#not serious ^-^ itll fade in a few weeks
oh-gh0st · 1 year
fuck i got walnut stains on my foot
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obsessive-ego · 4 years
Musical beetlejuice x reader
A little self indulgent ramble based off what happened to me in February last year
The day before my birthday I was layed off due to new management
Everything was different now, you went from top dog, to lowest man on the pole, you no longer came home from work in a good mood, you were always run down and emotionally empty, he hated to see you like this, but you refused his intervention.
"Come on babes, itll be great, I wont even kill 'em" beetlejuice would beg, you would only shake your head in response
"Beej, I appreciate it, truly I do, but I cant just-"
"Sure ya can babes, 3 little words and-"
"Beetlejuice, I know, I just cant sick you on my new boss, yes they're changing everything, and I dont like it, but that's no reason for to let a demon loose in a mall"
The ghoul huffs and flops dont next to you on the couch, pouting like a child.
"I do appreciate Beej, thank you, but I dont think its right" you sigh, leaning into the ghoul, if your attention was drawn to him rather then the tv you would have seen a much pinker beetlejuice.
With a slam of the front door, you come home from work, within a flash beetlejuice was infront of you, as per normal,
"Welcome home sweet stuff, so I was-" he stops dead in his tracks, you were crying, red, blues, and purples, flash through him, as if he was unable to decide what he was feeling.
"I GOT LAYED OFF" you sobbed
"WHAT?!" Beetlejuice settles on a fiery red, there was no way in hell you were layed off for doing something bad, you were his little goody two shoes, an honest hard working breather.
You push past the ghoul and stumble to your room not wanting beetlejuice to see you so emotionally vulnerable, scared he'd laugh at you. Beetlejuice just watches you leave, staring at the hallway you vanished in, red fading to a more purple hue, the ghoul knew you liked to be alone when you were upset, he wasnt too good with the whole comfort thing, but damn he wish he could help ya.
The following morning you left for work without seeing beetlejuice, which was odd, but whatever, you weren't exactly up for being social at the moment.
"I know you only have a few days left here y/n, but I'm going to need you to train your replacement" the words felt like a punch in the gut, was your boss serious? You excused yourself to the washroom shortly after this exchange.
"Beetlejuice, beetlejuice, beetlejuice"
The lights in the bathroom flicker, and a familiar green smoke fills the room, along with a the familiar gravely chuckle of the ghoul you summoned
"Sugar! You missed me~" the demon cheers pulling you close into a tight huge
"I want revenge" you mumble
Beetlejuice quirks an eyebrow at you "what?"
"I want revenge beetlejuice, I was wrong, my boss deserves whatever you're gonna dish out" you push away from the ghoul who was know buzzing with excitement and practically glowing
"Oh baby, finally, its showtime"
Beetlejuice grabs your arm and drags you back to the little shop you worked at, no one payed him anymind
Your boss was too busy gossiping with your replacement, you weren't stupid, you knew they were friends, but getting you to train them AFTER RECEIVING a two week notice, that was the final straw.
"All right sweetheart, this ones a REAL panty dropper" the ghoul nudged you as you let out a soft laugh.
To make a long story short the fire department had to be called.
Based off what happened shortly after my 2 week notice
Your phones buzzes to life, you groan and grope around for the device
"10 more minutes babes" beetlejuice moans, the ghoul had snuck his way into your bed while you slept and was now spooning you.
"Remeber my old boss?"
"The one I made piss themselves? Yeah"
You shift abit, sitting up, holding out your phone, showing a text that read
'Y/n I am hung over, can you please cover for me this morning? I need you to open the store'
Beetlejuice squints at the text mumbling the text outloud, a slight pause before a thunderous laugh
"Are they fucking joking? They drop your cute little ass then they got the balls to ask that? That's gotta be a joke"
You chuckle "unfortunately not"
You tap away at your phone before placing it back where you found it, and slipping back under the covers with your demon.
"What did you say babes?"
"Lol fuck no"
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thecreaturesblog · 3 years
Crazy ass bitch. Please chill the fuck out. Maybe if you could find the time in your busy schedule, you could also learn how to control yourself. Youre a grown ass women. You should be better than this. Ive only ever seen you do it twice, but the fact that you ever repeated such an unacceptable action is a very serious concern, for me and other people who have really worried about you lately. I dont what the fuck posseses you. I dont know where you find such disespect. But you deserve better than that. Even if its not your intention to hurt yourself, youre so obsessive and deterimined to reach a meaningless goal, is causing torn skin, swelling and bruises. Mutilation that everyone else sees and has to question. Injuries you have to refuse to explain to people or lie to them about it. I know your trying to save face but going out in public wearing your damaged face for everyone is utterly embarrassing. I know you feel it, i know you avoid everyone for a week or two until it looks decent again. You cant keep up with your own poor choices. You cant handle yourself. Its just a few scraps now but it has the potential to grow into something worse. Other destrutive behaviours... i hope you can learn to handlle yourself or you know where itll land you. Ive never seen you so reckless. So low. Its not just low for you but peopls in general. Ive never seen any one do this to them selves and whats worse is you will continue to do it after youve caused quiite the injury to yourself. Even some seriously terribe looking stuff cant stop your conpulsiveness. And even worse than that, you think youre doing something helpful, when you are destroying your own flesh. Truely i think your fucking possessed. Im honestly disgusted friend. Youre acting like a straight up freak and youre disturbing the people around you who have watched you slowly cause damage. People are not meant to hurt themselve. Its freaky and concerning. So far youve been ignoring their efforts to help you. I suggest you take any help you can get. You truly need it. Far more than most people need.
You got too ate up. And it happened quick girl. Dont trust em, do you? Maybe now that youre one of them its easier. But i remember the firey girl so full of hate for any life wasted. Such a need for people to treat their bodies like god given templea. A need to not cross the lines that no man ever should. A false power if you will. Unnatural modifications that fade quickly and leave deep, ugly scares so people will know who you are. Almost like a giant warning label pasted on your skin.
I know it doesnt seem like a serious thing yet. But youre on the edge of a black hole. One that only takes its passangers one.
Were here to save you. You already know you arent interested in going there. We already know youre starting to where thin already. You can no longer hang as the kids say. You have just continued going through the motions like you never got back to life before. Its okay. You dont need to try to remember because everything is different now. Youll never live the same, ever chaanging wonderful life. You werent stuck for too long this time. But its time for you to take some action and take some big steps away from the edge so you dont get sucked up in that black hole.
Your journey isnt meant to travel there. Your plans are much, much different. No it wont be as easy, you might have to put some real effort it to make things run smoothly, theres going to be things you wish werent in your life at all.
But youll build up things that last for days not seconds, years not hours, a different kind of life time then what you tried to sign up for, one that actually last.
Come with me little girl, save yourself from the pain you cant handle.
Like he already told you, Please, take care of yourself.
I know you'll listen to him.
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nadiineross · 5 years
Print: “How do you 'accidentally' achieve immortality?"
note: abt ur prompts.. i ….actually was planning a fic abt immortality but i dont think itll be done for ages so i slammed this one out. i also made a few posts abt superhero aus btw :’). i watched hercules for the first time in like a decade bc of ur other prompt and wow…. hades is still so funny DSJFHSKH ok anyway i prolly wont write a lot in the coming month bc semesters starting next week BUT i can type out some headcanons for prompts u give me, if u guys r interested in that?
i didnt proofread this and i dont want to because i am Lazy anyway thank u sm for continuing to talk to me abt chlodine yrs down the road. pls feel free to send in ur chlodine headcanons or if u jus wanna scream abt them
Nadine’s been alive for a long time, and so nothing really surprises her anymore. But, then again, Chloe is always her exception.
They first meet in India, only a passing thing. Being alive for so long, well, it gets boring. Nadine, also, could never really handle being purposeless. She enjoys having goals and working hard to achieve them, and she definitely enjoys the brief period, afterwards, where she relishes in those achievements.
It was easier, before, to find purpose: fighting. There were a lot of wars and Nadine was good at it. She was, and is, by all accounts, remarkable. However, to preserve her anonymity, she allows herself to dissolve into the unknowns of history.
She has had many names, most of which she has since forgotten. But, her first, she will not forget: Nadine. It is that name she gives to Chloe, and it is the one Chloe knows her by.
At that time, in India, she had nothing to do. It seemed the age of fighting as she knew it was coming to a close, and she grew bored.
Of course, this wasn’t a new experience; Nadine can hardly find anything she has not experienced. Usually, she travelled. She’s been to most places, but they were always changing, and this was something she appreciated on a deep level.
India, she has not visited in almost four decades.
On her first night, she eats a feast on her own. The restaurant owners were impressed, to say the least.
It is routine, her travels. During the day, she sees the sights, explores the places that have changed the most and visits those that she loved the last time she was here. When nightfalls, again, she feasts. Sometimes, when she isn’t too tired, she’ll take someone to bed.
This, she does rarely. It is, after all, hard to find a woman interested in other women in this world. Harder, even, to find one who isn’t interested in a long term investment, since Nadine is not very interested in the part where she outlives everyone. It isn’t a pressing issue, though. She has needs, sure, but she is patient, and sex did not fall very high on her list of priorities.
Besides, she understands. The consequences of being a woman like her are grave and not a lot of people would want to risk their lives for a fling.
Chloe is only her second in India.
There is a river, a half day’s walk away from where she’s staying. It is her second to last night in India, and there aren’t a lot of things she is itching to see, so she decides to make the walk.
By the time she gets there, the sun is hanging low in the sky, not yet set, but almost. She’s sweating from the heat and the oppressive humidity characteristic of the Indian climate. So, naturally, she unbuttons the first few buttons of her shirt and leans over the edge to splash water over her face.
It is a relief on her skin, and she looks up to gasp out a breath when she sees her. Chloe, shameless creature that she is, watches her.
Nadine doesn’t know how she didn’t notice the woman lounging in the water before now. Bewildered, Nadine blinks at her and feels very bare, suddenly hyper-aware of the droplets running down her face and into her shirt.
“Hello,” Nadine finally says. She is good with languages—there isn’t a lot to do when you’ve been alive for a few centuries.
“Hey.” She swims over until Nadine can see her smirk with distinct clarity, until her bare shoulders come up, but does not go farther up the shore. “Not from around here?”
Nadine raises an eyebrow. Clearly not. “No,” she says.
“Huh. Chloe, nice to meet you,” says she, extending a wet hand from the water. Nadine has to slosh into the water to take it and give it a firm, short up-down shake.
It’s a strange name, given the context, and this whole thing takes her off guard. She stupidly blurts out: “Nadine.”
Chloe’s grin becomes wider. She doesn’t try to hide the way she eyes Nadine’s open shirt. Nadine isn’t dense, either, so she knows when there is an opportunity she could take, is she wanted.
She’s not sure yet.
“And you? Are you from around here?”
Humming noncommittally, Chloe stands, abruptly, to her full height and walks around Nadine to the shore. She is naked, and Nadine has to swallow a lump in her throat.
Nadine has seen a lot of women, and she can say with certainty that Chloe is one of the most beautiful she has seen. She tries not to stare and succeeds, given that she has excellent self-control. Though she will admit, Chloe certainly tested her in that moment.
“Where are you from?” Chloe asks as she picks up a shirt strewn across a rock and slips into it. Now, Nadine notices the pair of pants and shoes hidden behind the rock.
Nadine smiles, wryly, aware that she is giving more information than she is receiving. “Africa.”
Chloe doesn’t seem to take offence at her brusqueness. Just laughs. “Ah.” Then, because Chloe is so brave and so young, barely thirty by the looks of it, she stoops and holds up her pants, and asks, “Should I bother with these or are we going to address… what should I call it? The tension?”
Oh, how they address it.
After, as Chloe disappears into the trees on the other side of the river, Nadine realizes that she is entirely, profoundly, surprised.
Nadine has met many bold women; she can be one herself when she wants to be. Chloe, she never really forgets, but she is filed away into a tiny corner of her mind, fading away until Nadine never really thinks about it unless she is alone at a river and has run out of things to think about.
Besides, World War II has started, and she’s occupied with killing those Nazi bastards. She doesn’t enlist in any army—can’t exactly fly under the radar there—but she has connections and resources, and works perfectly well alone.
In the face of all this, Chloe is not forgotten, but she is not remembered.
And Nadine’s life goes on, and on, and on, as it is wont to do.
Nadine doesn’t know why she never dies. It just happened or, more precisely, it just never happened.
Her parents did. She never really knew her father, as her mother raised her, but she does know he died. Her mother, she held as she passed. 
Years later, people began to talk. Nadine turned thirty, and that was it.
She doesn’t know if she can die at all, but she isn’t interested in testing her theories. She has avoided fatal wounds for so long; she won’t stop now.
Sure, she has suffered and has felt like she might die, but she doesn’t think she wants to die. There are so many things she wants to know.
So, she decided, a century into her life, that she would not question it. She isn’t at all old enough to have been there for the Trojan War, but she does know not to look a gift horse in the mouth.
It is the 2000s and Nadine begins to feel a little existential. She will not fight in wars now, given the stakes and, especially, given her moral compass. Well, at least not official ones. She has accepted that she is a little bit of a vigilante, and she’s focusing on bettering her own home.
Always levelheaded, she never bites off more than she can chew. She only takes to the streets every few weeks. In the meantime, she decides to get into academia.
If she’s so keen on learning, why wouldn’t she go to school? Human achievement is impressive!
She has one PhD already and is working on her second. She has just started, meeting her advisor for only the third time, when she sees a flash of red in the hall, heading towards the History department.
It’s a woman with jet black hair, ponytail swinging. Before Nadine can think to squint, she’s rounded the corner and is gone.
Blinking, Nadine turns away and heads to the courtyard. She likes to sit on the grass and do her research there. Small pleasures.
It’s been an hour, maybe two, when a shadow casts over. Strangely, she feels her heart start to beat faster before she even looks up.
“Hello,” she says, throwing an arm over her forehead to shade herself from the afternoon sun.
Chloe in the flesh. She puts on the same old smirk and looks down at Nadine with her hands on her hips. “Hey, you.”
Nadine raises an eyebrow as she sits down and makes herself at home on Nadine’s picnic blanket, among her sea of books.
“Well, look at you.” Chloe keeps on grinning, shark-like. “You haven’t aged a day.”
“You’re too kind,” Nadine says, thinly. “And neither have you, by the looks of it.”
Dismissively, Chloe waves a hand and tosses her ponytail over her shoulder. “No need to flatter me, you’ve already gotten into my pants.”
“I haven’t forgotten.” Much, at least, she thinks. Then, wonders if, perhaps, she is dreaming.
“That’s nice.” Chloe leans closer, growing serious but retaining her persistent underlying curiosity. “Oh, Nadine, what are you?”
Nadine snorts. “Always so bold.”
She shrugs. “Places to be, things to know, people to do. I’m a busy girl.”
Like a shark, Nadine thinks again. She keeps her mouth shut for a few moments, just watching Chloe watching her. As Nadine recalls her memories of Chloe, she notes that Chloe mostly hasn’t changed. Finally, she leans back on an arm and says, “Looks to me like you have all the time in the world.”
“Hm.” Chloe lifts a hand, maybe to touch her arm, maybe to push her hair out of her face, maybe to cup her cheek. Nadine will never know. She tenses, instinctively swaying back a little. Chloe’s hand drops down, but she keeps on smiling. “You’re immortal, then. All the time in the world.”
Nadine doesn’t say anything, just waits for Chloe to draw her conclusions.
“How long have you… been like this?”
Nadine pretends to think. “About a century or five now. You?”
“Well, I was thirty-four when I met you,” Chloe wonders aloud, tilting her head as she does the math. At this, Nadine frowns and, upon seeing this, Chloe huffs a laugh. “Yes, actually thirty-four.”
That makes her roughly two centuries old. Nadine doesn’t know how to feel about this, about everything, about Chloe. She had been, to her knowledge, alone in this for three centuries. Never once had she met someone else like this, and she didn’t want to, she doesn’t think. She had always been slow to trust.
She never tried to think about this too hard; she doesn’t know how it works—is she contagious? But none of the other women turned immortal after going to bed with her. Still, she worries at her lip and examines Chloe.
“How am I like this?”
She nods.
Chloe raises an eyebrow. “Quid pro quo.”
Nadine rolls her eyes. “I don’t know. I just never died.” She sighs, harshly, and closes the book in her lap with a full clap. “I don’t know.”
“That’s alright,” Chloe says, gently. This time, when she reaches out, to touch her wrist, Nadine lets her. Chloe looks down at the point of contact, seemingly charmed. Then, after a beat, meets Nadine’s eyes again and smiles. “Well, I don’t know how exactly it worked, but this was an accident.”
“…what?” Nadine scoffs. “How do you ‘accidentally’ achieve immortality?”
Chloe looks sheepish now. “I went into an ancient temple and mucked around, and maybe I broke something, and… well, here I am.”
Suddenly, struck by the urge to lie down for a decade or at least go somewhere more private for this discussion, Nadine shoves her books into her bag and stands. Chloe, startled, mirrors her movements and then stills as Nadine rolls up the blanket and easily hefts everything up.
“Uh, what’s going on?”
Nadine picks up her baseball cap and puts it on, and then sweeps an arm towards the paved path. “We’re going to my apartment.”
A little dumbly, Chloe follows along. “Who’s bold now?”
Nadine gives her a look, and Chloe just smiles, looking away with a shrug. They make the journey in silence, Nadine’s is a stubborn one, and Chloe’s obliging. When they reach the apartment, Nadine lets her in first and gestures to the couch. It’s not a very big apartment, but it’s comfortable and in an alright neighbourhood. 
After Nadine puts her bag away, she comes back to see Chloe leaning over the back of the couch to look out her window. She twists back around as Nadine sits.
“You alright?”
Nadine looks up at her, eyes hooded. “Ja.”
Chloe smiles, a kind one. She has such an expressive face. Nadine wants to run her hands over the dips and curves of it. Wants to feel a little more grounded in reality—is she really not dreaming?
The urge to just ask disappears in a moment as Nadine comes back to herself, feeling safer on her own turf.
“So, this is where you’re from.” It’s not a question, but Nadine nods anyway.
“Originally. I don’t remember exactly where but I grew up farther inland and then moved to the coast later before my mother passed.” Nadine rubs a hand at her temple. Tired. “They both died. I’m the only— I was the only one. For the longest time, I was the only one.”
Chloe shifts, an unidentifiable emotion drifting across her face. “Nadine.”
She sighs and says, “I don’t want your pity.”
“You don’t have it,” she says, not ungently. “It’s been a long time.”
For once, Nadine allows herself to give in. She leans over until she falls, turning her face to press her nose into the hard muscle of Chloe’s tensed thigh, just above the knee. She hugs her arms to her chest and counts her breaths. Chloe sighs, too, and puts her hand in Nadine’s hair.
Nadine’s back is to Chloe.
It’s been a long time.
So, this is how it happened.
She was abandoned by her mother and raised by a father who wanted a son. He loved her, regardless. He just taught her the ways of his trade.
Her childhood was spent scaling the shelves of libraries as he did his research and sitting uncomfortably still as he spoke to “experts” in their homes. When she was old enough, by his standards, he took her out to ancient ruins, and they explored.
It could be dangerous; she broke a few bones on these adventures. Most never healed properly, and so bumps and scars littered her body.
The worst, the one that almost killed her, occurred in the temple.
Her father passed a few years before, to disease. She carried on his work, suddenly alone. His life’s work: a crumbling ruin.
She had spent days scouting it out, hidden behind a waterfall, like in the legends. She was nervous. Afraid that her father’s work would amount to nothing, that the life she had led without him would’ve turned out to be a waste.
So, she spent days by the falls and walking along the river. It was there that she met Nadine.
She had thought Nadine was a figment of her imagination at first, peeking out from the top of the water. A beautiful, sweaty spirit of the wilds, dressed like an average person.
A blessing she received.
That night, she went in. There were traps, which she expected, and treasures, which she had desperately hoped for. In the centre, buried underneath layers of chambers, was the Tusk.
She got greedy.
Traps triggered—
The Tusk, she held to her chest—
She curled over, protecting it from falling rubble and—
The tip, sharp and shiny, punctured her middle. It was shallow, but still, she cried out and tripped, and the spear she landed on went too far in to be considered shallow.
She doesn’t remember the details; all she knows is that she came back to herself while crawling out the collapsing entrance, sticky with blood.
She hid the Tusk away, for later, and stumbled her way to the nearest town, broken spear sticking out from her ribs.
Half a year later, freshly healed and free from the doctor, she went back. The Tusk was still bloodied, and a gem from the tip of the Tusk had fallen out somewhere. At least, it made up for all her suffering in gold.
In the face of all that, Nadine was not forgotten, but she was not remembered.
Feeling awkward and uncomfortable, having been vulnerable for the first time in almost half a millennia, Nadine sits up and grimaces. Chloe opens her bleary eyes and stretches.
“What time’s it?”
Nadine could look at her watch, but she grabs hold of Chloe’s forearm. “Does it matter?”
Chloe looks down and frowns. “I suppose not. What’s happening?”
“Do you want to address the tension?”
Chloe’s muscles relax slowly. She kicks her sneakers off and, in one swift movement, shrugs Nadine’s hand off and settles into her lap. Her mouth descends onto Nadine’s.
This time is almost like the last, fast and sloppy. Except they do it three more times, at least, and afterwards Chloe settles in beside her and stays till morning.
Nadine also has many scars, and Chloe maps them all out just as Nadine does to her.
“So, am I the older woman or are you the older woman?”
Nadine bites into her skin, licking a soothing stripe along the scar tissue there.
Chloe groans and looks down. “Does that mean I should shut up?”
Nadine gives her an unimpressed look. “Yes.”
“Okay,” she breathes, hand flying to the back of Nadine’s head. “Whatever you say.”
South Africa is best experienced in the weeks after Summer has passed, in Chloe’s very vocal opinion, and maybe that’s why the days she spends holed up in Nadine’s apartment feels a little like paradise.
She is not the sentimental type, and Chloe even less so, but there is something to be said for attachments. She had forgotten.
Chloe even admits that she was only here because she saw Nadine’s picture and wanted to use Nadine for information on why she‘s the way she is. Nadine doesn’t take it too personally, because she would’ve done the same, probably.
It ends, of course, as all things do. Not permanently, but Chloe isn’t the type to stay still, and Nadine’s set her sights on finishing this damn degree.
They agree, in five years, they will return to the tree, the patch of grass, and try again.
Nadine feels like she has aged the five centuries she had powered through almost numbly in the span of those five years.
They kept in contact because neither of them is the type to make significant, corny gestures like that. Over text, Chloe echoes the sentiment.
For Nadine, it is as if Chloe had barged in, reminded Nadine that she was in control of the remote and that hitting the fast forward button on life wasn’t the only option.
“Why do you chase after violence?” came her voice, tinny over the phone. She was in Russia.
“Do I?”
Chloe hums. “All your wars, your crusades. You insist you don’t want to die and yet…”
Nadine raises her eyebrows and finishes typing out her sentence before pushing back on her desk chair. Her first instinct is to be defensive, but Chloe starts to hum tunelessly, and it reminds Nadine that not everything is a fight to be won and— “Ah.”
“Do you wanna talk about something else?” Chloe laughs, then, and jokes, “My abandonment issues? Inability to sit still? Maybe how I’m greedy and selfish?”
Nadine smiles softly. “It’s okay.” She clears her throat. “I think I just got scared of losing people and just, frankly, losing in general, with life and all. I took being independent to the next level. I forgot the value in doing things senselessly, and in a way that’s exactly what I did.”
“How do you mean?”
Nadine shrugs even though Chloe can’t see. “I don’t know why I’m immortal, and I didn’t want to know. What makes me deserving of eternal life and not anyone else? So, I thought only of what I would do with this and doing those things. I’m good at fighting. Why wouldn’t I fight? And I can’t die—there are causes I could give myself to.
“I mean, there were moments, in between, where my thought would wander, of course.” Nadine pauses, feeling nonsensical. “I don’t know. I don’t know how to explain it.”
“That’s alright. I get it.”
“I know. Thank you.”
“Anytime, love.” Another breathy chuckle. “Literally, anytime. From now until the rest of eternity.”
“Hello,” Nadine says when she feels a shadow loom over her.
There’s a rustling, and then a kiss to her cheek. “Hey there, sleeping beauty.”
It’s been five years.
Nadine opens an eye and sees Chloe peering down with her stupidly beautiful smile. Her fingers graze at Nadine’s cheek, featherlight, and Nadine’s touches over them. Warm.
“So weird how you haven’t aged a day.”
“Ja, I didn’t get a chance to develop stress wrinkles since you left.”
Head thrown back, wind blowing her hair aside, Chloe laughs. Nadine thinks there hasn’t ever been a surprise as nice as Chloe since the dawn of time.
Stooping over, Chloe kisses her.
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judememories · 5 years
Tumblr media
lady gaga voice slowly fadin in: oOoohohOhoh im in love w judas.... ju-Das juda-ah-ah... i rly missed jude tbh so i decided to bring him in as a second. i hv faith i cn manage jugglin i... ...... .. . have faith. in case u dnt kno it is me (nai) n this is like. the one (1) male chara iv ever managed to play longer than jst a few weeks. truly jst Zee Fruit Of My Womb! bt anyway. jst gna leap right in to the intro. we die like men
he pinterest: 
me in the voice of a card magician performing on the street: round up round up pick a pinterest any pinterest!
ta-da it’s aesthetics:
lead marbles instead of eyes, a stolen hearse careening down the wrong lane, wearing a faded smiley face sticker on your forehead while receiving a serious lecture, bags under the eyes that are so big they could pack enough clothes for a three week vacation, a cigarette wobbling from your bottom lip as you squint against the sunlight, passing out on a stranger's rooftop, placing sunglasses over the eyes of a biology lab skeleton, gangling around the place like shaggy minus his scooby snacks, saying "fuck off" to inanimate objects
about tha Bitch:
he hd to do community service bc he kind of... hd a bit of a breakdown before the funeral of his elderly neighbour who bsically raised him bc her kids rly didnt care abt her they jst wanted her inheritance?? so he... stole the hearse w her casket still in it n ws jst like... drivin around the place sort of... tryin nt to cry.....KJJFHSFKJGHKFG i mean. it isnt funny its actually sad bt :/ in a very bizarre n jude way. he gt caught n taken in fr questioning bt her son kind of realised hw... broken up abt her death jude ws n had a heart n didnt press charges. regardless he stil hd to do community service bc it ws like taken seriously even tho it ws his first proper offence. doin it rly exhausted n depressed him so when he wsnt doin tht he ws just hibernatin in his room....... n thts where hes been 2 explain his absence to any of u whose charas had... connections w him Way Back When
in a new development in terms of sexuality i jst am nt quite sure....... hes always thot he ws straight... fooled around w a 90s hugh grant lookalike once n ws jst a bit like :/ my rocks rnt blasted off? bt who knows wht the future holds... who KNOWS wht the future holds ladies n gentlemen
frm this point on i wnt lie iv pasted in his old intro bc. a bich is lazy! a bich is predictable! and a bich! is! unapologetic!
born in sheffield in england, bt they went back and forth between there n san fran a lot jude was an unhappy accident. his parents never rly used protection bc they were super Liberal n Au Naturel n believed in the pull out method bc… they were maniacs. bt then the ONE time they used a condom in an effort to b safety conscious it broke n hence…. jude was bornthey just kind of ran w it bc they had such a passionate relationship tht they were like What The Hell…. may as well! itll be fine we’ll learn to be good parents n love him like normal ppl do
spoiler alert: tht didn’t work outthey were ok to him like they weren’t abusive or anything like that bt they just found him to be a massive burden n hindrance to their plansthey literally….. had sex all day every day n acted like a pair of teenagers. it ws a super weird environment for a kid to grow up in bc he literally had no role models or… guidance or…. anything rly. occasionally they’d joke around w him or pretend they even knew what grade he was going into but for the most part they just Didn’t Care one bit
they were both suuuuper into the arts. they’re both rly good sculptors bt they paint too n they actually own a rly successful gallery in san fran
as a result he grew up around a lot of creative n sometimes pretentious ppl. the friends of his parents were more present in his life than his ACTUAL parents bc they were always jetting off to diff countries to scout out new pieces fr their galleries n just have a gd time in beautiful places without…. the annoyance tht ws their son forcing them to b responsible n look after someone else. tbh some of his parents friends were rly damaging too bt….i won’t go into that just yet. it doesn’t rly…need properly explaining bc jude never talks abt it anyway n it….is rather triggering so i’ll jst….leav it for now tbh fgkhdfgh. basically they just were Not Nice n jude had a lot of bad memories he keeps repressed
bc of how he ws raised he has a p cultured taste. he luvs classic lit, especially kerouac, n p much anything artsy. he can play piano 2 n sometimes gets rly high n thinks he’s mozart level gd at composing. i mean he’s gd bt… Calm Down Judepersonality wise he acts out sometimes bc he’s so frustrated. he tried rly hard to be someone his parents wld care abt by doing wild or stupid things so he’d hav funny stories to tell them n tbh sometimes it works n he gets them to laugh w him but it isn’t a parent/son bond n it never rly wil b. 
he’s rly sarcastic, sleeps around a lot, has an overflowing secret sketchbook n if he cares abt someone he’ll probably draw them n get rly defensive if they find out abt it fkjgdhfkj bcos he’s an Independent Boy without a sentimental bone in his body. or so he says. at heart he is jst a very Sad Boy w lots of repressed issues like depression genuinely just does NAT giv him a single break bt he plasters over this w wise cracks n never discusses his emotions ever. he’s actually p decent or at least tries to b. he’s kind of like tht bit in superbad where michael cera gets rly drunk n makes a toast to women. tries to b? a feminist bt sometimes fucks up n offends ppl n is like dam..... my bad fr :/
he has p bad insomnia so he like never sleeps fgjkhfgjkf he always has rly sleepy eyes n rubs them tiredly mid conversation. he smokes a lot of weed to try n compensate fr this n make him tired bt he still struggles a lot
ANYWAY that aside he’s at lockwood doing fine arts. he luvs painting n photography n philosophy n all tht. a pretentious fiend sometimes? maybe_so.gif
ummMMMMmm honestly idk i’m blankin on what else to say. ull find him smoking weed reading an american classic or gnawing at his thumbnail n getting charcoal smudges along that Dramatic model jawline. he’s p broody n scruffy n he’s mostly here fr a good time. o and he’s That Guy that would die fr morrissey (his vibe not personality bc i hc jude was depressed n shut himself inside all day when he actually found out what a dick he is dfjkfhg) and all that stone roses the smiths etc stuff music wise. HMU FR PLOTS!!!!!! i’m down fr anything
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summonhouse · 2 years
your...ttime loop?? can you explain this sounds so interesting!
/pos /nm /gen curious :O !!!
OK I promise it is NOT a good thing that happened to me and theres gonna be a lot of details here thatll make ppl think less of me but its not like i. care so. DRUG USE, unreality, and intense trauma below. please dont judge me for this because i promise im doing this enough already for the both of us and then some
SO on a recent vacation i went on (if you noticed that i was offline for a good week) it was a Bad Situation where i kept. being fed drugs (dont ask) and i got. super super cross faded took a Big Fat Nasty Rip off a vape for the first time ever and reality broke down into a million pieces before me. my first realization was that nothing was real and i began to interpret the world as a video game- my family was there and they kept repeating the same words, actions, and phrases over and over again, despite my attempts to break out of the cycle. they kept making exactly the same movements, i couldnt feel my body, my chest (lungs and heart) hurt more than i could ever ever describe, i was utterly detached from the physical realm except for the burning hotter than ive ever experienced (and ive dumped boiling water on my hand before) hotter than i ever thought a person COULD experience. i was on a lake at the time (BAD TIME) and the waves were all clone shaped repeated stamps, wind moving broke me apart i was just essence in a spot, and when i realized it was all a game i saw the LED make up of the world, a close up on the little lights making up every image.
i had to climb up stairs to get back into the cabin i was staying at which, predictably given i was trembling horribly and unable to stand upright was, uh. bad. i kept seeing myeslf going up the stairs, seeing myself fall, and then returning to consciousness a few steps below- and it kept repeating, and repeating, and repeating. i kept saying over and over again, im not well, im scared, it hurts, over and over again. when i finally got into bed it really wasnt any better... my family was there, but they kept ignoring me. my body hurt so so so much, i couldnt tell when i was talking and when i wasnt, i kept thinking things and my family kept responding. i tried to touch my face but either i couldnt move my hands or i couldnt feel touch. at times i remember screaming desperately for anyone to pay attention to me- my sister just told me to stop mumbling. i was certain i was dying, i couldnt feel my heart beat, i couldnt breath, and my family kept ignoring me even as i begged them to stay with me, because things kept repeating- id see things happening, then something weird would happen that tipped me off to it being fake, and then id sober up to a few minutes in the past, and then id make a few more minutes progress before it happened again, and again, and again. i kept checking my phone (the first time i did it i was afraid of texting anything weird but i had to see if people were online, so i kept saying i think outloud "im good, i can be good") and seeing only like 3 minutes had passed when in my mind id gone through loops which lasted hours to me and wailing in anguish when i realized.
eventually i went to sleep, and i woke up entirely fine. when i asked my family what had happened, because i wasnt sure what was in my head and what had physically occurred, they told me nothing had happened and continue to gaslight me to this day about anything having occurred.
it was a really important lesson to me, i realized no one will ever help me, so i have to help myself. and of course drug use is bad and if i ever use drugs itll be around people i trust. please, please, please do not ever do drugs. if you have no reason so you think youre immune to abuse, youre a bastard and i fucking hate you for treating something so serious so flippantly. and if you have a reason to escape reality, please, im begging you, seek help, i know its trite but this cannot be the way to deal with it. it is not fun, it is not cool, and the worst case scenario can be so so so much worse than you could ever imagine
and im sorry, by the way, if any of my friends have noticed me being especially absent or manic or strange lately. the experience still haunts me, i havent been all together since then. i dont have time for anyone who will fuck with me, my threshold for strain is impossibly low right now
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strawberryspeachy · 5 years
Also im sick of obnoxious japanese eaters
Things ive found out are myths here
1) everyones nice.
No. Everyone smiles hard to cover up whatever assholery theyre doing - if theyre supposed to be nice to you. Public people are the same as usual... except theres alot more shoving
2) everything about school
They don’t pay for school. Its free. Just like ours. Except private school. Just like ours
They are not MORE overworked in school nor do they study more. Their rules are much loser. And just like the states, teachers have no real authority- but unlike the states - the students do not fear repercussions. They can be touched though but thats more because japanese people think its fine to touch each other a lot - ya know. Just dont hug as an adult - but all other invading of some kind of private bubble is fine
3) SLURPING No thats not just a “it shows you love the food!” Bs. Just like the states, the people you hear disgustingly slurping just eat loud and are gross... imo... people here dont seem to think its gross but far more people eat like civilized humans and dont slurp everything from solids to actual liquids.
K like every time the past two days ive had to be near people slurping their fucking food and as a person who HATES hearing people eat... its why im bitching here. LETTUCE DOES NOT NEED SLURPED
4) just anything they call “culture” they used a pretty word to cover for “thats just the dumb thing we do here” its literally like if we said aggressively speed driving and cutting people off is new yorkers culture
Japan has a lot of history and traditions. But mostly they have a lot of bs that theyre just too stubborn to acknowledge and change so they lable it culture. Any changes they make are pretty much like when my great grandmother got a cell phone.
She only turned it on to charge it and make a phone call - leave a voicemail saying that she called - and then would turn it back off. It wasnt ever even on long enough for her to need to charge it.
But in her mind no one could complain that she didnt have one. And the only emergency in her mind was her needing to call you - not vice versa. She wouldnt use it for any other purpose and generally resented its existence. She hated watching anyone else use their cell phones to check the time or take pictures or play games or have lenthy conversations.
Yea. Thats basiclly japan with everything new. They have it. But they dont use it , and its possibilities scare them so the old ppl say its not allowed to be used unless the old people need to use it
Sorry man i hate everywhere i am. My aparment is next to a bar that looks permanently closed during the day. I had no clue it was there till after i moved in and the loud karaoke blared into my window every damn night
My train line is a nightmare and if you wanna see the worst japanese people can be. Ride the train during rush hours
My post office is far away and they refuse to ring my doorbell when i have a delivery and instead just leave slip - if you dont hike over in their made up time period they throw your stuff away
No one will actually help you with serious stuff. They just smile and say sorry and run away — customer service. Yea. Not customer service. They could just as easily be a manican with a smiley face - itd serve the same purpose.
Theres too much paperwork constantly all the time about everything
Nothing is online
Another thing that prompted me for this “this is japanese chocolate”
Cool. I got that its japanese. Im in japan. Everything people point out for me “its japanese____” fucking imagine if we felt the need to point out every damn item as “american” in the states. Why? What is the meaning of this?
They gave me a table to sit at at this school. A table. That they make lunch on and put all their supplies on. A dude just kicked my chair as he came over for some shit. Why am i sitting at a table? Very very few japanese people ive worked with dont make me feel like an adopted pet dog that theyre not sure if itll bite. Dog. Not new person. They literlly have the children fetch me...
And ive grown so so very tired of being asked questions with the intention of having me overhype japan while maintaining that im so stupid that i know absolutely nothing about the country
98% of japanese people assume that you think of japan like youve never even heard of their country before arriving and that you just arrived two days ago
Also. Maybe they think their test scores and clases are so much more difficult because they cant seem to fathom that most other countries schools function the same way as theirs
Yesterday a teacher said “ah theyre so overworked. They have alot to remember” i thought she was about to tell me how many units were on their exam or something... no “english, japanese, science, math, history, pe, food class, art! Too many things. Theyre very overworked”
..... are you for real? Im pretty sure every fucking school has those subjects if you switch out japanese for the countries native language.... this is NORMAL
Im sorry. I know the reason anyone talking to me like this might not like me. Cause im not gonna go WOWWW SUGEII?!?!? So much stuff!! Poor them!
No. Yeah? Thats school...
Look im not an asshole to my kids. If they can manage to tell me any information about their life in english or simple japanese i can translate - i act surprised/ or am if their english is super good.
But adults... no man. Learn some stuff about the outside world. Youre not specifical
Also dating boys here is just like back home except they wont block you and they respond less
Instead of getting “nice” “oh” “idk” and “maybe” as there fading messages - they just leave you on read. Or give you some random information that you didnt ask about that has no relevance to the ‘convo’
Also also. “Speak slow” they dont say this in a ‘my english is not good so speak slower’ way. They say this in a ‘i felt really good about my english until you spoke at a normal pace and my classes and ass-kissing white dudes have taught me that enlgish is spoken slow and percisely so if you dont speak with a japanese accent, your fast english is wrong’
Whatever but like... could you return the favor by speaking japanese slowly. Speak it the way you want me to speak english....
Telling them to speak slow results in something like
... nihon..de〜 nan mabdnshsnabsjsnjsbshssnbsjsbsjshsh ka?
Woah ok... something in Japan... couldnt catch the rest of that
Id be more understanding of this. Its hard to speak slow. Lets both acknowledge this and not - teachers compalining to principals and boys... (1) sending me a fucking video on how to speak my own damn language properly
Also. Do you know how upsetting it is to listen to a student say something perfectly but before i get to praise them - have the japanese teacher jump in and “correct” them...... no no dude please. I know youll have a fucking meltdown if i say no your ways wrong. But now this student is so confused desperately staring at me positive theyre correct and all ive come up with to do is smiling and nodding at them while repeating the way they said hoping the japanese teacher wont notice/get offended
Also togo food... if its not american fast food... generally you cant take it to go... its sad. I have no friends. I just wanna take this home to eat in front of my tv. This isnt serious. Its just a minior inconvenience
Also joking... my japanese isnt good enough to joke. And... idk how... cant explain. The other day a student asked whats my favorite food
And another went hamburger?!? Mcdonalds!!?
I wanted to comment.. but. At least elementary students understand sarcasm. Their teachers dont. And whether the middle schoolers understand and just dont care is up in the air.
Oh! And. I was right last week when i didnt trust my teachers saying that the obvious bullying was just a misunderstanding and the obvious targets fault. Another straight up teacher said some kids have left the school because of bullying and theyre really awful when left alone in the rooms... i told him thats why we cant go unsupervised in america. Japan says the students are just perfect upstanding citizens, so much more caring and mature than other students. Nope. Middle schoolers will be middle schoolers no matter what country.
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"you know, its a good thing. honestly, its good that you see your value even if you dont see it in other places atleast youre seeing it in your intimate relationship. like this is a difference in you - no one prompted this. i didnt say anything to you. i dont think anyone else said anything. you just thought about it and decided on it. thats a really good thing" thank you, friend. because this is a really valid point that makes all the difference and i might not have seen that. for the first time, honestly, im not crazy. like im not questioning my belief as crazy or delusional. i know i dont like this and therefore its wrong. its not 'is this okay' - its not. and now im fed up. and i became quietly fed up. like i just sat on it and sat on it and never spoke about it to anyone. i dont ponder these thougbts with people. i just drive myself crazy thinking about it. because i know it doesnt matter now. i used to think it matter. i used to think that maybe someone knew more or better than i did. maybe i was just sooo dumb and useless that i dont "get it". so i fell in line to what others thought was best. whatever they said, i did. and i would try to seek a certain approval of my own ways so that i could justify believing other people knowing they really didnt know any better than i do. its a really fucked uo pattern thats like just shitty low self esteem. but heres the thing - i gained so much from him. like he completely changed my world view. not who i am but my world view and he gave me, honest to god, the path into humanity. like i also justified my own weakness of not taking more initiative to understand people and thus not feel abhorred by them and continue my cycle of low self esteem. seeing him be the person he is - not because hes great. hes not fucking great. he is legit not great at all. hes not "the best". hes like.. pretty good. okay on a regular basis. but he has a very unique personality and self awareness that mirrors my own in some ways and seeing it play out as an outsider and learning to love this person has allowed me to gain more love for myself. he is weird as shit. hes so fucking weird. i will almost hope to never meet someone as weird as him again because i dont like the odds of humanity turning out someone so weird and not being harmful in some way. but he is confidently weird. and i feel like he might not even be weird at all - hes transparent. hes totally see thriugh and humans are closed off and private and secluded but he speaks free on everything. everything. i have not met a single person like him before and slowly in my own social life away from him ive gained confidence to just be me. like more me than ive been before in an open and honest way. like just speaking freely and backing up what i believe and allowing the world to just be around me. and as people just let me fjcking be - just let me exist as the shitty person i am, each day ive gotten better. ljke im talking sitting on a couch all day no shower not eating chain smoking to getting up and going out to see people and cleaning my house and showering and eating. he didnt do this for me at all but knowing him allowed me o be free enough to discover my own way. like im starting to feel like the bum ive been for a long time but more in like a wow im pretty fed up with myself even. like damnnn. maybe im starting to wake up. maybe the fucking drugs are working and im like well im good so fuck the drugs like all naive assholes. but i dont know. i guess well find out on this awesome rollercoaster of my life. but i feel like im starting to wake back into life. ljke i was dead already, ive been dead and life is moving aeound me and i am a poltergeist . he knew it all along. im just a ghost haunting him. im already dead. but im not really. i have the ability to resurrect and i think i should be grateful that i can. im close to not being able to but i can. so like.. i said it. i said it but not to him but to him and he would know. like i always remember how he freaked out and posted about his ex owing him money multiole times in a row on facebook. he felt super justified in it and never back tracked. and listen - this is already wrong. were on two wrongs. of course its stupid to post anything like that on facebook. but he felt free enough to do it and i want to enjoy that same freedom without worry as well. he kept and keeps repeating that certain things are a waste of his time. and thats suuuuuuper funny to me. like on a shitty i dont even give a fuck anymore level. you know whats a waste of time? A RELATIONSHIP WITHOUT REASON. holy fuck. nine months of just... WHAT EVEN IS THIS. HELLO. fuck me, im just like a girl who goes around his place and watches him play video games and sleeps at his house and smokes his weed. thats it. im not even his girlfriend honestly. like that describes exactlt our relarionship because he does nothing for me on a regular basis. nothing at all. so i spend a large portion of my time with a guy who DOESNT EVEN GIVE A FUCK and you want to talk about a waste of fucking time? "its not even that serious of a thing" then you dont even know. you dont even know. but you wouldnt. thats what ill have to work on. he wouldnt know anything about this because i dont talk about it. i mean, if im asked, im bluntly honest about it but i dont talk about it to him or anyone. so he wouldnt think it wasnt "serious". its about texting. its about "spending time together" its about whatever but its about THIS POINTLESS ASS ASSOCIATION WITH HIM. who the fuck are you to my life? like i cant even say hes my friend. i cant say hes my boyfriend. i settled into "the guy im seeing". becahse i dont know how important he should be to give him a fucking name in my story. are you a main character or secondary? and if youre the latter why the fuck you enjoying the benefits of a main? but again - repetition. i cleared this blog out of the earliest entries and you know what? they were all "what the fuck is this". nine months of what the fuck is this. i guess im done being romantic and being like all dreamy about this rogue guy having a life with me. now im like weve been fucking for nine months and created nothing but awkward conversarion between each other. heres the thing. i knew i was desperate. i knew that i pressed hard on fuckboy becahse i was desperste to return to confort and stability of a relationship and living together. i knew that. ive been sooooo careful and sooo insecure about seeming that way again. this may have been one of the first adult ways i went about doing something and im just... NINE MONTHS. holy fuck dude. how casual is nine months. you shouldve left four to five months ago and were still fucking. like he doesnt know what i want in life. like he honest to god thinks im just chilling and living wjthout cause. my god. im fucking old. im sorry. ill be 37 and laugh at myself now but im comfortable with the fact at 27 i realized i wanted true love. i wanted familial love. i wanted a partner in life. more than sex, more than a convinience or simple comfort. more than money, more than drugs. im not looking for a reason to change but i would accept one if it gave me things that were of higher priority and emotionally rewarding to my being. like why should i stop smoking weed when its one of the few things i legitmatelt enjoy? why should i stop smoking at all? why should i work my ass off at a full time job to come home to mt cats? this relationship gives me no purpose. a close intimate relarionshio jn my life gives me no purpose, no reason to get up in the morning other than seeing their face. which is ljke seeing a poster on tbe wall or hearing your fav song. its like an empty enjoyment that fades pretty quick because it gives you nothing deep. i guess im sad that this is life. like im not going to put that on him. i did that with an ex already. like its his fault life has these turns and people chanve and do things and become things. its no ones fault its just a depressing fact everyone lives with. people just come and go and in the end itll be me on my couch typing on a broken phone and smoking weed with my cats. im not depressed. like not anymore than i would be. and whats crazy is i was sober and pissed and got high and continued to be just as pissed because i cant even smoke away the anxious uncertainty. its not about fucking texting. its not a waste of time, youve just made it a waste of time. i didnt go to a party that i was onvited to today. i had a ride too. but ljke.. i knew that id be focused on this and be distracted and burnt out and wnting to go home. i was already on the fence about it anyways. i knew there would be hard drugs there and people drinking and honestly, im better than that now. i really am. i can hang out with these people but i dont need to party with them. its really okay. they can do what they like at their parties and as long as im not putting myself into it, i dont have to care. so its okay. im playing on it more that i didnt go out of anger. its really for the best. i told him i would be coming to get my keys tomorrow in the morning. and like.. i want to. and maybe ill wake uo feeling totally different but in my tired stoned state at 2am i feele more like maybe i wont. like it is important to me. and now that ive made a big deal out of it, i probably should. but like.. thats not really my point. i sent him this... kind of sassy message that basically implied that he was careless for not trying to get my keys to me when hes acting like a jerk and that he wouldnt even know about any of my issues for wanting the keys because he doesnt even know what ive done this week besides fucking laundry at his house because he definitelt hasnt given a shit enough about me to ask at all. like how are you smothered by someone you dont really know about. like youre literally not involved in my life unless i tell you one tidbit of it. like i dont talk to him. ive completely huddled uo in myself now. and i kind of wanted to see if i was deljsional and kept track if he asked me about myself. he never did. NOT ONE TIME. like thats why im stuck on it. how can you feel so overwhelmed as if im literally just peckinf at you lkke an annoying bird or something and you dont see me, speak to me or know anythinf about me. ljke he acts as though im just sending him shit over and over and consrantlt barraging him and im not. at all. the onlt way i could would be by sending one word messages. so this is very delusional on his part and other people would have no problem receiving a message from me. but the keys. id rather just not show up. just remain quiet for the day. but i have no weed and nothing else to do so im not sure what else i would do. i dont even know if that means anything either. ljke oo give me my keys and then i dont even show up for them. who cares, he still gets what he wants. like fuck me lets just end this. its been ruined. it takes both of us to untangle this mess and hes not doing his part so its just ruined. in my head not going to get my keys is like, "oh wow how unlike her to not follow through with something like this i wonder why she didnt come and what shes doing instead" but like its probablt more, "lol dumb bitch cries about keys and doesnt even get them" but at like 9pm at night when he finally realizes i never got them. i legit dont think he cares. its a waste of my time to try and think like ~why is he doing this. i dont care. theres nothing ive done to deserve this and to have no fucking point to now arguing about the ability to hang out? fuck off. ive deserved more. like i deserved a reply to my request for keys. just like a "youre right you can get the keys x" even if im penaljzed for not getting them when i was doing laundry -fine. but lkke.. reply to my fucking message. im not asking some inane bullshit. im asking abiut shit i fucking own outright. i deserve a god damn response when he wastes my fucking time calling about shit HE OWNS in his own fjcking house. like my god. theyre fucking keys. appease me even. laugh at it and tell me theyre in your mailbox. like holy shit, its not even hard to be a dick about that and you sit on no response? its not even a malicious thing. ive explained it even to his mother that its safety now. and hes rrying to impede my fucking safety. like go be you. be you all damn day but you being you doesnt include me so give me back my fucking keys. no one is arguing the being you part. no one is impeding or invading the ability to be you. but being an asshole about it - choosing to ignore it, thats impeding me being me. and i can be me as much as you can be you and i guess im sorry these are rhe consequences. like i try to even think of a reason why hes avoided my mentions of it. like why? you know what i want. what reason do you need to hold on to keys you never even use? what do you think im doing? ljke.. is it ljke im trying to clean up before offing myself? do i have a secret lover im movinf in and need keys for? am i offending his sejbilities of being my care giver by telling him hes not doing a good job? like he was offended by the thought that me saying or being in a huff about him not driving me somewhere meant that he didnt do anything or was being a bad boyfriend. so is this like in his mind some big insult to him and hes not even going to respond to it. like its just soo ridiculous to him hes just going to ignore it? simple fucking quesrion. so fucking simple. but hours of waiting. hours and hours. its 3 now and i want to say ill still be mad but i probably wont be mad enoufb to walk to his house. i want to be. but i guess i just need some depression days rifht now. i am doing good. and im still doing good and feeling down about these things is okay.
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