#not that itd make him forget it was you but hed get lost often enough that the statute of limitations would expire by the time he found you
columboscreens · 4 months
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hazelolive · 4 years
*2 hours after Damien is All settled in at the hall of lazereth and Kera is back at the hall of lamentation*
Kera was sitting alone in her room just absentmindedly doodly something in her sketch book. When she had a startling revealtion!
She got up and straight ran to the Avatar of Wraths room.
"Satan! I have a bone to pick with you."
The blond let out a sigh and put the book he had been reading down. While he didnt always like the nicknames she used to address him the fact that she was using his full name showed she meant business.
"Why what is it this time?"
"I just realized something!"
"And that would be?" He said with a slight sigh he had just gotten to a really good part in his book so he was hoping this wouldnt take to long.
"When Damien was questioned as to why and how he showed up to that student council meeting he said a blond demon had told him to go there."
"And Im not much of a detective but you happened to have left the room only 15 minutes prior to him showing up. And Your hair color matches the demons in question."
The avatar of wrath didnt get to see this side of Kera very often. Honeslty he found it a little attractive whenever she decided to use her detective anaylis skills to try and solve what was going on. Espically since he was the guilty party in this case. You would never be able to get him to admit it though. And just maybe hed be able to use a cheesy line or two he'd had saved up but only if the right opurtunity presented itself.
"I cannot deny that fact but I believe you have no solid evidence to paint me as your guilty party. Im nowhere near the only demon at school with blond hair."
"But you are the only one on the student council."
"While that may be true it is common knowledge to most of the student body where the Student council room is."
"But That room is off limits to them and I dont think many would be so bold as to venture over there. And even if they were a with the sheer timing of the encounter with Damien do to his poor sense of direction itd have to be someone who knew the student council schedule and had just left from the meeting so they wouldnt be to far away from the scene of the crime yet and could provide directions that even he couldnt mess up."
"Meaning it could only have been you."
He had gotten closer to her during her rebuttal close enough to quickly lean it towards her at a moments notice. Which he close to do just then.
"Thats some pretty damming evidence there. I'll can confirm your accusations but my next question will be why?"
"Yes why or I guess we can say what. Youve caught me red handed. I was the one who gave that lost demon directions. What are you going to do now." He said leaning down with a smirk on his face inches away from hers.
She flushed a little had a light blush on her face but shoved him back.
"Im going to ask you why."
Huh? He wasnt exspecting this reaction.
"Damien told me how frantic and panicked he was but I know how he must of looked from the outside. A slightly crazed demon covered in dirt stains frantically asking anyone he can where Kera is."
"He was my friend yes but what if he hadnt been? What if he was some sort of crazed stalker that he just carelessly sent into the room where I was."
Oh. All the pieces decided to click into his brain right then and there. Kera was worried and thought he had just carelessly sent a stray crazy demon after her.
"I see."
"You see! Is that all you have to say! What if he had been dangerous!" She said starting to get all mad.
He would give Kera credit where it was due and admit that when Kera got really angry she was a force to be reckoned with almost on the same level as his own. But she was also adorable when she was just a little huffy.
"As much as I hate to say anything positive about this man but you were in the same room as Lucifer and the king of the devildom. Even if he were a threat he would of been quickly dealt with. Because I heard that story to and that Damien gave Lucifer quite the headache which is a win in my book."
"Yeah but what if they hadnt been."
He walked towards Kera and grabbed her chin tilting it up so she was making eye contact with him instead of looking at the ground.
"I knew they were going to be since I heard Diavolo say he wanted to speak with Lucifer after the meeting. Besides even if they werent lets not forget youve came a long way since youve first got here. You went from not being able to defend yourself or use magic at all to knowing basic to medium level spells. So I know for a fact that you couldve sent him running if you needed."
"Lets face it your almost as scary as me when you get mad."
She said and decided to puff out her cheeks
"Yes almost." He said deflating her cheeks with two fingers. She was so cute and he wanted nothing more to kiss her in that moment but didnt feel like it would be the most appropriate. So he let go and was about to take a step away. When she suddenly decided to kiss him on the cheek.
He blinked 5 times in a row in confusion.
"Thank you." She said twisting her fingers a little bit most likely slightly self conscious. He wanted to say something witty and clever back. Anything but found himself stunned and speechless.
Kera simply giggled at the blush on his cheeks and the hand that was now glued to his face where she had kissed him.
That'd show em to tease her. She ran out of the room quickly and decisevely before he came back to his senses and tried to get his own version of revenge.
@buttered-ghost-toast @anjchan8
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