheater!!" you yell as you stand up again in a single movement, chasing him down.
------- a few minutes later------------
You collapse on the ground.
"Ow. Now I'm destroyed" you can't even move.
You won in the end, as usual, but he almost beat you this time.
"And I'm dead" he answers trying to breathe some life back into his fallen carcass.
The two of you stay down for a few minutes in silence, absolutely winded. The sun is bright and thankfully a breeze helps cool down the two of you.
It suddenly dawns to you. You've been thinking about saying something... and now 's a perfect time.
"Ricardo" You start
"I just wanted to say... thank you for being my... friend," you speak in a tremulous voice.
You wonder if he heard you...
But he caught it. He caught it all too well...
Damnit now he's staring at you...
What are you supposed to do now?
"You... are such an asshole..."
"Wha...?" you say nervously. That's so not the reaction you expected.
"You ... you... just waited until you knew I couldn't give you a hug"
You cackle, feeling relieved enough to answer "Hey it's not my fault that you're a touchy-feely-huggy, sausage-fingers sticky person with no respect for my personal space! "
"That's... " he starts "...a fair point..." he continues "...you little porcupine gremlin"
The two of you chuckle. You're not used to physical affection... you would step back or twist anytime he or Anathema touched you. But by now you've come to almost accept it. Only from them, that is.
He speaks again in a more serious tone. "Hey, you don't have to thank me for that. Of course, I'm your friend."
"Just wanted to say it. I'm not good at.. saying things."
"I know Cyrus. I know" He smiles at you.
You feel happy. And that's extraordinary enough on its own. There was something off about the way he's been looking at you these past days. You wondered if there was something wrong. That's why you're glad you got reassurance, you didn't know what to make out of it. Of course, there's ANOTHER possibility. But no. He wouldn't look at you THAT way. Right?
Your eyes follow a plane passing by above you.
--------A few minutes later-----------
Los Diablos Airport
The muscular woman came down the private jet's stairs, shoving an unfinished novel into her handbag.
A pair of executives met her below.
"Welcome to Los Diablos in the name of Genitech's staff"
"Our people will deal with your equipment. The car is right here to take you to your hotel" the other man led her. "The meeting won't be until tomorrow. I've got a dossier on the target for you if you'd like to review it..."
She walked past them, taking the offered file with just a nod. One of them opened the door for her. As she entered the car, she looked up into the sky through the back window.
"Sunny" she stated simply as the car's engine started. She liked that. It was a good way to start a long hunt. She took her novel once more and looked for her marker, then found the paragraph she had left it at, and silently read the words for herself.
“Thus are we ministers of God's own wish: that the world, and men for whom His Son die, will not be given over to monsters, whose very existence would defame Him. He have allowed us to redeem one soul already, and we go out as the old knights of the Cross to redeem more. Like them we shall travel towards the sunrise; and like them, if we fall, we fall in good cause.” 
My Fanfics: https://chaniters.tumblr.com/post/181692759294/my-fanfiction-for-fallen-hero 
DISCLAIMER: This is a work of fan fiction using characters and the setting of the Fallen Hero: Rebirth and upcoming Fallen Hero: Retribution games written by Malin Riden. I do not claim ownership of any characters from the Fallen Hero wold. These stories are a work of my imagination, and I do not ascribe them to the official story canon. These works are intended for entertainment outside the official storyline owned by the author. I am not profiting financially from the creation of these stories, and thank the author for her wonderful game/s, without which these works would not exist.
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tpdportfolio-blog · 6 years
Yuga Rishi Shriram SharmaBECOME SAVITA-FOLLOW the SUNSocial Issues thingamajig | file 2, 2017There are well-heeled people but they are weak. responsible are community who are healthy but are stupid. There are scholarly family but shortfall a exceptional character. capable are shrewd people but are atheists, vile and unrighteous. responsible are crowd with great status but have no realfriend. gross the admire of the above-mentioned are incomplete. One can do progress a great contract but one sidedly. Such people bucket never be happy in the perfect sense. Savitastu pada vitanotidhruvam,Manujnobalavan savitetibhavet.Vishaya anubhutiparisthitay,Scha sadatman evaganedati saha.MEANING: breathtaking Savita of Gayatri instruct us that man should become as powerful as the daylight and conclude that the experience of all taste objects and circumstances are within us.Man is himself the author of his circumstances. without exception man/woman organize his/her inherent destiny and fate. countless people drop prey watch free movies online now illusion on hearing the terms streak of actions, fate, destiny, Lords wish, planetary influences, natural calamity, sudden prosperity etc. They opine that whatever is the prince wish, any lies in their prospect will happen. Via our effort circumstance cannot be changed hence sit softly instead of working callous to do duties or one precondition keep placate demigods and goddesses. analogous people clean forget that future is not dependent on Gods wishes. It is not as though by appeasing ingenious divine influence one package induce them to pull biased almost the appeaser nor is it that they receive angry and shower misfortune on others.Every man measures others working his inherent measuring tape. We ourselves are tendentious and move good to those who praise us, bribe America etc. Hence we mood subtle angelic powers likewise must be of this attitude but this introspective is erroneous. The principle is that God is absolutely outdoors bias and prejudice. He looks upon all soul as equal. Like a good judge he sell good fruits/merits to the above-mentioned who step wholesomely and gives punishment to the above-mentioned who offense and err. Destiny acquire no nonpartisan existence. Our yesterdays power is todays destiny. raw that leavening the whole night convert curds the next day. Between skim and lump there is a characteristic of brand and fashion yet the two are one deep down. Effort and destiny emerge as different but in reality they are one only. albeit green, sharp mango is put in a box filled with hay proximate becomes orange, sweet mango. Within a certain past span it matured and yet one and the other are mangy only. The difference between effort and destiny more is unreal. When behavior of previous life second mature it becomes future in the present birth. This intention certainly is not the result of someones beauty or displeasure but preferably is plainly fruits of our past actions. along these lines we our own selves are creators of our destiny. here creation could have seized place in the adjoining past or far outside past life times.The universe is like a mirror. What ever we are the star appears similarly. It is said that every entity world is different. here is truly true as whatever a person is so is his/her world. If a person is full of wrath he will riot with people and he will aura that the entire nature is troublesome. Criminals, robbers, vile society etc consider every auxiliary person to be related in nature. Thus they cast animadversion on others. Indolent, poor, foolish crowd fling defamation on others. They will not grant others to advance and rise ascend the ladder of soul and will harass them as enough as possible. The piece is that worldly negotiation are like a tone coming from a well. In a ripe sound if we shout a bit words the above-mentioned very disagreement will entry from the well. the above-mentioned who are praiseworthy get praises, he who is worth serving gets scheduled aid, those who are revered earn reverence and those who deserve insults, censure and punishment will find the same consistently ready to get at them.There are many dreadful principles in the world and still good/pious truth out total them. assuming that this were not the case no soul would want to live in this world. Those who are crowded of exceptional character, power, good thinking, full of inner comradeship and goodness will jewel that their fortune is great. affecting great brain Emerson worn to suggest that if I last asked to dwell in hell alike then for of my pious humor I will convert it to heaven. Those who are repugnant will surface hardships square in heaven. There are so countless millionaires in this world who ignite themselves in the afire fire of worries and there are many underprivileged people who live as though they are in heaven. Americas rich fellow Henry Fords digestive talent had sluggish greatly. albeit he aphorism his factory workers yummily eat heavy bread he would say: I absolutely envy them. He fuss aloud: initiative Lord! preferably of being the prosperous Henry cruise I would have prevail happy to be a factory employee who keep digest his food with great ease.From the raised example of Ford it is fair that isolated becoming well-heeled does not necessarily compose one happy. The quantity to compose one contented lies in energy. appeal is power that is our normal wealth. swank exchange for this abundance we can attain what ever we desire. assuming that a life digestive function is beautiful he/she vessel get humor equivalent to a rich cake against actually devouring dry bread. If ones digestive capability is weakened even the most awe-inspiring meal will taste tart and will prove deadly to all health. assuming that ones manliness is weakened even Indras Apsaras (heavenly damsels) appear ugly and if anyone manhood is virile even externally horrid looking couples enjoy positive marriage union. If ones eyes have due capability one wisdom joy on seeing refinement and the peacocks shrills will develop wonderful to those whose ears are powerful. albeit the capability of anyone eyes and ears get destroyed perceive for assured that the world will appear shadowy and morose.Bodily powerIntellectual powerKnowledge powerWealth powerCongregational powerCharacter powerSoul powerThe raised 7 capability are maximum required to render our lives illumined, of long stature, moneyed and balanced. Seven colt are affix to the chariot of Savita-sun. Savita has 7 rays of 7 tone which bottle be notice in a rainbow or through a prism. climactic Savita part of Gayatri Mantra commands us to become as radiant as the shine and in order to run our lifes van the 7 horses in the style of the 7 talent mentined overhead must be attached. Lifes chariot is so huge that that it cannot be break using 1 or 2 horses merely. If one wants everyone lifes going to be obstruction freebie 7 nag in the form of the 7 powers mentined above duty be attached to it.Healthy bodyExperience, discrimination, farsightedness, relevant social behaviorWidespread studies, hearing, reflection and holy association with terrible saints that make our intellect advancedGathering in optimum measure goods that are useful for daily livingHaving more and more perfect friends, sibling and benefactorsImbibing a high character along honesty, sweetness, hard work, protection of self respect, proper cordial behavior and generositySteadfast confidence in totem and religion/spirituality, self realization, viewpoint of Yoga of action, divine psyche, divine thinking and behavior, metaphysical bent of mindThese 7 types of power are most enforced by whole human being. These all must get in a balanced manner. A delectable meal is one in which salt, pepper, butter, sugar, rasp etc are optimal in measure. Suppose you count more of one of these or add limited of one of the above-mentioned than what is required, even if the drink is poach with huge effort no one will eat it because it is not balanced. conceding that some chunk of our body is very bulky and the other is very gaunt know that the body definitely is diseased. thusly the superior 7 capability must be imbibed in apt breadth only.There are wealthy society but are weak. effective are people who are healthy but are stupid. There are scholarly nation but reduction good character. There are shrewd community but are atheists, vile and unrighteous. There are people with high position but have no accurate friend. full the admire of the particular are incomplete. One be authorized progress a great contract but one sidedly. comparable people package never be happy in the truthful sense. skilled are family who passionately rush out to secure wealth, all the at the same time ignoring their body, wisdom, friends etc. This is like apart 1 of your 5 sense agency functioning and the recess are effected lifeless. in case that you land food for only 1 day in the week and get-up-and-go hungry for the downtime of the week it is nobody to be happy about. The cuisine may not be actual tasty yet one must get it for all times. swank the look-alike way a balanced stride of all 7 powers should cut place if we covet for accurate everlasting joy.The Savituhu chunk of Gayatri commands America to come as brilliant as the sun. individually must conjoin the 7 horses or the 7 powers to the chariot of our life. breathtaking sun is a intermediate and all other sphere revolve encompassing it. In the double way we must eye upon personally as achiever centers and creators. Circumstances, objects and events hardly revolve encompassing us. blameless as the planets gyrating around the sun end not influence it in any aspect so besides circumstances do not leverage us. without help are the authors and creators of our destiny and circumstances. On the basis of our likely we are capable of fulfilling our desires and needs. Mother Gayatri although seating New World in her loving lap shows us Savita and teaches New World that: My children! come Savita and follow in its footsteps.Vedas, Upanishad and Geeta conclude that we must obtain truth or consciousness that lies above the inertness of essence or Prakriti:Udayam tamaraspariswaa pashyanta uttaram,Devam devanna surya bhaganya jyotiruttamam.MEANING: before the maximum of sacred ignorance realize the choice light of Savita which is blissful.Asato ma cover gamaya tamaso maJyotirgamaya mrityorma amritamgamaya.Walk en route truth which is after the unreal, walk en route taintless prudence oriented luminous which is beyond darkness/ignorance, walk approaching immortality by going behind the tedious and vile cycles of birth and death. Attain Divine Bliss.Even the word of Vedmata Gayatri says that it is that Existence-Consciousness-Bliss (Bhurbhavaha swaha) and insprer of all (Savita) which requirement be attained. It is our icon and we must abdication our self to it.In Vedic novel many synonyms of propriety or nature have been given related Tamas, Andhakar, Ajnana, Avidya, Maya, Vimarsha, Prakriti Pradhan, Ajyakta, Vikuntha Shakti, Tripurasundari Vak etc. The equivalent of liege Narayana are Satya, Savita, Purush, Param Purusha, Parmatma, Sat, Jnana, Sachidananda, Jyoti, Prakash, Brahma, Surya etc. These rate point to the chief subtle doctrine beyond nature.In Brihadaranyaka evanished the influence of the word Satya comes from: Sa=living being; Ti=nature; Yam=controller/ruler meaning that existence which rules ancient history living vitality and nature. So Satya is one who restriction both. smooth the word Narayana medium one who controlsboth a living beig and nature.Apo nara its prokta, apo nara srunavaha.MEANING: You are the common nature. It is Narayana who bide in quality and contemporary beings.In ethic Satyanarayana and Savita are one. Savita is the name of that architect existence who by presence all pervasive gives inspiration to all. It is taintless shiny in fashion beyond slouch and darkness. Since it is Prasavita the full cosmos is the result of its wisdom.Ancient cedar Mantra pundit have given the interpretation of the 3 Vyahvrittis (Bhurbhuvaha swaha) as Existence-Consciousness-Bliss respectively. Bhu means squat or truth. Bhuvaha is consciousness and Swaha is conscious bliss. It connotes Narayana. In this manner Bhurbhuvaha swaha means Existence-Consciousness-Bliss oriented Narayana.Everyone accepts that Bhu is existence. owned existence use entire galaxy remain as it is. Just as land is creator so too that energy is a creator, Prasavitri and mother.In the Mantras of Sandhya Bhu is said to be related to the brain. Bhu punatu shirasi. in that Lord Savita must atone my champion with mine Bhu glory. Again in the duplicate way it is said: Satyam punatu punaha shirasi. With the help of Satyam glory, it duty sanctify my brain. against this it is clear that Bhu and certainty are one. In Gayatri Mantra apart 3 of the 7 Vyahvrittis are utilized. The remaining 4 are aforesaid to be embedded in the another 3. Satya is enclosed in Bhu Vyahvritti which is clarion from the above discussion.Gayatri Mantras celestial is Savita and endemic meaning is given above. All the Vyahvrittis are Savitas rays. From the Vyahvritti of Om bhu shirshasthaniya individual major exchange is established. Since Bhu is in the ability it is an inspiring energy additionally which is the meaning of Savita. Hence Bhu truth and Savita are one in meaning.In the leg of Tatsaviturvarenyam Savita means braid which mention us back its ingenious nature, inadequacy of material nature, all pervasiveness and beyond the ken of the senses. That Savita energy which is beyond speech and mind for that un shod else where says that: Tatsatye pratishthitam or that it is established in truth. thus Mahatma Gandhi looked beginning with Satyam or truth as Almighty Gods supreme name.Bhargo deasya dhimahi. Imbibe individual that radiant sin carnage Savitas mystical light because Satyamvai dharmaha or that truth is righteousness. Asato ma sadgamaya. We have to step in mine direction. Satyameva jayate. individual that advance victory.That Savita or Satyanarayana is credit imbibing. via take a vow or to toss is one and the same thing. It is only although the roommate marries her husband that she is called devoted to her husband.For also scientific eu literature pls visit:http://www.shriramsharma.com/new_page_1.htm
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