#not sure if that’s what your username is based on but 🥺 yeah! just wanted to share
thegoldenshi-shi · 1 year
I just have to ask you 2 questions fiejfbdjrj
Are you an Egyptology nerd? Or avid fan, if you haven't hyperfixated like me 0//0 if you are, I'd like to know the whole story behind the ancient Egypt au bc it f u e l s me in a way-
Secondly, can I pls make fics on the ancient Egypt au 🥺🥺🥺🥺 it's so pretty and I'm not really sure ill be able to capture everything bc I did see some wips, but I still wanna write it ^^
Firstly: thank you very much~ I'm glad that you think my Egyptian things to be pretty 💕
(your username is cool btw, I like it a lot)
I'd never thought about whether I'm a nerd or not… I'm fascinated with ancient history in general,(currently combing through Mesoamerican history atm) but yeah, I'll say that Ancient Egypt has a soft spot in my heart. I took a course in Egyptian Hieroglyphics and have several books ranging from a difficult book on Middle Egyptian literature (in hieroglyphics)to books on their mythology to a large National Geographic book that spans the entire history. Now that I think about it, I guess I do count as an Egyptology nerd hehe
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✨Word-Vomit-Time ✨
Honestly, the whole thing began as a desire to draw Leona as a pharaoh because I thought he'd be pretty. Then it snowballed into how best to adjust Ramses the Great's exploits to account for magic, whether or not I wanted Falena as an Akhenaten-type or as a nice pharaoh and whether or not I should try to translate Leona's UM chant into hieroglyphics for the sake of authenticity.
So far as the au is concerned it actually spans more than just Egypt. I selected a culture/country for each dorm and re-worked them with that as a base. So just as all of Savanaclaw are Egyptian, Diasomnia is Celtic, Scarabia is an amalgamation of the countries found along the Silk Road, etc.
I've worked with Savanaclaw and Diasomnia (Ancient Egypt and the Celtic Tribes) the most and they have a tense respect that could become violent if the wrong moves are made. Leona is angry at having to deal with diplomacy that should be Falena's job, but doesn't want it botched and has to handle it himself. Malleus is fascinated with the radically different culture that Leona represents and likes pushing people's buttons…. You can get the picture hehe.
With the individual characters: I have Jack functioning as a guard/military figure, since jackals and other canines were often associated with protection. (Thinking about Anubis, and Wepawet) He works directly under the royal family, specifically Leona.
Leona is still not very liked due to his sand-magic in a desert environment BUT he is valued for his offensive capacity (and for his Nefertiti-level pretty face). Defending the borders and war were the domains of the lion deities Anhur and Sekhmet. Of course I really want to work parallels to Set into him as well, but that's a story for another day.
Ruggie is kind of floating around as a free agent, but he works as a good spy since nobody pays him any mind. I don't really know how Falena and Cheka fit in outside of the fact that Falena is Pharaoh and Checka is the Crown Prince.
By all means, go ahead and make as many fics as you like on the au. I really enjoy adding things to it as I go but my free time has been non-existent lately. I'm happy that you like the au enough to want to add your own things to it.
If you do, please let me know, I'd be interested to see what you come up with👀
Thank you so much once again for your ask! I appreciate that you took time to reach out and say something to me ^J^
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134340am · 2 years
Daichi literally radiates comfort :(
he gives the most affectionate head pats and stroke your cheek so gently (and very often too)
(Also certified top tier hugger and cuddler)
Congrats for surviving your first day in the coffee shop!!
oh my gosh, this ask just sent me into daichi brainrot i need him so bad 😭 his hands are so rough and strong but he always touches you so tenderly, y’know?
stroking your cheek gently… i’d like to think he uses the back of his knuckles to do that and he always has the softest, fondest look on his face : ( if you’re being grumpy or pouty he pinches your cheek with his knuckles too hehe. AHHHH!!! i’d kill for a daichi hug tbh he looks so big and warm 🥺
thank you my fren!!! i’m exhausted but it was a goob first day, and i’m so thankful for everyone who’s sent me well wishes and good luck ♥️
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