#not to mention Daniel said the same thing in monaco on the sofa
fromsupernaturaltof1 · 8 months
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Danterri and that one formula renault race in 2008
just two men who were each other's closest rival during their formative years bringing up their heated battle from 2 decades ago every time someone asks them about their racing memory from their decades long racing career....
to memory:
Daniel said this in 2018 too on Monaco on the sofa
Valterri mentioned it in a Finnish podcast (either this year or last iirc)
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blamemma · 2 years
my boss pushed our meeting by an hour and so I had time to kill :) maxiel, 1.4k, just them being soft, mentions of daniel taking a break/retiring. not properly edited i do not have time for that
Daniel throws his head back against the sofa, eyes facing upwards towards the roof, a deep sigh resonating through his stomach, up through his chest, sounding out, exacerbated. 
It feels almost unbelievable. At the same time, inevitable. 
He was in the points. He was beating his teammate. He was doing everything the media, Zak, Andreas, himself, had wanted, needed, and asked for. 
And yet. 
They took it away from him. Once again. 
He knows Michael will come through soon, spout something positive and reassuring, remind Daniel he has 24hrs and then it’s on to Zandvoort. He needs more than that though. Wants more time. 24 hours no longer feels like enough time to feel confident, secure, competitive, once again. 
He’s just had summer break, but it wasn’t much of anything. Filled with anxious feelings, media requests, consistent contract conversations. Daniel had barely had time to turn off and disassociate from the paddock. Back here now, he craves another 3 weeks, like he imagines people crave a cigarette. Longer. 6 months, a year, maybe. Possibly.  
The resounding knock eventually comes, and Daniel heaves one more sigh, ready to grin and bear the speech he’s had at the end of nearly every race this season. 
“Yeah,” his voice draws out, beckoning Michael in. Timidly, the door opens, Max’s head popping through, a gentle smile on his face, followed by the rest of his body stepping into the room. 
“I hope that this is okay.” His hair’s still soaking wet, fresh from his post-podium shower, dripping onto his Red Bull polo, no curved cap adorning his head. Daniel can only manage a small smile, words not being able to form as the lump at the back of his throat re-emerges. 
Max settles on the small sofa next to him, their knees knocking together. They sit there in silence for what feels like forever, but Daniel’s mind feels blank. Max takes Daniel’s hand into both of his, traces the rose tattoo with his pinkie finger slowly. Daniel can see in his peripheral vision that Max is looking at him, gentle smile still resting across his face, his small lip freckle raised high. He’s beckoning Daniel to look back. 
But he can’t do it. He can’t congratulate Max – tell him well done, I’m proud of you, that was an amazing drive. Max knows Daniel thinks that. It doesn’t need to be said. 
“I do think,” Max says, angling his body slightly more towards Daniel. “-that your strategy team needs firing.” 
It’s hard for Daniel and it’s hard for Max. Daniel knows that he is wearisome, that most weekends Max has to control his celebrations to offer a supportive hand for Daniel. That he no longer offers Lando flights home to Monaco as it makes Daniel uncomfortable. He hates that this is what he’s become. Someone who needs assistance and soft words of encouragement. And Max – Max often says the right thing, sometimes does the right thing, but today, it cuts deep. It’s too much. Daniel can’t even pretend it is ok to even joke about this. 
“They are Team Lando.” he says, mimicking Max’s actions and turning towards him. He doesn’t even try to hide the rage in his tone. “Through and through.” It’s mulled around in his head for a while, but this weekend, the conspiracy had been cemented. He’s out of contract and they’re now ostensibly prioritising Lando. 
Gone are the days where he would punch a wall, scream into a pillow, go out and get drunk and sleep with whoever was keen. Now, the tears pool in his eyes again, Max pulling him forward, into his arms, a soft hand going to the nape of his neck, fingers twirling his curls as he sobs gently. 
“It is very unfair.” Max offers and Daniel just nods into his chest. 
“Very unfair.” He repeats back, removing himself from Max’s embrace. 
This time, he takes Max’s hand into his, kisses his knuckles gently, speaking down to them, unable to look Max in the eyes. 
“I am Alpine’s 3rd choice. Haas’ 1st. That is it. If Alpine do not want me, I won’t do this next year Max.” He takes a long pause, a deep breath. Blake knows, he’s had to discuss it with him, no other choice, but this is Max. “I want to take a break, for a year, or retire. Leave the sport.” He dares himself to look up at Max. He expects a furrowed eyebrow, a quizzical look painted across Max’s face. Instead, he’s greeted with a soft expression, eyes warm as he places a hand on Daniel’s thigh. 
“That is good that you know what you want to do. I obviously hope that Alpine choose you. So that you are still here. They would be stupid not to. But a year off would be fun too. You could of course spend more time in Australia. Isaac would be very happy. Or LA. They would be hard for me to visit but I would. And then you could make more wine, and ride bikes, eat a lot of food you currently can not. Maybe you can come to a couple of races. Although you do not have to, I would visit you of course. That will be good Daniel. Whichever one. ”  
It makes Daniel want to cry again, that Max is taking this so well. He knows, realistically he would. Max knows how to compartmentalise now. But selfishly, Daniel holds onto the fact that Max has never known F1 without him, never not had him to talk to at the end of the race, to celebrate the night with, and he wants Max to miss him, even if they’re not competing against each other anymore. Max will miss him, but not in the way he did when Daniel left Red Bull. 
Daniel’s also become accustomed to having Max around. Falling asleep with him in his arms, the steady motion of his chest rising and falling, a sign he is still breathing, still with him. Waking up to the smell of coffee, Max placing it gently on Daniel’s side of the bed, only knowing how to make it the way Daniel likes because he hates coffee himself. Constantly having to remove Jimmy and Sassy from the kitchen island as they try to quickly wolf down their breakfast, both late for their respective workouts after spending too much time in bed, exploring each other’s bodies, drawing sounds out only the other has heard. Those moments won’t happen as often as they do now, if Daniel goes to LA, or to Australia. But they’ll still happen. He will always have Max. It’s the only thing he’s relatively certain of these days. 
“Thank you, Max.” He speaks gently, hoping that Max knows what he means. Words don’t usually fail Daniel, but right now there is just too much going on inside his head that he wouldn’t be able to rightfully express to Max what all this means to him. He will do one day. Storing away moments like this, so that one day he can express to Max just how much he means to him. He thinks that maybe when they’re having dinner, just the two of them, or when Max is in Australia, lit up by the golden evening sun he’ll have the courage and the words. Or maybe when he proposes, down on one knee in front of Max, bearing forth all the love he’s ever held close to his chest, letting it all spill out with the opening of a small jewellery box. Or maybe during his vows, with all their family and friends there, so he can show them all how important Max is to him, how much he loves him, how much he cares for him; that they are safe with each other.
 But for now, he lets the air settle between them. Let’s the tension in his shoulders dissipate. He only has 22 hours of his 24 hours remaining. He wants a cold glass of beer, a dirty fried chicken burger followed by a dozen stroopwafel’s. And Max. 
“Tuesday night, in Amsterdam, we will go to that bar that you liked last time. Where we went after last year’s race. The one with the dart board. We will make the same bet. Whoever loses must suck the others dick in the bathroom. Yes?”
“You are not very good at darts, Maxy.” Daniel quips. 
“I know that, Daniel. But maybe this year I might be better.”
Daniel feels a little bit stronger, he’s capable of offering Max a real smile, a steady hand heading towards his cheek, and as he kisses him, the smile never falters. 
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ariadynamics · 2 years
It's WIP Wednesday, besties, and guess who said, "fuck my moratorium on starting a new WIP; I do what I want," like an idiot?
Anyway, here's a little of a Maxiel a/b/o fic.
It isn’t supposed to happen for another two weeks. By now, Max had a handle on his heats, and they basically hit him like clockwork. It’s on his Calendar app–in bright pink because Daniel is an asshole–set for the second weekend in August when he’ll be safe in his nest in Monaco.
With Daniel, of course. That had been the plan.
Max wants to say it’s possible he’s wrong about his heat, but the tell-tale signs are all there. He feels hot and clammy, even after the shower he just took, and the low-grade chills he’s been feeling all morning are starting to prickle at his skin. He’s on a timer; Max has six hours, maybe eight, if he’s lucky, before the full effect of his heat blooms into an unstoppable thunder.
Sorry, mate, you’ll need to take the team plane, Max texts Lando. 
He should have arranged everything yesterday when the first signs of his heat appeared. Max had been hopeful–in denial, more like–that the symptoms he was feeling were from allergies or a mild cold. 
He feels sticky everywhere, and Max is fairly certain it’s not from the champagne shower he had on the podium. Max had been able to wash away all of the champagne from his skin; he can’t say the same about the sweat and slick sticking to him like glue. 
His phone pings loudly on the small side table beside him. 
Lando: All good. Text Daniel.
It’s embarrassing that the mere mention of Daniel’s name is enough for him to slick up even more. Max swallows, slumping against the sofa as he grips his phone harder. He should tell Daniel.
Daniel had been so excited about flying straight to Los Angeles after Budapest, though. “Just a week or so. I’ll be in Monaco when you get back, Maxy,” Daniel had said. He hadn’t said anything about Max’s heat, but it was implied, and that was enough for Max.
It’s clear to anyone who knows Daniel how much he needs the clean air that comes with being away from the track. From being away from it all. It’s why Max had planned his summer heat perfectly so Daniel would have time to rest and regroup away from Max first.
Max doesn’t know where he messed up but of course. Of course, he’d messed up.
Maybe he can ride his heat out by himself. It’s not like it would be a first for him. Max had spent most of his heats alone when he was younger. It hadn’t been the best, and Max always came out of them feeling lost and adrift and unwanted. It’s probably going to be fine; feeling lost and adrift and unwanted are practically core building blocks of his makeup. He can deal.
He plans it out in his head. His assistant already knows. Max is certain she’s already booked flights for his family; he’s glad he doesn’t have to see his father’s face when Vicky tells them about his heat.
Not that she would be so crass–her discretion is one of the things Max likes most about her. She’d couch it in something more palatable, but his father will see through it all, anyway. 
Max is waiting for the final all-clear from the team, and then it’s a short ride to the airport. He can make it. Vicky had already arranged for a beta driver, and she’ll make sure the flight attendants stay clear of him once they’re in the air. Max prefers to fly alone if he can, but if he’s not going to have Daniel with him, Vicky will ensure he gets home safely.
His phone vibrates in his hands several times, in quick succession.
Daniel: why is Lando flying with the team?
Daniel: wait, you’re in heat?
Daniel: are you okay?
Daniel: give me two minutes. I’ll meet you at the airport.
He lets out a frustrated groan. This is the last thing Max wants. He doesn’t want Daniel to have to rearrange his life like this. And for what? For Max’s heat? He calls Daniel immediately–call, not Facetime–Max doesn’t know if he can handle seeing Daniel’s face, not right now, and not be with him.
“Daniel, it’s fine,” Max says as soon as Daniel picks up. “Of course, it would be nice to spend my heat with you, but I’ll be fine.”
There’s a pause before Daniel speaks. “Are you planning on spending it with anyone else?” He doesn’t sound angry, but Max can’t dial in on his tone.
“Of course not.” It’s been years since Max had spent his heat with anyone else. “But heat aids exist, and I still have some at home.”
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f1united · 3 years
Shop - DR3 Imagine
Part 2 to Zoo!
Daniel Ricciardo Imagine
Summary: You and Daniel are thinking about having a family :)
This contains mentions of periods, fertility and pregnancy so please do not read this if you think you may find it triggering!
Please let me know if you have any f1 requests, I am more than happy to write anything for you!
You weren’t quite sure that your sex life with Daniel could have become any more frequent but ever since you had considered trying to get pregnant it had seemed to. Over the Christmas period, anytime you guys had some time to yourselves you would end up in between the sheets in the kitchen, in the shower. The car when you were coming home from shopping, a dark cupboard when you had popped out somewhere and sometimes the toilet if you were at a party. Throughout the day you’d be watching a movie on the sofa, his hands would be tracing circles on your hips and he’d look up and say, “you might be at your most fertile now”. You would roll your eyes; you didn’t need an excuse to sleep together.
You had only briefly mentioned to you families that you were thinking of having kids. Neither of you wanted the pressure of people constantly asking how it was going because neither of you knew how it was going to go. You hadn’t been in this position before, you’d never been pregnant and although you had regular periods you didn’t know if you were fertile, or if Daniel was capable of having kids either.
It wasn’t until you were in Monaco at Daniels apartment and he was away at preseason testing that you first had an inkling that something had changed. When you were anxious you often felt sick, so when you woke up one morning and couldn’t get the thought of throwing up out of your head you began to wonder what was subconsciously on mind that was making you feel like this. Suddenly you got up out of bed and headed straight for the toilet, just about making it in time. You didn’t feel any better after getting yourself ready for the day and decided maybe some food would make you feel better. However upon opening the cupboards, you were met with a stale loaf of bread and not much else.
Daniel had kindly left you the keys to his car, he often did this while he was away and you were very grateful especially when you weren’t in your town with your own car near. When you arrived at the supermarket you grabbed a trolley and began to fill it with food. With Daniel home in a few days you knew you’d need to get a lot in. You passed through the medicine isle and grabbed some calming sweets. You had used since you were younger, and they always made you more relaxed. Your eyes glanced up and down the shelves as you walked through as you tried to recall anything that you might need. You saw some pregnancy tests on the top shelf so reached up to grab some and added them to your shopping. They were something you kept stocked up on just in case your period was late. Kind of just as a reassurance. It wasn’t until you reached the bread isle and the smell of baking dough made you gag that your eyes widened.
You were nervous to take a test, knowing that this could be the first time a positive line might appear with your intention for it to. You weren’t sure how Daniel would react, of course you’d had the discussion about kids but what if he’d changed his mind since being away? You didn’t mention it to him when he facetimed you that night. Your phone had rung while you were crying away at a film you’d stuck on the TV from Netflix. He chuckled slightly at the sight of you, you didn’t often cry at films unless you were due on your period and hormonal.
“Must almost be that time of the month” he smiled on your screen.
“Yeah I think it is” you stared at him as he spoke. He really was the love of your life. You didn’t want to take his mind off testing so you decided to tell him about your suspicions when he was home that weekend.
When Daniel arrived home, he was greeted by rose petals trailing from the doorway towards your bedroom. You often did nice things for him when he arrived home and he loved it. When he was away he’d send you gifts which you always refused to accept but eventually gave in, saying if he didn’t want you to have it he wouldn’t have bothered ordering it. You often felt guilty, knowing that you couldn’t spend the same amount on him that he did on you. You hated it but he reminded you how it was the little things you did for him that meant the most. His exact words were “Brands send me stuff all the time, but they don’t leave notes in with my lunch telling me how much I mean to them”. You felt defeated sometimes, but it was true, Daniel wasn’t the type of person who wanted to show off how much money he had, it was his family that meant the most to him.
He dropped his suitcase at the door and immediately headed in your direction. You had heard him come in, his usual shout announcing his presence had been forgotten about due to his curiosity. You had on some lingerie and a silk dressing gown that he’d brought you for Christmas. You took one final glance in the mirror before leaving the ensuite and meeting him in the bedroom.
“Hey baby” you wrapped you arms around his neck as he brought you in for a hug, “I’ve missed you”.
“Oh I think I’ve missed you more” He loved being in your presence, your smell, your smile, he just loved it.
“I doubt that” you gave him a peck on the lips as you pulled apart, he took one of your arms and twirled you around.
“You look insane” a compliment from him never failed to make you blush. That’s what you loved about your relationship, the spark never seemed to disappear. You rolled your eyes slightly but the smile stuck on your face was a giveaway that no matter what he said made you weak in the knees. Overtime your confidence had grown and you’d learnt to give it back. You had slightly less sexual experience that Daniel when you’d met to say the least. He admired how you tried not to let it show, he found it quite cute actually, which is why he was surprised when one day the tables turned and rather than getting you to beg for it, it was him doing the asking. He liked it more than he let on and that didn’t go unnoticed as you watched his every move. You had started teasing him more at work, especially when your relationship was still unannounced and there wasn’t much he could do about it. Your favourite was at dinners or parties when you were both dressed up and couldn’t take your eyes off one another. That’s what tonight had felt like. The few days apart had made you irresistible to one another. You both laid in bed for a while after just looking at each other in a comfortable silence and you decided that you couldn’t keep it to yourself any longer.
“I love you” you whispered; a tear ran down your cheek as you spoke which turned his loving smile into a look of concern. He immediately pulled you on top of him and then in for a hug.
“I love you too” As he spoke you began to cry more into his neck. You lifted you head up after a minute or so and looked at him. Whenever you were upset he’d never immediately ask you what was wrong, he’d comfort you until you were ready to speak about it. His facial expression softened slightly when you let out a little laugh. He couldn’t help but smile at the state of you which made you laugh a bit more.
“I’ve been an emotional wreck the last few days” you admitted, “and I think I might know why”. Your hands played with his as you sat on his lower stomach. You still felt nervous as his eyes scanned your body even after all these years. He’d seen you naked countless amounts of time and had probably seen your body from more angles than you’d like to admit but his gaze still made you shy.
“Your period?” he asked casually.
“No” you took a deep breath and looked him in the eyes as you held his hands still on his stomach. “I think I might be pregnant”.
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