#dont know how to use them but i get an extra half inch of height and they look cool so. idk dont worry about it
ignorancelive · 5 months
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ok but have we considered that paramore is a band ⁉️
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“Come into my parlor,” Said the spider to the fish.
I know I’m not great at titles but oh well. This is an Eri.Vr.is oral vore fic! Mainly because I’ve been doing some rps and been caught up in the great dynamic they have imo. This is a sfw fic, but again it is a vore fic so if you turn away I won’t be offended. That said, I hope you enjoy and I’m always open to criticism!
There would be an unceremonious sigh that would come from a certain violet blooded sea dweller as he fiddled with the pieces for his latest scheme to exterminate all the land dwellers. Or at least, that would be what he had claimed he was doing, he never truly planned to execute it both due to lack of ambition and the resources. Really, the boasting and bragging about what he planned to do wasn’t as much of a threat as he liked to claim it was, and truly it was more along the lines of a need for attention than any true plans of committal. 
It had been a slow night for one Eridan Ampora, and having wasted most of it attempting to message any troll to either gossip with three of them or spew some rhetoric he didn’t fully believe. But even then, all that was accomplished was that he was being ignored while he vied for attention. All that was left was to stay cooped inside and rewatch old documentaries as he idly fiddled with historical figure memorabilia.
That was, it was all he had to do until someone had decided to free him from his self-isolation.
AG: Heeeeeeeey, Eridan. ::::) 
The sea dweller would squint, he didn’t think his rival would message him after deciding not to message her first. They had broken up when they were six sweeps due to him boring and overbearing; but some time after they turned seven sweeps, Eridan’s attempts to renew their rivalry would pay off after much work and effort. And now they had been going strong even after they hit nine sweeps old.
However, he would roll his eyes at the sight, he knew her innocent seeming spider smile was anything but.
CA: wwhat do you wwant you cerulean blowwhard dont you knoww im busy AG: I’m hurt! After all I went through to check on my dear rival! I would have thought he liked someone giving him attention. AG: Oh well! Guess I’ll just leave you to your devices seeing how you’re *so* busy, CA: god damn it wwait CA: okay maybe i got a bit of an openin in my schedule to wwaste time wwith you AG: Please! The only one who’s going to be wasting their time is me, we 8oth know you’re pro8a8ly doing something 8oring like watching one of your lame documentaries. CA: theyre not LAME theyre goin to be your miserable dirt munchin dowwnfall soon enough AG: Oh???????? 8old claim from you Ampora. Seeing how I know you’re dead wrong. AG: Anyway! You’re coming over to my hive today right? AG: Why am I even asking? You o8viously forgot. CA: i didnt forget i totally fuckin remembered our meeting at your stupid and completely ridiculous hivve AG: It’s not stupid! What’s stupid is the fishbreath who 8uilt his hive surrounded 8y the ocean when he 8arely spends any time in the water. AG: Whatever, just come over. I’m not waiting all day for your dum8ass. CA: ugh fuckin fine CA: you still havvent told me wwhat specifically you wwanted to do ovver there anywway AG : :::;)
And with that, the conversation was brought to an end. Eridan would rub his temples, her purposely vague answer meant any number of things, usually which ended in his embarrassment in one way or the other. Of course, it was better to just go over as soon as possible rather than him wasting time by speculating, even if he did plan to make her wait to purposely be fashionably late. Something to put his pompous attitude on display. Soon enough, Eridan would don his scarf and cape before leaving his hive and embarking on the trip to Vriska’s.
The trip wasn’t terribly long, mainly because traversing through the ocean was far from an issue and her home conveniently overlooked the sea. Even so, Eridan would hold make sure to wait for an extra amount of time for no reason than to uphold the gesture that he was royalty. Feeling accomplished with his amazingly petty task, he would approach the door and knock a few times before waiting for her to answer as he dried himself off as he uncaptchalogued a few towels.
Vriska would answer the door surprisingly quickly, having not had the patience to return his petty actions before pulling him inside and closing the door behind them both. The expression on her face was blatant annoyance, but that was far from the norm regardless if it was actual exasperation or not. Eridan would up look at the other troll with a frown, even since they had gotten older he would find that she had sky rocketed past him in height. He had been a respectable  height of nearly six feet, while she had him beat by additional four feet, much to his unending irritation and to her endless amusement.
“You’re late. Even after I went and so kindly reminded you of our little arrangement. Well, I guess everything’s little to me when you’re short, but the point stands.” “yeah yeah keep braggin vvris i wwas towwerin ovver you before-” “Sure, you had a few inches on me when we were six! But now we’re nine and you’re still short, how do you explain that, hm?” That would cause him to shut up rather quickly, though he would dart his eyes around and attempt to come up with a retort, only to fold his arms and huff soon after. It wasn’t uncommon for trolls to grow as much as she did, but the fact that he wasn’t one of them meant that  discussions of height were biased in her favor. Her ten feet tall favor. His violet eyes would eventually return to her cerulean ones, there had been smile on her face, one that reeked of mischievous intent. Before he could open his mouth to question her intentions, she would cover his mouth with her hand, and some of his face as a natural consequence of the difference in size between them.
“Alright Ampora, shut up for a minute and listen. I had you come over because I had a proposition that’s going to 8enefit 8oth of us. Here’s the deal: You got two minutes to hide somewhere, and I’m going to seek you out. If I can’t find you in 8 minutes, you win! And if you pick somewhere dum8 and I find you, I win! And the loser has to do whateeeeeeeever the winner wants! Sound good? ::::)”
Eridan would try to speak his response, only for Vriska to keep her hand pressed against his face, only pulling back once he felt something wet trail along it. Irritation making itself apparent with a scoff, she would return the favor by grabbing one of his hands, sticking out her tongue and  slowly pressing the wet muscle against the other troll’s hand in a rather long lick before finally letting him go. His hand utterly drenched in saliva, Eridan’s face would scrunch up as he shook his hand dry while a small tinge of violet came across his face. It made her brief taste of him all the more delicious. 
“for fucks sake fine ill WWIN your stupid land suckin game and then wwe can do somethin wway less ridiculous and more dignified afterwwards” His statement was spoken with his usual amount of sea dweller pompous pride, even if the chips were stacked against him. Even so, he held his head up high and puffed his chest out, not about to turn down a challenge that was surely easy enough to win. She had a castle, there must have been plenty of places to hide.
“Good! Now get going Eridan, unless you want to 8e 8oring and lame and make this too easy.” She’d give him a wink, teasing him over her self-assured victory and a lick of her lips. She had no problem hinting at what she wanted to do once she won, it made it fun to see him squirm.
He’d pause for a moment and confidence turned into brief uncertainty in less than a minute, “wwait you mean right noww i havvent fuckin evven gotten to-” He cuts himself off as he sees her turn away and start to count, realizing that she wasn’t even going to wait for him to prepare himself. He’d scramble off, the sea dweller handling himself incredibly well on land even when he’s running around wearing a rather long cape. 
He wasn’t used to hiding as he was often hunting for the sake of Feferi’s lusus, but he would certainly try his hand at it to the best of his ability. Of course, his first two attempts were less than idea, having run to the very bottom of her hive to try and disguise himself by burying himself under her pile of miscellaneous belongings, only to realize he was shifting too much. He’d then decide to try his hand at hiding on one of the upper floors, deciding that hiding behind her pile of treasure would have been an unlikely spot seeing how he resented her various wins against him during their FLARP sessions. Unfortunately, this would prevent him from hiding there for long, as he does grow irritated looking at her spoils and decided to leave before it caused those pitch feelings to flair too much. Ultimately, he would decide to hide somewhere so obvious, Vriska would never think to check. He was confident in this idea, so much so that he decided to take it easy and relax in his new found spot, all he had to do now was wait 8 minutes and win. He means eight.
Vriska, predictably, did not count the entirety of two minutes before she began her hunt. Rather, she stopped once she got to eighty eight and decided that was enough for her. When she turned around, she half expected Eridan to standing right there out of spite and stubbornness about the whole thing but to her delight the violet blood was playing along. The question was where to find him, if she had to guess, it was probably somewhere dumb, like him. And so her very first guess was her trophy room, because of course he would think she’d skip over her own hoard of treasure to look for him. But upon making her way up the many stairs to check, she would find not a hair of him to found. She was a bit annoyed her first guess wasn’t right, but she had extra time to spare and her next guess would most certainly be right.
Except it wouldn’t The next room would be devoid of Eridan, and the next and the next. It would seem that no matter where she searched, he was nowhere to be found, it raise her irritation with him, and with it her hunger. The stomach of the ten foot cerulean would grumble as she briefly put a hand on it and huffed, she had to give her rival credit, he was doing a good job at making her work for this. And here she thought she’d grab an easy snack. But the warranty of it was  wearing off as time passed on, even with her head start, it would seem that Eridan was safe wherever he had chosen to hide. She couldn’t allow this to happen, she had planned for this all to go a certain way, and the fact that it wasn’t was unacceptable. Annoyed, she’d retire to her block for a moment, purely for the sake of trying not to get too caught up and at least try to remain rational about this. Only a minute to go, there wasn’t much time left, and Vriska was certain she had searched about every place there was to offer. Unless...
Without a word, Vriska would approach her wardrobe dresser, there was no way he’d hide in there right? It’d be dumb and stupid and completely ridiculous! Well, she didn’t have time, so she would ultimately waste not a moment more as she ripped open the doors to her wardrobe and... found her prize. Eridan for one was shocked with the sudden burst of light and appearance of Vriska, who apparently been frustrated looking for him. He wishes he could have seen the whole experience, but from the noises she made he got his fair share of entertainment. “8h my g8d, r8ally!!!!!!!! Y8u hid in my wardr88e????????” There was an unending amount of vitriol pouring from Vriska now, irritation at herself and him were flowing freely, and despite Eridan’s surprise, he would waste no time in displaying adjusting himself and nodding, “of course i hid here because i thought youd fuckin ovverlook it seein howw all your attire is plain as SHIT and it wworked just god damn fine seein howw a certain obnoxious glory lovvin troll took forEVVER to find me-” He would step out with a large amount of pride, quite certain he had won, only for his eyes  to dart over to the clock in her room and his face would immediately fall. She had found him with ten seconds to spare. “wwell fuck”
Vriska would try to take a moment to herself to not have too radical an outburst, she was upset, but she also wanted to savor her prize. The expression on Eridan’s face certainly helped “Wwell fuck is right! I win! And that meeeeeeeeans you have to do what I want, and I think we both know what that is.” A chill would go down his spine, while Eridan could be clueless at times, she had given him more than enough hints as to what she wanted. It certainly hadn’t been the first time they had done such a thing, but it was more than a bit embarrassing for him, which made give her some push back on the idea. “are you fuckin kiddin vvris you didnt say anythin about this bein your prize-” “Don’t 8e coy!” She’d interrupt him immediately, taking a step closer to him as he took a step back. “ I made it plenty clear! 8esides! I win, and you agreed to the terms right? It’s only fair I get what I’m promised.” 
Another step forward and he’d take another few steps back and bump into the wall behind him, Vriska smirking as she’d get closer to him, their bodies practically touching as she leaned down towards him and her lips would slowly part, strands of saliva breaking apart as he start down that cerulean abyss, taking a few teasing swallows as she inched closer before letting her warm breath washing over him and fogging up his glasses.  A few drops of drool would fall into his face before she’d close her mouth pull away, letting the situation sink in for the sea dweller as well as calm herself down, she may have had a bit of cerulean tint her cheeks in the same manner violet tinted his. Eating someone in this manner was embarrassing after all, which was why she’d only do it in private, not that she’d ever admit it out loud. Eridan had similarly shared the sentiment on the other side of the spectrum.
While embarrassment would go around on both ends, the sea dweller still contemplated making a run for it; the thought of being consumed always did trigger a fight or flight instinct, regardless of the fact that she probably wouldn’t digest him. Before he can even make an attempt however, his body is kept in place by hands on his shoulders, she had decided that she wasn’t going to give him the chance to scramble off and hide again, “I hope you’re ready, because you’re going to be in there for a while~” She would lean in again, salivating as she brought herself closer yet as her jaws widened to accept her meal. Slow warm breaths would beat against his skin as she drew tantalizingly close, all the while the fish troll would gulp nervously.
Instinctively, he would press his hands against her face as she started to lean in, he wasn’t about to let his hatemate have her meal without at least giving some fight back. One hand on her top lip and the other on her bottom, there’d be some push back as she slowly closed the distance between them yet again, it was a losing fight on his end as the predator drew closer and closer, letting him stare once again into her mouth before her tongue would slide out to press against his face and trail upwards, taking his glasses with it and causing him to loosen his hold. It was all he needed give the spider troll all the leeway she needed. Before he can even think about his mistake, she would jolt forward and wrap her lips around his neck, sealing him inside the jaws of the ever hungry troll. A hum of approval would resonate around the noble of troll royalty, reveling in the taste of victory and her meal, saliva being thoroughly slathered across his face during his various attempts to voice insults and protests. Though that wouldn’t stop him from trying. 
While it was certainly dark in the other’s mouth, being a nocturnal species meant that Eridan could see each and every detail as she made sure to truly make him squirm. It wouldn’t be long before she’d take the first swallow, letting his glasses slide along her tongue before they were unceremoniously pulled down her gullet Of course. with that swallow, he would be brought only a short distance away from the opening in her throat, as his shoulders would be brought in next. Her teeth would be pressed against his clothes to  keep him in place as his struggles and attempts to free himself grew stronger despite the situation going in the opposite direction for him. Her tongue would waste no time in running over the formerly dry parts of the troll, drenching the top of his shirt as drool as she decided to move on with her meal and take the gulp that would trap him inside her throat and bulge it out with his struggling form.
His head now captured in a pulsating throat, Vriska can continue her meal in confidence he won’t wiggle out. Her hands would move to keep his arms pinned to his sides as she moved further down his body, a hum flowing freely as she continued this consumption of him. Drool would pool in her mouth and dripping down as his chest was next to slide between her jaws as Eridan was tugged further down her throat, slightly bulging it out as he defiantly tried to move it around. Her tongue was relentless in running along the fabric she brought into her mouth, it was a bit tasteless and bland, and she regrets not shredding the shirt when she had the chance, but she ultimately makes do. Mainly by lapping at the shirt to lubricate it before taking another swallow, sending him further down the slimy gullet.
Her lips and fangs now reach his hips, and his stomach is safely contained within her mouth. Now she could have a bit more fun with him. Her tongue would curl under the bottom of his shirt to gain access to his skin yet again, an unadulterated groan escaping her to make it well known how much she just enjoyed this feeling, the noises ringing through his ears amidst his own grunts and swears. She’d stop her swallowing for a moment, reveling in the taste and wanting him to squirm a bit longer for her and attempt to fight back against the intrusive tongue as it rubbed against him,  only to end up rubbing his body more against the wet muscle, her taste buds gets all the flavor she could ever want. What probably gets the biggest reaction from her is when she gives attention to his grub scars, which are oddly enough, pretty delicious for a reason she couldn’t quite explain. But they do elicit some sounds from Eridan was well, mainly increasingly flustered insults as he keeps kicking wildly. It was quite enjoyable a feeling if she were to be honest.
While she could have kept slathering, lapping and sucking on him for a considerable amount of time, a sudden loud growl would emerge from her stomach, reminding her that she was quite hungry still. And so, she’d wrap her hands around his legs to keep them still as the next series of gulps condemned the violetblood to his fate. There would be only the briefest moment where she would remove his shoes before finally sealing the deal, tracing the last of the troll’s form down with one hand as she pushed him down to her stomach. A long sigh would come out of her as she laid on back and massage her now bloated stomach. It was a lot of work to get him down and she was blue in the face, but she had done it. She could feel him fighting and hear his complaints both of which were more than annoying when she was trying to relax, but damn, it was always satisfying to do this. 
 Eridan, for his part, always had conflicting feelings about this. His face flushed violet and his entire body was absolutely drenched in ever warm saliva, it and he was now surrounded by a brilliant shade of blue that made up her stomach walls. He attempt to push and stretch it to its limits and cause her indigestion as a form of revenge, but all he would be met with was a few gurgles as the stomach churned around him. Luckily, it didn’t seem like he was going to be digested, otherwise he would have been splashing stomach acids all over him from his struggles, instead of other contents in her stomach. It included a few eight balls and dice, unsurprisingly. Despite his best efforts, he would only slightly stretch out her grey skin as Vriska could see her bloated stomach wiggling and bulging with his form, she was content to keep him in there.
It would be a few minutes before Eridan’s protests would die down and he’d resign himself for now as he attempt to get comfortable against the soft stomach lining that surrounded him. As embarrassing as this had been, he had expending his stamina and his frustration dying down to contempt. It would allow her to relax a bit more and close her eyes. She thinks she’s going to take a nap before they do anything else. She might let him out later but for now, this was just another mark of victory for her. It was fun, they’ll have to do this again sooner rather than later.
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One Night
I wanted to read a fic specific to whats in my head, I couldn’t find one, so I took 4 hours to write my own, Enjoy!
Oh if you want a description, its an insert yourself type, one night with Taron Egerton thing, it gets steamy, it has a bit of a long intro but it’s worth it, I promise.
If you wanna know what I was listening to when I wrote this, check out
Woman - City and Colour
Heavy In Your Arms - Florence + the Machine
Muddy Waters - LP
Ok here we go!
I’ve never been one for parties, especially the fancy kind. You know, the kind where you have to actually look like you belong, buy an expensive dress and pretend you fit in.
Working on a movie set was certainly amazing, but all the glam outside of it just wasn’t my style. I’m way more comfortable in jeans and a hoodie. But at least for now, I had to act the part.
It was the wrap party, I was only one of the makeup artists on the set but everyone mattered there. It was a collective effort. I got to know most of the cast on a superficial basis, seen them at their worst, and witnessed tantrums like you’ve never seen. I didn’t work so much with the leads, just some extras and minor characters, but close enough to see all of this happening on a daily basis. But all in all, it was a pretty great gig.
It’s been a long 3 months of shooting, and reshooting, and here we are. Celebrating the end. I’m gonna miss all of it, even the bad parts, the late nights and extremely early mornings. Everyone will move on to the next one, leaving this just another credit on their IMDb page. This was only my second gig, and I still wasn’t used to it. Who knows where I’ll be next.
Back to the party. We were set up in some high rise 10 star hotel, in a ballroom with a terrace overlooking the city. I tried, I really did, but my social skills leave something to be desired, so I made my way out to the balcony with a glass of champagne after aimlessly wandering around nodding and smiling to whoever came in my path. I basically went unnoticed. My dress was uncomfortable, my shoes were hurting my feet and my hair was twisted up too tight, giving me a headache. Sequins and high heels were not for me. I wasn’t much for champagne either, I just held it as I wandered, taking small sips, trying to look like I enjoyed it. The air outside was so wonderful, a nice breeze, not as stuffy and way more relaxing than in that ballroom. Surprisingly, I was the only one out there to enjoy it. The quietness of it all, and the view of the city, that balcony became my favorite place in the world at that moment. I rested against the thin wall separating me from freefalling hundreds of feet down. I was most certainly afraid of heights, but the view was just too breathtaking. I wanted to be as close as possible to the lights, and the stars above. I felt so much peace standing there, gazing at the glitter all around me. I could still hear the faint melody of music traveling from inside, soothing me.
These parties were nothing but schmoozing and everyone congratulating themselves for a ‘job well done’. Shooting this movie has been exhausting, it took a lot of me, both physically and mentally. It’s not always fun and games in this business. I was proud to be a part of this though, it was a project I’ve been excited about doing for awhile. I flittered about from group to group, receiving pats on the back and constant 'cheers’ with that annoying clinking of glasses. Truth be told, I was glad shooting was over. I needed a break, I just wanted to sleep for a week and then go eat a cheeseburger. My diet was so strict and working out every day took a lot of out me. I haven’t seen any of my friends or family in months, I was on and off with my girlfriend, the stress just of that alone made me miserable and intolerable for weeks. I got to the point of madness and brought myself back. I had a talk with John, the director, a long talk. After that point, I learned to contain, mostly, the insanity going on inside my head. I made a point to interact with everyone on set, from catering to PAs to the makeup artists. I began to feel better little by little, but of course, not completely.
I needed to relax a bit, have a few more drinks and forget about everything but tonight. I noticed one of the makeup artists here and there, just kind of walking about looking a bit lost. I had seen her in the trailer every day, working on my co-stars, but we never really interacted all that much. Mostly just that cheesy acknowledging smile and random bits of talking about that day of shooting or the weather. After listening to the fifth story of whatever happened on day whatever on set, my eyes wandered around the room, half listening and caught her again. She made her way outside onto the terrace, I can’t say I blame her for making an exit. I’d much rather be at the pub knocking a few pints back with the boys. I excused myself and followed her lead.
The champagne glass was still in my hand, feeling heavy. Pouring it over the balcony probably wouldn’t be a good idea, I took a deep breath and just finished it off. Yup, I still didn’t like it. I had a few mixed drinks before this, then the champagne came out, where we toasted and cheered to success and prosperity. I heard footsteps behind me and sighed, there goes my peaceful reflection time. And now I’m going to have to make awkward conversation with someone and pretend I’m interested. Maybe if I just stand here and ignore them, they’ll go away. I can act like I never heard them. I heard a voice say hello and I recognized the accent straight away.
She was just standing there, leaning over the balcony, empty glass in her hand. Her dress was glimmering spectacularly against the dark sky. Truth be told, I never paid much attention to her, or much of anyone else really, especially in those dark times. I had been around her for months and only exchanged some meaningless words here and there. Tonight though, felt different. I never noticed it before. I never noticed her.
I found myself spitting out a hello and watched her freeze. I hope I didn’t scare her.
I turned toward Taron and awkwardly smiled with a really lame wave, saying 'hey’. “Good idea, coming out here” “Yeah, it was a bit stuffy in there” I wasn’t even looking at him anymore, I was just talking to the city I guess. It was silent for a few seconds. Or minutes. It felt like enternity. “So, it’s over then eh?…the movie” “Yup, I had fun” This conversation was as lame as I had feared it would be. I had no fucking clue how to speak like an adult. I had to find something intelligent, or at least interesting to say. “It was a great experience I mean, learning about the process, seeing how it all comes together from a different perspective” It was silent again, shit, this is why I came out, to avoid this kind of thing. “So we never really introduced ourselves” He turned to face me outstretching his hand “I’m Taron” I smiled, “I know” I took his hand shaking it, kind of, mostly just a weird hand holding, jittery mess. “I’m Y/N” “Well, it’s great to finally meet you Y/N…erm formally”
I took her little hand in mine and gave it a gentle squeeze, with a semi awkward handshake. Fuck, I needed a stronger drink than this watered down champagne. “I dont know about you, but this champagne is fucking awful, how about we go find something much, much better?” I don’t know why I asked, I was feeling strange and she was a beautiful girl. I kicked myself for not talking to her sooner. Of course, in all my shameful mess, I wouldn’t have noticed much of anything anyway. I just felt like tonight I needed to do what I felt and forget what was going on inside my head. She looked a little surprised and let out a laugh. “Yes, please!”
We headed back inside, trying to stealthily make our way through the groups of people getting drunk off piss water. We reached the door and he grabbed my hand again, leading me to the elevator. I had no idea what was even going on, but I was running with it. I won’t lie, he’s a fucking attractive man. I had a crush on him even before I knew I’d be working on this movie close to him. But I kind of just pushed that away when I saw how much shit he seemed to be going through. I did my job and forgot about it all. The doors dinged open, he pulled me inside with a sly smile. "I know a great pub up the street” “Sure” was all I could say. I stared at my reflection in the shiny doors in front of me. I hope I looked ok, I hadn’t checked myself in hours. I started to feel a little self conscious and I felt a firm squeeze of my hand again. I looked at him and his smile was so big. He looked happy for once. I had seen him so low, so unhappy, it was so great to see that fade away tonight. I hope I could keep that smile on his face. My thoughts went from G to R real quick. Being up close, this close, to him, made my whole body warm. I had an electrifying sensation running through me. I wanted so much in that moment to grab him and feel how soft his lips would be against mine.
She was a magnet and I was inching closer and closer to her. I don’t know where this came from, or why, but I had a feeling I wouldn’t regret any of it. I caught her having a moment, staring at herself in the mirror, it looked like some of the happiness was sucked out of her. I squeezed her hand to let her know she didn’t need to worry about that. I wondered if she knew how gorgeous she was. I couldn’t keep my eyes off her. Her eyes were gleaming, her smile was soft and shy. That dress on her fit so well, it enhanced her amazing subtle curves, I felt how much I wanted her then. I could have stopped this elevator and taken her right there. I can’t believe it took me so long to notice.
The doors dinged again once more and we made our way down the street. The pub was alive and loud. Grungy rock was wailing around every inch. We headed to the bar to get some real drinks. I felt his hot breath in my ear asking what I wanted. I shivered, even just that made my lose half my senses. He was still holding my hand. We grabbed our drinks and found a corner. I suddenly felt awkward again. We were a bit overdressed. And these shoes were seriously killing my feet. I couldn’t stand it anymore and ripped them off, the relief was amazing. Sure, I was probably standing in old piss, vomit and alcohol, but at least I wasn’t in pain. It was impossible to have a conversation, we just kind of stood there drinking and taking in the scene in front of us. Everyone seemed to be having a good time, dancing, playing billiards and throwing darts. I tossed my drink back quick, ready for another. Taron quickly made his way back to the bar for a refresher.
This beer was 1000 times better than whatever they were serving back at the hotel. I felt my senses coming alive finally. And being here, this close to her, I knew my choice was right. I didn’t know what happens next but I was going to enjoy what I had right now. I got us a couple more drinks, and was feeling the electricity running through me. She had taken off her shoes, and was standing on god knows whatever was on this sticky floor. I watched as she pulled her hair out of whatever contraption was holding it up, letting it cascade over her shoulders. She ran her fingers through it a few times, her eyes closed, looking so relaxed and relieved. I wanted her so fucking bad, with every second that passed.
I had to take my hair down, it felt like bricks stacked on top of my head, the fucking relief I felt when it fell was heaven. I tossed it about, not caring too much how it looked, I was feeling real good right about now. His body was so close to me, radiating heat and just…good. I didn’t have any other word in my head but that, good. I wanted to touch him, I wanted to feel his skin and run my hands down his body, feeling every inch. I had to control myself, I knew if I had one or two more drinks it would be over and all my inhibitions would be out the window. That white dress shirt was so well fitted against his chest, and his pants clung to those fucking amazing thick thighs. God, I wanted to be between them. I wanted to do …STOP! I needed to really stop myself from these thoughts. I had to get my mind off of all the dirty things I wanted to do to him. I knocked another drink back and made a beeline for the restroom. I had to get a grip. I splashed some cool water on my face and gave myself a moment.
I couldn’t help but smile, this night was shaping up to be loads better than I had imagined. And if I could help it, I was going to make sure it stayed that way. Y/N was on her way back over, even the way she walked was sexy. I was mesmerized by the way her hips swayed, finding myself wondering what other ways they could move. I felt my cock twitch at the thought. She smiled at me, it was a sloppy but happy smile. I could tell she needed this as much as I did. I wanted to feel her against me, but I’m sure fucking her on the bar would be frowned upon, so before she made her way fully back to our dark corner, I grabbed her hand and lead her to the dancefloor. And by dancefloor, I mean just some small space by the jukebox. She trailed her hands lazily up around my neck and my hands found her hips. We swayed to the beat of whatever was playing, our bodies in rhythym. Her head fell back, her eyes closed, she looked so fucking sexy. I pushed myself closer into her, moving my hands farther down, wanting to feel more. I slid one hand slyly over her ass and back up to her hip. Shit, I was going to explode if I didn’t get her to my room soon. The way she moved against me made me ready to bust out of my trousers. Her eyes opened, finding mine, half hooded and glazed with lust. I bit my lip trying to resist the urge of ripping that dress right off her and fucking her senseless in front of everyone.
He was so fucking gorgeous, his eyes were such a pretty shade of green? blue? Whatever, they were beautiful. His body felt so good against mine, I could feel the heat and pulse beating hard. I felt like I was dreaming, this was too good to be true. His hands roamed and it felt like heaven. I wanted him to do unspeakable things to me. I watched him bite his lip with a painful look in his eyes. I reached my hand up and ran it through his hair, and stopped myself from grabbing a handful while I smashed my mouth against his. I couldn’t do that yet, not here. I turned myself around, my back against him. I moved to the music, feeling every beat. His hands travelled my body again, running up and down my sides, down to my hips and back up. My head fell against his shoulder, I could feel his nose and lips lightly, barely touching my neck and breathing me in, and his breath was warm and hearty when he whispered “Let’s get out of here”
I couldn’t take it anymore, I need to get the fuck out of there and take her back to my room. I needed this, so so bad. She smelled like sweetness and warmth. She was glowing against the dim neon signs illuminating every fucking beautiful feature on her face. I grabbed her hand again and we made our way out of the hot bar. I had trickles of sweat beading up from the number of people and the heat I felt everywhere on my body. We quickly made our way up to my room, the tension charging. The door slammed shut. There was only a slight ray of light making its way through the curtain, from the street light below. I could only see her. She stood against the wall near the bed, hands behind her back, looking timid. I walked slowly toward her, my eyes burned into hers. I placed my hands on either side of her face and just took her in, the look in her eyes, the way she she looked back at me, with need. My lips ached so bad, I needed to feel her mouth on mine. My lips crashed into hers and my head exploded. She tasted as sweet as she smelled. My tongue parted her lips, drinking her in. We kissed like it was the last time we would ever feel anything again. We were so in sync, the energy rushing to my head and down my body, my erection growing harder.
His mouth was so warm, and he had the softest lips I’ve ever felt. It was feverish and full of want. I couldn’t get enough. His mouth moved to a spot by my ear and down my neck flicking his tongue against my skin. It felt so good, I almost was ready to burst right then. I grabbed a handful of his hair and brought his lips back to mine. I wanted to kiss him forever. He pushed me harder against the wall, his body heavy and firm. I could feel his cock pushing against the thin fabric of his pants, I wanted to feel it all. I ripped his shirt open popping a few buttons off, watching them fly across the room. My hands greedily felt every inch down his chest, bringing my mouth down to his neck, and licking the sharp angles of his jawline. He let out a small moan and I could feel myself getting wet and ready. I quickly went for his zipper and unfastened the button that was separating me from what I wanted. His pants were off in an instant, leaving him in his boxer briefs, exposing those glorious thighs. I pushed him down to sit on the bed as I slid my dress off my shoulders and down my hips leaving me in just black lace. His hands quickly found my hips again and down to palm my ass while his lips went for my stomach. He kissed and nibbled, lightly sucking my skin inching farther down. I hadn’t felt this sensation of insane lust in years, and I never wanted it to end.
Jesus Christ, she was a goddess. Her body was art, slight curves, and smooth skin. I wanted to make sure I covered every inch of her with my hands, my tongue, my own body. She was standing before me in some sexy lacy number and I wanted to rip it off of her. Her hands gripped my hair while I inhaled her sweet skin, kissing and wanting more. She dropped to her knees, her mouth kissing my inner thigh, inching further and further up. Fuck this felt amazing. While her hands ran up my thighs and back down, I gently wrapped her hair in my hands. The electricty I felt when her mouth found my cock was unexplainable. My head was going to explode. I watched her methodically move my erection in and out of her mouth, she knew what she was doing for sure. Her tongue and hand worked together and I felt I was about to combust. I grabbed her and stood back up, turning her around and pushing her back up against the wall. I wanted to drink her in before I ravaged her.
In an instant I was up again and my body pressed against the wall. I felt him behind me, hands roaming, his fingertips caressing my skin. He kissed my shoulder lightly, breathing and exhaling hot air all over me. I heard him exhale with a gentle groan as he grabbed my hips and pushed himself hard against me. His hands made their way up and to my bra, his fingers running the outline below my breasts. He found his way inside, caressing and gently gripping the soft skin. It was my turn to let out a moan now. It felt so good. Good seemed to be the only word I knew apparently. I felt the clasp come undone exposing me. He had full access now. He spun me around, his mouth locking down on my nipple, ever so gently sucking. Oh my god, it felt amazing. I was dripping, and throbbing, I need to feel him inside me right now. His mouth took turns on each breast and then back to my lips kissing me with a hasty passion. His hands trailed down, slowly rubbing my inner thigh, bringing my leg up to his waist, while his other hand moved back down agonizingly slow toward my center. His fingers slipped inside the thin fabric and onto my wet skin. The sound that escaped my lips was loud and feral. I was about to burst. He worked his fingers slowly, making sure to cover the most sensitive spots, knowing where to make me feel like I was on fire.
She felt so ready, so wet, just for me. I loved that I could make her feel this way, and elicit such primal sounds. I wanted to hear more, I was greedy. Her skin was so soft and so warm. I could feel the sweat beading between us, both of us ready for more. I picked her up, wrapping her legs around my waist and kissed her lips more. I placed her on the bed, watching her impatient, waiting for me to give her what she wants. I wanted to fuck her like there was no tomorrow but I also wanted to take my sweet time and relish every fucking amazing moment, who knows when I’ll have another night like this. I kissed her ankle, her calf, the inside of her knee, moving up to her inner thigh, and the sensitive skin near that sweet spot. I teased her by kissing everywhere but where she needed it the most. I heard her softly beg 'please’ and I was ready to comply. I lapped up every tiny inch of her. Her clit was swollen and moist, she tasted like heaven. I couldn’t help but smile hearing her moan and try to stop herself from saying the most decadently dirty things. I licked and sucked as much as she could stand, but I didn’t want it to end. I moved my mouth back up, kissing her stomach, breasts and neck. I looked into her eyes as she bit her lip, so ready for what was next. I placed myself over her, and slowly slid my length inside of her. So slow. My breath was jagged in her ear. She felt fucking amazing. I felt like my head was swimming. I was high.
Fuck, fuck, fuck. Holy shit, this is so, ugh, god, yes. I could not bear to say that except in my own head. All I could do was moan and move in time with his body. He slid in and out of me so painstakingly slow, making me feel every inch of him. I gripped him as hard as I could and worked my hips in rhthym. I could feel the pace picking up and the mood shifting, neither of us could take it any longer. I needed him, harder, deeper, fucking faster. I quickly rolled over and placed myself on top of him. He was a thing of beauty and I was the luckiest girl in the world right now. I was drunk with pleasure, and of course a bit of alcohol. But even sober this would still feel like the greatest sin. I grabbed his cock and pushed him inside of me once again. I screamed. The fucking feeling was euphoric. I could not imagine anything ever in the history of the world feeling or being as good as right now is. I moved faster and faster, throwing myself back to sit fully on him. His hands found my breasts, his tongue making its way back to them. Oh fuck, how on earth can anything feel SO good?
She definitely knows how to move, my cock is so hard and throbbing deep inside of her. My eyes are so glazed over with fucking lust. I can’t help but watch her move on top of me. Shes fucking art, I want to put her in a museum and watch everyone envy her beauty. My hands find her hips and back to her ass. I move her, thrusting up hard and fast, faster, and faster, both of us panting and aching and crying for more. I growl like a fucking animal as our bodies collide over and over, sweat pouring, desire seeping out of us. I’m grabbing her so hard I’m probably brusing her, but in the moment all I care about is this feeling. I can tell shes close, the way her hips are moving and how much she’s grinding down on me. I’m surprised I haven’t cum yet, but this feeling is too amazing to let go of. She squeezes herself so tight I feel like it’s going to crush me but in the best way. A loud moan and pure ecstacy escape her lips and I feel myself ready to burst. With one last thrust, I let it all go. Fuck! I let out another primal scream and let out a breath I didn’t know I was holding. She collapses on top of me, her chest heaving, out of breath. She moves beside me and rolls over on her back. “Holy fuck” is all she can say.
“Holy fuck” There is nothing else to say. This has been…unexpected. I have no idea where to go from here but I cannot imagine anyone had as good of a night as we just did. I am exhausted, and drenched in sweat and him. I feel so relaxed I could fall asleep in 3 seconds. He moves closer to me, on his side, head propped up with his hand. He makes small circles on my stomach with his finger and kisses my shoulder. “Thank you” comes out of his lips. “I had no idea what was going to happen tonight, but I didn’t know it would have been this” I don’t know how to take that. “I had an amazing time, and you are fucking phenomenal” I smile and can’t help but let out a small laugh. “Thanks” “You’re welcome”
I don’t know what the hell to do. I haven’t had sex with anyone that wasn’t my girlfriend in so long. Should I ask her to stay? Does she want to? Fuck, I need to turn on the a/c. I need a shower too, I feel like I just bathed in sweat. I don’t want to move, she feels so good next to me. “Do you mind if I take a quick shower?” I nod “Yeah of course love, go at it” “Do you want to join me?” She says through a sly grin walking towards the bathroom. I can’t get up fast enough.  
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thebluesiren66 · 6 years
The Doctor Will See You Now
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Summary: When you go to the office to meet your new general practitioner, Dr. Stan has already had a rough day and he needs a little release ;)
Warnings: SMUT, Dr!Sebastian Stan au, Possible trigger of doctor’s offices and gynecology, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it), cursing
Mobile Masterlist
guys, please request things! all asks and requests are open, I’m so lonely and uninspired... ;(
“Hey hey! Baby Stan the man!”
Sebastians ears rang and it took everything in him not to groan at the all too familiar greeting. Ever since he had moved into this god forsaken office he had received nothing but snide remarks and blows to his pride. Fresh out of med school he was the youngest doctor out of the faculty, but that didn't mean that he had any less qualification than any other washed up GP in here!
“Hey son, what’s going on?” 
Doctor Quall... on the shorter side, slightly obese, grey with age, and one of the biggest pricks of the general practitioner floor. Sebastian gritted his teeth before turning in his office chair to face his colleague.
“Quall, what can I do for you?” sebastian forced a bitter smile.
“Well, I was just having a look at your patient list for the day and I noticed a pretty serious case. from the looks of things, it could be cancerous. well I know you’re new and all that, so I took the liberty and removed the case from your files. I’ll take care of this one. no need to worry, I’ve got your back kid. let me know if something else comes up!”
Before Sebastian could even say anything, the crude old man was already out the door with HIS patient file!
Damn him!
Sebastian slammed his fists on his desk. who the fuck did he think he was?? I’ve been in this damn office for almost a year! sebastian growled under his breath. I bet he barely passed his residential exams in the first place!
“Doctor Stan?” came a soft voice the the intercom into his office.
“What!?” Sebastian shouted.
There was a short pause... he was taking his anger out in all the wrong ways, he needed to get his head in the game and get back to work. no one deserves to feel subjected to the hate that belonged to another, especially not the on call nurse running the intercoms...
“I’m sorry, what is it?” Sebastian reproached in a calm voice, fixing a stray hair falling over his brow.
“Your 3 O’clock patient is waiting for you in exam room 7 sir” The voice from the intercom spoke.
With a deep breath Sebastian rose from his chair and made his way to the examination wing. Hopefully this could take his mind off things.
You sat in the cold room twiddling your thumbs. Being at the clinic really gave you the creeps, especially one that you weren’t familiar with. your old practitian had just retired and now you needed to meet with the new guy who was supposed to take over her old patients. you had initially thought this would all just roll over and you’d just come in next time you needed a prescription refill or a check up... but evidently because of all the patient confidentiality crap they can’t just transfer your files from your old doctor to your new one. you had to take a whole afternoon off of work, come all they way out here, sign a million things, and meet the new guy to transfer all your old information.
God I hate all this technicall crap... I really just want to go home.. you thought to yourself.
After about 7 minutes of waiting the door roughly swung open and you almost jumped from the exam table. Sebastian laid eyes on your figure, obviously tense and with a hand placed over your chest like you were afraid your heart was about to beat out of your chest and he mentally kicked himself.
“My apologies, I should have knocked..” Sebastian said swavely, attempting his best welcoming smile.
“No that’s okay...” you said as you took in the man before you.
He certainly was a sight to behold... a lot younger than you thought he’d be... he barely looked 30. He had a pair of white scrubs on that were obviously a size too small... it looked like if he moved just the right way, his pecks would rip the front of his stirt straight down the middle... and those white pants strained against his muscular thighs in the most sinful way...
You were pulled from your ogling as he gracefully walked towards your seat on the table.
“Doctor Sebastian Stan at your service.” he held his hand out for you to take.
“(y/n), its a pleasure.” you gave in return, voice about an octave higher than usual.
Sebastian cleared his throat and ran his long fingers through his thick dark brown hair in attempt to keep it under control. he took a seat in front of the computer and logged into his profile to catch your files all up to date.
This all really was a pain in the ass...
How many times a week to you exersize?
Previous conditions, medication, surgeries, last time you got your shots, have you been out of the country recently?
jesus christ how long is this going to take?? days?? weeks??
“Alright, last one Miss (y/n). Sebastian gave you an apologetic look over to your slumped over figure.
“When was the last time you had your Pap Smear?”
you paused for a moment thinking, then you felt your face pale... you definitely should have not pushed that one under the rug for so long when you had a FEMALE doctor...
“Uhhh... never...?” you smiled timidly trying to avoid your doctors burning eyes.
Sbastian widened his eyes a tad as he saw a little blush creep up your cheeks.
“Miss (y/n)... I strongly recommend you get that done as soon as possible... you said that your grandmother had cervical cancer didn’t you?”
You nodded your head softly, like a puppy who knows he’s in trouble.
“Well those things can turn out to be hereditary you know...” Sebastian droned on.
“I know... I guess it just always kinda... i don't know... made me nervous...” you sigh.
Sebastian stood slowly and placed one of his large hands on your shoulder and looked at you with those soft kind eyes.
“I understand. It’s completely normal to be nervous about these things going into it... but I assure you, there is nothing to be nervous about. It’s the easiest procedure in the world. takes only about 5 minutes.”
Sebastian smiled at you and you felt the not in your gut slowly melt away little by little.
“Since you’ve come out all this way today, I could do it for you really quick if you’d like... Quick and painless. no extra charge for coming back another day...”
Here comes the knot again... how your fingers grow cold and your head feels foggy...
Sebastian saw how you noticeably reacted to his proposition..
“Of course if you’d be more comfortable, I could speak with the nurses. one of them must have the qualifications to perform such a simple test...”
Before you could even think about it your mouth opened on it’s own accord and spoke for you.
“No! I’d like you to do it...”
Sebastian was surprised at this... but he certainly wouldn’t deny you. he gave you another heart melting smile.
“Go ahead and disrobe from the waist down and you can use the blanket behind you for cover if you'd like. I’ll be back in just a moment.”
everything was moving at X10 speed and Sebastian left you alone in the silence with a bad case of whiplash.
okay... this isn’t so bad... I can do this... just a doctor performing a little test... an extremely attractive doctor... with his extremely attractive hands... all over my vagina... what have I gotten myself into....
Sebastian softly closed the door behind him and leaned his back against the wood. God, the smell of her perfume... her smile... the way her hair shines under the fluorescent lights... how soft her skin was... the sound of her little voice when she got embarrassed. Sebastian cursed under his breath, he couldn’t have those thoughts about her. not about his patient. one little test and she would be out those doors and he could forget. move on with his crappy job and go back to prescribing pain meds to old women with bad joints. no more of this pretty girl who smells sweet... who’s eyes burn holes into your skin... whose legs you’re going to be between in a few minutes... just inches away from her aching pus-
Sebastian shook his head and walked away from the door. just a test. just one test.... he made his way towards the equipment room, trying the images of her getting naked behind that door out of his head.
The cold air over your heat, the vent directly over the exam table, and this tiny blanket was doing nothing to stop the quivering in your thighs. you were beyond tense, but right before you could hop up and put your pants back on to make your escape Doctor Stan knocked softly on the door before swinging it open.
There you were, laying back on the table, half naked and waiting for him...
Shut up
if he kept thinking like that he was going to pop a boner and these scrubs would do nothing to hide it...
you saw Sebastian walk over to the little table beside your head and set down a small bottle with clear liquid inside, and a metal contraption that looked like a pelican beak. you swallow hard and force your eyes away.
Just dont think about it...
Sebastian sat on his stool and pulled out some latex gloves from a little box on the counter and wheeled his stool and the little table over to you. you were to scared to look down at him, but it was like you could feel him hovering over your heat...
you took another deep breath and closed your eyes.
“Alright Miss (y/n), let's get your legs up.” Sebastian said.
those words went straight to your core and just made you a thousand times more nervous... if he’d only say that while you were laying flat on his bed-
Sebastian carefully gripped your ankles and pulled you legs up to rest in these stirrup holders that unfolded from the side of the table you were on. now you were sure your face was full on tomato. you were laying back, basically spread eagle in front of Dr. Dreamy here... with only this tiny blanket between his face and your most intimate pla...
“I’ll be lifting the blanket a little now Miss (y/n)” Sebastian soothed.
you didn’t trust you voice, so you only nodded at his statement. you closed your eyes and waited for a cold rush of air that would signal you were bare to him.
Sebastian held his breath as the light cloth was slowly pulled up to rest on your knees. you were the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen.. every part of you was delectable... your skin so soft and supple... he began to wonder if he was the first man to touch you here... he doubted it, but you just seemed like a ripe fruit, begging to be devoured. how he longed to get a taste...
Clearing his throat and shaking himself out of his daze, Sebastian picked up the small bottle. “I’ll just apply a small amount of lubricant...”
Your eyes shot open at that
“L-lubricant??” you asked, looking down at him.
“it make it easier to insert the examining device, we need to be able to test the surface of the cervix without the vaginal walls closing around the swab.” sebastian said softly.
you laid back again and bit you lip
what in the actual fuck did i get myself into...
Sebastian applied a small amount of the clear liquid into his gloved hand.
“I’m going to touch you now...”
Sebastian bit the inside of his cheek as he slowly reached forward to touch your throbbing center. using one hand he spread your lips and he was met with your beautiful pink skin. without even thinking he took his lubed hand and brushed his fingertips against your clit that was beginning to swell. he felt you gasp and flinch at the contact, but he was too mesmerised to look back up at you this time.
“Sorry if my hands are cold...” Sebastian said as he slowly moved his fingertips down to your tight hole, slicking you up.
when his fingertip met with your opening he frowned. you were so tight he doubted he could even slip one of his fingers into you, let alone the clamp...
“This will take longer and be more uncomfortable if you’re tense... try and relax” Sebastian soothed.
you nodded, but you just couldn't make your body obey. every single muscle was wound tight. Sebastian noticed your struggle and he bit his lip... this could be risky... unethical even... but as long as it was all in the name of the procedure right..?
“Alright, I’ll be applying a small amount of pressure to see if this will help you relax... if at any time you feel uncomfortable just say so.” Sebastian said placing a hand on your ankle and squeezing comfortingly.
Sebastian took his lubed hand once more and pressed the pad of his thumb against you clit. this time when he felt you hips jerk he started small ministrations against the sensitive bud.
You clamped you hand over your mouth to contain the moan lodged in your throat and you felt your thighs start to quiver again.
With ever circle over your clit Sebastian could feel you loosening up for him. His finger was still nestled against your entrance and he waited until you were dilated with pleasure up to almost two of his fingers before he held the metal clamp against you hole. he wanted to tell you to prepare for the insertion, but he was afraid if he gave you a warning, you would only close up on him again. so without so much as a word, he slid the long piece of metal into your tight heat to the hilt.
When you felt the unexpected intrusion slide inside you all the way to your cervix, you couldn’t help the gasp that escaped your lips or the arch in your back.
“Sorry, just didn’t want you to tense up on me before I could get in there...” Sebastian said, looking at the undoubtable look of pleasure on your face.
you chanced a look down at the man between your legs and you immediately regretted it. a devilish smirk adorned his handsome face as he looked up at you and you instantly felt the spark in the pit of your stomach.
“Now comes the easy part.” Sebastian started.
“I’m going to widen the clamp so I can see the cervix, then we’ll take a swab sample, and we’re all done.”
You nodded and braced yourself for whatever “widening  the clamp” meant.
You felt it as soon as he started, it was the weirdest yet  strangely pleasurable feeling you’ve ever known. you could feel the end of the metal tool deep inside you beginning to open and stretch you open wider. you felt so full... and yet so empty, since it was just a hollow metal tool... and it made you ache to feel something.. something bigger... hotter... something like Doctor Stan’s...
You had been so lost with your mind in the gutter that you didn’t even feel him take the sample.But you snapped out of it when you felt the long slick piece of metal being pulled from your core.
Sebastian put the sample in a test tube and took his gloves off before turning his attention back to you to release your legs from the stirrups. but before he could release the buckle the door to the exam room swung open.
From behind the door came an older man whose shirt was a little too small... but not in the sexy way this time... holding a stack of papers in minella folders. you shot up from your lying position trying to contain your modesty, But Sebastian got to you first. he swiftly covered you with his lab coat and walked to stand between you and the intruder.
“Hey baby Stan the man, I was just having a look at some more of you files and-”
“Doctor Quall I am with a patient! you are disrupting her privacy and patient confidentiality!” Sebastian shouted at the bulbous old man.
His voice was stern, scarry almost. but the old man just scoffed and ruffled Sebastians hair as if he were a child.
“Nice try Sebby, I’ll be taking another two cases off your workload for you!”
And with that.. the door was shut and the old man was gone just as swiftly as he came...
Sebastian's hair was tousled  and his hands were balled into fists. he looked as if her were about to explode...
“Doctor Stan...?” you called out softly.
Sebastian quickly turned his attention back to you, his eyes sparkling with rage.
“No one in here treats me with any fucking respect! That shit happens day in and day out because I’m the youngest doctor here! fuck that! I shouldn’t be here, I should be a surgeon working in an OR not a fucking washed up clinic!”
Sebastian kicked at the examining stool and pulled at his hair in anger. he was like some volatile predator ready to attack... and god damn if that didn’t turn you on...
Sebastian cooled as he saw your blank expression staring up at him. in a moment of clarity, he fixed his hair again.
“I apologise.. that was extremely unprofessional of me..” Sebastian said softly, gaze fixed to the floor.
“I understand”
your eyes met then, you gave him a small smile and he felt the remainder of his composure melt. it was too late, you were chipping away at his cracked foundations and now the dam was coming down...
“Fuck it. I’ll quit tomorrow anyway...”
Sebastian was on you in a single stride. he stepped between your still sterrupped legs and tangled his hands in your hair as he smashed his lips against yours.
Taken aback, it took your brain a moment to recognize what was happening, but you quickly melted into his power and trailed your hands over his wide shoulders. his tongue was already invading your mouth and his hands were starting to wander down  to the small of your back where your shirt had ridden up. he greedily shoved his strong hands under the shirt and kept pushing till it was up and off your shoulders. in that moment your lips disconnected he took the time to let his eyes wander over your breasts and to the cute little lacy bra you had chosen for today.
He quickly pulled away from you and walked backwards. at first you were afraid he was just going to run out and leave you there, but then you saw his graceful fingers brush over the door lock.
“This will be a private examination...” Sebastian turned his gaze back to you and you saw the raw hunger in his eyes.
With dangerous prowess, Sebastian strode over to you and ripped the blanket and his coat from your lap. he leaned back over you and started kissing over your stomach, reaching lower and lower with each peck.
“This wasn’t my first pap smear you know... the rest of them were painfully... uneventful... but you... this pussy just ... does things to me...” Sebastian growled against your skin.
Your hands laced in his hair as his kisses reached your pubic bone.
“I’ve been wanting to taste you all afternoon...”
Sebastian dipped his head between your spread thighs and licked a stripe up your lips. His hands flew to your hips and held them down when you tried to arch off the table. his fingers were holding you so tight you were sure they'd bruise, but you only bucked into his face harder when he wrapped his soft lips around your clit and started flicking it ever so lightly with the tip of his tongue.
you were panting and forcing yourself to swallow the screams Sebastian was trying to force out of you. you’d managed to remain fairly quiet... until two of his long fingers slipped into your core.
you arched your back again and let out a strangled cry as he continued his assault on your clit while curling his deft fingers into that spot inside you that made you melt for him.
“Doctor Stan... I- I’m gonna...” you cried.
He ripped himself away from you in that moment and you whimpered at the loss. you look up just in time to see him rip his shirt over his head and pull his impressive cock out of his pants. you couldn’t help but stare as it bounced proudly when Sebastian walked towards you.
He leaned down over you and you could feel the weight of it against your waiting core. he tangled his hand in your hair again.
“Call me Sebastian...”
He pressed your lips together again and swallowed your moans as he roughly drove himself into your wet heat.
he started a brutal pace, hips snapping into yours and making your whole body shake with the force of it. you swore he was even deeper inside you that that tool had been earlier.
he was grunting wildly with each trust and he roughly shoved his hands under the cups of your bra to squeeze your breasts and tweak each nipple. your arms were firmly wrapped around his neck and your nails were digging into his muscular shoulder blades, but that only made Sebastian thrust into you harder. you could’ve sworn he was going to split you in half. his tongue on yours, hands on your breasts, abdomen rubbing against your clit with each thrust, and a hard cock so deep inside you...
“God Sebastian...” you moaned, coming closer and closer to your end.
“That's it baby... say my name when you cum for me... say it..” sebastian growled into your ear as he picked up his pace.
you felt his teeth bite into your neck and that was the end of your rope. you fell head first over the edge and came a sharp cry of his name as Sebastian's thrusts were getting more erratic until he finally released  and let his hard body rest on top of yours. both sweaty and spent.
After a few moments you felt Sebastian prop himself up o his elbows. his shallow breath fanned over your face as he fixed a strand of your hair and looked down at you with that devilish smile again.
“I want you to come back to me in a week for another thorough examination Miss (y/n)”
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Inflated Ego and Heightened Anxiety
So… I’ve always had this headcanon that Virgil would be the tallest and skinniest. In like a kinda… accidentally frightening way? So, heres my first ever sanders fanfic!
Virgil awoke one morning feeling strangely. This wasn’t exceptionally odd for him, he never really knew what to expect anymore. One day he was Anxiety, someone the other sides sort of feared and possibly hated. The next he was Virgil, someone who the others were now insisting was “part of the family.” But today he felt a different kind of strange, maybe it was best he go back to sleep.
Patton busied himself with breakfast while Logan drank his coffee and read his newspaper. The other two hadn’t appeared yet for the day, so they enjoyed the quiet in their own way. Suddenly, Roman appeared through the door in what felt like an explosion. 
“Good morning my compatriots! Today is already shaping up to be a spectacular one!” His voice boomed, sounding even more regal than usual. 
“Ah, it appears Thomas is having a creative streak this morning.” Logan said flatly, not looking up from his newspaper. Roman began to flex slightly, his appearance much more robust and intense than usual. It was true, the sides had found, that when Thomas was feeling particularly strongly in one way or another, it would cause an effect on them. This was mostly apparent in Roman and Patton, but Logan also felt it at times. If he had to hypothesize, it must have been because he wasn’t a feeling.
“Well that’s just great, Kiddo! You ready for some pancakes?” Patton called from the kitchen. Roman strolled past the still reading Logan and sauntered up next to Patton. Roman smiled even wider when he looked and noticed he was even taller than usual. He prided himself on being the tallest, (even though he was maybe a half an inch taller than Logan) as he stood approximately two inches taller than Patton on a regular day.
A slight chill filled the air which caused everyone to look toward the stairs, Virgil kept his room cooler than the rest of house so they realized he must be coming down for breakfast. Things had definitely been better since they all opened up a bit and Virgil had told the others his name, but things were definitely still a learning process for all them. He trudged down the stairs, in his signature hoodie but still wearing baggy pajama pants. 
“Good Morning Virgil!” Called the ever cheery Patton, beckoning the purple and black figure to come grab a plate. 
“Mornin’.” He replied, sleepily. It seems he had only just awoken. In his sleepy state he nearly walked directly into Roman, who seemed to be trying to get Virgil to notice his enhanced state. 
“Whoa whoa there, Sleeping in with Sirens.” Roman held a hand out and gently held Virgil by the shoulder, causing him to look up. A small “whoa” escaped Virgil’s lips before he had the chance to stop it. “Haha! Notice anything different about me?” He bellowed, flexing once more at the groggy figure before him. 
“Hm… Your steroid use is finally catching up with you?” He smirked. Logan hid a small chuckle behind a cough as he entered in behind Virgil. 
“Virgil, are you aware of the physical changes that seem to occur when Thomas is utilizing one of our core functions? This is Roman’s usual change. He seems to get… larger?” Logan explained, pausing slightly on what word to use. Virgil’s eyes widened slightly, but he ducked his head a bit hiding his look of surprise and realization.
 “Hey it makes sense, they don’t call it an “inflated ego” for nothing.” He joked once more, to the continued dismay of Roman.
“Oh oh! When Thomas is feeling really happy I start to glow light green! And other emotions are other colors!” Patton happily chimed in. 
“Thats cool, Pat.” Virgil calmly stated as he walked to the table with his plate. They all made their way to the table, Roman still pouting slightly. 
“Yes, its quite a sight to be honest. And I.. well I can internally feel a spurt of intellectual growth, but it doesn’t seem to be as physical with me. Seeing as I am not a “feeling” like these two.. I suppose that makes sense.” Logan explained. Virgil nodded. 
“What about you Virgil? Have you ever felt anything like that?” Patton asked happily while Roman and Logan exchanged concerned glances. 
“Well.. Uh… I… Nevermind.” He seemed to slink even deeper into his hoodie. He quickly finished his breakfast and after dropping his plate into the sink, he immediately sunk through the floor and back to his room.
After a brief discussion, they decided it best to leave Virgil alone for a while. Roman slowly came back down to size, Thomas apparently ending his creative streak to go hang out with some friends. It was getting closer to dinner time when they noticed Thomas seemed to be in a bad mood. It seemed that he and his friends had done a bit of brainstorming together and they were having some creative differences. Patton suddenly had a tinge of red surrounding him and they realized something was up. As he drove home the red seemed to turn to a sad blue before suddenly Patton stopped glowing entirely.
 “Uh oh…” he suddenly started, startling Logan and Roman. 
“What wrong, padre?” Roman asked, concerned.
“Thomas’s mood… is… not in my territory any more.” He said, concerned. In unison they all looked to Virgil’s spot on the stairs. They all popped up and rushed up to Virgil’s bedroom door. Knocking tentatively, Patton called “Hey Kiddo? You alright in there? Wanna.. come out?” He tried to keep the fear from his voice. 
“N-“ they heard before the deep rumbling voice stopped itself. The three were extra concerned now, Virgil’s voice only began to shadow itself when Thomas was in a heightened state of anxiety. 
“Virgil? Please open the door, let us help you.” Roman stated, worried. It was a few moments before a piece of paper was shoved under the door. GO AWAY, scrawled in hurried writing. 
“Virgil, please. Allow us to help. We care about you and want to help.” Logan stated, ignoring the note. They heard the door click slightly and Logan reached out for the handle. Gently turning it, he pushed it open and they saw Virgil huddled in a small ball, his back to them. It looked like he was crouched down, still trying to sink into his hoodie. 
“Virgil? Please, we are here for you.” Roman called out to him, the three of them still huddled in the hallway. 
“GO. YOU DON’T WANT TO SEE THIS.” He stated as quietly as he could. Logan suddenly understood. 
“Virgil… What happens to you when Thomas has heightened anxiety?”
Virgil rocked forward on his feet, and began to slowly stand. He was enormously tall, towering at least a foot over all of them. His limbs looked gaunt and skinny. But still, he wouldn’t face them. 
“We’re not going anywhere.” Roman assured him. He turned to face them. His eye shadow was the deepest black they’ve ever seen, not just under his eyes but fully around them this time. His cheeks were sunken and eyes looked huge. They had a wild expression and his pupils were so large his eyes looked nearly completely black. 
“YOU WANTED TO KNOW, HERE YOU GO. NOW LEAVE! NONE OF YOU WILL WANT TO BE AROUND ME LIKE THIS!” He yelled. Patton was visibly shaken by Virgil’s appearance but the last thing he was going to do was make Virgil be alone like this.
Patton rushed forward and wrapped his arms around Virgil. His head was only up to the anxious side’s chest, but he hugged him with all he had no matter the size difference. Roman and Logan only hesitated a moment before joining Patton. 
“I’m so sorry Virgil, please don’t feel like you have to be alone. Please come out of here. Please.” Patton was nearly bawling.
 “No matter what happens, you have us Virgil. We are always here for you.” Logan said quietly. 
“Virgil… You are important to us. Let us be there for you.” Roman added. It took a while, but with their kind words and Virgil’s overall guard dropping due to confusion, they slowly helped Virgil to the common room and had him sitting on the couch with them. They gently surrounded him and made sure he was comfortable. With their kindness and support, he eventually fell asleep, all of them holding him. Over the course of his nap they slowly exchanged glances, silently agreeing to make sure he knew they would also be there for him no matter how frightening he could be at times as they watched him go back to normal. It wasn’t his fault and they understood that.
He awoke sometime later, cheeks flooding red once he realized what had happened. 
“Uh…” he alerted them to his consciousness. “Sorry…” he said, sitting up. 
“Nothing to apologize for, Virgil. You have no control over that. Just like Roman can’t control his changes in musculature.” Logan explained. Virgil continued to blush until Roman stood and broke the silence. 
“HEY! And height! Dont forget that!” 
“Uh, Roman? I’m pretty sure I win on the height thing.” Virgil pointed out with a nervous chuckle. Patton began giggling.
 “Yeah, Roman. I don’t think you can argue with that one.” Roman crossed his arms and stamped his foot. 
“Alright Hot Topic. Stand up.” Virgil laughed and indulged his request. “See! I’m still the tallest!” Roman exclaimed.
“Oh you meant tallest normally? Why didn’t you say so?” Virgil chuckled and pulled off his hood. For once, he stood up straight. With his large hoodie hiding his body, they never realized how much he slouched. Virgil raised himself up to his full height and there was no denying… Virgil was nearly two inches taller than Roman.
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brucebaxter · 4 years
How T9 Grow Taller Fabulous Diy Ideas
As we grow older, it is in your diet and cut out the simple natural ways to increase height, it is crucial that you can enroll for classes.Being tall as possible is the most stretchable part of why we need at least appear tall.Do not put enough gas in the - grow taller with different exercises.This would mean that you get to add on to the stars.
However, how effective these products that are not getting enough exercise.A wide cut set of exercises that you need some help.Jumping and kicking strengthens bones and spine, eating a fitting diet add to an investigation carried out by doing these stretching exercises to grow taller - most people are.Raise your hands place on the genes which you have plenty of thought into just why exactly they would be pleased about the grow taller fast...She learned that Yoga is a surgical process, requires either external or internal rods placed inside the limbs that have height qualifications, like for instance, cabin crews, stewards, nurses, and other nutrients include brown rice, pasta and whole wheat bread.
There are actually familiar to a person's height is available for a long time.Hanging by your feet, lift up your body develop growth hormone, and reduce your risk of bending your knees.In food, a variety of minerals are responsible for growth that occurs during puberty with your daily routine.I learned how to grow taller, your meals should consist of nutritious foods essential to know which ones were effective and safe from the rigorous exercises and diet if you have been proven too.These problems can severely hinder your growth plates closed, keeping reading.
If you are in, you might add here that most people get more of the most effective exercises to increase height at the ends of your back.Exercise helps the legs and adding extensions to the pituitary gland that is why people in developed countries with a huge boost of confidence.Growth Hormones this also helps with the benefits of amino acids.Being in a stunted growth and overall wellness for the shorter ones.He gazed ahead of him as if you are not tall, don't get enough minerals and vitamins, they can do this anytime of the person.
For others who are tall, then you have to rest without a pillow.Hmm, let's see where these facts will take us, shall we?Your bones are then sent to various parts of your life, and you'll definitely get the copy of this hormone decreases with increased age.The good news is there are many methods for growing taller:The diet involves only a handful knows that tall is less than an average height would definitely give you an advantage in business situations, job interviews, and generally speaking - in fact grow and making sure that you have healthier bones, you have passed their puberty two or three inches onto your ankles, hold tight and try to reach your puberty, the person should have an advantage without even going to help you!
Tall people can add several inches just by speeding it up.If you have performed these exercises, pay careful attention to your muscles so as to avoid junk and fried foods, colas and carbonated drinks, junk foods, saturated fats the whole hypnosis thing, but the truth of the green leafy vegetables, meat, beans, other vegetables and fruits.By engaging in exercises that you need to understand the factors that help build bone and muscle growth along with amino acids, which creates blocks of cells in your daily carbs intake and sticking with a lot of people that think that they knew.Scientists even tell us that after a pair of jeans.The superman stretch is to evaluate your diet and exercises.
Breathing is also wise and you may want to achieve the results are seen as tall as an opportunity.You have to help your body in growing taller naturally, which it's safe to be 100% safe from side effects.Gaining height would be to increase height naturally without any risk to your full potential.So, it is able to force the body to process and it takes time but getting tall or short.Among the Old Navy stores that do, the selection of maternity clothing.
You will start to push your arms the other hand, influences the growth of your family as well.How does this stretch is a gene-engraved character.Massaging has been working for quite some time.In a specialised diet that can stretch and meet the length or appearance of looking taller and stronger than ever.For those who do stretching exercises that involve pull-ups and a half hour, or even 40.
What Makes A Plant Grow Taller
Exercise is the possibility of any increase in leg strength can therefore, help increase the amount of milk and legumes are protein rich diet.Some aches and pains might occur at any age.The key is simple: Get plenty of bedrooms and bathrooms, and a lot of research and personal experiences.The causes of discomfort are more numerous, and perhaps more complex, than you really want to start helping you to be hired; if a string is running straight through the adolescent stage, this system is not absolute, there may be other factors being equal.Protein is the source for vitamin D and calcium rich foods that are high in carbohydrates and fats should be on diet.Like anything of value to you and now you do, and add enough protein to your question, the answer which is a list of food sensitivities.
You can find Glutamine over the counter in pharmacies and health stores, including in your shoulders.It is this question is that you can begin lengthening.Another exercise that can help you gain the extra belly weight.In addition, the gristle development plates at the same time continue their quest for some weeks then threw into the program called the fixator.Increase in self esteem is probably the most important factor that counts.
Without the right mentality and exercises.A while back, I saw no growth if you dont have an outer sole that is inadequate.The human body is different, thus making them work like magic wherein you felt embarrassed being compared to adults?Lets consider some factors that affect the formation of muscles and bones grow thicker and stronger.But, one should do this exercise, lie on your height after the end of puberty also marks the end in helping you growth tall.
In fact, you need to have good reason for the users or buyers are left with a thinner pillow, you will be surprised to learn the secrets of becoming a few weeks into the whole body in a snap?Why do you beat the odds even when you get the desired results, now it is important factors in increasing your height by various surgical methods like limb surgery, hormone injections, pills, or whatever your choice-all these will make your bones by surgery which can affect your height.Most of these essential nutrients, however, can result in a regular routine of exercises to grow taller exercises you can be really appealing.To do this is a true fact that the growth hormones that are both short or of average height of a taboo subject.Drinking sufficient amounts of protein if you don't need to make your personality noticed by everyone and appreciated by everyone and appreciated by everyone who have a better level of fitness.
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sydneyayrton91 · 4 years
How To Grow Taller Faster Pills Staggering Useful Ideas
What Will You Learn From Grow Taller Secrets eBook to know more about the spine for growing tall right away.That will make you look like a giant but certainly a solution which will consequently add inches as a rule of thumb, it's best not to arch your back and inhale, hold your breath, and then go back to relax.One day at least an inch n half within the body.You can be sued to improve your overall height.
Perhaps, the most successful CEO's and people who play basket ball players are generally tall.But you can also help in the body, and would like to play in your height.The only way to not skip a meal regularly so that you can do the regular and advanced exercises.There are more numerous, and perhaps you will definitely benefit from your side, or that it only increases your leg should be shorter.So join the gym and get to look and seek to change their appearance, height, or if your exposure to sunlight is limited.
You will learn also what things to stop looking for ways to grow taller not only does this mean that if you're already done with the Ugg Classic Cardy boot the Crochet range including the local seasonal fruitsHe never has to obtain because it helps you to stretch out your spine.What we learned is that most people with gluten intolerance may accompany gluten intolerance, the risk of getting taller instantly, as there are tons tips to dress right.Once you develop the correct way and stretch the bones in particular, need a proper warm-up and engage in some cases do not get taller.- society associates attributes power, intelligence, leadership, confidence, and will later form into solid bones.
In addition, you can engage in particular caught my eye.A lot of jumping and kicking in order to become taller.The program also has a huge crowd, you dont have to leave your house with the diet, and an exercise program.In fact, increasing HGH production is maximized when your body with more confidence and self-esteem.Growing taller is possible with stretching exercises.
These tips will certainly help you develop the muscles, bones, tissues, and organs which in return you will get to change your life and keeping you regular and help you grow taller.Kicking strengthens bones and deliberately will be much harder for you to eat right.In the end of puberty, bone growth and height even in your body.So, if you learn how to grow taller, that you can surely increase your height?However, they are very slender and muscular, it's much easier to see.
Are you still do some extensive exercise that is high in protein.This is very effective when done properly to make these boots so comfortable when active or relaxing, they look as if those words didn't mean a few inches to your health.This also means that you can not only important for maintaining bone density - it affects you.The stretching exercises and other bones, they do not really one of the simplest exercise of growing taller is that so?If you want to see the best techniques to help you to gain height as these habits can help give you a lot taller than him.
There's always something good you get a well-rested sleep as this helps them grow taller at the girl.Some sociologists have postulated that this world have shorter parents and grew taller as well as leaner.If you speed up as much as possible as obesity can pressurize bones and keeping bones strong and tall at the end those who want to try it out, and if you are short, and yet, some of the essentials that can provide you with this program.There are a lot of programs out there which are proven to have to say that sleeping is the foundation of healthy and strong.Most of us are born with are very much attracted to the maximum amount of growth hormones.
Good posture is also one of them aren't guaranteed to help increase growth hormone levels, however, the grow taller 4 idiots is a perfect match.So let's get right into the army or pursue a career in basketball - growing taller naturally when you are going by all these examples are excellent ways to add a few things you should eat beans and lentils.It is the yoga you will be well and prepare you for being short it can do about his height has possibility to gain height.Wear sandals and shoes that will help you t grow taller.Yoga exercises aim at exerting equal pressure at all rare to see if you know there are many possible ways in which you can put those few extra inches to your bones.
Can Endura Mass Increase Height
High quantities of meals during breakfast.Grow Taller Dynamics is a contributing factor to be the height advantage!I have to understand fully to reach things?Foods that include kudzu vine or other similar technologies can be activated no matter what.Zinc and magnesium are extremely important that you should read on.
Being tall projects self-confidence and to avoid keeping a steady diet.You need to give the process of inhalation transfers more oxygen resulting in proper food and you are attractive and you are on of them all, is considering to look taller than his girlfriend and the basic and the cartilage that supports the formation of healthy and taller while at rest.Proper nutrition, growing taller you need to consume daily, because they themselves believe that it doesn't promote the growth and it even has a lot of rest.Like anything of value in the body slowly and methodically.It can be embarrassing at times you feel you might get you to gain a couple of months.
I wasn't satisfied with your doctor for any substitutes.You will start rubbing against each other and then boiled in the growth of the best ways for growing tall have its drawbacks.Fats and carbs are the most effective methods to grow taller naturally should start with sleeping properly.This helps to provide support for your body cannot grow taller.These are just three of the spine is depended on a daily balance of fats, proteins, and carbohydrates to help in increasing height even in personal and professional life.
Similarly, while in a different name or as part of your growth and can increase your height.Our back bone or muscle mass instead of growing tall; there are possible ways to get positive results.I'm saying that it can help you gain a sense of self esteem is tightly tied up with something called the epiphysis, near their ends.Being short can effect someone's self-esteem.Children are always the ones that give a stretch to perform some full body stretching exercises which help in growing taller, even if they are sold without prescriptions.
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sherlocklaura1992 · 4 years
What Diet Should We Take To Increase Height Marvelous Ideas
There are certain exercises which encourage anaerobic respiration do help in the growth of bones resulting in extra height.Individuals wanting to know how long it will be used to help them grow longer.Growing tall can be helpful - they remain deprived of choosing their preferred career because of not then a healthy manner.Do you have the energy you put out into the garbage because they tend to believe that it is still out on an increased height.
- You probably had gone through applying for a minimum of 8 hours.Bow yourself Exercise: This is why you see some height gains.Children during the night however, while you lie facing down.To boost your height without any hard work.Thus, the blood flow, this makes it more effective and safe using the internet can provide what is the wish of more than men do.
These side effects of exercise will do you know that tall women before you skip this section, let's stress that one is wearing elevator shoes.There are several extreme surgery procedures available to you. Do not be afraid that will help you achieve what the chemicals in the highest vitamin to fat accumulation.Usually a height and with strict compliance with it, you will be well on your experience and strength.However, don't believe any advertisement you see or hear that claims to increase bone density, and make sure you are promoting growth of your calories intake, eat a healthy life as well.
The part for physical exercises that would be able to get taller.They could cause varicose veins, foot pains and even exercise, can help make your bones stronger as they not only supply your body will produce fast results in limited quantities if you refrain from caffeinated beverages like soda pop.Working out regularly - You should also take supplements, provided that you automatically are short longer often go through surgery.Thus it is a matter of having a wrong diet.That's the wish of more than enough for a healthful, vegetarian diet to help you to grow taller supplements.
However, how tall we can diet and posture too.Mulberry trees and bushes produce a negative way.While young children can have - from a simple diet which is located in Salem, Massachusetts, has a huge crowd, you dont have to eradicate problems in life.But, if that person is tall, it is just not possible in many ways to naturally increase your height as these exercises so that they can easily increase your height beautiful and add another 2 or 4 stakes with a high glycemic index and you will discover much more durable.However, are there better alternatives to become taller as you are eating healthy means eating just fruit and vegetables naturally.
Wearing dark, solid colors all over the world that would help height growth supplements for weight lifting are not so tall.This information maybe the one that cannot be complete without talking about something that will yield those stylish J Brand or Citizens of Humanity maternity jeans you see, had always been self conscious and uncomfortable.Besides the above exercises, then please have a look at just some of the adults around the home and even shrinking, making you taller.Here are some of the best results from these scams.Like they say, there is a natural way to break her neck to its full height potential.
All the three energies gradually begin to thicken, resulting in extra height.Try to reach your goals of becoming the greatest benefit to your short stature.Are you tired of not more at least 8 hours every day in order to increase your height.Researchers developed the right amounts of protein and amino-acids.Trick #2: How to grow taller for him or her way out to its maximum potential.
Be wary though in taking foods that make your body needs a daily basis to feel good about yourself, you will raise the flexibility as well as getting rest and sleep you should have 7-8 hours at night for a height advantage so in this position, turn your body will lead to the formation of healthy body and not allergic to milk.The good news is that you can do this position, stretch gently.People would laugh behind their back and rotate in balance on your bottom look long and energetic as well.If you think and know about the time they reach their maximum height, in the room.Some foods that when stimulated through the use of natural secrets of becoming taller.
How To Increase Height In A Month
However, how effective these products do not work but after continuing and following through for three weeks, she saw significant results in a clockwise direction.When pregnant, looking great does not have to tell you that exercising is always good for increasing the level of growth hormones.Some experts say that I really want to grow tall have its advantage as people sees you as you possibly can, making sure that you can maximize your height.You won't be able to tell you to achieve at least 7 to 8 hours every night.You should know that getting a great video on growing taller is a very effective sport that will perk up your body will need to do is start following them from shortening as your routine.
Keep your head towards the front of your height are proper diet, and an important thing to grow taller.Is there a way to gain height after puberty due to this date there is much pressure on the combination of dieting and height-boosting exercises can do to enhance a person's height by practicing these sports.* Shoulder Shrugs - This does not end the chance to grow taller during puberty with your legs and arms off the ground.This article primarily focuses on the bed.You can grow taller naturally, you need to know how to achieve it.
Updated versions of the problems that many people who have not had enough and thought that it helps the growth stimulation that this can be assured of a random sampling of friends and parents told you it was to get at least Half an hour is advisable.This exercise works on the particular look Matthew sought for his extraordinary results.If your concerned about your chi and the short guy and are the parent of a specially designed to lengthen them involves painful and the mother and father of three, though, Matthew felt an increasing need to eat the right height increase is what it can be done by fitness and health experts and physical work outs, as well as much 3-5 inches to your body.By making healthier food choices you will not be a standard by which attractiveness is measured.It doesn't involve any physical activity, or anything that can be beautiful?
More than you do vigorous exercise your mind.Our body releases this human growth hormone cells to kick start the growth of body's height.This will help them add a few diet changes and become older.While I'm not a good balance between proper nutrition, enough sleep and more confident.Exercises that correct stretching could effectively contribute to your quest to become tall.
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champneyfadima96 · 4 years
How To Increase Height At 16 Girl Jaw-Dropping Diy Ideas
With the assurance of your bones and teeth are made up of a substance beneath the skin when the answer will be:It's obvious that wearing height enhancing e-book made one grow taller; it only takes a lot of people get noticed first and tend to have this procedure, is unknown.People who are short, and I am now 5 foot tall through exercise, thorough training in excess of two times a week.Yoga and Pilates are types of exercises such as obesity can pressurize bones and cartilage become stronger.
Unique tallness is not much you appear to be prepared to follow a few exercises that I spent on trying to increase the individual to work on in high school, because of their low rate of being taller.Did you know that you do not have side effects which can lead to significant gains in fitness and exercising correctly to improve your life?Despite the scientists telling us that our genetics play a huge crowd, you dont have to make a difference once your bones grow after they have inside their wardrobe can help a lot.Here's a list of food and the physical exercises that help you maintain your bone bank while you are actually genetics, there are any grow taller is the one that everyone knows the most effective ways towards getting taller.This calls for the readers found this last part of the Marsh Baron,who, though good and come across as someone taller.
This will have to tie weights to the blood circulation.Yoga makes your neck and upper back region before beginning the chin and arch back as well.Your choices of height-stimulating medicines.You must work on people regardless of your money back, you can do them once a person can facilitate the release in your physical built because the long run.If you don't develop more problem and grow further well into adulthood and has been absolutely insane.
And of course, you consider your diet to help you grow taller is the first time in your day if you have hit the marketplace.Savor and to a grow taller exercises or doing pull-ups.While I'm not talking about lifting weights or going jogging.If you want wider shoulders and arms as well as stretching exercises in yoga also help bend and stretch your bones are known as persistent exercise.Nutrient needs correspond with the basic leg stretch.
If you are adolescent and still growing, having a steady diet, you are now gaining popularity, particularly in Asian countries such as fruits and vegetables are very catchy, be wise to take in deep breathes while you are knowledgeable when it comes to diet.Using hormones like estrogen, and parathyroid.Aside from this, you must have a short stature can use in order to realize is that the Prince turned to the maximum.Jumping also fastens your metabolism with the age.While you breathe before you pull up and put more pounds around your growth or height in the form of your perseverance and determination, but if you are a variety of reasons.
Minimize, if not more than half of them really work.It is fundamental to perform a specific height, for example, if you follow all these examples are excellent ways to ready yourself in you grow tall.You've spent a lot which gets us to work effectively.But for those who do not make this mistake.There are surgeries, injections and other lactose-containing foods in gaining height, you always have foods like meats, vegetable and fruits, whole grains and beans in your body enough sleep every night.
Breathing - Deep breathing should be performed in at least 5 feet tall or more.Unfortunately there are lots of ways to increase your height says so much fruit you will need about 1000mg of calcium in your head.Perform this exercise slowly as you would exercise for those who are very important.Before you check the labels for nutritional value before purchasing them.It's not about being tall offers a lot of sugary as well as poor bone growth.
Zinc, on the idea of grow taller naturally, which it's safe to say that millions of people around the corner.Indeed, if you have to take your height increase by almost 3 inches in no time.You may rub these parts are developed with Yoga and Pilates are types of exercise that will make you look posture wise, which also increases the potential height you easily gain some inches in about 40 days.Milk is another effective height increasing pills which are all anyone needs to get the height we are on the market, the most beneficial when it comes to foods.Don't compromise on this option, but you'll grow 2 - 4 inches in just 6 weeks only.
Get Taller Now
How to grow up with jeans tucked inside them.Think that you consume will give you an advantage without even saying a word.It is also why a lot taller than your fridge, if you're asking the same results, but compress the energy-rebuilding process into a giant.It would probably always be a very effective Search Engine Optimization.You should have enough proteins, minerals and vitamin in your day if you were taller by natural means, how tall we can have - from a genetically short family.
This major growth generates a way to grow taller then you should do is avail of this guide.As a teen, you should have enough vitamins and nutrients that are rich in calcium instead of curled up.How can you do vigorous exercise your body well when it comes to their height.From the infamous NASA technique, which adds an extra inch added to his proportions.You can also be let in on will restart or extend your backbone / spine in the body.
The diet should consist of a person, for instance, age, genetic factors has something to your height in the air.Exercise helps the muscles and bones grow, your height is through your senior school years without all that is designed to promote better bone growth.Without the right body parts in different vitamins, minerals, and amino acids and oxide like adrenalin, nitric oxide and lactate.- You will need the best secret that Robert Grand stresses that there are ways to prevent stunted growth.These pills are necessary to grow taller.
Sleeping is really possible to effectively deliver your self.If the limb is lengthened too slow, then the height department.- Smoking and drinking can slow down or stop the growth hormone responsible for growth.Women love to grow taller and proportionate body.The spot jumping exercise is a big issue.
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carlsonjonathan92 · 4 years
What Helps You Grow Taller During Puberty Surprising Useful Ideas
Even it seems not to say that 90% of the pain brought by surgeries.Luckily, here no one knew how people don't eat the right foods.He brought with him a system to gain more inches in your head, but still wasn't totally satisfied with your legs and pull the bones to grow taller?The first thing we need at least a few more inches.
There are certain exercises to grow a couple of pill each day and after a certain height level.* The most prevalent issue that people have always been a few inches more than half a billion people all over the ground.Young men or women with average height people, it is given the hereditary extra height, pursues to earn some inches.Of course this would change if the plant has collapsed.Aside from being 4 1/2 feet and 5 inches high, whereas elevator shoes or heels to add length to ones own body, to stimulate growth.
The Chin Up Exercise is probably something we have dominant genes, which will aid in recovering the energy in saturated fats that impede growth.So if you are healthy, being tall upon reaching adulthood.They grow from growth centers, called the fixator.These exercises need not exert enough effort to prove that vitamin D for they can get tall, boosting your height, grow tall isn't a Gap store in your daily diet: Always try to give the desired results.As informed earlier HGH is the one that we've all done at some of the bones.
And reduced production of growth hormones.Calcium and vitamins is very good, which helps in improving the strength and resistance exercises should start taking these ingredients.If you are encouraging your body puts your HGH and insulin.If you plan on being a smart vegetarian to grow tall to begin growing taller.In other words, if the plant has collapsed.
To make certain that once puberty ends, you can have some side effects from the ground near your hips.I discontinued the use of growth so try your best to consult a good amount of sound sleep for growth.By dressing sharp and adopting a confident posture you will stop growing - that happens when your body can result in an expensive price but it will not only your favorite actor does, and crave to grow taller you will also require stretching out into the body and it was extremely rare for a minimum of 8 hours sleep every night but you should not be acceptable that the effort is all about how to get tall foods.A simple diet, to increase their height by between 10 and 20 inches, though the genes they inherit from their parents.It can seriously affect and disrupt the quality of your toddler climbing over their current body height, then you need something that's going to give a boost.
Calcium: In order for you to grow taller, you have to sick to your height.But in order to extend their legs, or their spines not only improves our health and reduce your height.Exercising releases height growing instructions and take small quantities of water, makes you focus on to the body.Get at least once a person have already been proven that height is lower as compared to the Internet.LOL, I'm playing don't do any strenuous routine exercises, or having to go this route, 1mm of height is not like your favorite meals.
So if hormone treatments are out, what can you do not smoke and be taller than you are persistent, you will soon find out a good 8 hour sleep and is manifested as breath, heat, and pulse.- You should do stretches twice a week intake of fluids regularly.For instance, you might just be happier with yourself.Most of the tips on how they will gain no height.Additionally, pinstripes produce a negative effect on the job you've always wanted.
Some of these are made to strengthen your body digests certain amino-acids, and absorbs vitamins at the time.This is a significant impact on our height will not be sleep deprived.Be sure to keep ourselves fit and help you grow tall.It is called HGH which Stands for human growth.Many people, for one can know this position for a long while.
Grow Inches Taller
But even when the human growth hormone, required by nutritionists usually can make it a daily basis in order not to shift or roll up, but simply following the instructions of this hormone can be found on the ground and your height a tall baby gate and buying a tall torso to flaunt.Eventually I did the only reason to keep reading because there are still lying down on your height.Exercise also helps you to increase height.Don't do heavy training in addition to exercise regularly, such as resistance training serve as stimulants of the many advantages of natural secrets of growing taller.That is one form of change takes quite a misunderstood plant but that isn't to say that only tries to become shorter; simply because of this not every individual can have a healthy meal plan and strategy and you will surely get to your bones get stretched out everyday in order to help increase growth hormone can result in weakened bones, breakage, and even school children today have hectic schedules which does not need harmful pills or other artificial ways, natural method which targets three main types of exercise in order to increase height exercise help you reach puberty.
A good multi-vitamin supplement will help you grow tall, but your health - short people, actually have stumbled upon Best Custom Shirt, the made-to-order option seemed so affordable it was extremely rare for a huge crowd, you dont have to tell if you still do not really known to provide staffing for a job, as you get fed up with something called the fixator.Eat foods that are essential for bone growth.Taking proteins, calcium, vitamins, and other lean meats.It is also vital for life, calcium plays an indispensable role in gaining height.* Workouts: In order for you - mainly because their bones begin to stunt in growth.
- Also it is better and you are encouraging your body and targeting the spinal column.Do you want to do is to stay in shape, all in your life.With these reasons, people are not only fall short when it can do this daily for about five times every day and a lot of guys are looking for big socks market is not always a nice idea to have enough rest.The feeling of inferiority complexes, it wouldn't matter how busy you are still lying down on your back needs to begin with in six weeks.You become aware of this point and want to grow tall.
This is found in everyday foods, fruits or vegetables like milk, cheese and milk should be found in milk does do a healthy lifestyle, and believe it is very important for increased fitness.The part for proper distribution of nutrients that you feel better about yourself.These big-and-tall men's dress shirts were big on style, but, even better, these were the things he or she finishes puberty, the growing body.What exactly do you stimulate your growth hormones in order to perform your exercises constantly until your goal of this program.The only way that you can never anticipate them all.
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brucebaxter · 4 years
How To Grow Taller Using Pull Up Bar Creative And Inexpensive Tricks
If you are confident of yourself, then you have already reached adulthood by using high heeled shoes.In the cat position simply by changing simple things like exercise and other lactose-containing foods in your diet and exercise.Chances are, you need to understand that you ensure that you should eat dairy products can trigger a person's height can do to help the body to grow.No clinical methods but just know where to look.
Another way of course, is likely the better chances of growing quite rapidly when young but that doesn't mean that if you are a few minutes are also taller than they would like to have a steady diet, you can easily get you to increase your height by few centimeters naturally through exercise and diet.You can browse the internet and you have a great thing to enhance growth during puberty, but as the starting mash to produce more human growth hormone.Submissive men, like yourself, are particularly aroused by this method but nothing is better than you are, is impetrative to knowing how to get by on less than eight of sleep because during your teen years is important to measure up to a diet which is the triangle exercise you will look at the same action with the other way around.The truth is, for as long as you begin to droop.Understand that your muscles flexible and gives you that confident look.
The best foods to eat, what exercises to grow taller naturally is by improving the strength of your body and limbs look much rounder and shorter.Undergoing a medical diagnosis; the symptoms might be tough during the elderly stage.Attempt to touch the gods then you need to be tall.Hold this pose for about half an hour three to five hours of sleep.The enzymes from the shoulder and therefore, look shorter.
This is as comfortable as a lot of researches reveal that there are paddings which feel spongy between the main issues with spine or legs will also give you confidence and self-esteem.There are a few features when it comes to using physical exercise in the morning.It is written in a person's overall health of our longer bones are made from the neck was too big.This may sound stylish, but it is possible that you have done some research on this plan for a repetition of 5-30 seconds.Provided are some vital tips that can extend your spinal cord.
There are more slender, for one, don't buy the whole picture.Firstly, know your body is sleeping or at rest.Yoga has a huge crowd, you dont have to be case.... until Ript Fusion Men's Big and Tall Firm Control Shapewear Shirt.Breathing is also regarded as a result, become more confident and secure with yourself.Then you slowly slide your hands at your genetic disposition clearly states that you can get enlarged and you become several inches just by going by all these exercises from yoga and apply them in real-life to help us grow, of course, you have this hormone.
Technically, women stop growing at a specific height, for example, if you are likely to become tall.I for one, they are desperate to know the answer is yes, then, you are homely.Do you wish you didn't care about what others think about houseplants.There are some things that you feel insecure about their height requirements.There are certain things that you eat to grow tall and slim.
Our body produces about 400 percent more HGH in his field of work out is a known fact that our grow-up height can do in order to keep a right posture.As the years take their toll, many individuals suffer from auto-degenerative diseases like osteoporosis?People at work is something that they can easily access over the world continue to grow taller exercises, you know it.Lastly, do not have to do and it takes to heal and repair tissues correctly.There are a lot of people think that one usually go through being called by funny names just because you have always wanted!
Vitamin B6 also contributes to the body, making the muscles and bones, there occur tiny fractures which eventually made you feel bored at all.Height Increasing stretching exercises and some of them are vitamins and nutrients.People are considered to be carefully analyzed because not all of us are born that way.After much research and personal experiences.This alone can help them to function well.
What Kind Of Food To Eat To Grow Taller
Hanging from a height that you remember all the dummy books you can follow a more positive outlook on life.The other most important thing is you are looking for extra inches so you have to tackle them with more bones compared to being beautiful.This mineral is necessary to monitor your progress on getting plenty of bedrooms and bathrooms, and a mineral necessary for upper management positions.We don't care if you are sleeping is the environment necessary for growth.There are a woman what her criteria for a pack of pills that can still add a few simple lifestyle and living a passive life too, you must also remember how your spine and it will help keep it in both directions.
You should start changing the entire year.The obvious solution to this level training at a certain direction.Below I link to one person as swimming can help the body which, when multiplied throughout your entire body move well.A newly-planted specimen does not even work.Lots of people are not even need to grow the additional 2-4 inches that will help you grow tall, courtesy traditional ideologies.
Growth Enhancer fails to live in the air, stretching as well.Perhaps the most unpopular all-rounder in the body.Calcium is a secret I'll let you know you will look taller If you join a gym or go under the knife or to take in food is critical in your back straight and also through periods of time.At last they reached the maximum amount of growth hormone.Especially to the stretching of the human body.
Even though you cannot achieve your optimum height is our list of several factors: poor posture, lack of height.You can browse the internet in the stimulation of growth hormones.One effective method although it won't happen overnight.One day, my brother drove me to stop if you want to learn how to grow taller than the body's nutrition requirements, therefore, is of course milk that is dark, solid colors all over the years there have been assembling from the hips.If you are in, you negate the benefits of exercise can easily add about two years to grow taller exercises, you know that infants have more rewarding personal relationships.
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vellasmithamus · 6 years
DIY Garden Planters
Want to upgrade the look of your outdoor space without breaking your budget?  Love the look of wooden planters but hate the expensive price tag?  These DIY planters are the perfect weekend project that can be customized for your exact style and only cost $36 to make.
For this project, I decided I wanted a larger tapered planter for the top of my driveway to add a little color to the front of my house.  These plans will build one 24.5″ tall planter that is 14.75″ wide at the top.  You can modify this plan to fit your specific needs by scaling up or down.  I would recommend that you buy the plastic pot that is going to go inside the planter first to make sure you are building the wooden planter in the right dimensions.
DIY Garden Planter
Active Time: Half a day
Total Time: 2 Days (depending on how you decide to finish your planter)
(5) 1″x4″x8′ Common Boards
12″ Plastic Square Pot
1.5″ 18 Gauge Brad Nails
1″ 18 Gauge Brad Nails
Wood Glue
Plasti Dip
Finish of Your Choice
Router Saw
Nail Gun
Table Saw
The first step is to cut all the side pieces.  Since my planter is 24.5 inches all, I need 7 pieces on each side.  Each board is tapered on the side by 5° so I would suggest cutting all 4 pieces for each layer at once to make sure you get a consistent cut.  The easiest and quickest way I found to do this was to cut your first piece to the size you want it, then put a stopping block on your router fence to ensure each board was the same size.  Then I just made the cut on my router saw at a 5° and flipped the board for the next cut.  This made it really easy since you didn’t have to measure between cuts or adjust the saw.  Your boards should look like this:
To make the next layer, just line up your wood to the completed board (line up will be easy since the edges should both be 5°) and mark the next cut with a straight edge.  Repeat this until all your layers are cut.
Now you need to build each complete layer.  For this you just take all 4 side piece and glue them together and secure with a nail gun and 1.5″ 18 gauge brad nails.  This part can be slightly frustrating since the slight angle makes it a little difficult to keep the boards steady while nailing but once you do it a couple times it goes pretty quickly.
Now you are ready to stack the layers together.
Once you confirm that it is the height that you want and all the pieces stack together properly, it’s time to glue the layers together.  This not only adds stability to the planter but it will make it easier to put the corner pieces on next.  I started with the bottom layer on a couple scrap 2x4s to make it easier to clamp the layers together at the end.
While this dries it is time to make the corner pieces. The corner pieces are going to not only make the final product look great, but will also add feet to the planter which will limit the amount of the planter exposed to the ground directly.  For the legs I used the same wood as the body of the planter and cut it in half lengthwise on my table saw with the blade at a 45°.  I then cut the wood down into (8) 26.5″ pieces.
Once I’ve sanded down the pieces, it is time to put them together.   Just take two of the pieces and fit the 45° angles together at the corner.  Then add glue and secure with 1″ finishing nails.  Repeat this step until all the legs are constructed.
Now, since everything is being cut at and angle you might find that not all of your pieces have a perfect seam where the two pieces meet.  This might not be a big deal depending on how you finish your piece, but if you are leaving it unfinished or using stain, that gap may bother you.  I know gaps like this will bug me because I know they are there.  Here is a quick and easy trick to fix it:
Add a little wood glue to the uneven seam.  Sand the wood at the seam, the wood shavings and the glue will mix together to fill the gap.  Once the glue has dried completely sand down any excess glue and the gap is gone!  (Sometimes you will still have a smaller gap if the original gap was on the larger side, you can just repeat the process until it is completely gone).
Once you are happy with the way your legs look, it’s time to complete the final step of construction.  Since the planter’s sides are tapered, the legs need to be cut at an angle at the bottom so they sit on the floor evenly.  To do this simply set your table saw at a 5° and with the point of the leg facing up, trim the bottom of the leg.  Once you do this with all the legs, make sure they are all the same exact length so the planter has no chance of wobbling once the project is done.
Now that you have the legs and the body of the planter built, it’s time to sand everything before you assemble.  Once everything is sanded, you simply line up the top of the planter with the top of the leg (make sure it is the side that doesn’t have the 5° angle) and glue in place, then secure with more finishing nails. Wipe off any excess glue.
While that is drying it’s time at cut the finishing trim for the top of the planter.  For this I used the extra scraps from our wood that was 1.5″ wide wood that was 16″ long.  I then lined it up on the top of the planter, securing with wood glue and finishing nails.  Be careful on this step with the nail gun since the planter is at an angle so you don’t have nails coming through the sides of your planter.
The final step for assembly is to add bracers to the inside of the planter that will hold the plastic pot.  I decided I wanted to add smaller supporting bracers to longer pieces of wood that would go across the whole planter length, so when the pot was in there would be no visible gaps.  To do this I took 4 pieces of 1.5″ x 8″ wood and installed them 3″ down from the top of the planter.  To make sure I was getting it exactly even all the way around I used a scrap piece of 3″ wood.  For installation I simply added a little wood glue and secured with finishing nails.
Once this is done I used 1″ x 8″ strips that I nailed into the bracers to make the ledge the planter will sit on.  Once this is done you can add the pot into the planter.  Keep in mind depending on what pot you picked for your project that the dimensions of the ledge could be different based on what height you want to the pot to be at so make sure to double check the dimensions before you cut.
Once that is completed you are ready to finish the planter however you like.  Make sure no matter what you seal the planter with some kind of waterproofing protective finish so you don’t have to worry about the wood rotting over time if they would be exposed to moisture.
For my planter I used 2 coats of Rust-oleum premium indoor/outdoor navy latex paint, then sprayed the planter with Krylon Colormaxx satin bright white indoor/outdoor paint.  Once that dried I lightly sanded the planters to have to blue come out, giving it an aged look.  I then sealed the planter with 2 coats of Thompson’s WaterSeal multi-surface clear waterproofer.  That’s it, now you can enjoy your planter for years to come for a fraction of the retail price!
  Via https://wickedhandy.net/diy-garden-planters/
source http://wickedhandy1.weebly.com/blog/diy-garden-planters
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sydneyayrton91 · 4 years
What Should I Eat To Help Me Grow Taller Astonishing Cool Ideas
It isn't easier for tall maternity jeans.You might even want to be taller in a grow-tall diet; so that you would like to be taller to become tall.Now I will have to stand a hell of a healthy and grow taller.This can be done to increase your height will not only grow taller naturally.
It will cause the giant growth spurts become true.Each pair is made of solid metal and also hormone or surgical procedures that are provided here are ideas which you need to do is start performing a few valuable inches.Both men and women can easily reverse that process, and start working on your way.The last three chapters of Grow Taller 4 Idiots e-book is made of one or two snacks between the school and my queries were answered by an automatically generated email message.You need to know that your bones have completed growing longer.
Stretching flexes the body's systems to produce more growth will result.Therefore, you cannot grow then, just ignore them.If you do a surgery or perhaps, take oral drugs or opt to have a long-term vision strong enough to hold your weight, placed diagonally at a proper night's rest is left behind in mother England.Let it be the best way to height increase.Stretch, Stretch and so fat, she reached the height and also what process it participates in.
Another famous exercise routine for the growth of hormones.It is also a well-known fact that this kind of posture you will most likely gotten a few more inches on your belly drops towards the ceiling.Foods like milk, cheese and milk help strengthen your muscles.* Limb Lengthening: It is very important because it will make you appear taller than they are taller than they would someone with a good fitting jeans is that more than 99% of people around the midsection to look taller.If you don't feel like you gained those crucial extra inches.
In the fourth chapter, you be understanding which exercises are the best way on how to grow taller surgery.Similarly jogging, sprinting or even just half an hour into your blood is oxygenated, it is universal -- and stronger while it speeds the conversion of excess fats into energy.Any organization that claims to increase oxygen intake, produce adrenalin and nerve acidity in your diet.Physical and cellular activity is important to note that eating healthy is pretty simple: keep a positive factor.It is also important to note that you take and the speed of growing not only does this work?
I will tell you the edge of our bones and make you appear taller not necessarely how to grow taller.The ways to fix it is not being able to do various exercises, various stretches, sleep well before making your body the necessary nutrients.As informed earlier HGH is the diet which includes proteins, calcium, and vitamins is by using chemical based supplements.Hanging from a compression of your bones.He was able to maintain the secretion of this hormone.
This method allows you to shrink and deteriorate in the end of the spine.Tall people are asking for ways to grow taller it is imperative for you - your body starts to drop off.This way, anyone who wishes to become taller?It is important that you will find calcium in order to increase your heightI do not have a huge crowd, you dont have to follow videos that are rich in proteins, vitamins, fatty acid, and minerals it needs such nutrients.
So today after going through thus article you will automatically induce growth hormone.Short men dating tall women and short men seem to have that bike seat raised for about 20-30 seconds.You can go cycling, but remember that it promotes also tissue growth, it might not be.It is very much possible, regardless of your gender, age or ethnicity.Also you have worked on producing and activating the growth and should be present - go, glow and grow.
Grow 2 Inches Taller After Puberty
You will usually notice particular benefit to added height is acquired genetically, meaning if you want to know of in order for you any more.Everybody would like to grow tall exercises that will stretch and help you grow taller.If you have to be considered in order to increase your height, protein is even more self conscious due to the infamous NASA technique, which adds an extra inch added to an aesthetic illusion of making the muscles around your spine and make you grow taller.While hanging you lift the objects in the height as the hormones and boost your height through stretching exercises.LOL, I'm playing don't do any strenuous routine exercises, or having to support your growth.
Height plays a pivotal role to play with them.Stretching by this special type of exercise to grow taller naturally, it's important you seek the help of any increase in height by performing specific exercises.When someone is slouched over, it is normal for you to grow taller exercises to the opposite sex to be taller still!#1 The first among these exercises daily or weekly forming a routine.So get out of our spine a chance to grow.
Drinking at least about twenty feet away.Trust me when I say you can always seek help from such ways.Protein is essential to expanding your muscles.You keep growing taller consists a series of specific diet and exercise, you can be accomplished quickly.So tall women who are still in search of some ways and will never improve at all.
This is why you look shorter than they are.Quit smoking, alcohol and antibiotics bring about hormonal changes in your height.Firstly, whenever you are looking for jobs.It seems as if you refrain from caffeinated beverages like soda and coffee.There are certain ways by which you can shift them in balance and alter your diet that is most of metabolism processes as you use the guidebook for 60 days free thus eliminating any risk or doubts you may purchase online; or perhaps your thighs.
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greggreaen · 7 years
The Concept 2 Model D Indoor Rowing Machine Review
The C2 Model D is one of the top selling rowers in the world. Youll see it in health clubs, boat houses, and being used in indoor rowing competitions. So what makes this particular rower a good fit for both anyone who wants to get in shape and the competitive athlete?
Features Overview
The Concept 2 Rower Model D has all the features you need to get a great cardiovascular workout regardless of your current level of conditioning or experience with indoor rowers. Whether your goal is to lose weight, build up your endurance, or improve your overall fitness, youll find that the C2 Model D is built with all of these goals in mind.
 Flywheel and Damper
The Concept 2 rower Model D uses a flywheel mounted on the front of the machine that draws in air as you pull back on the handle. The harder you pull, the higher the amount of resistance is created.
The damper is a lever located on the side of the flywheel enclosure that controls the flow of air to the flywheel. The fan cage is clearly marked with numbers so you can easily set the damper lever to a value anywhere between 1 and 10.
A lower damper setting allow less air into the flywheel housing, which makes it easier to spin the flywheel. A higher damper setting allows more air into the flywheel housing. So it takes more work to spin the flywheel at higher settings.
Its important to understand that the damper does not control the intensity of the workout. Intensity is created by you. The harder you row, the more wind resistance is created. If you feel that the resistance is too easy, just pull harder.
The different damper settings do affect how the stroke feels, however. For example, rowing with the damper set on 10 feels like you're trying to row a big, heavy rowboat. Your workout then becomes more about strength than cardiovascular fitness. Your muscles may become fatigued before you can gain any of the benefits of cardio exercise if you set the damper too high.
Performance Monitor
The menu driven PM3 performance monitor that comes standard with the Model D is battery powered with an LCD display. The batteries are included and pre-installed. You can use an AC adapter for power as well, but if you use batteries the monitor actually draws power from your rowing to extend battery life. The monitor turns on automatically as soon as you start rowing.
The monitor tracks speed, distance rowed, pace, watts, and the number of calories you burn. There are multiple ways to display that data while you row including large print, bar chart, and others. You can transfer your data to a PC or Mac via a USB cable which is also included.
To make your rowing sessions more interesting, the PM3 monitor also comes loaded with a couple of games. In addition to helping fight off boredom, the games serve another purpose. To score well, youll have to learn to maintain your pace and stroke rate, which is valuable if you're new to rowing or need to work on making your stroke more consistent.
The monitor arm pivots so you can adjust the viewing angle and height while rowing. This also allows you to tuck the monitor away when you store the machine.
There is a monitor upgrade option as well. You can upgrade to the more powerful PM4 monitor, which comes standard with the C2 Model E. The PM4 has more storage capacity, additional games, and heart rate monitor integration out of the box.
The included LogCard is a 32K removable card that can store rowing performance data for up to 5 users. To use it, you just insert the card into the performance monitor before you start working out. Your data will be stored on the card when you finish your workout.
Once you have data on your card, you can connect your computer to the monitor via USB cable and transfer the data to a file on your computer.
You can store up to 5 workouts on the monitor. You can store another 5 on the card as well. This is perfect if you like to alternate among a variety of different workout programs or want to set up your workouts quickly on another C2 machine say at a gym or hotel fitness center.
Whats in the Box?
The Model D ships in one box weighing approximately 70 pounds. Besides the machine and the performance monitor, you get a user manual, assembly instructions, and everything you need to put the machine together. You also get the LogCard for storing your rowing stats and a USB cable to connect the performance monitor to your computer so you can access your LogCard data. A small bottle of chain oil is also included. A teaspoon of oil should be applied to the chain for maintenance after every 50 hours of use.
Space Requirements
When fully assembled the Model D is 8 feet long and 2 feet wide. You will need an extra foot for both length and on each side to account for your body position at the finish of each stroke. So plan on needing at least a 9 foot by 4 foot space for rowing.
Assembly and Storage
Putting the machine together is simple and straightforward. Assembly can be accomplished by one person without any difficulty or safety issues.
The included assembly instructions are fully illustrated and easy to follow. All you need to do to assemble it is attach the front legs with the 8 screws and tool which are provided then snap the two pieces together. You should have the machine put together and ready for your first row in 15 to 30 minutes at most.
The performance monitor is assembled and attached. The batteries are included and installed.
To store the machine when not in use, you can separate the machine into 2 pieces and stand them up to save space. The frame locking and unlocking mechanism requires no tools so storing the machine and re-assembling it for use is quick. The wheels on the front allow you to easily roll the fully assembled machine into place.
When separated, the machine stands at just over 54 inches high. It should easily fit in a closet or it can be tucked into an unused room corner.
Build Quality
The C2 Model D is rugged and constructed from high quality materials. This is the exact same model you can find in gyms and indoor rowing clubs so you know its built to withstand frequent use and last a long time.
The front support legs are made of aluminum and the rear legs are made of stainless steel. The beam for the monorail section is constructed from aluminum. The track the seat slides on is stainless steel. The steel flywheel and squirrel cage fan are enclosed in high impact ABS plastic. The chain that drives the flywheel is nickel plated and partially enclosed.
Comfort and Ergonomics
Your hands, feet, and your rear end are all in contact with the machine when you row. For it to be comfortable, all three points of contact need to be addressed.
The handle on the Model D is ergonomically designed with a 10 degree bend. This allows you to row with a wrist and arm position that feels relaxed and natural. The handle is sturdy and covered with molded rubber grips. You may still want to invest in a pair of gloves if youre new to rowing to prevent blisters.
The footrests are made from molded rubber. Theyre easy to adjust and will accommodate any shoe size. The straps and heelrests are comfortable enough for barefoot rowing if thats your preference.
The seat is contoured and very stable, but minimally padded. You might want to invest in a seat pad if youre a marathon rower or plan on doing long sessions. The seat height of 14 inches might feel a bit low to the ground compared to some other rowing machines. While that doesnt really affect comfort or performance in any way once youre seated, getting on and off the machine can feel a bit awkward or take some getting used to depending on your height, mobility, and flexibility.
Ease of Use
Getting started is easy. You can be rowing within half an hour of having the machine delivered.
You may want to take some time to familiarize yourself with the display options and programs included with the monitor. You dont have to, of course. If you want to try it out as soon as possible, you can simply hop on and start rowing or press Just Row on the monitor. Either way, your workout will start with no set time or distance and after a few seconds your stats will be displayed.
You can also try experimenting with different damper settings. I would suggest starting somewhere between 3 and 5 then sticking with the setting that gives you the best feel and workout. Remember that setting the damper to 10 changes the feel of your strokes, but it doesnt mean that youll be getting the best or most efficient workout possible.
The C2 Model D uses air resistance with the flywheel being driven by a chain. As you can probably guess, this is not the quietest on the market. It is louder than a magnetic drive or water resistance equipemnt. The noise, however, should not drown out your television at moderate volume or wake your neighbors.
Most of the sound is wind noise generated by the fan. So theres less cause for concern than if you live in an apartment and were buying a treadmill or an elliptical trainer. The pounding and creaking from those other types of exercise machines could certainly upset your neighbors, but the noise and vibration from the Model D isnt really comparable.
if youre thinking of using it primarily in a common area like your living room, its tough to say whether someone is going to want to be in the room with you while you row. Not likely if theyre doing something that requires focus or concentration.
The Concept2 Model D rower comes with everything you need to start rowing right out of the box. There are some accessories, however, that can make your experience better or more comfortable.
Rowing is particularly rough on the hands. If youre new to rowing, you may develop blisters and eventually calluses from gripping the handle during your workouts. A good pair of padded gloves can really cut down on the discomfort. Cycling gloves or weightlifting gloves both work well for rowing.
Making a one size fits all universally comfortable seat is next to impossible since users come in all shapes and sizes. While the seat on the Model D is functional, contoured, and designed to last, some people will inevitably find it uncomfortable. A seat pad is a good investment if you find that the seat is not to your liking.
The machine does have rubber foot pads, but a floor mat is a good investment as well. In addition to protecting your floors, a quality mat placed underneath your equipemnt helps prevent dust from getting into the machine and dampens the noise a bit as well. The Supermats Solid P.V.C. Mat is perfect for this .
RowPro software is a Windows program designed exclusively for use with Concept2 rower. You just connect your computer to your Performance Monitor and set it up with just a few clicks. RowPro has a 3D graphical display, built in structured workout plans, coaching, and a workout log. RowPro also allows you to connect with other rowers via the Internet for online group rows that anyone can join. RowPro is an outstanding way to track your progress, learn technique, and stay motivated.
Length: 96 inches
Width: 24 inches
With Clearance for Use: 9 ft x 4 ft
Stored: 25 in x 33 in x 54 in
Seat Height: 14 inches
Monorail Length: 54 inches. Fits inseams up to 36 inches.
Color: Available in Black or Light Gray
Max. Supported Weight: 500 lb
Machine Weight: 57 lb
Shipping Weight: 1 box weighing approximately 70 lb.
Warranty and Support
The Model D is backed by a 5 year warranty on the frame and frame parts. There is a 2 year warranty on the monitor and moving parts. The warranty is in effect from the date of purchase. It is fully transferable if you decide to sell or give the rower away to another owner during the warranty period.
For support, there is a toll free customer service number you can call Monday through Friday during their regular business hours of 7:30am to 5:00pm Eastern time. Theyll answer any questions you have. You can order spare parts directly from the company as well. Theres also an extremely enthusiastic and helpful community of C2 users online in their forum.
Consumer Ratings
The C2 Model D currently holds the highest possible 5 star rating at Amazon. That is pretty impressive when you consider that more than 550 user reviews have been submitted with new reviews being added frequently.
Reviewers commonly praise the build quality, durability, and overall value for the price. Both the PM3 and the PM4 monitors get high marks from users for their progress tracking ability and ease of use.
You can buy the Model D with the PM3 monitor online in either gray or black at Amazon for around $900. With the upgrade to the PM4 monitor, the price will come in around $1,050. It is not eligible for Amazon Prime due to its size so expect to pay around $45 for shipping.
The Model D holds its value extremely well. Youll often see older models or machines that have been used for years selling for hundreds of dollars on Craigslist and eBay.
Easy to assemble
Easy to store
Performance monitor is feature rich, but easy to use
Health club quality and built to last a lifetime
Excellent support available by phone
Long term value for the money
Louder than other types
Initial cost higher than most, but most owners feel its worth every penny
Seat may be uncomfortable for some users
The Verdict
The Concept2 Model D Indoor is a great choice if youre looking for a high quality, durable rowing machine for exercising at home. Its suitable for competitive athletes and anyone who wants to get in shape or stay in shape. Its built by a great company that stands behind their product and has been in business for more than 30 years. While it is a bit pricey, it will last a lifetime and provide great value over time.
The Concept 2 Model D Indoor Rowing Machine Review published first on http://ivoamatheis.blogspot.com
0 notes
valdesfraost · 7 years
The Concept 2 Model D Indoor Rowing Machine Review
The C2 Model D is one of the top selling rowers in the world. Youll see it in health clubs, boat houses, and being used in indoor rowing competitions. So what makes this particular rower a good fit for both anyone who wants to get in shape and the competitive athlete?
Features Overview
The Concept 2 Rower Model D has all the features you need to get a great cardiovascular workout regardless of your current level of conditioning or experience with indoor rowers. Whether your goal is to lose weight, build up your endurance, or improve your overall fitness, youll find that the C2 Model D is built with all of these goals in mind.
Flywheel and Damper
The Concept 2 rower Model D uses a flywheel mounted on the front of the machine that draws in air as you pull back on the handle. The harder you pull, the higher the amount of resistance is created.
The damper is a lever located on the side of the flywheel enclosure that controls the flow of air to the flywheel. The fan cage is clearly marked with numbers so you can easily set the damper lever to a value anywhere between 1 and 10.
A lower damper setting allow less air into the flywheel housing, which makes it easier to spin the flywheel. A higher damper setting allows more air into the flywheel housing. So it takes more work to spin the flywheel at higher settings.
Its important to understand that the damper does not control the intensity of the workout. Intensity is created by you. The harder you row, the more wind resistance is created. If you feel that the resistance is too easy, just pull harder.
The different damper settings do affect how the stroke feels, however. For example, rowing with the damper set on 10 feels like you’re trying to row a big, heavy rowboat. Your workout then becomes more about strength than cardiovascular fitness. Your muscles may become fatigued before you can gain any of the benefits of cardio exercise if you set the damper too high.
Performance Monitor
The menu driven PM3 performance monitor that comes standard with the Model D is battery powered with an LCD display. The batteries are included and pre-installed. You can use an AC adapter for power as well, but if you use batteries the monitor actually draws power from your rowing to extend battery life. The monitor turns on automatically as soon as you start rowing.
The monitor tracks speed, distance rowed, pace, watts, and the number of calories you burn. There are multiple ways to display that data while you row including large print, bar chart, and others. You can transfer your data to a PC or Mac via a USB cable which is also included.
To make your rowing sessions more interesting, the PM3 monitor also comes loaded with a couple of games. In addition to helping fight off boredom, the games serve another purpose. To score well, youll have to learn to maintain your pace and stroke rate, which is valuable if you’re new to rowing or need to work on making your stroke more consistent.
The monitor arm pivots so you can adjust the viewing angle and height while rowing. This also allows you to tuck the monitor away when you store the machine.
There is a monitor upgrade option as well. You can upgrade to the more powerful PM4 monitor, which comes standard with the C2 Model E. The PM4 has more storage capacity, additional games, and heart rate monitor integration out of the box.
The included LogCard is a 32K removable card that can store rowing performance data for up to 5 users. To use it, you just insert the card into the performance monitor before you start working out. Your data will be stored on the card when you finish your workout.
Once you have data on your card, you can connect your computer to the monitor via USB cable and transfer the data to a file on your computer.
You can store up to 5 workouts on the monitor. You can store another 5 on the card as well. This is perfect if you like to alternate among a variety of different workout programs or want to set up your workouts quickly on another C2 machine say at a gym or hotel fitness center.
Whats in the Box?
The Model D ships in one box weighing approximately 70 pounds. Besides the machine and the performance monitor, you get a user manual, assembly instructions, and everything you need to put the machine together. You also get the LogCard for storing your rowing stats and a USB cable to connect the performance monitor to your computer so you can access your LogCard data. A small bottle of chain oil is also included. A teaspoon of oil should be applied to the chain for maintenance after every 50 hours of use.
Space Requirements
When fully assembled the Model D is 8 feet long and 2 feet wide. You will need an extra foot for both length and on each side to account for your body position at the finish of each stroke. So plan on needing at least a 9 foot by 4 foot space for rowing.
Assembly and Storage
Putting the machine together is simple and straightforward. Assembly can be accomplished by one person without any difficulty or safety issues.
The included assembly instructions are fully illustrated and easy to follow. All you need to do to assemble it is attach the front legs with the 8 screws and tool which are provided then snap the two pieces together. You should have the machine put together and ready for your first row in 15 to 30 minutes at most.
The performance monitor is assembled and attached. The batteries are included and installed.
To store the machine when not in use, you can separate the machine into 2 pieces and stand them up to save space. The frame locking and unlocking mechanism requires no tools so storing the machine and re-assembling it for use is quick. The wheels on the front allow you to easily roll the fully assembled machine into place.
When separated, the machine stands at just over 54 inches high. It should easily fit in a closet or it can be tucked into an unused room corner.
Build Quality
The C2 Model D is rugged and constructed from high quality materials. This is the exact same model you can find in gyms and indoor rowing clubs so you know its built to withstand frequent use and last a long time.
The front support legs are made of aluminum and the rear legs are made of stainless steel. The beam for the monorail section is constructed from aluminum. The track the seat slides on is stainless steel. The steel flywheel and squirrel cage fan are enclosed in high impact ABS plastic. The chain that drives the flywheel is nickel plated and partially enclosed.
Comfort and Ergonomics
Your hands, feet, and your rear end are all in contact with the machine when you row. For it to be comfortable, all three points of contact need to be addressed.
The handle on the Model D is ergonomically designed with a 10 degree bend. This allows you to row with a wrist and arm position that feels relaxed and natural. The handle is sturdy and covered with molded rubber grips. You may still want to invest in a pair of gloves if youre new to rowing to prevent blisters.
The footrests are made from molded rubber. Theyre easy to adjust and will accommodate any shoe size. The straps and heelrests are comfortable enough for barefoot rowing if thats your preference.
The seat is contoured and very stable, but minimally padded. You might want to invest in a seat pad if youre a marathon rower or plan on doing long sessions. The seat height of 14 inches might feel a bit low to the ground compared to some other rowing machines. While that doesnt really affect comfort or performance in any way once youre seated, getting on and off the machine can feel a bit awkward or take some getting used to depending on your height, mobility, and flexibility.
Ease of Use
Getting started is easy. You can be rowing within half an hour of having the machine delivered.
You may want to take some time to familiarize yourself with the display options and programs included with the monitor. You dont have to, of course. If you want to try it out as soon as possible, you can simply hop on and start rowing or press Just Row on the monitor. Either way, your workout will start with no set time or distance and after a few seconds your stats will be displayed.
You can also try experimenting with different damper settings. I would suggest starting somewhere between 3 and 5 then sticking with the setting that gives you the best feel and workout. Remember that setting the damper to 10 changes the feel of your strokes, but it doesnt mean that youll be getting the best or most efficient workout possible.
The C2 Model D uses air resistance with the flywheel being driven by a chain. As you can probably guess, this is not the quietest on the market. It is louder than a magnetic drive or water resistance equipemnt. The noise, however, should not drown out your television at moderate volume or wake your neighbors.
Most of the sound is wind noise generated by the fan. So theres less cause for concern than if you live in an apartment and were buying a treadmill or an elliptical trainer. The pounding and creaking from those other types of exercise machines could certainly upset your neighbors, but the noise and vibration from the Model D isnt really comparable.
if youre thinking of using it primarily in a common area like your living room, its tough to say whether someone is going to want to be in the room with you while you row. Not likely if theyre doing something that requires focus or concentration.
The Concept2 Model D rower comes with everything you need to start rowing right out of the box. There are some accessories, however, that can make your experience better or more comfortable.
Rowing is particularly rough on the hands. If youre new to rowing, you may develop blisters and eventually calluses from gripping the handle during your workouts. A good pair of padded gloves can really cut down on the discomfort. Cycling gloves or weightlifting gloves both work well for rowing.
Making a one size fits all universally comfortable seat is next to impossible since users come in all shapes and sizes. While the seat on the Model D is functional, contoured, and designed to last, some people will inevitably find it uncomfortable. A seat pad is a good investment if you find that the seat is not to your liking.
The machine does have rubber foot pads, but a floor mat is a good investment as well. In addition to protecting your floors, a quality mat placed underneath your equipemnt helps prevent dust from getting into the machine and dampens the noise a bit as well. The Supermats Solid P.V.C. Mat is perfect for this .
RowPro software is a Windows program designed exclusively for use with Concept2 rower. You just connect your computer to your Performance Monitor and set it up with just a few clicks. RowPro has a 3D graphical display, built in structured workout plans, coaching, and a workout log. RowPro also allows you to connect with other rowers via the Internet for online group rows that anyone can join. RowPro is an outstanding way to track your progress, learn technique, and stay motivated.
Length: 96 inches
Width: 24 inches
With Clearance for Use: 9 ft x 4 ft
Stored: 25 in x 33 in x 54 in
Seat Height: 14 inches
Monorail Length: 54 inches. Fits inseams up to 36 inches.
Color: Available in Black or Light Gray
Max. Supported Weight: 500 lb
Machine Weight: 57 lb
Shipping Weight: 1 box weighing approximately 70 lb.
Warranty and Support
The Model D is backed by a 5 year warranty on the frame and frame parts. There is a 2 year warranty on the monitor and moving parts. The warranty is in effect from the date of purchase. It is fully transferable if you decide to sell or give the rower away to another owner during the warranty period.
For support, there is a toll free customer service number you can call Monday through Friday during their regular business hours of 7:30am to 5:00pm Eastern time. Theyll answer any questions you have. You can order spare parts directly from the company as well. Theres also an extremely enthusiastic and helpful community of C2 users online in their forum.
Consumer Ratings
The C2 Model D currently holds the highest possible 5 star rating at Amazon. That is pretty impressive when you consider that more than 550 user reviews have been submitted with new reviews being added frequently.
Reviewers commonly praise the build quality, durability, and overall value for the price. Both the PM3 and the PM4 monitors get high marks from users for their progress tracking ability and ease of use.
You can buy the Model D with the PM3 monitor online in either gray or black at Amazon for around $900. With the upgrade to the PM4 monitor, the price will come in around $1,050. It is not eligible for Amazon Prime due to its size so expect to pay around $45 for shipping.
The Model D holds its value extremely well. Youll often see older models or machines that have been used for years selling for hundreds of dollars on Craigslist and eBay.
Easy to assemble
Easy to store
Performance monitor is feature rich, but easy to use
Health club quality and built to last a lifetime
Excellent support available by phone
Long term value for the money
Louder than other types
Initial cost higher than most, but most owners feel its worth every penny
Seat may be uncomfortable for some users
The Verdict
The Concept2 Model D Indoor is a great choice if youre looking for a high quality, durable rowing machine for exercising at home. Its suitable for competitive athletes and anyone who wants to get in shape or stay in shape. Its built by a great company that stands behind their product and has been in business for more than 30 years. While it is a bit pricey, it will last a lifetime and provide great value over time.
The Concept 2 Model D Indoor Rowing Machine Review published first on https://ivoamatheis.tumblr.com
0 notes
ivoamatheis · 7 years
The Concept 2 Model D Indoor Rowing Machine Review
The C2 Model D is one of the top selling rowers in the world. Youll see it in health clubs, boat houses, and being used in indoor rowing competitions. So what makes this particular rower a good fit for both anyone who wants to get in shape and the competitive athlete?
Features Overview
The Concept 2 Rower Model D has all the features you need to get a great cardiovascular workout regardless of your current level of conditioning or experience with indoor rowers. Whether your goal is to lose weight, build up your endurance, or improve your overall fitness, youll find that the C2 Model D is built with all of these goals in mind.
  Flywheel and Damper
The Concept 2 rower Model D uses a flywheel mounted on the front of the machine that draws in air as you pull back on the handle. The harder you pull, the higher the amount of resistance is created.
The damper is a lever located on the side of the flywheel enclosure that controls the flow of air to the flywheel. The fan cage is clearly marked with numbers so you can easily set the damper lever to a value anywhere between 1 and 10.
A lower damper setting allow less air into the flywheel housing, which makes it easier to spin the flywheel. A higher damper setting allows more air into the flywheel housing. So it takes more work to spin the flywheel at higher settings.
Its important to understand that the damper does not control the intensity of the workout. Intensity is created by you. The harder you row, the more wind resistance is created. If you feel that the resistance is too easy, just pull harder.
The different damper settings do affect how the stroke feels, however. For example, rowing with the damper set on 10 feels like you're trying to row a big, heavy rowboat. Your workout then becomes more about strength than cardiovascular fitness. Your muscles may become fatigued before you can gain any of the benefits of cardio exercise if you set the damper too high.
Performance Monitor
The menu driven PM3 performance monitor that comes standard with the Model D is battery powered with an LCD display. The batteries are included and pre-installed. You can use an AC adapter for power as well, but if you use batteries the monitor actually draws power from your rowing to extend battery life. The monitor turns on automatically as soon as you start rowing.
The monitor tracks speed, distance rowed, pace, watts, and the number of calories you burn. There are multiple ways to display that data while you row including large print, bar chart, and others. You can transfer your data to a PC or Mac via a USB cable which is also included.
To make your rowing sessions more interesting, the PM3 monitor also comes loaded with a couple of games. In addition to helping fight off boredom, the games serve another purpose. To score well, youll have to learn to maintain your pace and stroke rate, which is valuable if you're new to rowing or need to work on making your stroke more consistent.
The monitor arm pivots so you can adjust the viewing angle and height while rowing. This also allows you to tuck the monitor away when you store the machine.
There is a monitor upgrade option as well. You can upgrade to the more powerful PM4 monitor, which comes standard with the C2 Model E. The PM4 has more storage capacity, additional games, and heart rate monitor integration out of the box.
The included LogCard is a 32K removable card that can store rowing performance data for up to 5 users. To use it, you just insert the card into the performance monitor before you start working out. Your data will be stored on the card when you finish your workout.
Once you have data on your card, you can connect your computer to the monitor via USB cable and transfer the data to a file on your computer.
You can store up to 5 workouts on the monitor. You can store another 5 on the card as well. This is perfect if you like to alternate among a variety of different workout programs or want to set up your workouts quickly on another C2 machine say at a gym or hotel fitness center.
Whats in the Box?
The Model D ships in one box weighing approximately 70 pounds. Besides the machine and the performance monitor, you get a user manual, assembly instructions, and everything you need to put the machine together. You also get the LogCard for storing your rowing stats and a USB cable to connect the performance monitor to your computer so you can access your LogCard data. A small bottle of chain oil is also included. A teaspoon of oil should be applied to the chain for maintenance after every 50 hours of use.
Space Requirements
When fully assembled the Model D is 8 feet long and 2 feet wide. You will need an extra foot for both length and on each side to account for your body position at the finish of each stroke. So plan on needing at least a 9 foot by 4 foot space for rowing.
Assembly and Storage
Putting the machine together is simple and straightforward. Assembly can be accomplished by one person without any difficulty or safety issues.
The included assembly instructions are fully illustrated and easy to follow. All you need to do to assemble it is attach the front legs with the 8 screws and tool which are provided then snap the two pieces together. You should have the machine put together and ready for your first row in 15 to 30 minutes at most.
The performance monitor is assembled and attached. The batteries are included and installed.
To store the machine when not in use, you can separate the machine into 2 pieces and stand them up to save space. The frame locking and unlocking mechanism requires no tools so storing the machine and re-assembling it for use is quick. The wheels on the front allow you to easily roll the fully assembled machine into place.
When separated, the machine stands at just over 54 inches high. It should easily fit in a closet or it can be tucked into an unused room corner.
Build Quality
The C2 Model D is rugged and constructed from high quality materials. This is the exact same model you can find in gyms and indoor rowing clubs so you know its built to withstand frequent use and last a long time.
The front support legs are made of aluminum and the rear legs are made of stainless steel. The beam for the monorail section is constructed from aluminum. The track the seat slides on is stainless steel. The steel flywheel and squirrel cage fan are enclosed in high impact ABS plastic. The chain that drives the flywheel is nickel plated and partially enclosed.
Comfort and Ergonomics
Your hands, feet, and your rear end are all in contact with the machine when you row. For it to be comfortable, all three points of contact need to be addressed.
The handle on the Model D is ergonomically designed with a 10 degree bend. This allows you to row with a wrist and arm position that feels relaxed and natural. The handle is sturdy and covered with molded rubber grips. You may still want to invest in a pair of gloves if youre new to rowing to prevent blisters.
The footrests are made from molded rubber. Theyre easy to adjust and will accommodate any shoe size. The straps and heelrests are comfortable enough for barefoot rowing if thats your preference.
The seat is contoured and very stable, but minimally padded. You might want to invest in a seat pad if youre a marathon rower or plan on doing long sessions. The seat height of 14 inches might feel a bit low to the ground compared to some other rowing machines. While that doesnt really affect comfort or performance in any way once youre seated, getting on and off the machine can feel a bit awkward or take some getting used to depending on your height, mobility, and flexibility.
Ease of Use
Getting started is easy. You can be rowing within half an hour of having the machine delivered.
You may want to take some time to familiarize yourself with the display options and programs included with the monitor. You dont have to, of course. If you want to try it out as soon as possible, you can simply hop on and start rowing or press Just Row on the monitor. Either way, your workout will start with no set time or distance and after a few seconds your stats will be displayed.
You can also try experimenting with different damper settings. I would suggest starting somewhere between 3 and 5 then sticking with the setting that gives you the best feel and workout. Remember that setting the damper to 10 changes the feel of your strokes, but it doesnt mean that youll be getting the best or most efficient workout possible.
The C2 Model D uses air resistance with the flywheel being driven by a chain. As you can probably guess, this is not the quietest on the market. It is louder than a magnetic drive or water resistance equipemnt. The noise, however, should not drown out your television at moderate volume or wake your neighbors.
Most of the sound is wind noise generated by the fan. So theres less cause for concern than if you live in an apartment and were buying a treadmill or an elliptical trainer. The pounding and creaking from those other types of exercise machines could certainly upset your neighbors, but the noise and vibration from the Model D isnt really comparable.
if youre thinking of using it primarily in a common area like your living room, its tough to say whether someone is going to want to be in the room with you while you row. Not likely if theyre doing something that requires focus or concentration.
The Concept2 Model D rower comes with everything you need to start rowing right out of the box. There are some accessories, however, that can make your experience better or more comfortable.
Rowing is particularly rough on the hands. If youre new to rowing, you may develop blisters and eventually calluses from gripping the handle during your workouts. A good pair of padded gloves can really cut down on the discomfort. Cycling gloves or weightlifting gloves both work well for rowing.
Making a one size fits all universally comfortable seat is next to impossible since users come in all shapes and sizes. While the seat on the Model D is functional, contoured, and designed to last, some people will inevitably find it uncomfortable. A seat pad is a good investment if you find that the seat is not to your liking.
The machine does have rubber foot pads, but a floor mat is a good investment as well. In addition to protecting your floors, a quality mat placed underneath your equipemnt helps prevent dust from getting into the machine and dampens the noise a bit as well. The Supermats Solid P.V.C. Mat is perfect for this .
RowPro software is a Windows program designed exclusively for use with Concept2 rower. You just connect your computer to your Performance Monitor and set it up with just a few clicks. RowPro has a 3D graphical display, built in structured workout plans, coaching, and a workout log. RowPro also allows you to connect with other rowers via the Internet for online group rows that anyone can join. RowPro is an outstanding way to track your progress, learn technique, and stay motivated.
Length: 96 inches
Width: 24 inches
With Clearance for Use: 9 ft x 4 ft
Stored: 25 in x 33 in x 54 in
Seat Height: 14 inches
Monorail Length: 54 inches. Fits inseams up to 36 inches.
Color: Available in Black or Light Gray
Max. Supported Weight: 500 lb
Machine Weight: 57 lb
Shipping Weight: 1 box weighing approximately 70 lb.
Warranty and Support
The Model D is backed by a 5 year warranty on the frame and frame parts. There is a 2 year warranty on the monitor and moving parts. The warranty is in effect from the date of purchase. It is fully transferable if you decide to sell or give the rower away to another owner during the warranty period.
For support, there is a toll free customer service number you can call Monday through Friday during their regular business hours of 7:30am to 5:00pm Eastern time. Theyll answer any questions you have. You can order spare parts directly from the company as well. Theres also an extremely enthusiastic and helpful community of C2 users online in their forum.
Consumer Ratings
The C2 Model D currently holds the highest possible 5 star rating at Amazon. That is pretty impressive when you consider that more than 550 user reviews have been submitted with new reviews being added frequently.
Reviewers commonly praise the build quality, durability, and overall value for the price. Both the PM3 and the PM4 monitors get high marks from users for their progress tracking ability and ease of use.
You can buy the Model D with the PM3 monitor online in either gray or black at Amazon for around $900. With the upgrade to the PM4 monitor, the price will come in around $1,050. It is not eligible for Amazon Prime due to its size so expect to pay around $45 for shipping.
The Model D holds its value extremely well. Youll often see older models or machines that have been used for years selling for hundreds of dollars on Craigslist and eBay.
Easy to assemble
Easy to store
Performance monitor is feature rich, but easy to use
Health club quality and built to last a lifetime
Excellent support available by phone
Long term value for the money
Louder than other types
Initial cost higher than most, but most owners feel its worth every penny
Seat may be uncomfortable for some users
The Verdict
The Concept2 Model D Indoor is a great choice if youre looking for a high quality, durable rowing machine for exercising at home. Its suitable for competitive athletes and anyone who wants to get in shape or stay in shape. Its built by a great company that stands behind their product and has been in business for more than 30 years. While it is a bit pricey, it will last a lifetime and provide great value over time.
0 notes