#not sure exactly how long it takes Eclipse to get back to the pizzaplex but at most it’s like January 2023
starays13 · 3 months
Who's holding Moth Eclipse
It’s Lunar
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 10 months
“You’re scared…. and broken…” With, literally any of the Glamrocks after Ruin(preferably Eclipse and Monty)-
Hearing the terrified shrieks of a certain daycare animatronic, you were quick to rush into the garage, stumbling upon a rather frightening scene:
Eclipse, who reverted back to Sun, was on the floor as Monty's teeth were latched onto his leg, violently tugging on it in an attempt to shred what little remained of the tattered striped material. The gator snarled all the while, shaking his head around while the former kicked and screamed.
It didn't take long for you to figure out how to separate the two, grabbing a metal pipe and tapping it loudly against the wall to get Monty's attention on you for a second.
"Montgomery Gator. Let him go NOW!!"
Upon hearing his name, he let go of Sun and stared at you, shrinking away as you approached. With a huff, you tossed the pipe towards the furthest part of the area. "Go fetch."
As he crawled away, that gave you a chance to examine Sun for any serious damage. You kneeled down, frowning as the traumatized animatronic was whimpering at the current state of his other leg--arguably the only "good" leg he had remaining.
'Jesus..I can't leave these two alone for even a second..'
"Are you okay?" You asked worriedly. "Is your leg still functional?"
"Yes, but alas....p-pretty patterns are all ruined now..." He bemoaned. "No stars..no stripes...all gone. No more..."
"Sun, I promise I'll get this sewn up for you. But listen...I warned you not to go anywhere near Monty." You set a gentle hand on his knee. "Why did you go near him?"
"I....we just wanted to say hi! I-I didn't think he'd hurt me! He used to be so nice! S-Sure I might have called his music too loud, but he didn't seem offended by it!!"
"What he did to you wasn't anything personal." You shook your head, sighing. "He's not himself. He's gone...completely feral now. Do you know what that means?"
He was still for a moment, before shaking his head.
"It means he's not gonna know who you are. You all have been stuck there for so long that...he's acting on animal instincts now. He barely even knows me anymore."
"..so..you mean....he thinks he's actually a gator?"
"Exactly." You nodded. "And until I can figure out how to restore his original personality, we'll have to treat him as such."
Sun remained silent, his gaze wandering back to Monty. He was gnawing on the pipe. It wasn't much, but it stopped him chewing on anything else in the garage, such as the important Fazbear Ent. equipment you stole from the plex.
It's not like anybody was going to use it anyways.
"It's not fair to him...o-or me. Why did this have to happen to us?"
"..I don't know. I wish I knew why, Sun." All you could do was shake your head, feeling sad that you couldn't simply repair them both like nothing even happened.
Like they weren't left to rot in that mall for years.
Your exploration of it was still fresh in your mind.
While you couldn't track down Chica, Roxy, or Freddy...you were able to at least find Eclipse and Monty, convincing them to come home with you as it was a lot safer.
Eclipse was more than willing despite being worried about when the children will return to the daycare, whereas Monty just started following you randomly, always being at your heels like a protective guard dog.
He was your favorite out of the Glamrocks, so maybe part of him remembers that--hence he never attacked you.
Unfortunately you had no idea how he would behave around Eclipse, considering you just rebooted him after Sun and Moon were fighting for control nonstop. The two were in obvious pain with the lights being broken in the daycare, so you were lucky to have a fazwrench on you at the time.
But the strangest thing during your time working for the pizzaplex was that you never knew Eclipse even existed as a character. The company never talked about him, and not a single advertisement (old or new) mentioned him anywhere.
There was only ever Sun and Moon.
Regardless, you were glad to officially meet him and see his balanced personality--with Moon's calmness and Sun's optimism
Unfortunately Monty had some fit of aggression when he tried talking to him, sending him into a panic so bad that it made him switch back into Sun. Now you weren't sure how to bring Eclipse back to the forefront without doing another reboot...as that apparently caused Moon great pain.
The gator, as feral as he was, seemed guilty for what he did as he stayed huddled in the nearest corner of your garage. You could clearly see that he didn't mean to attack Eclipse; he just couldn't control himself.
"[Y/n]...a-are we monsters? Is that why nobody comes to see us anymore?"
Those heartbreaking questions almost made tears spring to your eyes, before you turned back to Sun, taking his hands into yours. "No. Neither of you are monsters. You're scared...and broken. But I'll try my hardest to put you back together. You, too, Monty."
"Grrahhh..?" He perked up at his name, dropping the pipe and crawling over to you when you beckoned him closer.
At first the attendant was panic-striken, almost hyperventilating even. But then he saw him abruptly stop beside you and was confused for a moment.
You smiled sadly and patted Monty's head, feeling what little remained of his red hair. "It's amazing that your mohawk is still attached to you, pal."
He chuckled at that, before looking to Sun and huffing. Although he couldn't speak anymore, the guilt was clear in his body language, something that was quickly understood by the solar animatronic.
"Awh, it's okay, buddy. We can still be friends!" He giggled, mimicking your gesture and patting Monty's head, albeit with great caution.
Fortunately, he didn't bite his hand off this time.
All you could do was continue smiling, being a watchful observer of your two (technically four) favorite characters who you were relieved to have rescued.
'Looks like there's hope for them yet.'
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thorns-and-rosewings · 6 months
How about some Demon Killcode Headcanons for the Seraphim AU?
1) Killcode is revived inside of the Pizzaplex by Cherubim Lunar, the process of which was so frightening that it scares off Bloodmoon, who had been creeping around intent on doing more damage to the TSAMS Family. But the process took all of Cherubim Lunars energy and he powered down as a result.
2) Fortunately Forkface/Frank had been nearby and saw everything. He manages to get Killcode to follow him into the daycare (Which it's conveniently empty at the moment) and the mute Moon knock-off manages to use the portal to send himself and KC into the Seraphim dimension.
3) Killcodes appearence through the Seraphim portal was... Interesting...
4) His appearance caught Seraphim Eclipse and Arc Bloodmoon off guard. And the second they saw he was carrying their unconscious little brother nearly resulted in Bloodmoon attacking him... Which would have been an unpleasant repeat death sequence.
5) However, Frank got in the way. He managed to keep Bloodmoon back long enough for Killcode to explain what happened with Lunar. Which immediately calms his brothers down.
6) Once determining that KC isn't a threat, he's welcomed to the Seraphim universe as a guest while Cherubim Lunar is grounded.
7) KC spends some time in this universe in order to adapt to his new body. For even though he's fine with his height; the wings, tail and the fact he has retractable claws in his hands and feet still takes a bit to adapt to... Among other things...
8) It's a bit awkward for Seraphim Eclipse, who is used to being the tall one in his family. As he stands at 10 feet with his rays. While Killcode stands 13 feet easily.
9) The fact that Cherubim Lunar is not exactly sure exactly what additional Bio-Mechanical upgrades he actually added to Killcodes new body means that some things will just need to be discovered over time.
9.5) Oh Lord there is going to be one big WTF situation later on...
10) Killcode actually has a hard time getting the hang of flying. He's primarily learning to fly from Bloodmoon, who likewise only has two wings and Cherubim Lunar cannot help as his grounding involves him not being allowed to fly. So he's left as a spectator.
11) Once he gets the hang of flying, he becomes comparable to Seraphim Eclipse in regards to his agility and the two race a few laps around the surrounding area. Each one resulting in a tie...
12) Overall, KC becomes a welcome addition to Seraphims universe. At least temporarily...
13) However... One person who doesn't react well AT ALL to Killcodes presence is Canon Eclipse... Who is just... Shellshocked... To see Killcode there, let alone in a new body.
14) He becomes enraged and goes to hit the far taller being with a broom, but his limbs lock up due to the collar he has that prevents him from being violent. Earning him a swat upside the head from Seraphim Eclipse.
15) Killcode looks upon the Eclipse from his world with disappointment... Before commenting that the life he has now is the best thing he could have ever hoped for. He was never destined for greatness or even mediocrity and his own actions have barred him from any family bonds he could have had.
16) Canon Eclipse just storms off to have a very bad meltdown.
17) Once he's gone and he's sure he cannot be overhead, KC commends Seraphim Eclipse for trying to actually help the Eclipse he calls a son... But acknowledges that he might be too far gone to help and to please be cautious about it.
18) Seraphim acknowledges this... But cannot bring himself to give up on his alternate. At least not yet anyway...
19) After a period of time, KC determines he wants to return to his own universe as that was where he had built his life beforehand. Something that the Angelic family understands and they part ways with Killcode having an open invitation to return whenever he wants, or if he ever desires a new home.
20) KC returns to the TSAMS universe... Along with Frank who he didn't notice tag along with him... And he silently returns to his RV and begins the long task of fixing it so he can actually fit in it. Although he is helped in this task by Frank.
Of course he later has to stop Frank from attacking local wildlife with a frying pan 😅
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