#not that the fandom was the only thing that killed my interest in tmn
wavebiders · 2 years
Just as a heads up to anyone who follows me for cr stuff, I'm probably gonna step away from campaign 3 for a little bit. I've been seeing the beginnings of the cr2 fandom situation for a while now and I wanna get some emotional distance from it to avoid another cast of characters being ruined for me
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amandajoyce118 · 6 years
Friday Five: 100 Lists
I’ve officially hit more than 100 pieces for ScreenRant, which seems like a huge amount due to the work that goes into writing a listicle. (Honestly, you’d be surprised.) In honor of hitting that milestone, I’m offering you five of the articles (not all from ScreenRant) that I’m most proud of or most enjoyed writing. Yes, that’s right, this Friday Five is all about me, so you can skip it if you want. I won’t hold it against you.
Links to the pieces are in the headings.
Five: What If Dawson’s Creek Was Cast Today
Only the second piece I wrote for ScreenRant, but the one I claimed first, this article was so fun to write. There are things in it I had to change per my editor at the time’s request - like who I cast as Andie and Jack originally - but I still think my decisions were spot on. Nick Robinson as Pacey? Yes, please. Auli’i Cravalho as Joey? She essentially played that role in Rise this TV season, maybe just a little less cynical. I think about this article a lot more than I probably should still because I still think this cast would make for a perfect teen soap.
Four: 30 Crazy Secrets About Naruto’s Body
This is my most recent listicle to go live for ScreenRrant, and this one was something of a challenge. Why? Because Naruto isn’t a franchise I’m an expert on. I would consider myself more of a casual fan at this point. So, content-wise, it was already harder for me than, say, something about a Marvel or Power Rangers property. But more than that, this was the first article I had to write new some new rules for ScreenRant. These new rules involved shorter word counts per section (but a longer article overall), not being allowed to use words like death, dead, killed, dying, sexy, or nude. Companies that promote themselves as family-friends, companies that promote their work through social media outlets like facebook, and companies who have writers from multiple countries, have a lot more restrictions now on how their content has to be presented so that it can be enjoyable across the board. So, I had to write this very, very, carefully.
Three: Still Star-Crossed Star Confirms Series Cancellation
Not a fun article to write, but one I’m proud of because.... I actually broke this news? Somehow, no one in the big Hollywood outlets actually reported on this even though the stars of the show were doing press for ABC. I happened to see a tweet from one of the actors about the show not moving forward and reported on it when no one else did because they were waiting for official word from ABC, which never even came. It’s my most viewed article on Blasting News, a site I quit writing for because the editors didn’t seem to understand the difference between sourcing news and what an opinion piece was… but that’s a story for another time.
Two: Everything Wrong With Agents Of SHIELD Season 3
So, I love Agents of SHIELD. Don’t get me wrong. But I think there is always going to be room for improvement in any television series. It’s the nature of the medium. You can’t please everyone and not every story decision works in hindsight. While I enjoyed a lot about season three, there were also a lot of things that didn’t gel for the season, and when I put this article together, it was shared by people who podcast the series, people in the fandom I didn’t really know very well on tumblr, and it’s one of those few times where it seemed like a lot of the fandom was in agreement - despite loving the season. It just goes to show that you don’t have to blindly defend a project to still love it. (Also, this was an article for TMN, so no guarantees that it will load for you since it seems like the company that owns the site isn’t really attempting to keep it up.)
One: Power Rangers: Every Green Ranger, Ranked Worst To Best
This is the article that kicked off a long line of Power Rangers articles during the resurgence in interest as the movie released. I had something of a run with Power Rangers content. If you’ve been following me since, you probably remember me spamming your feed with my lists. I had such a fun time writing these and I binged essentially the entire franchise while doing it. This one, my first one, remains my most viewed article on ScreenRant though. It amassed over a million views during its promotional period and I’m a nobody that doesn’t get the kind of promotion journalists working for something like Entertainment Weekly or BuzzFeed get. So, yeah, I’m really proud of this one. Really, I’m proud of all of Power Rangers content because writing them made me appreciate writing about kids’ shows and made me see how much adults in my age bracket still appreciate them. In fact, I think if I worked in television, I’d be all for writing a kids’ show.
To anyone who has actually read any of these (or any of my stuff), thanks for keeping me writing! I went from writing full time to writing part time in 2016, which makes me a little sad, because I would much prefer writing full time to my current full time job. But, it’s because people are out there actually reading my stuff that I get to do what I love for even a fraction of the time. So, again, thank you!
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