#not shown: flame heelys
ignorancelive · 5 months
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ok but have we considered that paramore is a band ⁉️
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cloudninetonine · 4 years
Cogito, ergo sum
Pairing: Connor (RK800) x fem!reader (Eventually)
Summary: Humanity seems to be at the midst of a dawning of a new age and they’re using fire against fire to stop it. It’s a real shame for you that the fire is kinda cute.
A/N: Hi, so, there is no reason for this except that I was hit with the urge to rewatch D:BH and fell in love with Connor again so I wanted to write out my feelings. If people want more please tell me because I don’t want to write a fic that no one even likes.
Also, notes for future readers. I tend to lean towards a British reader, because I myself am British and find it easier to write like that, I don’t understand America one single bit so you bet your arse there are going to be inaccuracies that will make Americans cringe. Still hope you enjoy it tho.
Warnings: Bad language (That’s it, for now)
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Undercut for convience
"What's up fuckers!?"
Connor’s gaze is still focused on Hank’s as the older man’s demeanor shifts, with a small quirk of his lips resembling something similar to a smile and rolling his eyes, he glances towards the entrance of the department and from what the android could see, many others did also, most sharing similar expressions of exasperated amusement while some just looked downright tired.
He’s quick to follow the many stares of his new colleagues, turning in his seat to get a look at the figure who literally seems to roll into the room, a box of donuts within their hands.
Det. (Last) (Name)
DOB: (MM/DD/2002) // Police Det.
Criminal records: N/A
It’s on instinct that he scans you, it’s part of his protocol after all, so he makes sure to scan every part of you, his LED flashing a concentrating yellow as the information falls in.
It stops, however, when he notices one of your arms. He doesn’t miss it, of course he doesn’t, he’s way too clever for that, but he does marvel, because he notices that it’s not human skin that decorates the limb, but synthetic like his own and he finds himself scanning deeper-
"I've downed three cans of Monster Energy and I'm ready to fight God!"
‘What an odd thing to declare’ is what pops into Connor's mind, interrupting his own little investigation in favour of narrowing his eyes quizzically towards your approaching form that has your own eyes focused on his partner sat across from him, an almost sadistic grin plastered on your face.
It is a sadistic one, of course, Hank knows that, you know that, the whole department knows it. You’ve always seemed to show a more malicious glee with him, like a bratty child with their parents, like a moth to a flame. If anything, he expects his day to get about 2x more painful than he needs, as shown with that stupid hunk of metal sitting across from him and he knows you’re going to enjoy every single second of it.
God save his fucking soul.
You stop just a few inches away from Hank's desk with a smile almost blinding bright, kicking in your heelys like you had done millions of times previously before bowing towards the older man, box held out towards him.
"Donut, my liege?"
He easily picks out his favourite, a famous Homer donut decorated with pink icing and multi-colour sprinkles, quitely grunting out "Thanks" as he bites down onto the treat, turning back to the computer screen.
But maybe, just maybe, your focus will be shifted today.
"But of course" Then, turning towards Connor, still bowed at the hip, you speak again "And one for you, my good sir?"
It took Connor a moment to realise, despite it being quite obvious, that you’re talking to him and his LED flashes a vibrant red when he finally opens his mouth to speak, politeness lacing his tone.
"Thank you, but I don't need to eat"
The phrase stumps you, because, well, why wouldn't someone not need to eat, so you raise your head "What-"
And you get your answer.
And Hank gets his relief for the moment.
It takes what Connor counted was a single second for your face to change from confusion to utter delight, a gasp followed by cry of what he decided was excitement at the sight of him, dropping the donut box altogether and resulting in Hank cussing up a storm when they nearly came tumbling out onto his desk.
"(Name), be careful, for fucks sake!"
But you’re not listening, no, why would you be listening to the old geezer? Instead, your hands are tightly grasping the sides of the android's face, tugging his head gently in different directions as to study him, your eyes bright with a spark of joy.
It was odd, no one had ever looked at him like that.
Software instability.
"Jesus Christ, woman, stop being fucking weird" Hank mutters off with a growl, watching the scene with an obvious look of irritation, "Just an android, we see 'em every fucking day"
"But a new model!" You cry, words were aimed towards Connor more than anything as you finally pulled away, although, quickly you raced to the desk opposite to him, rolling over a desk chair- your desk chair and collapsing onto it with a smile, resting your head in your hands, memorised. "I've never seen your handsome face before, stranger"
Hank physically gags.
"Hello, detective" Connor parrots his line, his phrase and of course slips in your rank because he had obviously been scanning you since you appeared in his line of vision. He already knows a majority about you and you don't even know his name, nevermind model.
It's just so amazing.
"My name is Connor. I am the android sent by Cyberlife." You're pretty sure the smile he gives you is akin to a murderer more than a friend "It's nice to meet you, officially"
Your hand comes up, pinching the synthetic skin of his cheek.
What a puppy, such an adorable boy, he looks so confused, eyes focused on the fingers keeping his fake skin hostage while you coo at him unprofessionally, Hank close to grabbing the gun from his jacket and shooting you right where you sat.
"You are just adorable, Connor"
After a moment, Connor finally reacts, hand reaching up to grasp yours and pull it away gently "Thank you, detective"
"Please, you can just call me (Name)" The smirk slides on easy, as does the wink you send him "Hope you don't mind if I call you handsome, do you?"
If Connor had learned anything about you from these first few minutes, it's that he doesn't truly understand you at all. You're flamboyant, that much is obvious, but your flamboyance leaves nothing but a screen blocking what you're really like, leaving Connor stumped on what you might do next.
That's what he concludes when instead of answering, or staying silent, he stumbles over his words and watches when you laugh, leaning over to grab a donut from the box.
What an interesting character you are.
Interesting indeed.
“(Name)!” At the sound of Fowler’s voice, you turn with a still ever-so-friendly grin and a call of ‘Boss!’, jumping from you seat. Crumbs of donut fall from your mouth and you swallow, only to hack up a storm straight after.
Fowler scowls “My office, now”
You throw the duo a wink before skipping over to the captain’s office.
“Don’t mind her” Hank finally speaks and it grabs Connor’s attention, the android shifting his gaze from your form to his partner’s, the old man reaching for another donut. “She’s nuts”
“She seems....” His database searches for the word “pleasant”
“If you think that you must be fucking broken, stupid android”
It’s only after 10 minutes you return, a grin so wide Hank’s near damn sure it’s going to split your face into two while Connor tilts his head, like a puppy, an oh so cute puppy.
“Guess who’s partnership just became a trio?”
“....Mother fucker-”
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sp00ks-odyssey · 4 years
Gangster/Mafia Fresh Sans (Cross between Fresh Sans and Mafia Sans)
Name: StarkFresh
Also known as: MobFresh, BloodStain or FreshMafia (For AU titles)
Nickname: B.S 
Age: 24
Birthday: June 5th 
Year of birth: Unknown
Species: Mafia/90s Skeleton
Gender: Male
Height: 7ft 8
Voice: I'm thinking a lazy Tenor
Quotes by StarkFresh: 
"Let's Boogie" 
"Histile pistol baby"
(reasons for these quotes/why he says them is unknown)
Watching Old Detective TV shows,
Hanging out with his pet.
Fav food/drinks: 
Butterscotch Soda,
Cream Soda.
Scary at times,
Major Flirt,
StarkFresh's Looks:
He has an all white Classic Sans skull,
A little bit of chub on cheek bones like original Mafia Sans.
His mouth is always open in an opened-fanged smile, 
He does not do the Classic Sans perma-smile,
His teeth and top canines are shown,
One of his bottom teeth is missing leaving a gap,
He has a half purple half dark blue tongue,
Both of his eye sockets are neon green,
His pupils are dark blue oval shaped in both eye sockets,
Inside of his nose bone glows orange all the time.
His bone are all white, (No other color)
He has Thick/chubby bones (Like original Mafia).
He has short thick legs.
His legs are also white bones, (No other color)
He has a bit of chub/thickness in his legs as well,
(The rest of him should be like any other Sans, white bony feet, white bony arms, white boney fingers, etc)
He wears a Purple and red fedora, 
A Neon bow-tie,
Pink overalls, 
A white long sleeved tuxedo with a left breast pocket in the front,
Some red fancy mafia dress shoes with wheels (NOT HEELYS THOUGH)
A black trench coat, 
Some black jeans,
And normal brown sun-glasses/shades with no words written on the lenses. 
His black trench coat goes all the way down his form and a little ways past his knees,
He does not wear pants when wearing the trench coat, (such a flirt XD)
If he does not have his trench coat on he wears black jeans,
His pink overalls go over his white tux,
If he doesn't have his shoes on he walks around in black fuzzy socks.
A brown wooden baseball bat, 
Green magic,
Both eyes can flame up while using magic, 
He can't teleport.
(more tba)
A Silver Pocket Watch: 
It is always in his front left pocket of his white tux, 
A black chain is attached to it,
The outside of the watch says GHETTO on it in dark blue lowercase writing, 
Inside has a floating, cracked upside-down white soul in it leaking white blood, 
He never opens the watch cause he wants no one to see the soul or let the blood pool out,
It really doesn't have the time.
A Dark Blue Pipe: 
No tobacco or smoke, "That's Un-cool for the Rad-Mafia"
He blows bubbles out of it instead,
He rarely uses the pipe though, 
It stays in his trench coat pocket.
His Pet:  A furby-dog
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magnetic-ace · 5 years
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I love all my OC’s equally. Which means that if I put one through shit. They all get shit.
Based on those wonderful “Outfit Idea’s”. Not shown are: Sam wearing Glass Heels with goldfish. Cassie’s black Heelies with stylized flames.
Oh yes, and the back of course.
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