#not saying you can’t think the hacker is cool because w/o her we wouldn’t HAVE the list
vulturvolanss · 2 years
I’m not going to tag this with anything because I’m not interested in getting into internet fights but I just…think it’s weird that people are genuinely and seriously idolizing the person who got the no-fly list and completely ignoring the actual fucking no-fly list. this isn’t whataboutism this is “you people are cowards because you’d much rather nosedive into either putting some person on a pedestal or discourse about something not related to the heart of the issue.” fucking wild and performative activism at its finest.
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Short Announcement and HC
How about the RFA reacting to a bitter MC since the RFA once remarked that they're not trustworthy and MC took it to heart? And then the RFA attempts to win them over? I need the angst and fluff.
Hey everybody! Uh, sorry for the disappearance hehe… well, Admin Mazz and I had things to deal with in school, and I hope you can all understand that it can take a while to get back on track when it comes to grades! (The only reason why we were gone) We really didn't plan on disappearing for so long… We really do mean it when we say sorry! And, I'm apologizing on Admin Mazz’s behalf, due to the fact that she felt too overwhelmed to continue writing for the blog, especially because she feels she can’t keep up with school and the blog simultaniously. She's not gone forever, though! Don't worry! She'll be there to type the NSFW stuff, since I'm only here for the fluff ^w^ But! I hope you guys won't mind me taking over the blog a little bit! It's good to be back everybody! I'm planning on posting a HC or scenario once a day! Enjoy, Anon, and sorry it took so long! :D ~Admin Lily
Jaehee really didn't mean any harm this angel is so precious and would never try to hurt someone’s feelings on purpose
But, she didn't know MC at the time, so she said something that might have been unnecessary
MC just was trying to get to know Jaehee who wouldn't want to get to know her?
“Hm, I don't think I should tell you anymore about myself too much. You aren't exactly trustworthy.”
Poor, sensitive MC untrustworthy?!
Well it's not like she can trust you either, Jaehee! Don't hate me for this angel it was requested
“Sorry for trying to be friendly.” She'd say coldly
First impressions are important people
Jaehee is so disappointed to see MC getting along with literally everyone else except her later
All because MC took her caution to heart
Jaehee tries to make amends
“Hey, MC! Been awhile since we talked, just us”
“There are reasons why” forgive her, MC she means well I promise
Jaehee would apologize for what she said, explaining how she “didn't mean to hurt MC or offend her in any way”
She's also explains that when they first met, she wanted to protect herself just in case
But, now she would like a second chance at being her friend because she sees how kind and genuine she truly is
Atta girl Jaehee how can she not love you
Well, Jaehee’s MC is easily moved by her persistence and kind words
And, after she's been apologized to, MC forgives her pretty easily
Not best friends right away, but
Friends all the same
Yoosung is very trusting, so of course Mama Baehee Jaehee warned him of the dangers of a hacker, like MC, while MC tried to explain herself and he immediately became terrified
What evil plot could this girl be forming?!?!?!?
“Wat do yoy want!1??!” He'd ask, complete with spelling errors and all
MC continued to try and explain her situation, but Yoosung didn’t believe a word
Jaehee’s thinkin “this is what I get for trying”
Whenever someone would talk to MC, Yoosung would say “careful” or “watch out”
Of course, not being trusted and having things go against Yoosung’s MC would make her feel stressed, irritated, and frankly just hurt
She didn't mean to get here, but here she was
Finally, things calmed down, but Yoosung, now paranoid, continuously called MC “untrustworthy” and told her “not to do anything bad becuz I got my eye on u”
my not-so macho man <3
MC shows her true self to everyone else, staying away from Yoosung to try and avoid conflict
He did think she was evil after all, and that hurt her a lot
Yoosung began to feel guilty when Jaehee started to tell Yoosung to tone things down
“She seems safe now. She seems nice and sweet, so go easy on her, okay?”
Maybe he overeacted
“maybe”, Yoosung?
He'd apologize for being so paranoid and ask if he could try again
MC, being understanding and sweet, she accepted his apology and agreed like how can she not forgive him he's precious
But, she'd bring it up to tease him a lot
“Watch out, Yoosung! We both know I’m not trustworthy.”
“You're still mad at me for that;;;;”
Well, of course, Zen’s a lonely little sinnamon roll
So, if he had known MC was a girl, maybe he wouldn’t have been as mean
When MC was trying to explain her situation, Zen wouldn't have anything to do with her
“He must be a stalker or a hacker! He can't be trusted! What do you really want?!? How did you get here???”
MC’s obviously an angel innocent and didn’t do anything wrong, so she immediately becomes frustrated, trying to defend herself
When Seven texts, “itsagirl” the tables turn
Nice goin there pal
“Oh… a girl?”
“Yes,” MC would send bitterly, “I am, and I'm no stalker or hacker!”
Of course, everything's just a big misunderstanding, but Zen’s MC holds grudges
Once she joins the RFA, she literally ignores Zen’s messages all together and it lasts for a while
Everyone gets to know MC better except Zen
Especially Trust-Fund kid
Trust-Fund kid gets to talk to the cute girl, but he doesn't
Like, no he won't let that happen
He finally has had enough of it: “MC, you can't ignore me forever! I'm apart of the RFA, just like you! Please, give me a chance;; I'm really sorry! I'll make it up to you, princess! I promise!;;;”
MC tries so hard to stay mad but he sends a selfie of himself pouting
Of course, he's too handsome to turn down
“Fine!” MC would say, “but, just because you're handsome, doesn't mean you can insult me willy-nilly! Don't call me princess either”
“Yes, ma’am ;)”
Okay, for being raised in a rich family, Jumin has bad manners
I’m not talking about table manners
I mean he has no filter
Like not even joking
Of course, he's literally the most suspicious out of all of them since MC really wasn't supposed to be there
Zen and Yoosung being adorable: “IT'S A GIRL??”
“Stop it, you too. Just because she's a girl doesn't mean she's not here for malicious intend. She can't be trusted.”
Um excuse me?
“But, I just saw this app in the App Store,” MC would try to defend herself, “and some guy led me to this apartment”
Jumin’s MC is literally afraid of almost nothing so she’s ready to fight if she has to
“You don't even know me, I'm trying to tell you what happened!” MC would continue to say, “maybe I’ll just go”
The others Zen and Yoosung immediately went against her leaving because they needed to get things figured out like how she got there and what to do about it
She was in Rika’s apartment after all
Things eventually get sorted out, but when Jumin offered for her to join, she literally just replied, “not if you're asking, trust-fund kid.”
MC ain't scared of nothing you don't openly insult someone like Jumin unless you aren't afraid to die
Jumin’s shocked. No one has ever talked to him like that
“Well,” MC would continue, “I was told I was ‘untrustworthy’ and ‘malicious’. Maybe, I would make you feel unsafe if I joined
Goin straight for the ego
“Well, we don't need you here. I know I'd be perfectly safe where I am because of my guards.”
“Aww, you need guard to protect you, Prince Charming? That's cute”
Jumin’s talking to V like “I don't think this is worth it”
V’s like “no, Jumin, she's joining”
“…Look, I'm willing to apologize for my harsh words, but only for V because I trust his judgement.”
“Well,” MC would tease, “seems mostly genuine. Because I like your face, and I like everyone else here, I’ll forgive you and join.”
Um, okay? She’s strange Don't lie Jumin you think she's pretty cool
And, of course, he’ll have to admit later that she's pretty amazing
Seven isn't supposed to trust anyone like
He's agent 707, Defender of Justice, after all, he has to always be on guard
He immediately becomes interested in MC, due to the fact that he had no idea how she was there in the first place
she must’ve been a really good hacker
“Hang on, I'll track the IP…Huh? Rika’s house??”
Of course, MC was already suspicious for being in the chat, but to be in Rika’s apartment…
“Careful, guys, this person could be really bad!”
“Exsqueeze me?” MC would type, scoffing, “I'm not bad! It's not like I wanted to be here tomato head! I'm just lost after this guy led me here”
Of course, Seven finds his way to your info and immediately he's blushing MC is gorgeous how could he not
Finally, things get sorted out and Seven apologizes for jumping on her so fast, “guess you weren't so bad, huh? Well, I'm 707, but you can call me Seven~! Guess we’re gonna be buddies now, right? ;D” he'd ask hopefully
Not gettin’ off the hook that easy bud
MC just responds, taking out her anger in her own unique way “hey, I just met you and this is crazy, but I don’t like your emoji... more maybe?”
He thinks it’s cute “Lololol”
“Who types ‘lololol’? That's literally “laughing out loudoutloudoutloud… that's like me saying rolling over fastoverfastoverfast…”
“;;;; I like my lololol! Everyone likes my lololol” she insulted the Lolol?! He thought this was true love?!
“But I don't like you so I don't like your lololol”
But he loves her already he has to win her over
Seriously, though, MC doesn't really care, she gets it, but she's just stubborn so she teases him for a while before finally giving in
ten puns later
“You're cute, so I'll give you a second chance”
Seven’s just like O////O huh?? Okay…
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