#not to diminish the other romances at all they’re all lovely but theres one in particular that just flips the script
sydsrichie · 5 months
alistair/warden is actually killing me though like it’s so easy to get caught up in the fact that they have the fates of nations on their shoulders. they are the heroes of this story, they’ve lost everything that matters to them and they’ll have to give up even more before this is all over - that’s part of the job description. but then they actually interact with each other and you’re brought crashing back down to the realisation that they are just kids falling in love. like it literally doesn’t matter that they’re fighting armies of darkspawn on the daily, their voices are still going to tremble when they say I love you for the first time. their hearts are still going to be racing when they realise they’re about to lose their virginity together. first date on friday, battle of denerim on saturday - it’s just special writing that you can feel the weight of both of those things at the same time in this story.
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zalrb · 1 year
Hey zal hope you’re feeling good! I was wondering if theres ever been a couple on a show/movie that were meant to have a dynamic of “they have a history and this tie to each other and know each other well and look good together but at the same time not meant to end up together” where you actually thought they should end up together? Like there’s no reason why they shouldn’t work? Like a couple that were meant to be in each others lives to teach each other things and they affected each other in certain profound ways but they’re not meant to end up together. It kind of reminds me of stelena and how they were meant to have that fated connection but the show didn’t want them together at the end. I was wondering if there were others like that. And do you have any where you understood why they shouldn’t be together? Like you thought the show did a good job of showing why they’re not meant to be. Sorry if you’ve answered this before. I just usually really enjoy watching couples like that where there’s this mystical tie holding them together but also the angst of not being able to be that person for each other, even if they want to be. Thank you!!
It kind of reminds me of stelena and how they were meant to have that fated connection but the show didn’t want them together at the end.
lol https://zalrb.tumblr.com/post/635443307953160192/stefan-elena-endgame-or-bust-kevin-walked
I will always be angry about Villadero (more posts in masterlist)
Um, this isn't quite the same because they were never a ship and this really pissed people off at the time but as an extremely casual, drunk review viewer of Shadowhunters, I'd put down Show!Jalec (there are more posts in the masterlist about this)
Like it’s emotional and intimate and they exude so much when they’re playing across from each other
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Like Jace actually looks like he’s being torn apart, it’s one of the only times he’s convincing (the other times, he’s also with Alec) and Alec looks like killing Jace is literally the most absurd thing in the world and his expression is as fierce as I’ve ever seen it on the show and it doesn’t look platonic and it doesn’t look brotherly, this basically looks like a Stelena scene
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Like seriously, guys, look at this
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Jace is never this convincing with Clary and Alec is certainly never this convincing with Magnus.
And sure, the dialogue about their bond is supposed to be about their platonic love but with scenes like that, with chemistry like that, their narrative and their dialogue just feeds into the romance of their energy
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and then you have THIS scene
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I’m sorry if I had all of this, as a creator, things would just have to change because how am I supposed to take Malec seriously
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or Clace
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In terms of ships I understood, kind of Jax and Tara? Like they end up together but they don't because she's murdered.
Jax and Tara are another couple like this where they represent happiness for each other and hope for each other in a cruel, hard, violent environment
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but they could never have their happy ending because if they had their happy ending the show would be done, Jax would be done, the club would fall apart, the fibre of the world Kurt Sutter created would diminish,
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Jax can’t leave Charming, he can’t leave Sons of Anarchy, he can’t leave his mother
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so the only way for Jax to not leave is for tragedy to ensue.
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I'm still trying to decide if my fury around Alisha and Simon is legitimate anger about the writing or if it's because the writing destroyed me when I thought of the implications of them being in this constant loop of trying to save each other and failing over and over.
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baiwwnsn · 5 years
Some of the most vivid memories and significant season’s I think about, are the different boyfriends I had and the boys I shared time with, and the time we spent together. Welcoming Nolan, Felt new. I couldn’t quite figure out what the hell I was doing or how I was supposed to do it. I was naive, kind of dumb too. However, he gave more than I gave him. I was selfish and did what I’ve always done - what’s best for me. I was certainly convinced that no matter what kind of storm I caused, he’d want to stand in the eye of my hurricane. Uh, I, myself, wouldn’t even want to. I lost something, yet gained another. In exchange for my first ever “heartbreak”. I learnt how to overcome an obstacle in a relationship, big or small. I learnt how to forgive, others and myself. I learnt that after a storm, it’s quiet. I learnt that causing your own storm, only ever comes back to rain on you. Season’s changing. Having been younger, I chuckle at what we once shared - it makes me smile, he makes me smile - as I once thought my first boyfriend was the biggest deal since sliced bread. He taught me a friendship in a partner, and that the compatibility of two people doesn’t matter. Theres plenty of fish in the sea. Forgiving Tim, Took me two years. He made me I understand the iciness of not feeling good enough for somebody. I remember introducing him to my Dad, and boy, my Dad was not having it. Now, I don’t blame him. I felt robbed to an extent, somewhat diminished. Constantly taken advantage of and walked over, I remained as his door mat. Come and go as you wish. Sneaking out and getting myself involved with the wrong people, ending up in the wrong places at the wrong times. The furthest thing from myself, is what I offered to him. I wasn’t ever much to him, until he wasn’t anything to me at all. I reflect on how I allowed myself to succumb to that certain level of self respect and confidence, a season of shivers and shallowness. I used to contemplate on whether or not he truly ever taught me any valuable lessons on love. ONE. Taught me one. Love yourself. If you don’t love yourself first, nobody else will. The way you carry yourself, is how others will admire you. I can’t seem to say that I’m grateful for constantly being cheated on, having relations when I didn’t want to, and allowing someone else’s insecurities to become my own. But, I say I am grateful, as I now know to never change for another again. I will never put someone else before me, if they wouldn’t do the same for me. I am not a fucking second choice. There was Anthony. When I think about this season of my life, I think about road trips, driving up to his cousins place. Always doing something. I loved driving with him - I sat shotgun and sang my heart out as he’d unforgivingly insult my singing and laugh with, and at me. Every time he would come to pick me up, I could never drag him away from chatting my mom’s ear off. I adored that about him though, he blossomed in conversation with anyone he encountered. He had a good head on his shoulders, his Mother did well. I loved his Mom. I loved his entire family, as I did my very own. They humbled me in a way, I felt comfortable in their home, they always made me feel at home. I loved our life together. Spontaneous Sunday trips, new restaurants, new places, something new. It was an entire adventure in whole. We went away for Christmas together, Disneyland, surfing. Future plans and trips seemed to become dreams we’d pitched together. It was pure romance, the type you’d always hope it to be. A candles, cuddling and a rolled one kinda comfortable. When I think about that phase of life that we were together, I think about breakfast. I made him Hazelnut French Toast often, and I’m pretty sure he thought it was terrible, yet ate it anyways. Although we were very much or own people, we meshed together, strangely but so easily. My dreams weren’t his however. Wanting my first love to be my last, I clang to the hope of ‘near or far’. We were different worlds, having being almost five years younger, I felt distant to him in ways. I can’t recall how many episodes I had, getting angry at him for drinking too much or him throwing my bullshit right back into my face ; but I couldn’t imagine anyone else replacing him. I felt God damn married. Apologies for using the Lord’s name in vein. It became routinized. I was too comfortable, and although I loved him so deeply, I craved something more than easy love - I wanted something to work for - and maybe I’ll regret not appreciating the warmth he did give me one day. I look back and can see where I could’ve worked on myself. In segments, and large portions. I could have limited myself in the tears department also. I cried for three weeks straight, well, I cried at least once a day for twenty one days after we broke up. I found myself struggling to get out of bed, crying at practice, eating nothing. I admit, maybe I drowned myself in my own sadness - yet, I knew of no resources to get over it. The way we parted still stings a bit today, although everything happens for a reason - I wish that reason still could make a little more sense to me. Forgiving actions and words, neither of us two dealt with our situation in the most appropriate way. In fact, I lost myself. They must come to an end eventually, but I do believe that even the hardest relationships leave a ray of sun. In Titus. I found myself. Yet, at first; I was scared, somehow very uncertain too. Coming out of a long term relationship, my vulnerability had thickened and I was convinced that it wouldn’t truly turn into anything. He proved me wrong. After awhile, and his awaited patience - I fell in love; with Tanner, him and I as one, and myself. It was light, and cheerful. Constantly goofing off and laughing at little things - he made me giddy. His smile, always undeniable - I could never not smile back. He drew everything I lacked in myself, out of me. I found myself appreciating life more often, and taking the time everyday to make myself and someone else - feel appreciated. When I relapse to this season I think about Winter, the childishness we brought out of one another similar to a snowball fight, and the colder feelings that we hid from each other, getting hit with multiple snowballs at once. We often felt each other pulling away, and one would have to give on our rope a bit more, or pull our link to bring each other back. Our game of tug war. I’ll always love Tanner, but to say I loved all of him would be incomplete - as I never truly knew all of his deeper and darker corners. Nor did he know all of mine. We remained with few doors shut on each other; my reasoning was as I wasn’t ready to let someone open the doors that I hadn’t even begun turning the knobs on yet. I wanted it to work, it seemed so perfect to me. He caught me by surprise from the get go, I played it up to be the sorta ‘ it was when I was really not expecting it’ kinda thing. We gave each other so many things, yet we walked on eggshells with each other. Falling for one another so quickly, we never really stood our ground and set our boundaries. We were constantly crashing into one another, and thinking we’d fixed all our problems by fucking each others brains out. Seemed like a good idea at the time, but that’s one thing we were getting right. Tanner was a gift to me, a present inside a present inside a present. He always kept surprising me, keeping me on my toes. It was the first time in my life that I had ever wanted to give someone the world - I just didn’t know how. I constantly felt protected and admired. Like I belonged to someone, a passion truly irresistible. With T, I had never been more curious about the world, and what I could truly do in my life. I frequently dipped my mind in different waters. The season where we started to fight more than usual. Nothing was going according to plan. I thought I had my entire life planned out, but things were spiralling out of our control. Timing was so off and we didn’t know what to do. He picked up his things and walked to the outside of my gate, still feeling us gripping to one another as if it maybe wasn’t a good idea to part ways - I stumbled inside and fell to the ground. Walking back outside minutes later and seeing him still in his car - head on his steering wheel, crying. Good things fall apart so better things can come together, for new things to inspire - and in our case, we needed to inspire ourselves, on our own. Now, not either of us are holding either ends of our rope. One day, maybe I’ll have the pleasure of being ‘his’ again. As I would be lucky to share those moments of wonder, humour, passion and curiosity with no other. “If you love someone, set them free. If they come back they're yours; if they don't they never were.”  Richard Bach.   When a season of life ends  - specifically with a boyfriend - it’s usually harder than any other season you will live. Because those are the ones you really don’t get back. It’s different than graduating from high school, or moving away from home. You don’t get to revisit your old relationships like you can by going back home, or a 10 year reunion. You don’t get to stay best friends with your exes like you can with a friend from grade school. You say goodbye to your routine, your favourite places, your favourite songs. You say goodbye to their family, their cats and dogs, their living rooms, their bed’s. You say goodbye to who you were as a person when you were together - because you’ll never be the same version of yourself again. There’s a lot of goodbye’s including obviously, the person you loved. And wow, is it painful. Because when it’s over - it’s really over. It ends. It ends. It always does. It wont ever be that kind of same. Coming back to Kace every time, Having lived through countless seasons together. He’s been a starring role in more “seasons” than anyone else in my life. Like a tv show run. The season when I get a boyfriend and tried to forget about him. The season when I cried every night because I couldn’t. The season where I almost allowed myself to go after him, yet I was always too scared of the outcome. The season of what if’s. The season when we waited a year and a half to love on each other. The season of I wish I would've. The season of I wish I would’ve let you hold me a little longer. The season of you telling me to stop worrying all the time. The season where I was happy, living an entirely separate life from him - for an entire year. But deep down I missed him every single day. And then, the season where we hadn’t seen each other in a year but, coincidently ended up in the same place. Visiting, and I can still feel the feeling that only you can get me in. Opening my door to such a familiar face in a new place. Laughed, and bothered each other - melting into each other like no time had passed. I was begging time to stop. Then there was the season where he turned cold and refused to talk to me, in his defence, I was always with someone, it was just never him. There was the time when I told him I loved him and he didn’t, maybe couldn’t, say it back. There was the season when things were so good, it felt like the universe was just begging us to be together, but I ignored it. Seasons of him being that constant motivator, friend, support system and secret lover. Seasons of him questioning me, as he had every right to. From pep talks to holding me on a bathroom floor. Seasons may change, but you stay constant in a way. Maybe one day I won’t ignore it, or maybe I’ll never accept it, as I just don’t want this to end, too. They say nothing truly great can stay in one’s life, although we all have an expiry date - I don’t think that’s true. It is a constant to be saying goodbye to phases of your life. Those moments will fade, but with that brings a new season right to your doorstep. It is true that it ends. But I think that if you are always aware of life as it’s happening, if you’re always fully present in the now… something great will always stay.
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mozeloon · 5 years
thoughts on That Scene in The Time Paradox (spoilers)
I read the sixth Artemis Fowl book yesterday and I feel like ill write something once I'm done the whole series but....I just need to talk about Artemis/Holly. 
I’m honestly still SHOCKED that they kissed in this book, and that they entertained the possibility of??? I don’t know what?? Not a relationship, not really, but the fact that they addressed maybe having feelings for each other was something TOTALLY unexpected.
Since book one I thought, oh man theres definitely people online who ship this, (Sorry for this less than golden opinion of people online) but obviously I never thought it would be canon or addressed in any way since Holly is a different species and an adult with a totally different life span and aging rate and everything, and they meet through Artemis drugging and kidnapping her? ah, ~romance~ ...But that’s obvious, right? I feel like most people agree on this, that they have a great bond and they play off each other really well, but it shouldn’t be a romance. 
And then when Minerva was introduced, I thought, ah, here we go, a love interest. Obviously that wasn’t her main role, I hope I don’t sound like I’m diminishing her character, but she seemed like a much more obvious, less predatory and age gap-ey choice? Obviously they’re both still kids, but by the end of the story she’s aged up due to Artemis being out of time for three years, so by this point I thought, they’re about the same age, if there is a romance it’ll be between these two.
Luckily, I guess, romance has never been the focus of the series, so it’s not like I thought it would suddenly have this huge place in the books, but from there to have Minerva just vanish for a whole book...and for Artemis and Holly to each age in a way that made their weird flirting less weird....? I was taken by surprise. If anything, I would have thought it would be a final book sort of thing, the type of development you leave for the end, when the characters have grown the most and you can leave it on a sort of open, look-readers-I-tried-putting-them-together-it’s-just-not-gonna-work-but-choose-your-own-ending-i-guess type of way.
Because I really like these two, I didn’t hate this development as much as I thought I would, but...still weird? I feel like Artemis sort of logically explains any feelings he might have to himself, when he thinks of all him and Holly have been through, and then he is able to kind of accept that the spark is there. But Holly? I don’t know. Anyway, this is where the “lucky that romance isn’t a big part of the series” comes in, because I still have more books to go.
tl;dr I low-key...do hate the thought of them together because they’re so close and the eye thing is cool u know I’m into that and if they were the same age even maybe it could be fine but ....she’s an adult...and that’s lampshaded in the series you know they make the point that she is in a younger body and Artemis has physically aged and she almost says that.........I don't know, that would make their relationship work somehow ??? WACK. Now that’s weird. I love Holly, I don’t think the intention was to make her a creep, and I know that Artemis is mentally far beyond his kid years, so maybe before it got on paper it seemed reasonable but ...... it’s a no from me 
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