#not to say sh is 'edgy' I love seeing it explored in other peoples art.
mewniemoon · 5 months
Do you ever plan on updating Untangling a Matted Mess or is the fic dead? Asking for curiosity reasons and just to know it we'll ever get an update
Finally answering this to say probably not. I started the fic with first chapt as a oneshot but I liked writing it sm I continued with no real plot in mind. And at the time of writing I was struggling with an irl issue so I turned that into the UAMM story. But I'm not dealing with that at the moment anymore so the motivation ran a bit dry. Plus I had nothing prepared or very well organized it was a prime example of "Going too big with your first fic".
Honestly I kinda wish I just kept it as a story focused mostly on Arti and Pebbs and tossed out basically everything else (except the plot with Moonie cuz that was good sad I never got to it) because their interactions were the thing I liked writing the most, but then I started focusing on Pebbs and didn't like writing him without his gaint cat lol.
Im glad people liked the story and I liked writing for a bit as I hadn't written in a while, but for now UAMM is canceled rip.
3 notes · View notes
deveharrington · 6 years
[17 new theories, Part 1/4] Part 1: The Fear Cycle. What these workout videos from Hell🔥 might be telling us: For David, Fitness Culture™ is not about health, but what it means in terms of proving something to himself (youth, capability, money, image etc.). Also analyzing his poor workout form: not what it is, but why? ALSO, considering the “relationship” non-romantically, and (thank you, anon!) is M*nique/Cool Girl™ scamming David with Fitness Culture™??!!
Ohh David baby, what the hell are you trying to show us right now? LMFAO??
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Bruce Lee: Don’t think, FEEEEEEL! = David’s fave Bruce Lee quote, probably. 
To anons, thank you so much! I tried to incorporate all of your asks in these discussions. Some of them will be posted and/or referenced in future parts.)
Overarching Theory: Everything and Nothing (will be explored in 4 separate discussions)
My dream theory: David did not grieve nor heal properly after the trauma of Gillovny ending/having a chance with Gillian and failing, again (feel free to completely ignore this very sappy theory if you wish to, lmao). 
Theory that is probably closer to reality: He jumped straight into a fantasy to alleviate himself from some undefined trauma or, I can still see some sense in my earlier claim that he is just bored out of his mind. What we are seeing right now is his fantasy, still prolonged. And the fantasy right now is: Fitness Fakery™. Biggest theory (for now): he is being scammed with Fitness Culture™️, and this trap might more dangerous than, or the main hook of, the “relationship”.
Parts to explore:
Part 1: The Fear Cycle (David radiates fear, and scammers are drawn to it. David is keeping things light and controlled right now, matching his Cool Boy™️ self with a Cool Girl™️. But, just like Cool Girl™️/Boy™️, deep down within himself, David is something else: scared? fake? nothing? let’s explore)
+ Maybe he uses fear to manipulate others the same way others use fear to manipulate him. And the idea that he manipulates HIMSELF with fear. 
Part 2: Identity Crisis (His artistic image > his art, Examining his art and the way he expresses himself with very broad strokes, never getting too personal. David wants very badly to be something he is not). 
+ David’s actions right now might be an attempt to see a reflection of himself because he has lost sight of who he is. OR he is trying to build himself up because he feels inadequate. 
I think in a lot of cases, his desire and ambition trump his actual skills, but he is still able to get what he wants through coercion, money, business, etc. However, at the end of the process, he is still left feeling unsatisfied. 
Part 3: Pain and Pleasure (David has confused the two. For David, pain = pleasure = pain) ** elaborated below (under the header “Everything and Nothing”)
Part 4: “You didn’t love me enough” (Based on an excellent submission from an anon) 
“You didn’t love me enough” = “So, I will act out and see who WILL love me as much as I need to be loved! Oh wait, I have nothing to offer but my money. Guess I can only attract SCAMMERS! Eh, bought love is still love for me, beggars can’t be choosers.”
+ Maybe David just doesn’t want to be a burden, I think he definitely does not like to ask for help (example: maybe this is why therapy was not the most effective treatment method for him). So:
** 🚨 Could it be that his actions right now are a cry for help (in his way), but what he wants is to see who, of those close to him, TRULY CARES? 🚨 ** I think he would accept help as long as those who are helping him are helping him of their own VOLITION. So, maybe he is trying to bait people but I think he is also so lost in his own mind and fantasies that he cannot process how awful he is coming across right now. Awful as in, it all really is a cry for help, and not just the "fitness” videos from Hell, but all of his other expressions and actions as well. 
General Table of Contents:
Everything and Nothing
The Fear Cycle
Latest conclusions. (Biggest conclusion: he is currently pushing “how far he can go” because he has lost sight of himself.)
What does his poor form in his workouts tell us? (a lot!!)
Biggest theory: he is being scammed with Fitness Culture™️, and this trap might more dangerous than, or the main hook of, the “relationship”.
David is being fake (lead-in for future discussion on his identity crisis)
If Cool Girl™ is meant to be a reflection of his ego, does this make David a Cool Boy™? My answer: yes. 
Is he literally so LOST and EMPTY within himself, that he would need to find fulfillment THROUGH THESE MEANS?? 
Overarching Theory: Everything and Nothing
David wants everything both ways. (I will also relate this to the workout videos from Hell, just keep this idea in mind going forward). 
I think David wants to believe in too much meaning, building things up like a fantasy in his head, to justify the bullshit of his situations.
And, in turn, he removes the meaning from situations that are actually important (potential examples: why he’s always beating around the bush with Gillovny, can’t give a straight answer, and can’t commit, OR, looking at the other side of the coin, maybe they just wanted to keep things private). I think he removes meaning when he doesn’t want to deal with any situation that brings him discomfort, makes him challenge himself, or makes him evolve.
These two mental and emotional processes of adding and subtracting meaning go hand in hand. Perhaps what he wants is to pick and choose what he will address in life, when he will address it, with who, and how. And it is always in service of his needs over anyone else’s. Everyone knows this is not how reality works but it is how he has shaped his own reality. In sum, he lives in a fantasy.
Him telling us to “Be Here Now” is bullshit. Unless he is talking about his book signings, “concerts”, autograph sessions, etc. Notice that all these events have something in common? They are set up as communal events that ask you to come and see David in a context that is always like a temple of worship. Come, look at him, listen to him too, but don’t you dare ask any questions because he will always have the last word: "it all means nothing~~!”
He also confuses his work with his rest.
He confuses his passion with his burden.
He confuses productivity with wasting time.
In relation to this situation of the excessive exercise, for example, it could be seen as a conflation of work/rest, pain/pleasure, passion/burden. He has no notion of balance or boundaries because the two sides of his judgment scale are not defined.
And he deliberately leaves his judgment undefined
What is right and what is wrong? He doesn’t know, and doesn’t care. He’ll say that he lets anyone come up with their own mind but he will never join the conversation and try to contribute or change his perspective because he doesn’t give a sh*t about anyone but himself.
What is real and what is fake with David? I don’t know and he probably does not know himself.
I think he also has not realized that he is constantly walking in fear. He has confused his fear with safety, freedom, fantasy.
In the future, I will explore a batch of theories that discuss how he has, in the same way, confused his own notions of pain and pleasure, prolonging his pain because it brings him pleasure (attention, pity, he is bored - really!, it makes him interesting/edgy/cool/“that guy who’s been through things”) and mourning his pleasure because he also sees it as pain (it is like he is drawn to destructive pleasure, but then cannot handle the consequences so conflates pleasure with pain automatically… more on this later).
I also think that, when he is left feeling dissatisfied, he switches the definition of either pain or pleasure in his head in order to SATISFY HIMSELF.  In sum, he lives in a complete fantasy. 
And maybe he wants to be paired with someone who is as confused and suppressed as he is. Cool Girl™ confuses attention with accomplishment, obedience with love, compliance with partnership, suppression/reflection with identity etc.
Keep this in mind going forward. Even in the most literal sense of, the physical “pain” of exercising, the “pleasure” of feeling accomplished, etc
+ To this anon:
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Please know that you have contributed to these theories as much as I have. The only difference between our expressions is that I said my piece in the most convoluted and wordy manner possible. 
I had created the ideas of these new theories before I received your message, but your input turned so many ideas on their heads!  
You lit a fire in my brain!!! And for that I thank you.
The rest of my answer to you anon, some more conclusions, the main questions of this post, being fair to David in response to the mean spirited comments about the workout videos from Hell, and Table of Contents are all under the cut. Thanks so much to anyone who reads this!
Response to anon continued: 
Gerascophobia (perfect word for this situation), absolutely. And I will actually explore how David’s refusal to accept his age is actually becoming physically dangerous for him. I think it is also contributing to a possible identity crisis that he may be experiencing right now (I will explore this more in Part 2).
Thanatophobia, of course! I think David having 5 daily reminders on his phone that he will one day die (his own admission of one thing he uses his phone for)  is actually doing a disservice to him. What I don’t like about the “we only have one life” thinking is that it makes you act recklessly. Add to this the fact that this attitude is not ideal for someone who already refuses to have a foundation of meaning and thought for his actions. Life does not last forever but it is not a rat race either. Life must consist of work and rest, silence and noise. Essentially, balance. 
💣  [THEORY 64] David radiates fear, and scammers are drawn to it. Scammers validate and perpetuate David’s fears in order to prolong their scamming, A.K.A. The Fear Cycle. 
And now, considering all of this fear that is bubbling beneath David’s calm, cool, spirit seems to be away from the body surface, let’s go ahead and quote a favorite artist of mine, Jenny Holzer’s, Inflammatory mantra on fear and manipulation: 
#BradNewYorkHobo #CoolGirlisHotCoolGirlisGameCoolGirlNeverGetsAngryatHerMan #Brick1stClassDoggie
all live by this: 
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David walks forward, but is constantly looking over his shoulder. His scammers are as well. This situation would be hilarious if it weren’t so desperately pathetic. 
I want to try to simplify what I see as David’s fear cycle: 
1. Because he does not involve himself in the real world or does research to educate himself, he is afraid of it. 
2. He radiates fear (really) and the scammers are drawn to it. 
2. Try not to take this point too harshly, but coming from these previous steps, I think its fair to conclude that David gets what he wants by imposing fear on others or uses fear as an emotional manipulation tactic. But he does not mean any harm. I say this mainly because what is within is expressed on the surface. Also, what is learned becomes your behavior. 
He was once described as intimidating. What if he uses his “laid-back all-knowing sage” posturing as a way to do this? He intimidates others with his education, his apathy/lack of vulnerability, his smugness? 
3. He lives in fear. He walks but is constantly looking over his shoulder. 
4. Living in fear only further proves his own beliefs. 
Thanks so much again, anon. And thank you especially for the first part of your ask! I won’t give up. We can’t give up!!!
OK, lots of blah blah blah here so I tried to shorten this by bolding what’s important. I’ve also tried to label what I feel is very important with asterisks or emojis, lmao. There just is a lot of foundation to lay in order to see how all the pieces connect as a bigger whole.
🌟= important! lmao
🚨 = important within important!!
Latest conclusions:
- 🌟 David is not obsessed with or solely working for money. I think he is obsessed with wanting to push the bounds of “how far he can go”. ex: acting like a brat at cons while still getting paid, or proposing the most ambitious projects. This gym behaviour might be another manifestation, and if it is, it represents the discrepancy between what is going on in his head and what is going on in reality.
- 🌟🚨 ** I state that he wants to see “how far he can go” because he has lost sight of himself. He does not know who he is right now. (Did he ever imagine he would have a “relationship” [even considering it non-romantically] like this? Does he even associate it with his true self or who he wants to be?).
+ I still think his unpredictable career plays a role in the way he sees himself. 
[Could an identity crisis be involved:]
- 🌟 When was the last time David did something on his own? From his own heart and by his own hands? When was the last time he expressed himself truly and fully?
- 🌟 When was the last time David spent time ALONE? I think the solution for him would be to take time away for himself right now.
[On the scamming:]
- 🌟 Ok, I’m sorry. I previously went in on David saying he is faking his innocence and humility, but what if he is actually a VERY innocent and genuinely nice guy? And this is why he keeps getting scammed? GOD if this is the case then i’m really sorry, David, for what I said, really!
- 🌟 🚨 If M*nique were being a GOOD gym buddy, she would have David’s health in her best interests. !!! The video evidence demonstrates otherwise, but i’ll still leave this thought open to being proven wrong for now.
- 🌟 AND My question then is this: For the amount of time D/M have spent together supposedly exercising, why is his form still so bad? And why does he still have chicken legs? (serious question, lmao) if he is doing the same routines as Monique? Fastest conclusion: he is not exercising properly, and nobody is not bothering to correct him??
- 🌟 I assert in these theories that the Fitness Fakery™ is more dangerous than the “relationship”. It is dangerous to his already vulnerable identity and of course dangerous for his health. 
- 🌟 But I will also explore the idea that maybe the “relationship” is NOT romantic, and David is just that weird - which is not out of the realm of extreme possibility. (or, I still stand by my stance that, if there were a  “romance”, it would exist only between David and himself).
From my perspective
I’ve been going to the gym regularly for years. I’ve had gym buddies and a personal trainer in the past and I’ve learned that there is a difference between the two. I don’t know if David himself has learned the difference between the two. A buddy is great for getting you motivated and feeling comfortable in the gym. But, for me anyways, a trainer (at the very beginning) was essential for getting my form on point and making me learn that the mental component is as as important as the physical component when it comes to working out efficiently.
So, this is coming from my personal experience of exercising and listening to my body: FORM IS EVERYTHING! Form is more important than the duration of your exercise, the intensity, and how many reps you do. 
So, just be warned that I will focus alot on his workout form. Those unfamiliar with exercising (or exercising properly) [sorry! I don’t mean to insult anyone] might feel like I am making a mountain out of a molehill. And ACTUALLY this discussion might be one of my most biased because it is coming from a personal place for me. 
Where i’m coming from: I learned eventually that your mentality was key in being consistent with using the gym. I, before anything else, had to perfect my gym form, ethic and integrity. I needed to create an idea in my mind of what the gym/Fitness Culture™ meant to me in order to give myself the highest likelihood of success. 
So I’m addressing WHY people use the gym in my take. 
🌟 In fairness, I don’t know anyone who habitually uses with the gym for YEARS purely for physical health. And I’m not referring to exceptions like people who want/need to lose weight, people working through injuries, physiotherapy etc.
*** 🌟 To commit ourselves, we all need to have some personal, psychological, emotional, mental and/or spiritual reasons we attach to it to give that level of dedication some meaning. ***
*** 🌟 BUT, following that thought, remember that David himself admitted that he doesn’t like to think too hard? Nor apply too much personal meaning to his actions? ***
To simplify what I am trying to say here:
1. Poor form = wasting time at the gym.
2. No thought behind actions at the gym = literally, wasting your time and energy at the gym. 
1 + 2 = 
 **** 🌟  💣  [THEORY 65] He is wasting his time but he WANTS to waste his time. He WANTS to fool himself with this Fitness Fakery™ because he has NOTHING else going on in his life yet he wants to project the image (to others and most importantly to himself) of “being his best self/living his best life”.
This is HIS end of the Fitness Fakery™ scam. I’ll say it again: it takes two to tango. 
And, again, the gym is probably some fantasyland for him. 
Consider also: typical Midlife Crisis Activities™ and how they afford you the illusion of “living your best life” (thank you to a user who brought this idea up to me).
Again, it comes back to being a mind game. I will try to address the question: What is David’s real reason for going to the gym? 
**** 🌟  💣  [THEORY 66] My conclusion for now: David has confused his body and identity with the positive association of Fitness Culture™ (and let’s keeping asking, “why?”). Because his view of this routine in his life of his is overwhelmingly positive and most likely seems overwhelmingly positive to those around him, 
*** he has not noticed that he has fallen into a hole of self-obsession. 
*** Also, his workouts could be potentially dangerous for his health. No ageism here, the human body is simply the human body. When we age, we must make adjustments to our fitness routines, that’s all. It might not even be the intensity, but again, the poor form that could be the biggest danger. 
*** In sum, David’s mind and body are not in sync. I’ve stated before that I believe his mind is overactive (not in critical, retrospective, reflective or deep thought, but in rationalizations and fantasies) and I think this mind of his is very much playing a role in this situation. 
The Good and The Questions
The Good: 
- Good for David for wanting to be in shape. But there is a difference between working out and overexerting yourself with a workout meant for someone much younger than you. Even when I train with people my age but at a different fitness level, I cannot always keep up with their routines. 
The solution: do it as intensely as you can while still maintaining your form. Do not push yourself to match what you see while compromising your form, because you are essentially wasting your time. 
- To be fair to David against the mean spirited comments: honestly, exercising is not a pretty sight, nobody looks cool while exercising lmao sadly. Also, I think the D/M situation still makes a lot of people (including me) so uncomfortable that we resort to laughter to heal ourselves. Even my initial reaction to the videos was very mean spirited, but I have been angry with David lately, lmao. 
- To be fair to David about his poor form: there could be a number of reasons, an injury, age, he is tired. But to all of these, any professional trainer (or a GOOD gym buddy) would tell you to simply rest or adjust your workout. They would never tell you to overexert yourself.
- 🌟 And, to still be fair to him, it is not a consistent journey to go to the gym regularly, you will have some good days and many bad ones. This could've been a bad day for him emotionally or mentally. 
🌟 BUT My question then is this: For the amount of time D/M have spent together supposedly exercising, why is his form still so bad? And why does he still have chicken legs? (serious question, lmao) if he is doing the same routines as Monique? (will be addressed later)
**** 🌟 Ideally, your day at the gym will involve NEUTRAL emotions (and I thought for so long that you should always be positive, but this usually just leads to me beating myself up for not working out hard enough! lmao!) and you 🌟 accomplish your routine without too much self-gloating NOR too much self-criticism involved. 
**** 🌟 So, why is is he pushing through a hardcore workout with poor form, if he should know from experience that this is NOT good for his health? And he should also be able to know and FEEL that his form is BAD? I’ll say it again: bad form = wasted exercise.
**** 🌟  💣  [THEORY 67] I don’t see that he has NEUTRAL feelings towards Fitness Culture™
Maybe its as simple as:
1. David wants to see himself reflected in Cool Girl™
2. David see, David do. In David’s mind, he’s GOTTA do in order to prove to himself that he IS in fact, a 25 year old woman!!!!!!
(Are his emotions involved when he goes to the gym? Keep this in mind going forward...)
The Questions: 
1. 🚨 Why is David so engaged in Fitness Culture™ right now and not in his real life? 🚨 Not in his relationships? Not in his career - why will he act so dead at a con and then exercise like this? exercising should make you feel happy! (literally, lmao!) He might just be making himself tired, LMFAO.
2.  🌟 And why allow videos to be made and posted about it??? I honestly instinctively interpreted it as an angry message at first? like, showing off to his fans? attempting to demonstrate that he is Hercules to anyone that will listen? or could it be showing off to someone in particular [initials: GA] perhaps? hehehehe... ?? I’m probably reading way too much into it, as always. 
But, if David allowed this sh*t to be posted after he berated Gillian Anderson for her work related social media posts, that would make him look absolutely outrageous. Just more evidence of his completely self serving hypocrisy and total lack of self awareness.
OR, there could be a possibility that he didn’t know the videos would be made public. And whoever filmed and distributed these videos had the intention of making fun of David, lmfao. To which I would say, David, when will you GET THE F*CK OUT OF THIS SITUATION???!?!?!?
3. 🌟  Who is making these videos and why? Because if they are being made by and for the personal trainer, then they are compromising this trainer’s reputation. Not only in a supposed breach of privacy (I have no clue if David allowed these videos or not. I’m guessing he probably did but is still clueless as to how social media works? I have no idea), but also in the fact that a trainer is meant to spot and correct a client’s form constantly. 
4. *** 🚨 In one of the videos, the one with resistance band squats, whoever is filming even makes fun of David, telling him to push harder (although David’s form was already very poor, and his rhythm was too quick, essentially, he wasn’t doing to the exercise properly). And Cool Girl™JUST LAUGHED ??? She didn’t even check to see if Dave was ok?? And I can’t believe I actually felt bad for David for a single tiny fraction of a millisecond of a portion of a molecule of a split second there.
*** But it could all just be some “gym humor” I am not picking up on through a short video, who knows.
***  🚨 BUT, bottom line: WHY does David keep subjecting himself to this?? Now the kids are laughing at him!!!!!! To his face!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And he is still blind to his situation?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
5. For the amount of time D/Cool Girl™ have spent together supposedly exercising, why is his form still so bad? 
6. Also on the subject of how long they’ve been working out together, why are his legs still chicken legs (serious question, lmao)? They should be built up by now if he is doing the same routines Monique is (look at her legs). Literally, a conclusion here is that he is not doing his exercises PROPERLY. 
Table of Contents
On the Fitness Fakery™ . 
1. David is distracting himself with Fitness Culture™ to fool himself into thinking that he is busy. He especially needs this foolery right now due to the beyond dead and rotted nature of his “career” (I’m withholding my mercy, David, because you have really been hurting me lately).
2. Fitness Fakery™ is his current fantasy. 
2. David is BEING FAKE!! Evidence: poor workout form. The fitness routine is for his image, and not body image, but self-image of youth, capability, and illusion of routine and activity.
3. He is not being a smart consumer when it comes to Fitness Culture™. 
4. On the subject of being a poor consumer, can we also relate this to his “consumption” of “relationships”? And, on this subject, could it be that his education working against him?
5. Ok, let’s put on the table the possibility that Monique is really mainly his gym buddy? Maybe even free nutritionist (to explain why they are always eating meals together? LMAO?)?
6. DAVID IS CHEAP!!! He said so himself. Monique is actually providing a great service of being a gym buddy at no REAL benefit to herself (beyond material things). Maybe David will one day let her roam 20 km off the hotel grounds. Until then, she’s gotta put in HER DUES to him!!!
7. IF David were exercising properly at this intensity, the release of endorphins would lead to him being happier. I honestly think he is just making himself TIRED?? lmao??? lay off the gym then, Dave!!!!
8. Mixing the Fitness Fakery™ with the Identity Crisis: The way David goes about things, as in, always asking others/ hiring others an never questioning their process or trying to understand/educate himself, is what leaves him vulnerable to scamming. 
9. Cool Girl™ cannot exist without attention. Cool Girl™ is as confused as Cool Boy™. Maybe David just wants to be with someone who is as confused and suppressed as he is. Cool Girl™ confuses attention with accomplishment, obedience with love, compliance with partnership, suppression/reflection with identity etc.
10. If Cool Girl™ is meant to be a reflection of his ego, does this make David a Cool Boy™? My answer: yes. And, if this were the case, the relationship would still unequal, and it would still be an exploitation.
11. Is he literally so LOST and EMPTY within himself, that he would need to find fulfillment THROUGH THESE MEANS???!!!!
The Theories:
(1) 💣 [THEORY 68] David is distracting himself with Fitness Culture™ to fool himself into thinking that he is busy. He especially needs this foolery right now due to the beyond dead and rotted nature of his “career” (I’m withholding my mercy, David, because you have really been hurting me lately).
He is drawn to and practices FAKE fitness, not real fitness. Related to: he doesn’t like discomfort.
We make fun of his chicken legs but seriously, from a fitness perspective, what are those? Why doesn’t he buff up his body evenly? 
From my experience of going to the gym: I love working out my arms (the burn feels good there, for some reason) but not my legs. The pain in my legs just freaks me out, probably because you need to use your legs more than your arms. And knowing that David doesn’t like discomfort, maybe this is the case with him as well? LMAO? In short, David, we understand... everyone hates “leg day” but... we push through it anyways!
Ok, on the subject of distraction, I think it speaks for itself. And I don’t think this is the only distraction in his life, but I think this might be one of the more “dangerous” ones in terms of the way it fools his mind and identity.
(2) 💣 [THEORY 69 - POOR CHOICE OF NUMBER. It would’ve been nice to have a Gillovny theory here, I blame you, David!] Fitness Fakery™ is his current fantasy.
My conclusion for now: he fell into a hole of self-obsession. Wtf is he doing? Acting like he doesn’t give a sh*t about The X-Files at cons but still supporting Chris Carter and saying he’s open to doing more episodes??
*** I’m here to put a focus on the discrepancy of why he is so engaged in the Fitness Fakery™  and not engaged in his real life.
*** Conclusion: Fitness fakery™ is his current fantasy.
*** The Danger: Its hard to argue that this is something bad for him - for him to argue against himself or his loved ones to argue against him, since fitness is usually very literally equated to “goodness”/health/productivity etc. So, with the hook of Fitness Fakery™, he has some justification that he NEEDS to be at the gym 24/7 with his lil clone buddy. And of course... nobody is buying this. Except for him. 
(2)  💣 [THEORY 70] David is BEING FAKE!! Evidence: poor workout form. The fitness routine is for his image, and not body image, but self-image of youth, capability, and illusion of routine and activity.
Evidence of fakeness: POOR FORM AT THE GYM. I go to the gym regularly and when I first started I invested in a personal trainer just to get my form correct. Form is everything in exercises, not duration and not how many sets or reps you do. 
Just by looking at his form I can see that he is wasting his time. I don’t know why the guy who was filming (who seemed to also be spotting them) didn’t correct David. Literally, it doesn’t matter if you do 1 million pushups the way he did them, you won’t see any progress (ok thats an exaggeration, but FORM IS STILL CRUCIAL!!)
I’m stunned to see the poor form because I thought he was experienced with fitness? Was this a bad day? I’m tired of being fair to him so i’m just gonna go in:
What real gym-goers say at the gym: “I want a REAL workout. I want to feel like I’m dying afterwards. I do this for myself and for my own health. But I know my limits and will not overexert myself. I keep myself informed. I want to get my money and time’s worth. etc.”
What Fakey Davey says at the gym: “I want a FAKE workout. I don’t want to feel too much discomfort. I will ignore my doctor’s advice that I shouldn’t be pushing myself so hard at my age. LOOK AT ME EVERYONE!!! SEE HOW OLD YET STRONG YET FAKE I AM? Hey Chris Carter, you forgot to write a scene in this X-Files episode where I can take my shirt off for no reason!!! I don’t care about getting my money or time’s worth at the gym because... I HAVE UNLIMITED AMOUNTS OF BOTH. etc.”
OR actually, just to be fair, i’ll toss in the possibility that he is aware of his age or has an injury or something. But to this I will still oppose him and tell him to be kind to himself and lay off the gym. And you know, perhaps, put some attention onto something... you know... something other than himself. Maybe. For once. Just a suggestion?
He is being fake, to everyone, and most importantly to himself. Fine, fool yourself David, but don’t implicate others. Don’t lie to your fans about who you are and then accept their money happily while turning over a crap product (and I consider his behaviour at the latest con to be a crap product, to put it nicely). 
Voice of David’s God (a.k.a. himself): He is convincing himself that he will one day become The Hulk or one day win some 1st prize bodybuilder trophy or some sh*t and one day ONE DAY this will make people RESPECT THIS GOD OF A MAN!!!! you’ll believe godd is a daviiiiiiid ~~
(3) 💣 [THEORY 71] He is not being a smart consumer when it comes to Fitness Culture™. 
But, to be fair to him, he might just be a product of his fake, shiny plastic, gimmicky, trendy Los Angeles environment. Also, I think this is related to his avoidance of deep or critical thinking.
I recently received an anon message talking about the people in his circle and the products they sell/promote: all fake, holistic, unproven health gimmicks. Very popular amongst actors since they need to keep up with the cool crowd, want to support their inner circle of ~ enlightened millionaire beings ~ and are uneducated (or in this case, lack critical thinking or research skills). 
(4) 💣 [THEORY 72] On the subject of being a crap consumer, can we also relate this to his “consumption” of “relationships”? And, on this subject, could it be that his education working against him?
I stated before that he consumed this “relationship” the same way he would consume a gimmick. And he is keeping the “relationship” going the same way he keeps those disgusting Vibrams on his feet. 
Same way he will consume a “relationship” with a scammer. 
Where is the self awareness David? Where is the pride? Where is the self respect? 
oH WAIT actually, maybe he never learned to become a smart consumer because HE NEVER HAD TO WORRY ABOUT MONEY????!!!! OR BEING AT LOSS WHEN IT COMES TO WOMEN ayyyye got it ya’ll! ... just kidding. 
Its a cycle:
“Loved the Wizard World Comic Con appearance straight from your ass, Dave!” - TripAdvisor review posted anonymously and thumbs upped by Brad Davidson. 
Maybe he fooled himself from the get-go with the education? He considers himself omniscient? . 
Why can’t he just.... FOR ONCE.... think critically!!!!??!??!?!
(5) 💣 [THEORY 73] Ok, let’s put on the table the possibility that Monique is really mainly his gym buddy? Maybe even free nutritionist (to explain why they are always eating meals together? LMAO?)?
I still assert that him bringing her around everywhere is just excessive, self-indulgent, selfish and ridiculous. However, everything we’ve witnessed in the past has proven that David is excessive, self-indulgent, selfish and ridiculous. Soo, end of discussion? 
(6) 💣 [THEORY 74] DAVID IS CHEAP!!! He said so himself. Monique is actually providing a great service of being a gym buddy at no REAL benefit to herself (beyond material things). Maybe David will one day let her roam 20 km off the hotel grounds. Until then, she’s gotta put in HER DUES to him!!! 
*** However, if she is meant to be his trainer, her services are not really professional. If she were training him then I believe that she would correct his form, or give him exercises that are more appropriate for his age (no age shame here, the human body is the human body. With age, we must make adjustments). 
I think what might be going on is that David is forcing himself because he wants to prove that he can still do these exercises that younger people do. In short: to see himself the way he wants to see himself in his head. So again, I circle back to the argument that David is doing this for his loneliness, desire to feel young and capable, and, essentially, all his selfish purposes. 
(6) 💣 [THEORY 75] *** IS the Fitness Fakery THE TRAP? And is this trap within a larger trap of the crap career? And is the crap career trap within the larger trap of his own apathy/laziness/greed/insatiable ego?
my answer: YASSS!!!! pass it on to Dave.
Ok but seriously, wtf?? If it is so damn painful for us just to watch a few single seconds of these videos from Hell what the f*ck is the reality of the situation for David? 
I said he lives in a fantasy, but this theory would prove that he is BODY, MIND AND SOUL IN ANOTHER DIMENSION.
Does he just not feel any pain anymore? Whet? Does he not feel ANY shame? LMFAO?? wtf boy...????
(7) 💣 [THEORY 76] IF David were exercising properly at this intensity, the release of endorphins would lead to him being happier.
I honestly think he is just making himself TIRED?? lmao??? lay off the gym then, Dave!!!!
Another thing I noticed in those videos from Hell, is that the trainer does not do anything to correct David? Its like he is not even acknowledging him? What I see is honestly a bunch of people not wanting to tell David the truth of himself, lmfao. It took a while for me to pick up on this through all my cringing/refusal to look directly at the Hell footage. 
I’ll just repeat myself here because I thought this moment was hilarious:
*** 🚨 In one of the videos, the one with resistance band squats, whoever is filming even makes fun of David, telling him to push harder (although David’s form was already very poor, and his rhythm was too quick, essentially, he wasn’t doing to the exercise properly). And Cool Girl™ JUST LAUGHED ??? She didn’t even check to see if Dave was ok?? And I can’t believe I actually felt bad for David for a single split second there. 
*** But it could all just be some “gym humor” I am not picking up on through a short video, who knows. 
***  🚨 BUT, bottom line: WHY does David keep subjecting himself to this?? Now the kids are laughing at him!!!!!! To his face!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And he is still blind to his situation?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
(8)  💣  [THEORY 77] Mixing the Fitness Fakery™ with the Identity Crisis: The way David goes about things, as in, always asking others/ hiring others an never questioning their process or trying to understand/educate himself, is what leaves him vulnerable to scamming.
I guess we should not ignore the possibility that David is just very naive (its been said before but I still cannot even make heads or tails of this idea right now, lmao). Maybe he will just blindly believe anyone with credentials or even ANYONE WITH NO CREDENTIALS lmfao!!! Maybe he only believes... young people? I don’t...
Oh wait yeah... he has a close relationship with and respect for Chris Carter... I guess I shouldn’t be... applying morals or logic to who he decides to trust....
So, is he just lazy? I still don’t think it’s that simple. But, I mean, come on boy, READ SOME DAMN LITERATURE ON THE SUBJECT. Put away the fantasy books, the myths, the outdated philosophy manuscripts FOR ONE SECOND and EDUCATE YOURSELF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(9) 💣  [THEORY 78] Cool Girl™ cannot exist without attention. Cool Girl™ is as confused as Cool Boy™. Maybe David just wants to be with someone who is as confused and suppressed as he is. Cool Girl™ confuses attention with accomplishment, obedience with love, compliance with partnership, suppression/reflection with identity etc.
Without any eyes on Cool Girl™, what reason would Cool Girl™ need to be hot, game, and never angry?
Cool Girl™ might have also confused reflecting someone’s ego with having a personal identity, not realizing that their role is merely to be a... mirror. 
(10) 💣  [THEORY 79] If Cool Girl™ is meant to be a reflection of his ego, does this make David a Cool Boy™? My answer: yes.
Cool Boy™️ is also hot, game, fun, never angry, liking whatever someone else likes WITHOUT CRITICAL THOUGHT/RESEARCH. 
Above all, Cool Girl™️ does what she does for the attention and approval of men, even at the expense of other women. 
So, does David/Cool Boy™️ do the same? Could we actually say yes? Suppressing his actual indifference towards feminist issues? Never getting angry about the social media nonsense? lmao??
**  🚨 I think David keeps up this facade and suppresses himself because he knows there is really nothing to him beneath the surface.
* And would the end goal, for Cool Boy™️, of this “relationship” be simply recognition, attention, and approval? Even if it is all faked fakery? I don’t really want to even think about the situation as being THIS pathetic but all of the evidence, including what we know of David’s insatiable ego and the fact that he his living in some fantasy land right now with no evidence of a single person bringing him back to reality, would prove, yes?
**  🚨 🚨 HOWEVER, the “relationship” is still an exploitation: our Cool Boy™️ in this situation, unlike Cool Girl™️, does NOT have to fully sacrifice himself for the attention of the Cool Girl™️ because of the power imbalance of the “relationship”.
The fact that Cool Boy™️ is male (and socially seen as protector, provider etc.)
the fact that Cool Boy™️ is older (again, seen as the provider of both resources and knowledge)
the fact that Cool Boy™️ simply has more experience with “relationships”, human interaction, and emotional manipulation...
All of these facts combine to tip the scales in Cool Boy™️’s favor. Yet still, he maintains the facade of Cool Boy™️ because he DOES want attention in this relationship.
(11) 💣  [THEORY 80]***** 🚨 🚨 He is literally that LOST and EMPTY within himself, that he would need to find fulfillment THROUGH THESE MEANS!!!!
Hey David, why not just put all of this effort, energy, mental fantasy making whatever towards your CAREER, ART, WORK, AND VERY LOYAL FANS? I can’t stand the sh*tty way he treats his fans!! But I gotta hand it to them, they are very loyal, so wake it up Dave!!!
Again: He is damn bored out of his mind, has no creativity, has no desire to give, no desire to contribute, has no bravery to start a real conversation... and most importantly, is probably **VERY LONELY**... I will keep repeating myself
In Part 2: Identity Crisis, I will discuss how he really wants to be regarded as some gritty warrior who has gone through many trials and tribulations in his life, although all the evidence (example: the immature way he handles his problems) proves otherwise.
Future ideas:
Does David actually LIKE being told what to do?
Accomplishment without pride?
Midlife Crisis Activities™ and how they provide the self-delusion of “living your best life”
Thank you again, readers!
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wayneooverton · 7 years
48 hours in vibrant Buenos Aires
It’s been almost 10 years since I visited South America, Peru, in fact, during my spring back of my last year of university, and coincidentally, the trip where I first started this blog.
Holy crap!
I’ll leave that to process later. But for now, it’s time to revisit an incredible part of the world again and take a break from the scorching hot New Zealand summer we’ve been having and travel Buenos Aires.
Luckily my favorite airline Air New Zealand now flies a direct route between Auckland and Buenos Aires, which you might have already known if you watch my Stories on Instagram. The gateway to South America and the start of an incredible adventure onwards that I’ll be sharing on her soon, it was the perfect opportunity to finally visit Buenos Aires, a place that’s been on my list for years.
Almost immediately after I arrived I began to notice the exciting vibe, history and culture that makes Buenos Aires tick. Feeling like a cross between old world Europe, especially Spain, and the passionate dazzle of South America into a mixed bag of wonders, it didn’t take long for me to fall for this city.
While I found that Buenos Aires is a worthy long-term destination in its own right (I wouldn’t hesitate to holiday here for a month on its own) I also found that many people stop over here for a few days before continuing their journey exploring Argentina or other places in South America.
Since I wanted to travel Buenos Aires as well on route to somewhere else (something I often do like in Hong Kong) I decided to put together my best tips and photos for 48 hours in this magnificent city – be warned, a lot of it revolves around food! Enjoy!
Go on a food tour – don’t think twice
There’s no two ways about it, Buenos Aires is a big city – and if you’re just stopping through, you’ll want to make the most of it. And one of the best ways to do that is go on a tour with a local. While the city is known for great free city tours and bike tours, let’s be honest here, I had one thing on my mind. I wanted to eat.
I love urban food tours when I’m traveling (like in Rome, Istanbul and Madrid) and with only a short amount of time in Buenos Aires, I wanted to get to know its neighborhoods through food so I opted to join in on an afternoon tour of San Telmo with Parilla Tour. Come hungry.
San Telmo is a beautiful part of Buenos Aires, with mismatched cobblestones and crumbling old grand buildings, it definitely feels like you’ve stepped back into Europe here. From learning about the history of empanadas, to drinking beer in the local old-man pubs to exploring the famous Mercado de San Telmo (and eating, eating, eating) it was the perfect intro to a new place!
Freak yourself out at La Recoleta Cemetery
I find cemeteries, especially old-world cemeteries, to be beautiful but really creepy, two adjectives that are often tricky to reconcile but somehow I manage to. Like I visit them, love them, but also feel a bit weird and freaked out by the end. Know what I mean?
La Recoleta Cemetery in Buenos Aires is no exception. It can only be described as haunting, with little streets of tombs and laid out in a way that really is a city of the dead, it’s one of BA’s most popular tourist attractions.
Perhaps its central location and being the resting place of iconic legend Eva Perón, La Recoleta is a pretty powerful place. In fact, I went twice.
Trying to decipher the accent
I lived in Spain for years, have a degree in Spanish language and literature, wrote a master level dissertation in Spanish and can even spent a summer reading old Spanish language texts at the National Library in Madrid. Not to toot my own horn, but I definitely consider myself fluent in Spanish.
Then I went to Argentina.
While I can happily report that I haven’t forgotten any Spanish, I can also say that the accent was so tricky I had to stare at people’s mouths, repeat what they said in my head and then try to decipher it before replying. Between pronouncing the “ll” as a “sh,” totally different slang and words for things, the Italian twang of an accent, and then using vos, a whole other word for “you” that’s equivalent to saying “thee” in English, communicating in Buenos Aires often stumped me.
Spend your evening at a cooking class
Since I was traveling in Buenos Aires alone, I opted to join in on an evening cooking class with Tierra Negra and learn how to make some of my favorite Buenos Aires street food. Yes, all the food!
The food is often my favorite part of a destination, and I knew I’d love to take some of these lessons home with me.
I spent a lovely evening with new friends at the home of Manuel and Verónica learning how to drink yerba mate, make chimichurri, alfajores and of course, about all the great wines, a cooking class is perfect for solo travelers like me to really get a local feel for a place.
Walk around the amazing neighborhoods
Any seasoned traveler will tell you, the best way to explore a new place is just walk, wander and even get lost, and Buenos Aires is no exception.
Short on time, I would often Uber (usually less than $5) to a specific place that I wanted to see in a new neighborhood, and then just wander for a few hours looking around and popping in the shops, cafes and plazas. It was a great way to get a little taste for Buenos Aires
From historical San Telmo to colorful La Boca to trendy Palermo Soho to lush Recoleta to the bars of Palermo Hollywood, there’s a neighborhood for everyone in Buenos Aires.
Eat choripán as much as you can
You don’t have to be in Argentina for long to quickly realize that you’ll be eating a lot of meat and bread. Repeat.
Good thing I love both!
I was so excited to dig into some delicious choripán in Buenos Aires, the classic Argentinian street and comfort food. A simple snack consisting of a yummy chorizo sausage cut in half in between crusty bread and smothered in chimichurri sauce, I ate these daily in Buenos Aires and even learned to cook them at the Street Food cooking class.
Much like empanadas, you can’t come to Argentina and NOT eat choripán.
Froth on the street art
An edgy creative city, you’re constantly reminded just how cool Buenos Aires actually is, especially with epic street art and huge commissioned murals peppering its walls almost wherever you walk.
If you’re crunched for time, hop on a guided street art tour in one of the local neighborhoods, like La Boca. With a history of politics and social change, the street art in BA is more than just a pretty wall – it’s a story that often is powerful message.
My absolute favorite had to be this enormous Frida Kahlo in Palermo. Bad ass or what?
Sip on the amazing wine all day and all night
One of the greatest wine producing countries in the world, I was excited to sip on some Argentinian classics while in Buenos Aires.
While I of course had my fair share of Malbecs alongside a big juicy steak or meat dish, I actually came to really love some of the white wines as well, especially Torrontés (similar to a Riesling). With a sweet scent, it is actually quite dry, something I really loved!
Marvel at El Ateneo Bookshop
Without a doubt, El Ateneo Grand Splendid Bookshop in Buenos Aires is one of the most beautiful bookshops in the world. And as someone who makes it her personal mission to visit bookshops in almost every single place she travels too, I do not say that lightly.
Tucked away in the Barrio Norte, it was a beautiful 1920’s theater that once hosted famous Argentinian tango dancers on stage. Eventually it was almost torn down before it was saved and turned into a bookshop.
While most of the works are in Spanish, it shouldn’t deter you from wandering around the balconies and getting a coffee on stage and just being in a pretty spectacular place, especially for my fellow book nerds.
Stay in a cute Airbnb
If you come to Buenos Aires in the height of summer like I did (January), you’ve got to stay somewhere cute, central, and with air conditioning.
I picked a beautiful Airbnb in the center of Buenos Aires near Retiro and Recoleta that was in walking distance of many places I wanted to explore, and easy to Uber to others.
With a kitchen, you don’t have to go out for every meal, and staying in local houses are one of my favorite ways to travel around the world, especially because I often spend a fair amount of time inside working!
Wander around La Boca and El Caminito…but not too far
To be perfectly honest I was a bit nervous about visiting La Boca at first. I knew I really wanted to go after hearing about how great it is and seeing it’s colorful walls peppered on social media for a while now. But, and there’s always a but, it doesn’t have the best reputation.
Like tourists getting mugged at gunpoint reputation. Shivers.
An old working-class migrant neighborhood by the river, it’s Buenos Aires at its best and worst, colorful, vibrant and alive, and if you aren’t careful, it might eat you alive. Nowadays it’s pretty touristy, but it’s best if you still to the main streets around Caminito in the middle of the day when it’s the busiest. Best avoid at night or early in the morning or late afternoon, don’t bring valuables, and don’t wander too far from Caminito, even if it looks tempting.
Chow down on dulce de leche ice-cream as much as you can
Is it just me or do you truly believe that dulce de leche was a gift from heaven for us all to enjoy?
A very sweet condensed milk and sugar sauce that’s very similar to caramel is a staple in anything sweet in Argentina, and is found in many pastries, churros, deserts, and of course, gelato in Buenos Aires.
With an Italian influence, I made it my mission to eat as much gelato as I could in Buenos Aires, many shops having multiple types of dulce de leche flavors. My two favorite ice-cream shops has to be La Nonna Bianca in San Telmo and Rapa Nui, a chocolate shop slash ice-cream shop just around the corner from El Ateneo Bookshop.
Divine, but don’t eat too much.
On that note, what do you think? Have you been to Buenos Aires before? What are your tips? Spill!
Many thanks to Air New Zealand for hosting me in Buenos Aires – like always I’m keeping it real – all opinions are my own – like you could expect less from me!
The post 48 hours in vibrant Buenos Aires appeared first on Young Adventuress.
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