#not the sort of original idea of gleaming light disc and such
upholsteredhand · 6 years
This text took me a little bit of effort to make, as I’ve been lacking inspiration for this character. I won’t introduce them just yet, but I like them a lot... anywho, enjoy this short story!
I took the object that was lodged in the hollow stump, right outside the ancient-looking pattern of rectangular boulders . I had stumbled upon the mysterious cluster of monolithic stones the day before, whilst taking a stroll near the town’s old church, behind the tall wall of trees that bordered it. How could nobody have noticed it? I glanced at the mass I held in my left palm. It was an odd item, most certainly... it wasn’t the same rocky mineral as any of the circle’s components, it was almost carbon-black, with only faint flakes of red coating its rather porous exterior. It felt heavy, and organic. Perhaps, it could have been a charred bone? It could explain the spongy exterior, not unlike a bone’s pith, however the heft was rather impressive, for a simple lump of marrow.
 I had asked a fair amount of people about the circle. Supposedly, it was a healing circle used by aboriginal tribes a few centuries back, however no-one came to claim its historical value. The only reason it remained intact and untouched was because the stones were impossible to move, even with hydraulic equipment. it was almost like the whole setup was a single disc of rock, poking out of the ground. I did not mention the stump, as I hadn’t even noticed it, or perhaps there was nothing to notice at the time... I had an odd hunch. It was implausible and I knew it, but I felt like the stump was either not there before, or the black object was placed after my visit.
 Remembering my theory, I instinctively scanned the environment for any troublemakers. There wasn’t anyone, save for the birds. The sun beat down on the clearing. Looking at my watch, I understood it was lunchtime, so I spun on my heels and began to make my way back to civilization. A spot of shiny darkness made me turn back towards the middle of the layout, leading my eyes right onto the center-most rock, jagged and stained in smears of black that gleamed in the sunlight. Each streak was short and rough, almost as if something was struck upon it multiple times... I looked back at what I was holding, then the stone, then back again. I knew I had to try it. My curiosity was getting the best of me and besides, what was the worse that could happen?
 I marched along the boulders, following one of the eight lines that made the circle to the middlemost point. I was giddy in enthusiasm for some reason. I felt like I was breaking a code! I kneeled in front of the smudged rock. I was going to aim for one of the marks; I didn’t want people to find out that some delinquent had disturbed a supposed preaching ground. Brandishing the dark mass, I threw my arm into the air and hammered it onto the longest streaks, though I immediately felt regret as the object I held tightly disintegrated into an ashy, flaky mess. The scabs of crimson that lightly covered it had a glittery effect as they fluttered to the ground in the light of day, a stark contrast to the rest of the particles, that absorbed all luminescence and collected into a pile of abyssal darkness.
  Meanwhile, as I stared in confusion at what remained, the stripe I had impacted was splitting in half. The noise it made brought me out of my anxious bubble and guided me to inspect it further. The sliver I made was gurgling and hissing, similar to scrambled eggs cooking in a pan. The sliver grew to a crack. The noise amplified, and the other markings were starting to split too! Soon, I had a cacophony of tones assaulting my eardrums. I covered my ears and furrowed my brow at what I was seeing. The dash I had damaged was no more, replaced by a deep crack in the rock itself. It was 2 feet tall and 3 feet wide, I couldn’t have fragmented it so deeply...
 Once the chaotic sounds ceased, the stone was broken to pieces, shattered. I heard heavy footsteps from behind me, to whom I guessed they belonged to the pastor from the chapel out front. I got up and leaped for a patch of shrubs, but a rumble coming from below made me freeze in place. I could feel some sort of crackling under my feet. It extended from the circle’s apex to the rest of it’s surface, even bringing down a number of the prism-shaped blocks into the soil. The ground gave in and collapsed onto itself, leaving me no choice but to retreat to the sidelines. From the dusty hole, I caught movement. Like a shadow, an absence of light, swirling in the dirt particles. I was ridden with anxiety. Suddenly, I felt a hand press onto my shoulder with a shake. A male’s voice followed, speaking with little confidence.
 “You’ve got no idea what you’ve done, boy...”
I squinted through the soiled air in an attempt to see who or what had opened my seal. I intentionally kept moving and disturbing the crumbling earth in order to not be recognized; perhaps I’d have a better chance of staying on this plane of existence if I stayed obscured in a cloud of harmless grime... I spotted what seemed to be a young man and an older gentleman staring directly at me. Ah, drats... Well, there wasn’t really a point in hiding anymore, now was there? I purposefully threw my body into the air with utmost violence, whipping out my arms and legs and extending around the two humans, enveloping them in my obscure warmth.
 I examined my liberators closer, gripping and tugging on them with my many talons. One of them appeared to be some sort of a religious authority, like a shaman or a monk. Truly, religion was beyond me. I was too dumb to understand the nuances, or maybe too old. Either way, this man looked important, and judging from his terrified expression, I imagined he wasn’t the one to free me. The other lad was slightly shorter than the garbed one, wearing colorful attire and sporting brown hair. Though he too was visibly scared, I could sense a bit of wonder and pride in his eyes. I separated the pair, grabbing the shorter one by the chest and nudging the other away. I had forgotten how cute the humans were, so small and yet filled with such personality! The shaman tried to grab his friend’s legs to free him, to no avail, of course. I leaned in close to the panicked one and dispersed an amnesiac from my breath. After all, my reputation with the living never was the best, so it was preferable that a man of importance forgot that I was loose. I had plans for my savior, however... after all, I needed to thank him!
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forestofsprites · 5 months
if cas had a materialized halo he would be strangling people (angels) with it at BEST. that light of god crown of glory is a weapon, babey!!!
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