#not schillinger’s tho
ozimagines · 2 months
Oz Characters as Movies…
Beecher: Before Sunrise (1995)
Keller: Sanctuary (2023)
O’Reily: Scarface (1983)
Cyril: Scarface (1932)
Chico: Angels with Dirty Faces (1938)
Murphy: The Day of the Owl (1968)
Miguel: Cabinet of Dr. Caligari (1922)
McManus: Metropolis (1927)
Said: He Even Has Your Eyes (2016)
Stanislavsky: One, Two, Three! (1961)
Burr: Blackboard Jungle (1955)
Chucky: Goodfellas (1990)
Agustus: Carmen Jones (1954)
Busmalis: Mr. Hulot’s Holiday (1953)
Rebadow: Stalag 17 (1953)
Carlos: The Platform (2019)
Carlo: Pasqualino and the Seven Beauties (1975)
Suzanne: Song at Midnight (1937)
Arif: Imitation of Life (1934)
Dr. Nathan: Level 16 (2018)
Robson: The Golem (1920)
Schillinger: Olympia Part One: Festival of Nations (1938)
Fiona: Kiss Me Kosher (2020)
Idzik: The Vigil (2019)
Jia: Street Angel (1937)
Morales: Casino (1995)
Omar: Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner? (1967)
Peter: Life is Beautiful (1999)
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scurvyratt · 3 months
Random Oz head canons (ignore that some are dead or in prison or WHATEVA)
He def sits at the same restaurant/sandwich shop every day and all the employees have memorized his order (altho I imagine that there's one employee that he prefers to make his sandwich lol)
unironically drinks out of a "don't talk to me till I've had my coffee" mug
has a youtube channel and his most popular series is "real mob member reacts to the Sopranos"
actually the most unemployed person ever
spreads conspiracy theories on facebook that he doesn't even believe in (but whatever gets him clicks and views)
sells vapes to high schoolers
still makes money from exploiting Cyril, either from boxing matches or from stupid lawsuits lol
was a major Trump supporter until he "gave up" the election to Biden in 2021. Is now a Ron Desantis supporter
do NOT ask him where he was on January 6 2021😭😭😭😭
I feel like he does maintenance odd jobs idk why lol
as @wawamouse has said before, Said is a pro facebook streamer😭
he probably is a meme tho. Like his clips get turned into stan twitter vids or tik tok audios lmao
prob gets cancelled every 5 business days and he can never handle it
he wants so badly to be an author but none of his books ever take off
he randomly writes one of those mass produced romance novels and it becomes popular.
this irritates him but he continues writing them under a pen name😭
is on one of those r/foreversingle subreddits
waffle house employee core
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stephenrea · 2 years
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camphorror · 3 years
like this is fucked up because beecher is right i will not let myself be swayed by my love for them here. keller IS death and staying anywhere near him would’ve been awful. but imagine saying this to someone you loved so much but then the person is so immature and unable to handle rejection of any kind. cannot handle ‘not winning’ that he kills himself and those were your last words to him! fucked up! what is even more fucked up imo is how i genuinely believe that beecher really didn’t love him anymore. i don’t think he was gonna give him up to the fbi or something because he had some distant fondness but i believe he just realised he can’t love this man anymore because he is.. poison
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I was tagged by @vildeliens thank you Queen (of clowns and headcanoons) ❤️
Pick 5 shows, then answer the following questions, don’t cheat. Tag 10 (or however many) people.  
Skam France
The Walking Dead
Doctor Who
1. Who is your favourite character in 2? Well that one is easy as hell. Lucas Lallemant, without the shadow of a doubt. I just adore that boy... I really do believe that he’s the most developed character of the whole skam universe. Also, i relate to him so so much, being parisian and 17 and queer and just, globally similar. And that Acting (TM) sure helps (will i ever be over axel’s acting? I dont think so)... I am gonna stop before i write essays (you all think this is a joke but i actually write random stuff about Lucas when i get bored in class, thats how bad it is). I just really love this boy folks...
2. Who is your least favourite character in 1? Well that’s an easy one too. Vernon Schillinger, because he is a neonazi, which is enough. And he is just plain BAD (rapist, murderer, coward, blackmailer... you name it)... And it’s not even a love hate situation, i despise the guy so  much, he makes me wanna crawl off my skin whenever he is on screen. Also i think he’s quite one dimensional which is very weird for that show but yeah. He is The Bad Guy.
3. What is your favourite episode of 4? Well that’s a harder one lmao, because you know, the show has been going on since 1963, which means i have many many favourites... Imma go only with reboot, cause thats the one i know better and i have to say it’s the one i enjoy the most. I think my all time fave is the two parts one, The Empty Child and The Doctor Dances, because those are just so perfect in every aspect imo. But i also love love love the library arc from season 4 (i think lmao) because KUDOS FOR MAKING US INSENSITIVE ABOUT A CHARACTER’S DEATH ONLY FOT IT TO KILL US LATER (and overall the episodes are so so good). Also, because i’m a hoe for big dramatic moments, the episodes with the Master (end of s3 and end of s4 mainly, i dont really like Missy) and the two parts The Stolen Earth/Journey’s end (i remember being so hyped by all of them squading up). Also, it’s not an episode but it deserves its place there: the entire season 6. Because Matt Smith, Karen Gillan, Alex Kingston and Arthur Darvill are just so good. I didnt really enjoy seasons 8 to 10 (even tho i adore Peter Capaldi), but season 7 also has some that i loved (Angels in Manhattan and The Name of the Doctor killed me). And the 50th anniversary. I MEAN THIS IS COMPLICATE I LOVE THIS SHOW SO MUCH IT HAS SO MANY GOOD EPISODES (and it’s the first show i got obsessed with so theres that)
4. What is your favourite season of 5? I think i’ll go with season 2 (?), because i love the og squad and they were all in it in s2, and i think the arcs were done really well (and the last episode, haha, me dead)... S3 and 4 i enjoyed less cause i think the teams didn’t really work without Tosh, Owen and Ianto... I couldn’t really find that magic again (and yes i’m still bitter). 
5. Who is your favourite couple in 3? It’s hard to find ALIVE people to form couples with lmao so i’ll go with one that is in kinda stand-by... it’s complicate...  Rick and Michonne cause i loved how they were best friends first and how their whole story was built... It made a lot of sense to me. Also i love the show less nowadays but i think those are still strong characters (minus Rick now lol)
6. Who is your favourite couple in 2? I had to snort. I know, it’s going to surprise you all, but it’s Manon and Charles OF COURSE. Kidding (pls. break. them. up). It’s Eliott and Lucas (how many of you all are surprised) because. Do i need to explain. Just. Everything. I can’t even put it into words. they’re just a perfect match and so in tune and so in love and i should stop now but i won’t so i’m sorry. I love how they complete each other and understand each other, and i loved how Lucas made Eliott’s dream real (polaris), and i love how they arent perfect yet they learn with each other and they make each other better . I love how cute they look and how in love and how raw. I love the way Lucas’ voice softens when he talks to eliott, and the way eliott’s eyes are so full of wonder. Also the way they fight sometimes but always come back to each other and love stronger. And their ship names literally means “chosen one”, how could I not ship? LISTEN THEY JUST FIT OKAY AND I WONT TAKE ANY CRITICISM
7. What is your favourite episode of 1? oh god i don’t remember them all at all lmao but imma try to come up with one (not 22838 like i normally do). So i’d say 4x11 (revenge is sweet)?? but honestly the show is so continuous that its hard to choose one ep... id say s4 is my favourite hands down though
8. What is your favourite episode of 5? YES THAT I CAN!! it’s from season 1, even though i love s2 better overall, Countrycide. I loved everything about that ep, and it still sends shivers down my spine when i think about it. I particularly enjoyed how it depicted the team’s relationships and how it showed that monsters can be amongst mankind (which, we been knew, but still. it was very well done for a show that fights aliens to fight humans)
9. What is your favourite season of 2? Another easy one! Season 3, as my entire blog can attest. It’s just. A masterpiece. That’s it that’s the post.
10. How long have you watched 1? I bingewatched it in like two months (cause i had to take breaks because school) in 2016. It’s a show that ended around 2000 so it’s not like i HAD to wait, and the episodes aren’t really stand alone so i had to watch them in a row.
11. How did you become interested in 3? I started watching with my dad because he is a cinephile that shows me loads of movies and tv series, then showed it to my mom. And now my dad stopped watching so i watch it with my mom exclusively even though i dont enjoy as much as i used to (still love it though). 
12. Who is your favourite actor in 4? Matt Smith (even though i adored Eccleston, and couldn’t appreciate Tennant’s AMAZINGNESS cause i was too sad to see 9 go aoimjdk). But Matt Smith is the funniest, most Doctor-ish one imo.
13. Which do you prefer, 1, 2, or 5? This is gonna sound like a betrayal to shows i’ve watched for so many years but Skam France, hands down. (i’m obsessed okay)
14. Which show have you seen more episodes of, 1 or 3? 3 because it has more eps and i’m caught up with both, so logically its 3.
15. If you could be anyone from 4, who would you be? Umh i think i’m kinda similar to Clara in some ways (?). Maybe. Like in the way we’re both hopeless romantic in search of an adventurous life. Plus, she is a lgbt+ icon and you can’t convince me otherwise so there’s that. i mean i think i globally identify with companions cause i wanna be them so bad lmao (imagine how cool it would be for my nerdy self ugh). But i look like a Sontaran so. Mayhaps i’d be one of those instead
16. Would a crossover between 3 and 4 work? umh that’d be funny as hell. The Doctor just jumping in a zombie apocalypse. Though i think they’d find a way to stop the apocalypse, so the second show would be annihilated by the first one. Mmh. Interesting still, up for it (i’m up for anything tbh)
17. Pair two characters in 1 who would make an unlikely but strangely okay couple? That’s the hardest one i had to answer GOD. I’d go with the crack ship, Ryan O’Reilly and Miguel Alvarez, tho they would both kill me and then burn my body if they ever saw this
18. Overall, which show has the better storyline, 3 or 5? Weeeelll i think The Walking Dead used to have an amazing storyline (the Governor’s arc was spectacular), but now i’d go with Torchwood cause sometimes (a lot of times), shows that don’t try to make it last for ages tie everything better. And Torchwood did tie things well enough imo (even tho i’m forever sad and bitter)
19. Which has the better theme music, 2 or 4? I don’ think Skam France has a theme music?? more like soundtracks (amazing ones)??? But i mean even if it did Doctor Who would still win cause the themes are fantastic (yes i went there)
This was so fun guys so imma tag @evnisak, @isak-valterssen, @jebentnietalleen, @demauryy, @srodvlv, @takaoparadise, @starcassstic, @thebananaslug, @sleepingthroughmyproblems, @akalousthings and anyone else i forgot, or anyone wanting to do this really
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lin-manuel · 7 years
when you get this, respond with five things that make you happy, then send it to the last ten people in your notifications on anon! (Hope you have a good day!!)
hi i got this years ago but here we go
1. getting my make up to look really really good
2. bingeing a favourite tv show with cheap strawberry champagne ( looking at you @schillinged ) 
3. random people going out of there way to be kind to each other
4. a really really good book
5. finishing a sentence i’ve written and just going wow 
thank you thank you thank you tho lovely
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scurvyratt · 6 months
How much I would trust Oz characters with my drink
- Tobias: 10/10 he’s very respectful towards women idk
- Said: 10/10 same as Tobias. His eyes would be GLUED to it tbh
- Miguel: 9/10 he wouldn’t mess with it but he wouldn’t be very vigilant I don’t think 😭
- Schillinger: -100/10 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
- Ryan: 3/10 first of all he has a history of spiking drinks😭😭.. he’d probably drug and then rob me 😭
- Keller: 2/10 he gives me the creeps
- Adebisi: -100/10 💀💀 no way
- Sister Peter Marie: 10/10 yes!😻
- Busmalis: 6/10 … I feel like he would drink it
- Kenny: 3/10 he’d either do something to it or he would abandon it
- Hill: 10/10 ofc
- McManus: 6/10 i don’t think he would do anything but I just don’t like him lol
- Cyril: 100/10: he would defend it with his life and fight people probably
- Chico: 6/10 idk he’s weird towards women😭😭 he does speak kindly about his girlfriend tho
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